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Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 3:38 pm
by YellowKing
My first impressions of this game were not overly positive. Absolutely snail-like movement, wonky controls, overly-complicated systems - (I have to brush my horse? Really?) However, I think part of that bad taste came from just having come off Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, a game which is smoothly polished to provide fast, intuitive, streamlined gameplay. By comparison, RDR2 feels excruciatingly slow and clunky.

However, I've just tried to experience it as a big Western movie and not get caught up in the gameplay minutiae. That has served me much better. When I sit down for a session, I'm not worried about missions or some quantitative sense of progression. I just go where the game takes me, and experience whatever story that session is going to reveal. I've had to learn to slow down, take in the sights, and become accustomed to a slower life in the Old West.

It really is a truly impressive game. The amount of detail is just staggering.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 6:40 pm
by em2nought
They'd move ten million more units if John Wayne's voice was digitized into the game. :mrgreen:

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 5:25 pm
by Rumpy
I think ironically, the first part of the game up in the mountains, is also not very engaging. You're dropped in abruptly into a pseudo-intro/tutorial, and I feel that it's not until you get to the camp near Valentine that the game starts to get interesting. I think where people might have gotten caught off-guard is with the level of realism. People felt they had gone too far one way in regards to physics in GTA 4, and I see this in a similar manner. There are many things they've improved on from the first game though, for example the horse itself which required rhythmic button presses which heard a lot of complaints but now only requires a button to be held down. I think in general people just need to slow down and stop thinking it in terms of an action game.

I'm not even having any issues with the controls that most are having. In fact, I'm finding them quite natural.

This game is oozing atmosphere and graphically it's quite jaw-dropping. The scenery is some of the best I've seen in a game. At one point, I booted up the game and Arthur was leaning against a tree facing the Dakota river. A beautifully serene scene. It doesn't look like a scene out of a game, but life.And the water. Best water I've seen, IMO, not only because of its fidelity, but due to the physics involved where currents can actually whisk you away if you're trying to cross a strong current.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 10:57 pm
by Daehawk

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 10:23 am
by MonkeyFinger
Rumpy wrote: Wed Jan 09, 2019 5:25 pm I think ironically, the first part of the game up in the mountains, is also not very engaging. You're dropped in abruptly into a pseudo-intro/tutorial, and I feel that it's not until you get to the camp near Valentine that the game starts to get interesting. I think where people might have gotten caught off-guard is with the level of realism. People felt they had gone too far one way in regards to physics in GTA 4, and I see this in a similar manner. There are many things they've improved on from the first game though, for example the horse itself which required rhythmic button presses which heard a lot of complaints but now only requires a button to be held down. I think in general people just need to slow down and stop thinking it in terms of an action game.
Completely agree with this and YellowKing's earlier comments. Guess I never made it to that camp... one of these days I'll reinstall this and try again with a new mindset.

Edited to add: Just stumbled across this on Blues I don’t wanna do my video game chores. He's "still waiting for it to get fun". :?

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 2:16 pm
by Rumpy
Daehawk wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2019 10:57 pm -snip-

Ironically, I feel the witness system is much improved over the first game. The witness system in the first game was broken. Even if you were out in the wide-open with nobody in sight and you were hunting, you'd get caught by an "invisible witness", many of which supposed it was the wildlife that had mistakenly been coded to report crimes. That behavior followed to early versions of GTAV where animals were introduced. At least here, it only ever happens in interactions with NPCs.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 10:54 pm
by Scoop20906
Man, what a downer the game is right now for me. I won't spoil anything but our crew has had a bunch of crushing losses and now it feels like everyone is turning on each other. Dutch seems to play the primary peachemaker of the group but even people are against him. I want to continue playing but the downer of the group's attitude actually has me staying away. The people I liked alot are dead. The people I hate seem to be gunning for me and everyone else is just miserable. Oh well, got to get back in it soon.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 2:02 pm
by naednek
This game is simply amazing. Graphically and story telling. Just top notch. The cool thing is... you don't have to do the chores if you don't want to. I've stuck to side and main missions, only gone to the store a few times to update my weapons, but it's all optional, and truthfully, doesn't have much of an impact if you don't.

I'm nearly finished with the story. The main part is done and now I'm doing the epilogue. Towards the end of the game you really feel attached to your character and you feel sorry for him in some ways. I love how it passes on the torch to Red Dead 1.

Yes, the game play is not about fast movement. This game is made to be take it all in slowly. Sooner you realize that, the more you will enjoy it. Stop and smell the roses.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:01 pm
by Skinypupy
YellowKing wrote: Tue Jan 01, 2019 3:38 pm However, I've just tried to experience it as a big Western movie and not get caught up in the gameplay minutiae. That has served me much better. When I sit down for a session, I'm not worried about missions or some quantitative sense of progression. I just go where the game takes me, and experience whatever story that session is going to reveal. I've had to learn to slow down, take in the sights, and become accustomed to a slower life in the Old West.

It really is a truly impressive game. The amount of detail is just staggering.
naednek wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2019 2:02 pm Yes, the game play is not about fast movement. This game is made to be take it all in slowly. Sooner you realize that, the more you will enjoy it. Stop and smell the roses.
Seems like enjoying this game hinges entirely on whether or not the gamer in question is interested in "taking it slow" or not. Glad others were able to get over that hump, because I certainly was not.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:57 pm
by wonderpug
For me, I'd absolutely love to take it slow if I could go back into the past when I had more free time. I used to always avoid fast travel as much as possible in open world games. Now that my gaming hours are so much fewer and more precious, I just can't spend 5 minutes watching a horse ride through scenery, repeatedly.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:21 pm
by YellowKing
I must confess since my last update the game has failed to get its hooks in me. I don't think I've played it in at least a month.

Maybe one of these days I'll get back to it, but for now it's just too slow a timesink. :(

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 4:52 pm
by naednek
wonderpug wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:57 pm For me, I'd absolutely love to take it slow if I could go back into the past when I had more free time. I used to always avoid fast travel as much as possible in open world games. Now that my gaming hours are so much fewer and more precious, I just can't spend 5 minutes watching a horse ride through scenery, repeatedly.
Trust me I'm in that same position. If I'm lucky I can game an hour a day, and usually that's after everyone is in bed. Then it's a toss up if I can stay awake. I've had the game since launch, and I'm just now about to be finished. (working on the epilogues) But with that said, I loved everything, even though it took me a while.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 4:17 pm
by em2nought
Scoop20906 wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2019 10:54 pm Man, what a downer the game is right now for me. The people I liked alot are dead. The people I hate seem to be gunning for me and everyone else is just miserable.
So for me it would be an accurate simulation of "life". lol

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 5:04 pm
by Rumpy
naednek wrote: Tue Mar 05, 2019 4:52 pm Trust me I'm in that same position. If I'm lucky I can game an hour a day, and usually that's after everyone is in bed. Then it's a toss up if I can stay awake. I've had the game since launch, and I'm just now about to be finished. (working on the epilogues) But with that said, I loved everything, even though it took me a while.
Yeah, and the game might sound like a slog, but only because it's chock full of stuff to do. The game never ceases to amaze me. I'm always discovering new stuff: There's a saloon in the NE of Saint-Denis. First time I was there, the bartender was outside complaining about rats and saying he'd pay anyone to go in there and kill them. Stuff like this make the world feel alive.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 12:50 pm
by naednek
And finished!

What a ride. Loved it just as much as the original. Now to fiddle with Red Dead Online, before moving on.

Also to watch a recap of Red Dead Redemption 1 as while I loved it, some things are foggy due to time.

I completed 100% of the story, and according to the save system I'm 79.5% completed overall. I didn't go out looking for all the items in the compendium, or purposely do any of the challenges, and I didn't get all the weapons, or do all the chores. They are just window dressing and not required to enjoy or progress the story. So don't let that dissuade you from playing it.

Take the game slow, take the time to enjoy the amount of detail they put in this game.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 7:21 pm
by Rumpy
Finished it tonight, and what an epic epic game. Easily my favourite Rockstar game to date. If this game were a movie, It'd certainly be up for Oscars as the narrative is really at the top of its class. I liked GTA 5, but man, narratively speaking, I feel it can't hold a candle to RDR2. Now I already want RDR3. Those of you who gave up on it early are really missing something special.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 9:18 pm
by YoungGrumpyMan
Restarted this game on PS4. Currently on Chapter 4. I took a looooong break from it (I had finished the previous chapter in last November, lol). But man, do I love Red Dead. It can be clunky and unintuitive, but the story, characters, world building are top class, the best I've ever seen in a videogame. Every mission is a joy because of all the engrossing characters, and the dialogue is sooooo good. Shooting is also fun, of course, but it's the exploration and the freedom that really capture my interest.

I'm trying not to miss any side mission, I just want to meet more of the people in this world, knowing their stories, hearing what they have to say.

Spent 1000 dollars on an Arabic horse, so far it seems worth it, it's a really fast and resistant horse, I'm just hoping I don't run out of money because I was left with 100 dollars after my purchase. Fortunately I've paid all my bounties already and I have been good with the law, so I don't expect to pay up anytime soon.

Haven't really touched the online, though. Probably don't even plan to. I don't think I'll enjoy an online game that has the gameplay of RDR2 as a foundation, but doesn't have the amazing story to back it up. Also, I don't have any friends that play it, that would be half the fun. I also heard the online is a massive grind, don't know if they've changed that lately...

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Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 9:29 pm
by gbasden
Man, do I want to play this. I hope it comes out on PC at some point. :(

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 3:08 am
by Octavious
I really should go back to this soon and finish the story. I was loving the game and just got distracted for some reason.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 11:21 am
by Sepiche
Finally picked up a PS4 to make the wife happy by letting her play Kingdom Hearts 3, but I also picked up RDR2 for myself.

Any tips for someone about to start the game? Anything you wish you knew before you started?

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 3:19 pm
by Rumpy
YoungGrumpyMan wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2019 9:18 pm I'm trying not to miss any side mission, I just want to meet more of the people in this world, knowing their stories, hearing what they have to say.
Yep, that's been me. I found it wholly engrossing every bit of the way. I'm even doing some of the collection quests in order to fully do everything, which is something I never did for GTA V. There's just something about RDR2 that I find so endearing that I haven't found in GTAV. It keeps me coming back to it even though I've long completed the game. I never cared for the characters in GTV as much or in the same way as I have about these ones. Maybe it's the change in scenery between the urban environment into sprawling countryside that I simply find more compelling, but overall I think the entire narrative is stronger. People need to give this game more of a chance.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 3:48 pm
by Rumpy
Sepiche wrote: Fri Jun 28, 2019 11:21 am Any tips for someone about to start the game? Anything you wish you knew before you started?
There are certain things the game doesn't explain very well, one of which are saddles: There a number of different saddles, and each of them have different statistics that will improve your horse's stamina and its regeneration. I only found out about this about midway into the game. The game never pointed out that I could have a better saddle to improve stamina. The same goes with stirrups, which will improve a horse's speed and acceleration. Saddlebags upgrades will also allow you to carry more stuff. ... e_Upgrades

Even while I'm done the story, I've still run into things that I never knew, one of which is the St. Denis Fence. He'll offer different things that the others don't offer, and they're very useful. I had found the default inventory to be quite small as I had always been running out of damned space. I only found out a few days ago while going through his menu that I could buy some upgrades to increase all of that. This is where getting perfect pelts by hunting will get in handy. Even so, I hear Pearson can help you with these throughout the game's course, but you'll probably want to do some of this early on to unlock more space and it's highly recommended. One of my qualms is about the lack of way to track lengthy quests. The game will give you mission briefs and updates, but no great way to keep track of what it is you've done when it comes to collection type quests. The description is too general and verbose, but I think that's an issue not just with RDR2 , but GTAV as well. ... -inventory

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 9:47 am
by Octavious
Finally finished it last night. I loved the game the whole way through and plan on exploring more. There’s huge areas I haven’t explored and plenty of animals to track down. At some point I may dig into the online once their summer update comes out.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 8:30 pm
by Rumpy
Heh, I've even found a Stranger mission I hadn't uncovered before. I thought I had done them all, but this one is only available after the Epilogue. It features an author that Arthur liked reading and can be found in the northern part of the Tall Trees area. I thought there were only two ways in to the original map, but I've at least discovered a 3rd one via the Owanjila dam. If you're in the Big Valley area, it's the most direct route will take you straight south and across boundary lines. There's a nice switchback trail along the route with some pretty epic scenery.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:53 am
by Isgrimnur
The Verge
The long-anticipated PC release of Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming very soon. Today, Rockstar announced that its Wild West epic will be launching on PC on November 5th. As expected, the new platform will mean graphical and technical improvements, and Rockstar also says that there will be “new bounty hunting missions, gang hideouts, weapons, and more.” The PC release will also include the multiplayer add-on Red Dead Online.

Actually purchasing a copy will be a little convoluted, however. Starting October 9th, the game will be available for preorder through the newly launched Rockstar Games Launcher, and those who preorder before October 22nd will receive some bonuses in the form of two free classic Rockstar games, including GTA III, Vice City, and Max Payne 3.

At launch, the game will also be available via the Epic Games Store, Greenman Gaming, the Humble Store, GameStop, and “additional digital retailers” with preorders starting on October 23rd. Steam, meanwhile, will be coming on later: RDR2 will launch through Valve’s store in December. The game will also be a launch title on the Google Stadia streaming platform in November.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 2:50 pm
by Rumpy
Has hell frozen over? Well, it IS getting much cooler up where I am. But good news for those who were wanting it to be on PC :)

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 2:53 pm
by jztemple2
I was just about to come post about this from the article I saw on BluesNews:
Today, we're proud to announce that Red Dead Redemption 2 is coming to PC on November 5th, with special bonuses available to players who pre-purchase through the Rockstar Games Launcher starting October 9th. We also want to say thank you to the millions of people who have already downloaded the Rockstar Games Launcher and received their free copy of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

For those yet to download the Rockstar Games Launcher, be sure to download by Tuesday October 8th to get Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for free.

Read on for more details about the long-awaited launch of Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC and stay tuned for more information to come next week.

The first game in the Red Dead Redemption series to be featured on the PC platform, Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC features a range of graphical and technical enhancements for increased immersion along with new Bounty Hunting Missions, Gang Hideouts, Weapons and more.

Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC also includes free access to the shared living world of Red Dead Online featuring all previously released improvements and the latest content updates for the complete online experience including Frontier Pursuits and the specialist Roles of Bounty Hunter, Trader and Collector for players to progress through and earn unique rewards.

Pre-purchases for Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC begin at 11AM ET on October 9th exclusively on the Rockstar Games Launcher through October 22nd, with a limited time offer during this period of two free Rockstar Games PC titles from the following:

Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Bully: Scholarship Edition
L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition
Max Payne 3: The Complete Edition

Pre-purchases made on the Rockstar Games Launcher also include free upgrades to the Premium Editions of Red Dead Redemption 2, with both the Special Edition and Ultimate Edition discounted by $20 each.

Further pre-purchase bonuses via the Rockstar Games Launcher include:

Outlaw Survival Kit for Story Mode
War Horse for Story Mode
Treasure Map for Story Mode
Cash Bonus for Story Mode
50 Gold Bars for Red Dead Online

Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC will also be available to pre-order at the Epic Games store, Greenman Gaming, the Humble Store, GameStop and additional digital retailers starting October 23rd with a pre-order bonus of 25 Gold Bars for Red Dead Online. Red Dead Redemption 2 for PC will also be available to purchase on Steam this December.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is currently available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One systems and will also be available this November as a launch title for Google Stadia.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 3:46 pm
by Smoove_B
Enlarge Image

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 9:45 am
by Octavious
Totally double dipping on this one. planning on playing through again in first person.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 12:08 pm
by Smoove_B
A link from Blues suggests the following system specs:
Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Requirements
Minimum Specifications:

OS: Windows 7 – Service Pack 1(6.1.7601)
Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K / AMD FX-6300
Memory: 8GB
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 2GB / AMD Radeon R9 280 3GB
HDD Space: 150GB
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible

Recommended Specifications

OS: Windows 10 – April 2018 (v1803)
Processor: Intel Core i7-4770K / AMD Ryzen 5 1500X
Memory: 12GB
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB / AMD Radeon RX 480 4GB
HDD Space: 150GB
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 12:26 pm
by Octavious
Aside from the crazy size requirements it seems very reasonable. I'm really curious to see how much better this will look cranked up on the PC. And you people better play some darn online. I really want to play the online, but I don't have any friends on the PS4 to play it with. :x

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 12:31 pm
by jztemple2
150GB installation? :shock: That's got to be twice the size of any other game I can remember.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 12:43 pm
by Smoove_B
Yeah, it's by far the largest game I'd potentially own on PC. I think Elder Scrolls online was the current leader at somewhere around 80GB.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 1:24 pm
by Rumpy
It's also the largest game on console, having come onto two Blu-Ray discs. The game is insanely detailed. Makes GTAV's details seem middling in comparison.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 1:26 pm
by jztemple2
And yet in less than a day it's already been superseded: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare wants to eat 175GB of your hard drive
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s system requirements are now live on The next title in Activision’s famed franchise will launch on October 25, and if you want to be there on day one you best have – drumroll please – 175GB of disk space available for the game files. Crikey.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 1:28 pm
by coopasonic
You bought a 500GB SSD you say? Ha! Try again!

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:19 pm
by Octavious
Thank god that SSD drive prices went way down. :lol:

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:37 pm
by YellowKing
Octavious wrote:Totally double dipping on this one. planning on playing through again in first person.
Same. Except I never finished it on Xbox.

These days getting quality console time is next to impossible due to the kids. Hoping on PC I'll actually be able to find the time to complete it.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:40 pm
by gameoverman
I was actually planning to buy this game, my first day one full price game purchase in a long time, but damn. My gaming computer has a lot of storage space and it's not enough. I don't have 150gb of free space, I have something like 32gb free if I combine the open space on all the drives. I have a ton of games installed, a massive media library, downloaded assets for games like graphics packs, it's ridiculous.

What they say about how you will gather up stuff to fill all available space is true. I used to be happy back when I had an 80gb hard drive. Now I have over 30 times that amount of space and I can't squeeze a game in there.

Re: Red Dead Redemption 2

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 5:58 pm
by hitbyambulance
gameoverman wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:40 pm I used to be happy back when I had an 80gb hard drive. Now I have over 30 times that amount of space and I can't squeeze a game in there.
to be sure, this particular game is about twice the size of that 80GB HDD...