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INFECTED! Signups closed. Game started in new thread.

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

The infectious disease research lab at Archon Station is on lockdown. There has been an outbreak of a dangerous virus. The relief supply ship is on the way, and the lab workers must detect and eradicate the infection before the ship docks, or CorpSec will just vent the lab to vacuum and kill everyone. What the lab workers don't know is that the outbreak they have detected is actually a mutation, and the original infected patient lurks among them.

Both infections are passed by means unknown. The Mutation Infection is extremely potent, and fills its victims with a gnawing hunger for human flesh. Unfortunately, once Mutant 1 has made his first conversion, the need for food overpowers his desire to create others like him, and he and his infected partner must instead eat their victims. The Original Vector causes its victims to feed on a certain bodily fluid for sustenance, but it is slow to awaken, and subtle in its hunger.

These two infections are incompatible with each other. Each evil team leader must find a way to eliminate the other in order to win the game.

Powers summary for discussion:

Evil Powers

THE MUTATION TEAM [Evil Team 1] -- Team Objective: Equal or outnumber all other teams. Eliminate Patient Zero.

Mutant 1 - Team 1 leader. Knows the roles of the night kills. Has one time option to convert instead of kill, creating Mutation 2. Cannot convert Doctor or Patient Zero. Scans once per night for Patient Zero. Scan results come before kill. Can PM at all times with Mutant 2.

Mutant 2 - Second infected. Can PM with patient 2. Unstable [berserker] - has stolen a scalpel from sick bay, and can kill any one other player when lynched. When created, performs night kills until his death. Then Mutant 1 resumes night kill duties. Can PM at all times with Mutant 1.

THE SOURCE VECTOR TEAM [Evil Team 2] -- Team Objective: Infect every other player in the game. Eliminate Doctor. Eliminate Mutant 1.

Patient Zero - Original source of the infection that created Patient 1. Can be anybody but the Doctor or Mutant 1. Determined randomly after other roles are assigned. Scans once per night for Mutant 1. Scan results come before infection. Infects one other player per night. First infection creates Infected Pet. Can PM at all times with Infected Pet. Gains no communication with or control over any other infected, with the exception of Med Tech 2. If Patient Zero infects Med Tech 2, he is alerted if the Tech tries to poison someone, and may telepathically hijack the choice of target.

Infected Pet - Wins with Patient Zero. Can PM at all times with Patient Zero. Has the one time ability to fend off a night kill on Patient Zero, like a protection.

Original Vector Infected - All still count toward good, and win with good. Return a result of INFECTED if lynched. Are unaware of their infected status. Gain no new abilities, or the ability to PM anybody they cannot already PM with.

Good Powers Team Objective: Eliminate the other evil teams.

Doctor - Seer. Scans each night for infected. As long as he or the Nurse are alive, the village knows the infected status of the lynches.

Nurse - Coroner. Scans the dead each night to learn their full role. As long as the Nurse (or the Doctor) is alive, village learns the infected status of the lynches. Retains her abilities even if infected or Patient Zero.

Med Tech 1 - Mason. Can PM at all times with Med Tech 2. Has a supply of prophylaxis, but has had to dilute it. Each night, Med Tech 1 chooses a player to inject with his prophylaxis serum. Cannot repeat on consecutive nights. May self protect. Loses this secondary ability [destroys his supply] if Patient Zero, or if infected by either evil team, but remains a Mason.

Med Tech 2 - Mason. Can PM at all times with Med Tech 1. Has found a single dose of a powerful toxin that would cause instant death, giving him the one time ability to poison any other player. Non-revealing. Loses this secondary ability [destroys his supply] if Patient Zero, or if infected by either evil team, but remains a Mason

Both Med Techs - As long as at least one Med Tech is alive, the lab learns which team the lynch played for (GOOD, EVIL 1, EVIL 2). If both Med Techs are dead, the lab only learns infected status (Patient Zero infections return a positive result).

Initial rules clarifications:
  • If both Mutant 1 and Patient Zero are eliminated and either or both Mutant 2 and the Infected Pet are still alive, they join forces, take on Evil Team 1 goals, and gain the ability to PM with each other at all times.
  • If it winds up that Mutant 2 and the Infected Pet are the same person, he is effectively playing for both teams, and must choose his own loyalties.
  • If the Mutation Team's kill target is protected by either Med Tech 1 or the Infected Pet, the kill fails and the Mutation Team will not know why.
1. Mr. Bubbles
2. stessier
3. Theohall
4. Austin
5. Semaj
6. Chaosraven
7. Lassr
8. Newcastle
9. Isgrimnur
10. Remus West
11. Tru1cy
12. Brendan
13. Unagi
14. Triggercut
15. pr0ner

(more can be added as necessary)
Last edited by Sean, Minister of KtSP on Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:24 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

I tried to keep it simple, but I've probably horribly over complicated it. If this turns out to be completely onworkable or uninteresting for people, maybe I should just run a back to basics game for my first time out.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by Mr Bubbles »

Color me tIckled piNk.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by Semaj »


1) So patient 0 has the ability to create a whole new evil team (team 2)... Can he convert the other patients or just from the pool? Are the powered normals convertable?
2) If you have 3 on evil team 1, and 3 on evil team 2, how can good possibly win with any amount of misses?
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

Semaj wrote:Questions:

1) So patient 0 has the ability to create a whole new evil team (team 2)... Can he convert the other patients or just from the pool? Are the powered normals convertable?
2) If you have 3 on evil team 1, and 3 on evil team 2, how can good possibly win with any amount of misses?

1.) Right now, I'm thinking Patient Zero cannot convert the other evil team. I'm also thinking that it will probably be dangerous for Patient Zero to convert -- that if he tries to infect either a member of Evil Team 1, or their night target, Evil Team 1 kills him instead.

2.) Each of the three teams will essentially get their own victory/loss conditions. Good wins when Evil Team 1 is eliminated. Evil Team 1 wins when they equal the numbers of whoever is left. Evil Team 2 wins or loses on their own conditions, and do not count toward the bad guy win. Evil Team 1 and Evil Team 2 are both evil, but not on the same side.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by stessier »

Some other questions to think about as you better define the roles:
  1. What does the Dr/Nurse tell you at the lynch? Patient 1 Team/Patient Zero Team/Citizen? Just Evil/Citizen?
  2. No Good protection?
  3. No Evil powers beyond PM'ing and conversion?
  4. Any night time powers for Patient Zero team?
  5. How many players will you need to have if you make Evil Team 2 a real possibility? (If you only get 12, then after Day 2, worse case for the Citizens, there are 4 dead (2 night kills, 2 day lynches), 3 converted (1 Patient 1, 2 by Patient Zero). They only started with 9, now they are at 2. Losing after Day 2 is harsh.)
I'm not saying you have to include any other powers for evil/good - just wondering if you had thought about them is all. :)
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by stessier »

Oh, and I'll play whatever you decide. :D
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

stessier wrote:Some other questions to think about as you better define the roles:
  1. What does the Dr/Nurse tell you at the lynch? Patient 1 Team/Patient Zero Team/Citizen? Just Evil/Citizen?
  2. No Good protection?
  3. No Evil powers beyond PM'ing and conversion?
  4. Any night time powers for Patient Zero team?
  5. How many players will you need to have if you make Evil Team 2 a real possibility? (If you only get 12, then after Day 2, worse case for the Citizens, there are 4 dead (2 night kills, 2 day lynches), 3 converted (1 Patient 1, 2 by Patient Zero). They only started with 9, now they are at 2. Losing after Day 2 is harsh.)
I'm not saying you have to include any other powers for evil/good - just wondering if you had thought about them is all. :)
Still thinking about all of this.

The first thing I'm going to do right now is limit each of the evil teams to two each, unless and until we can get something closer to 18 to 20 players.

Second, I will add some Good protection. I knew I was forgetting things in my rush to get the placeholder up.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by theohall »

Don't give a darn about the rules. Need to get a fix, so IN
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder [DRAFT RULES REVISED]

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

Everybody see my revisions about Med Techs 1 and 2.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

Semaj wrote:Questions:

1) So patient 0 has the ability to create a whole new evil team (team 2)... Can he convert the other patients or just from the pool? Are the powered normals convertable?
Masons are convertable. Doctor is not (and cannot be Patient Zero). Haven't decided about the Nurse.
2) If you have 3 on evil team 1, and 3 on evil team 2, how can good possibly win with any amount of misses?
See my revisions on the number of Evil. You're right. Even with alternate victory conditions for each evil team, that was too many. Now, each Evil team starts solo.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by theohall »

Sean, Minister of KtSP wrote:
stessier wrote:Some other questions to think about as you better define the roles:
  1. What does the Dr/Nurse tell you at the lynch? Patient 1 Team/Patient Zero Team/Citizen? Just Evil/Citizen?
Still thinking about all of this.
For this one - I'd go with infected or not infected. That's all the Good team should know.

As to protection, why not have a Doctor Two who can inoculate one person each day/night which is good for "24 hours" game time - ie a full day/night cycle. The inoculation can only be used once, because a 2nd inoculation would kill them.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

theohall wrote:
stessier wrote:
  1. What does the Dr/Nurse tell you at the lynch? Patient 1 Team/Patient Zero Team/Citizen? Just Evil/Citizen?
For this one - I'd go with infected or not infected. That's all the Good team should know.

Also, I think I have decided that the Nurse can be infected, or Patient Zero, but retains her ability to scan the dead for Role, even if converted or Patient Zero.
As to protection, why not have a Doctor Two who can inoculate one person each day/night which is good for "24 hours" game time - ie a full day/night cycle. The inoculation can only be used once, because a 2nd inoculation would kill them.
See my revision to the Masons.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and rules discussion [REVISED]

Post by Austin »

I'll play in your game.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and rules discussion [REVISED]

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

Also, I'm still thinking about a secondary power for Evil Team 2. I'm open to suggestions.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by stessier »

Sean, Minister of KtSP wrote:
theohall wrote:
stessier wrote:
  1. What does the Dr/Nurse tell you at the lynch? Patient 1 Team/Patient Zero Team/Citizen? Just Evil/Citizen?
For this one - I'd go with infected or not infected. That's all the Good team should know.
I think it depends very much on what you set the victory conditions for the Patient Zero team.

The Evil teams are working separately toward separate goals. I think it would be important to know which one you take out each day.

But maybe finish fleshing out all the mechanics before making the decision.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and rules discussion [REVISED]

Post by stessier »

Why is Patient Zero looking for Patient 1?
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

stessier wrote: I think it depends very much on what you set the victory conditions for the Patient Zero team.

The Evil teams are working separately toward separate goals. I think it would be important to know which one you take out each day.

But maybe finish fleshing out all the mechanics before making the decision.
Interesting point. I'm open to suggestion and tinkering right up until we start, so I'll keep thinking on that as more people give input.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and rules discussion [REVISED]

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

stessier wrote:Why is Patient Zero looking for Patient 1?
I have an answer for that, but I have to run out for a while. I'll be back later to talk more about that, but it will be for victory conditions.

OH! Important to note! ONLY TEAM ONE gets a night kill.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by stessier »

Sean, Minister of KtSP wrote:I'm open to suggestion and tinkering right up until we start
Please don't feel pressured to get something put together. I was just joking mostly about my impatience to get going again.

Take your time and put together the game the way you want. :)
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and rules discussion [REVISED]

Post by Isgrimnur »

Sean, Minister of KtSP wrote:Patient 2 - Second infected. Can PM with patient 2. Unstable [berserker]. Has stolen a scalpel from sick bay, and can kill any one other player when lynched.
So Patient 2 is so unstable that he's psychotic and talks to himself?
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by theohall »

stessier wrote:
Sean, Minister of KtSP wrote:I'm open to suggestion and tinkering right up until we start
Please don't feel pressured to get something put together. I was just joking mostly about my impatience to get going again.

Take your time and put together the game the way you want. :)
Heck, I'm jonesin' :) Why do you think I keep replying in these threads?

Anyway - what stessier said. Take the time to setup the game you want. It'll be more fun for everyone that way.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and rules discussion [REVISED]

Post by Semaj »

I think I'll be in... Which is odd since I seem to not want to play and end up playing... then I lose and i get to blame remus and grund.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

stessier wrote:
Sean, Minister of KtSP wrote:I'm open to suggestion and tinkering right up until we start
Please don't feel pressured to get something put together. I was just joking mostly about my impatience to get going again.

Take your time and put together the game the way you want. :)
No no! No pressure. Frankly, I was having the toughest time thinking it all through on a vacuum. The feedback is getting my juices flowing. When I get back later, I'm going to post a major revision, and swap some things around.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and rules discussion [REVISED]

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

Isgrimnur wrote:
Sean, Minister of KtSP wrote:Patient 2 - Second infected. Can PM with patient 2. Unstable [berserker]. Has stolen a scalpel from sick bay, and can kill any one other player when lynched.
So Patient 2 is so unstable that he's psychotic and talks to himself?
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and rules discussion [REVISED]

Post by Chaosraven »

In, of course.

Will check the rules a bit later
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by stessier »

Sean, Minister of KtSP wrote: I was having the toughest time thinking it all through on a vacuum.
You Californians are weird. I usually do my best game planning while sitting at the computer taking notes, looking at old games, etc. Never tried it on a vacuum before, though, so maybe I'm missing out...

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Re: INFECTED! Signup and place holder (drafting full rules)

Post by Mr Bubbles »

stessier wrote:
Sean, Minister of KtSP wrote: I was having the toughest time thinking it all through on a vacuum.
You Californians are weird. I usually do my best game planning while sitting at the computer taking notes, looking at old games, etc. Never tried it on a vacuum before, though, so maybe I'm missing out...

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Re: INFECTED! Signup and rules discussion [REVISED]

Post by Lassr »

The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

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Re: INFECTED! Signup and rules discussion [REVISED]

Post by stessier »

If you are still looking for roles/powers to include, you can always crib from this game Remus ran:
Remus West wrote:A deep mist swirl's through the town of Scooby chilling the residents but it is the howls carried on the wind that takes that chill into their bones. The villagers at first gather together in the center of the town square, safe from the darkness by dint of numbers but it is not long before the legends start creeping through their minds. Legends of men who become beasts and prey upon their neighbors. Legends of mystics trying to protect them, strong and wily men packing weapons to turn the hunt back upon the beasts. Mostly the legends of the wolf though. Quickly you turn from making eye contact with your neighbor. Could he be one you think, a thought punctuate by a fresh howl upon the wind. You scurry to your own home and bar the door. Can the night possibly be as evil as it feels?

Powers possible:
Rabid Wolf - converts one non-wolf
Master Wolf - knows the roles of the night kill
Berserker Wolf - Extra kill when lynched
Apprentice Wolf - scans for sorcerer, can PM if contacts
Sorcerer - Scans for roles, counts as a good guy wins with the bad
Witch - Ability to cancel a players power for a 24 hour period. May only be used once per player.

Seer - Scans for allegiance
Wolfbane Holder - Can not be killed at night (always protected - can not be converted)
Werewolf Hunter - Can shoot a player of his choice each day
Herbalist - Can spread wolf bane around a players house at night (protector)
Medium - Can talk to Dead via PM one dead person a night. Thus no spoilers for the dead.
Masons - Can PM freely between each other. # depends on # of players in game
Grave robber - Can learn the roles of the dead.
miscreant - 2 votes, 1 of which is anonymous.
Mathematician - Every night able to determine either the number of powered players remaining or the number of wolves remaining.
Whore - chooses 1 player to be with during night. If chosen is targeted as kill by wolves, Whore dies. If chosen is a Wolf, whore cannot be target that night. If there is only a single wolf he will be to busy to make a kill that night (there will be no kill).
Weredog - Good, wins with village. Scans as wolf. Will kill one wolf if attacked at night (but dies in the process). The wolves may twice per game submit that they are attacking as though the target is the weredog when determining their night kill. If they are correct he will not be able to kill one of them as they are prepared for him.
Eavesdropper - Can stake out one person's house every night and determine whether or not they pm'd anybody that night. (Could be set off by wolves, medium, masons, etc)

Lovers - Can be any two players. They may PM freely and are trying to be the last remaining players in the game. If they are then they win.
I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities. - Vaarsuvius
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and rules discussion [REVISED]

Post by Newcastle »

sounds INterestINg and i mean really INterestINg

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Re: INFECTED! Signup and rules discussion [REVISED]

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

Just for everyone's edification, I'm typing up a major rules revision now. I'll give that one up for discussion, but hopefully it will be pretty much ready for prime time.

As for not doing it last night, I plead booty call.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and rules discussion [REVISED]

Post by Austin »

Sean, Minister of KtSP wrote:Just for everyone's edification, I'm typing up a major rules revision now. I'll give that one up for discussion, but hopefully it will be pretty much ready for prime time.

As for not doing it last night, I plead booty call.
Wow, Remus has been traveling a lot lately.
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and rules discussion [REVISED]

Post by Semaj »

Austin wrote:
Sean, Minister of KtSP wrote:Just for everyone's edification, I'm typing up a major rules revision now. I'll give that one up for discussion, but hopefully it will be pretty much ready for prime time.

As for not doing it last night, I plead booty call.
Wow, Remus has been traveling a lot lately.
How do you know it was remus? It totally could have been chaosraven....
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and rules discussion [REVISED]

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

Austin wrote:
Sean, Minister of KtSP wrote:Just for everyone's edification, I'm typing up a major rules revision now. I'll give that one up for discussion, but hopefully it will be pretty much ready for prime time.

As for not doing it last night, I plead booty call.
Wow, Remus has been traveling a lot lately.

I'm worth the trip.
"Sweet dreams, Mr. Stiffly."
"I have told you, my name is not... ... ...Sweet dreams, Monster-san."
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Re: INFECTED! Signup and rules discussion [REVISION 2.0]

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

NEW RULES posted. Please discuss and dissect.
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"I have told you, my name is not... ... ...Sweet dreams, Monster-san."
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Re: INFECTED! [ver 2.0] Still need five more.

Post by Semaj »

How does good win this?

I mean if you crunched the numbers, what are thier odds?
Some claim to be things they aren't.
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Re: INFECTED! [ver 2.0] Still need five more.

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

Semaj wrote:How does good win this?

I mean if you crunched the numbers, what are thier odds?
Good question.

First, Good is only up against 4 Evil on monday morning (worst case). It's important to note that Sorce Vector infections DO NOT join the evil team, they just become "infected". Their infection doesn't activate until after the game is over, and Patient Zero has won.

Still, 9 v. 4 on Monday morning is maybe too much? If so, I have an idea how to fix that (unless and until we get enough players to warrant adding it back in).
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"I have told you, my name is not... ... ...Sweet dreams, Monster-san."
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Re: INFECTED! [ver 2.0] Still need five more.

Post by Semaj »

OK 12 people...

Evil Powers
Mutant 1 -
Mutant 2 -

Patient Zero - INfects someone every night, they come up dirty if scanned.
Infected Pet -

Good Powers
Nurse -
Med Tech 1
Med Tech 2

So... 4 bad guys and 1 of them can be _anyone_ but the other bad guy and the doctor.
And after a day or two, we lose the ability to tell if our kills are anyone good, so we are more or less lynching blind.

1/3rd of the game is evil (although they fight each other... ) worst case scenario.

Night 1, 2 people are converted, for funzies we will say both masons, Nurse is the Pateint 0.
Good: 8, Bad 4
Miss... night kill is seer, no bad guys die.
Good: 6, Bad 4, 1 good looks bad.
Miss again..possibly infected guy, Night kill, another good guy looks bad
Good: 4, Bad 4, 1-2 good looks bad


At least the bad guys have been toned down or this game would be downright vicious.
Some claim to be things they aren't.
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Re: INFECTED! [ver 2.0] Still need five more.

Post by Sean, Minister of KtSP »

Bad idea scratched.
Last edited by Sean, Minister of KtSP on Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Sweet dreams, Mr. Stiffly."
"I have told you, my name is not... ... ...Sweet dreams, Monster-san."
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