I give you: game rage!

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I give you: game rage!

Post by martindemon »

The sad thing is that I do something like that to a very lesser extent sometimes. Not with as much passion, but a little punch helps me feel better when I lose too many times :)

(edited to add the word "very", as I felt it was important :) )
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Post by Thin_J »

That's retarded.

It's also hilarious. It's so hard for me to understand people getting that fired up over a game...
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Post by martindemon »

Thin_J wrote:It's so hard for me to understand people getting that fired up over a game...
The rage always comes after I lose a few games, or was fragged too many times without being able to do anything to change the way the game is unfolding, and if I don't pay attention to control myself, I just want to give the keyboard a little (compared to the video) punch. I actively try to better my control right now. That'sd why I'm using a very old and STURDY keyboard. I could not break it if I wanted; it is a tank. Now, I will learn to control not only my actions, but the way I feel when constraining situations happen. That's a very long walk but I already feel a change.

Did you see the other videos on the site? I can't stop browsing! Some are plain stupid, but many are hilarious :D Perhaps I'm too tired...
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Post by knob »

I occasionally get pissed over a game and quit playing. But I've never gotten pissed to the point that I felt the urge to destroy my computer desk.
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Post by KiloOhm »

Last night I felt a twinge of game rage...ut2k4 bombing run against the AI...what a PITA. You spend about 30 minutes at least running back and forth because the retarded map designers decided it was a good idea to put the respawn point just before the bomb placement so you pretty much play a back and forth stalemate. I've done 3 of these so far and each one has been like this. What a terrible design decision. Of course with humans this would be better...

Normally I would have quit but I needed this win to move on to the assault maps, and I hate leaving stuff unfinished. :)
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Post by martindemon »

Yes UT2k4 was very disturbing, wait until you get to the retarded space ship level. I hated this one with all my unheart. If I had known beforehand that it was not worth it to finish the single player campaign, I would have stopped right there. UT2k3 was better.
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Post by Rubyeye »

I have broken several keyboards and mice due to gaming rage. I guess I must be maturing since I haven't broken anything out of rage for several years. It mostly happened at LAN parties back in the day.
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Post by wankerjr »

I've gotten angry before due to frustration on dying in games. At most I've only thrown gamepad controllers on the ground but other than that I keep telling myself that it's just a game.
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Post by Brian »

I've broken several joysticks over particularly difficult missions in TIE Fighter, Wing Commander - Prophecy, Freelancer, etc...

One time my wife asked me after a bad joystick slamming/tossing session why I even bothered to play those games when I got so worked up over them.

My reply, "Cause they're FUCKING RELAXING allright?!?!"

That's when the giggles set in. Thank god for an understanding and patient wife. :)
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Post by killbot737 »

Amish Warlord wrote:I've broken several joysticks over particularly difficult missions in TIE Fighter, Wing Commander - Prophecy, Freelancer, etc...
Me too. The most spectacular was the shattering of a joystick against a dorm room wall over the last mission of the original Wing Commander.

That video is like kindergarten compared to the rage I have expressed towards certain games. Imagine that certain scene in "Office Space" on speed and PCP inside a closed space. I've never broken anything worth more than $50 though.

ed - not a rage thing, but funny anyway. I once destroyed a joystick throught fatigue and stress. Munchman on a TI99. Through the stress of a marathon - best game ever - play period and the heat of my hot little 10 year old hands I snapped the official TI joystick off of its base!

Given that my mom kicks your mom's ass in all ways that are cool she had the solution: methyl-ethyl-ketone. Plastic glue! Well, more like plastic melter-backer-together. It was never 100% fixed of course but it did work for many years, with the occasional re-gluing.

PS - yes she IS an organic chemist and I was 10 when it happened so if I remembered her descriptions and definitions wrong you can suck it. Rage! :)
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Post by Kasey Chang »

If I hate the game that much, I'd just uninstall the game. :D

Though Midtown Madness 2 came close to doing that. The London Final Exam is extremely frustrating as it demands 100% perfection over period of over 7 minutes, with NO letting up. I've yet to finish that specific task. Heck, I may just uninstall it now...
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