Prison Architect by Introversion

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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by LordMortis »

Rip wrote:
LordMortis wrote:
noxiousdog wrote:
naednek wrote:Every release I play. Every time it's a battle of keeping the prisoners happy. I have visiting rooms, I have yards, I give them free time, I even up their meal quantity. I just can't get them to stay happy.

And then now, I build this nice prison, and I can't get anyone to work in the workshop. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. A few patches ago they introduced programs. So I'm assuming I need to train people work in the workshop. Out of 12 people who took the class, 3 passed, but they won't go work.
Is your workshop still booked for more classes?

I am 45 days into a prison with about a current residency of 250 and so far I have had two prisoners interested is workshop safety. 1 passed. 0 have been interested in woodworking... 11 have been interested in general education and none have passed that either. None have wanted their diploma. (also none "passed" psychological training and 1 of 3 have passed cooking) I'm wondering if this is bugged, if I am missing something to generate interest.
Perhaps they are suppressed a lot? Do you use a lot of armed guards and dogs? When you look at some prisoners is their Punishment measurement high? I have read that being suppressed a lot decreases the desire for training/education.
Suppression is high. That's a bad thing? I don't know how to read punishment measurement.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Rip »

LordMortis wrote:
Rip wrote:
LordMortis wrote:
noxiousdog wrote:
naednek wrote:Every release I play. Every time it's a battle of keeping the prisoners happy. I have visiting rooms, I have yards, I give them free time, I even up their meal quantity. I just can't get them to stay happy.

And then now, I build this nice prison, and I can't get anyone to work in the workshop. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. A few patches ago they introduced programs. So I'm assuming I need to train people work in the workshop. Out of 12 people who took the class, 3 passed, but they won't go work.
Is your workshop still booked for more classes?

I am 45 days into a prison with about a current residency of 250 and so far I have had two prisoners interested is workshop safety. 1 passed. 0 have been interested in woodworking... 11 have been interested in general education and none have passed that either. None have wanted their diploma. (also none "passed" psychological training and 1 of 3 have passed cooking) I'm wondering if this is bugged, if I am missing something to generate interest.
Perhaps they are suppressed a lot? Do you use a lot of armed guards and dogs? When you look at some prisoners is their Punishment measurement high? I have read that being suppressed a lot decreases the desire for training/education.
Suppression is high. That's a bad thing? I don't know how to read punishment measurement.
Its a balancing act. Suppression keeps them from wanting to get violent or escape. It also keeps them from wanting to be educated, work or even address their own needs.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Isgrimnur »

Help! Help! I'm being suppressed!
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Sectoid »

My "name-in-game" went through. Look for Sectoid in your prisons, making a mess of the place.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by jztemple2 »

Sectoid wrote:My "name-in-game" went through. Look for Sectoid in your prisons, making a mess of the place.
Awesome! Sadly, I have a premonition that Prisoner Sectoid will be a long term guest in solitary ;)
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Rip »

jztemple2 wrote:
Sectoid wrote:My "name-in-game" went through. Look for Sectoid in your prisons, making a mess of the place.
Awesome! Sadly, I have a premonition that Prisoner Sectoid will be a long term guest in solitary ;)
Has me wishing a could command a prisoner be tasered whether they are doing anything wrong or not.

Taser practice in Sectoid's cell starts after breakfast!
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Unagi »

Taser Workshop
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Sepiche »

New patch!
= Narcotics
Prisoners can now take drugs (typically smuggled in through visitation), and develop addictions
Addiction gets stronger with each use of a drug
Prisoners go into withdrawal if they do not get their drugs fix quick enough
Some prisoners arrive with existing addictions, other prisoners try drugs when bored or dissatisfied
All drugs have a chance to cause an overdose, which is lethal unless immediately treated by a Doctor
The chance of overdose increases with the strength of the addiction
Currently included:
Two new Reform programs to help combat drug addiction:
Methodone program, a chemical suppliment that helps remove the craving of addicted prisoners
Alchoholics anonymous meeting, a group therapy session aimed at reducing the psychological dependence on booze
Prisoners who refrain (or are prevented) from taking drugs for long enough to make it through withdrawal have a chance to cure their addiction, Cold Turkey style.

= Advanced regime control
You can now control the regime for each security group independantly - Min sec / Normal sec / Max sec prisoners
Use this to rotate the actions of your different prisoner categories throughout the day
Regime 'Nothing' has been renamed 'Lockup', to better reflect its meaning. Prisoners must return to their cells during Lockup.

= Language selector
There is now a Union Jack flag in the Main Menu (top left) which can be clicked on to change the game language.
This opens the language selector screen, which shows all currently installed language packs (MODS)
In the STEAM version this screen also lists ALL language packs currently available via the Steam Workshop Selecting any language pack will automatically download it and apply it, and the Union Jack icon will change appropriately
Translation work : Many more hard-coded strings have been exported to the language file, ready for translation

= Surrender
Prisoners now have a chance to surrender when faced with lethal force
Armed guards shout warnings before opening fire. Weaker prisoners will surrender immediately, raising their hands in the air.
More aggressive prisoners may surrender after being shot at or wounded by gunfire.
Surrendered prisoners are immediately 100% suppressed, and will return to their cells after the armed guards have passed. NOTE : Soldiers still do not shout warnings, and will not accept surrender once they have engaged a target.
- You can now assign discretionary punishments from a Prisoners rap sheet - up to 24 hours Lockdown (in cell) or 24 hours in Solitary
- Bank loans no longer count against you in the consideration of bankruptcy. So you can use a bank loan to escape bankruptcy if it is available.
- Fixed : Army trucks no longer get stuck on locked Road Gates
- In the "Names in the Game" list you can now select your entry and tick the box labelled "This is me"
This sets your prisoner avatar to this character. If you find yourself locked up within your prison, this is the prisoner who will embody you.
- Many main menu screens now use better font sizes for lists
- Nutritional policy moved to Policy window. Policy now unlocked by Warden
- The maximum copy size of the Clone tool has been doubled from 6 squares to 12 squares
- Dog sniff range (drug detection) has been reduced slightly
- Improved visual effect for tazer fire
They also announced that next months Alpha will be entirely bug fixes.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Rip »

Man those are some nice additions. Dang I am busy playing other games and now I want to play this as well. Well at least I know I have 2 months to play with this release before the next feature changes. This is going to be a nice game by the time they finish.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Citizen »

I have been having some strangeness going on with this build:

Visitors come, walk into the visitation room then do a 180 and leave within a second. My prisoners never even start heading over, either. The rehab programs and whatnot also seem borked up. I have to have 2 workshop programs running and 2 drug programs running for 1 to start, but the game is charging me for all 4. I'm told its because of mods, but I don't have any mods active. I did a fresh install and will try again. Anyone else having these problems?

Prisoners don't seem to dig anymore. Either I am running "the rock" or its been significantly reduced, which is a good thing. I was getting pretty tired of people digging 1/4 mile in a single night with a wooden spoon, but the bad/boring side is that I have had zero prisoner fights - despite having at least 10 prisoners going through withdrawal.

All in all this is the best pre-release alpha game I've ever purchased. It will be a dandy when completed.

Interested in reading the experiences of others with alpha 21.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Octavious »

This is under 10 bucks on the humble store for today only. I already own it and that's a hell of a deal for an awesome game.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Rip »

Alpha 23 is out.
Remote Access systems
You can now build a number of interconnected systems and servos in your prison, to automate access through locked doors.
These new objects are unlocked via 'Remote Access' in the beauracracy screen, and available in the Utilities menu.
All of these systems can be connected together using the 'Connect' tool in the Utilities menu.

- Door Servo : Attaches to an existing door. Can be triggered electrically to open the door.
- Door Control System : Operated by a guard in a security room. Allows guards to open doors remotely.
The system is connected to servos via the new 'Connect' tool in the utilities menu.
Note: The operator can open a maximum of two doors per second, so don't overload a single system with too many servos.
Note: If a Door Control System becomes broken, ALL connected doors will spring open.

- Door Timer : Another way to control doors automatically, based on time of day. Click on the door timer to access its schedule.
All connected doors will be opened when the schedule says they should be.

- Remote Door : A strong metal door that cannot be opened with Jail Keys. You must connect this door up with a Door Servo
and control it remotely somehow.

Cctv overhall
The old cctv system has been replaced, using the new Connection mechanics developed for Remote Access Systems.
Cctv Monitors must now be connected to cameras using the 'Connect' tool.
A single Cctv Monitor must now be operated by one Guard, and a Guard can only operate one monitor at a time.
A Monitor can be connected to as many cameras as you wish, but has only eight screens.
If you connect it to more than eight cameras, the monitor will cycle through them, giving only partial coverage.
Two new objects have been added purely as an experiment, and are not required for any normal prison.
These objects can be used to build advanced electrical circuits.

- Logic Circuit : A boolean logic gate with X inputs and 1 output.
Available operations : And / Or / Not / Nand / Nor / Xor
Right click on the circuit to cycle the operation.

- Logic Bridge : Can be used to send a signal via Electrical Cable (normally used to power your prison)
Place the Logic Bridge over a cell containing Electrical cable, and that entire cable will have the same signal value.
Any Logic Circuit sitting on the same Electrical Cable will receive the signal as one of its inputs.
This is specifically useful for transmitting a common signal around your circuit - eg a Clock signal,
without requiring thousands of seperate wires.
Contraband Smuggling continued

- Contraband can now be smuggled in via materials in a Delivery Truck. Anything brought in via Delivery Trucks can be used.
Eg Food ingredients, metal sheets for the workshop, prisoner uniforms, construction materials etc.
Dogs will detect narcotics in these items, and metal detectors will spot metal items.
Guards can now search these items on request.
Once brought into the prison, the contraband will remain in its material until a nearby prisoner picks it up.
Note: The types of contraband smuggled in this way will be determined by the Supply and Demand within the prison.

- Contraband can now be thrown in over the external walls.
Prisoners 'arrange' this when phoning home, or when talking to their visitors in Visitation.
They will arrange to go to a pre-determined place at a certain time, and collect a specific item.
The item chosen will be based on the needs of that prisoner.
If there are guards near the collection point, the contraband will not be thrown in.
The maximum throw range is 10 squares, and cannot happen in sectors marked as 'Staff Only' as prisoners cannot get there.

- Intoxication is now a type of Misconduct, and is 'detected' when a Guard searches a prisoner. He will notice they are high/drunk.
You can now set the punishment for Intoxication in the Policy table.
Being caught Intoxicated automatically refers the prisoner to the relevent 'Rehab' program, if it exists.

- Utilities mode now filters the display based on what you are building, to give a clearer view.
Only relevent objects and connections will be shown depending on the mode - Electrical, Pipes, Circuit wiring.

- Fences are no longer free (YOU try getting hundreds of metres of fences for free)

- You can now expand and contract the Todo list to free up screen space

- More info has been added to the tooltips in the Build Toolbar

- Kitchen Sinks now require a water pipe connection

- The 'Day X' timer in the top toolbar now shows the total 'Real Time' played on this prison

- Fixed a subtle bug in the audio system that caused audio corruption sometimes - buzzing, popping, clicking
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Rip »

Loving the rework of the remote monitoring/control systems. I updates one of my prisons to have most of the doors automated and loved it. Nice to not have guards running all over the place playing doormen. I even started closing doors I used to leave open because the console operator buzzes them through pretty quickly.

Having contraband get into the prison by being thrown over the wall has made me rethink my designs as well. I haven't even figured out an application to use the logic switches for but I am definitely intrigued by them.

Has anyone else given alpha 23 a whirl yet?
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Citizen »

Yeah. Good additions. Door timers and automated gates are awesome!

Is it me, or does it seem like money goes farther now? With starting cash I can pretty much build my whole starter prison and research the majority of the starting off sections. I usually get the basic detention center grant just out of greed, but not because I really need it. I am glad they finally made fences not free, but $3 per sq might still be too cheap. One thing that boggles me is those logic circuits and logic bridges. WTF? And, nor, not connections?? What in the sam hell are these for?

I still want more prisoner on prisoner violence. I never have that happen.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Rip »

Citizen wrote:Yeah. Good additions. Door timers and automated gates are awesome!

Is it me, or does it seem like money goes farther now? With starting cash I can pretty much build my whole starter prison and research the majority of the starting off sections. I usually get the basic detention center grant just out of greed, but not because I really need it. I am glad they finally made fences not free, but $3 per sq might still be too cheap. One thing that boggles me is those logic circuits and logic bridges. WTF? And, nor, not connections?? What in the sam hell are these for?

I still want more prisoner on prisoner violence. I never have that happen.
I think the logic circuits were just adding tools to the box, not sure there are practical uses yet.

Money/cost needs to be balanced for sure but that is what beta will be for.

If you want prisoner on prisoner just bring in all max-sec prisoners and don't give them any visitation or entertainment. Keep them in lockup most of the day and they will be tearing shit up and fighting before you know it. Totally ignoring narcotics and letting them all get addicted leads to some wild times as well.

While it isn't that hard to keep the prison calm if you know what you are doing, it is even easier to turn it into an animal house.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by jztemple2 »

Rip wrote: I think the logic circuits were just adding tools to the box, not sure there are practical uses yet.
If you watch the new video from them, towards the end he explains that he added the gates just for fun, they weren't intended to be practical. He did start building a processor with them, as he demonstrates.

I too have found that it's not too hard to build a nice, calm prison. As it is, I've got about sixty hours in on the game and I think I'm going to wait till it hits beta and all the features are in before I take it up again.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by naednek »

Played it the last two nights, and just like every alpha build, I try and get frustrated because all they do is fight. All the time! I have guards patrolling, I shakedown every once in a while, I never get too far to have dogs or armor before giving up. Any tips?
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by jztemple2 »

naednek wrote:Played it the last two nights, and just like every alpha build, I try and get frustrated because all they do is fight. All the time! I have guards patrolling, I shakedown every once in a while, I never get too far to have dogs or armor before giving up. Any tips?
I guess the best advice I can give is to continuously check their needs and see that they are being addressed. I haven't played the last couple of builds, but before then my approach was to make sure the basics like sleep, hunger and hygiene bars were always being kept down as small as possible. Free time seemed to help with that, I'd have prisoners who'd spend their free time back in the sack or in the shower.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Rip »

jztemple2 wrote:
naednek wrote:Played it the last two nights, and just like every alpha build, I try and get frustrated because all they do is fight. All the time! I have guards patrolling, I shakedown every once in a while, I never get too far to have dogs or armor before giving up. Any tips?
I guess the best advice I can give is to continuously check their needs and see that they are being addressed. I haven't played the last couple of builds, but before then my approach was to make sure the basics like sleep, hunger and hygiene bars were always being kept down as small as possible. Free time seemed to help with that, I'd have prisoners who'd spend their free time back in the sack or in the shower.
Also phones and TVs in a common room and visitation. Dogs are a big one to get to. Set patrols outside visitation to catch drugs being smuggled in. Make sure you allocate some "free-time" I usually go with 4 hours a day. I have ZERO fights so you are doing something wrong.

As noted if you have a phycholgist you can highlight each prisoner to see what is bugging them or use the needs report to see what is red or orange. I keep my bars mostly green with some yellow as certain need like food or sleep become needed just before a meal or bed.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by tgb »

The only thing keeping me from grabbing this is the fact that I'm trying to swear off early access. Is it even in beta yet?
I spent 90% of the money I made on women, booze, and drugs. The other 10% I just pissed away.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by jztemple2 »

tgb wrote:The only thing keeping me from grabbing this is the fact that I'm trying to swear off early access. Is it even in beta yet?
No, not yet. I've sworn off early access too, for every Kerbal Space Program and Prison Architect there are at least as many M.A.V. and Invisible type games that don't seem to be progressing very well. PA in pretty good shape right now, I wouldn't be surprised to see a Fall 2014 release.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Sepiche »

Pretty awesome new patch out: ... Z2W05vvIKU

Might actually have to give this one a try.
Prison Architect Alpha 25
Big changes this month! This is one of the biggest updates we've ever done. Alpha 25 was motivated by seeing prisons that just run themselves - and can even be left running overnight, without anything bad happening. This doesn't sit right with us, and running a prison shouldn't ever be something that can be done fully automatically. This month we've introduced a whole series of new systems and balance changes that bring unpredictability back to your prisoners.

= Reputation
New prisoners sometimes have a reputation, shown when highlighing them or in their rap sheet.
Nb. Existing prisoners (in alpha 24 save games) will not have any reputation - only new arrivals
The reputation specifies unusual abilities or traits they may possess, which affect their behaviour.

- 50% of reputations are known when the prisoner arrives. The other 50% can be revealed through your informants.
- All prisoners have a new "Character" tab in their rapsheet, which gives details on their reputation.

- STRONG hits harder with each punch during fights
- TOUGH can withstand a lot more punishment in a fight. He can also sometimes withstand being hit by a Tazer
- VOLATILE liable to kick off without warning and for no reason
- STOICAL will not become suppressed when locked in Solitary
- SNITCH a known informant, and as such his life may be in danger. Don't leave him alone with other prisoners for too long
- DEADLY a master in lethal combat moves, and can sometimes kill with a single hit
- EX LAW was once a Police Officer, or some other law enforcement profession. His life may be in danger
- COP KILLER guilty of murdering a Police Officer. Your prison guards may be unable to restrain themselves when subduing him
- FEARLESS not intimidated by the sight of Armed Guards, and is less likely to surrender during a fight
- QUICK an unusually fast runner
- INSTIGATOR sows seeds of discontent in all those nearby. When he causes trouble, nearby prisoners will feel compelled to do the same

- In some cases, the prisoner will have a high degree of a reputation, eg "Extremely Strong" or "Extremely Volatile".

- In a very small number of cases, you will receive a LEGENDARY PRISONER.
These guys have a potent mix of the above list that makes them very dangerous.

= New Prisoner Categories
To help deal with the new troublesome prisoners, two new categories of prisoner have been created.
Prisoners must be manually assigned to these categories.
These new categories have a corrisponding new Zone in the Deployment screen, and a new Regime column.

- Protective Custody
Useful for hiding your snitches, ex law enforcement etc in a safe zone where they cannot be attacked
Nb. Informants sent to protective custody lose coverage quickly (out of the loop)
Nb. During riot conditions, some of your most dangerous prisoners may attempt to attack the protective custody wing

- SuperMax
If you simply cannot control a particular prisoner, move him to supermax.
Allows you to segregate them away and instigate strong lockdown and security measures

= Escape Tunnels Overhall
Escape Tunnels have been rebalanced, and are now viable once again
Prisoners in neighbouring cells will team up to try to dig a combined escape tunnel.
They can share any tools they have during the operation
Many weapons can now also be used as digging tools, eg Knifes, Forks etc
Guard dogs are now more reliable at discovering tunnels, and will mark the suspected spot with a small flag.
Searching a cell now has only a low chance to discover an escape tunnel, UNLESS the prisoner is digging it when the guard enters!
To discover a tunnel for certain, dismantle the toilets in the cells you suspect.

= Confidential Informants (continued)
- Any single informant now has a maximum coverage of 50% at the time he is hired
- An informants coverage will slowly increase over time (beyond 50%), so long as his suspicion is low and he is not 'active'
- The Informants overlay now shows the highest level of suspicion ever reached by an informant, as a black line.
- You can now highlight and select prisoners and staff etc in the Informants window

- Informants now reveal Assassination Targets - ie prisoners who will be attacked if left alone for too long
This is shown as a red crosshair over the prisoner.
(Known informants / Snitches, ex law enforcement etc)

= Game Balance changes
- Prisoners responsible for a serious injury will have their category automatically increased (min-sec to medium, medium to max-sec)

- Prisoners responsible for a murder will be charged and given an additional 25 year sentence,
and will automatically reclassify as Maximum Security (if they weren't already)

- The 'temperature' of your prison must now be at least 33% before a riot can start

- 10 Prisoners must be rioting before a prison-wide RIOT status can occur.
To stop the riot, you must reduce the number of rioting prisoners to 3 or less.

- Tazer Training Program
All regular guards must now pass the Tazer Certification Program before they are permitted to use a tazer.
This takes place in the classroom and is led by the Chief.
The staff window now shows which guards have body armour and tazers.
Nb. When loading an alpha 24 save, all Tazers owned by regular Guards and Dog Handlers will be confiscated, and a refund given.
Nb. Dog Handlers can no longer carry Tazers.

- Prisoners can now pick up weapons from their current room during fights, escapes, riots etc. (Based on what is available as contraband)
- The Morgue is now a source of Knifes and Scissors
- Prisoners can now improvise a Shank in the Workshop
- Prisoners can now improvise a Baton in the Cleaning Cupboard (by snapping mops)
- Prisoners can now improvise a wooden pickaxe in the Workshop (for digging tunnels)

= Mod System Continued
- Now supports multiple active mods at once, even if those mods all add their own new graphics
- New property to set material auto-consumed on job
- Can now auto-order raw materials

GetNearbyObjects - Get a list of all nearby objects of a certain type
NavigateTo - Instruct an entity to go somewhere
ClearRouting - Clear an entity's destination

- Panic Button mod
A new 'official' test mod that adds a Panic Button to the game, using the new script commands.
Injured staff members will run to it and press it, and guards will be summoned to the area.

- Fixed : You can no longer place Foundations that you cannot afford

- 'Unlimited Funds' option in 'New Prison' screen.
Spend as much money as you like while building your prison - a more pure sandbox mode.

- Prisoners will now be assigned to Rehab programs more reliably, when addicted/alcoholic/withdrawn

- 0004559: [Gameplay] Prisoners don't starve to death
- 0000353: [Graphics] Door is diagonal
- 0004957: [Gameplay] Cooker works fine without electricity
- 0003352: [AI & Behaviour] TVs satisfy Recreation Need without Power
- 0001382: [Gameplay] Workshop saw and press don't require electricity.
- 0004684: [Gameplay] Objects requiring power/water remain functional when power grid overloaded
- 0003186: [Save & Load] Water Valve resets to On when game is Reloaded.
- 0000106: [Platform Specific Issues] Pipe Valves do not save state.
- 0005166: [Graphics] some Guards show premanently their fists after a fight
- 0003486: [Gameplay] Prison Guards do not recieve weapons back
- 0005448: [Graphics] Bleach sprite is sometimes incorrect
- 0000022: [Control & User Interface] Needs tab does not scale past 200 prisoners.
- 0001948: [Control & User Interface] Steam shift+tab menu pausing and unpausing the game
- 0003720: [Graphics] Prisoners in class facing the wrong way
- 0001351: [AI & Behaviour] Visitors facing the wrong way
- 0002391: [Graphics] Drains overlap beds/toilets
- 0003989: [Graphics] Drains appear above washing machines
- 0002970: [Control & User Interface] Lights over doors prevent door operation
- 0000066: [AI & Behaviour] Prisoners use showers (and toilets) without water
- 0004275: [Other] Laundy machines work without water
- 0005668: [AI & Behaviour] Guard looking away from CCTV monitor
- 0002777: [AI & Behaviour] Emergency personnel can't open staff/jail doors
- 0000181: [Graphics] Pool Players Disappear During Their Game
- 0005262: [Graphics] Drain overlapping toilet
- 0004755: [Gameplay] When buying a plot of land above your land, your unfinnished foundation jobs move upwards towards the new land
- 0000191: [AI & Behaviour] Hired staff chooses office without any furniture
- 0003646: [AI & Behaviour] Dog sniff icon won't disappear
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by wonderpug »

That does sound like a patch that could bring me back for a while. I haven't played in ages--has the economy model improved? Or do most people still money cheat to get the funds they want up front?
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Sepiche »

wonderpug wrote:That does sound like a patch that could bring me back for a while. I haven't played in ages--has the economy model improved? Or do most people still money cheat to get the funds they want up front?
I think he cleaned up and expanded the grants a couple patches ago, but I haven't played it a lot since then to see how much it helps.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Island Dog »

I play every so often, and their updates are part of that reason.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by naednek »

Great, so now it will be even harder. I can't imagine the thought of leaving it on overnight without anything bad. I can never keep my inmates happy and constantly have escapes, riots, even though i provided things to meet their undeserving needs.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Rip »

naednek wrote:Great, so now it will be even harder. I can't imagine the thought of leaving it on overnight without anything bad. I can never keep my inmates happy and constantly have escapes, riots, even though i provided things to meet their undeserving needs.
There must be something wrong with your approach. I can't remember the last time I had a riot.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by jztemple2 »

Just watched the whole Alpha 25 video. Very interesting changes, especially as they explained how some of the changes were targeted to eliminate the idea that a prison can run in a steady state, just generating income with no problems occurring.

I have over sixty hours on PA, but I stopped playing a few alphas ago. It's not that I didn't like it, I just found myself getting burned out on playing for a dozen hours on one prison, then a new alpha drop adds new stuff and I want to go back and restart, but just don't want to slog through all those hours of work. I think I might be waiting till the beta arrives.

By the way, in case some folks didn't watch the video, next month's alpha released will be another big bug hunt with no planned new features released. So if you do want to get busy with the Alpha 25 changes, at least you'll know that there won't be more big changes till November.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Rip »

Yea, I think I am going to be playing this some again. Played a little overnight and it is at a good spot.

I had an ex-law enforcement guy in one of my first badges. I find myself following him around because I just know some asshole is gonna try and shiv him. Loving the traits. Anxious to see my first legendary prisoner.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by naednek »

Rip wrote:Yea, I think I am going to be playing this some again. Played a little overnight and it is at a good spot.

I had an ex-law enforcement guy in one of my first badges. I find myself following him around because I just know some asshole is gonna try and shiv him. Loving the traits. Anxious to see my first legendary prisoner.

Do me a favor and start a new prison and record your session. Maybe I'll see what I'm doing wrong :P
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Rip »

naednek wrote:
Rip wrote:Yea, I think I am going to be playing this some again. Played a little overnight and it is at a good spot.

I had an ex-law enforcement guy in one of my first badges. I find myself following him around because I just know some asshole is gonna try and shiv him. Loving the traits. Anxious to see my first legendary prisoner.

Do me a favor and start a new prison and record your session. Maybe I'll see what I'm doing wrong :P

I might have to do that. I did just start another. I'm only up to like 40 prisoners so far. About half minsec and the others normal. Already have a couple informants and have yet to have a disturbance. Although the first couple days were rough because I went ahead and took a couple load of prisoners before I had any private cells. Had 16 of them sharing a holding cell with 4 beds. They were getting pretty agitated by the time I got them into cells. Now on day 14 I rarely see more than a single exclamation mark.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by tgb »

I've been on the fence on this for quite some time. Steam has it for $10 today, but the current build is Alpha 25 :shock: .

How complete is it, really? Is it one of those games that will never be finished?
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by noxiousdog »

tgb wrote:I've been on the fence on this for quite some time. Steam has it for $10 today, but the current build is Alpha 25 :shock: .

How complete is it, really? Is it one of those games that will never be finished?
It's absolutely worth $10. I thought it was pretty complete before the last patch.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Rip »

tgb wrote:I've been on the fence on this for quite some time. Steam has it for $10 today, but the current build is Alpha 25 :shock: .

How complete is it, really? Is it one of those games that will never be finished?
Dude, buy it NOW!

I've played a good bit with the latest release and it is very playable and much fun. Just listen to the last few Alpha release videos on youtube and I am quite sure that will put to bad any doubts about it getting finished, and about there being much more yet to be added.

As far as that goes I can't think of a better way to learn the game than to watch as many of those videos as you can. I actually look forward to the videos almost as much as the game.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by jztemple2 »

I have 62 hours on it as of about three alphas ago and decided to take a break. The last update added a bunch of new content, so if you are at all interested, I'd say get it now before they realize that they could sell a bunch of them at the regular price with no problem.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by tgb »

I checked out a couple of the videos and they seemed to assume some familiarity with the game and the mechanics.

Is there something a bit more basic you guys could recommend that would act as more of a getting started tutorial for noobs? I'm still not convinced I would enjoy this, even at $10.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by Island Dog »

It's well worth $10. I wouldn't hesitate to grab it.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by baelthazar »

tgb wrote:I've been on the fence on this for quite some time. Steam has it for $10 today, but the current build is Alpha 25 :shock: .

How complete is it, really? Is it one of those games that will never be finished?
Wait... seriously? How is it you don't own a copy of this yet!? Grab it man!
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by tgb »

baelthazar wrote:
tgb wrote:I've been on the fence on this for quite some time. Steam has it for $10 today, but the current build is Alpha 25 :shock: .

How complete is it, really? Is it one of those games that will never be finished?
Wait... seriously? How is it you don't own a copy of this yet!? Grab it man!
Grabbed it this morning. Now all I have to do is add 3 more hours to the day so I can play it.
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Re: Prison Architect by Introversion

Post by tgb »

First of all a big THANKS to everyone who told me I was crazy if I didn't get this. After a couple of false starts, I went back to the Wiki and am starting to get my first prison off the ground.

My only question is if prisoners always arrive at the same spot on the map? In my current game they aren't appearing where I thought the would, so the only way to get them to the holding cell is to cut through the shower and then the yard :D If I make some adjustments will they be dropped off at a different spot next time?
I spent 90% of the money I made on women, booze, and drugs. The other 10% I just pissed away.
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