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A Town Called Zenda

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A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

What I've been working on for the past several months...

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Ground cover is temporary until I can get a proper street board built. Need to get about 5-6 more buildings built, and paint up some of the Ertl ones.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by Zarathud »

Looking rather nice. I also like the damage tokens.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by Holman »

Very cool! Have you been building some of the materials yourself?

Also, what is the game? (I suspect I'm late to the party here.)
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

Holman wrote:Very cool! Have you been building some of the materials yourself?

Also, what is the game? (I suspect I'm late to the party here.)
No, not late at all. I kind of threw this up out there because, well, I had some pictures.

As of right now I haven't been doing any scratch building. Neither the time nor the skill. The wooden buildings and structures you see in the pictures are from 4 Ground games. The buildings are all laser cut MDF, requiring nothing more that some white glue, a few rubber bands and some clothes pins for assembly. I have about 6 structures, but am in the process of acquiring more. They come completely pre-finished, meaning you assemble them and throw them on the tabletop and you are good to go. Going to be finishing the Marshall's office tomorrow.

The plastic buildings are from the long departed Ertl Cow Town sets. I have 3, maybe 4 Cow Town sets in various forms. They need a lot of finishing work to really get them up to snuff for the table. But I use them as is right now because I'm an impatient bastard.

The figs are old Wargames Foundry Wild West figs that I've had sitting around for years. Just finally got around to painting some of them. I'm doing a very basic "base coat, army painter strong tone shade, and dullcoat. Works for what I am doing, and I can get a figure painted from start to finish in about an hour. Still need to finish their bases. Unfortunately, the foundry figs look pretty tiny next to any modern 28-32mm cowboy figs.

For years I've been wanting to do a wild west game. Started with the Ertl buildings and a ton of Great Rail War figs. Never got any traction. Every year Tommy and I would go to various conventions like Little Wars and Rock Con, and come back all excited to do a Wild West game, but the excitement would just peter out. But this year at Little Wars I saw one of the 4 ground buildings, bought it, assembled it, and i was off and running.

We haven't really decided on a rule set yet. We've tried both Legends of the Old West (based on the Warhammer Historical rules set) and Dead Man's Hand. I'm kind of liking Dead Man's Hand right now. It's a fun little system that is very easy to run and play.

I'll be posting updates as I slowly build up Zenda.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by Holman »

I love seeing good miniatures setups. I've never had the space (or the dedication) for it, but I really like the idea.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

Some amazing (and not so amazing) layouts.

I'm working on "serviceable", I don't have time nor skill for "amazing".
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

Finished up my Sheriff's Office today.

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Assembled exterior

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Interior showing the jail cells

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The windows are made so you can bust the bad guys out of jail.

Also finished building another small side street building, and built up some more boardwalks. Got rudimentary basing done on all of my painted figs. And that's where my steam ran out. This week I want to get at least 2 more figures painted, maybe 3, but I've run out of gunfighters and am moving into civilians. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I need a few more gunfighters.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by Smoove_B »

hentzau wrote:We haven't really decided on a rule set yet. We've tried both Legends of the Old West (based on the Warhammer Historical rules set) and Dead Man's Hand. I'm kind of liking Dead Man's Hand right now. It's a fun little system that is very easy to run and play.
The game convention I went to back in July had a table set up with guys playing Blackwater Gulch. Never heard of it myself, but I figured I should mention it if you hadn't either. I purchased some MDF from Tectonic Craft Studios while I was there and those laser cut MDF kits are a dream to work with. I'd also recommend them if you're short on ideas for more buildings or pricing things out. They had a train car set up that looked insane.

Regardless, everything looks great. Are you taking over a basement or a spare bedroom with your dolls, err...miniatures?
Maybe next year, maybe no go
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

Thanks for the link, Smoove. I've been slowly collecting links for folks that build out MDF kits. Another company that has some pretty cool building kits is Knuckleduster. Biggest beef against knuckleduster is that their buildings are plywood instead of MDF, so they're a bit...chunkier. Top notch work, otherwise. Their large saloon is a thing of beauty assembled.

I've also been looking at the rulesets for a few months now. I've also read through Blackwater Gulch, Shoot, Scoot and Skedaddle, and A Fistful of Lead. I have to give Blackwater Gulch a lot of props for creative figures. Their Serenity crew and Doc Brown and Marty McFly figs are brilliant. They're unfortunately just too tall for my old school Foundry figs.

And I actually have a dedicated gaming room in my basement. Well, I guess I should say "had". Closing up my mother in law's house a few years ago relegated it to a giant junk room. I've been slowly buying utility shelves for the rest of the basement so I can transfer the stuff that shouldn't be in there out of there so I can have room to actually clean. It's a giant pit right now, and a huge albatross on my neck. A bad back isn't spurring me on to move heavy boxes of junk much either. But after this week I'm going to dedicate a few hours every weekend to cleaning it out. I need a space again. And my wife would like to have the dining room table back. :)
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by Blackhawk »

Great layout! What is the scale?

I've been wanting to really build up terrain for years, but I have absolutely nowhere to store it. It would end up getting piled into boxes and stuffed into storage between games, and I have a feeling it wouldn't survive long, even the solid wooden stuff.

I have made a couple of pieces from World Works Games over the years, but only as centerpieces for a particularly important RPG session. They do have a western category. It wouldn't necessarily fit in directly with your current wooden/plastic buildings, but there are a ton of props and decorations that could be used to add flavor and variation cheaply.

The only actual western games I've played have been RPGs - Boot Hill way back when, and Deadlands Reloaded (which uses Savage Worlds.)
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

Blackhawk wrote:Great layout! What is the scale?

I've been wanting to really build up terrain for years, but I have absolutely nowhere to store it. It would end up getting piled into boxes and stuffed into storage between games, and I have a feeling it wouldn't survive long, even the solid wooden stuff.

I have made a couple of pieces from World Works Games over the years, but only as centerpieces for a particularly important RPG session. They do have a western category. It wouldn't necessarily fit in directly with your current wooden/plastic buildings, but there are a ton of props and decorations that could be used to add flavor and variation cheaply.

The only actual western games I've played have been RPGs - Boot Hill way back when, and Deadlands Reloaded (which uses Savage Worlds.)
It falls into that very grey "28 mm" scale that pretty much encompasses anywhere from 28-32 mm, depending on the sculptor. My figures are all true 25mm figures from Wargames Foundry, which is a minor issue when dealing with other figure manufactures. For lots of folks size differences don't make a difference, but they always bug me. It's a shame, because the figs coming out for Dead Man's Hand from Great Escape Games are great. But I'm not about to start over. :)
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

Latest building...


Got that much done in about an hour last night. The swinging bar doors were a pain in the ass to get into place...and this morning when I went to check on them, I found them glued shut. Going to try and dissolve some of the glue on them with a damp brush tonight. Tonight, need to finish up the sub-base, the roof, and the boardwalks. Windows are an issue right now. This kit comes with signs and windows that you put into place if you want. I want to put in my own sign, so I can't use the windows that came with the kit, because they all have the bar name etched onto them. So I need to pick up a sheet of very thin clear plastic to replace the windows with.
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A Town Called Zenda

Post by Zarathud »

Is it possible to putty in the names on the windows and sign?

Ooh--you mean the plastic is etched. Crap.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

It's more like its printed. Thinking about it, I might be able to just scrape off the lettering.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by Blackhawk »

If it is like most clear model plastics, it is fairly soft and scraping it off will likely scratch it. If so, it can probably be repaired with future with very little effort.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

Actually, just some water and a paper towel and rubbing gets rid of it pretty cleanly.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

Finished saloon...


The window construction was really fiddly and fragile. I kind of crumpled the back window getting it mounted. Ah well. Adds character.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by Holman »

hentzau wrote: The window construction was really fiddly and fragile. I kind of crumpled the back window getting it mounted. Ah well. Adds character.
You can't find a decent glazier in Zenda. They're all drunk or shot.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by Zarathud »

And once the window gets installed, some jerk keeps getting thrown out of it again.

Or maybe it was an out-of-control pony express that crashed into the back of the saloon.
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“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” - John Stuart Mill, Inaugural Address Delivered to the University of St Andrews, 2/1/1867
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

The Gauntlet

Had a good game of DMH on Monday. Basic scenario was "The Gauntlet" where the lawmen were attempting to get a witness out of town and to the county seat, and the outlaws were attempting to capture (or kill) the witness. Lawmen had to set up around the cart with the witness and driver, and were allowed to put a single member of their posse on the wagon. Outlaws had to set up at least 20 cm from all Lawmen.

The round started out slow, with few targets within range or view. The wagon slowly started to move out, and my dude on the rooftop took a bead on a deputy hanging back by the sheriff's office. BLAM! One between the eyes, and the lawmen are down one deputy.



The wagon picked up speed, and there was some ineffective firing. The other deputy ran from cover into the saloon, and scampered up the ladder through the roof hatch and squeezed off a shot at my dude on the roof, winging him. My shotgun armed dude ran around the corner into the saloon and opened fire with both barrels, and winged him as well. Next round my shotgun dude had early initiative, calmly reloaded and emptied 2 barrels into his torso below the hatch. Scratch deputy #2.


By this time the wagon made it to the center of town, and my gunslinger decides to charge the wagon to try and drag the witness off the back of the wagon. He leaps over the lumber pile he was hiding behind...and stumbles. He finds himself pulled up short, right in point blank range for the sheriff. Three quick shots, and my gunslinger is down with a case of poisoning...lead poisoning. Word of not end your move within 5 cm of the sheriff with a six gun.



At this point, my varmint hiding up on the roof of the gunsmith's shop sees the gunslinger lying on the street in a pool of blood, screams something incoherent, and opens fire on the sheriff. Two rounds of shooting in a row, and the sheriff joins the gunslinger on boot hill. That varmint earned his pay that day.


My shotgun toting dude tries to catch up with the wagon to drag down the witness, but by this time the wagon had a full head of steam and there is no way he can catch up to it on foot. the wagon rides out of town, carting the witness off to safety, and the lawmen win the day...but at a bloody price.


Another really fun game. Went much faster than our first one. We were playing the cards much better than we did in the first game (like where Tom played a "stumble" card on my gunslinger as he was charging the wagon), although we didn't use any reactions. I think that's mostly because of how the scenario ran, but I can see a couple of ways in which they would have made a possible difference in how the game turned out.

Hopefully next week I'll get a 4 player game in at Octocon. I have about a dozen more figures that I have to get painted up before that will happen, though. :horse:
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by Holman »

Great shots! Also pictures!
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

Six more cowboys base colored. I'll do the wash tonight after they have some time to dry, and then follow up with some anti-shine tomorrow.

I'm officially out of armed wild west figures to paint. Guess it's time to work on the townsfolk. Oh, and paint the barrels and boxes.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by Chrisoc13 »

Really enjoyed that write-up, and loving the look of the town, nice work!
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

I wanted to get a posse of Lawmen painted up for OctoCon, and at my current painting speed if I started yesterday I could get the job done. So I went over to Games Plus yesterday lawmen. Dagnabit! Those things have been sitting around for months, and the day that I decide to get some, they're out. Called around to the other game shops in Chicago that I know, none of them carry the figs.

So, guess I'll be proxying. But that's OK. We're going to be using Tong for Renegades...
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

I ran a fun four player game at OctoCon that I took some pictures of, but I've been lazy and haven't gotten the write up and the pictures posted yet. Hope to get to that sometime soon, it was a lot of fun.

But in the meantime, I just finished this:

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Zenda's livery stable.

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Roof pieces come off to grant access to the interior hayloft

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Then you can remove the hayloft to get complete access to the interior (including the office in the lower left corner, once again with a working interior door.

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This is a shot of the exterior with an unpainted fig standing in front of the door to give you an idea about the size of this monster. You could play the better part of a game inside of this thing.

Up next? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you The Sassy Gal Saloon.


Arrived last Monday just as I was starting on the livery stable. The livery stable took me about a week of evenings to complete. This one should take me a couple, I'm thinking...
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

Well, I should at least post the pictures of the game at OctoCon, even if I don't post a lengthy writeup.

Basic game, 4 independent gangs, Thematically two of the gangs could team up (cowboys and lawmen vs renegades and outlaws), but it was a last man standing event. Started everybody off on opposite ends of the town. The outlaw player didn't quite understand the concept of the possible team up with the renegades and immediately opened up on them. At that point it really became a big ol' free for all.

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Layout of the street

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Lawmen using some cover at Rogen's Bar

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Two of my cowboys have a nasty surprise waiting for the outlaw down at the end of the alleyway.

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Renegades getting up close and personal with the Outlaws.

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Outlaws get some covering fire from above.

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Expanded view of the cowboys shooting at pretty much everything down at the end of the street.

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Last two men boss and the outlaw boss. We shot it out through the unfinished building. In the end, the outlaw boss just got the best of me and dropped my boss.

Oh, the other two teams?

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The renegade boss failed a nerve test and took refuge in the nearest shelter, which happened to be an outhouse.

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And the last remaining lawman decided that it was safer inside of the jail than out in the streets.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by Teggy »

hentzau wrote:Finished up my Sheriff's Office today.

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Interior showing the jail cells

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The windows are made so you can bust the bad guys out of jail.
Where's the prisoner? :dance:
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

Teggy wrote:
hentzau wrote:Finished up my Sheriff's Office today.

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Interior showing the jail cells

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The windows are made so you can bust the bad guys out of jail.
Where's the prisoner? :dance:
Escaped. Didn't you see the broken out windows?
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

Good news: For Christmas, your wife buys you a box of the Dead Man's Hand Desperado figures you've been wanting!

Bad news: She loses them somewhere in the house and hasn't been able to find them again.

hentzau wrote:It falls into that very grey "28 mm" scale that pretty much encompasses anywhere from 28-32 mm, depending on the sculptor. My figures are all true 25mm figures from Wargames Foundry, which is a minor issue when dealing with other figure manufactures. For lots of folks size differences don't make a difference, but they always bug me. It's a shame, because the figs coming out for Dead Man's Hand from Great Escape Games are great. But I'm not about to start over. :)
Yeah, I said this. But I find myself with boxes of the DMH figures, basically getting ready to start over. :doh:
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by Isgrimnur »

Gamer problems.
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

Based and primed a gang of Lawmen and a gang of Pinkertons. Going to spend a bit of time while the primer dries shingling one of my buildings. Fingers crossed I don't wreck the building in the process.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

First roof shingled. Not bad. Need to come up with an appropriate ridge cap.

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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by Blackhawk »

The few similar buildings I've done I shingled with the back sides of cut up cereal box cardboard. On those, the peak was usually either a double-wide straight piece of cardboard scored and folded lengthwise, or double-wide shingles folded over the peak, depending on the look.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

A bent cardboard strip would probably work well. I need to weather the roof shingles anyway to match the rest of the wood, so I could paint that up at the same time. My brain was so focused on finding wood strips that I didn't think to go cheap. :D
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by Holman »

This all looks so great! Keep posting pics, and I'll keep being impressed with your work.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

Seven Pinkertons finished. Doing a bit more work on the bases, in addition to the ground also adding some clump weeds and some static grass to it. First time I've worked with these products, hope it comes out OK. They've been dullcoated, now just waiting for it to dry.

Lawmen next. Or maybe another building.
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

“We can never allow Murania to become desecrated by the presence of surface people. Our lives are serene, our minds are superior, our accomplishments greater. Gene Autry must be captured!!!” - Queen Tika, The Phantom Empire
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by TheMix »

Holman wrote:This all looks so great! Keep posting pics, and I'll keep being impressed with your work.

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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by hentzau »

Thanks guys. And in the good news front, my daughter found my box of Desperados this morning! Going to get to work on them tonight/this weekend!
“We can never allow Murania to become desecrated by the presence of surface people. Our lives are serene, our minds are superior, our accomplishments greater. Gene Autry must be captured!!!” - Queen Tika, The Phantom Empire
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Re: A Town Called Zenda

Post by Remus West »

If I do make it down for Octocon I'd certainly like to give this a go. Your work looks great and the game sounds like a lot of fun. :D
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