Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished A Chance at L.O.V.E. by K L Myers

WARNING: Ends on cliffhanger

Lincoln Oliver Vincent Eastwick (AKA L.O.V.E.) is a rich man who hadn't feel love, and refused to settle. For a good cause, he allowed himself to be a part of bachelor date auction... masked. In the meanwhile, his nephew is to undergo heart surgery for a congenital defect. And the doctor's name is Lillian Vicci... a very lovely vision indeed. // Dr. Lillian Olivia Vicci (AKA L.O.V.) is a pediatric cardiac surgeon who barely escaped from her mafia family. She moved to Virginia to setup her practice, but she can't settle down, for she's barren. When her best friend used her paddle to win the date with Linc, she's horrified and elated... For Linc is handsome and rich, but also her patient's surrogate father. But their chemistry cannot be denied. That is... Until her father suffered a heart attack and will soon retire... and she will be married off to the *consigliere* soon to be promoted to godfather...

Auction and date was good, the rest was meh. Add to the -1 for cliffhanger, and you end up with 4/8


Finished Starstruck by Sariah Wilson

Zoe Miller had always had a celebrity crush on A-list Hollywood hunk Chase Covington... much like tens of thousands of adoring fans... But one sassy tweet brought forth the unthinkable... Chase direct-messaged her a reply. When a chance to meet Chase in person came up, she can't pass it up... // Chase knew that fandom is crazy, and he can keep a low profile, but the sassy tweet from Zoe got his interest (so NOT fan-girl) and she's so down-to-earth he wanted to know her on a more intimate level, even if she wanted no sex. It helps that she works at a marine life center and it's one of the causes he hold dear. But when the papparazzi got hold of their relationship, and others wanted to use the crisis and secrets for their own gain, will their relationship survive?

Above average. I debated whether this should be 4 or 5 star. In the end, I decided to keep it at 4/5 (6.5/8) as the part about "betrayal" was pretty lame.


Finished His Miracle Baby by B B Hamel

Elias is the "bad boy" son of mayor who builds custom motorcycles for a living. Alexa is a junior clerk in mayor's office. She was told she can't get pregnant, so she had a one-night stand with Elias. Two months later, she found she had somehow gotten pregnant, even as problems surrounded Elias... The mayor had racked up a huge debt with the mob, and they are out to collect... on anyone related, and that includes Elias, Can Elias keep Alexa and his unborn child safe, and extricate himself from the mess?

The buildup works only partially (why wreck the shop at all? That just cost more money on the long run. And isn't the shop insurred?) but the solution didn't work for me.
Turns out, mayor does have enough assets to pay, if he liquidated everything, so the mob boss killed him, Elias signs away everything as the then heir, and leave with Alexa and unborn child to start over somewhere else. That's it.
4/8 (2/5)
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Prudie's Mountain Man by Elaine Manders

Prudie had failed to keep her brother in check and lost the entire family merchandising business, despite being one of the first provisional female students of Harvard, and ready to take over the family company. With friends already married, she did the only way out: become a mail order bride to help run a general store in the middle of Wyoming. // Erich spent his time in the wilderness of Wyoming after his mother died and his father became a hermit with him. His facial scar from a cougar attack didn't help. But when he inherited the general store in Bent Fork, he needed a bride to help him run it. But soon he realized Prudie has her own scars to deal with... and when their ideas clash, and someone is embezzling money from the store, will there actually be love between them?

Clean, Christian, but I honestly don't know about Erich, who's so Christian he doesn't feel like a mountain man at all, unless his papa, who decided to become a hermit, is actually a preacher (and he wasn't). It's like he doesn't want to press charges in all sorts of problems. Argh. It's clean alright, along with some TSTL moments. 5/8


Finished Penalty Play by Jami Davenport

Single dad and NHL defenseman Matt lives for his kids and ice hockey, in that order. His ex-wife simply up and left, not satisfied with being a WAG, disappointing his boys over and over, barely keeping in touch. Matt is about as conservative as they come, and he needs a sitter first, and maybe a wife second... someone his kids can look up to... Which is NOT Violet, or "Vi". // Violet fled her past and in order to put herself through school, she took up exotic dancing in the classiest joint in town: the bouncers and supervisors are gay, and there are NO lap dances or private sessions. She enjoys sex, and she has tons of tattoos. Definitely not fit for a hockey wife... But there is this intense chemistry betwene Matt and Vi that neither can deny. It helps that Matt's kids actually like Vi... When they finally gave in, the chemistry sizzles. But when Matt's ex-wife wanted to contest custody as a ploy for more money, Vi felt she was in the way... esp. when the evil Ex found her past, the secret she doesn't want to tell anyone...

Okay, the chemistry here does sizzle, though Vi's a bit too... uh... self-bashing? Knocked herself out? It doesn't seem to fit her personality, not to mention it's a trope, but I think the author did try to joke about that self-sacrificing bit. All in all, 6/8.


Finished Hidden Secrets by Carolyn Brown

The four generations of Brewster woman are taking a road trip to Oklahoma... ordered by the family matriarch, great-grandma Hannah. Her best friend died and left her the farm, and she's tired of her life in the east. But she has secrets to confess to... But then, so did Karen (grandma), Sue (mom), and Kim (daughter). Kim is pregnant by a man she only married for one-day. Now that man is engaged to someone else... Sue is divorced when her husband ran off with someone Kim's age. And there's some bitter divorce proceedings... And Karen has her own secrets to hide... When Sue and Kim found new potential partners in the Oklahoma town, and each took up new responsibilities of the farm, they will reveal all their secrets... and change their lives forever...

More chick lit than romance, there are a lot of little twists and turns as each of the secret was revealed, and the confession helped turn each woman's life around, in a way. 7/8


Finished Not By Sight by Kay Lyons

Ian was a navy SEAL, and fought his own battle with claustrophobia from a childhood incident. When he went along with his brother's security company to rescue a hostage, he ended up getting shot... and lost his sight. Now he's blind, in permanent claustrophia, and deep depression. In desperation, Ian's brother hired a tutor... a BLIND tutor, Emma, who had been blind from a car accident since she was 14. Emma wanted the money to live independently since her family is a bit smothering, but her biggest challenge is not engaging Ian's interest... but not to fall for Ian... When there seems be someone stalking Emma... can a blind SEAL still protect his woman?

Very good touches on adapting to blindness, without beating you over the head with details, yet enough details to satisfy. I did guess who the stalker was pretty early. 7/8 ROmance was okay. Kinda enemies to lovers deal.


Finished Into the Flames by Jennifer Bernard

Rollington Wareham III, aka Rollo, is one of the Jupiter Hotshots firefighters, and he has an important life event coming up: he's turning 30, and that's when he promised his family to quit firefighting and go back into the family banking business. Unfortunately, it's also when he noticed that Brianna, local girl, is sexy and adorable... and nervous as heck when it comes to guys. // Bri can talk about plants... but not in front of a hot guy, even Rollo. But she does want his body... between the sheets. She knows he had to leave, but they can make some good memories... // Rollo and Bri, despite their attempts to let each other down gently, are nonetheless stuck together, despite various complications and disasters... then Bri made a surprising discovery that put her life at risk...

The extra threat made its debut VERY VERY late. 5/8
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Whispers of Love by Melanie Shawn

Allison lost her big brother and left her to raise the twin nephews... if her best friend Kade didn't run off like a coward and was MIA for 18 months. Kade was also her big brother's best friend, and an MMA champ. Eighteen months later, Cade suddenly returned. Allison wasn't quite ready to let Cade into her life, much less her heart, but she needs a man around the house, and they always had a thing for each other... even if they can't act upon it...

Angst-y, as this is a "my (dead) best friend's little sister" with some layers on why he disappeared (SPOILER: he was on a bender for three months, then he woke up and went into rehab for a year, then spend 3 months getting himself back together before returning) and obviously by the end of the book, he managed to woo her enough to marry her. This one managed to combine many different tropes into a coherent story line. The story was really sad, but the mood improved a lot later. 7.5/8


Finished Coming Home by Mary Jane Morgan

Francie went back to home hometown for two reasons: her papa is suffering from dementia, and she's pregnant... by her cheating BF that she dumped. She just wants to giving riding lessons and make a living. When one of her boarder's dog scared a horse into kicking a rider's grandma, breaking her leg, she came to know Matt, protective father who hated adrenaline junkies, such as his now dead wife, leaving him alone to raise the daughter. He had forbidden his daughter to ride horses, but his mother (girl's grandma) took her anyway, forging his signature. Yet when Francie and Matt met, there is instant attraction between the two, which manifest in hostility... For one's a bit of a free spirit, and the other an orderly man... The two opposites attract, yet both deny their feelings... He can't stand horses (and horsewoman), she's hiding her pregnancy (for it's early)... But they need each other...

Both characters have good arcs, she's too stubborn to accept help, and he's protective to the point of smothering. But Francie's ex feels like a total let down. 4/5 (6/8 on OO scale)


Finished Mysterious Hostage in Circle C by Everlyn Boyett

Cal lost his wife and unborn son when robbers hit the stage she was on, killing everyone. Ten years later, he's still working himself to the bone, trying to forget the nightmare, and he's now foreman of the Garrett Ranch. When he noticed someone moved the boundary fence, giving more land to Circle C Ranch, their neighbor, he chose to investigate, only to run into a wall at every turn... His boss didn't want to stir the pot, the sheriff ignored him. Choosing to confront the owner himself, he went to Circle C... only to find a burly man trying to assault a young woman... He rescued her, whoi claims to be the dead Emily Carson, but she was too scared to leave. So he told her to hide. Unfortunately, this also exposed a secret that the conspirators tried to bury...

While I like the secret, it also didn't make any sense. The plot just feels... wrong. It doesn't squeeze me tighter and tighter like a good plot should.
Apparently sheriff accidentally shot his own daughter, then killed his own wife as a witness. But instead of killing the only other witness (Circle C's owner Carson), he instead got blackmailed by Carson, when Carson held a FAKE funeral for his own daughter Emily (in reality, buried sheriff's daughter) while sheriff told everyone his wife ran off. Carson then kept his daughter imprisoned for years, letting his ranchhands raid stages and commit crimes, even rape Emily, and sheriff look the other way. Does this make any sense?
3/8 (2/5 on Amazon scale)


Finished The Substitute Wife by Cici Cordelia

Harrison finally made it big after 4 years toiling away in the mines. His claim is producing, and his crew is loyal. So he sent word and money to bring his fiancee Jenny to the frontier. Instead, he got Retta, Jenny's sister, and her young daughter Adeline. Jenny's got consumption and is not long for this world. But when the only woman he ever loved begged him for forgiveness and marry her sister instead, what can he do? // Retta was impregnated (not by choice), but the town treated her as a fallen woman. With no prospects of marriage, she took her sister's dying wish to marry a man she barely remembered. The hard miner that greeted her was not the kind and honorable man her sister described. But they did marry and live together. But can they learn to love each other, esp. when an evil man in town decided he wants the young wife and one of Harrison's mines?

Harrison carried the strong silent type a bit too far, and the book has way too much guilt (except the evil guy, who has none). Characters are relatively shallow. Plotting is not bad, but pretty trope-ish. 5/8 (3/5 on Amazon scale)


Finished The Rancher's Convenient Bride by Rose Andrews

Emilia, the mercantile owner's daughter, ended up in a marriage of convenience when her father lost big on a poker bet, and the only other way out was to lose the entire store. But is the man just a gambler? // Benny is a rancher and an expert card player. Now Benny has a wife he could not have gotten other wise... but can he convince her he's a good person?

Short story, there's a bit of reluctant lovers, mutual discovery, etc. But I just didn't get a feel for much. 4/8
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Love on the Prairie by Ciara Knight

Abigail McKinnie had already lost almost everything except her sisters when the Union Army sacked Atlanta. With no other choice to keep her family together, she accepted a marriage proposal from one of her cousins out in Kansas, hoping to convince him to take in all seven sisters. WIth barely the cloths on her back, she arrived at the homestead with blistered feet, only to find a stranger there... informing her that her betrothed is dead, died of infection and buried not longer before her arrival. // Owen Baker already lost so many people, including a wife and son (even though there was no love). When Abigail stormed onto the land, claiming ownership of her cousin's land, his only thought was "no, not again", and his fierce determination to keep her safe (by sending her away) was met with fierce opposition from Abby (I'm not going anywhere), yet neither can actually say the reason they behave so. But when the only way to let her keep the land is to marry her, can he explain everything, when a crazed man in town who hated Indians may be about to force a war and hang "traitors" who protected Indians and wanted peace?

The reluctant lovers theme was pushed really well, but the "Indian" threat was very very late. Yes, there was an attack, but very little damage. The other threat was introduced very late and IMHO, not executed that well. 6/8


Finished Avalanche by Cambria Hebert

Bellamy had a father... and watched him die at the hands of the mafia. Her testimony put away one of the mob bosses, and landed her in WITSEC. She lived alone and quiet for two years, until the mob came for her, but she managed to escape. With nowhere to go, the only place she thought of was Caribou, Colorado, where she fell in love with a boy named Liam, only to be betrayed eight years ago. // Liam is an Olympic caliber snowboarder who is taking it easy after an almost-career-ending injury. Working at his father's resort, he's being groomed for taking over, but his mind can never forget "the girl who got away"... Until he literally ran into her in the resort lobby... Trying to check in without an ID. Liam immediately put her up in a room, realizing she's running from SOMETHING, but she won't share. Keeping it platonic is difficult, but he won't let her get away again. When the mob came for her again, can he protect her?

For romantic suspense, this is actually not that bad, except for the initial premise: why head for a ski resort? 6/8

NOTE: Good cut-off point, though it also leaves stuff for two more novels as their adventure continues.
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Two Week Surrender by Hayson Manning

Savannah is leaving Montana... if she can save enough money. However, her cook seems to miss more days than he actually works, and she can't cook for her life. And her ex seems to think he can ask for her back just because he's also the local bank manager and use that to be a bit creepy. Then Walker walked back into her life... The man who walked away... // Walker is only back for two weeks, but he's not about to let Savannah out of his life again. When paying off her loan at the bank only made her angry, not happy, Walker needed another plan fast... And the one he came up with is "I need a trial wife... I want to learn how to be domesticated". Surprisingly, Savannah agreed to a two week cohabitation... even friends with benefits upgrade later. Walker knew Savannah didn't really want to leave town, she just needs her creepy ex scared off, and her cook to show up on time, every work day. But can he fix her problems... or will she see it as an attempt to buy her and control her, like all the men did in her life?

Savannah was a bit too prickly, IMHO. And the flip from "I hate you" to "okay, let's tangle between the sheets" is a bit too fast. The "betrayal" was also a bit too fast, with her wanting to believe the worst, but I guess she had experience with making worse case assumptions. 5/8


Finished Single Dad's Loss by Sam Destiny

Hayden had been Leah's best platonic friend since childhood, along with Katie and a few others. When Leah died suddenly from complications during birth. Hayden was suddenly a new father (not the biological father) as it's his name on the birth certificate, and Katie, a maternity ward nurse, was the one who brought him the bad news... and the miracle baby. Hayden was overwhelmed, but he's determined to be the best he can be, but when he finally admitted he needed help, Katie was there. When Leah's parents put up a fuss, how can Katie and Hayden go on? Can they love each other and still love the baby? Why does Hayden seem to be putting his affairs in order?

I like the fake-out and the tale's charming. 4/5 (6/8 OO scale)


Finished Small Town Hero by Kim Koby

Rebecca, broken-hearted after seeing her fiancee in bed with her best friend, just drove, and ended up 10 hours away... and stranded in Tennessee when her BMW's transmission died. With no hotel in sight, she was forced to rely on a handsome stranger, Ryan... // Ryan is alone. He knew he'd never trust his heart again after the woman he thought he loved left him when he proposed marriage. But Rebecca just got all his protective instincts up. He's a firefighter and only has his dog for company, and Rebecca, despite her prickly attitude, is deeply hurt by something. // Both are wounded, both are afraid to commit, but are they good with each other? And can they see that?

Not bad, I won't spoil the escalation, but everything flowed smoothly. 6/8


Finished Whiskey and You by H J Bellus

Jack Jarvis aka "JJ" is an oil tycoon in Texas, and he let people know he'll crush anyone who dare crossing him. And he did, many times, often personally, with his own fists. When one of his neighbors messed with his land, and warnings went unheeded, he arranged for a little meeting. When the man tried to pawn off his wife as payment, JJ took her (for the girl looks famished, enslaved, and mistreated). But the debtor turned out to be far more dangerous than expected... He turned out to be a Cartel man, and he wants his "wife" back. JJ will have to protect the woman and the daughter she was forced to give up... and blood will be spilled...

No obvious flaws, proper escalation, with an ending and lead-in for sequels. Not bad. The bad guy is evil enough, but too psychotic for me. 6/8


Finished A Match Made at Christmas by Patty Blount

Elena avoided New York ever since 9/11, having lost mom in WTC. But now she's back, needing to help her sister in her final month of pregnancy, and spending Christmas together. Her guilt however, was still nagging at her after many years. Meeting Lucas did make her realize there's something nice in life, but his own grief and guilt may exceed her own... His mother also perished in 9/11. When Elena also found that Lucas was the boy who gave her one of the Christmas ornaments at Ground Zero, and may have saved her from suicide that Christmas, Elena only saw more guilt and grief, that her mother never forgave her. Can Lucas make her see the light, that it's actually a sign of forgiveness, and they need to forgive themselves to start loving others?

Nice use of 9/11 as background, and the blabbing about signs, with revelations, forgiveness, and perhaps, love. 7/8
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished A Dash of Love by Liz Isaacson

Based on the Hallmark Channel original movie.

Nikki is a self-trained cook but due to her never having been to culinary school, she was turned down for kitchen jobs. When a chance came for her to work as the assistant to her idol, celebrity chef Holly Hanson, she took the job. One night, when she was locked in (having worked too late), she went into the kitchen to cook up her own variation of beef stew. Surprisingly, chef Holly showed up and allowed her to continue. What Nikki didn't know was Holly had hit a creative wall and the restaurant is in a deep decline, and the exec chef Paul is about to quit, because Holly had refused to put any of his creations on the menu, but he felt bound to Holly for giving him the start in his career. Holly then proceed to study the video footage of Nikki cooking, and replicated her recipe... and claimed it as her own... After firing both of them. And Holly will use the stolen recipes for a relaunch of her retaurant. The pair has an idea to beat the scheming celebrity chef at her game... but will it work?

Clean as Hallmark movie should be, it's nonetheless pretty good. 6/8 at least, even though the stuff's pretty trope. Paul's fully trained and regimental, while Nikki uses some of the weirdest ingredients seen, like peanut butter in the beef stew, or candy bar chocolate as part of chicken... and those do sound delicious. But the plot of who's first and so on was, well, a bit trope. Still, a nicely polished tale of opposites attract, unite against common enemy.


Finished Billionaire's Inconvenient Obsession by Nadia Lee

Jane left her town to look for a job in LA, leaving behind the bunch of brothers who only see her as unpaid maid to cook and clean. She also got taken by a conman who took her money to pay his bookie and hounded her for more. When her car was vandalized while she interviewed for a position... and was turned down again... she was screaming at the sky at the injustice... and then came Iain Pryce... // Iain Pryce is a former MMA fighter with a dysfunctional family. He took his rage into the ring... and won, but after a barfight, where he almost killed two people, he sobered up, meditate, and took up aikido, a non-violent martial art... and shut out everybody else except the bare minimal. A wrong turn took him to the wrong part of LA... and a woman's scream caused him to stop... and the hurt in her eyes meant he can't walk away... He offered her use of his condo, and possibly a job at his brother's restaurant. But Jane's shaking his self-control to bits... even as Jane struggles to make a life for herself, figuring it's her chance to start over... then Jane's evil ex came after her for money...

As you can imagine, the conman ex did not fare well against a trained MMA fighter. It's one of those opposites attract but keep denying they can be together kind novels. Previously published as "Billionaire's Holiday Obsession", and I think I've read it under that title. Good polish, yet characters are deep enough to not be cliches. 7/8
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished A Father for Christmas by Rachel Ayala

Single mom Kelly is raising her 4-year old daughter Bree alone by choice... She went to a sperm bank, not wanting to depend on any man. But she was betrayed and was convicted of insider trading and lost her prestigious investment banker job. Now she cleans offices she used to work in and try to make ends meet. It's coming up on Christmas, but her daughter's only wish is for a daddy. When Bree found homeless veteran Tyler Manning under the mall Christmas tree, right after telling mall Santa her wish, it's definitely chaos. Tyler is tormented by his PTSD, and his failure to save his team despite shooting child suicide bomber. He has lucid flashbacks if triggered and stressed, and helping a single mom out is out of the question... He chose to be homeless, giving every bit of money he had to Afghan orphanages, hoping to assauge his soul. He knows how scary he can be. But he can't disappoint a little girl, that may be his redemption. But will Kelly let him into her life?

Okay, there's definitely some feelings there. A lot of guilt and shame and fear and all that. Love... came late. I like it well enough but I think it could have been a little better. 6/8


Finished Sexy Bad Halloween by Tami Lund

Alex was looking for a Halloween costume... months ahead of schedule. What he found was his childhood best friend Victoria. They hadn't spoke when his father had an affair with her mom, then left him and his mother behind, taking his new family across the country. Twelve years later, they meet again. He wants to know her again, as they are both adults now, but she's hesitant. Alex managed to get Victoria "Tori" to agree to ten dates... No sex... But Tori has a secret which would preclude her from dating ANYONE... esp. Alex...

Hmmm... While I enjoy the banter, the "ten dates" thing doesn't really make sense, and the plot twist (the secret) sorta makes sense and sorta doesn't. And it's introduced really really late to make it effective. 5/8
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished If Wishes Were Horses by Caitlyn Lynch

Brianna just found that she inherited half of a famous Irish racehorse stud in Ireland from a great-uncle she never heard of, but the lawyers convinced her it's very real instead. The problem is... She's in Australia. But with a pretty lame job (graphics artist) she's all for taking a vacation... and see the place... Turns out the co-owner is a handsome Irishman Declan... who cannot afford to buy her out. She went in disguise as appraiser's intern/assistant, both quickly saw through the disguise... but she liked the Irishman and the possible new life to offer, yet Declan never needed a partner, and did not want one... Will there be compromise and love?

The setup was pretty ingenious to get two unlikely people to form a couple. She helped revamped the website and drummed up more business, he started to see having her around is not all bad for him... There was a twist near the end but it's good good too. 6/8


Finished Crazy for You by Heatherly Bell

Fallon needs a date to attend a Christmas Eve wedding with her (her ex is marrying someone else), and so far none of the prospects, including online dating, speed-dating, and others have worked out. She was just coming back from a speed-dating even dressed as Mrs. Claus when she saw "Santa"... // Jake quit LAPD after being burned out as a detective of the homicide squad, having seen too much evil, yet the protective side in him keeps coming out. Stopping a low-life into breaking into Fallon's apartment was just a part of his nature, even when he's dressed up as Santa Claus. // Turns out, Jake needs a break from town... he refused to be sucked into Christmas Festivities and prep to his brother's wedding at New Year's Eve... to his ex. And when a pretty blonde (who's obviously nuts) asked him to be her date to a destination wedding, how can he refuse? Except... He's driving, not flying. And this roadtrip... will be interesting indeed.

Awwww, how cute. Good amount of humor and angst, neither are overwhelming, and leaves you with a good dose of warm-fuzzies. 7/8


Finished Trapper by Simone Scarlet

Layna is a city girl, and a corporate lawyer who has never been out of the city. But when her boss sent her to Alaska to sign some paperwork for some pipeline, she can't refuse. She ended up in the tiny town of Lake Chamberlain... and while the local foreman was nice, the site was anything BUT. Even her untrained eyes can tell the site is a disaster waiting to happen. When she refused to sign, the foreman had no choice but to eliminate her... and she ran... // Trapper is a bush pilot, who came to Alaska to find out what happened to his two best friends, who are also pilots, and their plane disappeared one day. When Layna ran into his cabin, asking him to hide her, he had no idea what kind of trouble he is about to get into. But out on the frontier, where the closest law is hours away, and wilderness is deadly for the unwary, Trapper and Layna will survive a plane crash, an Alaska grizzly, mercenaries, fighting a force that seems unstoppable...

Now that's a romantic adventure thatsa almost fit for a movie. 7/8


Finisehd Blueprint for a Kiss by Nancy Warren

Prescott Chance became a celebrity architect who's extremely private, turning down more commissions than he accepts. He has an orderly life... which was interrupted by Holly Legere, sitting on his Tesla one day. // Holly is an assistant for Alistair Rupert, an extremely demanding industrialist who's known to have driven multiple assistants into nervous breakdowns... but rewards those who survived a year with a promotion in his vast empire. When Rupert's wife wanted a Prescott Chance designed house, and Prescott turned her down, Holly was told "don't come back without an acceptance". And Holly is very determined indeed... She already knew all the public information about him... and she will even visit his family for support... If that's what it takes to get a house designed for her boss...

Ah, that's interesting pair up. It's basically opposites attract. Prescott is a lot like Spock, cold, aloof, but gradually loosened up by the end of the book, and Holly eventually realized she doesn't need Rupert's job to succeed in life, as she found her OTHER calling (which I won't spoil) through the course of this book. 7/8

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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Custom Built for Me by Susan Coventry

Jessica needed a new break on life after a nasty breakup... and she's hot for one of her bosses... Shane. The problem is Shane's a player, confirmed by Jess's BFF Hannah, who's also Shane's sister. But Jess just needs a break and is not looking for a relationship... just some hot sex. But when Jess and Shane finally hooked up, neither can stop at just once. Clearly, this is no longer just a hookup, but can either admit to being in love?

Pretty sweet, gruffy alpha and all that. 6/8


Finished Hannah by Chris Keniston

Hannah was riding when a motorcycle spooked her horse and she took a tumble. And "John" was right there, making sure she made it back safely. It could just be an apology for spooking her horse, but it may be more. But in reality, he's here to notify his best friend, the local sheriff, he's lying low. Somehow almost killed him in a VA hospital after he put away a kingpin, but there's someone else he failed to identify there. When a blood clot (resulted from sitting too long on a motorcycle) almost killed him, he had no choice but to stay in town while he recovered, as he can't go to a hospital. So he helped Hannah with her Equine Therapy center after he got enough blood thinners. And they fell for each other, but there is a threat from an unexpected direction when Hannah had to put on a show for the rich donors...

The "boogeyman" of bad guys was not explained that well, but it's spooky enough to create tension. How it's resolved though, was... not too bad, but IMHO, could have been handled a bit better. 6/8


Finished Love is More than Skin Deep by Mary Crawford

Shelby just graduated and joined an international teaching program, due to leave in a month. She already settled her lease and everything else. And she walked into a tattoo parlor, wanting a dreamcatcher for her back. Then everything changed. The senior designer pointed her to a dermatologist... and the diagnosis... Melanoma: skin cancer. She can't go, she has no place to live, she has no job, and since she had been a foster kid, no parents. // Mark is a single dad and a senior partner in a lawfirm known for taking on seemingly hopeless cases. He's busy, but an encounter with this woman breaking down just brought out all his protective instincts... but can he convince a girl who was taught to rely on no one that it's okay to lean on someone?

Ah, how two wounded souls come together, but there's not TOO much for Mark to do. He doesn't have big huge wounds, and his problem is convincing Shelby to let him in. Still, it's got good touches. 6/8


Finished Her Cowboy Hero by Debra Clopton

Trip has always admired Lori, but she's the daughter of the boss, and he's just the foreman. Then he became a co-owner... When boss died suddenly, thrown by a horse, Lori has to assume control, and things are not looking too good. Some employees had to be fired when they said they can't work under a female boss. Then some cattle went missing. Then someone made off with the whole triailer of their best broncos for the rodeo event. All fingers point at their evil nemesis, but accusations are serious that nobody dared to act without conclusive proof... With no choice, Trip had to call in their neighbors, the Presley brothers to form an informal posse... And Trip had to stick to Lori, very closely... and Lori knew Trip can be a great partner... but can he be also a lover?

The big evil was a bit too obvious, IMHO. But it's competently executed. 6/8


Finished Chance Encounter, Book 1 of 3 of Chance and Hope Trilogy by SJ McCoy

WARNING: Happy for Now Ending, with an extra chapter that changed it to cliffhanger if you choose to read it.

Chance felt guilty for a very long time... since he was 18, and she died. Eighteen years later, he felt he's ready to try again, after many of his friends gotten married. A vacation on an Oregon coast brought him Hope... and he knew she's the woman for him... but they will only be there for two weeks, and she has a life in LA, far from his Montana home. And she's famous, and rich... // Hope is beautiful and rich, but her BF is a douchebag who cheated on her. Needing a break, she headed for Oregon coast with a besttie, and met a handsome cowboy on the beach whom she swoon for... and he doesn't know her fame. Can one fall in love in two weeks?

That extra chapter managed to twist a happy for now ending into a cliffhanger, which is masterful indeed. Even that happy for now was good, with a good mix of fish out of water, disguise, brush with celebrity, differen tworlds, etc. theme. 6/8


Finished Desire in the Everglades by Stacy Hoff

Stephanie is a TV producer who's barely appreciated, and too busy to find love. She wants instead to write romance novels, but she doesn't have time. Her fiancee ended up bedding her cousin (who seems to have a sex addiction). Then her life turned upside down when her boss wanted her to produce a show called Evergladiator: a hunky survivalist Colin will be dropped in the everglades of Florida, with just a knife and needs to survive 12 days... for one million dollars. Except there is no safety crew. // Colin has survived war, and he's fit. And he needed the money to pay off his family farm's final balloon payment. And he's attracted to Stephanie, but it could be considered cheating to be dating the show's producer. What he didn't know the show's execs are going to be ramping up the danger and drama by sending more dangerous animals his way... hungry crocs, even a wild warthog... But he's determined to survive... and win, if only to get back to her...

A reality show with NO safety crew? Is that even LEGAL? Tension was dialed up pretty good. 6/8
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Dangerous & Moving by Isadora Brown

In an alternate future not too far from our own... abortion was outlawed and woman caught doing so can be charged with murder, gay marriage is illegal, and those in power are more interested in covering up the truth than to preserve it. Jensen didn't care. He keeps his car pristine, for he is a transporter. He was there for a job... When a young girl climbed into his backseat, and begs him to take her to a hospital... She's bleeding badly. He took her to a hospital, only interested in her safety, when everything changed. Her name is Clara, and she is the president's daughter, who performed an abortion on herself, and he's in trouble because he will be charged with accessory to murder. But he managed to grab her and ran. And they embark on a plan to escape to California, which had seceded from the union. And there are many perils on the way, for the FBI is on their trail, and no one can be trusted...

Frankly, the Las Vegas stint turned out to be an extended TSTL moment. It was... dumb, beyond dumb. It's mostly adventure and forced proximity. FBI agents are fumbling idiots doing keystone cops. And the solution to all that was way too easy. I wanted to give this a higher score, but it's 3/5 (5/8 on OO scale)


Finished The Mail Order Bride Carries a Gun by Wanda Ann Thomas

Ella Hunter didn't want to be a mail-order bride, but when a photo appeared in the marriage gazette, of a man holding her dead brother's saber, she thought only of revenge. Ella agree to marry the soldier turned cowboy called Ty Haven, but it was only a ruse to reclaim her family legacy. But Ty turned out to be nothing like she expected... // Ty runs a ranch in the Wyoming Territory with his brothers, mostly not by blood, but they are family. Their parents were dead, shot down by someone. They suspected a competing ranch owner, who always have threatened them, inducing them to sell out, but there was no proof. He needed a wife because his home needs a woman's touch, and his two "adopted" boys needs a gentler hand of guidance. And Ella is beautiful, but no less tough. But she's hiding a secret...

Do marriage gazette really have pictures back then? Would the guy's "photo" appear in the SAME ISSUE that he was seeking a bride? This doesn't really make that much sense, does it? Or did someone happen to just keep all the old issues around? The complications, on the other hand, are pretty good, and the bit about the other brother Boone was obviously a setup for subsequent volumes. It's nice touches. 6/8


Finished Zambonis and Mistletoe by Melody Heck Gatto

Rylee lost her fiancee many years ago, and losing her grandpa recently only made the holidays even more unbearable. She thought she can never love again until she ran into the Renegades Hockey GM Nick, who has impeccable manners, and is a literal embodiment of tall, dark, and handsome. Finally, Rylee felt something stir within her... and Nick is similarly smitten, but is Rylee ready to let the past go?

Somehow, this one isn't as charming as the other sports romances I've read from other authors. 4.5/8


FInished The Billionaire Duke Book 1 by Gina Robinson CLIFFHANGER

American billionaire and Flashionista cofounder Riggins Feldhem just had his life upended when he received a visit from a British solicitor: he just inherited a dukedom that he didn't want or need, even though it includes a huge estate, a title, and an obligation to produce a male heir to carry on the name... with a specific woman. And so far, he can't get out of it, because the now dead Duke has enough stock of his company to ruin him. // Haley Hamilton is just out of college but her adopted sister is very sick, and only a bone marrow transplant can save her... but since she's adopted from China as an orphan left on the doorsteps, there's no trace of a relative, muchless parents or sibling. She needs a hero, and then Riggins Feldhem appeared in her life. He can give her everything... and destroyer her as well. She isn't sure about being a duchess by force, and Riggins wasn't sure how to go about being a duke, but Haley will do anything to save her sister, and that includes fake-marry Riggins (which was his idea...)

Ends in a cliffhanger, and the weird will was... indeed, weird. And the story does include some good twists and turns, but it has enough twists that I am no longer sure what each character wants, and indeed, this level of intrigue was played up even more in the later novels. 6/8 for deft plotting, but -1 for cliffhanger. 5/8


Finished Stiched Up Heart by Tarina Deaton

Bree was an airforce medic and knew what war does to the soldiers first hand. Now a physical therapist, she helps veterans heal from physical wounds, but lets her own psychic wounds fester. When she caught her fiancee in bed with another woman, she kicked him out, then went out to a bar to sulk... And got a one-night stand with Jase. // Ex Army ranger Jase retreated from life after his best friend committed suicide after suffering repeated bouts of PTSD. He started an outdoor adventure company to help veterans deal with PTSD to honor his friend and sooth his own soul. He doesn't usually pick up chicks in a bar, but she's good, and the sex was great... then she ran, without leaving a name or contact. Then days later, she walked back into his life, when she was chasing down his veteran's outdoor adventure program. Jase's protective streak infuriates Bree, as she's tired of "alpha male door kickers", but when a stalker seems to be around Bree, both Bree and Jase need to face their own past... If they are to have a future together.

The twist was not too bad, but not that well executed either. Still, the combat veterans sound authentic. 6/8

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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Christmas Glitter by Ann B Harrison

Dakota moved to Cherry Lake to rebuild her life after a car accident left her with a weak hand, and impossible to make her brand of custom jewelry. Her fiancee left her then. Dakota is 6 months into her 2 year man-fast. Hoping to fit into the new town quickly, she participates in the Christmas tree gala, figuring her new line of Christmas ornaments, which she can still make, should help her recover... but what about her heart? // Adam came back home to help manage the family real estate business while his father recovers from a heart attack. Adam is a major league soccer star, but his doctor told him he's one injury away from a permanent injury, and his professional life is coming to an end soon. His father's near-death did have him worry about his life's choices. Having to show Dakota around is nice, and he remembered he hadn't had a serial GF for a long time... But he's going back to soccer... right?

Didn't feel too much with this one. Everything is nice, nice, and nice. Very little angst. She's hurt but it's mostly physical (some heart ache because her fiancee was a douche) and he's wondering about his life. But it just didn't feel really... urgent. It's low-fire simmer, that just didn't get very warm. 5/8


Finished Easy Love by Kristen Proby

Eli runs Bayou Enterprises, a family business that had been in the family for generations. He's a playboy, but he treats his employees well and rewards loyalty. But someone on the inside is stealing from the company. Small amounts here and there, adds up to 100K a year. There seems to be no pattern to them. Desperate to find answers, they hired the undercover auditor, Kate, who specializes in this sort of corporate espionage... She'll "hire on" as the new PA or secretary, hear all the gossip, and investigate everything from the inside. However, Kate found herself falling for Eli, with his southern charm, and Eli found himself falling for Kate, despite warning from his brother, whom kate went to school with way back when. Both knew this couldn't last. When she found the culprit, that'll be the end...

There's a twist, but it wasn't handled that well, IMHO. But it's competent. The problem is there just wasn't much tension till the end. The two lines didn't intersect until near the very end. And the clue was practically dropped in her lap... and she ignored it. Argh. If the two plots meshed better I would have given a better score. 5/8


Finished When the Smoke Clears by Lynette Eason PRIME READING

Alexia is both a smokejumper and a firefighter in Washington State. She got a major equipment malfunction just as she located the victim in a house fire. She was saved, and child rescued, and earned a suspension from all duties from her captain for disobeying a direct order to retreat. When investigators told her that her equipment had been sabotaged and she got an invitation to 10 year school reunion, she decided to get out of town... all the way back to east coast. Yet trouble seems to follow her... Just as she arrived home, she found her ex boyfriend was fatally wounded in her mother's house basement. Then followed arson, attempted kidnapping, multiple murders, and a handsome police detective and his brother. And it may have something to do with her past... That high school dance 10 years ago, when one of her friends ran for her life... But Alexia was also haunted by her own past, a house fire that claimed her sister's life, and chased her out of town. Who is after her? Why? Why do they want to find Jillian, the friend who disappeared?

Now that's a thriller with twists and turns, and it managed to be Christian to keeping the romance clean and the occasional mention of God was not too jarring. So much so, romance is merely a minor element. 7/8
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Finished It had to be Love by Tamra Baumann

Ryan Anderson, sheriff of Anderson Butte (yes, his clan founded the town) had sworn off dating locals, and wanted a chance of scenery... like moving to Denver, CO. However, the new dentist in town, Tara, intrigued him... She's clearly hiding something, in a town that's already full of secrets... a town where celebrities can lie low, and strangers chased out of town (gently). // Tara isn't looking for love... she has enough caring for her dog and her dental practice. She bears scars (physical and mental) from her crazy ex (literally, as he's in a psych ward) and lying low in a town sounds fine. But the sheriff made her tingle in all the right places... but he's getting too close to her secrets...

Eh... Not feeling much for this one. The threat was really, really late coming, and the juxtaposition between sappy love and tension just didn't quite work for me. At least the polish was good. 5.5/8


Finished Worth the Trouble by Jamie Beck

Catherine "Cat" is a cover girl and her beauty is renowned. However, she's hiding a huge secret... even from her own family. Attending her brother's wedding just makes her sad, but she's perfected the art of smiling even when she's not feeling it. Until she ran into Hank... who's soft-spoken and gentle, a man she should want, but can't. // Hank understood sacrifice, having set aside his own ambitions to help out his family. Having once been rejected by Cat, he's not eager to repeat the experience, but when Cat's drunken behavior prompted him doing a white knight rescue, Cat's ephipany, about needing her own business and income after her beauty fades lead her to offer him a dream job: creating custom furniture, instead of just doing general carpentry work as a contractor. But he's reluctant to take up the offer because it can affect his family... and he is not sure how he and Cat can work together when there's that chemistry between them...

Good amount of angst, but not too overwhelming. She's his boss's sister, he's not quite ready to leave the job... etc etc. 6/8

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WTF? Did Amazon just nuked ALL of my reviews? (I had almost 2000 or them going back for years)
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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FInished Rectify by Mary Crawford

Tayanita "Anita" walked away from motherhood when she developed a severe post-partum depression that bordered on psychosis, leaving her ex-husband to raise their daughter... alone. Years later, her daughter, a high-function autistic, wants to be back into her life... In a moment of panic, she confessed everything to a telephone salesman... a man she never hoped to meet in real-life. His name is John... and somehow, he knew her better than anyone else... a man that never saw her... But is that enough to build a relationship on?
John is blind, ex-coast-guard pilot, now stuck at a telemarketer desk, after an accident that took away his vision.
This is a linked universe and while each is a standalone, there are shared bits that makes more sense when read in order. I like the way the relationship developed. 7/8


Finished Logan by Melissa Foster

Logan was an retired navy SEAL now private investigator. He felt responsible for his father getting shot dead by an intruder and his mother blinded by the same intruder while he's on active duty. For years, he hung on, living from day to day, doing cases, trying not to feel anything... Until he saw the strong yet vulnerable "Stormy" bartender being accosted by a drunk party guy... and he saw red. He saved her, and she, while not wanted to admit her own problems, found him attractive, yet it had been so long... But with her evil ex ready to get out of jail in merely days, she just want to enjoy the present before she had to run again... But Logan is determined to help her to put it all behind her... if he can only get her to open up... because he has connections...

Man saves beautiful woman hiding from evil ex... evergreen trope, but this one got some interesting polish. Too bad we never get the see the real evil in action. Still, a good if not spectacular romantic suspense. 6/8


Finished Echoes of Summer by Laura D Bastain

Madison walked away pregnant after breaking up with her boyfriend eight years ago. And she's too hurt to let him know, as she never expected to see him again. When he showed up as the new consultant at her company eight years later, he didn't recognize her, for she uses her middle name now, and dyed her hair. But when he found out, he tried to reconnect, but she's not over the hurt of being abandoned... But when her son wanted a connection, can they overcome their past hurt to find future love?

Ah, the secret baby trope mixed with "working with the ex". I think tension didn't quite ratchet up right. The ending felt contrived. 5/8


Finished Country Roads by Nancy Herkness

Julia is a sheltered artist after her parents left her in care of a rich uncle. She likes to paint horses, but when she painted a new series, her uncle tried to discourage her from her new bolder and more disturbing vision. Having epilepsy as a child didn't help. To test her vision, she bought a cheap Suburban and set up on a roadtrip to Sanctuary, West Virginia, where the first art agent that bought her painting moved to... Until her vehicle broke down miles outside of town, and she was saved by a country lawyer Paul Taggart. // Paul gave up his high-flying legal career to help his brother who drank himself into a broken marriage. Paul rescued Julia and delivered her to the gallery in town, and Julia ended up living on a ranch and came to pick a whisper horse... known locally as el diablo... The devilhorse, who crippled the previous owner for abusing him. Paul found Julia to be fiery, yet naive, and when he pointed out her uncle may be cheating her, she has problems contemplating that. Both Paul and Julia are caught between their family obligations and their own pursuits of happiness.

Very nice touches, some hard emotions by both parties. Though Paul problems were resolved by someone else (i.e. his brother finally stoped being a douche), and there's a logical reason for her uncle to behave that way. All in all, good read 7/8
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Finished Illegal Procedure by Christine Kersey

Shay fled her hometown and her abusive boyfriend but was stranded in the middle of nowhere when the person giving her the ride kicked her out when she refused to partake in road sex. She managed to locate a cabin and fled inside, only to find the owner had returned... and he's not happy... // Josh is an NFL quarterback who's trying to relax during the offseason, and having a woman around is not conducive to his plans. At first he suspected she may be a groupie or a plant by a reporter, but none of that fits. Yet the moment of terror when he ordered her out was real, and Josh softened, and allowed her to be a temporary housekeeper, and work on a garden. But her ex is still out there, and Shay was glad that Josh let her stay, even though she's too ashamed to really tell him why...

Pretty typical protector / woman in peril storyline, and at first the scenario felt really contrived, but it worked a lot better. The ending confrontation was actually quite good. And the whole thing was no sex, so it's "clean romance". I like it. 6/8


Finished Made in Paradise by Donna Fasano

Amber left hometown and the young man she loved behind ten years ago, believing the baby she gave birth to was stillborn. She eventually became an M.D.. Her father's sudden death left her reeling, and searching through her effects revealed a bank account that had been sitting there for 10 years holding a large amount of money, that had never been touched, in a bank in her old hometown. When she headed back, she found to her shock that the boy she left behind, Jon, is now a single father, and his daughter... now 9 years old, is no doubt the child she long thought dead. // Jon constantly fights with his mother about how his daughter should be raised... since having a 9-year old as a mechanic's apprentice is un-lady-like, but that's what he expected after quitting his job in the family bank and opening an auto repair shop on the "wrong" side of town. he couldn't believe Amber just came back to town like that, after sending back their child. But the chemistry between them cannot be denied, and it's true his/their daughter needs some female influence. But when his meddling mother tried to interfere again, what will happen to this reunion?

The ending wasn't quite satisfying, though the grand gesture was nice enough. It's a nicely gender-flipped secret baby trope. 6/8


Finished This Christmas by Michelle Brouder

Jeff is a bit too helpful... except to himself. As a young and handsome firefighter, he should have no problem getting dates. With his mother always trying to set him up on dates, and nobody wanted to go on a second date with him or accept his dog, he's resigned to living alone. Then Holly moved into the other unit in his duplex. // Holly trusted a man once... her fiancee then proceed to steal all her money to feed his gambling addiction, saddled her with huge amount of debt, despite liquidating everything she owned, then pulled a disappearing act, leaving her to pay BOTH portions (it'll cost more to fight bills when she's already on a court-ordered repayment plan) by working multiple jobs as both a schoolteacher and a waitress. // When Jeff met Holly, they realized they have met a long time ago, back in college, just once. They are hesitant in exploring this lingering attraction they have for each other. But when Jeff suffered a health scare, and Holly found a clue to her ex's whereabouts, can they help resolve each other's problem before the Holidays?

Sweet, romance, about two hurt people finally found each other. I think the earlier meeting scene didn't add much to the story, IMHO. 6/8


Finished The Cowboy's Christmas Bride by Laurie LeClair

Cassidy, a rising country music star, has lost her voice. Then she found her manager had stolen most of her money. Hounded by paparazzi, she went incognito and accepted the invitation to spend Christmas at her cousins in Honor TX. However, her arrival in town and a distraction meant she ran directly into the back of her ex's pickup. Ryder was the one cowboy she never been able to forget. // Ryder is a single father raising his little girl in the small town of Honor, Texas, trying to revive his family ranch, when Cassidy arrived. Ryder knew he gave his heart to her a long time ago... and she trampled it. He married someone else, but she died when his girl was 1 year old. When his girl wanted Cassidy as a Christmas bride for her daddy, can he refuse this second chance that they both desire?

Sweet, not too much angst, good touches on the back history and all the characters. 6/8


Finished Loving the Texas Lawman by Charlene Sands

Sheriff Jack Walker rescued a boy from a vehicle swept into the creek, but was unable to save his parents. The boy had bonded with him, but the state had not allowed him to adopt him outright... yet. // Jillian trusted the wrong man who used her lingerie business as cover for drug-dealing, but she was able to put the gangster behind bars, yet her reputation has suffered. Her consultants told her to open a store in her hometown, somewhere she hadn't been for a long time, and try to borrow the image of Sheriff Walker, once her boyfriend, to revive her image. // The two married for convenience... He needed to project the image of stable family to adopt the boy, she needed his image to fix her reputation. Yet when trouble seems to have followed her to Texas, can Sheriff Walker protect her? Can they have a real marriage instead of this fake one?

There's a lot of this troep of "let's fake a marriage so I can adopt the kid legally", but it's used effectively here. I'm not too sure about the "trouble" bit, as it was resolved with mainly talk, not real action. Still, it's a charming tale. 6/8
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Breathelss in Love by Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully

Will came from a bad childhood and a dark past that he didn't want to talk about, until a chance encounter with a sweet couple brought him several brothers (not by blood) and a chance to reinvent himself. He made it rich, and is known as one of the five maverick billionaires, with an extensive car collection. He was feeling his own loneliness when a letter from a boy brought Harper into his life... // Harper had to raise her brother after a car accident had him, a teenager, regressed to that of a 7-year old. His enthusiasm about cars let him to write Will, and surprisingly, Will invited them to visit his private car collection, and fell for Harper right there. Will wanted to keep Harper around, but Harper chose to back off, for she cannot allow her brother to be hurt. But soon she realized there's a lot more to Will than just his fortune... But when his brother vanished while they went on a trip to London, Harper chose to cut off all connection after her brother has been found... Is she holding on too tight? Can Will convince her it would be better to be together?

The plot itself is basically conflicting obligations between "caring for my brother" and "loving Will". While there were some hints deeper issue, like Harper just didn't trust her brother to grow up and be responsible for himself, there really wasn't much deeper. It's basically Harper doing "hard to get" mostly with good intentions. The "one incident, causing her to run away" served as darkest hour, and that's a bit cliche. But the other touches are good. Call it 6/8


Finished The Sexpert by JA Huss and Johnathan McClain

Eden is a simple girl who does the grunt work in a men's magazine's social media department. She and her roommate started a youtube channel called the Sexpert giving frank yet salacious advice on all matters sex, mainly by showcasing her best assets... Her breasts, but without showing any face. Just as her channel went viral and got featured on a local radio talkshow, her boss' boss' boss, i.e. the CEO, goes on a rampage, claiming he had the idea first, and wanted to ruin this so called "Sexpert". CEO called in his best friend Andrew, who has a program that can do audio fingerprinting, just as Andrew fell for Eden during a visit to the company. Eden can't admit she's the sexpert... It will take months for Youtube to pay her, nor can she give up, as her roommate (who's the video editor) needed the money, being a single mother. But Andrew is slowly putting the clues together... Even as they enjoy some hot sex together... But sooner or later, the truth will be revealed...

I am not too sure about Andrew's personality. He doesn't seem to be that conflicted, and the magazine CEO's attitude is idiotic. Just BUY or HIRE the Sexpert, sheesh. Still, the rom-com moments are kinda funny, if slightly contrived (meeting in a stairwell and a kiss resulted in "just-f***ed" look without the actual f***ing, really?) Still, it's got good polish on it. 6/8


Finished Hold Me Close by J H Croix

Owen is the quintessential billionaire geek, after founding his renewable energy firm in Boston, then moved it to Alaska. He lost his parents in a carbon monoxide poisoning incident, and only a neighbor helped him stay sane, and inspired his line of research. Owen just doesn't know how to love... He was too busy to try. He just hired Ivy, who's both brilliant and beautiful, and already tied to Diamond Creek, Alaska: her brother lives nearby. Ivy had to abandon the academia when her engineering department head (an old guy who hadn't published a paper in a decade, just cruising along ) got a bit too hands-on, and not even a complaint to HR can stop the harassment. Moving back home, and finding a great job was great... She can't jeopardize that by having a fling with the hot boss... But soon, both gave in to their temptations, hoping that a taste will soon let their flames burn out, and they can get back to work. But when the department head threatened to ruin her professionally AND Owen's company too if she won't withdraw her harassment complaint, things look bleak for the couple...

Somehow, the threat just didn't feel... right, or urgent. But that's the problem of setting something in Alaska. And in the end, it's Owen's money and lawsuit that finallys topped the harassment for good, not that Ivy's running away (resigning) would do anything. Again, it's the "I must hurt you to save you" trope. Still, the polish is good. 6/8
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Family Matter by Heather Tullis

Rosemary is one of the six half-sisters (yes, their rich father spread his oats far and wide) working at the hotel, sorta forced there by their dead father into accepting each other. She's the restaurant manager on the premise, and she's having some personnel issues with a recalcitrant employee when she got terrible news: the daughter she gave up a decade ago to a happy childless couple is again an orphan. And the couple named her as the guardian. When mysterious accidents started happening around her, she's overwhelmed. But are the "accidents" aimed at her, or her daughter? But there is Harrison, a fellow hotel manager, but also a frenemy that wanted to shift their relationship to a different level, willing to share the burden. But will she survive that long?

Good mystery / protector / woman in peril romantic suspense, even though it didn't start that way. That's one heck of a shift. And Harrison proves you don't need to be an ex-SEAL security guy or a cop to be a protector. 7/8


Finished Must Love Mistletoe by Melissa Storm

Sebastian is a ski instructor and a grinch who hated Christmas and Holiday cheer, esp. when his mother would be trying to set him up with someone. When he was asked to show some big wig and his rep the closed resort so the deal can go through quickly on the days before Christmas Eve, he jumped at the chance. // Riley loved Christmas, but when her biggest client offered her a generous bonus to fly up to Fairbanks Alaska to help him broker a deal to buy a resort, it's an offer she can't refuse, even if she will miss Christmas with her family. // Seb and Riley clashed immediately about Christmas, yet each started to discover things about each other that they liked. But when a skimobile excursion triggered an avalanche, and they are stranded together, will they realize what they need is each other?

This is a 100 page novella that moved fast and love fast. Yet it has good polish, using Christmas as the contrasting point. 6/8


Finished HOT SEAL by Lynn Raye Harris

Navy SEAL Dane "Viking" Erickson and his team just got assigned to Hostile Operations Team... a no-name multi-service elite operation that handles the toughest assignments and never gets the glory, and this latest one is a doozy, since not only he'll be taking down a terrorist org who managed to steal a drug smuggling sub from the Colombian narcos, the terrorists have a nuke and can be detonating it anywhere along the East Coast. Things just got tougher when he realized their DEA liaison is none other than his ex-wife... Ivy McGill... // Ivy had dedicated her life into taking down the Ruiz Cartel that killed her mother. She didn't believe in men any more, after Dane joined the SEALs instead of staying with her. But working with the man who betrayed her? It may be the worst part of it all. // No matter their past hurts, they have to work with each other to track down the rogue sub. But when the cartel came after her, believing she had a hand in stealing the sub, will Dane and his SEAL team save the day and still catch the sub?

The scenario is plausible, though I kinda wonder about the security setup, and the "fumbling assassins" trope. The 'working with the ex' trope, however, was executed VERY nicely. And the twist reveal was very good as well. But the sub ended up as an ancillary plot, which is kinda meh. Still, this is not a technothriller, but romantic suspense. 7/8


Finished Because of You by Mari Carr

It has been eight months since Jessie became a widow. Everybody said her husband's death was a "freak accident"... slipped on the ice in the parking lot and struck his head. But she can't let go... Because he called her that day, hinting at discovering something, but said there's nothing to worry about. Then she found him dead that night... To get away from it all, she took a vacation and met ER doc Caleb. But she can only do a one-night stand, no matter the chemistry, because she felt something was left undone. And Caleb was not willing to let her put herself at risk... When it became obvious that she was right... something is OFF about her husband's death, and the mugging, the break-in, the arson at the accounting firm... are all connected... And that someone is close... Very close...

"Erotic romantic suspense" as it's basically romantic suspense with a hefty dose of hot sex. The plot is good, and sex is hot. 6.5/8

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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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FInished Rescuing Emily by Susan Stoker

Cormac "Fletch" Fletcher rented out the apartment above his garage to a single parent Emily and his young daughter. He just wanted someone in the house who won't trash his place, and it seems Emily can use a break in her life, so he's keeping the rent low. And Emily was thankful. Until a blackmailer arrived forcing Emily to turn over cash weekly by threatening her and child, while Fletch is out on maneuvers. And when Emily misunderstood Feltch's explanation, thinking Fletch is in on the plot, it will take Fletch some hard explaining. When the bad guys stepped up to outright kidnapping, it will be up to Fletch and his A-Team to save the day...

Plausible scenario, a sore loser in the army, psychologically deranged demagogue, going rogue. I guess it's possible he could have surveilled the place and gotten all the camera angles... Esp. if he really was a sniper like he claimed. I just have a problem with Emily trying to do everything by herself. *sigh*... 6/8


Finished Tangled Up by Erin Nicholas

Max Grady is a storm chaser at the town of CHance, Nebraska... twister country. Bree McDermott is a police officer and fellow adrenaline junkie, best friend, and someone Max had been secretly in love for very long time. When a close encounter with a tornado got them to actually have a romp in the wild, their relationship had gotten VERY VERY complicated indeed. // Bree wanted excitement and a chance to help the community, but that fling with Max was a buzz like she never felt before. As they help clean up and rebuild the town, they started to be very awkward around each other... Bree has a tendency to change hobbies, and Max believes she will never stick around, esp. when she had stated she wanted to go to Denver, as "nothing ever happens in Chance". Can Bree show Max she can stay for the right man?

Good polish, with a lot of reluctant backs and forths. It's possible the adrenaline rush can be equated to love, but is it? Max is a little hard to understand... He was the passive one, practically WAITING for Bree to notice him as a potential lover, and changed so much for her, for years. Guess it took surviving a tornado for her to see him a different way. Still, good polish. 6/8


Finished One Distant Summer by Serena Clarke

Jacinda Prescott spent a summer in Sweet Breeze Bay, New Zealand, and the disaster she left behind was felt for a very long time. She went back to LA, built a music career as "Sin Scott", but when the music label execs tried to get her to sex up, and one of them even tried to feel her up, she had enough, went incognito, and went back to Sweet Breeze Bay, to confront her past... // Liam left everything behind after death of his brother, the town's golden boy, and Jacinda may have been "at fault". He went back to town for closure, and found Jacinda there... And they are neighbors for the summer. And the one secret that bound them together is hanging over them... But it may also be a way for them to heal... Until a reporter arrived...

Hmmm... The secrets and tragedies about, and there were a LOT of secrets buried that one night, and PLENTY of guilt to go around. I like it, except it was a bit morose. 6/8


Finished Falling Star by Laura DeLuca

Drew DiPalma is tired of the limelight. As "Andy Palmer", he was heartthrob of America, but his co-star is forever trying to seduce him like white on rice, his agent is committing him to stuff without asking him, and his scripts recently really sucks. His migraine didn't help either. To escape the madness, he went incognito, and escaped to an east coast island around New Jersey, somewhere his parents used to take him to vacation... and met a young woman by the name of Lainey Riccardo... // Lainey had enough of men after a dozen internet dating disasters, until a hunk by the name of Drew won her heart and accepted her quirkiness, and her circle of friends. But when will happen when she learned who he really is?

I am not sure what to make of this novel. The contrasting lovers / different worlds was good, but some parts of the book doesn't add much to the story. Lainey is a Reiki massage practitioner, and fixed Drew's headache, but it's temporary. Drew's headache was never explained or a medical issue, despite it having came up multiple times in the book. At least the grand gesture, i.e. "I am NOT leaving, you are" was nice. 6/8
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Holiday Ties by Elizabeth SaFleur

Novelette: Yvette had a high profile divorce and her ex gave her no support. Despite being the best fundraiser in the city, she's forever known as "the one who divorced" with the whispered label of "golddigger". She was surprised when a younger man came to her rescue when she fell in the snow... And Ryan is too much of a dom... and too experienced, to let her go. He had desired her for a long time, and, and he shall claim this submissive as his... if she'll agree to a weekend.

Interesting, seems this author knows the BDSM mindset quite well, and there's even a warning about "nobody goes into BDSM lifestyle after one meeting, this is obviously a work of fiction..." etc. etc. Ryan seems a bit too perfect of a mind reader, but D/S lifestyle is often a touch-y subject, and the rapport between dom and a sub is often, almost telepathic, if done right, but that may be the fictionalized ideals again. Hahaha. For a novella, it's actually quite good. 6/8


Finished Freedom by Mary Crawford

Phoenix Wolf is a high-functioning aspie. He prefers computers to real people, prefers known to the unknown. When his boss told him to take a month off (since he NEVER took a vacation in 3 years), and visit Oregon and look into a promotion there, he decided to take a motorcycle roadtrip, but the trip barely started when he had to rescue a dog... And met Zoe. // Zoe works for a rescue dog training service, and is not a vet, but when the call came in, she had to perform a dog rescue for Phoenix. Her brother had been accused of unspeakable crimes against women, and she had been subpoenaed. She planned to tell the truth, but her parents refused to believe her and all but threatened to disown her if she testified... and her brother had threatened her. And Phoenix cannot walk away, from either "his" dog... or Zoe. But when her brother escaped custody, what will happen to this star-crossed couple?

The threat didn't quite work. Police are obviously incompetent to let an accused kidnapper escape, even if it's in a courtroom. And cops don't seem to take witness tampering seriously. And the ending was way too simple and neat. But the bits about aspie in relationship is good, and didn't resort of aspie tropes (i.e. Spock in Love, or "literal Data"). 6.5/8


Finished Beth by Kay P Dawson

Beth and her family are forever hounded by the Barlows, who are not above using force to take the women they wanted, and leaving insults in their wake. They are only protected by their wealth and brutality. The only one who stood up against the Barlows is the sheriff Nate Dixon, who's fair and just. Beth took up a job to help Nate with paperwork, determined to not be a burden on her family... But soon, Susan arrived, summoned by Nate as a potential mail order bride. She's gorgeous, and obviously not built for the frontier life, but Nate is putting up with her... // Nate has his own beef with the Barlows, and he didn't anticipate falling for Beth before he sent the letter that brought Susan. But when Susan, when fighting off the young Barlow's attack, knocked him off and the young Barlow cracked his head against a rock and died, Nate is forced to arrest Beth pending a "murder trial", when the older Barlow threatened vigilante justice...

Somehow, the Barlows just come of as really shallow and sociopathic, which is pretty lame for a villain. In the end, it's "he's totally mad" ending. Argh. The secrets are also pretty lame. 2/5


Finished Dalton by Vivi Holt

Dalton was a bronc rider who had to give up his dream when his ride ended with his leg broken in two places and will soon result in permanent damage if he kept going. He also just learned he inherited a ranch from his grandpa Joe, but it was so run-down, he had to spend a lot of money keep ing it up, but it's only his if he kept it running for a year. He decided to turn it into a stud ranch... // Hazel is the third chair in a symphony who doesn't get any love at home... All her parents want to ask her is when is she getting promoted. When she found her roommate Jennie, a vet, lying nearly unconscious on the floor, she called 911. Turns out she had appendicitis, but she has this urgent assignment she had to go to the next day... Hazel reluctantly agreed to accompany a mare to a stud farm in Jennie's place. But she's dressed all wrong, talked wrong, and generally behaved wrong. And Dalton... well, he's a genuine cowboy in South Georgia. And after surviving a tornado together, it's clear they had a something for each other, and the truth came out. How can they be together, when they are so different?

While I like the way this unlikely couple is handcuffed together, and the romance simmers rather than boiled over, I honestly didn't quite see when the his curiosity for her turned into love. 3.5/5


Finished Once Upon a Texas Christmas by Katherine Garbera

Logan Calloway was from the wrong side of tracks, until a break made him a Hollywood A-lister. Even though he didn't like his childhood in Whiskey River, he decided to show up in town this Christmas to promote the charities to make sure kids don't end up like him. He often talked to Avery, his assistant, by phone. Avery pretty much ran his charity in town. But Avery had never seen Logan in the flesh... until now. Their chemistry together is undeniable, but he's leaving for West Coast after the Holidays, and he's her boss. But they have to work together for the charity. This romance would never work, if not for a subtle push by a old ghost lady who is doing matchmaking...

Charming, I like the spirit. The supernatural bit is just... fun, not scary, not comedic. 4/5


Finished Falling for Her by Sandra Owens

Jamie "Saint" Owens never swears, does not smoke, does not drink, and he has strict rules of conduct for he's trying to atone for the sins he committed many years ago. He only dates nice women... Until Sugar Darling crashed into his life. Sugar Darling is the temp receptionist at K2, a securities / consultancy / mercenary special services group. And while Saint knew Sugar is hiding something, Saint wanted to keep her far away... for she's trouble with a capital T // Sugar Darling is in hiding. She changed EVERYTHING about herself, changed her likes, and cut ties with everyone she knew, because a man wanted her very badly... Her hateful husband who claimed her at 14 (but waited until 18 to marry her), and hurt her too many times to count. She also knew his secrets. And she had to hide because he's a cop... K2 was the perfect place to lie low, with big burly men surrounding her. But when it seems her past has returned, she reluctantly turned to Saint for help...

Frankly, it's "the young naive woman who decided running away can solve things" trope... When K2 men are all ex-soldiers and mercs, and she wanted to protect him from a small town's corrupt police chief? What was she thinking? It makes ZERO sense! 3/5
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Gold Rush Brides: The Beginning by Cassie Hayes

Delilah was supposed to marry when she got off the ship at San Francisco, having survived the hellish journey from East Coast by going around the Cape. However, she was greeted only by a note that her fiancee had married someone else, and here's $20 for her trouble. Fortunately, she found a kind boardinghouse keeper. "Del" did not want to return to East Coast, and became the new housekeeper. Boarders come and go, but one annoying man stayed, Jack Dalton... // Jack struck it rich and is spending plenty of money in dance halls and saloons. He's enjoying his wealth, and lady's attention. He couldn't figure out why so many want to get married... or why he enjoyed teasing Del... or he would call her, "Miss Priss", which is exactly what inspired Del next: she wants to launch the Nupital News... where single men can advertise for brides from the East... But when a conman was about to destroy Del's dreams, Jack had to step in to save the day...

Lots of adventure, with a clean romance, it's kinda "enemies to lovers" deal. The ending wrapped up all quite nicely, perhaps a shade TOO neatly, but it's a good tale. 7/8


Finished Second CHance Husband by BB Hamel

Jace was a bad boy that got a bit too full of himself. He got addicted to drugs, and had to drop out of sight into rehab. Now he's doing a travel show as his comeback, and his producer... Was the one girl he let got away... having kinda broken her heart way back when, even though they never hooked up. Piper was not doing well and this show may be her last chance to make it big as a producer. So why is Jace still the a-hole? When the segment was about Elvis wedding in Vegas, and the model didn't show up, Jace convinced Piper to step in as a pretend pride... Then someone, as a gag, produced a real marriage certificate, and Piper signed it... thinking it was something else. Now Jace and Piper are married... sorta? Are they going to keep fighting... Or will they finally develope feelings for each other? When the show production ends, will that be the end?

Hmmm... I'm not too sure about this one. I find the handcuff (forced proximity) to be rather ingenious, but the marriage certificate? Kinda mean, though there's a twist to that later. I guess I really don't understand Jace, who's a "bad boy" on the surface but in reality a nice guy... Now that's a trope. Still, I like the variation. 6/8


Finished Cowboy Heat by Sable Hunter

Libby has leukemia in remission. Her doctor told her to live life to the fullest, and her wish was to bed Aron McCoy, the oldest McCoy brother. She had always admired him from afar. When their housekeeper is going on vacation for a few months, it's the perfect chance. Libby moved into Tebow ranch and became the new temporary housekeeper, and Aron was smitten... Until he found out Libby still has her v-card... But when Libby admitted she wanted only him... It is time for Aron to step up to the challenge... Even if she is not disclosing her secret... For Aron does not know she has cancer...

The twist is simple enough, and sex here is quite hot that it's basically erotic romance. There's also a bit of 4th wall breaking joke about how Libby learned all her moves from reading erotic romance. Hahaha. 6/8


Finished Love's New Beginning by Dorothy Wiley

Daniel Armitage was the only survivor of his rich and influential Philadelphia family from yellow fever. His mother, on her deathbed, confessed that Daniel's father was NOT his biological father. The biological father was named Daniel Alexander McKay, whom was forbidden to court her. Distraught with grief, Daniel chose to leave for the frontier and search out his father as the last wish of his mother. Months of travel took him all the way to the frontiers of Kentucky, where he did find his father... and the enchanting Ann Byrd. Ann's mother died young, leaving Ann mostly brought up by her father, the Colonel, and mostly male role models. Ann was being pursued by a devious Charles Snyder, when she was rescued by Daniel. But Daniel's illegitimacy means he can't court Ann openly... And Snyder vowed to remove any obstacles in his way, which includes Daniel, even as he considered whether he can ever fit into his father's adoptive family in town...

Turns out Daniel is quite rich after liquidating most of his possessions in Philadelphia, esp. those he inherited. And Snyder? Think colonial era psychotic killer. Adventure is quite good, 7/8
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Just One Kiss by Susan Hatler

Charlie divorced her rockstar husband after he was changed by his fame, and she never got to pursue her acting career as promised. Her husband tried to keep her by fighting for every penny, and Charlie, heart-broken, kept only a single beach mansion in her hometown of Blue Moon Bay... and nothing else. However, as a ex-wife of a rockstar, she had no education and no employable skills. Desperate for some income, she agreed to let the soap opera "Just One Love" to film at her mansion, because both stars, Luke, and Adele, also came from Blue Moon Bay, and is back in town to do some promos, and film for a whole month. Things started to change when she was cast as a maid due to an on-set emergency, then she got written many extra lines due to on screen chemistry with the star Luke. And the producer wants her to stay on full-time as 2nd female lead. But when a bigger and better opportunity came along, can Charlie let Luke go to do what she always wanted: to act? Or will she stay with Luke for a bit part?

The twist at the end was excellent, as the novel managed to twist the "I have to hurt you to love you" trope properly. And often the lines adlibed had a lot of double entendres that you'd chuckle. 7.5/8


Finished Loved by You by Cheyenne McCray

Fiona O'Shea traveled the southwest with her daughter, selling hand-made jewelry and do some clog dancing to make ends meet. She was betrayed by her Irish clan when she wanted out, and sold to a rival clan member as a virtual slave. She was raped but eventually escaped and raised her daughter, but always ready to run. Until Justice McBride found them. // Justice knew he had to get to know the fiery redhead better when he saw her dance at the Prescott AZ Christmas festival, and when he rescued her from her abusive ex Gilroy, he knew he must protect her and her daughter. But Gilroy is ready to "reclaim" his property through any means necessary...

Animal tranqs delivered via blowdarts? Really? The plot is trope, and the fight scenes are not particularly good. 3/5


Finished Cut and Run by Amy Elizabeth

Rebecca, having grew up in South Boston, knew no one can be trusted. When her no good BF turned up apparently dead from OD, she saw the perfect opportunity to leave town, as she just finished her semester of school. And she went to see her brother in Wyoming. There, she came to find a job on
Westin Ranch, headed by Alec Westin, the gruff man who can't seem to make ends meet due to his father's mounting medical bills. However, she lied... She has no experience as a wrangler... All her knowledge is book-form only... She had never ridden a horse before. But when Alec found out, he surprisingly gave her a chance: learn to ride in 1 week. And she did, and fit into the ranch life well. And Alec fell for her. But someone is stalking her. Increasingly more sinister notes are being received, then her brother was beaten into a coma...

The twist sort of makes sense, but the villain is way too capable. Apparently he's able to hide in the town of Jackson, Wyoming, but never got noticed even though he's a city-slicker. He's apparently able to get high and fight while high, and use that to his advantage (where did he get the drugs?) And where did he get the poison for the horse? Didn't the horse recognize a stranger? How about being able to outfight two cowboys ready for him (despite being a party guy and small time dealer in Boston, with no apparently fighting abilities)... Sorry, the villain makes NO SENSE at all. While I like the fish out of water tale, for the FMC, the villain ruined the book for me. 2/5


Finished Wolf Hunger by Paige Tyler

Dallas SWAT has a secret... its members are all wolf-shifters. Officer Max was attending an awards dinner when he realized he found "the one", the one true mate for him, Lana. And she's clearly a wolfshifter too... The scent is unique. However, there are two major problems... She's the deputy chief's daughter... and she doesn't know she's a shifter. And Deputy Chief doesn't want Max around his daughter. Things soon grew dire, when hunters, who vowed to hunt down all werewolves arrived in Dallas, and started gunning for Lana... and killed her roommate in Austin (where she attended school) and even attacked the police chief himself. Now Max must not only protect Lana... while revealing the truth, but also show how much she means to him... even as the hunters mount a full scale attack on the wolf safehouse...

Good action, the interesting escalation by introducing the hunters (keeping shifters secret gets kinda old). The secrets of Lana and Max's old story gets a little depressing, but they do add to the characters. 7/8


Finished Billionaire Bodyguard by Jill Snow

Emily hates a specific game company... who publishes games featuring misogynistic crap. By extension, she also hates the billionaire owner, Conor Dunne. But a fundraiser meeting shows that perhaps Conor isn't as bad as she thought... // Conor enjoys buying companies up, split them up a bit, fix them up a bit, then sell off bits and make a huge profit. As the recommendation, he bought the gaming company, never really caring what they produced... Until he met Emily at the fundraiser. Not only is he fascinated by her, he's finding himself admiring, and perhaps, in love with the enemy... But is she the enemy? And who's threatening her?

Eh, something just feels off about this whole story. How did the guy survive this long without checking over his own books, to allow ... uh... someone close to embezzle money from him? 2/5


Finished Miss Kane's Christmas

Carol Claus agreed to an emergency mission from her father, Santa Claus, to save Christmas... by showing the spirit of Christmas to Ben Hanson and his children. Hanson was working on a book that may destroy Christmas dreams for all children. Carol, posing as "Miss Kane" the new aupair/nanny, is determined to help Ben and his family celebrate Christmas. But how do you explain Christmas to someone who refused to believe Santa Claus exists? And why is Carol developing feelings for this single father?

Funny and sweet, it's good rom-com. 6/8


Finished Corporate Husband by Beverly Farr

Louisa is determined to save her grandpa's candy company, but due to a lot of inheritance rules, she can only keep the majority by marrying someone, and her ex was a wifebeater that she finally chased off... and she took over as CEO. She needs a loyal employee who can marry her in a marriage of convenience and did not try to blackmail her for more money. And Justin, a lawyer who's making enough on his own, seems to be the perfect candidate. And he is, but he wants a real marriage... And he has quite a few months to convince Louisa to make it a real marriage....

Not the first book about "fake love turned real", but this one's got some good polish on it, 4/5
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Harlow and Max by J H Croix

Harlow is a rich girl who refused to be pigeonholed into "proper" behavior. Becoming a hotshot firefighter far away was a part of that. Until she fell for Max, a tech billionaire, while both attended a wedding...

a 48-page short, it's pretty hot. 4/5


Finished Too Tempting by Bethany Lopez

Gabe, ex NFLer, now runs a football camp for kids with his best friends. // Zoey is an introverted writer and geek who promised to accompany her nephew to football camp, hoping to find quiet time to write in the great outdoors. However, she got the dates mixed up and showed up a week early, and met Gabe. The two instantly clicked, and fell for each other. But when her insecurities hit her at the end of camp, regarding his decision about her writing career (he used his connection to submit her manuscript, and it was accepted), she ran, believing she didn't have the talent and it was Gabe's influence. Will Gabe's love be enough to convince her of his honest intentions?

It was a good slow-simmer romance right up until the darkest hour, which felt very contrived. 5/8


Finished Luke by Leigh Duncan

Luke is a cattleman fighting to preserve his fourth generation ranch. He tried to sponsor two troubled kids for Department of Children and Family Services for his dead buddy AJ, who could have been twins with him. The plan backfired when the kids are delinquents who smoked, almost burned the barn down, among other mischiefs... And they lied to the rep, Sarah, who believed the kids, and Luke walked out in anger. // Sarah was overworked just before Christmas, being the last person left at DCFS, when a 5-year old child was brought in... and Luke was named as the father. Luke suddenly learned he has a son... by a wife who left him. Luke was certain the boy was not his, but the kid loved the horses and cowboy stuff. Sarah was angry at Luke's rejection, but with no foster family available around Christmas, and Luke offered to take the kid on a cattle drive, Sarah had to come along... and learned a lot about Luke, and the kid. Then the DNA test results came in... and the final truth was realized...

Now that's the proper way to bury a twist, yet leave enough clues to satisfy the readers. Long character arcs for both MMC and FMC, and the kid's cute too. 7.5/8


Finished Ravaged: His for a week book 2of4

Kimani Taylor joined the Scarlet Auction undercover to be a slave for a week for a huge payoff, and scoop of a lifetime (she really wants to be a reporter). Instead of ending up with an abusive dom, she was bought by billionaire Benjamin Lee, who was gentle, yet domineering, and she learned her body has limits she never suspected. (Ten orgasms in a single session, and she's indeed ravaged... ) But Ben knew she's hiding secrets... and he'll get it out of her...

Eh... This book almost counts as a dark romance, and it's certainly full of kink. But the author managed to drag this out into FOUR full-sized novels? Setting the characters as minorities are somewhat interesting, but Ben is virtually the trope "inscrutable Asian". And the S/M angle doesn't work that well. Is Kimani really a sub or just acting like one? Is all those orgasms winning her over? I don't like it, despite part of action set in Oakland, CA. 2/5


Finished A Kiss Beneath the Stars by S L Sterling

Autumn has suffered a miscarriage then her husband blamed her and had a messy divorce. After a horrible blind date, she decided to take a summer vacation far away at a beach, enough of her family trying to make her just "go out there and have a life". Then she met Hunter on the beach... // Hunter had a messy breakup from his clingy and crazy ex. Vacationing with his brothers brought him to the beach... and Autumn is stunning. But is vacation fling enough? When their respective pasts came back to haunt them, will they stand together... or drive away everything in desperate attempt to not be hurt again?

The twist was quite good (turns out her husband had NEVER been faithful) and summer vacation fling trope was used to good effect, as is Hunter's brothers and other friends. Good polish on the plot overall. 6/8
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Love under the mistletoe by Krista Lakes

Holly is a schoolteacher who can never afford to go to Blue Aspen Resort, despite living in Colorado, merely hours away. She always puts her students and her family first, but the town's future is uncertain when the biggest employer, ECT, was just bought out and may be moved to California. Even her father's bookstore, which always held a Christmas party, will be having its final party when the year's over. After learning she had won Educator of the Year award and will be spending a few days in the resort... And met Nathan... // Nathan started from nothing, and only his creation made him a fortune. But he's no longer creating anything, just being a CEO for Paradigm Tech, buying and growing the business. After failing to merge another requisition into their core business, Nathan is tired and can't be bothered with business. Having to present some sort of an award was a great excuse to run off... and there he met Holly... // The two clicked instantly, even before they become aware of who the other really is. Holly was able to show Nathan that money doesn't buy happiness, and Nathan was actually happy in town... Until reality intrudes... If he doesn't move ECT as planned by his VP/assistant, he'll likely be out of a job. But moving ECT will destroy Holly and the town he'd grown to love...

Somehow, the book has way too many characters. There's a matchmaker (Merryweather, and her sisters), the MMC and FMC, MMC's bodyguard (and conscience) and his assistant/VP, Holly's best friend (and her BFF) and her father, plus other minor characters. The way his mind flips back and forth doesn't sound like a CEO. 3/5


Finished Dare to Love by Mary Jane Morgan

Clinical psychologist Logan works hard to get through his own pain by helping others, esp. children. But when he saw a woman riding one of the more recalcitrant horses on the ranch bareback, he's ready to jump into action to save her... But she didn't need saving. She's Natasha, the new equine therapist in town, and she knows horses and people. However, her own emotional scars made her a free spirit... she can never settle anywhere for long, and she can't fall in love. But Logan's protective streak attracted her... // When opposites collide, opposites also attract. Logan and Natasha can't be more different from each other, yet working toward a common goal... helping children with help of horses. But can they re-learn how to love themselves and each other?

Good tale of opposites attract, with proper equine therapy procedures. Natasha is like "I haven't felt loved in so long, I like this feeling, but can I count on it?" It's pretty good. 4/5


Finished His Christmas Cowgirl by Alissa Callen

Peta rushed back home from Europe when her ranch foreman was thrown and broke his hip. She was surprised to find Garrett Ross as the new temp foreman of her family Montana Ranch. She tried to order him off, but he's determined to stay until his friend is back on his feet as he had promised. The two clashed immediately. He thought she's a flight-y city girl who had no business running a ranch (she's actually more comfy in jeans and boots), and she thought he's a high-handed pompous ass who can't hold a steady job (he's actually a ranch owner, even bigger than hers). As they come to learn about each other, they started to develop feelings for each other as well...

Nice opposites attract combined with a "billionaire in disguise", cowboy-style. A lot of characters from prior books in the series makes their appearance as well. If you read previous books in the series, you'll get a bigger kick out of this one. 4/5


Finished Kade by DeAnn Smallwood

Hope was framed by a drug dealer who stashed drugs in her car. She served three months before she was released when the real perp was caught. Unfortunately, she lost her job as elementary schoolteacher. Then she saw an ad about live-in care for an old lady with two handsome cowboys... // Kade almost destroyed his family ranch when he trusted a woman too far, and she took him to the cleaners. He had to take out a loan to keep the ranch going, and a balloon payment is coming due soon. Then his brother, who had disappeared for years, showed up with a young baby girl in tow. Kade did not need any woman other than his 78-year old gran at home, but gran hired Hope as the caretaker to keep tabs on both cowboys AND the baby-girl, and herself, of course. So he can't fire her. But Kade doesn't trust Hope, esp. when Hope prefers NOT to talk about her arrest and conviction, even though it was vacated. But when Kade found out, will Hope leave, despite having already fitted into this family?

I don't get it. If a real perp was found, wasn't her entire conviction vacated and erased off the record? What would show up on a background check? This makes no sense. The book would have been 4/5 if this made sense. As is, it's 3/5


Finished The Soldier's Wedding by Karina Bliss

Dan survived his deployment to Afghanistan and is determined, upon his return, to marry his childhood friend Josephine "Jo", because they had a "binding contract" (scribbled on a beer coaster, while drunk) to marry. It doesn't matter that Jo didn't quite think of him "that way"... He's sure he can change her mind, but she has a secret... // Jo is busy taking care of her grandmother and growing her business. She also found out something about herself that she's still trying to come to terms with... which made her unsuitable for love, not even by Dan. But Dan can be VERY persuasive...

Surprisingly deeper than initial impressions, the initial tone was funny, but the mood turns somber once you get deeper into the story. Basically, Jo has a bit of a health scare. However, the mood is not totally a downer. The back-and-forth dance took a while, but that's what a romance does. 4/5
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished A Forever Kind of Love by Krista Lakes

Mia is a social worker. She was told she's unable to bear children, so she threw all her energy into saving those from the foster system, esp. the girl and two young boys, who can't seem to catch a break. When circumstances brought them to Carter's ranch, it seems to be serendipity, as Mia falls for Carter hard, because Carter is rich, nice, and sweet on the kids. But Carter is on the ranch for a reason... Someone is threatening him and seems to have no problem getting past his bodyguards and security. And Carter said he doesn't want any kids. But when the stalker escalated the violence into threat against the kids' foster home, can Carter and Mia survive?

The stalker simply makes no sense. He's like the boogeyman... He managed to put a carbomb on Carter's car, except Carter used a remote starter and and the car went kaboom while he's away from it. Uh... I thought it's an ELECTRIC car? Hello!? And then the guy was able to slip past security patrols and such, and seemily have endless resources to conduct surveillance on the billionaire and able to evade law enforcement. But he can't get past a measly door. Sorry, that just didn't work for me. 2/5


Finished Husband for Hire by Carla Neggers

Cady, a war reporter, has been getting strange harassing phone calls that she swore was from her mentor, which makes absolutely no sense. The disturbing phone calls implies romantic interest, and not wanting to destroy her mentor, Cady decided to hire her neighbor, Cole, to pose as her fiancee, hoping to get the harasser to back off now that she's "not available". Cole accepts, but he can tell Cady is not sharing everything, but then... neither is he. And the roadtrip to New York turned into something else, when they discovered truths about each other that neither suspected. But who is harassing her?

Nice, very nice. The back and forth, the "disguise", and the mysterious harasser, all the reasoning and twists makes sense. Like this novelette (less than 100 pages).
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Faking It by Carly Phillip sand Erika Wilde

Hailey is buying a property to take her matchmaking biz to the next level, and her real estate agent, Max Sterling, is a perfect gentleman, and a hunk. However, Hailey was wearing an engagement ring, so Max kept his distance, despite how lovely Hailey is. But when Hailey and Max ran into one of Hailey's client's mom, things got a bit weird... It seems Hailey had claimed her fiancee is none other than Max himself... and Max will gladly play along to save the "damsel in distress", as it is clear she's not really engaged... and he can use some help to fend off a young woman who's way too interested in him despite repeated attempts to distance himself. A very public engagement should be perfect for both of their needs... It'd only be fake... right? Until it wasn't... and everything changed...

Now this "fake engagement" makes great sense. I've seen the "matchmaker with no BF" and "wearing a ring to fend off suitors but falls for a guy" plot, but this is a good twist by combining many of those plot elements into one. 7/8


Finished The Persistent Groom by Jennifer Youngblood

Silver divorced her no-good husband Riley when he was mean to their Downs-syndrome daughter. Riley cheating was the last straw. It took her two years, but her event planning business is now thriving when she got the plum job, organizing the charity auction by the Texas Titans football team. Unfortunately, it also means she had to meet Ace Sanchez, the man who really had her heart... and Riley's chief rival back in school. Ace is now a star running back for the Titans, and one of the most eligible bachelors in the city. He had a humble beginning working for his family restaurant, and seeing Silver against just means he wanted her back. But Riley and his mother are NOT ready to let Silver go... as his divorce had already ruined her social standing. And this ex-MIL is ready to ruin both Ace and Silver if she will not re-marry Riley... and she has some dastardly plans in the works...

I can understand the entitled boy Riley and the evil-doting mother, but the way the whole thing was resolved... Uh... It's basically a deus ex machina. Sure, she had to go on stage, but it's basically a public shaming, and plea for higher power to intervene. And someone did (Riley's dad, who's apparently oblivious to what's going on, but has power to fix everything). 3/5 It has good parts, but the pretty lame ending kinda ruined it.


Finished Home Run Baby by Tabatha Kiss

She's an aspiring photographer who can't stand being the family laughingstock (in her mind). When her sister and her beau came to town, she had to escape. She went to a bar to get plastered, and when the bartender, declaring it's his final shift on a final day, going onto bigger and better things, she decided to have a one-night-stand, and it was VERY memorable hot sex, but since they gave each other fake names, there's no strings at all. Six weeks later, while she went to a baseball game, she was hit on the head by a homerun by "Home Run Hunter", the latest minor league sensation who had a home run in EVERY game he appeared in so far. He came to visit her in the hospital... It was him... the bartender, and she also found out she's pregnant, for about six weeks. When a sports magazine wanted to do a profile on him, he decided to make her the official photographer... for almost a month worth of roadtrips. They can even have secret romps. But when her pregnancy and their relationship leaked, do they still have a chance?

It's pretty good. 6/8


Finished Branding the Virgin by Alexa Riley

Mary Jane is a virgin. She's too distrustful of men, but she wanted a family. So she went to a sperm bank. After she got pregnant, she found that a sperm bank mix-up means she got sperm from a father who has some personal problems... And she had to meet the father... even if in disguise. // Ty got stomped in the nuts after a bull-riding accident. Now retired, he can't get it up any more, though his doctors said the equipment all works. He saved some sperm "just in case". When he expanded his ranch, he needed to hire a housekeeper, and "MJ" applied. And Ty got hard... What is it about her that got him stirring? Will she ever tell him she's the proud mama of his baby?

Apparently, one can be a virgin and still become pregnant through sperm donor. (I checked) But the rest of the plot really makes no sense. It's insta-lust leading to sex and more sex, and yes, pregnant sex. 2/5


Finished Snow Kissed by the Billionaire Lizabeth Scott

Reed is a woman in the construction business, following in the steps of four older brothers. Having never really learned how to love, and killed multiple relationships from neglect, she decided to go on a man-fast. A surprise assignment had her flying to upstate New York to meet a billionaire, to discuss restoring his "cabin". But an early snowstorm had her crashing within a few hundred yards of her destination, and she was rescued by Mason, even as the storm stranded them both. Now stuck together, it's clear that Reed and Mason are attracted to each other, so Mason proposed a fling... no strings attached. But once the snow let up, can they really let each other go?

There really wasn't much plot in this. They got in bed, they had hot sex, lots of hot sex, until the snow let up and her brothers arrived to take her away, and she's miserable, since she can't forget him. Argh. It's basically "one f*** and he's hooked". *sigh* 2/5


Finished Lumberjack by Jenika Snow

Jake left the city after his woman betrayed him. Now he's a lumberjack working in the forest, and keeps to himself, and hadn't had a woman in five years. Until Vivian, lost in the woods, found him... // Vivian had enough city life and decided to take a week-long vacation in the mountain... Until she got lost on a hike and ended up at Jake's door. // Vivian never had met a mountain man before, and Jake hadn't had a woman on five years. But he won't do anything she didn't want... and she wanted everything...

It's basically sex, and lots of sex. And not much else. This is basically a "mountain man" erotic romance. Kinda boring. 2/5


Finished Nobody's Lost by Kallypso Masters

Ryder returned from multiple deployments as a recon marine to the Middle East, having felt guilt and shame, for letting his team down. He lived a lonely life with PTSD. But when his Master Sergeant Adam aka "Top" asked him for a favor, he can't refuse. It's to watch out for Top's little half-sister... // Megan has military brothers who are protective, but she can handle herself just fine. When someone stole her PC, despite a sophisticated alarm system, her marine brother Adam sent her Ryder as a bodyguard. But soon she realized Ryder needs more rescue than she does, and what started as a friendship grew hotter. But she's Top's sister, and she wasn't sure she wanted a relationship...

Ah, the reluctant friends to lovers to scorching sex, with just a hint of S/M (unlike her other books). Nice, very nice indeed. 7/8


Finished Pieces by Mary Crawford

Katelyn is a police officer, and she thought she loved her fiancee... Until he got controlling and demeaning, and she had to do a runaway bride on the day of their supposed wedding. She got drunk and passed out, and woke up in a stranger's bed... // Logan is a former army medic and now head of security for one of the biggest pop stars in the Northwest. He "rescued" Katelyn, still in her wedding dress, after she had passed out. He normally wasn't the white knight kinda guy, but something about Katelyn called to him. But someone is stalking Katelyn... Was it her deranged ex-fiancee? Someone related to her last officer-involved shooting that almost killed her? Some criminal she helped put away? Will their past continue to haunt them or will they unite and bear them together?

Nice how Katelyn was tough, but not "too" tough, and yes, you'll learn why he ex-fiancee turned psycho. Logan however, feels a bit on the bland side. 4/5
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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Christmas Laurel by Christine Bush

Laurel, retired army, went to a cabin deep in the woods to get away from it all. Can her handsome neighbor in the next cabin over show her that Christmas is not something to be avoided? And perhaps, even find love?

Not bad, long novella, but nothing extraordinary either. 3/5


Finished An Island Christmas Wedding by Susan Coventry

Jess and Shane, plus Hannah and Ty are off to the US Virgin Islands for their double wedding, but not all are going quite well. Jess is worried about seeing her father and sister again, from whom she was estranged from. And Hannah is worried about fitting into her wedding gown... while pregnant. And Matt, the best man and Shane/Hannah's brother, is falling for maid-of-honor, who's Jess's sister... This Christmas will be interesting indeed!

Sorta sequel to another novel, this is sorta "the further adventures" with a bit of Christmas is for forgiveness and family theme. Good, 4/5


Finished Forgiving the Billionaire by Anne-Marie Meyer

Hannah left town after being humiliated by her then beau (and best friend) Logan at the prom. And she always seem to be disappointing her mother. She swore she'd never return, but seven years later, she's back... // Logan is a single dad when his woman ran away, not content to be a small-town wife. But when his real father finally found him, and made him the heir (he has terminal cancer), he found himself chased by golddiggers. // Hannah and Logan are not over each other, but just as he was about to tell her why he betrayed her at the prom, his ex came back, asking for reconciliation. Will Hannah leave? Does Logan want Hannah to stay?

Really not feeling much about this one. All the angst seems just so... shallow. Hannah has no backbone, and Logan's ex is way too shallow. Logan's a big softie. 3/5


Finished Last Resort Love by Holly Courtelyou

Krissa had enough of her life... she got downsized and her BF cheated on her. She kicked him out... and decided to move... and settled on a small town in Colorado called Wescott Springs, whose school is looking for a teacher. She rented a cabin for the summer, and moved... Only to find, upon arrival, the cabin was just flattened by a storm. Fortunately, the cabin is a part of the resort owned by Nick Olin, and Nick happens to have his mansion's guesthouse available, not that there is any room in town. Nick knew Krissa had been hurt, and he wanted her anyway. But every attempt he made to get closer resulted in her bolting, not wanting to be hurt...

Well, eventually he gets the girl, but she seems to be reacting a bit too strongly for one cheating, i.e. never trust any man, no matter how nice he is. Still, the little touches are good. 3.5/5


Finished Bucking Bronco by Madison Faye

Colton has a ranch, and someone seems to be making his neighbors sell out, and something ain't right. He knew someone is coming to see him to tell him to sell out, he just didn't count on that being Tara, a gorgeous city girl, caught in one of his horse thief traps. But when her boss, who's also a gangster, came looking for her, claiming she stole something, and muscles move in, things may get very dicey indeed...

Tara apparently had a dry spell so long, she rather enjoyed being overpowered by this big hunky cowboy. And a good portion of the book is hot sex, yet the sex feels... crude. But then, we're talking about a rough cowboy. Yet it also feels... dirty and raunchy, not quite titillating. The twist at the end, about how the "problem" was resolved, was pretty good. overall, 3/5


Finished All Knighter by Em Petrova

Ben Knight was a fine marine, until he retired. Then he was recalled... to head up a new squad, composed of his four brothers and one SEAL. Love was not on his radar at all, but he did enjoy that one romp with a sweet girl named Dahlia... except he disappeared before she woke up, and left no note or phone number... // Dhalia loved that night with Ben... Until he pulled the disappearing act. She needed the release after taking in too many 911 calls (she's the operator) and when Ben came back, her body wants him, her head told her "no way, what if he disappears again?" Then she found out his secret... and he found out her secret...

Em Petrova writes some steamy love scenes, that are pretty darn hot, without it being raunchy. It's pretty good. 4/5


Finished All He Wants for Christmas by Lizzie Shane

Ty Walker is a Hollywood star, with his own private PR handler. He has a staff to take care of any problems. But when an 11-year old girl showed up on his doorstep a week before Christmas, claiming to be his daughter, nobody has any ideas, not even his super-PR person Andi. Andi is supposed to be flying home for the Holidays, but leaving the girl with Ty, who had never liked Children, does not seem to be an option. With no other choice, she invited both of them to visit her family... And that's when she saw a different side of Ty... One she can fall for...

There are a couple twists, but they seem to be glossed over. Kinda meh. 3.5/5

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Re: Kasey's Books Read 2018

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Finished Wyoming Wildflowers: The Beginning by Patricia McLinn

Donna is a dancer with a touring dance company, in competition for a starring role. Ed just wanted to ranch. Yet when they came together, when her company came to town, it was intense. But she's leaving, and he had to stay. How can this relationship ever work?

A relatively short prequel, there's a few "I'll hurt you because I love you" moments that's slightly cringe-y, but the choice between responsibilities, goals, and love, is presented nicely. 6/8


Finished Christmas at Starlight by Kris Jett

Amber hated her pre-law study track and wanted a change. She knew her family doesn't celebrate Christmas, so when she got news that they will be spending Christmas in Snowy Ridge, Wisconsin, a well-known Christmas town, she was surprised, and delighted. But upon arrival, she learned that both parents, being attorneys, will be off working and that left her to explore the town, alone. She ended up in the Starlight pub, nursing hot cocoa... // Nick lost his mother and no longer wanted to speak to his father. He works as dishwasher in the town pub "Starlight Pub" and goes to school. He saw this lone girl (Amber) and she just felt so sad that he had to find out what's her story. Can he give her the courage to seize her own future?

Warm and fuzzy, and not much else. 3/5


Finished The Wedding Chapel by Caroline Mickelson

Bella and grandpa had been running a Vegas wedding chapel for years, but business is down. She had enough experience to know marriage is bad news. So when she woke up in bed with a charming Brit, the last thing she'd expect was their respective grandparents insist they are now married, even though neither Colin nor Bella can recall ever saying "I do'. As they attempt to piece together the truth, what they found out about each other may be the most surprising discovery of all...

Gave me a bit of warm buzzy, but not much else. The reason for the grand deception seems to be either petty disregard of other people, or misguided attempt at matchmaking. 3/5


Finished Emergency Engagement by Samanthe Beck

Samantha is a glass artist, and while spontaneous, she craves romance. When her beau asked her for a Thanksgiving lunch, the last thing she expected was "I am going to woo my boss's daughter for my career, but nothing needs to change between us." She walked out. She hoped to calm herself by painting her room, but misplaced mail and a stray can of paint landed her and her hunky paramedic neighbor in a compromising position... Just as both of their families arrived... Turns out, they were long lost neighbors... and friends. And the hunky Beau was mistaken for Samantha's fiancee... And Samantha was too stunned to correct them... // Beau lost his wife and child three years ago, and the wound has still not yet healed. But with his mother crying tears of happiness upon learning that he had found someone else, he doesn't have to heart to correct her. And he convinced Samantha to pretend to be in love and engaged, for their families' sake. But can this pretend relationship survive the Holidays? Or will they fall for each other for real?

Awww, that's a good meetcute. I think the climax was a bit overdone (she somehow got pregnant despite taking the pills) and he walked out, unable to deal with the REMOTE possibility of losing her or the baby), but it's almost reasonable. 6.5/8


Finished Catching Irish by Katy Regnery

Finian escaped betrayal in Ireland and working a few months in America for his cousins was perfect. While at a wedding, he met Tate, looking for just some good times, and they had explosive chemistry. Even though both agreed that this is a no-strings-attached meet-up, neither can forget each other. But Tate can't get Finian out of her mind. So when the Summerhaven Resort (of New Hampshire) is having a St. Patrick's Day celebration, Tate had to find Finian again... and see how far this can go, even though she lives in Florida...

Sweet, and Finian managed to come off an alpha without being overbearing. 6/8


Finished Billionaire's Blackmailed Mistress by Kelly Dark

Elizabeth kept her father's computer distributor business going, and a lot of people depended on her. Two weeks ago, she had a moment of weakness and slept with her largest vendor's CEO, Luke. She always had a crush on him, and that night was wonderful, and that's all she can take... // Luke knew Elizabeth is the woman for him, but the way she ran off just boiled his blood. He'll do anything to get her back into his bed... Including blackmailing her with the future of her company...

What sort of stupid plotting is this? This is such a douchebag behavior, it's practically dark romance. 1.5/5


Finished Marriage in Name Only by Dorreen Owens Malek

Years ago, Ann had to leave Heath behind without a goodbye. Ann is a rich girl, and Heath is from the wrong side of tracks whose only talent is fixing things. But they had a love affair that summer... Decade later, Heath is now a millionaire yacht builder and Ann's family is disgraced, with the business ruined by her alcoholic brother. Ann was forced to return to the town, and Heath offered her a devil's bargain: marry him, and be a dutiful wife, and he'll save her pathetic little brother from jail, and maybe her company business too. // Heath had been waiting a decade for the revenge. Ann had been playing him all along, and now that he's rich among the elite, he's determined to have her, and make her pay. When Ann told him her father threatened to have him arrested (Ann was technically underage at the time) he did not believe her. He will marry her, and treat her with cold disdain. He will even have sex with her, but never sleep in the same bed. But what will happen when he finally learned she wasn't lying?

Uh, sorry, the personality flip came too fast, and the woman was the silent suffering type, no spark, no nothing. Crying silently in private. ARGH. 2/5
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