Wife in hospital..stroke

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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Xmann »

Additionally, 30-40 breaths a minute needs to be addressed. What is the plan for this? Strokes can cause Cheyne-stokes, but she won't be able to maintain that rate before it introduces more issues.

re: Excess Sleeping. Your wife's brain is damaged and it needs to rest. I haven't seen your wife or know more of the specific medical problems, so I can't tell you specifics. However, excess sleeping is normal in a situation like this. But with the low blood count and breathing, I would make sure this is specifically addressed by the physician.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by sgoldj »

Just catching up.

New Year, hopefully new treatments and full recovery. I am sorry that you both need to go through it all, but prayers, wishes, hope, and faith for the best outcome.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

1. Doc did consent. I talked to him and he explained what I could grasp I suppose. I agreed and she is getting blood. She always told me that if she needed blood call her cousin who is a match and has nothing disease like. But its too late. Its New Years Day and Blood Assurance is closed. He can donate there and they get it to her the next day. The same day if he came to the one in the other town near her hospital. But since it would take a day and she needed it I consented and she couldnt wait. He will donate tomorrow so if she needs more in a few days they can use his.

2. They should do another CT today. He doesn't believe its from heparin. Not enough room for all that blood in her head and no signs in abdoman. I dont know about platlets ,When I ask how are her stats and blood work they tell me all great and normal. Ill ask about that you named.

3. Told anemia is stroke related. I dont recall a name or a full reason but only because of the stroke. He looked at her records going back to 2014 and in 2014 it was at 9.7 or so and then another visit later Im not sure how long it was 9.6. So he says she seems to run a bit low or anemic before. But just guessing stroke is why.
He showed me her blood count since entering er friday and it showed a drop each day like 1.2 or so each day. Like ..guessing here..saw it but forgot mostly....9.2, 8.5, 7.6, 6.6....like that.

Ok. He is starting her on lacix. I cant recall why sorry man damnit. I wish I could. Just wanted to remove some fluid I guess. Dangit.

Also she got a EGG yesterday. He noticed some small seizure activity in there and was going to change up her anti seizure medicine drip. He told me to what but I didn't write it down. Im simply scribbling as they talk and hearing them and writing is ass. Ill write it down to ask. I only see docs in the morning before noon. I will ask the nurse and try to get her to ask a doc but I dont get back there before 5pm and I think they are gone. Not sure. Damn that breathing was worrying me and now Im more stressed. But I NEED TO KNOW this stuff so thank you.

The breathing......I cant recall it well again. It was a simple answer like because of the stroke and stress and perhaps the low blood. He said with the lacix, the change in seizure meds, and the blood coming it it should improve her brain and let it get some recovery he is hoping. They refuse to deal in absolutes. It so maddening!

They also assured me they wont kick her out. They need to keep treating these things as they go or come up. Said that a rehabilitation place wont have the meds and stuff like them and in her state of sleep a rehab place cant do anything for her.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

Oh her strokes. They are all located on the left hemisphere. None on right none of brainstem. He told me if it was a clot from the leg that somehow made it up there it should cover both sides. Same with another clot I dont recall where it would come from.So back middle front of left side brain only.

So strange it happened on blood thinner. There may have been an unknown clot that moved because of the thinner and worst of all they can say why or if it can happen again.

But other than her sleepy like state her legs and feet seems good and her left arm is good its that right arm a little of her right mouth and eye lid....barely. If not for the concious problem it would basically be that right arm and maybe some mobility or balance.. not sure just my guess.

I feel bad and was told not to. Things happen. But her leg swelled up earlier this year. Same leg..right. So we kept it elevated at home off and on and I rubbed it. It was well after a week. It stayed fine for months. Then it came up again a few weeks ago. For the life of me I cant recall why we went to the er with it one day. We left around 12 and I rememebr thinking I hope they hurry I cant see to drive well at night and need to leave by 5pm. We left about then and she even wanted taco bell mexican pizza on the way hom at almost dark lol. I cant remember why we went. Maybe it was hurting..or we were worried. But what if I hadn't taken her and gotten the blood thinner?? Doc says you never know and I did the right thing. If his mom had one he'd take her in. That if I hadn't taken her in it might have killed her. You dont know. Also said it may have gotten better that time because it form spirals or passages in the clot and allowed the flow to ease through. Probably the same clot,. Its still there now.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

OMG..I just checked paypal...I cant type/

took me a minute. I bust our crying. I didn't expect that. Oh god. My stomach cramped up. Oh man guys and gals. Thank you thank you. For the words and donations. I love you guys. Donna loves ya too. Like I said she knows you as the octopus site or folk. Has asked before about you.

I think I may leave it for a day. Not sure. Im so stressed. My life is I leave her at 11am - 1pm or so. I get here to home at 1pm or 2pm. I stay until 4pm. I go back to hospital and her and get there by 5pm. I stay with her and try to sleep in the room and stay until 11m - 1pm then home. Everyday.

I know all told me to take care of myself but I could sleep or eat and barely drank. Had 4 cheese and peanut butter crackers since Friday morn. No sleep but 1 hour then 2 sunday night. Last night I slept 5 hours or so with her and then today ate her tray they gave me. Almost got sick but I saw I was not doing well. Almost passed out. I have to stay good. Im all there is right now for most everything.

At home I cant stay long due to driving and staying with her more. Today I meant to be here at 11am but the docs were slow and I also hate leaving her. At home I cant eat at all and drink or rest. SO much to squeeze in in a rush and ..well..everything is the way she left it. I cant move it..I dont want to. Im also upset seeing it.

Right now I have 1 hour to actually move and dig for the bills she has piled up in her special way and places. I cannot find our credit card for the other bank. I have to do this as best I can for her and me. No one else and if not done whats here when she gets better? need power. I hate to cancel amazom movies. Its what she got herself and loves using but its a little money. Maybe Ill do everything I can to keep it this month.

Im worried how long before she comes home. What state will she be in . What if she doesn't come home?? I am lost without her and Im afraid the home will be too. Sorry Im freaking still at times. I try . It comes and goes.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

Xmann wrote: Tue Jan 01, 2019 1:06 pm Additionally, 30-40 breaths a minute needs to be addressed. What is the plan for this? Strokes can cause Cheyne-stokes, but she won't be able to maintain that rate before it introduces more issues.

re: Excess Sleeping. Your wife's brain is damaged and it needs to rest. I haven't seen your wife or know more of the specific medical problems, so I can't tell you specifics. However, excess sleeping is normal in a situation like this. But with the low blood count and breathing, I would make sure this is specifically addressed by the physician.
I will say something I remembered. Nurse said she counted 28. I did a count and got 40. Nurse did her count again right after me and got 34. But my wife yawned twice and moved once. So not sure if her count is good or not.

She has been breathing a little faster and shallower than normal until today. But to me I see it much faster and more strained. She coughed a few times. But to me it appears harder for her to breath and its faster. Will re ask again when I return.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

Actually I better try and move the donations to the bank card. No money on it and Im not sure come thursday with the shutdown what will happen. Sorry to rush I feel bad doing it but Im worried. THANK YOU my God thank you!! ALL!
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Blackhawk »

Daehawk wrote: Tue Jan 01, 2019 3:56 pm Im not sure come thursday with the shutdown what will happen.
While new applications will be delayed, Social Security/disability payments aren't affected. You'll get your checks.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

Oh thank God. I cant transfer...must be because its a holiday. I got so much on my mind. Wish my wife could just open her eyes and speak to me. Say like "Im ok. Stop worrying. I love you" and be herself. The rest can work itself out :)

EDIT: Luckily the bank card I have is the one with my name and hers. Im not sure if the other is both or just her. If her Im gonna have problems if I cant find the dang card and I cant yet. No clue. And the email bills have started coming in . Still have a couple weeks I think.

I hate having to consider this shit when I just want me wife to be better. Now I know what others go through with a very sick loved one or home organizer / head.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by geezer »

Hey - I'm just catching up and got to read through this. I'n really sorry to hear about your wife. I've been there (not stroke but cancer and (unrelated) brain surgery) and it's really really rough being the spouse and feeling helpless. Not helpless about little things that we all handle like bills, kids, letting the pets out - but real life and death stuff where you'd do anything in the world, but all you can do seems like ... nothing. :(

Hang in, and know that there are folks out here thinking of you.

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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

Thanks again all so VERY VERY MUCH! Ill have to be back on the road heading back to her in a few min. Another 50 min or so drive depending on traffic. I accidentally ran a red light. Ive never ran one in my entire life. I just wasn't paying attention and didnt see it until too late. No one around and no problems. Unless there was a traffic cam there then uh oh.

Im trying to be safe. I was speeding yesterday on the highway home and I heard my wife's voice in my head. Slow down Brian. Dont need a ticket. I could literally hear her. Then on the way back I twice started to pass a car but slowed and stayed behind them so they would keep me safe and others safe and if Donna was with me she would have said dont pass them we aren't in a hurry. Might as well get there safe.

She is always with me.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

Ok those answers.

lasix is for any fluid from her recieving the blood packs. Just telling whats told to me.

Platelets are good...just nesr the perfect mark.she watches it she says for PTT I think it was.

Breathing normal from the stroke. She keeps her watch on it. All they unless they would sedate her and dont want to do that.

Those are all the nurses answers.....no doc on floor and now they are gone.

Now for some special news. She slept from the time she was kinda awake yesterday until 5pm todsy when I got back. When I came in the phone rangs and it was another cousin. They told me tell her they loved her and I called them by name and repeated what to tell Donna. Donna started to cry woke up...woke up very well. She was well awake. She talked..not single words but sentences. Laughed at my silliness, talked about things, told a tech her full name birthday and age. Really awake. I got to hug her,tel her about you all and show her the board posts.......all kinds of stuff. I told her how you had donated and she cried again and told me to thanks. She was sp moved. I told her what Id been doing. Talked just like always just not as clear. But clear enough.

She ate 3/4 of a cup of pureed peaches, and entire pint of milk, and some mashed taters and some pureed chicken and gravy. She was fully up and alert for about and hour and then sleepy awake but here another hour. Shhe is so touched so many there znd here care and think of her and help with thoughts and prayers and donations.

I told her all I do. She says she hears and remember all I talk and szy to her when she looks asleep or zonked. A lot of time s we say I love ypu to each other and squeaze hands 3 timex. I got her hand and ssid show me how we say I lovem you and she did. That andnsome other stuff i knew she was good right there. I about hit the floor and thanked god and all our friends like you guys and cried. She almost cried then laughed some. Amazing feeling.

She is out now and asle ep. Hope I catch her next awake.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

Gotta say sry for my dread ful typing. See how it does an edit? It puts a space where I fix it. Plus autocorrect replaces words with whatever it wants. So Im sry you have to read the t ypos. Damn tablet! :oops: :D
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

I even told how I had been waiting for her to say to me......dont worry, Im ok and she told me that. I then told her knew she was wide awake if I was bothering and sh e would give me a are you stupid look and she actually laughed at me lol
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by TheMix »

Daehawk wrote: Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:43 pm Gotta say sry for my dread ful typing. See how it does an edit? It puts a space where I fix it. Plus autocorrect replaces words with whatever it wants. So Im sry you have to read the t ypos. Damn tablet! :oops: :D
I find if I skim the posts quickly, that I get the meaning without having to worry about the spelling. :)

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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Moat_Man »

Sounds like very positive steps. That's great to hear.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by MHS »

Sounds like things are heading in the right direction, that’s great news! Keeping you and Donna in our thoughts.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

Thank you. We will you too. We know a bit about how hard its been on you too. I am doing this depssing blog....well it was. Now its a super happy one. I think Ill keep it going.

She slept a bit but the change of bed sheets woke her up. She is lucid again but sleepy talking and smiling. She thinks Im crazy...no secret I am.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Lassr »

encouraging news! :D
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Xmann »

These are all very good things Daehawk. Strokes take time to heal.

The lasix will help with her breathing. I believe she has some history of heart disease.

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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by dbt1949 »

Seems like she's recuperating well. This is very encouraging. Maybe she'll be close to normal when she gets out. I hope so. :dance:
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

Xmann wrote: Tue Jan 01, 2019 10:36 pm These are all very good things Daehawk. Strokes take time to heal.

The lasix will help with her breathing. I believe she has some history of heart disease.
Yes. Most is so far back even I cant recall. But since her bypass surgery in 2012 its been perfecr. The doc even said they watched it and its really good. I dont recall the exact wording...something like heart function and a number like 45 being perfect or great then hers is like 36. Before surgery it was on on down.
Also said her beats were perfect and before surgery they were all over terrible.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Xmann »

Ejection Fraction is essentially a measurement of heart function. 50-55%'ish is the lowest end of normal.

The blood transfusion probably had something to do with perking her up as well.

Hang in there bud.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by ImLawBoy »

Just back on after a few days away from things, and I'm sorry to hear about all of this. Our prayers are with you.
Daehawk wrote: Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:39 pm lasix is for any fluid from her recieving the blood packs. Just telling whats told to me.
Xmann surely knows more about this than I do, but when my son was hospitalized in December, he was getting a lot of IV fluids but he wasn't peeing enough. This was leading to swelling and high blood pressure. They gave him the lasix to help him pee out the extra fluids, which had the effect of lowering his blood pressure.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Xmann »

ImLawBoy wrote:Just back on after a few days away from things, and I'm sorry to hear about all of this. Our prayers are with you.
Daehawk wrote: Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:39 pm lasix is for any fluid from her recieving the blood packs. Just telling whats told to me.
Xmann surely knows more about this than I do, but when my son was hospitalized in December, he was getting a lot of IV fluids but he wasn't peeing enough. This was leading to swelling and high blood pressure. They gave him the lasix to help him pee out the extra fluids, which had the effect of lowering his blood pressure.
That is correct.

Lasix is used to pull off fluid for multiple reason. ie: lowering blood pressure, reducing swelling from edema, removing fluid to improve breathing are the most common.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Paingod »

I've been offline for over a week... I'm very sorry for what's happened, and wish Donna a strong and fast recovery. It sounds like you're all over it, and she's in the right place. Medical knowledge and practices today are amazing.

Please don't forget to take care of yourself. I know right now that she's the most important thing in the world, but you can't do anything for her if you get in a car accident because you're too tired.

Thinking of you and Donna. Please keep letting us know how you're both doing. :romance-grouphug:
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

Thanks for the Lasix info. I really never understood the reason until you guys.

Thank you all again more for the support, thoughts, prayers, wishes, info.

And the donations. We are both blown away. If I repeat info Im sorry. Its hectic and I cant remember what I type and cant take a lot of time here at the home and down there Im on that nightmare of a tablet. But we are both blown away by you guys and the donations. I just got home and found more! You guys are very special....or crazy...I vote both cause I think Im in the right crowd to blend in. But when I told her yesterday her face went into an instant cry face...and it was beautiful to see her face do it. Im cry now thinking of that moment. So thank you. Ill update her too.

Also I want to thank each donation personally I just dont have that time right now here at home and I refuse to use PayPal over a unsecured guest network so cant there either. I will get around to it when she is home and the sooner the better.

OK UPDATE: Today is Wednesday January 2 2019......Hard to belive that date.

Ok she slept through the night. She was up a little more last night....my memory is a blur...think last night..geezub.....not as fully awake. More sleepy awake but did have her eyes open and looking around. She spoke some more. She cant focus her sight. Theres a clock on the wall opposite her and she cant do it. I tested her sight . Left eye she sees but she said cant see anything with right...yet. Right arm still nothing. Uses left arm perfect and moves her legs and feel still. Its her there and not a copy repeat recorder or yes know. Its her She is giving smirks and looks. Like I did something or said something stupid..normal for me to joke with her...and she looked over at her nurse and gave her the "he is an idiot" look. The nurse got it. haha. Stuff like that. I think in total yester the main awake time was 1 hour well awake and alert and 1 hour along with it drowsy awake..eyes closed a lot then open then close and just single words. Not like the sentences and stuff the hour before.

On to today. Slept all night. At 7:30 this morn I got up and I woke her up accidentally. I saw her looking at me fumbling around and was SHOCKED. Before this she was not wakable at all. Yesterday was on her own. But this time I had done it. SO I started talking to her and getting her up. She woke up slowly but is able to be woken now. She seemed very alert like the day before but didn't talk as much. She was up though. I sat her up in the bed too. First works seeing me and getting her up was "I love you". Made my heart sing honestly. Almost cried. Im such a baby with her. Told her so and she laugh. I mean opened her mouth and smiled big and huffed a chuckled and then tilted her head back a little .Not a lot of sound but enough to know it was a laugh and not choked on spit hahahah. Oh man.

And she stayed away. Her breakfast came the same time..about 7:40. She drank a full pint of milk, ate a full half pear, and just a couple bits of some other junk. She also swallowed a pill.

Stayed awake but slowed down. I kept talking and talking and had her sitting up. I made she to ask if she wanted to sleep or anything and she replied no. Wasn't torturing her :) . About 10 they took her for a CT. Got back around 10:45 and she was still the sorta awake. They brought lunch and she drank most of her glass of tea but didn't eat.

I was ready to head here to the house at 11am but she said "stay" in a plz sweet way and I would not leave her. The nurse gave her a pill. I stayed until 12 and she was super sleepy. I made sure it was ok to leave her and that I would be back by 5pm. She agreed and I kissed and hugged her a ton and watched her from the door a minute to make sure she is ok.

Also her doc got to speak to her today. All other days she was out of it. He was very happy. They took her OFF the Heparin. She now takes a pill of Xarelto. He didn't like it that even in the Eliquist she had this stroke happen to her so its Xarelto. Hope its amazing and safe.

I am SO SCARED this will happen again only worse. I mean how this happened is stupid and frightening. Just no way to know when doing whats supposed to be best and right.

Doc said the clot if from her knee to her groin almost...a large older one. Going to take months to clear....and he didn't say it but worry for months.

Her blood level is now 11.

Even he cant explain her perfect stats and bloodwork and not taking all her normal pills. Strange stuff. Maybe because she is not moving but in bed?

Her potassium is a little low. I think maybe the IV fluids? Not sure. They gave her a powder to mix and drink. Said the IV one was kinda bad and hurt. So it mixed super orange color and tasted AWFUL!! Her first swallow she made the worst face. I mean baaaad. the nurse had warned us over and over. She had to drink 3 more swallows. I tasted it..AWFUL OMG! Like drinking a terrible tasting salt mine. Nurse warned me to use as little orange juice or fluid so she didn't have to drink much...diluting it doesn't help and more to drink. Still awful..AWFUL :P

Thanks again all. Thats all I can think now plus Im home so hurrying. Dog is in my lap asleep. He is so upset and scared.

Dae Brian
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Grifman »

Daehawk wrote: Tue Jan 01, 2019 9:15 amIll most likely consent to it....I dont know what else to do. But what if??? It another long time worry. Even with her fear im not sure what she would say if they told her what they tell me.
First off, i want to say I am so sorry to hear this. You and your wife are in my prayers.

Secondly, you need to realize that NO medical procedure is 100% sure thing and risk free. You were commenting earlier about why she had a stroke when she was on medicine, and now you are worrying about her getting AIDS from a blood transfusion. You are going to better off mentally and emotionally if you realize that medicine is a much an art as it is a science. Doctors take the info they have, make a diagnosis and proscribe treatment, doing the best they can. But even they are 100% right, there are exceptions - people are different and react differently. They could do everything right and she might still not responds as they expect - she might respond worse, or she might respond better. Nothing in medicine (or life) is risk free. You'll kill yourself second guessing yourself if you keep going like this and it won't do you or your wife any good.

Thirdly, I would go to your banks with your information and ask for assistance. You may find someone there who can get on you track.

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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Freyland »

IV fluids could "dilute" her potassium levels, but much more likely related to the Lasix, which increases greatly the potassium filtered out of the kidney when it is increasing her urine output/getting rid of extra fluid.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Drazzil »

Prayers, well wishes and PM sent. Respond when you can.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

Update 1 2 19 .......breathi g was fast last night but now seems normal. I counted 23 per min. She is snoring a little ...... I hope to soon be able to rib her on this. Not been able to wake het to eat since getting here at 5 like last two days. I kept her food so maybe later. Maybe she will wake up better in the morn
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Drazzil »

Daehawk wrote: Wed Jan 02, 2019 8:14 pm Update 1 2 19 .......breathi g was fast last night but now seems normal. I counted 23 per min. She is snoring a little ...... I hope to soon be able to rib her on this. Not been able to wake het to eat since getting here at 5 like last two days. I kept her food so maybe later. Maybe she will wake up better in the morn
Thanks for the response Dae. Best wishes and prayers sent.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

Theres this moment. It comes in the early morning. Once Ive gotten a few hours sleep in the cot beside her Ill wake up before daylight. Around 6 - 7 am. Its just a moment. A flash. A gift. I wake and nothing is wrong. Its just another day. Nothing bad ever happened. Its there for that quick little tempting moment.

Then a weight like a metric ton crushes me. Ive not quiet realized where I am or whats wrong. I just know beyond the beyond that something horrible is wrong. Not right.

Then I know whats wrong. A small smidge of anger mixed with overwhelming fear, nervousness and oh no oh no grabs me. Donna had a terrible stroke and she is bad off and we are here in the hospital.

And other than wanting my wife back now, the way she was or this to have never happened, I want that moment back. The first waking moment. And Im lost for a bit every morning.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

Took her off the heparin drip today. Been off hours. They want to let her take a pill of something plus other stuff I dont recal. Oh they hav e a pill for the seizures but she has not been awake for it. Her seizure drip has been off a long time. Worrying. Nurse said she make give her one more until they see about tomorrow.

Ill try to make me a ask list.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Drazzil »

Daehawk wrote: Wed Jan 02, 2019 10:26 pm Theres this moment. It comes in the early morning. Once Ive gotten a few hours sleep in the cot beside her Ill wake up before daylight. Around 6 - 7 am. Its just a moment. A flash. A gift. I wake and nothing is wrong. Its just another day. Nothing bad ever happened. Its there for that quick little tempting moment.

Then a weight like a metric ton crushes me. Ive not quiet realized where I am or whats wrong. I just know beyond the beyond that something horrible is wrong. Not right.

Then I know whats wrong. A small smidge of anger mixed with overwhelming fear, nervousness and oh no oh no grabs me. Donna had a terrible stroke and she is bad off and we are here in the hospital.

And other than wanting my wife back now, the way she was or this to have never happened, I want that moment back. The first waking moment. And Im lost for a bit every morning.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Asharak »

I'm so sorry for what you and Donna are going through, Daehawk. I'm glad she seems to be improving a bit and I hope her recovery is as full and speedy as it can be.

- Ash (also a Brian, and I'm glad you also spell it the right way!)
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Archinerd »

Sorry Daehawk, just getting caught back up on everything and saw this. Thanks for the updates, you both are in my thoughts.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by GungHo »

That's tough Daehawk. I'm very sorry to hear this. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
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Re: Wife in hospital..stroke

Post by Daehawk »

Thanks all. Its really great to continue to read all the caring on here.

Came back at 5 and both her heparin a d the kepra seizure had been removed. Not sure how long. Doc wants to move to swallowing pills. Xeralto for her thinner and pill form kepra for seizure. But she has been asleep for at least 8 or 9 hours so no seizure or thinner and no food. She only gets a little food anyways.

The nurse got her some more kepra drip from the pharm when i vojced my concern since the doc saw seizure activity and had upped her seizure med from 759 to 1000.

I think my wife took Crestor but doc is changing her to i think they said lipitor. Not sure.

Im worried the doc has a misconception of her wakefulness. She was asleep for the other days he saw her then he saw her awake good and talking. Im worried he thinks she is better than she is switching her to pills. She has only been awake well sorta twice for an hour or so each maybe two...I posted it. The rest is semi awake and not able to eat or drink or take pills. Worried about removing drips.

I tried for an hour to get her up when I got her at five. She is still totally asleep snoring and sounds a bit congested and wont cough or anything. She doesnt even move now for the 7 hours ive been here.

She is breathing slowly and easy now ...good.......but moisture'ish snores and no movement isnstrange.

Also her blood pressure has been perfect all this ti.e. Tonight it was 172 over 92.
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