Once again I sold the Zombicide that was going to be my last Zombicide that I keep forever. The ideas of that taking up that much space and knowing I would rarely if ever play it, I think I am officially over CMON.
On the other hand, I got a look at a prototype of Dicey Devices that really caught my eye. I didn't buy anything at the convention this past weekend, but I will be looking at that kickstarter when it launches (in Feb, I think). If the price is right and the gameplay still looks good, I'll probably jump on it. It looks like a more thematic space base with some area control and more direct player interaction (combat).
I was just browsing to kill a few minutes, and I was reminded of another reason I've backed away (besides money and shipping.) Miniatures and terrain. I used to back miniatures and terrain campaigns pretty regularly. Now a lot - a majority from what I'm seeing - don't include any miniatures or terrain. They're just .stl files. I was just looking at a couple of board game campaigns that were miniature based that were surprisingly affordable - until I saw that they all just include downloadable .stl files for 3d printing.
I'm fine with not backing, but I do hate that so much of tabletop miniature gaming has come to a point at which a 3d printer is almost mandatory.
That makes minis campaigns an easy pass. I have plenty to paint, and no 3d printer. If I’m buying a mini, it’s because I want it handy to paint.
"A lie can run round the world before the truth has got its boots on." -Terry Pratchett, The Truth "The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to those who think they've found it." -Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
And I'm the exact opposite. Any of the cool 3D print projects I'm a sucker for, especially terrain. And some specialized minis that I think would be good for Pulp Alley.
My danger is backing a project and the forgetting to download the files, then having to go try and track down the files.
There's still something magical about throwing a file on a printer and 10 hours later you have a nice piece of terrain to use.
“We can never allow Murania to become desecrated by the presence of surface people. Our lives are serene, our minds are superior, our accomplishments greater. Gene Autry must be captured!!!” - Queen Tika, The Phantom Empire
If I had a printer and had a place to safely operate it, I'd be all over them as well. But with it not being a possibility, it's just about seeing something really cool, clicking on it, and seeing that it's only 3d files. Over and over.
It doesn't help that physical Kickstarters are starting to include .stl files as stretch goals, presented as part of the value. Or that places like Modiphius have games where most of the extra content is print only (Wasteland Warfare is a prime offender - you can buy the game and minis, but good luck getting terrain if you don't have access to a 3d printer.)
Once we got stuck into the details, it became clear the inventory was spread out across multiple warehouses around the world. There were also unpaid storage bills we needed to negotiate and, due to a miscommunication with the supplier, two items hadn’t been manufactured.
So, I got my copy of Oathsworn a few weeks back, so I did the perfectly natural and predictable thing of....
Ordering a "reasonably priced" eBay market copy of the Kingdom Death Monster Gambler's Chest and getting way back into KDM again. I have yet to set up a game, but I am finally finishing all the monster models for expansion monsters I had and getting sleeves on the cards I want sleeved. The Gambler's Chest is also a beast, basically a full second game, and I am enjoying going through it.
I got the Chronicles of Drunagor Apocalypse expansion with all the Kickstarter rewards. I now have three full campaigns for the game, and a crap ton of characters and classes to try.
Quick question for you guys who do more Kickstarters than me.
I backed Tanares Adventures which is apparently being Pledge Managed by Gamefound (which I've never used before). They're telling me I need to enter my shipping info and pay for shipping. Their Pledge Manager shows I've paid for the game, but there's nowhere to actually enter any shipping info. There's no buttons to click on anywhere on the pledge page. Am I just missing something?
My pledge page looks like this
Sent them a message as well, but I figured some of y'all would be more familiar with their system and might know what I was missing.
When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.
That is odd. It's been a while, but I remember it being obvious what the shipping cost was. It looks like they forgot to add it in. You probably need to contact them.
Black Lives Matter
Isgrimnur - Facebook makes you hate your friends and family. LinkedIn makes you hate you co-workers. NextDoor makes you hate your neighbors.
I received an email about completing my pledge by adding my shipping information - I click on the link and yet there is no area where I can add this, I am just taken to the main project page. In the "Your pledge" section my pledge shows as all paid but it also says that I need to add my shipping info, yet no option to do so.
Can you help?
12/3/2023 12:48 AM
view profile
If the is no longer a "complete pledge" available at the bottom of the "Your Pledge" page (probably because the pledge manager closed a while ago), your best option is to email Cristina@DragoriGames.com and include your pledge id so it is easier to find your pledge.
Black Lives Matter
Isgrimnur - Facebook makes you hate your friends and family. LinkedIn makes you hate you co-workers. NextDoor makes you hate your neighbors.
Gamefound is a pretty common pledge manager. And yeah, if you missed the deadline, you need to contact them by email. They generally want everyone's info (it leaves them in limbo if they don't get it), but you may end up paying more for shipping, and extras may or may not be available.
Thanks all, much appreciated. Figured it was something like that. I'll shoot them an e-mail and see about getting it resolved.
The grumpy old curmudgeon in me is reminded this morning why I don't often bother with these newfangled crowdfunding things all the kids are doing these days.
EDIT: They e-mailed me back within an hour and opened the pledge manager back up so I could enter the shipping info ($60 shipping...ouch). Really impressed with their customer service. I did miss out on the cool unpainted dragon sculpt because I missed the deadline, but that's kinda on me because I wasn't paying enough attention to the process.
When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.
Dragori is lightning fast these days. I late backed the Tanares RPG and emailed Cristina and she gave me my $16 shipping credit within half an hour, even though I emailed at like 9:00pm.
Supposedly I have a package of Dungeon Unversalis stuff coming today (or in the near future). That one was far smoother than the last time when Oscar had such logistics trouble.
I like the new DUN stuff. It’s not a rules heavy expansion. It just gives you more spells, weapons, races and classes. And a huge new campaign. I have so much content for this game that it’s going into my retirement gaming plan.
hepcat wrote: ↑Fri Dec 15, 2023 9:00 pm
I like the new DUN stuff. It’s not a rules heavy expansion. It just gives you more spells, weapons, races and classes. And a huge new campaign. I have so much content for this game that it’s going into my retirement gaming plan.
I feel like it's a battle between DUN and League of Dungeoneers in terms of having insane content. I think DUN might have more, but Dungeoneers might be slightly more accessible. DUN is amazing in terms of what he's created with respect to a potential gaming toolset.
Also, I don't want to alarm anyone, but I was emailed an address verification check from QML for Assault on Doomrock Ultimate; it's finally getting ready to ship.
Yup, got mine today too for assault. I can’t wait for that one. I should be out the other end of my bed bug nightmare by the time it arrives, so I’ll be able to actually enjoy it before I move.
hepcat wrote: ↑Fri Dec 15, 2023 9:41 pm
I should be out the other end of my bed bug nightmare by the time it arrives, so I’ll be able to actually enjoy it before I move.
I...uh...need to catch up on some reading, apparently.
hepcat wrote: ↑Fri Dec 15, 2023 11:40 pm
Even a small presence is enough to cause PTSD. And they can come from anywhere. But they can be beaten. That’s all I’m gonna say here.
I suddenly realize that 5lthis would maje a goid board game.
Yep. Mostly mobile but ots a combo of my physical and mental disabilities that causes it currently. I used to be much better in the before times.
The amount of typis varirs by comment. Some are almost perfect. Some i dont even understand what i was trying to type.
hepcat wrote: ↑Sat Dec 16, 2023 4:48 pm
Well, I certainly didn't mean to insult. Sorry if that seemed to be the case.
Nope. Not at all.
I'm comfortable sharing my situation to help clarify things ike tjis.
Fogured id mention it in case you didnt read about my medical adventure.
hepcat wrote: ↑Fri Dec 15, 2023 9:41 pm
Yup, got mine today too for assault. I can’t wait for that one. I should be out the other end of my bed bug nightmare by the time it arrives, so I’ll be able to actually enjoy it before I move.
I received my copy last week, it looks really good!
For whoever likes chillout downtempo music (or HipHop) ->
Hopefully mine will arrive right after Christmas as I’m gone starting Wednesday for 8 days. I’m not sure how many folks will be in the office during that time so it might get sent back.
"A lie can run round the world before the truth has got its boots on." -Terry Pratchett, The Truth "The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to those who think they've found it." -Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
The developer was apparently warned about the meaning months ago, and promised to remove it. He posted in that thread saying that it was supposed to have been removed.
I wanted to clarify that this card was meant to be removed, and its inclusion in the game is an error. I advised the German publisher to exclude it from their version, which they did, but it somehow made it back into mine.
Now it's a question of credibility. Someone had to know about it and choose to put it in. And the fact that it was only removed in Germany is suspect as well (mainly because if it were seen as a derivative of the Nazi flag, the entire game could have been banned, giving him a motivation beyond just 'this is a bad thing.')
I have no idea where I stand, but I didn't buy into the game, so I'll find another hill for dyin'.
My copy is bouncing around fedex depots. It’s unfortunate that the designer included it to begin with, but I’m still gonna play the hell out of the game. But I’m betting an artist they hired was just being an ass. I don’t see any indication that the designer has a history of this kind of thing.
Yeah, I don't really think he is necessarily trying to sneak something in; it seems like he was responsive to removing it when it was pointed out but for whatever reason it didn't happen with NA copies. I'm sure the delay in production and communicating with the manufacturer/printer in China was less than ideal. Anyway, I guess I was just sharing so that if you owned a copy and wanted to make sure it was removed from your copy before playing with others, you could.
I doubt anyone I play with would even realize what it was. My generation is too old for all this 4chan nonsense. Now get off our lawn and turn down that blasted Neil Diamond devil music!
Flags like that are found in many video and board games. You want a villain, you make their flag look vaguely Nazi-esque…sometimes dropping the vaguely…and sometimes even the villain part. I’m not defending what this one stands for, mind you. Just noting that such iconography is pretty common in games.