Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

Post by jztemple2 »

TheMix wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 12:56 am I guess you missed that first door opening? I didn't think it would go well when you advanced the soldier and turned his back on the open door.
The 2nd try went better, although I lost that first hostage. What I think is so cool about this map is that it is randomly generated The way the only gate in is covered by fixed guns so that even my smoke didn't totally work. And how the executioner can be just barely stopped if I rush in after the gate is blown (apparently the smoke doesn't trigger a reaction). And that there is a suicide bomber just waiting to rush in and spoil my plans. All a very nice challenge.

Right now I just finished a random mission using yet another squad mod, this time the new Nowheraki Partisans. It's early days for the mod but still has a lot of fun options.
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

Post by jztemple2 »

For those with the game, here's a really good Steam Workshop mission,Back of House by Fedora the Explorer whose DK2 Workshop page is here. It's a really interesting map, a Clear the Hostiles mission, and even after three tries I still lost one trooper trying to complete it. I'll post a replay sometime but it's over seven minute long. There's a nice mix of terrain requiring a mix of weapons.

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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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I’d play it just for the creator’s user name alone. :lol:
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Door Kickers 2 | Steam Workshop mission Mountain Fortress by Fedora the Explorer

This is a Non-Cinematic Replay video of the Steam Workshop mission "Mountain Fortress" by Fedora the Explorer. I didn't use cinematic mode so I could show off my (less than stellar) planning. Even without the pauses it is still twenty-one minutes long. This is a very tough map (for me at least) and combines some really nice elements. It is set at night, there are fuses boxes, there are long range lines of sight and also tunnels and a few more surprises. DK2 players ought to give the mission a try before checking out this video!

As I said, I left in the planning details so others interesting in DK2 can see how it works. This replay does NOT have any of the many pauses I made while I was playing. In real time this mission took me about two hours.

Steam Workshop link: ... 2746654851
Fedora the Explorer DK2 Workshop page: ... id=1239080
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Door Kickers 2 | Steam Workshop mission Back of House by Fedora the Explorer

This is a Non-Cinematic Replay video of the Steam Workshop mission "Back of House" by Fedora the Explorer. I didn't use cinematic mode so I could show off some more of my (less than stellar) planning. This is an excellent map with clever sightlines and lots of atmosphere.

Steam Workshop link: ... 2492974699
Fedora the Explorer DK2 Workshop page: ... id=1239080
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

Post by jztemple2 »

jztemple2 wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 1:30 am Right now I just finished a random mission using yet another squad mod, this time the new Nowheraki Partisans. It's early days for the mod but still has a lot of fun options.
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Here's the replay of that mission.
Door Kickers 2 | Random Mission "Operation Yelliing Devil"

This is a Cinematic Replay video of a randomly generated mission. I've paused the game at the start so the objective can be displayed, also the four troopers, who are from the "Nowheraki Partisans" mod available on Nexus at
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Door Kickers 2 | Steam Workshop mission "Stolen Goods" by Fedora the Explorer

This is a Cinematic Replay video of the Steam Workshop mission "Stolen Goods" by Fedora the Explorer. It's a small mission but a decent one and I've used a couple of operatives from the Door Kickers 2 GSG9 Mod v0.7 by [LNC] HARLY66 | Max found at ... 2mMhMXiU90

Steam Workshop link: ... 2493016526
Fedora the Explorer DK2 Workshop page: ... id=1239080
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Door Kickers 2 | Steam Workshop mission "Some Serious Drywall Work" by Fedora the Explorer

This is a Cinematic Replay video of the Steam Workshop mission "Some Serious Drywall Work" by Fedora the Explorer. It's a fun mission with hostages to avoid blowing up(!). I've used three operatives from the KSK Mod v0.34 - Default Version by [LNC] HARLY66 | Max found at ... mTcrgLJWaI

Steam Workshop link: ... 2493002906
Fedora the Explorer DK2 Workshop page: ... id=1239080
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Door Kickers 2 | Steam Workshop mission 'COD4MW "Backlot"' by Bambi

This is a Cinematic Replay video of the Steam Workshop mission 'COD4MW "Backlot"' by Bambi. I'm using a six person Force Recon DAP Reconnaisance Team from the mod United States Marine Corps 1.2.3 by Überchad found on Nexus mods at

I am playing the mission with the team as presented in mod, without any alterations or substitutions. So no DMR, no spy cameras, etc. At the beginning of the video I have a short look at the composition of the squad. Things went pretty well for most of the mission, but then I got buck fever and, well, things didn't go as planned.

Steam Workshop link: ... 2642756000
Bambi DK2 Workshop page: ... id=1239080
Here's a look at the map and the platoon. I'm taking along all six members of the first reconnaissance team.
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Door Kickers 2 | Danger Close artillery call

This little video utilizes the mod United States Marine Corps 1.2.3 by Überchad found on Nexus mods at

One of the Marines calls in 155mm artillery support, but calls it in a bit too close.
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Apparently rushing to grab the hostage was a bad idea... :(

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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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jztemple2 wrote: Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:40 pm
Door Kickers 2 | Danger Close artillery call

This little video utilizes the mod United States Marine Corps 1.2.3 by Überchad found on Nexus mods at

One of the Marines calls in 155mm artillery support, but calls it in a bit too close.
I laughed. I was not expecting that. :lol:

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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Door Kickers 2 | An HVT Too Far

This is a randomly generated mission, settings of size 8+, 5/5 hostiles, Abduction, 0x5F593748 and using the Nowheraki Partisans which can be found on Nexus at

Your group was tasked to abduct a High Value Target (HVT) from a strongly defended compound. Your Nowheraki Partisans consisted of two saboteurs, four spec ops, four guerrillas, two heavies and two sharpshooters.

The saboteurs were able to infiltrate the compound and find the HVT. The team fought there way in, took him captive and exfiltrated him out. Unfortunately that wasn't the end of the mission. There was another HVT, but for your team, it was an HVT too far.
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Door Kickers 2 | Steam Workshop mission 'Ruhestörung/Disturbance of the peace 0.2' by ☢°‘¨♛EicY♛¨‘°☣

This is a Cinematic Replay video of the Steam Workshop mission 'Ruhestörung/Disturbance of the peace 0.2' by ☢°‘¨♛EicY♛¨‘°☣. I'm using a six person GSG9 Team from the mod Door Kickers 2 GSG9 Mod v0.7 by [LNC] HARLY66 | Max found at ... 2mMhMXiU90

In this mission terrorists have taken over a location. They are heavily armed and numerous. It is nightime and the team notes that there is a fuse box in a small building to the south of the main building.

I am playing the mission with the team as presented in mod, although because of the nature of the threat, the operatives have upgunned to G36C Suppressed weapons. They also have better armor and probably most importantly have night vision goggles. Note that the GSG9, at least as presented in the mod, do not carry frag grenade or door breaching explosives.

This is a very clever map. There are windows in the building that randomly change each time the map is loaded so that the player can't use some default approach. The tangos are very active and make for a good challenge. It took me a half dozen tries to finally beat it.

Steam Workshop link: ... 2783483908
☢°‘¨♛EicY♛¨‘°☣ DK2 Workshop page: ... id=1239080
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Door Kickers 2 | Random mission "Objective Evening Bladder"

This is a randomly generated mission, settings of size 4-7, 3/5 hostiles, Hostage rescue, 0x3D9EC7C5 and using the Rainbow Six - Classic mod at

The objective was to rescue an unknown number of hostages. There were enemy agents heavily armed in the compound. Loadouts were the default ones in the mod, so no frag grenades. There was a team lead, three assaulters, one support with an LMG and a sniper. Originally the team had only two assaulters and one undercover operative. The undercover agent scouted the entire complex but that took several minutes and I needed that extra head on the assault team.

Note that hostages cannot hop over even the lowest fences and railings!
A look at the Rainbow Six Classic squad in the game.
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And the path plan of the undercover operative in my first attempt, after a minute of play. I had mistakenly later in the path had her hop over a railing, which immediately made all the tangos suspicious of her and she got gunned down :(. I decide on the next attempt to not use the undercover agent and get the extra assaulter instead.
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Door Kickers 2 | Random mission "Objective Angel Dart"

This is a randomly generated mission, settings of size 4-7, Hostiles 3/5, Type Clear the Hostiles, random code 0x3D9EC7C5 and using the PMC squad mod at

The team consists of one marksman with a DMR and three assaulters. PMC stands for Private Military Contractor and I'm using their default loadouts on this first runthrough.
A look at the team:
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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I been playing around with some mods for DK2, so I decided to install the Vortex Mod Manager that is available through Nexus Mods. It was pretty simple to set up and use. Below is a screenshot of the Vortex app (or client) and below that is a close up of the mods I used. Right now I'm keeping all mods disabled until I decide to use them to prevent conflicts.


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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Door Kickers 2 | Steam Workshop mission 'Jungle Ops M1 Iron Eagle' by Ash

This is a Cinematic Replay video of the Steam Workshop mission 'Jungle Ops M1 Iron Eagle' by Ash. I'm using a four person Rangers Team equipped with items from the mod IOV by daboboye. The mission is to clear hostiles.

This is a very interesting map. There are boulders blocking some paths, but also foliage that blocks line of sight but not movement. And there is foliage everywhere, making the map feel very claustrophic in spite of being out of doors. There are also lots of small details that give the map a lot of atmosphere.

Using the IOV mod I've outfitted my Rangers with a number of cutting edge weapons and accessories, I show this in the first part of the video. One of the items is the ability to call in an AH-64 fire mission, which is very cool. The mod is excellent and lots of fun to use to spruce up DK2.

Steam Workshop link: ... 2492872241
Ash DK2 Workshop page: ... id=1239080
IOV mod link:
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Door Kickers 2 | Steam Workshop mission 'Jungle Ops - M2 - All That's Left' by Ash

This is a Cinematic Replay video of the Steam Workshop mission 'Jungle Ops - M2 - All That's Left' by Ash. The mission is to escort an allied VIP to an escape zone on the other side of the map. Like the first mission of the series I posted before, the map is covered by jungle and there are tangos all around. Again, Ash has made an excellent map with lots of atmosphere.

For my unit I chose the IOV mod by daboboye and selected the A.I.M. Squad. Fans of Jagged Alliance will fondly remember the characters from that game. On my first playthrough the team got wiped out pretty early, so I up-gunned and up-armored them. However, as can be seen in the video, good loadouts can't save poor tactics.

Steam Workshop link: ... 2492872896
Ash DK2 Workshop page: ... id=1239080
IOV mod by daboboye link:
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Door Kickers 2 | Steam Workshop mission 'Jungle Ops - M3 - Ray Of Hope' by Ash

This is a Cinematic Replay video of the Steam Workshop mission 'Jungle Ops - M3 - Ray Of Hope' by Ash. The mission is to escort an allied VIP to an escape zone on the other side of the map. This is a wild map with lots of destruction, strange passages, burning vehicles and lots of cool detail.

I used a standard Ranger loadout with my default item selection. It turned out to be a good choice for this map. I managed to keep all my Rangers alive, but there were some injuries. Lots of fun.

Steam Workshop link: ... 2492873126
Ash DK2 Workshop page: ... id=1239080
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Check out this YouTube video of a replay from the mission All Good Things - Inferno. Look for, at the very beginning of the video, the elevator from which the team apparently arrived, falling down its shaft :shock:. And towards the end, when the camera pulls back, see how the author cleverly made an almost 3D world to the right of the building in which the action is currently taking place.

UPDATE: Here is another video, with further interesting effects. The video does have music, which I don't prefer, but some folks do.

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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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It's been six months so I thought I'd post an update, well an update about there not being any updates :wink:

I've been following the game on Discord and the community manager has been keeping folks informed about progress. Since the last significant update in the fall of 2023 the team has been working on the two major areas of campaigns and doctrines. Campaigns are how missions will be grouped together for a tour of duty type of experience. You will be limited in the number of soldiers you have available, so trying to avoid getting them killed is a good idea. Also being worked out is how campaigns will branch with the idea of having replayability.

Doctrine was a concept present in the first door kicker game. Basically as you complete missions and gain experience you get Doctrine points. Those points will allow access to better weapons and ammo as well as other equipment. Doctrine will also give the ability to unlock special units and other things.

There are also a number of other new features being worked on but the devs are keeping them under wraps right now.

The next update is planned to be the full 1.0 release and they are deep into beta testing at the moment. As far as a timeline estimate, Autumn 2024 is doable if nothing major occurs. I can't wait :D :D
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

Post by jztemple2 »

This is really one of the things I like about DK2, the random mission generator can produce such interesting missions. This one is a hostage rescue, medium tangos, random sized map. This is a cinematic reply that doesn't show all the planning pre-game and in-game.

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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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I'm posting another Door Kickers 2 mission, but this time instead of a cinematic replay video, I decided to record how I play a mission. This is one of the missions from the Tiny Troubles category "Uninvited Guests". I've provided commentary throughout the mission.

One of the things I've tried to do with this video is to explain not only what I'm doing, but why I'm doing it. This is very much a thinking game that rewards not only planning, but also the ability to "think on your feet" and alter what you are doing. There are players who will play a mission over and over to create a "perfect plan" but I find it more fun, for me, to play the mission slowly and enjoy all the possibilities.

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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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For those of you who own DK2 or are interested in it <cricket sounds> there was a MAJOR announcement from the devs today. It has been a year since there was any update to the game, but over on Discord their rep has been answering questions and mentioning over and over that development work was still in progress. Today we got a lot of information about the upcoming 1.0 release... except when the release would actually be :cry:. But it will be sooner than later and certainly before the end of the year. Anyway, here's a look at the announcement:

Update on progress towards full release
Our dear supporters and community,

A long time ago we decided to avoid releasing smaller updates and just focus on finishing the game as a whole, thinking it wouldn't take us that long. We reconned it would be more efficient to have one release instead of countless cycles of building, testing, announcements, bug fixing and so on.

We knew the game was in a good spot with plenty of content and gameplay, including the RMG and workshop*. (there's currently over 7500 maps in the 'Shop).

The bad news you've already seen: NO updates in a year!
The good news is that with so many new additions we worked in the meantime, it will feel like a new game once released.

Bottom line is development hasn't stopped, let us cook a bit more and you will be rewarded with a great game.
There is a lot of content in the announcements with lots of screenshots, I'll post a few but let folks go to the actually announcement if want to read all the text.

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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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It's 2025 and (supposedly :wink:) the full 1.0 release of the game is expected soon, as in this month. Or, as the devs posted on December 29th 2024, sometime between New Years Day and Chinese New Year.

Anyway, for those who have the game and are waiting, I can recommend some interesting workshop missions to play from a guy called "Jkd". Here's a link to his workshop collections page, the oldest is at the bottom. I've found his missions to be pretty interesting and the more recent ones (the collection at the top) has some really clever uses of the editor. Well worth the trouble to play.
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Chinese New Year/Date
Wed, Jan 29, 2025
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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This is the mission "THE RAG-TAGGERS" by Jdk. One of my agents is being assisted by two contractors to defuse a bomb and clear out the terrorists. Things go wrong :D. This is a cinematic replay with no narration.

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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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jztemple2 wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 4:42 pm This is the mission "THE RAG-TAGGERS" by Jdk. One of my agents is being assisted by two contractors to defuse a bomb and clear out the terrorists. Things go wrong :D. This is a cinematic replay with no narration.

That was awesome
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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This is the same mission "THE RAG-TAGGERS" by Jdk that I previously posted. One of my agents is being assisted by two contractors to defuse a bomb and clear out the terrorists. This time things go right :D. This is a cinematic replay with no narration.

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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

Post by $iljanus »

jztemple2 wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 4:42 pm This is the mission "THE RAG-TAGGERS" by Jdk. One of my agents is being assisted by two contractors to defuse a bomb and clear out the terrorists. Things go wrong :D. This is a cinematic replay with no narration.

LOL maybe that guy shouldn't have stopped to go to the bathroom after defusing the device
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

Post by jztemple2 »

This is my playthrough of the mission "FORCED FUNDING" by Jkd. This is a cinematic replay (no gameplay symbols and no pauses) without narration. I've uploaded it as a demonstration of "slicing the pie", moving your operative a bit at a time so as to uncover another "slice" of the area ahead of them
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

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Operation Puppet Master by Jkd. This is a cinematic replay (no gameplay symbols and no pauses) without narration. From the mission description:
Our chase comes to an end. Courtesy of information from the port, and one final "chat" with our courier, we've found the man responsible for orchestrating it all.

This Nowheraki politician is well loved by the general populous.

Beyond his squeaky-clean exterior is a man who planned the theft and transportation of chemical weapons, and - if you can remember - tried to organize the execution of his political rival.

His public appearance on a live talk show, unbeknown to him, will be his last.

Assassinate target: "Weasel".

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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

Post by jztemple2 »

This is a cinematic replay (no gameplay symbols and no pauses) without narration. This is the first mission of Jkd's collection "The Longest Day's Work".

Here is the author's description of the collection: (link to the collection on Steam Workshop)
This is my third custom campaign for Door kickers 2, featuring the Nowheraki SWAT. I intended the difficulty for these missions to be a little harder than my previous mission-sets, so bear that in mind. It's a little longer, this time sporting 19 missions total. I had a lot of fun playing around with different set pieces and some trigger coding. Intended order of playing is from the top of the collection to the bottom. Hope you enjoy it. Had a lot of fun tinkering around with the editor for this one.
And here is the mission description: (link to the mission in Steam Workshop)
The assassination of our beloved political figure has shown its wear on our cities. Riots emerged in the streets after suspicions of American involvement in the assassination. While no one can confirm, one thing is for certain:

Dark times are ahead for Nowheraki.

A team is currently responding to an escalating riot. Dissidents have torn a fence on this barrier. Weapons have been spotted among the crowd.
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

Post by jztemple2 »

For those who have the game, here is a rather unusual map, "Easter Egg". Rather interesting.
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

Post by jztemple2 »

This is an excellent mission and an example of how clever a map can be, with intricate details, structural heights, weather effects and a host of other touches. It is another mission from IrgenPacer's Workshop: ... id=1239080

This is a cinematic replay with no narration.

Direct link to mission in the Steam Workshop: ... 3147110322

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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

Post by jztemple2 »

Announced today, full release to 1.0 will happen on February 10th. The obligatory trailer:

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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

Post by hepcat »

Seems I’m gonna have to fire this back up soon. Looks great!
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Re: Door Kickers 2: Task Force North [PC] - Top Down Tactical Shooter

Post by jztemple2 »

hepcat wrote: Thu Jan 30, 2025 11:58 pm Seems I’m gonna have to fire this back up soon. Looks great!
It's been rather frustrating for me. Over on Discord the community manager had been saying that the game might be released between New Years Day and Chinese New Years. So when the latter went past without any announcement I was, to put it mildly, disappointed :grund:

Today's announcement was welcome, although again frustrating as well as the manager had posted repeatedly that the plan was to suddenly just release 1.0 without any prior announcement. So while it's good that we finally have a date (assuming they can hold the date :roll:) it's still eleven days away :(

This might seem rather petty except that the last update for the game was October 2023 and it's been a long wait for anything concrete regarding release.
My father said that anything is interesting if you bother to read about it - Michael C. Harrold
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