Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by jztemple2 »

GreenGoo wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 1:51 pm
jztemple2 wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:34 pm Man, it has twenty of my CPU cores running at once :shock:. Still estimates five minutes to go.
I consider that a good thing. That's why you've got them. What are they going to be doing otherwise? Tea party?
I was just impressed that it used all the cores to do the unpacking, I rarely seen anything that does that.

Anyway, 73 minutes in. I playing on Win 10, i9-10850K, RTX 3080 10GB at 1440 and the game selected the "Ultra" settings for everything :shock:. But it's running smoothly at 60 fps and looks good.

I'm really enjoying the game, which so far has been mostly cutscenes but also a battle sequence, learning about my dog, playing dice and some practice swordplay as a tutorial. Sadly, there are no adjustments for difficulty, zero, zilch. I lost my practice sword fight :(. Still, the story is very engaging and unless I find something really off-putting, I guess I won't be refunding it before the two hour mark. I'm just really hoping the devs didn't include some mandatory boss fight I won't be able to beat like last time.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by Blackhawk »

Max Peck wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 11:49 am FWIW, there is a Twitch drops campaign for a cosmetic(?) armor set that runs through to Feb 11. The catch is that it requires you to link to your PROS (Prism Ray Online Services) account, which is not something I'm signing up for just to get a handful of Twitch drops. My general rule is that I'm willing to link Twitch to accounts that I already have (Steam, Epic, Ubisoft, whatever) but I'm not signing up for any additional accounts on bullshit platforms that serve no purpose other than data harvesting.

Edit: *BAM*ed by Blackhawk.
FWIW, PROS has become common for games where there is no third-party account involved. I've seen at least a dozen Twitch campaigns that used PROS to deliver the goods.

Not that it isn't a data harvesting tool, but it doesn't involve any sort of local client.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by Max Peck »

I have a few other games, like Dead Island 2, that also use PROS, so my position is already established. It's still just one more layer of invasive enshittification that I have no use for, not for a few Twitch drops anyway. :lol:

My shiny new RTX 4070TiS is only driving a 1080p monitor, so I cranked the graphic settings up to 11, er, Experimental. The frame rate is limited to 60fps, and it doesn't seem to be pushing the GPU too hard so far in order to hit that.

After playing through the opening tutorial a couple of times, I can tell that I will have my work cut out for me if Henry is ever going to be a master swordsman. :)

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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by Blackhawk »

I'm itching to play this, but the truth is that I never finished the first. I got a good chunk of the way in, then got distracted. I really want to get back to that one first.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by jztemple2 »

I have in just under four hours right now and I am reminded how much I suck at RPGs. Like forgetting to put my clothes back on after a certain event :doh:, or aimlessly wandering around a village trying to find a certain shop that, it turns out, I was told was in a neighboring village :roll:

Also I'm useless at remembering names which some might attribute to old age but I've never been able to remember names. Not a good thing when wandering around Bohemia trying to find someone. Thank goodness for the Internet!
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by jztemple2 »

Played for another hour where I found I suck at the lock picking mini-game, and unlike Star Wars Outlaws there's not accessibility option in the settings that allows me to bypass it <sigh>.

I then did the smithing tutorial followed by trying to make a sword (failed), axe head (passed!) and horseshoe (failed twice). I even reloaded the older save so I could go through the tutorial again and try to understand what I'm doing wrong, but just like the first run-through, I did fine in the tutorial but then sucked at making items by myself.

I'll keep trying but I'm afraid these kinds of game are going to join FPS as ones I'm no longer able to enjoy :(

Also I guess I can just hope for a mod or two.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by jztemple2 »

I've put in another couple of hours and am feeling better about the game, mostly because I found an article on PC Gamer with KCD2 console commands :ninja:. It may be anathema to the purists, but there's no way I can make a whole bunch of groshen by blacksmithing nor can I develop decent lockpicking skills with the vanilla minigame. I've never been that fond of grinding anyway :roll:. We'll see how it goes.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by Unagi »

I just want to summarize your experience so far:
jztemple2 wrote: :D
:shock: :(
:doh: :roll:
:( :roll:
:ninja: :roll:
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by coopasonic »

I've gotten to the point where I am free to do as I will and... well... I wouldn't mind it being a bit more of a guided experience.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by Unagi »

So, you're more of a bullet train than an off-road vehicle. :D
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by jztemple2 »

coopasonic wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 9:29 am I've gotten to the point where I am free to do as I will and... well... I wouldn't mind it being a bit more of a guided experience.
Yes, this as well. I've spent a lot of time wandering into various buildings so as to establish what they are and since this ends up with me trespassing at times, it has hurt my reputation. And even when I know what the building it, they do get rather annoyed when I enter through the wrong door.

And don't get me started on trying to find one particular species of flower for a recipe :roll:
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by infinitelurker »

I had the same issue with the one type of flower:
If it is the Herb Paris, you can buy it from the alchemy shop in the first town (available via fast travel) where you were in the pillory
I'm a bit stuck after the same point where I'm free to do as I will:
I need money in order to buy paint, and I've been blacksmithing to try to get enough. However, I've gone through the first of the 'free materials' he gives you, and now I need to buy the materials, spend a bunch of time blacksmithing just to eek out a bit of a profit. If I'm doing as they intended, it is a bit more grindy than I remember the predecessor. Perhaps I'm missing something or I just need to go loot/sell stuff somewhere
Is there any way to see what the icons on the bottom right mean? I ate some near-rotting apples, and it looked like I had a food sickness icon, but I couldn't hover it, and didn't see it represented elsewhere on the player/inventory screens.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by Max Peck »

infinitelurker wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 1:43 pm Is there any way to see what the icons on the bottom right mean? I ate some near-rotting apples, and it looked like I had a food sickness icon, but I couldn't hover it, and didn't see it represented elsewhere on the player/inventory screens.
Food poisoning is a debuff, so if that's what it is you should see it under the Buffs tab of the Player information screen.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by coopasonic »

Money is super easy to come by. Materials to make a horseshoe is $2 and you can sell decent one for $3. 50% profit after two minutes effort. To put those numbers in context you go by a beggar and the only thing you can give him is $100.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by jztemple2 »

Unless of course you (by which I mean me) constantly fail in making horseshoes as well as sword :roll:.

Honestly I'm too old to enjoy grinding, so instead I keep having these rich distant relatives die and leave me a thousand groschen each time :D
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by Max Peck »

Is banditry an option? Those bandits at the very beginning of the game seem to be doing all right.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by jztemple2 »

Max Peck wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 4:49 pm Is banditry an option? Those bandits at the very beginning of the game seem to be doing all right.
Probably not since it won't move you through the main campaign at all.

After 75 hours, I finally cracked what I was doing wrong in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2's terribly explained alchemy system
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is rife with sim-y, medieval stuff. You can whet your blades, forge horseshoes, throw some dice, do your laundry, wash yourself in every trough in Czechia, and, of course, do alchemy.

If you're anything like me, that last one is a problem. In my 75 hours in KCD2, I never once managed to produce anything other than a 'weak' potion from my time at the alchemy bench. Even when I felt like I was following recipes to the letter and the nanosecond, Henry would grumble about screwing it all up when I finished. Even the perks which explicitly said they'd make the alchemy process more tolerant of errors didn't help. It got to the point that I thought that was the joke—alchemy isn't real, so of course it never works.

But no, I'm just dumb. Or, actually, the game is just really bad at explaining how alchemy works. I've now cracked how alchemy actually works. I'm even getting Strong Saviour Schnapps out of dried ingredients. It's all to do with the game's bellows.

Basically, never use the bellows unless you are strictly instructed to. Despite the alchemy tutorial presenting the bellows as, in essence, a faster way to get something boiling, they're actually used to generate a different kind of boiling entirely: vigorous boiling.

Like me, I bet a lot of you have been chucking your ingredients in the pot and then bellowing the hell out of them to get them boiling faster regardless of whether the recipe calls for vigorous boiling or not, only turning your hourglass over once it was good and bubbly. What you should be doing, it turns out, is lowering the pot over the fire and then simply waiting for vapour to appear. Once it does (you don't have to wait for the bubbles) turn your hourglass over. Once it's empty, that's one turn. Keep the boiling going for as many turns as the recipe requires, and you're golden.

Or, you know, to reduce these several paragraphs to one easy-to-digest sentence: don't use the bellows unless the recipe calls for vigorous boiling, and turn the hourglass once you see vapour.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by Max Peck »

Yeah, but could I do some banditry to make money, then go back to progressing the campaign? I feel like not robbing people might literally be leaving money on the table.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by Blackhawk »

jztemple2 wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 5:05 pm
After 75 hours, I finally cracked what I was doing wrong in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2's terribly explained alchemy system
I'm even getting Strong Saviour Schnapps out of dried ingredients.
Ugh, they brought back that awful system?
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by Max Peck »

Blackhawk wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 5:58 pm
jztemple2 wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 5:05 pm
After 75 hours, I finally cracked what I was doing wrong in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2's terribly explained alchemy system
I'm even getting Strong Saviour Schnapps out of dried ingredients.
Ugh, they brought back that awful system?
Yup. The game autosaves when you sleep in a bed (iirc) and you do a save & quit, but there is no manual save. I had forgotten all about the whole savior schnapps thing until I went looking for the quicksave hotkey and discovered that there isn't one.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by jztemple2 »

Max Peck wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 6:04 pm
Blackhawk wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 5:58 pm
jztemple2 wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 5:05 pm
After 75 hours, I finally cracked what I was doing wrong in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2's terribly explained alchemy system
I'm even getting Strong Saviour Schnapps out of dried ingredients.
Ugh, they brought back that awful system?
Yup. The game autosaves when you sleep in a bed (iirc) and you do a save & quit, but there is no manual save. I had forgotten all about the whole savior schnapps thing until I went looking for the quicksave hotkey and discovered that there isn't one.
There is a console command that allows a player to save at anytime that doesn't require schnapps.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by infinitelurker »

Does using any of the console commands prevent the achievements throughout the game from unlocking? I searched but couldn't find an answer...
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by jztemple2 »

infinitelurker wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 6:23 pm Does using any of the console commands prevent the achievements throughout the game from unlocking? I searched but couldn't find an answer...
According to Google Gemini,
Yes, using console commands in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 will disable Steam achievements. This is a common feature in games to prevent players from easily unlocking achievements through cheating.
However, Gemini does not quote any sources like it used to, so I don't know where it gets that information. I'd assume it does unless proven otherwise.

Not a deal breaker for me anyway, since 1) I don't really care about achievements all that much and B) I'm rather feeling like I'm not going to get really far into the game. I did the "painted bull" objective and it took a lot of alchemy, traveling, sneaking and getting beat up for a small amount of groschen and a rather unsatisfactory conclusion.

I'm guessing that the experience will might get better, but I'm wondering if I want to continue with it till it does. Again, I contrast my experience with KCD2 against that with Star Wars Outlaws. By eight hours in, where I am now, in SWO I already had several "oh wow" moments and was really enjoying the story. In KCD2 I've sat through a lot of cutscenes which frankly don't have a lot to do with what I'm currently involved in.

I'll keep trying however, at least for a few more days till Door Kickers 2 hits 1.0 and I try to see if I can get back into that game.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by Blackhawk »

According to GameRant:
There are no real consequences for using console commands in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, since, unlike in a lot of other titles, using console commands does not disable achievements.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by gbasden »

jztemple2 wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 7:20 pm
I'm guessing that the experience will might get better, but I'm wondering if I want to continue with it till it does. Again, I contrast my experience with KCD2 against that with Star Wars Outlaws. By eight hours in, where I am now, in SWO I already had several "oh wow" moments and was really enjoying the story. In KCD2 I've sat through a lot of cutscenes which frankly don't have a lot to do with what I'm currently involved in.
As a counterpoint, I'm actually getting a lot more enjoyment from this than I was from Outlaws. This feels really new and fresh, and I am enjoying the story quite a bit. The medieval world is really detailed and interesting to me. Outlaws to me mostly just felt like an Ubisoft open world game with a different coat of paint. I'm absolutely not saying you are wrong, just giving a different perspective.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by jztemple2 »

gbasden wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 8:39 pm I'm absolutely not saying you are wrong, just giving a different perspective.
No worries :D. I think part of it is that my tastes are changing as I get older, but I've always been impatient with the pace of games.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by infinitelurker »

I was stuck a bit thinking I had to just come by the coin honestly with working either as a blacksmith or at the mill, but a bit of a change in thinking and my money woes are no more, without resorting to console commands... yet.
After some earlier conversation, I had a map marker indicating the location of some fresh graves. I made my way there and was able to loot the bodies for a good deal of stuff. I made my way to Semine after that, and had a nice little romp with the lord and his captain, and looted more bodies after that, and now I'm overburdened, as is my horse... :lol:
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by GreenGoo »

More than a million units sold so far, according to random internet posts (no idea where I saw this).
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by Skinypupy »

This one wasn’t on my radar (I didn’t care for the first game much) but the glowing IGN review piqued my interest because it said the story was so amazing.

One question. Many of the combat clips I’ve seen show your POV as a small slit looking out of a helmet. Is that a required thing or can you toggle it on/off for immersion? I get that it’s more realistic, but think that trying to fight multiple mobs with a such a small field of view would get really annoying really fast.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

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Not all helmets have visors, so in the worst case scenario you could just stick with open-face helmets that don't obscure your vision (presumably at the cost of less protection from being smacked in the face). There are also hot keys for raising/lowering visors on helmets (presumably only if the helmet has a hinged visor). I haven't progessed far enough to have to worry about it myself, so I can't say for sure how any of it works.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by Blackhawk »

Most helmets in games have far too small of a visible eyeslit to begin with. I've fought in several types of period helmets, and while yes, your vision is obscured, it isn't to the degree shown in most games.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by jztemple2 »

You can change this with a console command.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by coopasonic »

Skinypupy wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2025 11:05 am This one wasn’t on my radar (I didn’t care for the first game much) but the glowing IGN review piqued my interest because it said the story was so amazing.
I would warn you off this based on lack of difficulty settings and rather brutal difficulty, at least in the beginning. It’s frustrating me and I love soulslikes.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by Skinypupy »

coopasonic wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2025 5:36 pm
Skinypupy wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2025 11:05 am This one wasn’t on my radar (I didn’t care for the first game much) but the glowing IGN review piqued my interest because it said the story was so amazing.
I would warn you off this based on lack of difficulty settings and rather brutal difficulty, at least in the beginning. It’s frustrating me and I love soulslikes.
That’s a bummer.

Thanks for the heads up, will definitely give it a pass.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by jztemple2 »

Skinypupy wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2025 6:06 pm
coopasonic wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2025 5:36 pm
Skinypupy wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2025 11:05 am This one wasn’t on my radar (I didn’t care for the first game much) but the glowing IGN review piqued my interest because it said the story was so amazing.
I would warn you off this based on lack of difficulty settings and rather brutal difficulty, at least in the beginning. It’s frustrating me and I love soulslikes.
That’s a bummer.

Thanks for the heads up, will definitely give it a pass.
Yeah, I figured I'd be the voice in the wilderness, posting a thumbs down Steam review so I could highlight the lack of accessibility options for the game. After over ten thousand reviews however, I kind of doubt anyone will notice :roll:
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by infinitelurker »

I remember not really fully understanding the combat in the first iteration of this game. I could sorta hold my own, but wasn't sure what I was doing wrong when I didn't do well, or vice versa when I was doing well. I leaned into speech and trying nonviolent means to get through that game.

I don't know what changed with KCD2, the mechanics seem the same from what I remember, but I'm doing much better with combat this time around. It is early game though, and perhaps I just have better armor than the bandits I'm dispatching.

My current strategy has been to conserve stamina and never attack first. Once the little green shield shows up in the reticle, I block, then riposte, and if that lands, maybe strike once more. Then, sit back, let my stamina build back and wait for their attack to block and riposte again. I have had multiple battles against 2 or 3 bandits and come out on top this way (using the tab key to lock/cycle focus on attackers and moving to try to keep them from all getting close). I even defeated a group of 6 poachers by myself, although I did get lucky and was in a narrow path between boulders that kept them from surrounding me. :horse:
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by TheMix »

infinitelurker wrote: Thu Feb 06, 2025 10:57 pm My current strategy has been to conserve stamina and never attack first. Once the little green shield shows up in the reticle, I block, then riposte, and if that lands, maybe strike once more.
That was basically my approach. I barely made it through the initial training/tutorial on combos. I don't think I ever managed to do a combo in the game again. Just block block block until they are out of stamina, then poke them in the face. Repeat.

Early on I do vaguely remember having to be careful, however, that I didn't run out of stamina. That was bad. Crossing the streams, bad.

I will be delighted if this one is a bit easier in that respect.

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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by infinitelurker »

I had a similar hangup with the combos, but I think it may be due to me waiting for each 'move' to complete before triggering the next. I think (more practice needed) that you need to trigger the moves more rapidly, like after they have started but before they have completed. In real fights this is more difficult because combos (not sure if all or just some) require at least the first move (maybe all?) to hit and not be blocked to continue.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by coopasonic »

Master Strike is, as the name implies, a game changer. Prioritize the combat quest. Tomcat has a great lesson to teach you if you can beat him. You might want something better than a hunting sword before you try him.
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Re: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II

Post by Skinypupy »

Just noticed that the base version of this game is $90 on PS5. No add-ons, no special bonuses, just the base game.

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