Books Read 2017

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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Ride by Cat Johnson

Leesa was just a Vegas dancer at a particular club and met Chase Reese a cowboy in town for the rodeo and one wild night for his birthday. She apparently saw something she shouldn't because next thing she knew, her boss got a phone call to "get rid of her", and that doesn't mean firing. She grabbed her few possessions and ran... straight into Chase again... who invited her up to his room, knowing instinctively she's on the run, but not sure from what. They woke up with a set of rings and a marriage certificate... They are horribly shocked and ashamed... What had they done? They left down to go back to his home, as she needed to get away, still jittery. They are... MARRIED... how can they undo this? Where will she go next?

Cute, but the ending was a deus ex machina. And the guy's just too nice. 5/8


Finished All the King's Horses by Lauren Gallagher

Amy Dover always wanted to train horses, and she was a dressage and jump champion. But death of her husband had caused her to lose all feeling... that she just had to go away... so she drove out of town with just one bag, to other side of the state, to take up a menial job basically as a farm hand at King's Ranch, and met Dustin King. Dustin King trains, boards, and rescues horses all his life. His rescue horses are so skittish due to prior abuse, he's had his hands full, esp. when one of their farmhands just quit. But Amy doesn't look like a farmhand, and her indifference to the horses sends the wrong kind of shivers up his spine. But Dustin soon found Amy's indifference is a facade hiding the hurt, and assigning her the two rescue horses seems to be thawing the ice. In caring for the two rescue horses, Amy found she had found something else she thought she had lost... the ability to love someone like Dustin... But Amy knew sooner or later she had to go back to her old life... and leave Dustin and the horses behind...

Sad, poignant, and a long road of self-discovery and recovery plus a bit of love. The dead husband wasn't that bad, but wasn't that good either. And Dustin... well, nice guy. :) 7/8


Finished Tanner by Sarah Mayberry

Evie Forrester depleted her savings and flew from Australia up to Texas hoping to surprise the bullrider cowboy sorta-boyfriend she had admired since young, and had actually bedded once. Unfortunately, she spotted him fondling a buckle bunny and realized it was a terrible mistake. She also met Tanner, a fellow competing cowboy, who realized she's at a seedy motel with not even a locking door, and decided to rescue her, not taking no for an answer, but no intention to bed her. When Tanner is faced with a potentially career-ending injury, Evie stepped in, intending to help Tanner just like he had helped her at her lowest... But she's due to go back soon...

Awwww... some serious angst... Classic grand gesture. 6/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished ATLAS by Isaac Hooke PRIME READING / SCIFI

Rade Gallaal grew up on the wrong side of the border, a white guy in a nation of brown guys. He grew up and was taught by Alejandro, to be a bodyguard. But one day, when he was bonked in the head, his gun stolen, and his credits robbed, and he ended with nothing, he's also out of a job, that he decided to take a chance running north to United Countries... Because UC would actually give people a chance... by conscripting all illegal immigrants into mandatory 12 year military service. But Rade wanted more... He wanted to be a MOTH, the elite operators of UC Military... and his mentor, Alejandro, came as well. And they will end up fighting a menace that is beyond anything humans have imagined...

Kinda another twist on Starship Troopers, this one was basically thinly disguised SEAL hell week training. The enemies at the end was kinda interesting though. 6/8


Finished Taken by Her Unforgiving Billionaire Boss by Nadia Lee FREE

Natalie Hall was adopted, a yellow face brought up in a white elite Hall family, bluebloods that produced senators and billionaires. She knew she doesn't belong, but her father was always kind to her. It's her mother... and her sister, that never accepted her. Now that her father is on a re-election campaign, she just did not want to get involved, so she buried herself at work at DDE, the defense contractor. She had once loved someone, but she was betrayed. She came to work and suddenly found out her boss, the VP, had been fired, and she'd been promoted... and the CEO, Alex Damon, was oh so-tempting. Alex Damon is on a mission. Decades ago, a certain Emily Rodale destroyed his family by ruining his father. Now, he's on track to take over Rodale International, except for two things. Someone at DDE is feeding intel to Rodale so Rodale is undercutting DDE's bids, and the Halls have been protecting Rodales for too long. Finding Natalie Hall (who's also Emily Rodale's goddaughter) seems to be a perfect step to his plan at vengeance, esp. when his right-hand-man was convinced Natalie was the leak... Except... Alex did not count on finding Natalie being totally honest and ethical... not that he can afford to believe her... and secrets regarding his and her origins may destroy them both... or redeem them.

The title was stupid, but the plot was good. The author was able to throw in a couple excellent plot twists. The sex seems to be a bit tacked on though. 7/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Revolution for Dummies: Laughing through the Arab Spring, by Bassem Youssef

This is by the so-called "Egyptian Jon Stewart", recounting his experiences going from being a heart surgeon in Egypt to starting a Daily Show-style comedy show in Egypt at the dawn of the Egyptian Revolution in 2012, following his experiences mocking Mubarak, then Morsi, then Sissi, and ultimately getting shut down by the Sissi regime. Very interesting account of that time from someone close to the front lines. One interesting point he makes that I wasn't really aware of before is that while Middle Eastern dictators tend to frame their usefulness in terms of being the only alternative to rule by Islamist groups, the supposedly secular dictators and militaries aren't as distinct from the Islamist groups and infrastructure than you would think. The secular dictators tend to let the Islamists dominate the social structure of the society, to claim a certain holy mantle / legitimacy and to avoid the Islamists being put in opposition to the regime. They engage in the same anti-American rhetoric and conspiracy mongering as more overtly Islamist governments. And both the secular militaries and the Islamists tend to be aligned on government structure, as they are both invested in people not having full participatory and free speech rights. So a lot of the difference is really in style, and there may be less of a choice between secular military dictators and Islamists than we would think.

Very interesting insights. Kind of surprised that the book wasn't funnier, though - a few good jokes here and there, but a lot of mediocre ones as well. Of course he's writing in a non-native language, which probably doesn't help. I'd recommend this book for the history and the unique perspective, but not if you're mainly interested in a funny book. 4 out of 5 stars.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Billionaire's of Belmont Books 1 and 2 FREE

Jonah E. Belmont III had been given 6 months to live. Intending to see his children settled, he gave all his children one year to marry... Or settle into a long-term relationship... Or get written out of the will. And that would include all his bastard children too.

Dane Romano-Belmont is one of those bastards, who was taken into the Belmont empire, but a love affair left him broken when the woman, who had just broken up with her ex, went back to her ex, then tried to get back to him when she found he's a Belmont. He wasn't stupid. Now he worked as the GM of the flagship hotel, content with work, until he saw Olivia McAlister. Olivia was supposed to be wed on Christmas day... but on the night before the wedding, her groom broke up with her. She had practically put him through law school and his new salary was supposed to cover them both. Now she's groom-less, homeless (she already canceled her own lease, anticipating honeymoon and move-in), and about to be humiliated in front of her entire family and friends. And Dane... was the hottest man she'd ever seen. And he's willing to be her groom for a day. Then her ex died in a car crash, and angry loan-sharks demanding her to cough up the money, forcing Dane into alpha protective mode... But even as he kept telling himself "she's just in shock and need a rebound", and she's telling herself "he just want me as a friend", they are falling for each other... hard.

The ending seems to be rushed and the escalation was way off. Loan sharks should understand social workers have no money and squeezing her is counterproductive. 5/8

Brandon Knight was left on steps of a church by his mother, and eventually adopted by a childless couple. He grew up into a private investigator and developed security-related tech, and was working for the Belmonts when he suddenly found he was also a Belmont Bastard... and the offer to settle down was for him too. Brandon cared not for the Belmont fortune, but a professional organizer Faith Johnson here to organize the family patriarch Jonah's letters made him reconsider. Faith Johnson may be uncluttering other people's lives, but her own is a mess. An ex-fiancee drained her bank account AND maxed out the joint credit card, leaving her scrambling for $$$ to care for grandma in a nursing home, and this professional organization service was her idea to get out of debt, and the Belmont account and the Ellimore account would give her some breathing room. Brandon Knight made her heart go flutter, but the Ellimore account... made her skin tingle, and not in the good way. Something is not right in that house...

The "suspense" feels like it wasn't integrated properly into the plot. The twist here was Faith turned out to be an Ellimore bastard, and the "cousin", who hired her to clean out his aunt's collection of dolls, realized who she is, and arranged a little "accident" for her afraid she's there to dig up dirt so she can claim the fortune and he end up with nothing. It just didn't feel integrated properly. 4/8


Finished Tempted by the Wolf by Alicia Montgomery

Meredith, a lone wolf (unaffiliated with any clan) was caught stealing from the New York clan and is spending 10 years of "house arrest" for her penance, and her latest assignment is to babysit the captured warlock Daric, who was once fighting at their archenemy's side. But Daric was forced and wanted Stefan's defeat as much as anyone... Not that the Lycans can take the chance, of course. Then Meredith's "brothers" came calling... Their adoptive father is dead... and it may have something to do with their archenemy, Stefan. As Daric and Meredith came to accept each other's loss, their attraction to each other grew. But when the latest attack from Stefan came from an unexpected quarter, will Meredith be the one weakness that will destroy Daric... or the one strength that will allow Daric to defeat Stefan?

Nice, call backs to the previous novel are plenty, but this can be read as standalone. All the lore seems to make sense, and new ones added every volume. (this is book 6). For paranormal, this is pretty good, lots of action, opposites attract, etc. etc. 6.5/8


Reviewer rank 1797, still improving. Yeah.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Above and Beyond by Kathryn Shay FREE

Nick Marino was the top guy on POTUS's secret service detail, but a crisis sent him, at personal request of the president, to guard his sister, Isabelle Barton, in upstate New York. Nick wanted to advance and there isn't much beyond guarding the president... except becoming director of secret service, and this job would be great... if he can get over Isabelle, the widow and her twins. The threats are processed with deliberate care, there is NO clue on where it could have came from, and not even FBI lab can find a clue. Nick goes undercover as a carpenter, along with his cousin (as the summer sitter for the twins) and his disgraced brother, both in the Secret Service, protecting Isabelle, and not even Isabelle can ignore the sparks between her and Nick. But she's not really ready to date, and he's not ready to give up his career... And the threats are escalating...

A bit on the slow side, IMHO, but the way they danced around each other was interesting. The way they discovered the threat though, and they need to bring in the cousin and the brother, seems to be a bit too much of a setup for subsequent volumes. Still, not a bad tale. 6/8


Finished What You Do to Me by Barbara Longley PRIME READING

Twin Cities handyman Sam Haney is one delectable handyman, and he didn't mind the attention from his female clients if they are otherwise unattached. Unfortunately, after an impulsive call-in to a radio show, he's now notorious as the "Handiest handyman Haney", even though after death of his parents, he can never give his heart... to anyone. Haley Cooper got jilted 2 weeks before her wedding. Her BF just suddenly left town... and settled in Indonesia, no explanation whatsoever, leaving Haley with a house that was too big, half-wrecked in the middle of project... and too many memories. When Haley's mother decided Haley need a nudge, she hired Sam Haney to help Haley remodel, hoping Haley would be flattered by the attention. Unfortunately, Haley knew about Sam's reputation all too well... but Sam, pride wounded, is determined to show Haley the REAL Sam... Now this handyman may have to build the one thing he doesn't know how: a real relationship...

Awwww, cute. Fun read, sweet, and the author managed to NOT fall into cliches. 7/8


Finished Serve No Master by Jonathan Green NONFIC PRIME READING

The guy lives on an island near Thailand, I think, and does what he preaches... low-cost of living, diversified streams of income, and creating content that can be sold over and over, and work only a couple days a month. He did offer quite a bit of practical advice in this book for those who don't want a job any more. I did learn quite a bit. Not sure what use are that sort of knowledge, but it's there. 6/8


Finished Living Forward by michael Hyantt and Daniel Harkavy PRIME READING / NONFIC

Some blah blah about envisioning your own funeral and what will people say about you, as motivation for changing your life, creating a life plan, and live it. Way too philosophical, IMHO. 4/8


Finished After Action: True Story of a Cobra Pilot's Journey by Dan Sheehan PRIME READING

Dan Sheehan is a third-generation military flyer. His grandpa flew in WW2 and his father flew in Vietnam. He made his way into the marines and became a Cobra pilot, and served two tours in Iraq. In this book, Dan will take you into the cockpit of the Cobra, as he and his co-pilot flew a few feet above the desert floor of Iraq, dodging bullets, explosions, trying to peer through soot and bug-guts covered windshield, to locate targets, trying not to kill civilians, while warding off fatigue from 18 hour on-duty, popping coffee and go-fast pills, while compensating against malfunctions. But between missions, Dan also discusses how he decompresses, cope with PTSD, and what the warriors bring home, even if they are not physically wounded, and how that affects his family.

I personally find the flying parts are good, but the rest was a bit too spiritual and dry. 6/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Cowboys for Christmas by Jan Springer FREE

Jennifer Jane (JJ) Watson spent 10 years in prison for killing her abusing father who had just killed her mother. She never expected to get an early parole... or to spend the winter in the frozen north at a secluded cattle ranch serving Christmas dinner to three sexy cowboys... Rafe, Brady, and Dan thought they're getting a male ex-con to help with labor around their secluded ranch in Northern Ontario. What they got is a pretty girl fresh out of prison. Good thing the three like to share... and she doesn't mind sharing either. This Christmas will be special indeed.

This is known as a MMFM erotic romance, and yes, there's a lot of bonking. Not too much there except the sex. 4/8


Finished For Love or Legacy by Ruth Cardello FREE

Stephan Andrade had plotted revenge against Dominic Corisi for decades after Stephan's father lost control of his company and their ancestral island to the Corisi's. With Corisi enterprises over-extended in China, Stephan saw a way to gain revenge on Dominic Corisi... except Nicole, Dominic's sister, and Stephan's one-time lover. Their family obligations forced them apart years ago, but now, Nicole needed Stephan as a fake fiancee. She needed to save her software company's management except her father's will stipulated it be run by her brother for a year, and the ONLY way around it was for Stephan to execute the buy-option as her fiancee, and just sell it back to her at the same price after a few weeks. She'll offer up one of her software patents in exchange. When Stephan's China gambit failed and Dominic obtained the China contract, Stephan decided Nicole's plan is worth trying... just to keep Dominic off balance for his plan B. But being engaged means living together, and pretending to love each other may actually be love indeed. Now Stephan has to choose whether to fight for love... or legacy.

The twists are pretty good, and Book 1 of this series, Maid for the Billionaire, was reviewed earlier. The hacking details are a bit off, and some of the company names are a little fuzzy. But overall, good read. 6/8


Finished Wasteland Survival Guide by Sean-Michael Argo FREE

Basically *the* Wasteland Surival Guide from Fallout 3/FNV as a real book, with some slight change in terminology and none of the obvious factions mentioned. No Brotherhood, yes Power-Armor. Bounty-hunters became "bravos", and there are plenty of fun little anecdotes regarding items you may need to know in the post-apoc world. Actually not too bad. 6/8


Finished Keep Me Cowboy by Nicole Helm FREE

Cole MacArthur had been virtually disowned by his family after he chose rodeo instead of medical career his father wanted. So he left Marietta and never been back for ten years, even away from the only woman he loved... Except now, Jess Clark is at his door... Jess knew he wasn't a MacArthur, but her surrogate family needed Cole to come back, because the family is in crisis... Cole's father... has been keeping more than a few secrets. Cole and Jess picked up where they left off years ago, each decided to make it a fling... but once they had a taste, they cannot let go, even as family secrets are revealed, and the MacArthur family will never be the same.

Eh, slightly melodramatic. 5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Redeeming the Billionaire by Christina Tereault FREE

Trent Sherbrooke worked hard and played hard and made a fortune for himself as a part of the powerful Sherbrooke clan of politicians, billionaires, and general movers and shakers. But when he started looking into getting elected to the Senate like members of his family, his campaign manager wants him to settle down, project a more wholesome image. Trent had just earlier, literally ran over small business owner Addison "Addy" Raimono, and wanted to apologize... when someone submitted a photo between Trent and Addy to the gossip rags... and his campaign manager decided Addison is actually better than the three candidates he came with for Trent to marry for convenience. Trent started to seduce Addison, and Addison was swept off her feet. But can such a romance started off on false pretenses actually work even though Trent developed real feelings? And what happens when Addy finds out?

The tension is palpable, and the grand gesture... obvious. 6/8


Finished Tempt Me Tenderly by Iris Morland FREE

Grace Danvers is an artist and a painter living in the town of Hero's Landing. She had a crush on the executive chef, Jaime Martinez, who works for her brother at the vineyard River's Bend, and she had it for five years. Jaime knew Grace is off limits, but one night, one kiss in the moonlight, and he can't deny he wanted her as much as she wanted him. But when Jaime was implicated in embezzling from the vineyard, can their love survive the challenge, or will he be forced to leave it all behind?

Uh, the framing of Jaime was done rather poorly, IMHO. Way too obvious. 4/8


Finished Diary of Lexi Ashford by jessica Sorensen FREE

Lexi, for lack of better word, is a klutz and a pending disaster. She couldn't wait to get out of Fairville, her small town, and moved to the city. But after one too many disasters, she's jobless and homeless at 26, and forced to move home, with nothing to show except wounded pride. And her town has changed in the eight years she'd been gone... her parents had sold their old house and lived in a loft above the store they bought, and a sleeping bag isn't her idea of homecoming. At least her high school crush, Anders, is as hot as ever. Determined to get her life back in order, she was roped into going on her friend's bachelorette party in Las Vegas. But after one drunken night, she woke up hungover... and married to Ander's brother, Evan, a guy she barely knew...

Ends on cliff-hanger... it's funny, but in pratfall kinda-way. 5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Pearl Harbor: Final Judgement: The Shocking True Story of the Military Intelligence Failure at Pearl Harbor and the Fourteen Men Responsible for the Disaster

Recommended by a former Navy friend of mine, the book is the telling by Henry C. Clausen of his investigation into the attack. Who knew what and when, and what did they do with it. Admieral Kimmel and General Short are pilloried for their lack of preparation and coordination, as well as others that had vital information and did nothing with it.
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Secrets On the Sand by Roxanne St. Claire FREE

Mandy Mitchell was the queen of her high school court. But one disastrous marriage later, she's back in the resort town of Barefoot Bay... as cleaning staff for the resort... and endures constant haranguing from the toxic people who want to see "how the mighty mandy had fallen". When she got into a bit of situation in Zeke Nicholas' villa, she did not recognize the handsome and built Zeke... as the "Ezekiel the Geekiel" she helped way back when. But her situation turned from bad to worse when she was fired for using the facilities of the villa (at Zeke's insistence when she got wet). Zeke knew Mandy was the girl he always wanted, and he's determined to help... by giving her $5000 to help her start her own cleaning business that the resort can contract... but Mandy is keeping a secret to herself... will Zeke will want her after that secret was exposed?

Slightly melodramatic, but it's okay. 6/8


Finished Treat Her Right by Serenity Woods FREE

Maisey Graham needed to prove she's not as ditzy as her reputation, and when she saw her brother's best friend, the local doctor Joss Heaven working out at a gym, she knew exactly what to do... do a photo shoot of sexy guys eating chocolate truffles to promote her confectionery shop. Joss is having a bit of family problem in addition to his job stress. His mom is already in a wheelchair, and his dad is getting dementia. And Maisey's brother had warned him off Maisey before. But when chocolate melts on his hard chest, Maisey could not resist a taste... and that's trouble indeed.

Awww... cute. 6/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Secret Lovers by Shelley Munro

Maggie Drummond has a boyfriend... Greg in her office, but Greg is about as vanilla as they come, and after trying to run her life one too many time, she has had enough. Fortunately, she'll always have Connor as a friend, and her clique of girl friends. Maggie wanted to try a little kink in her life, a little spanking, and even setup an anon blog to explore her fantasies. But as her imagination blossomed, Greg started to restrict her life more, even as Connor offered to have fling with her, as he had eyed Maggie for a while and really want to get out of the friend zone. And Maggie never told Connor that her clique had a pact... to NOT date Connor. Now Maggie had to juggle lies and half-truths, as she tried to have Connor as FWB, fend off Greg at work, and lie to all her girls... and she'll be forced to make a choice: abandon her job and her friends to indulge in her fantasy... or is there an HEA with Connor?

6/8 It could have been 7 but Greg just came off as half-cocked, and disappeared from the book about 3/4 into the book after the darkest hour. The way all the lies coalesced into one darkest hour was good plotting, but it seems to have dragged a bit too long after that.


Finished Writing Mr. Right by T K Leigh

Molly Brinks is a magazine columnist by day... and erotic romance writer by night. She's almost 30, and she's coping with her dysfunctional family. Her mother ran off one day way back when, leaving both kids (Molly and brother) with father and never came back. Now father has severe dementia in a nursing home. Molly is also having a severe case of writer's block, with a deadline due soon, and her muse, Daniel, isn't helping at all, and in fact made things worse when Molly figured out he has a wife and kids. Daniel claimed he has permission to be in an open relationship, but Molly had enough. Her drama brought her to attention of her father's physician, Noah, who had experienced similar loss of parent. And from that friendship, love grew. But can Molly commit to any one, when even she doesn't know what love is? Is she just using Noah as a muse? or could Noah be... Mr. Right?

Nice conflict and escalation. Noah was too much of a good guy to make a scene, that's why this is only getting 6.5/8


Finished Crushing on Cooper by Violet Vaughn FREE

Allison's life had not gone the way she planned. She's a baker at Camp Firefly Falls, an adult camp for corporate retreats and such. She has a talent for baking, but her previous effort at a bakery made no money and died after 8 years of barely breaking even. And she has a son to think of... Until her world was turned upside down when found Cooper, her first love, among the most recent arrivals. Cooper was an Olympic medal winner in snowboarding, but that part of his life is done. He just accepted a sales position, and the company sent him up to Firefly falls with others as part of a corporate event. He was surprised to find Allie there... the girl who got away... But this Allison is no longer the Allie he remembered, and she kept him at arm's length, even as she accepted a week-long fling. But as both of them realize they are no longer the kids they used to be... can they still accept each other?

Angst-y, but more on her part than his. She's like "I can't love anyone until my son is independent enough, I don't want him to lose a father figure." Which is both reasonable and incredibly stupid. And he's basically unable to speak his mind. He wanted her, but she kept turning him down, esp. if it involves moving to Boston, but she'd go if someone offered her a chance for another bakery there... so that's what he did... 6/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished All's fair in love and weddings by Christine S Feldman

Prudence Collier spent her early years trying to disprove her name and even ruined her sister once. When her sister sent her a wedding invitation, she'll do ANYTHING to reconcile. When her vehicle died, she was rescued by a handsome stranger by the name of Tucker Davis, who, to her horror, was on his way to break up her sister's wedding! Prudence does everything to delay Tucker... and protect her sister. Tucker is best buds with the soon-to-be groom, and the upcoming marriage is OBVIOUSLY a mistake. He didn't count on going up against the quick-thinking and darn-the-consequences Prue, who wasn't above instigating a bar fight to get rid of Tucker. But Tucker is not backing down from the challenge... Because that's his friend's life at stake. And as sparks fly, neither will give in, even as they realize maybe giving in... to each other, may be fun!

Ah, good rom-com, enemies into lovers kinda trope. Fun read. 7/8.


Finished All or Nothing by Deborah Cooke (writing as Claire Cross)

Jen Maitland needed a fake BF to delay her mom's matchmaking schemes, but not a real BF because she was jilted by her ex-fiancee. She picked Zach Coxwell, a commitment-phobe who enjoys a challenge. Zach is definitely getting mixed signals from Jen the bar waitress, who turned him down for a date, but invited him to family Thanksgiving dinner. The dinner went into an absolute disaster for Jen when one of her sisters offer to have Zach's child plus other embarrassments, but Zach's jokes managed to get Jen to crack a smile even as he had a time of his life. Zach may have found the one girl to make him change his ways, but can he convince her that he's sincere?

It's the family stuff that made the book funny. 5.5/8


Finished Michael's Family by Kathryn Shay

Public Defender Luke Rayburn, a widower, is still barely coping with his wife's death from cancer, and raising his son Michael alone. When Michael expressed a desire to meet his biological mother, Luke was torn, but relented, and the haunted but beautiful Meredith Hunter was nothing like they expected. Meredith Hunter was a survivor, and a prosecutor, and she wanted to be in her son's life... if they'll let her. And none of their lives will never be the same...

Somehow the ending just feels... forced. Public defender's job is to defend people, guilty or not. Somehow another case or two broke them up, only to have both of them realize how stupid they were.6/8


Finished A Mail-Order Heart by Janelle Daniels FREE

Clara Stewart went to a small town out in Montana to marry Ivan, her mail order groom, but finding chaos upon her arrival. Ivan died 3 days prior to her arrival, and there are EIGHT other fiancees, all claiming to be Ivan's mail order bride! Clara took charge, but it wasn't easy. The town is starved for females of marrying age, and would love for them to stay and be courted properly by the men in town... and they are allocated Ivan's house... as a temporary measure, and Ivan's mine claim. After all, if he had enough money to send for NINE brides, he must be doing pretty well... But that left Sheriff Sawyer Morrison keeping the peace... and keeping his attention toward Clara at bay. But when someone sabotages the mine, then kidnaps Clara, Sheriff must call upon his best to chase down the guilty... and reclaim the woman he loved.

*sigh* Not bad, but not THAT good either, as it resorted to the "kidnapping" trope. Clearly start of a series as it deals with all the brides marrying off. 5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Never Is a Very Long Time by Donna McDonald FREE

Dr. Mariah Bates quit her syndicated radio show to be with her husband and children, and to start "The Perfect Date", finding the perfect companion for people who need discretion. But her husband, the golden boy detective on the force, turned against her. After cold shoulders and more, she divorced him and gave him the house, just to shut him up, and moved back in with her mother. But the bitterness never ended. Two years later, he dragged her into court, accusing her of running an illegal brothel (through the dating service). The case was dismissed. Hoping to get back to advance her career, Mariah met another detective... who was uncle of one of her richest clients, but after a cop dragged her through hell, she can't deal with another cop, even though the guy was otherwise, just perfect... But as Mariah had to deal with further harassments from her ex, this new cop was clearly hiding something, but he promised it was to protect her... but from what?

The evil ex was done pretty well, but that also made the new guy really really bland.
Turns out her husband has a whole separate family on the side with kids, while married to her. And all this harassment from her ex was basically an extortion attempt... but that doesn't make sense...


Finished Suddenly in Love by Julia London PRIME READING

Mia lassiter is an eclectic fashion designer / artist who just had her world smashed by her idol artist and had to go home to Lake Haven and join her aunt's interior decorating business as a runner. She ran into Brennan, the house owner's son while "overseeing" renovating of a mansion. She did not recognize that Brennan was actually Everett Alden, the famous rock star hiding after losing his mojo and hit a major creative block after death of one of his band members. Thier personalities clash, their class clash, their style clash... They have almost NOTHING in common... except their creativity... and soon, passion of the other sort blossomed... Until Mia's cousin found out about Brennan... and paparazzi swarmed the town. Mia knew that there is no soul mate, and Brenna is just a a temporary dream, but Brennan is not ready to let his muse go just yet... not without one last grand gesture...

Read books like this all the time, but this one was quite nicely polished, with enough secondary characters to make it interesting. 6/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Forever Cowboys six-pack by Hope Whitley

SIX novel collection (1400 pages!) of a city girl who chose to move out to a small ranch in Wyoming and captured the local cowboy's heart with her spirit, then her friends and neighbors arrive and fall in love in subsequent volumes. The plot seem sto be pretty simple, but th echaracters are pretty nice. The novels are... okay, but nothing special to them. A hair above average. 5/8


Finished Mail Order Bride: Catherine Finds Love by Karla Gracey FREE

52 page short... Catherine is a chambermaid who answered an mail order bride ad about a widower with his son. When that guy showed up at her door, what will she do?

The logic doesn't quite make sense. He read like six letters, all lame. He read the seventh, hers and was absolutely smitten. He didn't even bother reading the eighth. Then he wrote each other one letter every other week (or was it every month)? and they wrote each other... for SIX MONTHS. When reminded of that fact, he suddenly decided to jump on a horse to catch the next train to see her and bring her back. *sigh* 4/8


Finished Mail Order Bride: Amelia by Karla Gracey FREE

52 page short... These are written to a formula, almost. Amelia is a daughter raising her little brother and house staff because her father, after death of her mother, is busy traveling the country as a senator with his new bride... a woman with ZERO motherly instincts. Amelia already spent years in a boarding school, she will not let her little brother suffer the same fate. She had found a man of her dreams via correspondence. But will she be able to leave it all behind? And what secrets may he be hiding?
Nope, she brought her little brother with her. Her father was so ashamed he showed up for the wedding, leaving his wife behind.
He had some interesting wounds, but they were not revealed until like the last few pages of the book, and of course, they bulldozed right through them. Clean and wholesome? Yes, but also boring and formulaic. 3/8


Finished Good Guy Love Dogs by Inglath Cooper PRIME READING

Ian McKinley spent too much time on Wall Street, he neglected his teenage son, Luke. When Luke got into trouble with the law, Ian decided to take a year sabbatical and moved to small Virginia town of Keeling Creek, and met the local veterinarian Colby Williams, who's also a single mom raising her daughter Lena, while fending off her best friend Phoebe's attempt to match her up. Ian is rich, handsome, and uptight... and is even engaged to a socialite. Colby is not rich, homely, and... free spirit, despite her attempt to raise her daughter right. But even as Ian realized what he wanted may be in Keeling Creek, and his son fell for Lena, each started to discover secrets kept for a long time, and relationships are tested... Can Colby love someone... who's engaged? Will Ian go back to the city or stay? What will happen between Luke and Lena?

Nice plotting. Some parts were resolved a bit too quickly, like Luke's anger toward Lena's "betrayal", but otherwise, the various events just lead on to each other very smoothly. 7/8


Finished His First and Last by Terri Osburn PRIME READING

Lorelei Pratchett hated her town of Ardent Springs because her mother is a single parent who claimed she didn't remember who the father was. At eighteen, she left to chase her Hollywood dreams, leaving behind her boyfriend Spencer Boyd, vowing never to return. Twelve years later, she's back, her dreams went nowhere, her mom's gone but the town has changed... and has long memories. And Spencer is still there, and still waiting. Lorelei threw herself into the fundraiser trying to save the downtown theater, and tried to start a side-business on baking in her grandma's kitchen. But her rivals are still there, sabotaging her plans, then Spencer's ex showed up...

This book managed to throw a couple twists at me, but never in the direction I expected. And it did all lead to a happy ending, which is the amazing part. Though it did require a SLIGHT bit of deus ex machina to wrap up a B plot. All in all, 7/8
Lorelei's mom knew the father. She lied and rather bear the shame of being a single parent rather than inhibit his dreams of making it in Nashville as a country singer. It happens that he is now back in town as a construction company boss. Spencer's mom was really flat evil and told Spencer she didn't know, then suddenly one day told him he had a father after all. Lorelei's grand gesture was arranging for Spencer's aunt (his father's sister) to visit the town, and Spencer, thinking that Lorelei was leaving town, broke speed record to get to the airport, which is a grand gesture in itself. The setup was pretty good for the subsequent volumes in the same town.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Black Roses by Samantha Christy PRIME READING

Piper Mitchell was a runner, after that night that she wanted to forget... and the consequences from that one night. She ran away from all her problems, both literally (as a marathon runner) and figuratively (by living in Europe with her best girl friend Charlie). Now, she had to go home to attend her sister's wedding, and she had to stay in town for at least a month. She meets Mason, a backup quarterback in NFL, best friend of the groom, and friend of the family, as her ride into the city. Mason can tell this woman had been hurt, but he's busy preparing for the new season and be the father of his precious 2 -year old daughter, from a baby mama he can no longer stand. Mason found himself drawn to Piper, even as Piper's trauma started to haunt her. Can these two hurt people overcome their wounds to relearn how to love?

Nice background, and gradual reveal of all sorts of problems, and they are deep indeed. 7/8 for some really emotional stuff.
Piper was drugged and gang-raped on night. Didn't realize she's pregnant like 4 months later. She had to hide on a farm to give up the baby for adoption. She was traumatized and went to Europe, changing all her dreams, and still have occasional nightmares. Mason's babymama was crazy, obsessed since high school to have him, and had a condom malfunction (on purpose) on the night of breakup, then go do drinking and drugs while leaving baby with babysitter.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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The Stars are Legion by Kameron Hurley :binky: :binky: :binky: :binky: :binky: :binky: :binky: (7 binkys)
The Mirror Empire by Kameron Hurley :binky: :binky: :binky: :binky: :binky: :binky: (6 binkys)
I really like Kameron Hurley's writing. She never overdoes description and narration but gives you enough to get into the story. Her stories fascinate me but I find it really hard to describe them. Her characters are sometimes rather bizarre and always interesting.

The Mirror Empire is the first book in a series that is, I think, about worlds in( what in science fiction would usually be called) "parallel universes" that periodically are able to breach whatever it is that separates them and what happens when they do. That premise confused me at first and I'm sure it was meant to - I was as confused as her main character who also didn't start out understanding what was going on. I think this book suffers a bit by being spread across too many major characters, something I consider that a problem in epic tales, but I look forward to reading more of this series.

The Stars are Legion is a standalone story, and like everything else I've read by Hurley, hard for me to describe. "Legion" is a mass of decaying world ships embroiled in a not-so-civil-war. Control allows a world to strip other worlds for much needed parts, both mechanical and biological. A key component of the struggle is to obtain uteri that will produce more people, not just bio parts for a world. --- Two women on one world struggle to find a way to renew the decaying worlds and to bring peace to the main warring ships.

I liked The Stars are Legion better than The Mirror Empire largely because it was more contained and not part of an ongoing story. Also because I found the main characters more likeable. Still, I would have no problem recommending either book.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Mountains Wanted by Phoebe Alexander Book 1 OF 3 FREE

Dr. Sarah Lynde teaches sociology, after putting herself through school and risen to associate professor. She is a single mother with two children by two different partners, and she's open-minded about sex. She thinks she knows exactly what she wanted... Until she met Army First Sergeant James McAllister, an ROTC instructor that was attending one of her classes. Their connection was NOTHING like she'd ever experienced, and what started as "just sex" turned into friends with benefits... for he is a mountain she cannot resist climbing, even as they promised each other nothing...

There is certainly a LOT of sex, as Sarah wasn't promiscuous, but merely have more than one sex partners. All the plot points fit together pretty well, and there's no like one evil. But it's also like 400+ pages. 6/8
This is kind sad love story, as this couple will NOT get together until end of book 2, and their relationship will be tested in book 3. Yet she'll have her heart broken, and realize this wasn't the end, by the end of this book. There's certainly a LOT of emotional swing here that's not as simple as wham-bang and there's the HEA.


Finished Capturing Her Beauty by Lexi Timms FREE Book 1 of 3

Kayla Reid is a BBW, and she had heard every bad joke about big girls. She works as a production assistant in the modeling industry, and was surrounded by models every day, many of whom whispers the jokes behind her back, but usually within her hearing. Kayla was also a budding designer, having just made prototypes of BBW proportioned bras and panties, branching into lingerie soon. She was surprised by the new photographer, Justin Baker, who did not have a degree or such, and was actually in accounting... and Justin found Kayla to be the most beautiful woman. They fell for each other, and Justin agreed to help them get the business off the ground, even with a little accounting help. But can Kayla be beautiful for him?

This is book 1 in a 3 book series, and it ends on a sad note.
He got hired by a real modeling agency as in-house photographer, but on the wrong coast. Which means he'll have to leave her behind...
The BBW references are pretty good, but the sad ending, eh... 5/8


Finished Spoons by E V Bishop FREE

Cade and Noelle Archer had fallen out of love, despite producing two beautiful daughters together. In a moment of indiscretion at the company party, Cade had destroyed Noelle's trust. Now the two barely speaks. Noelle is considering divorce, even as they attend a family reunion at River's Sigh B&B. Cade is confident in himself, and in his love for his family, and he thought he had demonstrated that his his actions, but his moment of indiscretion, in which he swore nothing happened, had left him tongue-tied, but he is guilty, maybe not as guilty as it should, but how can he explain that to his wife? But he must find the words... before his family and his life breaks.

Ah, one of the few "on the rocks" romances where a couple have to fall back into love, so to speak. 6/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Love Me, I Dare You by Sable Hunter

Joshua Long, World Champion Cowboy, suffered a career ending injury and is back Kerrville, TX. He had been dubbed "cowgirl whisperer" because he had a fan club of former flings who always leave satisified... except for one evil biatch who wanted to ruin his reputation forever and started a website talking **** about him and his old man. With little money left, Josh ended up in his old friend's HARDBODIES bar, and a lot of friends who can help him with a second chance, when he laid eyes on a beautiful blue-eyed redhead... who's blind. Emma Zachary lived her life on a dare. She has been blind since age 10, and her nearly didactic memory helped her cope. Having heard of Josh's reputation, she chose him at a bachelor auction... to so he can show her something she never had before. And they both found once... is not enough. But when external threats arrive, things may indeed get dicey for the couple... and their friends.

This one is hard to rate, as the threat was diverse. The bar owner and his wife had apparently made some biker angry and bad guy is plotting revenge (and none of the security posted had worked, apparently) and Emma got involved in the finale. Josh's evil biatch ex made an appearance to needle Emma, then disappeared. Call it 6/8 One minor nitpick.
How does a blind girl do grooming down there to get merely a "landing strip"?

Finished Single Dad's Waitress by Amelia Wilde FREE

Ryder and his daughter Minnie moved to a little town and needed some breakfast. He's not ready for love, having dedicated his life to his work and his daughter after his girlfriend (and mother of his child) walked out. He was burned out and took a summer out to just be happy with his daughter. He didn't count on encountering the hot watiress, Valentine. Val was dumped by her ex Conrad, fired when she embarrassed the boss (Conrad is boss's son) and had a pregnancy scare that she just basically ran back home and took the first job available. She's friendly with the locals, whom she knew. She didn't count on meeting the sexiest stranger ever... or accidentally spraying him with whipped cream (for her Mickey Mouse pancakes). Ryder knew Val and him would be good together, but it'd just be a summer fling. Right?

Obviously things get complicated when her ex Conrad showed up, but that was just him being creepy. The novel is otherwise thoroughly average. The beginning was basically insta-love or insta-lust, flip a coin. Once they dialed the libido down a bit it got a bit better. 5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Reading The Wright Brothers by David McCullough. It's quite an engrossing read.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Santa's Secret by Serenity Woods FREE

Rudi came to Santa's Secret Village in the Arctic Circle, looking to sell the place after looking at it one last time. He bought his daughter, but they had already lost their Christmas spirit, as he and the mother are no longer on speaking terms and the poor kid picked up on that. Rudi did not count on meeting Eva and her young son in the next room over. Eva was a virtual recluse after death of her husband 18 months ago, but they were already not on speaking terms before he wrapped his car around a tree. Eva is just there to make her son's Christmas more festive, but she unexpectedly brought life and hope to Rudi and his daughter. But will magic be still there come Christmas morning?

It's a bit of an insta-love, but well-tempered by the cold. The two kids are adorable, and overall a pretty good read. 5.5/8


Finished When Love Comes by J H Croix FREE

Hannah Gray returned to Diamond Creek Alaska after death of her parents in a plane crash. Her sense of adventure was gone, and so was her expectation of love. When she met Luke Winters, she felt a sense of attraction, but she told herself, it will pass. Luke Winters, one of the 3 Winters brothers, makes his living in Alaska by doing the outdoorsy things, but having been burned by a bad ex, he only does casual flings. When Luke saw Hannah, he was intrigued by the young woman with haunted eyes, and similar loss, but he can't do relationships, "too busy", he told himself. When Hannah, cleaning out her parent's belonging, came across a huge secret about her family, she found Luke the only one to confide in. When Luke's family and ex intrude, it would be up to Luke and Hannah to fight for their happiness... together.

Interesting "wound"... the family secret was... Hannah had a sister that was given up for adoption, 5 years older than she was. And when that sister came to Alaska to visit, things can be kinda messy. But J H Croix was pretty good in doing the Alaska romance thing. 5.5/8


Reading In the Cards by Jamie Beck PRIME READING

Lindsey fled her rich life in New York after her fiancee informed her he had cheated with a co-worker 2 weeks before their wedding. Lindsey rented a beach house in Malibu, CA, hoping to get away from it all for some time to think, only to realize her neighbor, the sexy Levi, was the same bartender who rejected her years ago, leaving her humiliated. Levi had lived a hard but clean life, to get away from his father's scamming ways. With some wise investments and good poker skills, he had created a comfortable living. When a motorcycle accident put him in the hospital, Lindsey was the only one who came to see him... and forced him to reexamine his attitude about trusting in others. But Levi knew he can't trust Lindsey, for she'll go back to her fiancee Rob back in New York in an instant... better to keep her at arm's length...

Nice, angsty, esp. with Rob always hovering, but this is more Levi's story, with him having to find out two shocks about his own family. Lindsey... is a bit naive, but nice and adorable kind of naive. 6/8


Finished Married This Year 2 by Tracey Pedersen

Rachel is a walking disaster in the kitchen. Every body can tell you that. But when Rachel found a friend Henry on a skydiving adventure, with an "engagement" from a crackerjack ring, they can't stay away from each other. Henry is a chef, and somehow Henry talked Rachel into making a meal. And Rachel will have a hard time "making" a meal and keeping her ineptness a secret... But Henry has a big secret too... And when these secrets are exposed...

White lies leading to hysteria, that's this rom-com worthy romance. 6/8


Finished Heart of a Texas Cowboy by Linda Broday

Houston Legend's heart was forever shattered when a man gunned down his wife-to-be, Becca, minutes before they're to be wed, only to reveal her utter betrayal. He swore he would never marry or love again... Only to be forced into a marriage of convenience... His father had gambled and lost a good portion of their ranch to the Boone's in an adjoining plot, and the older Boone did not want their land. What he wanted was for Houston to marry his daughter, Lara Boone... but there's a catch. Lara Boone had been violated by a ruthless outlaw by the name of Yuma Blackstone, and gave birth to a daughter. Houston's marriage to Lara will ensure the daughter will not be a bastard... no one else has to know. Houston was angry, but accept that it is his duty to the family ranch... But the sight of Lara took his breath away... Lara was beautiful, but a knife wound sliced her cheek, leaving a long scar. Houston found himself drawn to the quiet courage of Lara to continue living, even as they learned that Yuma is still out there, despite the Boone's having moved across the state to get away from the crazy criminal. When Houston and his brothers, as well as the drovers, have to take the Longhorn herd to market, Lara and baby Gracie had to come along as the camp cook when the cook's wife fell ill. They'd found passion as Lara worked on her courage to consummate their marriage... and also found Yuma and his gang of cutthroats are on their trail. When Yuma's gang attack, who will be left standing?

Long at 384 pages, but there's a lot of action, to keep things moving. The bad guy is a bit psycho, but that's the way it is in the stories. The final battle was not as deus ex machina as it seemed, for it was nicely setup with at least two mentions. All in all, satisfying story. 6.5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Her Big Sky Cowboy by Alissa Callen FREE

Speech Therapist Trinity Redfern knew her perfect match is out there... softspoken, articulate, well-dressed, and will let her take the lead. He'd be NOTHING like the reclusive rancher Zane Nash. Zane was brought up by a horrible father and burned by a horrible woman, but he'll move heaven and earth to care for his 5-year old son Finn, whom he didn't even know until recently. ... Finn was withdrawn after his mother's death and had speech impairments, and Zane reluctantly hired Trinity to help his son. Sparks flew, but Zane is a man of few words... and Trinity will have to decide whether to head back to the city when the summer ends...

Pretty good, I guess. 5.5/8. characters are genuine and the way they meet and dance around each other were pretty good.


Finished Marrying Mr. English by Katy Regnery

Trust fund playboy Tom English was supposed to marry by his 32nd birthday, or his grandpa will disinherit him. Tom had a fiancee lined up, only to see her elope with her ski instructor three days before his marriage. With one week to go, seems Tom will be forgo his millions. Enter Eleanora Watters, a smart, sassy, but broke waitress. Ellie has zero designs on Tom English. He's 10 years older, probably bedded tons of socialites, and a fling with Tom English would only lead to a broken heart, something Ellie doesn't need. But when Ellie's cousin set them up on a blind date and they bonded over books, Ellie agreed to help Tom, and Tom agreed to help Ellie realize her dreams of owning bookstores and a small house. After a whirlwind marriage in Vegas Tom and Ellie went home to present the fait accompli... Only to be tossed out by the grandpa who saw thru their scheme. But Tom refused to back down, for he had fallen for Ellie deep, and now, the two will have to live as a couple, on limited salary, on their own, when he was blackballed from the financial industry...

Awwww... You know things will work out, even though it was really a deus ex machina ending... Grandapa saw that they really do mean it, and the boy had grown up and gotten a job and everything, and he welcomed them back. Grandpa's cancer had something to do with it too. 7/8


Finished Single Dad SEAL by Charlize Starr

Complete crap of a book. Got the terminologies wrong in the first 10 chapters. (There are no "colonel" in a SEAL team, and there are no lavatory duties because navy call bathroom "head") What a joke. The guy is also a "bad boy" and apparently just defrocked the admiral's virgin daughter. WTF 0/8


Finished Her Sweetest Christmas by Holly Blair FREE NOVELLA

Natalie LeClair is back in town when her grandma, matriarch of LeClair chocolate, seems to have dropped out of touch. Cooper King is also in town, out to buy LeClair Chocolate for his father's candy empire... Because 3 years ago, he found LeClair's chocolate, and Natalie... they even shared a kiss. Natalie wants to get back with Cooper, but he is kind and caring, but he's merely following his father's orders. What will he do when his father ordered a slash and burn... i.e. just ake the recipe and close the plants, and lose Natalie?

Eh, it's just as expected, he pulled out a deus ex machina last second. 5/8
He cashed out his inheritance, found a group of investors, and bought LeClair chocolate for himself, and ran it with Natalie.

Finished Into Your Arms by Abigail Strom PRIME READING

Sara wasn't looking for love. She had been dancing since she was very young, and her career required her entire attention, but she's 35 and may be close to the end of her active dancing life. She has a boyfriend who is... okay, so she shouldn't like the sexy stranger Nick who just moved in next door... Nick is in the city to help his brother break his addiction to alcohol, and to help a local candidate win her election as a campaign advisor. He'll be gone in a few months. But one look at the dancer next door, or the time he saw her in her underwear breaking in her shoes... and he's smitten. Yet the more they deny their attraction to each other, the stronger it got. But when each meets their own crisis, will they break their hearts?

Nice warm fuzzy push pull and a good grand gesture at the end. 6/8


Abandoning Her Daring SEAL by Caitlyn O'Leary FREE

I'm quitting this book because it is ridiculous... It has active duty SEAL team getting a confusing name "Midnight Delta", with its own budget and its own operation base (backed by a rich man they helped), and go undercover breaking up criminal gangs like cops. It is basically a mercenary good guys company. It's ridiculous. Just make them ex-SEALs, sheesh! First book was okay, and every subsequent book just gets worse and worse. NO RATING.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Galaxy's Edge: Galactic Outlaws by Nick Cole and Jason Anspach

Seven Years after Battle of Kublar, a young girl searched the gutter of a starport for a man who can avenge her father. A double-dealing ex-legionnaire turned rogue charted his course between Republic lackeys and space pirates in search of a payday. At the galaxy's edge, a mysterious bounty hunter is searching for... something, for he knew something wasn't right, if he can just remember what it was... and if people would just stop wanting to kill him... but he's too good at the survival stuff. As the three parties converge on one planet, it's clear that the Republic won't know what hit them... and it won't be pleasant...

The ending was a real surprise, though a bit of a letdown, in that there's a downward twist. Yet it also setup the next book perfectly. 6.5/8


Finished Just for This Moment by Kait Nolan FREE

Myles wanted to run a newspaper and he went to town of Wishful Mississippi and bought the local paper... with a heavy loan. He was doing okay, but the profit wasn't quite as forthcoming due to additional expenditures like new machinery and new hires. When the sponsor suddenly wanted to pull out (and it's in the contract) Myles has 45 days to buy out the paper... or see it go under. Piper really liked Myles, esp. when he and her had co-stared in the Christmas play that saved the town's theater not long ago. Piper however, knew that on-stage love is not real love, but she'll do anything for Myles. When Myles realized he had a trust fund he can tap to buy the paper... provided he must get married... Piper volunteered for a marriage of convenience. After all, it'll get her infatuation of him out of her system, right? However, when the fake love turned very real, they have to decide just how far this will go... or how real their love is...

Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of "crazy will restricting the trust fund" trope. Though the relationships are nice, and the twist was nice too. 6/8


Finished Christmas Lovebirds by Rachelle Ayala FREE

Melisa wanted her brother Connor's ex-best-friend Rob Reed. Unfortunately, Rob slept with Connor's girlfriend and is no longer welcome. Rob went on to be ER doc in San Francisco and when Melisa had a little accident caused by her lovebird, she came nose to nose with Rob again... someone she still had a hankering for... Rob however, cannot possibly get with Melisa... The Hart family still hated him... and Melisa clips her lovebird's wings... barbaric! When Melisa lent her bird to the Christmas Toy Drive, Rob accidentally ended up with the bird as his own lovebird has a similar name. The two birds get along famously... and Melisa... get along with Rob... and found out she didn't get the real story about Connor and Rob. Will Melisa give Rob a real chance, or are they (both the birds and the couple) doomed to spend the holidays apart?

Awww... cute birds. There's even proper character arcs and long-kept secrets with twists. 6.5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Yours For The Taking by Danielle Stewart

Jenny is a Pharma-tech auditor who feel the male-dominated industry's pressure from creepy boss and glass ceiling for female employees. She was tasked to audit a new drug for diabetes, but she fell for the enigmatic but attractive drug rep, who wooed her like no one ever did. It was not ethical for her to sleep with the maker of the drug she was testing... but what was the worst case? What secrets is he keeping from her? Why?

The mood took a weird swing about the middle, and the triangle was really late. Though the theme finally came through by the end. 6/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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I hate to barge in on Kasey's thread, but book three of Sanderson's Stormlight Archive, Oathbringer, released today. In case anyone was not aware. I know it has only been three and half years so may seem a bit soon. I still have 1.15 books of Butcher's Codex Alera to finish up before I dive in... and I am considering a reread because I don't remember much from the first two. Bad sign?
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Honeymoon for One by Lily Zante FREE

Ava was dumped by her fiancee a few weeks before the wedding. "I just wasn't ready" he said. Now groomless, and had to move home now that her BF decided to do a runner, Ava nonetheless decided to take her honeymoon vacation to Italy... ALONE. After numbingly long hours to Verona Italy, delays, missed transfers, she was definitely stranger in a strange land... at Verona Airport, without her luggage. She found a black sedan driver holding various signs including one for her hotel, and he even speaks English, what luck! What she didn't know about the driver Nico was he's actually the hotel owner's son, who's tired of the golddiggers always after him, and Ava just treated him... normally. Now he's smitten, and offered to drive her around. But Nico has a few other secrets... and what happens when Ava spot them?

Bit uneven. While the Verona details are pretty good, the romance was a bit uneven. The story probably should be 50/50 between Ava and Nico, but it ended up 25/75, with Nico's various problems and phobias taking the limelight, and Ava just along for the ride. 6/8


Finished Leashed by Zoe Dawson FREE

Callie Lassiter's Great Dane Jack had run off and done the deed with neighbor's Great Dane Jill. It's really embarrassing because Callie is a professional dog trainer... and Jill's owner is the scorching hot nightclub owner and playboy Owen McKay... who's everything a girl like Callie wanted to avoid. Owen is perfect comfy with his "reputation", but the neighbor girl aka "The Dog Whisperer" is... well, perfect, and may be enough to tempt him into settling down... But Owen's CPA may have other ideas...

Triangle was a bit too obvious, and while the dogs are cute they are not like out of the ordinary good. 5.5/8


Finished Romancing Wisconsin Vol 1 (Christmas Set) by Stacey Joy Netzel

Combo box set, 3 novels and 1 story

Mistletoe Mischief: Eric Riley and Marissa did not expect to find love at the zoo, but their children, "Christmas in July", and "Santa" has some other ideas, and even in July mistletoe rules still apply.

Mistletoe Magic: (Previously reviewed standalone involving Mark Riley)

Mistletoe Match-up: when Lisa Riley came home to attend her brother Mark's wedding (see Mistletoe Magic), she found herself resuming her high school rivalry with Derek, who's also her brother's new wife's cousin. But this time, it's love, not war.

Mistletoe Rules: How the Riley family came to learn the mistletoe rules, in a family story told from many Christmas's ago...

Cute, but nothing like a super-must read. 6/8 That last short story had too many characters serving at the bookend. The actual story was okay.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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coopasonic wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:30 am I hate to barge in on Kasey's thread, but book three of Sanderson's Stormlight Archive, Oathbringer, released today. In case anyone was not aware. I know it has only been three and half years so may seem a bit soon. I still have 1.15 books of Butcher's Codex Alera to finish up before I dive in... and I am considering a reread because I don't remember much from the first two. Bad sign?
I'm looking forward to Oathbringer, though I REALLY need a recap/summary. I found this one on There's no way I can survive a re-read, but if you happen to find a better recap - post a link if you get a chance. Thanks!
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Moments of Joy by Ysa Acangel FREE

Brandy Curtis knew her family has a great risk of Alzheimer's... esp. the early onset kind. She avoided commitment, believing it's better to spare anyone the pain of loving her, and losing her one day. But when the gorgeous Doctor Ivo tempted her like no other, making her dare to hope. What started as a one-night stand turned into a fling, to FWB, and to a lot more. Just as Brandy thought she may be able to give her all... her memories started to fade... Can Brandy retain her moments of joy?

Ah, now this is a genuine tear-jerker. Took me a while to finish this one. It is so sad, and yet so hopeful at the same time. 7/8 The sequels (2 more novels) promise more of the same.


Finished Crossing Hearts by Kimberly Kincaid PRIME READING

Emerson Montgomery is back in town she left behind years ago, trying to avoid everyone, esp. her parents... AND the love she left behind, Hunter Cross. Emerson is trying to avoid the inevitable questions "Why?" and her big secret... that she came back to town, dumping her life as physical therapist for a pro football team, to just be a small-fry physical therapist. And her first patient is... Hunter Cross. Hunter knew his shoulder always had problems after he tore the rotator cuff in his high school's final football game victory. He had great prospects for playing college ball, but he chose to stay on the family farm, where he is happy... to mend his broken heart after Emerson left him behind. An accident in the barn left him with severe pain... and old Doc prescribed physical therapy... With Emerson, whom he hadn't seen for 12 years. They slowly got back together. But Emerson's secrets cannot be denied much longer. She had been diagnosed with MS... and it's getting worse. And her stubborn refusal to tell anyone is wearing on their relationship...

It's okay, I guess. Nothing too extraordinary about this, also a bit unbalanced. 67/33 Emerson/Hunter, with reasons that I guess, makes sense on her perspective. 5.5/8


Finished Colorado Winter Moon by Jill Haymaker

Sam Phillips gave up on love after death of his wife to cancer two years ago after a lifetime together in Peakview Montana. He adopted a puppy, content to live alone... Until he met the perky Vickie Dalton attending her son's wedding in town. Vickie had been widowed at a young age and spent her life raising her children and grandchildren in Tumbleweed Wyoming. She had no romance on her mind when she travelled to Colorado to attend her son's wedding to a local of Peakview... and found Sam to be a true silver fox... And tempting like no other. But can she leave her home and her grandchildren behind... or ask Sam to do the same, even as they are living 8 hours apart by car?

Practically senior romance, it's sweet without getting too angst-y, and the solution was actually a compromise that made sense. 6/8


Finished Montana Secret Santa by Debra Salonen FREE

Ad exec Krista Martin, avoiding her angst-y Hollywood family, had settled in Marietta Montana to run her Big Sky Promotions. Feeling a bit too grinch-y, she joined the Secret Santa Society, and ended up as co-chair with the tech wunderkind Jonah Andrews, who's back for the Holidays from Silicon Valley. Krista can use the connections, and Jonah can use... her companionship, esp. when they spar over type of cocoa and chocolate. It was obvious to Jonah that Krista had lost her Christmas spirit a long time ago... and Secret Santa can help... right?

Somehow this holiday story just doesn't get my attention much. There are little interspersed moments of clarity and purpose, but somehow this just doesn't quite feel warm and fuzzy. 4.5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Acting Married by Victorine E Lieske FREE

Tara McDermott is a maid for the Hollywood Bad Boy Rick Shade. She had been burned by a dick husband Josh who ended up as some bit actor in Hollywood and had the daughter to prove it. Tara just wants to settle the legal bills and move back to mid-West where things are simple. Rick Shade has a bad boy reputation, but he's a softie inside. When his publicist told him he needs to settle down to land a better role, he quipped "I should marry the maid"... And surprisingly, his publicist agreed. Rick promised a marriage of convenience with Tara... they can divorce a year later, and they need to go out to feed the paparazzi every once in a while. In return, Rick will pay off Tara's debts and leave her with a nest egg to start over. But as the two pretended to date, then got married for real, Rick and Tara realized just how good they are together... but each carries shame from their past... Rick for letting a girl he had loved go for his career... and Tara for entering into this "fake" relationship and allowing her daughter to be attached to Rick. When the secret was outed, will they stay... or break each other's hearts?

Not quite as good as the other novels in the author's series, this one just somehow feels a bit lack of polish. 5.5/8


Finished The Unintended Fiancee by Miranda P Charles FREE

Bradley goes at business 100%, and that doesn't leave him much time for women. Even when he told women he isn't into relationships, they keep trying to entice him into entering one, leaving a lot of broken hearts in his wake. When he accidentally flirted with one of his client's wife (who was one of his ex) he needed a fake fiancee to convince people he's NOT horn dog. And the only candidate was Erin Baker, his sister's best friend. Erin was not immune to Bardley's charms, and she was, at one time, pining for Bradley, but Bradley's reputation had turned her off for good. However, Erin's cheating ex, who had married someone else, is after her again. And being Bradley's fake GF may get him off her back... But when someone started to attack Bradley's reputation, and Erin became collateral damage, what will Bradley do to save Erin, and vice versa?

Nice, nice escalating plot where the lies got bigger and bigger, and while I suspected the twist a while back, it's nice to see it hashed out. 7/8

Finished Remember by Izabelle Jardin PRIME READING

Leah was utterly fascinated by green... and Connor's green eyes are perfect for capturing her. But Leah's family had some history with Connor's family that remained a secret... and even as they knew they probably are not good for each other, they fell for each other any way, even as they discover some trouble secrets about each other... and themselves. But Connor was injurred in 9/11, and lost his memory of Leah, will Leah be able to help him recover their love?

When German author use 9/11 as a plot device it's... interesting. Nothing really wrong with it, just... odd. The book is also a bit weird. Most romances start with the two protagonists separate, but drawing ever closer. This one managed to do it TWICE, have them separate but come together, then use his injury to separate them and bring them together AGAIN. While not bad, I don't think this is one of those must-reads. 6/8


Finished Yours for a Song by Amy James

World famous musician Eli Archer just wanted to escape the limelight, the paparazzi, and the crazy supermodel that was dogging him. He got on a plane to one city, and took a rental car to drive across more to hide out in the small town of Haven Springs for at least three months. His last two albums are commercial garbage. And he had lost his muse. Having punched out a paparazzi who got in his face didn't help. His visit to the ER to fix his hand lead him to Dr. Claire Taylor... who's buttoned up tight... and VERY much affected by his charm. Claire wanted a husband and a family, but she's thirty-five and the only real job in town is in the ER where the hospital is interesting in finding more services to charge than to provide real care. Claire is also a sucker for kids who needed help, and the homeless teenager Zoey and her deaf dog really did need her help... and more. Clarie has no time to be distracted by a rock god who's just passing by (but living next door). However, in a town where all the single men are taken (except the real losers... and closet gay men) and her mother trying to set her up with dates, Claire was oh so tempted by Eli... esp. when they bonded over the need to help Zoey and her dog. But when Eli's crazy super-model found him in town, and he needed to go back to the city early, is this the end for Claire's dreams?

Not bad, but some of the threads did not tie themselves back properly. The supermodel, Coco Sky, wasn't quite written properly, and having her show up as the foil at the end doesn't really work for me. 5.5/8


Finished Talisa's Heart by Imani King

Isaac Brighton is a rich white boy, doing corporate law. Talisa is a black girl doing PA work so she can save enough money to go to graduate school. Talisa has no interest in Isaac, but Talisa cannot deny that Isaac is one gorgeous guy... and when he chose her to go to New York with him... that fling turned into a lot more. But Assistants are not supposed to hook up with their bosses... and even if Isaac want long term, Talisa is going back to school...

Angst-y, but definitely a leg up on the typical BWWM romance that had no plot and had no violence. OTOH, it's a fairly trope-ish "hot for boss" with a litle "enemies to lovers". 5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished This Time Around by Tawna Fenske PRIME READING

Allie Ross's life had gone off the rails. She did not go on to be a lawyer. Her parents are in jail for a ponzi scheme. Her grandma just died, leaving her the B&B... except it's now... a cat shelter full of 6-toed cats. And Allie's love life... Is non-existent after a couple engagements but no marriage. When Jack Carpenter found Allie, Jack wanted to apologize. He was a real jerk back then, and definitely broke her heart. But he now has a 10 year old daughter now, and a dead wife, and a good business that made him rich. And he's a changed man. Can he convince Allie of that for a second chance this time around?

Nice, the extra tension about finding some stuff in the attic of the B&B added tension. I personally think the darkest hour was a bit stupid though. 6/8


Finished Frigid by Jennifer L Armentrout FREE

Sydney and Kyler had been best friends since their were kids. He shoved her on the playground, and she made him eat mud pie. Sydney wanted Kyler for a long time, but Kyler is a man-whore, never staying with a girl for more than a few nights. Now that Syd and Ky are in their final year of college, Syd has no intention of upsetting that applecart... Kyler does not desire Syd in a womanly way, or so he told himself. Kyler prefer the friendship, for Syd is the perfect girl, and Ky is just the bad boy from wrong side of tracks. When both were stranded in a cabin by a snowstorm, their tension turned into full blown fire of attraction... then they found someone was stalking them...

Somehow the pivot into romantic suspense didn't quite work for me. 5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished The Firefighters of Darling Bay by Rachel Herron (books 1-4)

Fictional Firefighters of a small town, but plenty of action. The four books (adding up to 600+ pages) are generally pretty fast, each with a different plot, from sibling rivalry to second chances, not too angsty.

Vol 1: Acupuncturist vs. firefighter hiding his injuries

Vol 2: Firefighter vs. Dispatcher he can't quite have...

Vol 3: Firefighter gets second chance with the girl that left town, but came back

Vol 4: Two paramedic crew deny their attraction to each other (enemies to lovers)

Okay, not too angsty. 6/8


Finished The Navy SEAL's Christmas Bride by Cora Seton FREE

SEAL Dan Hemmins is about to muster out and he wanted to set up rich people's survival camp training in Utah, and a visit to Chance Creek to see his old buddy Mason Hall was perfect (see Vol 1: The Navy SEAL's email order bride) for Christmas when he can't go home. He did not count on running into Sarah Metlin... a soldier that could be as competent as he is... and that's saying a LOT as he's a Navy SEAL. Sarah had been trying to prove all her life against EVERYBODY, esp. her own family, that she's just as tough as her brothers, not that nobody ever appreciated that special operations do NOT admit female operators. She was not about to let some SEAL challenge her without responding in kind. Dan was smitten, as Sarah was the smartest and the toughest... and sexiest woman he'd seen. He'll do whatever it takes to get close to her, even if he had to challenge her to a few more contests...

I don't quite get this one. It seems they are fighting more often than not, and sometimes the SEAL just pins her down by body weight alone. That's kinda... creepy? Inappropriate? I dunno. 5/8


Finished Bedding the Bachelors Books 1-3 by Virna DePaul

Bedding the Wrong Brother -- Melina had unrequited love on Rhys Dalton, not Max, his twin brother. Max has a reputation for being a ladies' man, and Melina wanted Max to teach her how to f***, because she was told by her ex she's frigid. Max had a change of heart, and called in his twin brother Rhys... who ended up making love to Melina... except now both are horrified at what they've done... yet it was everything they wanted... right?

Bedding the Bad Boy -- Max had always been the "bad boy" in the family, and Grace Sinclair is a friend of the family, i.e. Max's sister's best friend. Grace has a secret... She had never experienced the big O, and she believed Max can help her in that regard. She did not expect to be involved in a triangle (at least, that's what the paparazzi said) between Max and his actress friend... who's a blonde bombshell... Or Max has more layers than one ever suspected...

Bedding the Billionaire -- Lucy Conrad left her rich but judgemental family behind because she can never be what they wanted. She hated what money and fame did to her family, and even dating rich people, like Jamie Whitcomb, ticked her off, because he tried not to make a big deal of it either. They had a good few weeks, but drifted apart, when Jamie had to take cover the family business. Then tragedy struck the Conrad family... Lucy's sister and her husband were both killed in an auto accident, leaving baby niece to Lucy's care as per the will... but the family is fighting her in court: that she cannot be a fit mother due to her "lifestyle". To win the custody battle, Lucy has to do the one thing she vowed never to do: fit back into the highfalutin society she escaped from... by being Jamie's fiancee (it was his idea). But when scandal struck, will Lucy confront the problem with Jamie's help... or cut and run?

Some of the twists are pretty good, but the women just feel so... damaged? Major inadequacy? Still, decent read. 6/8


Finished Pursued by Her Billionaire Hook-up by Nadia Lee

Kerri Wilson, who had felt abandoned by her family since she was very young, had to leave her Hong Kong job and the only one she could turn to was Natalie, a friend in the US, who had just gotten married. Upon arriving in the US, she found to her surprise that her ride was none other than Ethan Lloyd, a man she had a one-night-stand with back when she was in college. Kerri wanted no-strings-attached sex because she was afraid of returning to her family that gave her so much grief, and she had to run at a moment's notice... like how she fled Hong Kong. But Ethan... was just too hot to ignore. Ethan agrees to NSA sex but knew he wanted much more from this woman who had been hurt before. But how can you solve a problem for someone when the problem was her very birth? And her family was rich than sin?

Nadia Lee's romance seems to be infused with some classic Korean TV drama plot, and they are usually quite good. I really really hate these titles though. Basically, Kerri's two brothers and her father all perished while driving to the hospital to visit her right after her birth, and her mother was broken ever since. Her elders tried to hide the evidence, and sent her off to boarding school, which leader her to believe that she was blamed for killing her father and her two brothers and destroying her family, and nothing she ever does is good enough. So she basically went her own way, refused to contact her family and hid every connection thereof, and she lived like that until her grandpa finally chased her down by end of the book. Interesting wounds. 7/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished A Princess Next Door by Noelle Adams FREE

Amalie "Amy" Rothman is living undercover in the US. As the oldest princess of the Rothmans, of a tiny kingdom up in the Alps, she was as useful as a chess piece, to be married off for alliances and such. She refused to marry her intended match, "Edward Farmingham Channing IV", solely to replenish the royal coffers. Instead she went off to a small school in Minnesota to do an art degree under a certain professor she wanted to study under. Four years later, school's about to end, but she did not want to go home. Her neighbor next door is Jack Watson. Despite the American swagger, he's handsome... AND nice. Amy decided to have a fling with Jack. She's leaving in a month. Besides, Jack hates formals, doesn't own a suit, and will never hook up with a princess... if he knew who she really is. But when circumstances forced her identity into the open... will she sacrifice herself for her family... or will Amy be willing to abandon it all?

Frankly, the ending was a bit of deus ex machina, that I can only give this 5/8
Basically, her younger sister will marry Edward instead, so Amy can go off have her happily ever after.

Finished The Billionaire's First Christmas by Holly Rayner FREE

Aaron Winters is handsome, rich, but hated the Holidays, esp. Christmas. He gave generously, but he lost his Christmas spirit a very long time ago. That is, until Robyn Hurst. Robyn is a new employee on Aaron's company, and got "volunteered" for a date with the highest bidder at the Christmas charity dinner... and saved by a mysterious bidder... after handing out gifts dressed in an elf costume, she was surprised to find her date is none other than Aaron Winters himself. Aaron was fascinated by Robyn, who was full of life and hope, and Robyn found that Aaron was not an old grouch the senior employees assumed he was. But can Robyn really break the shell around Aaron's heart and have him enjoy the real joy of Holidays?

Above average for a Christmas tale, but the scars are a bit too obvious: both were orphans. Duh. 5/8


Finished The Burning Point by Mary Jo Putney

Kate Corsi dreamed of going into the family business: Phoenix Demolitions International, but her old-fashioned father refused to let her get involved, even after she had finished going to school and licensed as an architect. When an explosion happened ahead of schedule and killed her father, she was summoned home... She will receive a fortune, and her ex-husband, Donovan, will inherit the business... IF they both live under the same roof for a year. Forced to live together, Kate and Donovan must find the truth about how her father died, and confront the issues that caused them to split that many years ago... and how each had dealt with the issues since... All the while someone seems to be harassing the business, with accidents, vandalism, and more...

Now, this is a masterpiece novel. It started out with the "ridiculous will", but soon it pivoted into much more, as well as various red herrings. There's always something going on, yet they all collapse back into the same plot much like a proper demolition job. It even has a Hollywood worthy action ending. 7.5/8
Cousin Ricky, apparently angry after reading a copy of the will because his wife worked at the family lawyer's office, was angry that PDI will be left to an in-law rather than blood, that he killed Kate's father by triggering the explosions early, then hired saboteurs to mess with PDI's projects, hoping that PDI will be bought out by a rival who'll hire him to run it. In the big ending, Ricky tried to kill both Donovan and Kate for discovering his presence when he rigged the place with additional explosives to screw things up. And Kate kicked him into an exposed rebar, then had to drag Donovan from the collapsing floor.
As for Kate and Donovan's trauma...
Donovan grew up in a violent household where his father was a mean drunk. He, when drunk, falls back to the same moves with Kate, and one night, after Kate's brother Sam came out of the closet and the family blew up, Donovan, took the angry father "You are just sick, we'll find treatment for you" side, while Kate took her brother's side "leave him alone, that's just the way he is". They went home, and Donovan, still angry, grabbed Kate a bit too hard (trying to shake some sense into her), she hit her head on the counter. She had enough and announced she was leaving. he tried to hold her and kiss her, but did it wrong again, and she sliced him with a kitchen knife in blind panic. Both realized a line had been crossed, and it's really finally over. Both realized they have a long ways to go to understand their own patterns and how to deal with them... He's actually an abuser, even if he didn't "meant" it, and she's a runner... she runs away from problems, rather than confront them.

Finished Enemy Inside by Penelope Marhsall

Kenzie St. Claire had the perfect life, lots of money, doting parents... Until her parents failed to come home... They were found slain in the park, no suspects. She became afraid of the outside, and became a recluse, except for occasional voyeuring with her binoculars against her neighbors, including the hot NFL QB Ty next door. When what seems to be a stalker appeared outside, she hired a bodyguard... Zander Smith, ex-SEAL, thought he'd be doing executive protection, not protecting a girl who's too scared to go outside. When Ty came calling, wanting to date her, AND her bodyguard Zander took an interest to her, Kenzie thought she's in paradise, with two men hot for her, but when she witnessed Ty stuffing a body into his car trunk... is she crazy? Or was the enemy closer than she realized?

Oh, sorry. This just doesn't work at all. It made no F***ING SENSE whatsoever. The book did the romance swapping viewpoints thing, some from Kenzie, some from Zander.
Then at the end, the author pulled "it was all a dream" twist, have her wake up in the hospital only a few hours after discovering her parents had been murdered, sorta "The Inner Light" scenario if you dig TNG. WTF!?! How did she imagine stuff from Zander's view?

The stuff at the end was hilariously bad, but it may be because it's due to her imagination. This ex-SEAL don't know how to fight, got his throat sliced, etc. Then after she "woke up", she found Zander was a doctor at the hospital (!?) How old is this ex-SEAL? Generally they don't get into their medical career until AFTER they retire from the SEAL. And it'd take YEARS (at least 2, if not 4 or more) to basically get the gap in education covered to take the MCAT, even if they start as a combat medic. Then the author added a epilogue where Zander was recalled to active duty, except recall lasts two years or more when this guy came back after only 2 months!
While the twists are okay, I think the author wrote herself into a corner and had to rely on this deus ex machina to save the day. 3/8


Finished Her Empath by Mina Carter Scifi novelette

General Lyssa Ryland is half human, half alien, and all hard. She takes no guff from any one, not even the admiralty. She had risen through the ranks by merit alone. She commands one of the most powerful ships in the navy, with a loyal crew, and is friends with some of the largest mercenary clans in the galaxy. She yields to no one... except maybe one... JJ is one of fleet's open secrets... He's an empath, with ability to change a person's personality given enough time and access. He had been tasked by the admiralty to bring General Ryland back in line, for the fleet feared she'll go rogue if she's disciplined in any way. Before going on duty, JJ had a one-night stand on the base... Only to find next day, when he reported onboard, that the woman he bedded the night before was none other than General Ryland herself. But when they went on a mission, and was ambushed by killer cyborgs, they are keeping each other alive. Lyssa knew that JJ is not a normal liaison, and is probably the empath sent by the fleet to subdue her, and JJ knew that Lyssa is not just a woman, but a warrior. Can JJ convince Lyssa that they can be good together, even if he had to leave the fleet?

Sorry, this universe made ZERO sense. If she had this much power, just send in a fleet and take out the whole ship, or assassinate her. The author also failed to understand the word EMPATH. Empathy means "empathy", which means empathic, i.e. share emotions. To change someone's mind requires telepathic manipulations, not empathic. Also, would the fleet allow one of their empaths to "resign"? And why would a general command a powerful ship? It was clear the author has NO understanding of the military and randomly mixes terminologies. The plot line doesn't really make sense either.

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Re: Books Read 2017

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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

A Crown of Swords (Wheel of Time 7)
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Shopping for a Billionaire Book 1 and Shopping for a Billionaire Book 2 by Julia Kent

Mystery shopping (aka Secret Shopper) Shannon meets (almost) billionaire Declan in a series of comical mishaps and swooning moments.

Book 1: Shannon had to rate the men's room at a cafe, so she heads in, make the evals, then when a guy came in she had to hide, realized her feet's showing, squatted on the toilet, slipped, her phone fell in, and she was in the process of fishing it out when Declan opened the stall door trying to rescue her. Forever since, he's her "hot guy", and she's his "toilet girl". Ouch. The story continues for about 100 pages, episodic.

Book 2: Shannon and Declan explores their relationship (and each other) while she and her company got company cars that should not be allowed out in public... i.e. they are wraps with fiberglass roof displays (think the Red Bull jeep, but much much worse looking). And one of them featured Shanon's mother ("I am so **NOT** driving that one!")

Pretty darn funny, but in non-stop jokes kinda way. Apparently in the next volume, Shannon got stung by a bee while making out with Declan, stabbed epipen into Declan's nuts (!), and Declan had to make the quarter mile dash half-naked (!!) to carry her to the ambulance. Ooof. 5.5/8


Finished The Assistant's Christmas Wish by Lexi Ostrow

Lena, had a crush on her boss Nick for 8 years, but he never seemed to recognize it. She was surprised when he invited her to his family Christmas dinner... for the whole week, as his fake girlfriend. She'll show him just how not fake this relationship is... Nick really liked Lena, but he's her boss and hitting on her wouldn't be right. But a whole week with Lena? Absolutely. But when Nick's brother Jake arrived, also with eyes on Lena, who's gonna end up with the girl?

Eh, not feeling too special here. 5/8


Finished Silver Bells by CJ Hunt FREE

Isaac just wants to run Big River Lodge after his wife ran out, leaving little Sara in his care. Christmas Blogger Jenna is absolutely burned out about Christmas, and almost 6 posts a day about "Big C" she doesn't want to hear ANYTHING about Christmas, and that's why she booked an isolated cabin in the middle of nowhere, far away from her family. Unfortunately, Isaac and Sara are big believers of the Holiday spirit... and upended her life...

Cute, but ultimately, not too much there, basically Jenna's the grinch. 5/8


Finished Billionaire's Bet by Claire Adams

Tyler made himself a billionaire in the 15 years he had been away, but when his father is on his last days in a hospice, he had to go back to Rainbow Texas, his little hometown, and face the high school sweetheart, Kelsi, he left behind after she broke his heart. Kelsi is working hard on her family ranch, hoping to inherit it one day and open up a children's camp. She doesn't want to see Tyler, because Tyler broke her heart by not standing up for her back in high school. Tyler made a bet with his friends that he can get Kelsi to bed, counting on old chemistry. But the more he found out about her circumstances (she's now a single mother, and the ranch is not on solid financial footing) he wanted to forget the bet, as he's genuinely back in love with Kelsi... but will Kelsi forgive him when she found out?

The grand gesture was so obvious I saw it about 50% through the book. 5/8


Finished Saving the Sheriff by Roxanne Snopek FREE

Frankie Sylva does a good deed every Christmas, but this one is a doozie... She "borrowed" a truck, pulled a load of reindeer from a traveling Christmas show, and intending to set them free at the mustang rescue Three River Ranch, all because she overheard the owner about trucking the "reindeer" down to a meat processing plant. Unfortunately, the rapidly closing snow storm got her truck into a ditch close to her destination. She got the reindeer out of the trailer and was hoping for help when Sheriff Red LeClair arrived. Red saw the cute but half-frozen woman, an empty trailer, and a truck that doesn't belong to her. It doesn't take a genius to realize something ain't kosher. Except she ain't talking. With the worsening storm, he had no choice but to "invite" her back to his place to keep an eye on her. When power failed, Frankie and Red had to depend on each other... Will she open up about her secret? Will he trust her?

Cute, 6/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Rig Ship for Ultra Quiet by Andrew Karam PRIME READING

Veteran submariner Andrew Karam writes about his adventures on USS Plunger (SSN 595) and explains what life at sea is really like, in a Thresher-class sub (predates the 688 aka Los Angeles - class) on the boat's last cruise, including operations into Soviet waters trailing Delta IV's and Akula's. He's enlisted, so the perspective is a bit different from the officer oriented stuff. And he's a nuke school graduate. There are lots of little details that you wouldn't know unless you've been there, nitty gritty stuff. 6/8


Finished Where You Least Expect by Kaye Blue

Navy SEAL Joe MacDermid settled down in Thornehill Springs, NC hoping for a break from his hectic life. He's getting old, and he's seriously thinking about transitioning into training instead of active duty. But his next door neighbor Verna always needles him when he went to the family cafe for breakfast... where Verna helps out his father. Verna can't help it but getting under Joe's skin is fun, even though she's a thoroughly nice person elsewhere. But she's feeling really a loser in life, because she didn't graduate college, she's still a virgin with no BF in sight, and she was always helping out at the family cafe that went nowhere, not with her dad yelling at her for something or another despite she gave great service. When her substitution of flour for a better brand resulting in her dad firing her from the family store, Verna realized she really have to stop taking CRAP, even from her family, and decided to launch her custom clothing boutique as she already got a client... and Joe was there to listen to her lament. When a snow storm stranded her miles from her house, Joe rescued her. They fell in love, but when Joe didn't quite react properly in front of his own group of friends, Verna saw it as rejection of her and broke things off. How can Joe set things right?

Fortunately, no SEAL abuse, as this guy was on leave for quite a while, but the conflict seems to be a bit lame. And it's a bit of Cinderella story... spinster virgin landed gorgeous SEAL due to her sarcastic wit. Eh... a bit of fantasy fulfillment? :) Still, kinda inspirational. :D 6/8


Finished Big Bad Daddy by Tia Siren

Amy Lynn barely escaped from an abusive husband, but she doesn't have enough to leave town. She lived in a lousy apartment with a crappy job at a convenience store, while her ex, now supervisor at the local market, was supposed to stay away due to a restraining order. But his words still haunt her. When she landed a live-in nanny job with milionaire author Jackson Ritter for his little daughter, things may actually go her way this time. Jackson Ritter loved his daughter, but hated the circumstances that lead to her birth... Her wife wrapped the car around a tree, after cheating with his best friend... he was still in the car. Both died, but the baby survived. But being a single daddy means he's missing deadlines, and he had two weeks to hand in an outline to keep his publisher happy... or he'll have to return the advance, which he doesn't have. And his mind was thoroughly blank. Amy Lynn became his muse, and he was able to get the outline done, and they got a little tipsy... they went to bed... Now she's having MAJOR inadequacy issues, her ex's words still echoing in her head: you're worthless, you are only good for f***ing... and she ran. Can Jackson make her see she is worth something other than sex, and deal with her ex permanently this time?

A bit on the "meh" scale. Woman is too much of a doormat. She didn't resolve ANYTHING except the end... when Jackson basically pulled a deus ex machina after her ex, violating the restraining order, tried to beat her back into submission, and Jackson punched him out, then called the cops to haul him away, and Amy Lynn agreed to prosecute. And really that's about it. 4/8


Finished Winter's Magic by Cynthia Gail

Beth Sergeant was not among the rich a famous, even though she did go to private school with many of them. She was even engaged to one briefly. Now, she runs a 5-star day spa catering to the rich and famous of Nashville, TN. She did not expect to find Nick Chester among her clients. Nick Chester lost his parents early on, and was raised by his grandpa, the richest man in the city. Lots of woman wanted him, but he understood their agenda... except Beth, who doesn't have one. Intrigued, Nick asked Beth out on a date, and they are both smitten. But both have guarded secrets that can tear them apart...

Eh, nothing too special about this one. Characters are okay, but it's pretty standard "different worlds" scenario. 5/8


Finished Beloved by Corinne Michaels FREE / Cliffhanger

Catherine had been left behind by her father, then by her fiancee. She is not about to trust a man ever again... Until she ran into Jackson. She knew Jackson will wear her down, but in the end, he will leave her, just like all the other men did.

Yep, the whole book was basically Catherine being a whiny brat preemptively playing hard to get which only drove Jackson on, who basically was the martyr / doormat. Then the cliffhanger means he had a personality flip. WTF. 3/8


Finished A Christmas Surprise by Kimberly Rose Johnson

Keira is a single parent raising her son after her husband spun out on an icy road and wrapped his truck around a tree. She never drove a car since. She concentrated her attention on her little chocolate shop and her son, who's now 4, relying on friends to deliver stuff to her store... and walking. She failed to connect with one blind date setup by her friends with the handsome veterinarian Pete Harding... due to him being called away for emergency. They eventually met up, and they do like each other, but then he learned she's a single mother, and his flames cooled. He had his reasons. But when Keira's son wanted a dog for Christmas, who else better to turn to than a veterinarian? And Pete was indeed re-evaluating... was his objection to single mom's reasonable? Did he fall for Keira already?

Sweet, but nothing too much there out of the ordinary. 5/8


Finished Rescue Me, Maybe by Jackie Bouchard PRIME READING

Jane left Philadelphia after losing both her husband AND her dog to cancer within a few days of each other. With no job in the city, she can't stay, and her (former) in-laws are riding roughshod over everything her husband had wanted. Her husband wanted everybody to wear purple, her in-laws demanded they wear black. Her husband had wanted his happy Hawaii vacation photo. Her in-laws changed it to his business profile photo. When her in-laws demand the ashes of her husband's remains to be buried whole, Jane had had enough and secretly took three scoopfuls so when she ever get to Hawaii she'll scatter his ashes there as she promised him. But the truth is... They had fallen out of love before he got ill, and Jane's ashamed that she felt more for loss of her dog than her husband. Needing to get away, she left for Prescott, Arizona to help with her uncle and aunt's B&B as they need to be somewhere else for an operation for her aunt. On the way, she picked up a stray dog, but Jane decided she can't keep her, she's not ready for another dog. She also does not want to deal with the B&B's guests and esp. not the handsome handyman Kai (not Ky!) who lived in the next property over the fence. But her uncle and aunt adopted the dog back from the shelter for her, and soon, the dog, now named Maybe, worked her charm on her... and soon, even Jane must admit, they actually rescued each other...

Not really a romance, but definitely about love, this is more of a story about recovery, and what the future can hold. I guess I don't feel the part about attraction to San Diego much, even as Jane tried desperately to get back to San Diego. She wanted a job in San Diego, her friends are in San Diego (even as they married and have kids), it's San Diego this and San Diego that. But as you can probably guess, once she got there, when she almost got the job as market intelligence analyst but her friends have became almost strangers, that she realized she's happier in Prescott AZ. Still, this is a very nice tale. 6.5/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished Christmas with the Billionaire by Amy Lamont

Emma Glover is an introvert author who writes about sex for syndicated column under a pen name. A dare/bet among friends sent her seducing a stranger near Christmas in a hotel, and he liked her too. They had a one night stand, but he turned cold when he saw her "press" pass... Then she found out he's Nate Wilder, billionaire media mogul. Will mistletoe magic work on billionaires? Are they too different to truly explain their affections to each other?

At 88 pages, it's a short, and it's a little deeper than expected. But it's not that far above average. 4.5/8


Finished Her Best Match by Tamie Dearen

Anne Best is getting a bit bored after raising two daughters alone in Texas after death of her husband. She, on a lark, decided to apply for a job in New York city referred by a headhunter, figure that she'd at least see NYC that she'd never seen. She did not count on being called to interview for PA position for billionaire Steven Gherring, who's not only one of the city's most eligible bachelors, he wanted to stay single. However, his Gram wanted very much to change that status for him. Gherring had already ran off most candidates and Anne was the only one who went toe to toe with him, earning his respect despite lacking PA experience. Anne is both clumsy... and fearless in tackling her responsibilities... including her boss, with two exceptions... she refused to participate in public speaking, and she avoided her own feelings. When Gram recruited Anne for finding a suitable girl for Gherring, Anne chose to ignore her own feelings for the frustratingly handsome billionaire. How can a guy like him be interested in an old widow from Texas? He, however, has other plans as well...

Nice, no sex, almost Hallmark movie as it combined matchmaker, different worlds, Cyrano, family expectations, and some suave French seduction and family secrets (including a manipulative ex) that this something is always happening. 7.5/8


Finished The Doctor's Christmas Proposal by Eve Gaddy FREE

Dr. Wyatt Gallagher had his heart broken by his ex-fiancee so thoroughly, he hadn't love any one... for years. The only woman he wanted to see was his childhood friend, Mia Watson. He knew they shared one night, and he wondered if there is more. So he invited her to attend his brother's wedding, just before Christmas, and she said yes. Mia wanted Wyatt for a long time, but he never really reciprocated, except for that one night that was not talked about again, then he left for home in Montana without a word, leaving her with keeping a secret that is now tearing her apart. Now that Mia will be spending a few weeks with Wyatt, she may find a time to tell him... Or will her confession destroy his friendship forever?

A bit too angsty. The secret was not that surprising.
That night he was drunk and they did the deed... W/o protection. She got pregnant, and he left before she can tell him. Then she miscarried at 4 months and nothing was said again, as that was his bad period when his first fiancee tried to come at him while pregnant with someone else's baby, hoping to make her BF jealous. If her BF didn't take her back, she got Wyatt as backup. Ouch, ouch, ouch.
It made sense, and it was her misunderstanding and a bit of serendipity / deus ex machina that resolved that ending. 6/8
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Re: Books Read 2017

Post by Jaddison »

Finished reading "Black Hearts: One Platoon's Descent into Madness in Iraq's Triangle of Death". Documents the platoon that had the guys who raped and killed an Iraqi girl and then murdered her and whole family.
It is well written and is not written as an anti=war book or anti-military. The author describes the platoon, company and brigade from when they first arrived all the way through the deployment and he got interviews with almost everyone in the platoon and company. It gives the most detailed but understandable description of what it was like for these guys. How short handed they were, the conditions, the deaths, what patrols were like.

It is a powerful, intense book. It will give you a real understanding of what these people go through and how it affects them. The planning an execution of the crime left me staring blankly into space for several minutes. ... to+madness
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Isgrimnur wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 9:40 pm Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

A Crown of Swords (Wheel of Time 7)
Is this your first time thru the harry Potter books?
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Re: Books Read 2017

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It is. I’ve seen halfish of the films. And, of course, most of the Internet spoilers
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Isgrimnur wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2017 9:06 pm It is. I’ve seen halfish of the films. And, of course, most of the Internet spoilers
The books are pretty good I think, much more detailed than the movies with the characters much more fleshed out. I have read them twice (once to a young daughter). I would imagine the early books hold up better than the early movies now. It is hard watching the first Harry Potter movie with how young the main characters are.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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I listened to all the HP books. If you haven't experienced the brilliance of Jim Dale narrating an HP book you really owe to yourself to try one out. I have listened to a lot of audio books over the years and he is one of the best. Frank Mueller, Will Patton and Jim Dale are just superb.
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Re: Books Read 2017

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Finished The Perfect Gift by Serenity Woods FREE

Erin Bloom is a single mom who can barely put food on the table due to her son Ryan's asthma. When another attack put him (and her) in the hospital, she was sure this holiday season will be the worst ever... Until consultant pediatrician Brock King showed up. Brock lost his wife to cancer two years ago, and he wasn't ready to love again. But encountering Erin put a smile on his face. Brock had made a lot of money as a pediatrician with his two brothers helping him make children's toys and treatments targeting pediatridc asthma sufferers (helping them getting treated), complete with education programs and charity. And he wanted to make Erin happy... by treating her to a timeout, as she has a sitter arranged. And Erin can't say no to an offer like that. Erin knew she is attracted to the handsome and rich Brock, and that timeout may result with her in his bed... but is a fling all she needed?

Angsty, but not overly so. Erin seems to have some inadequacy issues, and can't believe anyone would want a single mom. 6/8


Finished Billionaire's Best Woman by Claire Adams

Parker is doing great in life. His tech company is worth a billion (and change), his practically works from a beach in the Florida Keys, and his girlfriend Rachel is smoking hot. AND he has a best friend, Sienna, who keeps him grounded. Yes, Sienna's female, but she's just his bestie (there CAN'T be any more than that...). Sienna didn't like Rachel, as Rachel's the kind of woman that spends Parker's money and giving almost nothing in return. Flashy outfits, spa treatments for her and her friends, vacations... But Sienna don't want to bad mouth Rachel in front of Parker, and Parker is ignoring all the hints (probably so he can just keep Sienna off his mind) Sienna had to say something to save Parker from the biggest mistake of his life... but will he believe her? Time is running out as Rachel suddenly wanted to move up the timetable for the marriage. And if Sienna managed to stop the wedding... what then?

It's pretty obvious what'll happen... Parker's gonna marry Sienna instead after seeing what sort of character Rachel is. But it's gonna be a bit of a cliffhanger as Parker refused to believe Sienna's final attempt but realized just a few hours before the wedding it's all a facade. Okay, I guess. 6/8

The ton of bonus material included wasn't that bad, actually.


Finished Dane by Juliana Hart FREE

Bad boy Dane MacKenzie is returning to Surrender, Montana after 10 years being away... hoping to reclaim the woman he left behind after making a name for himself. But Charlotte Monroe have no intention of doing that... Dane's betrayal is not forgivable, esp. when she has a reminder of him every day. She desperately tried to protect the son from the heartbreak that she was sure that's coming for Dane won't be staying... but Dane has other ideas...

Eh, not too much there. 4/8


Finished The Secret Santa Wishing Well by Nikki Lynn Barrett FREE

Jacob has a sister in the hospital with very aggressive cancer and no one knew how long she'd last even with the best treatment possible. But she wanted him to get some holiday spirit and volunteered him for Secret Santa at the mall. Jacob encountered a little boy Ben who made a very special wish... well, two wishes. Ben was Cheyenne's son. Cheyenne was struggling to raise two kids after her BF ran off, and the BF even refused to acknowledge the baby daughter. But Ben's own kind actions brought Jacob into her life, and the two were attracted to each other. But Jacob was forever worried about his sister in the hospital, and Cheyenne is worried that her ex will ruin things, when he suddenly showed up demanding to reconnect with Ben, when he clearly has no idea how, with his pregnant girlfriend in tow. Can the two let go of their ghosts of Christmas past and make a life together, when things took a turn for the worse for both of them?

Individual plot points are not bad, but it just feel it lacked a bit of overall polish. 5.5/8
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