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Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 6:07 pm
by ChrisGrenard
If you are in your Body form and not in Nexus, you can be attacked.

Though, most invaders go to a number of popular spots. World 4-1 and 4-2, for instance. So far today I've killed 6 Black Phantoms in 4-2. Thief's Ring is truly awesome about that.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 8:05 pm
by Tscott
ChrisGrenard wrote:If you are in your Body form and not in Nexus, you can be attacked.
Is this why I see so many blood stains of people jumping to their deaths in the Nexus? Are they willingly giving up their body form so they can't be invaded where they warp next?

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 8:46 pm
by Jag
Tscott wrote:
ChrisGrenard wrote:If you are in your Body form and not in Nexus, you can be attacked.
Is this why I see so many blood stains of people jumping to their deaths in the Nexus? Are they willingly giving up their body form so they can't be invaded where they warp next?
That's one reason. The other reason is world tendency. When you die in a world in body form (1,2,3,4,5) you move that world towards a Black tendency, when you kill a demon, you move it towards white. So when you kill the demons in 1-1,1-2,1-3 that should put you to almost 100 white which in some worlds brings a benefit (like that gate opening in 1-1). In other worlds, like 2-1, 2-1, moving a world towards all black spawns some cool guys that drop good loot.

For example, I wanted a Talisman of Beasts (lets you cast both spells and miracles) so i revived and died over 9 times in world 2. Being pure black, a boss spawned that drops the talisman. It took me 4 days to kill him and even then i totally cheesed it by poisoning him and waiting for him to die :( I wouldn't recommend it.

Oh and when a world is more black, everything is harder, but they drop more souls. The opposite for white.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:36 pm
by ChrisGrenard
Jag provided a good rundown, but let me put this in simpler terms because it's tricky:

Every world has a good/evil meter. When you die in body form, the world you are in shifts towards evil. Other things also shift things towards good or bad.

In bad world, everything is harder to kill but you get better loot. In good world, it's easier but you get worse loot.

So anyway, here's reasons people suicide in Nexus:

- They want to avoid a world shifting towards black if they would die there.
- They want to avoid being attacked by invading black phantoms.
- They want to join up with another person as a blue phantom.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:45 pm
by Tscott
Thanks guys. A lot of those little nuances in this game are making more sense now.

You guys mentioned a gate that opens in world 1 when it's near 100% White. If I died last night in body form at the Tower Knight, will that keep me from getting into that gate?

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:51 pm
by Jag
Tscott wrote:Thanks guys. A lot of those little nuances in this game are making more sense now.

You guys mentioned a gate that opens in world 1 when it's near 100% White. If I died last night in body form at the Tower Knight, will that keep me from getting into that gate?
It shouldn't because once you kill all 4 demons in world 1, it should be white enough for it to open. I just wouldn't keep dying in body form unless you want World 1 to go all black ... which is ok because the gate opens on pure black too!!! (ie: you can always make a world go black by dying in it)

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 1:03 pm
by ChrisGrenard
A fun way to get to pure white is to join up with other people as a Blue Phantom and then kick the hell out of a Black Phantom that shows up. I killed 6 of them yesterday on world 4, and my world tendency went WAY up.

For the record, the system goes between -3 and +3 for World Tendency. Dying is a -1 penalty. Killing a Black Phantom is a +1. Killing a boss is also (I think) a +1. Killing a named, friendly NPC is a -3. Killing a Black Phantom version of a named NPC is a +3.

Yes, the game contains MANY nuances.

Also, I found out how to beat the Old Hero very, very easily. Like if you get there, you can win with this if you are patient.
Get a bow and maybe 100+ arrows. If you are bad with bows, bring more arrows. We're talking a metric ton of arrows here. You'll also probably need the Thief's Ring that you pick up in World 1-1.

So, the Old Hero, if he can't find you, will walk up and down the long corridor swinging randomly. You basically stand at one end of the hall and shoot him with arrows. But you do it SLOWLY. Shoot, wait for him to freak out then roar. Wait about 3 seconds after the roar. Shoot him again. Wait till after the roar. Shoot again. Repeat for a long damn time. He can't aggro off of this, and you can take him down no matter how incompetent you are.

Alternatively, if you're a wizard of sorts, do this same thing with magic. Just bring either a mana regen ring or LOTS of mana regen items.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 1:24 pm
by Jag
Many of the bosses can be cheesed with arrows, including Old Hero (HE'S BLIND!!). A priority is to rescue that scumbag Patches, the Hyena and buy hard arrows from him. Also upgrading your bow helps alot too.

I haven't played in awhile due to the constant lockups. After chatting with the head of Atlus QA support I gave it another go and killed the Storm King (fun fight!!!!) and then promptly locked up again. I took a video of it and sent it to Atlus QA but they are stumped and I can't bring myself to play anymore :(

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 3:08 pm
by Tscott
Restarted as a Royal.

I killed that red knight in 1-1 at SP18 today. It took some creative aiming to get my soul arrow aimed right at him as I was standing too far away to lock him in as a target. Got a few hits as he ran down the corridor at me and then things got tense. I blocked one of his hits, then he hit me for about 4/5ths of my health. I was then able to back away and hit him with a few more hits of soul arrow to finally down him. Woo-hoo.

Last night I also killed the Red Dragon with soul arrow. It took forever, and I would've never done it if I hadn't read online that it could be done. So now I've got Winged Spear (+3) and the Purple Flame Shield for melee. Gonna have to finally tackle that Tower Knight soon and move on.

Is there any way to "use" all of a certain type of soul at once? I'm getting tired of having to go to "inventory/unknown solder soul/use/inventory/unknown solder soul/use/inventory/unknown solder soul/use..." to convert all my souls.

Also, how hard would 3-1 be for me right now? It seems every time I read online about an item or spell I think I'd want, it's listed as being available in or after 3-1.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 3:17 pm
by Jag
I think the -1s are all pretty easy in terms of design. It's just the strength of the monsters that get harder. You should be ok in 3-1 as long as you stay at range. It's one of the more fun levels, so i'm not going to spoil it for you....

I cheesed the Tower Knight with arrows even though i was a melee class. I'm currently a hybrid of everything right now.

The way to 'eat' souls faster is to set them as a quick use item, like the grasses, spices, etc. I figured that out by accident. Still slow but not nearly as slow as manually using them. BTW, i hoarded my souls for awhile until i realized that there is no reason to save them unless you can't use them before you leave the Nexus. You can always buy arrows or spices and store them for later.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:51 pm
by ChrisGrenard
Level 3 is spell city. You get lots of good stuff from it.

Also, I think that we should set up Skype and I can have one of my 3 main alts play with you guys and use Skype to coordinate. Just e-mail me if you want my help. Goldfenix (at the famous) gmails dot coms

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:06 pm
by Tscott
Made some (little) progress. I finally killed the Tower Knight. Resorted to my ranged magic attack. Also ventured a bit into 2-1 and 3-1. In 2-1, I explored the building where the giant boulders were being thrown out of. There was one enemy that was throwing fireballs at me from across a bridge that collapses that I couldn't target, so I resorted to bow and arrows for the first time. In 3-1, I got a number of different floors/wards opened, but those flayer thingies are tough and one mistake and you're dead. I lost 3-4k of souls because of two bad encounters with those bastards. I've also been farming 1-1 and 1-2 a lot for souls and just made it to SP30.

Re: Skype - My PC and my PS3 are nowhere near each other, so I wouldn't be able to coordinate that way. Sorry.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 11:03 am
by Tscott
Got a bit further in 3-1 and found Freke's cell. Then I went past some fog and immediately made one stupid mistake against those mind flayer things and I'm dead. :( I just can't get past those guys consistently- I feel lucky if I can kill a couple, then the 3rd gets me.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 2:18 pm
by ChrisGrenard
Tscott wrote:Got a bit further in 3-1 and found Freke's cell. Then I went past some fog and immediately made one stupid mistake against those mind flayer things and I'm dead. :( I just can't get past those guys consistently- I feel lucky if I can kill a couple, then the 3rd gets me.
Mind Flayers are deadly as hell. I've found a few ways to help deal with them, but it's all tough.

Thief's Ring is the best trick. Helps you narrow the distance quickly when trying to backstab them without them noticing you. If you don't have the ring, it's in 1-1 in an area where you rescue a guy. Let me know if you need more info.

Also in world 4 or 5, I don't remember, there's a demon soul that can give you a miracle called, "Anti-Magic Field". It makes those guys into pussycats.

Arrows and thief's ring also work pretty well together on them. Just wait for them to de-aggro between shots.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 3:05 pm
by Tscott
Yep, I've got the thief's ring and a cloak spell. I've been trying to find a safe place where I can use a pillar or doorway to hide behind as I try to get off the 6-7 shots of Soul Arrow it takes to kill them. I read online that the Flame Toss spell can down them in 2 or 3 hits, so I just hopped in the game and got that. But I wanted to test it out a bit in world 1-1 before going back into 3-1. It seemed to work well on the Blue Knights, but didn't do squat on the Red Knight.

I plan on trying to regain my soul and get a bit further in 3-1 next time I'm on. I may take your advice and buy a few more arrows for them, just in case Flame Toss isn't working for me.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 6:19 pm
by ChrisGrenard
Actually Flame Toss hits the Red Knight hard.... but he'll block the first 3 or 4 hits.

I recommend eventually trying out other classes. Then realize that all the monsters run by the same rules as your classes. The enemies with shields can block until they run out of stamina, for example. Thus, you can break their guard with enough power behind the hits.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 7:04 pm
by Tscott
Ah good to know about the Red Knight. I'm well aware of the shield and blocking (my main protection right now is the Purple Flame Shield), but I think of it mostly during melee so it didn't occur to me that the same was happening with spell attacks.

Flame Toss kicks ass on those Flayers, BTW. If I can hit them from behind, I can usually get the second kill shot off before they have a chance to retaliate. I made it even further in 3-1, but turned back after I got item burden for finding the Fluted Armor and had to swap my Cling Ring for the Strength Ring to carry it all. I also found the Silver Bracelets for 10% more souls reaped, so my choice of making this character female has been justified.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 2:08 am
by Tscott
Finally beat 3-1 tonight. Took me longer than it should have because:
1) I thought I got stuck retrieving an item on a ledge and used a Shard of Archstone to escape (I figured how I should have got out later)
2) I couldn't find the last key I needed despite the messages "There is a key ahead" - I finally got a sign right next to the key that said "Take a step forward" which made me realize I could get to that one item on the floor without getting killed by the hall of arrows. That person got their message recommended.
3) My first BP encounter went poorly and I had to make a few trips back to collect my lost souls. Finally returned to the Nexus after freeing Sage Freke and got the Warding spell which let me beat the BP even after they backstabbed me as I was trying to evade.
The final boss on this level was pretty easy (comparatively speaking) as they let me take my time and figure things out in the shadows. I was able to get Soul Ray after that, which seems to be awesome.

Think I'll focus on 1-3 or 2-1 next.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 9:02 am
by Jag
and he's hooked!

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 12:09 pm
by Octavious
My goal is to finish the darn game this week so I can get ready for Red Dead! I fully plan on playing NG+ though when I get time.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 3:07 pm
by Tscott
Octavious230 wrote:My goal is to finish the darn game this week so I can get ready for Red Dead! I fully plan on playing NG+ though when I get time.
Good luck finishing the game. What areas do you still have to do?

My own mouse was hovering over the pre-purchase button for RDR this morning. Part of what held me back was that I'm too engrossed in Demon's Souls right now and have no chance of finishing in the next week. (but that $20 gift card Amazon is offering may change my mind yet)

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 3:14 pm
by Octavious
Tscott wrote:
Octavious230 wrote:My goal is to finish the darn game this week so I can get ready for Red Dead! I fully plan on playing NG+ though when I get time.
Good luck finishing the game. What areas do you still have to do?

My own mouse was hovering over the pre-purchase button for RDR this morning. Part of what held me back was that I'm too engrossed in Demon's Souls right now and have no chance of finishing in the next week. (but that $20 gift card Amazon is offering may change my mind yet)
I already raised 50 bucks by selling stuff, I forgot about the 20 dollar card so I'm really going to get it from there now. :mrgreen: I think I have 5-2, 5-3 and 1-4 left to go along with the final area. 1-4 is crazy hard so I'm leaving that for last. 5-2 I stopped when I knocked the ramp down that clears you from going through the damn pond O doom so it shouldn't take me very long to clear that one.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:38 pm
by Tscott
Well, 2-1 turned out to be a walk in a park for my current character. The only tough part -for some reason my Soul Ray spell didn't want to connect with the boss monster on the very last shot. I wound up wasting almost all my Spices and a several grass trying to get that last minuscule amount of HPs knocked off.

The wiki seems to make me think I should use this Hard Demon's Soul for Fire Spray instead of Ignite. Concur? (the other option is to make a +7 bow and turn it into a Lava Bow, but I've got ranged attacks covered)

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:13 pm
by Tscott
Damn face bugs in 3-2! They ruined my brand new Gloom Armor! Then a Black Phantom Mind Flayer? Fuck me.

Then when I returned the Nexus, I had to use all my new found Hero's Souls just to repair my stuff (and make a sweep through 1-1 to get the last amount to fix my boots).

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:16 pm
by Jag
Spears are your friend for face bugs.

Tell me you don't jump when you hear a bell ring now :D

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:39 pm
by Tscott
My (currently +6) Winged Spear has been my friend for most of the game so far. I was doing fine against them, until I was using most my attention to try and find my way on a dark walkway and got jumped by two face bugs at once.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:55 pm
by Octavious
5 is done just have 1-4 to finish tonight and then it's end game time. :ninja: :mrgreen:

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 8:14 pm
by Tscott
Octavious230 wrote:5 is done just have 1-4 to finish tonight and then it's end game time. :ninja: :mrgreen:
Great going! :)

Someday I hope to be just like you.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 3:26 pm
by Octavious
Tscott wrote:
Octavious230 wrote:5 is done just have 1-4 to finish tonight and then it's end game time. :ninja: :mrgreen:
Great going! :)

Someday I hope to be just like you.
I'm stuck on the boss for 1-4. He's a mean mofo. The jerk stole a soul level and I can't get it back because I got killed before I got back to him. :grund: I think I should be able to kick his butt tonight after formulating a battle plan. Once he's dead I just have the final boss who's supposed to be a cake walk. I'm at 42 hours played and I'm totally ready to play the whole thing again. :mrgreen:

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 3:42 pm
by Jag
My broken game put the whole thing on hold for me a few weeks ago. I still have the end of 5 and 1-4 to do, but can't do it when the game freezes constantly. I read about losing soul levels to that last guy. Did you kill the blue dragon or just dodge it? If you killed it, where did you do it?

I just sent the disk back to Atlus today, but not even sure if that was the problem.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 4:52 pm
by Octavious
I just ran past the dragon. Once you figure out the pattern you can get through quite easily. If you had enough arrows and patience you could easily pelt it to death. I'm not that bored. :mrgreen:

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 5:08 pm
by Jag
Octavious230 wrote:I just ran past the dragon. Once you figure out the pattern you can get through quite easily. If you had enough arrows and patience you could easily pelt it to death. I'm not that bored. :mrgreen:
Do you have to do that everytime you get to the boss or can you open a door to avoid it? I'd hate to have to dodge the Dragon each time, which is usually why i'll spend 20 minutes plinking it.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 6:34 pm
by Octavious
You have to run past it each time. Seriously though it's super simple once you figure it out. I can get through 100 percent of the time with no problems.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:02 pm
by Octavious
VICTORY!!! 42 hours played to get through. Already ran through and cleared 1-1 in NG+. :mrgreen:

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:06 pm
by Jag
Grats! It's too bad more people don't recognize the genius of the game.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 10:19 am
by ChrisGrenard
I have a character who can kill that dragon in about 50 arrows. It's great fun to join up with others and then watch as I kill stage 1 of the dragon in about 20 seconds, then the second stage in another two minutes.

(For the record, I currently have a Sticky Compound Long Bow +4 and two items that give +50% damage if I go under 30% health.)

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 10:48 am
by Jag
ChrisGrenard wrote:I have a character who can kill that dragon in about 50 arrows. It's great fun to join up with others and then watch as I kill stage 1 of the dragon in about 20 seconds, then the second stage in another two minutes.

(For the record, I currently have a Sticky Compound Long Bow +4 and two items that give +50% damage if I go under 30% health.)
I only have Sticky Compound Long Bow +3. I missed 2 of those Geckos when I was farming them and I'm 1 stone short. :evil:

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 10:59 am
by ChrisGrenard
Jag wrote:
ChrisGrenard wrote:I have a character who can kill that dragon in about 50 arrows. It's great fun to join up with others and then watch as I kill stage 1 of the dragon in about 20 seconds, then the second stage in another two minutes.

(For the record, I currently have a Sticky Compound Long Bow +4 and two items that give +50% damage if I go under 30% health.)
I only have Sticky Compound Long Bow +3. I missed 2 of those Geckos when I was farming them and I'm 1 stone short. :evil:
Geckos respawn when you kill a boss in their area. I think they even respawn if you assist another person, but I don't know for sure.

Anyway, best place to get the stones you need is definitely the 2-1 geckos.

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 12:43 pm
by Tscott
I haven't made too much actual progress lately. I've been trying to upgrade my character and equipment mostly. Made it a ways into 2-2, but had to leave a Great Axe behind because I couldn't carry it out with all the shards and chunks I had also collected (I'm not playing a strength based character so it's not a great loss, but it might have been nice to have a Great Axe in storage). So I've been adding a bit to vitality and endurance and making sure I've got everything not absolutely needed in storage. Got my Purple Flame Shield up to +6 with my farming, and a Crushing Axe up to +3 for when my piercing spear won't cut it (4-x).

Re: Demon's Souls

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 12:49 pm
by ChrisGrenard
Talk to the storage guy a few times in a row, he'll run out of conversation options. Then make sure that the hair thingey is in your inventory and talk to him. He'll trade it from you for a ring that gives you like an extra 40 pounds of carry weight. Perfect for when you need to haul big stuff out.