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Re: The Meal's 2010 Hold 'Em Tournament Hand 59

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:15 pm
by The Meal
Great to hear folks'd play again next time around! Makes me feel good.

I still haven't sent PMs to JC Anejo and Vorret. I need to be next to my spreadsheet (i.e., at home) when I do that.

I did go through the hands (excepting #58 :( ) and summarized cards/hands shown (either at show down or because the winner had to show one -- I didn't enforce that for Hand #58 as things wrapped up the next hand before that came into play). 18 hands went to a showdown, and 41 hands did not.

Of the 41 hands that didn't go to a showdown, seven times the winner showed two cards (either because they won in a walk or because they wanted to). The 48 cards shown (and the frequency at which they were shown) are:
:As: 2
:Ad: 5
:Ac: 2
:Ks: 1
:Kh: 2
:Kd: 1
:Kc: 1
:Qs: 1
:Qh: 3
:Qc: 3
:Js: 2
:Jh: 1
:Jd: 2
:Jc: 2
:Ts: 3
:Tc: 1
:7h: 1
:7c: 2
:6d: 2
:5s: 1
:4s: 1
:4h: 1
:4c: 1
:3d: 2
:3c: 2
:2d: 3
Conclusion: Folks who won pots without a showdown tended to hold good cards (duh) or were capable of showing a crappy card. Not a lot of middling cards in the mix.

Of the 18 hands that went to showdown there were 40 total hands shown (some showdowns had more than two hands shown). Those hands broke down as follows (note that each category is exclusive of all others, so all 40 hands are shown only in one category here):
03 Pair JJ+
05 Pair 22-TT
02 Suited connector
05 No-gap non-suited connector (including AKo as well as 32o)
01 One-gap SC
02 One-gap non-S C
04 Two broadway (non-C)
08 Other suited
10 All other

This isn't the best way to break them down (that bottom most category holds a few A9o type hands which aren't complete garbage), but it's what I used. All three of the "premium pairs" were QQ. Not very many "one-gappers" shown at the end. Suited versions of a category should randomly appear only 25% as often as the non-suited version, but as we see at showdown the types of hands that people play to the end are not randomly selected in that manner.

Those 40 hands contained these 80 cards:
:As: 3
:Ah: 2
:Ac: 3
:Ks: 2
:Kh: 3
:Kd: 5
:Kc: 1
:Qs: 3
:Qh: 5
:Qd: 2
:Qc: 1
:Js: 1
:Jh: 4
:Jd: 1
:Jc: 1
:Ts: 2
:Th: 1
:Td: 3
:Tc: 3
:9h: 2
:9d: 1
:9c: 1
:8s: 1
:8h: 2
:8d: 3
:8c: 3
:7s: 2
:7d: 3
:7c: 1
:6s: 1
:6c: 1
:5h: 2
:5d: 1
:3s: 3
:3d: 1
:3c: 2
:2s: 1
:2h: 2
:2d: 1

This is a much broader mix of cards than those shown without showdown, which goes to show the any-two-cards can win (or at least make it to the showdown!) nature of hold'em. KQ is not much more than 60% to win compared to a lowly 84's 40% (against each other).

Anyway, hope this was interesting to any of the rest of you. I was curious. (And no, I won't be displaying stats or commenting on the hole cards that folks didn't get to see in public.)