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Medicare questions

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:47 pm
by Punisher
I just got my medicre card. It's not active until June.
I ended up signing up for Part C for $15 extra per month. It seemed to cover everything I could need including full dental.
1. If anyone has it, IS part C worth it?
2. Can I have Medicare and private insurance? I currently have insurance theough my wife. We are thinking about dropping it when my medicare goes active to save money but are also considering keeping it.
I'm thinking that if I can keep it, I'd save even more on medical bills and what not by running them through both sevices.

As a side note, if I'm getting too needy with looking for help let me know and I'll try to reign it back.

Re: Medicare questions

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:26 pm
by Jaddison
I have Medicare A but not B because my company healthcare is cheaper than what I would pay monthly for B. My company healthcare also covers C.
I have been told that the AARP C plans are better than the tangled mess of plans you see on the Medicare website.
Unless your B is free I don't see why you would do both B and pay for company or the other.

Re: Medicare questions

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:46 pm
by Punisher
B is around $180.
Not sure I'd qualify for AARP plans as I'm not even over 55, let alone retirement age.
I'm on Medicare due to disability.
It looks like the one I picked has me paying for B and an extra 15 for C.
My wife is gonna try to find out how much her insurance would be if she dropped me. I think we're paying a premium price for me to be on it.

Re: Medicare questions

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:13 pm
by Kraken
I signed up for Part A when I turned 65 because it's free. Wife's employer insurance is gold-plated so we're sticking with that until she retires, which depends on our buying a house first. You need a good income to get a mortgage.