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Now both CG and BSF have a trader forum.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 12:32 am
by Raven
Maybe instead of both boards having a traders forum, that it would be easier to just make a separate board for trading that wasn't connected to either CG or BSF.

As an example, I'm about to give a +1 for a trade that started two days before GG died. Should I give the +1 here, over at CG, or both.

Wouldn't it be best to simply have a separate board for trading that wasn't connected at the hip to either of the main boards.

Just a thought.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 12:38 am
by Kratz
Sorry, no. I'll trade here.

This isn't CG. CG isn't here. In the words of Ozzy Osbourne, "we're going through changes". There is no point in kinda sorta acting like they are the same place.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 12:45 am
by setaside
Unfortunately I think that a 3rd site dedicated to trading would be a bad idea as far as fracturing the community go. I think it's just natural for people to want to trade with the people they hang out with. It really is sad that the GG community has split due to the untimely demise of our old home but at the same time I realized that it would happen and have adjusted as best I could, which includes starting a new trading forum at my new home. I really don't think that there is any solution that would solidify the old GG trading forum base.


That said, I have a feeling that both trading communities will perform just fine. People will just have to pay special attention if they plan on trading at both places.