Windows XP Install/Transfer Question

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Windows XP Install/Transfer Question

Post by Raug »

Well, my mom finally decided she'd like to learn how to use a PC (welcome to the 90's Mom! ;)) so I gave her my old PC to use for that. The problem is that it is running Windows ME and I've been totally spoiled by the more reliable XP version so seeing as how any tech support would fall to me I'd really prefer to get that running on it.

Now comes the question part. I have a full version of Windows XP Home running on my main PC now and I have a full version of Windows XP Pro sitting in my closet that has never been used. What I would like to do is upgrade this PC from Home to Pro (so I can keep all my files and settings, reformatting is a pain) and then install the Windows XP Home edition on the computer I'll be giving to my mom. Is this possible what with the eula and product activation codes needed? You CAN transfer Windows from one computer to another as long as you uninstall it from the original and get a new product activation code through their 1-800 number, right? I did some googling and read the eula but it's still a bit foggy in my mind.

Basically what I want to know is if it is possible to upgrade from Windows XP Home to Pro on this PC and then use that version of Home on my mom's Computer, and if so what is the easiest way to do it? I'll be reformatting my mom's computer before I do the install on that one, btw, in case that's important.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and for any help anyone can offer. :)
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Post by Rip »

You can upgrade Home to Pro without much headache. I would wipe the ME system rather than attempt upgrade.

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