Whatcha Watchin'?

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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by rittchard »

Interesting night of viewing…

Fellow Travelers on Showtime (Paramount+) - ummmm I think there was a story about something involving Cohn and McCarthy but I was too distracted by the (almost) gay porn sex scenes :shock: :shock: :shock:

The Morning Show on Apple TV - I think I’m an episode or two behind but for some reason my head was spinning watching this ep. Not necessarily in a good or bad way but it just felt like a lot was going on and maybe I was just not absorbing

Bodies on Netflix - finally got to watching ep 1, naked body found dead in multiple timelines!!! WTF!!!?!?!? Call me intrigued.

FTWD - will be covered separately.

What a Sunday night!
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Sudy »

I saw Cloud Atlas. I enjoyed it, but it's not hard to understand why it got mixed reviews. There are just so many plot threads, and some are harder to follow and more abbreviated than others. It's one of many adaptations (I haven't read the book) that I imagine would have done much better as a miniseries. There must be a ton that was left on the cutting room floor.

Each of the primary actors had at least one opportunity to shine. I think Jim Broadbent was the best overall; each of his major characters were wonderful. And I would have been fine with an entire fleshed out far-future film featuring Tom Hanks, though as presented his condensed tale didn't feel very original. (Hugo Weaving was great as his hallucination!) I thought the future-dialect would annoy me more, but it wasn't too bad as it was just comprehensible enough--they did a good job in this regard. I liked the first two thirds of the film much better than the last one. I just didn't find most of the resolutions to be deserved or satisfying. Something something "love and the human spirit triumphs". I would describe the film as visual and emotional art, but there isn't much fresh there intellectually, and the emotional bit fell flat for me.

The makeup is... I mean, it's an achievement to be sure. Some of it is absolutely amazing and convincing. Some of it is garish and horrendous. The whole yellowface thing... it's a bizarre choice at the very least. I understand it within the context of the story (and of course, it's one of many race and gender swaps), but even if you don't consider it problematic it's very odd. You'd think they could have made some changes to avoid it (and perhaps there were other changes they already made?), but honestly, I couldn't/didn't follow closely enough to know how important it was some of the characters maintained actor consistency.

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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Kraken »

Much to my surprise, season 12 of Red Dwarf has a bonus episode that turns out to be the three-part movie. After we watch that tomorrow night we will have seen every episode made from 1988-2020. Going in, I had no idea that the show ran off and on for 32 years (with the same core cast!), because the first time I watched it there were only four seasons.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Punisher »

So, in the past week I finished the following...
1. Gen V
Enjoyed it and hope there is another season.

2. Lost in Space
Liked it overall but some episodes seemed slow. I think I wouldn't mind another season, but the ending was good and didn't really leave anything hanging so I'm fine if there isn't.

3. Sex Education
Definitely dragged in parts but enjoyed it overall. Ending was very bittersweet though and not really fair to Mauve and Otis.
Would not mind another season or even a movie to give them a happier ending but looks like neither is an option.

4. What we do in shadows - original movie
Liked it overall, but prefer the show, although I think Stu could make a good guest star on show if not all of them.
DEFINITELY emjoyed the scenes with Wellington Police. Not sure if thst shows coming back though.

5. Upload
Just finished that one. Not at all what I expected. I really thought it was gonna be a pure comedy about uploading.
That murder mystery thing surprised me.
I liked it overall though and hope that there will be a seadon 4.
Something I've always wanted... A law staying that shows or movies can't end on cliffhangers without something to continue it. Too many shows I've liked have gotten canceled with little to no threads tied after investing in them.
I know it never will he but it is something that REALLY bothers me.
I'd be tempted to not watch anything until it's completely over but I need something to keep me sane.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Sudy »

John Woo's Silent Night is a satisfying revenge action thriller that's simultaneously moving and ludicrous. It seems appropriate to what I remember about Woo.

Joel Kinnaman's acting is fantastic... there are many closeups of his pretty face that radiates loss, depression, and hatred. He's well suited to a script that has hardly any dialogue (and is probably better for it). It's not a gimmick either; it's an inspired creative choice.

The action is enjoyable, but still veers off into goofyland sometimes. And some sequences such as the villain dancing with his mistress in their giant, ostentatiously decorated bedroom as a dozen of his men are being murdered in the stairwell are absurd.

The whole film really needs to be taken as a violent, melodramatic fairy tale. If you think too deeply about how it characterized gangs and police etc. it becomes a bit simplistic and offensive. In that regard it's fairly regressive and feels like something that would have been at home in the late 90s or early 00s.

But if you can get past that, it's a fun and hard hitting action movie with a well portrayed main character. Even though you've seen this story dozens of times before, it's stylish enough for the coat of paint to feel fresh. It's not a Woo film we'll be talking about in twenty years though.
Last edited by Sudy on Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

I saw a commercial on late night TV. It said, "Forget everything you know about slipcovers." So I did. And it was a load off my mind. Then the commercial tried to sell me slipcovers, and I didn't know what the hell they were. -- Mitch Hedberg
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Isgrimnur »

Isgrimnur wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:37 pm Silent Night

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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Sudy »

Good bot

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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Sudy »

Re-watching the trailer, if only the film itself were that bombastic. The trailer portrays it as a gleefully violent Die-Hard-like holiday massacre, but it's actually a lot darker and brooding. Which isn't bad, it's just a little different than what I expected. The action's still great, but you can't top the expectations created by a trailer that packs a medley of some of the best bits into two minutes backed by rousing music.

The trailer also reminds me there are a lot of shots that will please Woo fans, but they may also feel dated. And yes, there's an instance of dual wielded pistols, but thankfully it's not overdone. Absolutely no baby tossing/catching, though.

I saw a commercial on late night TV. It said, "Forget everything you know about slipcovers." So I did. And it was a load off my mind. Then the commercial tried to sell me slipcovers, and I didn't know what the hell they were. -- Mitch Hedberg
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by TheMix »

Sudy wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:39 pm The trailer also reminds me there are a lot of shots that will please Woo fans, but they may also feel dated. And yes, there's an instance of dual wielded pistols, but thankfully it's not overdone. Absolutely no baby tossing/catching, though.
And now I find myself wanting to fire up Hard Boiled... :D

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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Punisher »

I started watching M.A.S.H. some time ago.
I dont think I've ever watched the whole thing but I'm sure I probably watched a few episodes live in my youth.
I'm really iking it now though.
I'm up to season 9 episodes 9.
I can't remember details but I will say this.

Potter>Blake although I didn't like that they killed off Blake, but understand why they did it.
Potter seems more competent than Blake. Both ate equally nice and understanding to the doctors and what they ate goung through but Potter just seems a bit more compassionate and fatherly.

Winchester>Burns Winchester is just a better doctor AND a better person than Burns and a much better frenimie to Hawkeye.
Winchester came take it and dish it out beautifully.
It does help to understand how desperately the army needed doctors based on their use of Burns amd his implied bare minimum skills.

BJ>Trapper but this one is close enough to almost be a tie.
I just like BJ a bit more.

Radar>Klinger. This was Real Tough. Klingers early antics were more entertaining but Radars wholesomeness is just on another level. Plus his skills as company clerk border on the superpowered. I did just see the epusode whete Father Mulcahey gives Potter Radars origin story so I know he didn't start that way.
Klinger is growing on me now that hes the new company clerk though. I think he will ultimately be the better clerk regarding getting thinfs. Not getting things done, just the getting of things.
I will miss the cute little nymbers he wore thoygh. :D

I tjink most of these choices have to do with the actors they selected. They seem spot on.

As a side note. Does anyone know why/how Burns and Winchester are majors and the other doctors are captains?
Other then "so the story can happen"..
I think Burns is career army so that might explain him, but not Winchester.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by hepcat »

I used to watch MASH with my grandmother as a kid. That final episode still haunts me to this day.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Kraken »

I missed most of it during its initial run because my dad supported the Vietnam War and MASH was liberal antiwar propaganda, so it did not often appear on our TV. By the time I was old enough to see it in syndication the war was over and it didn't seem relevant anymore. So I've seen and appreciated it in bits and pieces over the years. Enough to feel the gut-punch of the series ender.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Isgrimnur »

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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Punisher »

That was funny and definitely Hawkeye lines.
I can imagine him saying that to Burns.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Punisher »

Finished MASH.
I'm not sure because I don't remember but I think that finale was one of the darkest episodes they had.
I REALLY felt bad for Hawkeye, especially once the truth was revealed.
I also think that the actor eho played Father Mulcahy did a PHENOMENAL job. He REALLY felt like a priest the way he acted. His tone, his mannetisms, everything.
Definitely sad to see it rnd. I enjoyed it very much. Especially when they got rid of Burns. I know he was supposed to be irritating but I think they did too good of a job with that.
For me, the show just got a lot better with Winchester and Potter.
Moving on to After MASH. Already saw the RADAR spinoff but that was one and done.
I do wish that either Hawkeye or Hunicutt went over into that. Or even both of them.
Even better have everyone end up in Boston General eith Winchester.
Still on the pilot though so have to give it a few episodes to make sure I'm really hooked and not just coming down from my MASH high. Quality is watchable but definitely hortible ny todays standards. I'm sure it wouldn't have bothered me as a kid but I've gotten spolied in my old age.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Jeff V »

Did you watch Trapper John, MD? That was probably the most successful of the spin-offs.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Kraken »

I finally got around to "The Kominsky Method" on Netflix a couple days ago and I can already tell this is going to become a favorite. The world needs more smart comedies about grumpy old men.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Punisher »

Jeff V wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 11:09 pm Did you watch Trapper John, MD? That was probably the most successful of the spin-offs.
I have not.
Isn't it purely a drama though? If so, it may not be for me.
Also, my understanding os that it doesn't have the original actor either so that may be another negative.
Does it even mention MASH at all? Preferably regulary.
Does any of the MASH cast show up?

I'm on episode 5 of After MASH. It moves a lot slower that the original. I'm also not feeling any of the characters except the original 3.
I'd say its just ok so far. As long as it doesn't dip into painful, I'll keep watching it. I have plenty of time on my hands. Tight now though I'm on a Diablo 4 binge and play as much as possible until the pain gets to be too much, then switch to the show.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by hepcat »

Saltburn just showed up on Amazon Prime. I've been wanting to see that one, even if everything I've read about it makes me cringe in light of what I will see.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by YellowKing »

I watched Saltburn yesterday. It's exceedingly dark but really well done. I'm a HUGE Barry Keoghan fan, though, so take that for what you will. And this is 1000% a Barry Keoghan role. I really enjoyed it (if enjoy is the right word).

I also watched The Holdovers. Another movie in which it feels like the script was expressly written for the lead. Paul Giamatti is absolutely brilliant in this one. Really touching film that maintains a bittersweet tone throughout. And the soundtrack was sooo up my alley. As soon as the film was over I went searching for a copy. I don't usually get emotional for movies, but this one had a couple of moments where I got something in my eye.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Rumpy »

Recently been watching Made in Canada, otherwise known as The Industry outside of Canada. It's an old show from the 90's, but it's basically The Office before there was either version of The Office, about a TV/Film production company, full of sharp satire. It's great stuff.

https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0172754/?r ... 2520Canada
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by coopasonic »

The 100

Despite all the great suggestions in my thread asking for suggestions we ended up there and... well I guess it is kind of an interesting story. I have no idea what network it was on and don't care to check, but it definitely feels like a CW sci-fi story.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Rumpy »

I think it was on the CW. I tried a few episodes but couldn't get into it. It felt like only young people were in positions of authority which didn't feel realistic at all.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by hepcat »

Holy crap, why didn’t anyone tell me AMC has a Sam Spade mini series with Clive Owen as Spade?

I’m going in. I hope it’s good, but after they cancelled Perry Mason, I’ve been jonesing for more early to mid 20th century gumshoe stories.

Edit: a half hour in and I’m lovin’ the rapid fire patter between Spade and the various characters he enounters. Owen is nailing it.

Edit 2: and done with the first episode. I’m definitely in for the whole thing. It’s really quite good. Just listening to Spade interact with the local French constable, his cranky maid, his neighbors? That’s the draw.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Sudy »

American Fiction is a fabulous film with multiple hilarious, touching, and poignant moments. Jeffrey Wright is amazing and makes me wish he had more leading roles.

However, I wish it leaned more fully into satire, and that the satire were more brutal. For the most part it evades silliness but there aren't enough moments of true revelation. The trailer fails to showcase the family dramedy component of the film, which while very good, acts as somewhat of a distraction from the story the trailer promises. The ending is somewhat of a fuck-you, but I liked it and felt it was appropriate. As a white viewer the film definitely made me consider my perceptions, but I wish it had gone further. Ironically, a film about black stories pandering to white people at times felt like a black story pandering to white people. And I think that was mostly intentional. But while there is a payoff in which the main character's own perceptions are challenged, it doesn't feel quite satisfying enough.

But in the end, I laughed, I cried, I was satisfied with the $16 and two hours I spent. 6.2 out of 8 tentacles.

Edit: This trailer is a better representation of the film, though most of the jokes contained within aren't its best. Which may actually be a positive if you don't want all the best bits spoiled.

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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Daehawk »

AMC has a Sam Spade mini series with Clive Owen as Spade
SOoooooo a British actor is playing an American Detective and its set in France? Hmmm Interesting. I like Clive...ever since he was in one of my games in the 90s, Privateer 2. And he is in some movies both me and the wife liked
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by hepcat »

I think there are more British actors playing Americans than there are Americans playing Americans on TV.

But yeah, Clive Owen is a damn good actor. I’m quite happy with his Sam Spade.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Sudy »

I saw a commercial on late night TV. It said, "Forget everything you know about slipcovers." So I did. And it was a load off my mind. Then the commercial tried to sell me slipcovers, and I didn't know what the hell they were. -- Mitch Hedberg
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Daehawk »

I was watching one of my favoriute movie reactors , Popcorn in Bed. And she watched the first Austin Powers movie. It struck my while watching just how much I love those movies. To me the entire series of them are all some of the best movies ever made and as a series stand high on my favorite ever movies.

The girl that has the channel wasn't allowed to watch them growing up she said so watching her expressions and cringes made it all the better. Theres nothing like those movies these days. First one was 97 so I guess by todays world you really couldn't even make them.

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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by hepcat »

I will never understand the desire to watch another person watch a movie (or listen to a song).

…unless they’re watching the director’s cut of Waterworld. In which case I’m in.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Blackhawk »

I watch things like that occasionally, but only if the person watching brings a unique perspective to it. A professional singing coach listening to singers, or people from another country and culture watching a film. Hearing the analysis/thoughts actually gives a lot of insight sometimes, like when people from a small village in India see a scene and have a completely and totally different interpretation than what the original audience would have had. It gives an understanding not only of their culture, but of ways in which our own culture views things.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Anonymous Bosch »

hepcat wrote: Sat Jan 27, 2024 11:59 pm I will never understand the desire to watch another person watch a movie (or listen to a song).
Alas, the notion of watching someone else who's likely already seen the video they're observing and is just making up a reaction, or hasn't seen the video and is playing up their overreaction for an audience, often seems intended as a rather synthetic and unhealthy simulacrum of genuine human interaction specifically aimed at lonely individuals like Daehawk.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

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I just started watching Space Force with Steve Carell and John Malkovich. I was reluctant because the reviews of S1 were lukewarm at best, but I'm LOLing at the first few episodes. I'm not a fan of Carell but Malkovich and the supporting cast are good and a lot of the jokes land. It's on Netflix.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by hepcat »

Kraken wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 2:56 amOuch.
That did seem a bit harsh. :shock:

I was just voicing an opinion on what appears to be a popular genre on YouTube and other media streaming outlets. But I also don't understand the popularity of cat videos though. And those predate the printing press, cave paintings and trail mix.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Anonymous Bosch »

hepcat wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 9:51 am
Kraken wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 2:56 amOuch.
That did seem a bit harsh. :shock:
Apologies if my observation came across that way, as it was not intended to be derogatory. When I made that comment, I had just read elsewhere in the forum that Daehawk again has no running water, and an inoperable vehicle. The Surgeon General famously observed in a New York Times op-ed, "We Have Become a Lonely Nation. It's Time to Fix That." So in that context, I think Daehawk's time would almost certainly be better spent building and developing genuine social connections within his community and expanding his social network instead of watching hours of ersatz reactions videos, cloistered away in isolation. This strikes me as profoundly doleful, depressing, and ultimately self-destructive, particularly for someone in Daehawk's somewhat dire circumstances.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by hepcat »

To be honest, as a lifelong bachelor nearing retirement, I'm part of that crowd in that article. I do have friends though, but I should be working on expanding that group so I don't end up watching cat videos.

As for the rest, I think that ship has left the port numerous times without a destination. So, I suspect fate will be the only thing that changes the course of inevitable future cruises.
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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by Sudy »

Fucking hell you'd think there were financial incentives for intellectually dunking on Daehawk around here. I can't wait to see how quitting reaction videos fixes the water.

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Re: Whatcha Watchin'?

Post by hepcat »

I do have to ask: how does one "fix water"? :?
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