Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

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Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by bb2112 »

This is a rough outline of the roles. I will be making some tweaks up until the game begins.

Bad Guys - Empire (Wolf Contingent):

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Emperor Palpatine: The Emperor did not get to where he is by being stupid. One time each night he can scan a player and discern their true identity. If he scans Mara Jade before Luke Skywalker, then Mara will permanently be an Imperial. If the Emperor scans Mara after Mara has been scanned by Luke, he will be told that he found Mara and she is a traitorous Rebel.

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Darth Vader: Vader has the one time ability to use the force to choke someone to death. The choke will reveal Vader's identity. Vader has a special bond with Luke and once each night he can scan for Luke. The result of the scan will be reported either he found Luke or not.

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Count Dooku: He has a presence that cannot be denied. He has the power to influence the masses. His special ability is he “may” put in a second secret vote for a lynch each day. This vote is completely independent from his public vote and can be placed even if he doesn’t have a public vote. Just PM the Mod with the secret vote and it will be placed as soon as the Mod receives it. This vote can only be used once each day and cannot be changed. If the Imperials are the “wolf” contingent, Dooku cannot place his secret vote on an Imperial.

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Mara Jade: Mara at the start of this game is a citizen. Both the Emperor and Luke are looking for Mara. If she is scanned by the Emperor first, then this will give her the confirmation she needs and she will become loyal to the Empire forever. If she is scanned by Luke first, then she will change sides and become a Rebel. Mara will receive a PM after she has been scanned by either the Emperor or Luke and simply told that either the Emperor has scanned her or that Luke has scanned her. She will not be told the true identity of either the Emperor or Luke. If she isn't found by either, then she will remain a conflicted citizen.

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Grand Moff Tarkin: During the night Tarkin can scan a player killed earlier in the game. Tarkin will be able to deduce the deceased’s identity.

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Grand Admiral Thrawn: Has the ability to know how many Rebel, Citizens and Empire players are in the game. If a conversion happens, then he will be notified. He will also be notified if a Rebel or a Citizen has been killed.

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Rukh: Rukh is Grand Admiral Thrawn’s personal body guard. He has a deep loyalty to the Grand Admiral. Each night he can scan for Thrawn. His scan will only reveal if it is the Grand Admiral or not. Upon a successful scan for Thrawn, Rukh will receive a PM that he has identified Thrawn. Thrawn will not know he has been found by Rukh. Once Rukh has successfully scanned Thrawn, he can give up his own life to protect Thrawn from any kill one time during the game. Rukh is also an expert assassin. Once per game he can kill one other player. His identity will immediately be revealed. If part of the “wolf” contingent, Rukh will automatically know Thrawn’s identity if Thrawn is in the game.

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Jabba the Hutt: Jabba wants Han Solo. He wants Han bad. Not in a gay way, but in a Han owes him a lot of money kind of a way. If Jabba is part of a successful lynch or night kill of Solo, he gets one free scan.

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Boba Fett: Boba may protect one player from a lynch one time in the game. This protection has a 30% chance of revealing his identity. If he is protecting himself, there is a 100% chance of revealing his identity. If the protection is successful, day will immediately turn to night. Boba's PM to the mod on the protection must occur before the final vote. Once the final vote is cast, the lynch will occur.

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Joruus C'baoth: Insane Jedi Master. He has tentatively aligned himself with the Empire. If his vote is part of a lynch of an Imperial personality, then he will receive a free scan.

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Cad Bane: Cad is a bounty hunter of galactic reknown. He is crafty and he can disable players special powers 3 times per game. This can occur day or night. If he targets Qui-Gon Jinn, or the target of Qui-Gon’s protection, the protection fails.

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Ventress: Each night Ventress can scan a player to get the player’s alignment. The answer from the mod will be Imperial or Rebel. Citizens will show up as Rebels, and Guards will show up as Imperials.

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General Grievous: Upon a successful lynch of a Jedi (Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn), Grievous gets a free scan. If a Jedi is killed by any means, Grievous will be told his identity.

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Darth Maul: Once in the game, during the day cycle, Darth Maul can detonate a personal explosive device, taking himself, and one other target, out with him.

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Nute Gunray: He can avoid a lynch once per game. He can also avoid a night kill once per game. If the subject of his first lynch, the day will immediately turn to night. If night, the rest of the night actions happen as normal, and the Rebels will be told the failure was due to their target hiding.

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Greedo: Greedo has a gun and is not afraid to use it. The only question is will he get to use it before someone else blasts him to bits. Greedo can only use the gun once during the game and only during the day. Greedo's shot will reveal his identity. Greedo cannot kill Han. If Greedo tries to shoot Han, Greedo will die instead.

Citizens: You were in the wrong place at the wrong time. You are considered part of the Rebel team for this game.

Good Guys - Rebels (Village Contingent):

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Luke Skywalker: Luke has a special bond with Darth Vader. He also has one with Mara Jade. Once per night he can scan one player and try to find either Vader or Mara. If he finds Vader, he will simply be told if he found Vader. If he finds Mara before the Emperor, he will be told that he has convinced her to join the Rebel cause. Mara can then join the Rebel Forum. If he finds Mara after the Emperor, he will be told her identity, but that she has resisted the temptation to switch allegiances. All other scans will read as not Vader and not Mara.

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Leia Organa: Leia has a stun bot the size of a syringe hidden somewhere on her body. Use your imagination. During the day, one time this game, she can program the bot to fly in and stun one person without revealing her identity. That person will be silenced for the day and the following night, but will wake up the following day cycle. If part of the “Wolf” contingent, she cannot use this ability on any of the Rebel forces.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi-Wan can scan a recently deceased player each night. The player would have had to been killed either the day before or during the current night. He will deduce the identity of his target.

Han Solo: Han can block a protection once per game from any player that has the protection ability. To initiate the block, he just PM’s the Mod the name of the person he wants to block and the block is automatic. In the case of Qui-Gon’s protection, Han can block either Qui-Gon, or Qui-Gon’s chosen to be protected. The block will cancel the protection in either case. For all others, he has to block the protector. Greedo cannot kill Han. If Greedo tries to shoot Han, Han will kill Greedo instead. If Han kills Greedo in this fashion, Han's identitiy will be revealed.

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Lando Calrissian: Lando is a crafty bastard. If he is about to be lynched, one time during the game he can use his special ability to escape the lynch. The day will proceed to night and there will be no lynch that day.

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Chewbacca: If he has at least one non Rebel vote on him he can go all Wookie on someone’s ass and tear them limb from limb. What do you expect? He is a Wookie. This will reveal his identity. If part of the “Wolf” contingent, he cannot tear apart a rebel.

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Yoda: Yoda speaks with wisdom and the masses cannot help but be swayed by his calm intelligent rationale. Yoda has an extra secret vote that he “may” use each day for a lynch. This vote is completely independent from his public vote and can be placed even if he hasn’t placed a public vote. Just PM the Mod with the secret vote and it will be placed as soon as the Mod receives it. This vote can only be used once each day and cannot be changed. If the Rebels are the “wolf” contingent, Yoda cannot place his secret vote on a Rebel.

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Talon Karrde: Karrde is a master of figuring out secrets from small scraps of information. Each night Karrde can scan one player and deduce the player’s identity.

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R2D2: Can adjust the vote counting computers by adding 3 lynch votes to one player one time during the game. This vote, once cast cannot be changed. There must be at least one non Rebel vote on that player for this to succeed and there has to be at least 7 players left in the game. Players will not be notified the extra votes have been placed. This use will not reveal R2D2’s identity.

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C3PO: Has the ability to know how many Rebel and Empire players are in the game. Each day he can ask if a certain role started the game. He will receive a yes/no answer. If a conversion happens, then he will be notified.

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Admiral Ackbar: If the Admiral is about to be lynched, he can PM the moderator. The moderator will then declare Admiral Ackbar’s identity. Admiral Ackbar also has a secret agenda that will be PM’d to him at the beginning of the game.

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Wedge Antilles: Wedge has great instincts and is hard to kill. Wedge can avoid a night kill once per game. Empire will be told that their victim could not be found.

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Garm Bel Iblis: Every time he is on a successful lynch of an Empire player, he can PM the moderator a yes/no question. He can ask how many Empire, Rebel, or Other players are in the game. He can also ask about specific players if they are specific roles. He cannot ask if a player is a Rebel or an Empire player.

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Qui-Gon Jinn: Selects someone to protect at night. If that person is selected for a night kill, then the kill is blocked. Qui-Gon and the Imperials will be told that the kill was blocked. Qui-Gon’s identity will not be revealed. The protected person cannot be the target of a lynch the following day. If a lynch is attempted on the protected, it fails and it goes to night. Players will be told the lynch was blocked, Qui-Gon’s identity will be revealed. If an instant kill is attempted on the protected person, it can only be carried out if the person giving the kill order knows the victim’s identity. Otherwise the kill will fail and the players will be informed of the protection. Qui-Gon’s identity will be revealed. Qui-Gon cannot protect the same person two nights in a row.

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Mon Mothma: The only role to be guaranteed in this game. She can nobly sacrifice herself to block a night kill. Instead of the intended target dying, Mon Mothma will die instead. This sacrifice overrides any protection that may be on Mon Mothma. Players will be told of Mon Mothma's sacrifice, and the victim of the foiled night kill will be identified to the group.
Last edited by bb2112 on Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:14 am, edited 8 times in total.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by bb2112 »

Empire is considered the "Wolf" contingent for this game. The Rebellion is the "Village" contingent.

List of Roles in short format and Day and Night activities to follow in this post.

Emperor Palpatine: Scanner true identity. Scans Mara, turns her to the dark side.
Darth Vader: Choke ability. Can scan for Luke.
Count Dooku: Overvote.
Mara Jade: Can switch sides.
Grand Moff Tarkin: Coroner
Grand Admiral Thrawn: Knows Empire, Rebel, neutral numbers. Gets either Rebel or Citizen when either die.
Rukh: Scan for Thrawn. Protect Thrawn.
Jabba the Hutt: Successful lynch of Solo, get scan.
Boba Fett: One time protector of a lynch. May be exposed.
Joruus C'Baoth: If part of a successful lynch of an empowered Imperial, gets a free scan.
Cad Bane: Can disable powers 3 times during game. Day or night.
Ventress: Can scan for Rebel or Empire.
General Grievous: Successful lynch of good jedi, get scan.
Darth Maul: Splody
Nute Gunray: Avoid lynch once. Avoid night kill once.
Greedo: One time kill. Cannot kill Solo.

Luke Skywalker: Scan for Vader and Mara.
Leia Organa: Stun for one day and night.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Coroner - Recently deceased
Han Solo: Block protection.
Lando Calrissian: Avoid lynch once.
Chewbacca: One time kill.
Yoda: Over vote.
Talon Karrde: Scanner true identity.
R2D2: 3 overvote once.
C3PO: Knows Empire, Rebel, neutral numbers. Scan for roles.
Admiral Ackbar: Public declares. Secret agenda.
Wedge Antilles: Can avoid night kill once.
Garm Bel Iblis: If succesful lynch of Imperial, can ask yes/no question.
Qui-Gon Jinn: Uber protector.
Mon Mothma: Noble sacrifice. Takes place of night kill victim.
Last edited by bb2112 on Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:21 pm, edited 4 times in total.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by bb2112 »


1. Roles are ramdom, except for Mon Mothma. She is guaranteed to be in this game.
2. The number of roles for both Empire and Rebel will depend on the number of players, plus or minus one. How the base number is determined is secret.
3. There is an order to night happenings. I will post that before the game starts. Since Luke is starting on the "Village" contingent, his scan will come before Vader's. There are no guarantees on roles except for Mon Mothma.
4. There will be deadlines. If the deadline passes and there is no lynch, it will go to night.
Last edited by bb2112 on Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:01 pm, edited 4 times in total.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by bb2112 »

There is no maximum required. Game can be sized appropriately to fit with number of participants.

Player Sign In:

1. Isgrimnur
2. El Guapo
3. Qantaga
4. RMC
5. Lassr
6. Mr. Bubbles
7. Coopasonic
8. Chaosraven
9. Remus West
10. Scoop20906
11. Redrun
12. Stessier
13. Jow
14. Grundbegriff
15. Theofall
16. Tru1cy
17. Purge
18. Lord Mortis
19. Austin
20. Unagi
21. Triggercut
22. Newcastle
23. Warpig
24. Lagom Lite
Etc. if needed.
Last edited by bb2112 on Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:06 am, edited 15 times in total.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by Isgrimnur »

bb2112 wrote:Stay on Target


And IN!
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by El Guapo »

Sure, I'm in.

Does the Empire (village) get a night kill too? Noticed that Wedge Antilles' ability is to avoid a night kill, so they must for that to make sense.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by Qantaga »

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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by RMC »

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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by Lassr »

El Guapo wrote:Sure, I'm in.

Does the Empire (village) get a night kill too? Noticed that Wedge Antilles' ability is to avoid a night kill, so they must for that to make sense.
After reading the rules it would seem one side or the other will be the "Wolf" players. Determined randomly I assume. So the roles present will be determined by which side is the wolf contingent.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by bb2112 »

Lassr wrote:
El Guapo wrote:Sure, I'm in.

Does the Empire (village) get a night kill too? Noticed that Wedge Antilles' ability is to avoid a night kill, so they must for that to make sense.
After reading the rules it would seem one side or the other will be the "Wolf" players. Determined randomly I assume. So the roles present will be determined by which side is the wolf contingent.
I am tyring to make the game balanced so that either side can be the "Wolf" or the "Village" contingent. I still need to modify one or two roles, or worst case, they may be dropped from the current game. You will be notified if a role is dropped.

In this game, the Empire is the "Wolf" contingent. Hence, the "Empire Strikes Back." :D
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by Lassr »

bb2112 wrote:
Lassr wrote:
El Guapo wrote:Sure, I'm in.

Does the Empire (village) get a night kill too? Noticed that Wedge Antilles' ability is to avoid a night kill, so they must for that to make sense.
After reading the rules it would seem one side or the other will be the "Wolf" players. Determined randomly I assume. So the roles present will be determined by which side is the wolf contingent.
I am tyring to make the game balanced so that either side can be the "Wolf" or the "Village" contingent. I still need to modify one or two roles, or worst case, they may be dropped from the current game. You will be notified if a role is dropped.

In this game, the Empire is the "Wolf" contingent. Hence, the "Empire Strikes Back." :D
So the citizens will be on the rebel side in this game.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by Mr Bubbles »

I am IN.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by coopasonic »

Yes, please. I can't turn down a game with an awesome theme.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by El Guapo »

bb2112 wrote:
Lassr wrote:
El Guapo wrote:Sure, I'm in.

Does the Empire (village) get a night kill too? Noticed that Wedge Antilles' ability is to avoid a night kill, so they must for that to make sense.
After reading the rules it would seem one side or the other will be the "Wolf" players. Determined randomly I assume. So the roles present will be determined by which side is the wolf contingent.
I am tyring to make the game balanced so that either side can be the "Wolf" or the "Village" contingent. I still need to modify one or two roles, or worst case, they may be dropped from the current game. You will be notified if a role is dropped.

In this game, the Empire is the "Wolf" contingent. Hence, the "Empire Strikes Back." :D
Gotcha. So presumably Nute Gunray will either be dropped or will lose his ability to avoid a night kill.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by bb2112 »

El Guapo wrote: Gotcha. So presumably Nute Gunray will either be dropped or will lose his ability to avoid a night kill.
True. But in Nute's case, he will not be dropped, since he still has a power even if the Empire is of the "Wolf" contingent. His avoid the night kill ability will just not come into play.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by Chaosraven »

Is this a Random set of Roles used?

*rubs hands gleefully*

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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by Remus West »

bb2112 wrote:Empire is considered the "Wof" contingent for this game. The Rebellion is the "Village" contingent.

List of Roles in short format and Day and Night activities to follow in this post.
What's a "Wof"? :P

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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by Mr Bubbles »

I believe it means women of favor, though I don't know where he is going with it.
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Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by Scoop20906 »

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Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by Scoop20906 »

I'm just going to claim Nute Gunray now. Even if I don't get the role I'm going to claim it anyway. I love that guy!!
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by redrun »

Please INclude me. Since we're claiming roles already, I'll be Joruus C'baoth. I'll start growing the beard now to ensure that folks will be able to recognize me from my picture.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by stessier »

 Remus 1 

 Chaos 2 

 Scoop 3 

yep, everything seems to be Means I'm playing.-> in <-Means I'm playing. order. I love hidden messages. If Austin is playing, though, he always sees them because he has some crazy setting on his browser where all the text is size 11. How big of a cheater is that!?!?
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by Jow »

I'm a nearly complete WW newb, but count me in.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by bb2112 »

Jow wrote:I'm a nearly complete WW newb, but count me in.
Newb's are always welcome! Glad to have you aboard!
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by Grundbegriff »

I used to bullseye womp rats IN my T-16 back home.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by theohall »


Let's see if I can manage not to screw this one up for the bad guys....

Unless I am a good guy. ;)

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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by bb2112 »

theohall wrote:In!

Let's see if I can manage not to screw this one up for the bad guys....

Unless I am a good guy. ;)

Can I be an Ewok?
Ewoks are not available until the third game.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
Why would I stab an Oracle? Wait, what am I saying? Why wouldn't I stab an Oracle? - Belkar Bitterleaf
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Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by tru1cy »

In ... My playtime will be limited.

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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by theohall »

bb2112 wrote:
theohall wrote:In!

Let's see if I can manage not to screw this one up for the bad guys....

Unless I am a good guy. ;)

Can I be an Ewok?
Ewoks are not available until the third game.
I forgot. This was before George Lucas had to add cutesy unnecessary things for his kids.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by purge »

bb2112 wrote: Ewoks are not available until the third sixth game.

Also, since you asked so nicely -

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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by purge »

No revhempus?

BB, you're not whoring your game out enough. Also, was the sky blue, or is it?

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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by Austin »

What if Vader and Luke both scan what's her face on the same night? If Vader is in game, will Luke be also, or similar with Greedo/Han?
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by bb2112 »

Austin wrote:What if Vader and Luke both scan what's her face on the same night? If Vader is in game, will Luke be also, or similar with Greedo/Han?

There is an order to night happenings. I will post that before the game starts. Since Luke is starting on the "Village" contingent, his scan will come before Vader's. There are no guarantees on roles except for Mon Mothma.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by El Guapo »

Is there going to be a deadline on this game. and what happens if it passes without a lynch?
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by bb2112 »

El Guapo wrote:Is there going to be a deadline on this game. and what happens if it passes without a lynch?
YES!!!! I believe deadlines are necessary. And if it passes without a lynch then it goes to night.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by Mr Bubbles »

bb2112 wrote:
El Guapo wrote:Is there going to be a deadline on this game. and what happens if it passes without a lynch?
YES!!!! I believe deadlines are necessary. And if it passes without a lynch then it goes to night.
Thank goodness the slackers that just killed me were dragging their feet. It provides an interesting dynamic. Otherwise people just become totally unmotivated.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by El Guapo »

bb2112 wrote:
El Guapo wrote:Is there going to be a deadline on this game. and what happens if it passes without a lynch?
YES!!!! I believe deadlines are necessary. And if it passes without a lynch then it goes to night.
Yeah, that's my preference. I can see the case for no deadline, but realistically I'm never going to do the late game research into past posts if there's no deadline. At least, that's what I'm finding. :)
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by redrun »

El Guapo wrote:
bb2112 wrote:
El Guapo wrote:Is there going to be a deadline on this game. and what happens if it passes without a lynch?
YES!!!! I believe deadlines are necessary. And if it passes without a lynch then it goes to night.
Yeah, that's my preference. I can see the case for no deadline, but realistically I'm never going to do the late game research into past posts if there's no deadline. At least, that's what I'm finding. :)
With Tru1cy busy, and your worries about doing late game research, I'd like to offer my help. I'll do careful research, and you two can just vote as I do, OK?
Sufficient I am to the day.
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by LordMortis »

redrun wrote:
El Guapo wrote:
bb2112 wrote:
El Guapo wrote:Is there going to be a deadline on this game. and what happens if it passes without a lynch?
YES!!!! I believe deadlines are necessary. And if it passes without a lynch then it goes to night.
Yeah, that's my preference. I can see the case for no deadline, but realistically I'm never going to do the late game research into past posts if there's no deadline. At least, that's what I'm finding. :)
With Tru1cy busy, and your worries about doing late game research, I'd like to offer my help. I'll do careful research, and you two can just vote as I do, OK?
Real careful research when you are asking the mod to follow your vote. :lol:
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Re: Empire Strikes Back - Rules and Sign Ups

Post by RMC »

Is there a Jar Jar Binks in this game?

Me so fummy!!!
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