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Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:15 am
by Binktopia
Oh Dojo Dice Disciples and other Board gamers, I need your help!

My family has given me a quest to find a board game to play this Christmas. (I just got this quest today, so, no I have not been slacking off). We will have 6 players all family members. Orcs and Dragons, and war games are out. My Grandma and Mom are two players who really like to read mystery novels a lot. So, maybe a teamwork type game to solve some mystery. Not a murder Mystery night though, we want a board game! We all have played games like Monopoly and Life, with my dad, brother and I have had D&D experience. A game that doesn't take an hour to learn how to play would be nice.

Also, it has to be something I can get soon like this week if possible! Budget... less than 40 bucks would be good (I have no idea how much board games cost anyway).

Thank you!


Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:19 am
by coopasonic
Letters From Whitechapel! Except nobody has it until the end of this week or early next.

Jack the Ripper vs 5 investigators. Deep gameplay with simple rules. I wish it was readily available for you.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:28 am
by Smoove_B
How about Citadels -- while not a a "mystery game" to be successful you need to figure out what cards your opponents are holding. Ultimately it comes down to deductive reasoning, guessing and a bit of luck.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:34 am
by Zarathud
Fury of Dracula from Fantasy Flight Games. Players try to find the Dracula player during the day but hide at night. A bit fiddly bit I enjoy the tension.

Or Flashpoint where everyone is a firefighter trying to save people and prevent the building from burning down. The fire spreads randomly but logically and creates some tense decisions.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:51 am
by hentzau
Six players is almost getting you into Party Game territory.

Wits and Wagers would be one of the first ones that pop into my brain. Dixit as well. Apples to Apples is a perennial family favorite, and can be easily grabbed at Target.

If they're going after deduction...what about The Resistance or The Resistance: Avalon? It's kind of a werewolf variant without the elimination. Plus those two games are pretty cheap.

Just saw 12 Days on Tabletop. That looks pretty fun, but may be hard to get ahold of.

I also really like The Great Dalmuti for a crowd.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:53 am
by Remus West
Battle Star Galactica maybe?

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:32 pm
by Zork
Nowhere near a mystery, but based on this Tabletop review and some others I've read online, King of Tokyo looks like a fun game.

Plus, you can get both King of Tokyo and its expansion for about $35 on Amazon right now.

I pulled the trigger a few minutes ago.


Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:33 pm
by hepcat
I second the Flash Point suggestion. It includes very simplistic rules for those times you're playing with small children or family members who aren't really gamers, as well as advanced rules that make the game a surprisingly deep strategy game.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:53 pm
by Zaxxon
I second what Zork said. It's not a mystery, but I fail to see how anyone could fail to enjoy King of Tokyo.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:05 pm
by Ertic
+1 for FlashPoint

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:13 pm
by Boudreaux
If you can find it, Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective would be perfect. You might also try the new release of Coup - very simple, quick playtime, and lots of deduction and mind-games.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:18 pm
by baelthazar
hepcat wrote:I second the Flash Point suggestion. It includes very simplistic rules for those times you're playing with small children or family members who aren't really gamers, as well as advanced rules that make the game a surprisingly deep strategy game.
My only caveat regarding Flash Point and children is that the theme is running into a burning building to save trapped people (indicated by generic art chits, unless you get some promos). When the fire "overtakes" one of those chits, that represents someone dying horribly in a tragedy. Just keep that in mind.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:22 pm
by hepcat
Boudreaux wrote:If you can find it, Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective would be perfect. You might also try the new release of Coup - very simple, quick playtime, and lots of deduction and mind-games.
I have such fond memories of the first edition of SH:CD. It's a classic.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:24 pm
by Anonymous Bosch
Ted Alspach's Ultimate Werewolf would be perfect for your needs. All the moreso if your family enjoys the notion of mystery-solving:

Product Description
Your quiet little 16th century village has suddenly become infested with some very unfriendly werewolves...can you and the other villagers find them before they devour everyone?

Ultimate Werewolf: Ultimate Edition is the ultimate party game for anywhere from 5 to 68 players of all ages. Each player has an agenda: as a villager, hunt down the werewolves; as a werewolf, convince the other villagers that you're innocent, while secretly dining on those same villagers each night. Dozens of special roles are available to help both the villagers and the werewolves achieve their goals while thwarting their opponents.

More than 40 unique roles, 18 different scenarios to allow groups of all sizes and experience levels to quickly get up and running, a set of 80 fully illustrated cards, a moderator scorepad to keep track of games, and a comprehensive game guide with dozens of pages full of insights, tips and strategies. This set has everything you need for the best Ultimate Werewolf experience possible, whether you’re playing with a small circle of friends at home, a huge gathering of gamers in Ohio or as an engaging team building exercise at the office.

For a limited time, includes the Urban Legends expansion!

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:24 pm
by hepcat
baelthazar wrote:
hepcat wrote:I second the Flash Point suggestion. It includes very simplistic rules for those times you're playing with small children or family members who aren't really gamers, as well as advanced rules that make the game a surprisingly deep strategy game.
My only caveat regarding Flash Point and children is that the theme is running into a burning building to save trapped people (indicated by generic art chits, unless you get some promos). When the fire "overtakes" one of those chits, that represents someone dying horribly in a tragedy. Just keep that in mind.
Quite a few of the games mentioned here have mature themes if you think about like that.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:51 pm
by RMC
Flashpoint is awesome, I happen to like Pandemic just a touch more. Both have similar themes, just different scopes.

Not that I do not like Flashpoint, I do, I just like the way Pandemic's theme feels.

I was trained to fight fires in the service, so maybe that is my hang-up. <shrug> :)

There is also defender of the crown, I think with the expansion that is 6 or 7 players. Not sure, and at work so I can not check. It is a coop game, that is fun and semi quick. :) It is fantasy based, so might not work with the crowd though.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:54 pm
by Daehawk
Betrayal at House on the Hill

TableTop game play PART 1
TableTop game play PART 2

For 3 to 6 players
60 minutes of play time
Designed for 3?6 players aged 12 and up
Cooperative game

The creak of footsteps on the stairs, the smell of something foul and dead, the feel of something crawling down your back – this and more can be found in the exciting refresh of the Avalon Hill favorite Betrayal at House on the Hill. This fun and suspenseful game is a new experience almost every time you play – you and your friends explore “that creepy old place on the hill” until enough mystic misadventures happen that one of the players turns on all of the others. Hours of fun for all your friends and family. Designed for 3–6 players aged 12 and up, this boardgame features multiple scenarios, a different lay-out with every game, and enough chills to freeze the heart of any horror fan.

Enlarge Image

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:19 pm
by Boudreaux
Anonymous Bosch wrote:Ted Alspach's Ultimate Werewolf would be perfect for your needs. All the moreso if your family enjoys the notion of mystery-solving:
Since the topic of game themes has come up, side anecdote on Families and Games Gone Wrong:

I once tried to run a quick Werewolf game with my extended family, thinking "simple rules, simple concepts, lots of interaction, perfect". I gave a brief explanation of the idea behind the game and how it works and off we went.

Horrendous, uncomfortable, awkward chaos ensued.

I might as well have asked them to dine on fresh shit sandwiches. One of them flat-out refused to participate and stood scowling at us the entire time. Of those who gamely agreed, half of them just sat silently, the first person was lynched without a word of protest, most of the ones who tried to participate reduced themselves to embarrassed silence within minutes, and I called it off after the second round. The last thing I heard someone mutter was "what a weird game."

Never, ever again.

In short, know your audience. People with gaming experience are much more apt to accept or ignore the theme and look at the game itself. People who don't play games beyond Monopoly or poker, not so much. Games like Werewolf or Flash Point are great games that I don't think twice about suggesting, but there are plenty of people who will hear stuff like this and be disinterested at best and horrified or revolted at worst.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:27 pm
by coopasonic
Boudreaux wrote:I once tried to run a quick Werewolf game with my extended family, thinking "simple rules, simple concepts, lots of interaction, perfect". I gave a brief explanation of the idea behind the game and how it works and off we went.

Horrendous, uncomfortable, awkward chaos ensued.

I might as well have asked them to dine on fresh shit sandwiches. One of them flat-out refused to participate and stood scowling at us the entire time. Of those who gamely agreed, half of them just sat silently, the first person was lynched without a word of protest, most of the ones who tried to participate reduced themselves to embarrassed silence within minutes, and I called it off after the second round. The last thing I heard someone mutter was "what a weird game."

Never, ever again.
Maybe you should have put a Star Wars, BSG, politicial or other theme on it. :)

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:29 pm
by hepcat
I suspect the noses went up when the words "board game" were even uttered. There are still quite a few folks who feel that the hobby is too nerdy and thus beneath them. That's why I only game with fellow gamers. :wink:

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:30 pm
by Smoove_B
Boudreaux wrote:One of them flat-out refused to participate and stood scowling at us the entire time. Of those who gamely agreed, half of them just sat silently, the first person was lynched without a word of protest, most of the ones who tried to participate reduced themselves to embarrassed silence within minutes, and I called it off after the second round. The last thing I heard someone mutter was "what a weird game." Cards Against Humanity with Grandma?
Enlarge Image

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:33 pm
by coopasonic
hepcat wrote:I suspect the noses went up when the words "board game" were even uttered. There are still quite a few folks who feel that the hobby is too nerdy and thus beneath them. That's why I only game with fellow gamers. :wink:
I met a buddy from college for dinner Sunday and talked about a lot of things (we were both big PC and console gamers in college) and I mentioned something about the board game collection and he said they had maybe 5 of the usuals. I told him next time he is in town I could show him some of the games that he ought to consider and he said "I'm not going to play board games with you."

Note, he and I played M:TG and the original Netrunner after college before wives and kids.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:36 pm
by hepcat
I had a friend who would say things like that.


Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:39 pm
by coopasonic
hepcat wrote:I had a friend who would say things like that.

My two most profilic board gaming buddies are Isgrimnur and Spacelord. I have seen Spacelord twice ever. I can't be too picky.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:45 pm
by hepcat
The friend I mentioned became a dick over the years. Another friend who I've known just as long ended up attending Gencon with us a couple of times over the years. He wasn't a hardcore gamer, but he was open minded enough to put aside any preconceptions about board games and actually try to enjoy himself. I think it was more that he wanted to spend time with friends, but he's never once made it sound like he was above it all, or doing us a favor by playing. Needless to say, I doubt we'll ever stop being friends in light of that.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:47 pm
by Remus West
coopasonic wrote:
hepcat wrote:I had a friend who would say things like that.

My two most profilic board gaming buddies are Isgrimnur and Spacelord. I have seen Spacelord twice ever. I can't be too picky.
Sweet. You make another Octocon and I can leap into the top two! :horse:

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:48 pm
by Remus West
hepcat wrote:The friend I mentioned became a dick over the years.
Jesus, have we really known each other for years now? Also, didn't I start out that way rather than become one? :?

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:01 pm
by hepcat
I would consider you more of a buffer between Chaosraven and the world.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:25 pm
by Anonymous Bosch
Boudreaux wrote:
Anonymous Bosch wrote:Ted Alspach's Ultimate Werewolf would be perfect for your needs. All the moreso if your family enjoys the notion of mystery-solving:
Since the topic of game themes has come up, side anecdote on Families and Games Gone Wrong:

I once tried to run a quick Werewolf game with my extended family, thinking "simple rules, simple concepts, lots of interaction, perfect". I gave a brief explanation of the idea behind the game and how it works and off we went.

Horrendous, uncomfortable, awkward chaos ensued.

I might as well have asked them to dine on fresh shit sandwiches. One of them flat-out refused to participate and stood scowling at us the entire time. Of those who gamely agreed, half of them just sat silently, the first person was lynched without a word of protest, most of the ones who tried to participate reduced themselves to embarrassed silence within minutes, and I called it off after the second round. The last thing I heard someone mutter was "what a weird game."

Never, ever again.

In short, know your audience. People with gaming experience are much more apt to accept or ignore the theme and look at the game itself. People who don't play games beyond Monopoly or poker, not so much. Games like Werewolf or Flash Point are great games that I don't think twice about suggesting, but there are plenty of people who will hear stuff like this and be disinterested at best and horrified or revolted at worst.
That's a valid point.

One of the very best aspects of Ted Alspach's particular commercial edition of a game that has largely entered the public domain, is the included rulebook. Obviously it covers the basics of the game, but it also contains invaluable tips and ideas for running successful Werewolf games, as well as various different scenarios featuring tried-and-proven sets of character roles in combinations that work particularly well together. Alspach put great effort into sharing from his own wealth of experience with the game, and it clearly shows. I'd go as far as saying that many would find that the value of Ultimate Werewolf lies in the rulebook alone (although having high-quality sleevable cards with great artwork can also work wonders for helping set the scene for an enjoyable game of Werewolf).

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:20 am
by Zarathud
Boudreaux wrote:Games like Werewolf or Flash Point are great games that I don't think twice about suggesting, but there are plenty of people who will hear stuff like this and be disinterested at best and horrified or revolted at worst.
Very true. My aunt's family is very big into Pinochle and trick-taking games. I once innocently asked them about dice and other games with a trick-taking theme. The look on their faces was pure horror. It seems that dice implicates gambling, but card counting is a perfectly reasonable past-time...unless it's Poker.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:10 pm
by baelthazar
hepcat wrote:
baelthazar wrote:
hepcat wrote:I second the Flash Point suggestion. It includes very simplistic rules for those times you're playing with small children or family members who aren't really gamers, as well as advanced rules that make the game a surprisingly deep strategy game.
My only caveat regarding Flash Point and children is that the theme is running into a burning building to save trapped people (indicated by generic art chits, unless you get some promos). When the fire "overtakes" one of those chits, that represents someone dying horribly in a tragedy. Just keep that in mind.
Quite a few of the games mentioned here have mature themes if you think about like that.

Well, yes, but there is something more realistic in Flashpoint than, say, getting mauled by a Werewolf. :P

I don't know, to me, the actual watching of a flame burning up a person chit is far more problematic and intense than placing abstract disease cubes on a map. I like Flashpoint, but I would have to consider how to explain that sort of thing if I had children playing.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:22 pm
by Zarathud
Hmmm. Well, my kids are mostly ok with the idea of beating up the bad guy with a sword in Mice and Mystics. They have less objections to the violence than the "scariness" of the bugs.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 2:55 pm
by baelthazar
Zarathud wrote:Hmmm. Well, my kids are mostly ok with the idea of beating up the bad guy with a sword in Mice and Mystics. They have less objections to the violence than the "scariness" of the bugs.
Fantasy violence is a staple of any childhood! Need I cite the "He-Man Accords of 1985?"

Since I'm harping on themes, Betrayal at House on the Hill is also more intense than the average boardgame. Some of the cards are downright awful (the card where the one ghost kid bludgeons the other ghost kid with a top, for example). I think you really have to gauge your non-gamer audience with these games.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:17 pm
by coopasonic
baelthazar wrote: I don't know, to me, the actual watching of a flame burning up a person chit is far more problematic and intense than placing abstract disease cubes on a map. I like Flashpoint, but I would have to consider how to explain that sort of thing if I had children playing.
You realize actually setting the victim token on fire is an optional rule right. You can just remove it from the board instead. :P

Play with my 7 year old and he will only say something if we lose the dog... maybe that says more about my kid.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:06 pm
by SpaceLord
Ultimate Werewolf:Inquistion is a great WW variant that fixes my problems with WW: Player elimination, needing a moderator, and really needing 6+ for a game. I highly suggest it.

That being said, I do also love Coup, mentioned earlier in this thread.

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:07 pm
by coopasonic
SpaceLord wrote:That being said, I do also love Coup, mentioned earlier in this thread.
Aww that's very nice of you to say. What? Oh... Coup. Right. :cry:

Re: Help me pick a new board game!

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:10 pm
by baelthazar
coopasonic wrote:
baelthazar wrote: I don't know, to me, the actual watching of a flame burning up a person chit is far more problematic and intense than placing abstract disease cubes on a map. I like Flashpoint, but I would have to consider how to explain that sort of thing if I had children playing.
You realize actually setting the victim token on fire is an optional rule right. You can just remove it from the board instead. :P

Play with my 7 year old and he will only say something if we lose the dog... maybe that says more about my kid.
You could of told me that BEFORE I bought 7 copies of the game!