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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by miltonite »

I have a beta key and have played but it is just not doing it for me. It is a good game and I have not encountered any bugs yet in the time I have played. I just do not have the patience to learn most of the cards then sit down and build a deck then rebuild it after opening a few more boosters. I might get into it a bit more later but right now it is just not scratching that itch.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by ska5fe »

Got temporarily distracted by WoW, but with this patch I'm back to Hearthstone! I'm pumped after finishing my best Arena run yet, at 8-3. Makes my overall record in Arena 62-60. Still haven't dabbled much in Constructed apart from grinding out daily quests, but I'm excited to tackle the new ranking system once I get some more packs/dust from Arena.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Sudy »

I'm still playing regularly. And the new ranking system is definitely encouraging me to play constructed. I have 74 wins in constructed, but haven't tracked individual games until recently (using http://www.bahida.net/constructed.php" target="_blank ; alternately, http://www.bahida.net/arena.php" target="_blank for arena).

In arena, I'm 132-94 (give or take 5). Best with priest with a 62% win rate, but doesn't deviate too far from the average. I'd say I'm a smart player who drafts well, but I make fairly frequent blunders and still get blindsided occasionally.

To those of you lamenting arena being hidden behind a paywall; yes, I agree. However, bear in mind I've only ever purchased one arena entry. The rest have all been earned with minimal quest grinding. About 35 arena runs total. And I'm guessing I'm only a slightly above average player. You can totally play this game for free, as long as you don't outright refuse to play constructed or intend to binge on arena faster than the daily quests replenish can your gold.

I heartily recommend Total Biscuit's "Lord of the Arena" videos; there are about 35 now, each approximately an hour long. He's not the greatest player, but he's amusing, and his errors provide good learning opportunities for the viewer.

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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Sudy »

The new constructed ranking system is really drawing me in. Silly, considering there aren't any rewards yet, and I'd rather be gaining packs in arena. But visible progression was sorely lacking previously. Together with the tracking of my W-L record via DeckDoc, I'm finding the pull to play constructed is greater right now.

I've never really dug Shamans and have done horribly with them in arena. But I decided to give a deck based on Shaman Competitive Control a go. I don't have all of the cards (the legendaries and a couple others), so I subbed in Bloodlust and some swordsmiths. After playing 24 games with it I think I could definitely improve it, but I'm doing so well I don't want to tinker! 18-6 so far, with has elevated me to rank 17.

You'd think a deck that's half spells wouldn't have anything to play at times, but it instead seems like I always have a million options and am able to dominate the board one way or another. The deck has a tremendous amount of overload, but somehow it rarely cripples me. In fact, I'm sometimes able to string Unbound Elementals along throughout the whole match if I get them out early enough, by using overload strategically.

The removal does its job well enough that I can sit back on my heels and just play a totem some turns and still maintain control. Not to mention that stringing overload cards together turn after turn kind of equalizes the cost. (1 mana for a three-damage Lightning Bolt always saves the day.)

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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by gilraen »

Yeah...I think I'm actually done with this game. I have no way of progressing any further since I refuse to spend money but I can't win any matches (except by luck). After the nerfs in the last patch, I no longer have the cards to construct anything resembling a winning deck. I'm at a point where I can't even get a daily quest completed, since I won barely 2 matches in 2 days. I wasted 1600 dust to craft Ysera but I can't ever play her - by round 9 I'm either dead or a couple of rounds away from being dead. Until this game starts awarding gold for wins against AI (or small amounts of gold for losses in PvP), there's no point in me continuing to waste my time.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Sudy »

Hmm, I'm sorry you've had such poor luck. Is this even since the new ranks, playing near the bottom? Or are you playing unranked?

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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Zork »

So you can't earn gold by completing quests against the AI anymore? Bummer. That's how I started slowly working my way up to purchase arena runs.

One thing I would recommend is to pick the class you enjoy playing the most and google basic decks for that class. You *can* win games without rares and epics if you build your deck right.

I have also learned a ton watching Hearthstone videos on YouTube. I personally enjoy TotalBiscuit's Lord of the Arena series. While not the best player out there, his videos are very entertaining.

For the first few weeks I couldn't do any better than 3-4 wins before getting knocked out of the arena. My most recent deck took me to 7-3 (was 7-1 and lost two in a row due to poor draws). That's my best so far.

I'm still enjoying it a ton and will definitely be playing when they go live.

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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by wonderpug »

Zork wrote:So you can't earn gold by completing quests against the AI anymore? Bummer. That's how I started slowly working my way up to purchase arena runs.
You have to play against real players for all but the tutorial quests. I think you get one new quest a day--I really wish it was higher.

I wish I was a bit better at deck building. I've built up a smattering of good unlockable cards, but I'm nowhere near being able to form most of the deck recommendations online. I know I can form some fancier decks than the ones people list online for basic cards, but so far my self-made decks suck.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Sudy »

As beta season 1 comes to a close, I find myself questioning the point of ranked play. Season 1 ran for approximately a month, December 10th to January 9th, I believe? In that time I went 33-13 with my poor man's version of the Shaman Competitive Control deck. Yet I only made it to rank 13. I guess that's only 1.5 games per day, which isn't so much. But I don't see myself having the time to try to be competitive in ranked and playing arena at the same time. And I can't see myself not playing arena as much as possible since I still find it more fun, and still have so many cards missing from my collection.

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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Lordnine »

Huh, where do you see your stats? I played a lot of ranked and I never saw a win loss ratio.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Sudy »

I'm afraid it's not done in-game, I track it here: http://www.bahida.net/arena.php" target="_blank . Click "deck doc" in the upper left for constructed.

I saw a commercial on late night TV. It said, "Forget everything you know about slipcovers." So I did. And it was a load off my mind. Then the commercial tried to sell me slipcovers, and I didn't know what the hell they were. -- Mitch Hedberg
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by wonderpug »

I'm really enjoying the game, but I'm getting more and more frustrated with my ineptitude around building a good deck. Most of my journeys into the Arena are a disaster, and almost every deck I've tried to make myself for the regular play mode has been lackluster.

I've done decently with some online decks I've copied that only use basic cards, so I think my playing skills are ok, but yeah, my decks suck. It's annoying because I've unlocked a fair number of nifty cards, but not enough cards to be able to recreate most of the non-basic decks I've seen online. And burning up cards to get crafting dust seems futile, since I'm still just trying to build a good foundation for a collection. So far I've only been burning duplicates.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Sudy »

I must have 500 games under my belt between ranked and arena, and there are still a bunch of cards missing from my collection, so I feel your pain. I only have two legendaries from packs, and while I've probably earned enough dust overall to have crafted two more, I've opted to craft rare or better class cards most of the time.

It's frustrating because most of the decks online are either basic only or heavily rely on legendaries. Though of course, you can usually do pretty well by substituting other cards with good deck synergy for the legendaries you don't have.

I saw a commercial on late night TV. It said, "Forget everything you know about slipcovers." So I did. And it was a load off my mind. Then the commercial tried to sell me slipcovers, and I didn't know what the hell they were. -- Mitch Hedberg
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by LordMortis »

I'm debating playing in the beta but I just don't trust Blizzard. I let me battle.net account close years ago. I resigned up to get in this beta. In the months I was waiting, my account got potentially hacked once and I was warned that information was stolen and then I was definitely hacked again later, where they locked my account. Since then Blizzard has sent me two emails inviting me to play the beta (one of them just today). Quite frankly, I'm afraid to unlock my account.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Lorini »

Get an authenticator! They are free on a smart phone, $7 otherwise. Your chances of being hacked go down to almost nil if you have an authenticator.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Torfish »

Funny moment... during a match, my opponent played the "Rock On!" card. My screen goes dark and loud music about throws me out of my seat! I was like what the hell just happened! Took me a minute to get my composure back. :) Never seen that card before.

I'm taking this game very slowly. Learning all the classes before going head first into ranked play or the arena. I have three classes left to learn. I really enjoy it a lot. I tell myself each night that I will only play a couple matches and it turns into 10 easily.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by LordMortis »

Lorini wrote:Get an authenticator! They are free on a smart phone, $7 otherwise. Your chances of being hacked go down to almost nil if you have an authenticator.
That was what Blizzard's "Your account has been hacked and is being locked" email said (short of the smart phone thing) and they offered to sell me one. I was offended at the time and have let my account stay locked ever since.

I have no smart phone.

Why is it free on a smart phone and $7 otherwise?
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by wonderpug »

LordMortis wrote:
Lorini wrote:Get an authenticator! They are free on a smart phone, $7 otherwise. Your chances of being hacked go down to almost nil if you have an authenticator.
That was what Blizzard's "Your account has been hacked and is being locked" email said (short of the smart phone thing) and they offered to sell me one. I was offended at the time and have let my account stay locked ever since.

I have no smart phone.

Why is it free on a smart phone and $7 otherwise?
You need a thingie on your side to give you a magic authenticator number when you want to verify yourself. If you have a smartphone, it can act as the thingie by way of some extra software. With no smartphone, they mail you a physical thingie to act as your thingie, and that costs exactly $7.00 to manufacture and ship.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by stessier »

Would a tablet be able to run the app? I don't have a smart phone, but do have a tablet.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Daehawk »

My old WoW code dongle still works. I mean i got that thing YEARS ago after my account was hacked once and stolen once. Blizzard had the nerve to say I either gave my account info away or had a virus on my system. At the time I had not sub'd in 2 years and had 3 scanners and something else protecting me lol. Assholes.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by LordMortis »

stessier wrote:Would a tablet be able to run the app? I don't have a smart phone, but do have a tablet.
I have a Windows 8 tablet. Does that count?
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by coopasonic »

stessier wrote:Would a tablet be able to run the app? I don't have a smart phone, but do have a tablet.
Yes for an ipad, probably for an android tablet depending because they are way too many frikking android tablets.

I'd guess no for LM and his Win8 tablet, but I could be wrong. Nobody makes apps for windows, right?
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by gilraen »

coopasonic wrote:
stessier wrote:Would a tablet be able to run the app? I don't have a smart phone, but do have a tablet.
Yes for an ipad, probably for an android tablet depending because they are way too many frikking android tablets.

I'd guess no for LM and his Win8 tablet, but I could be wrong. Nobody makes apps for windows, right?
People on the Hearthstone forums said it already works on Surface Pro (because apparently it lets you install regular Windows programs - as opposed to the regular Surface tablet which only allows you to install apps from store).
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Sudy »

There's also a workaround to run a software authenticator on Windows (doesn't involve emulating Android, but that's another option), but it kind of defeats the point of the security it's supposed to provide.

I'm at work, by it may be worth a googling if you can't find a legitimate way to run one and done want to pay. The great thing is with Blizzard's new launcher I rarely have to enter my code, even when my IP has changed.

I saw a commercial on late night TV. It said, "Forget everything you know about slipcovers." So I did. And it was a load off my mind. Then the commercial tried to sell me slipcovers, and I didn't know what the hell they were. -- Mitch Hedberg
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by LordMortis »

gilraen wrote:
coopasonic wrote:
stessier wrote:Would a tablet be able to run the app? I don't have a smart phone, but do have a tablet.
Yes for an ipad, probably for an android tablet depending because they are way too many frikking android tablets.

I'd guess no for LM and his Win8 tablet, but I could be wrong. Nobody makes apps for windows, right?
People on the Hearthstone forums said it already works on Surface Pro (because apparently it lets you install regular Windows programs - as opposed to the regular Surface tablet which only allows you to install apps from store).
My tablet isn't Surface. It's a full install of Windows 8 Enterprise. I was only half serious because I have a system just like MS dreams I should have and because of that it seems to be the worst of all worlds. I don't get any cool smart phoney stuff but I'm stuck in the tablet like environment.

OTOH, it's excellent for turning TVs with HDMI into computers.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by msduncan »


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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by wonderpug »

msduncan wrote:BAM

Just got my key!
And you got to be special for almost 4 days! ;)

Hearthstone now in open beta

Regions other than North America will have access in the next few days.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Baroquen »

Downloading now. Got the itch for a CCG and impressions seem pretty positive.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Malacheye »

I've been playing it for 4 days now at its really good. All the characters, creatures and sounds from WoW are included and you can level up all 9 different heroes. Daily quests allow for earning gold that can be spent on packs or arena matches. Very positive so far.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Baroquen »

Yeah, it seems very slick and polished. I'm still unlocking heroes, and leveling up decks or whatnot, but it's fun so far. And I can drop in and play a few hands, in between watching the kids, so that's always nice. The Warlock kicked my butt a few times, but I took him down after he used up his hand and had fewer options.

Fun so far.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Vorret »

Tried it on my lunchtime...
Never played any card game in my life so I'm a bit clueless on the proper strategy.

Got through the training easy but I died twice to Jaina in a practice match, not even close she destroys me big time, I'm not the king of gaming or anything but I don't usually get my ass kicked by a computer who should technically be the easiest opponent, I'm worried :shock:
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by coopasonic »

Most of us have played Magic the Gathering before which is probably expected for this sort of thing. In that you might be a bit behind the curve, but it is also possible she just got all the right cards. This game is much simpler, but the same sorts of strategies apply.

I liek the game in concept, but I don't have much interest in spending money on it or working with limited resources for deckbulding.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by wonderpug »

coopasonic wrote:I liek the game in concept, but I don't have much interest in spending money on it or working with limited resources for deckbulding.
I think the game works really well for cheapskates like you and me as long as you're ok with not playing long sessions every single day. I'm not putting real money into the game, but I still feel like my card collection is growing nicely as I play every day or two to knock out my new quests.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Baroquen »

The single player side of HearthStone is fun for me. Unlocking. Progressing. Leveling. Adding cards.

The MP side of this is annoying. I admittedly have less free time to play than others. I haven't thrown any money into the game. I haven't pored over forums fine-tuning decks. So - I'm set up to be a pretty "bad" player. Understood. Apparently, I don't match up with other bad players (yet?) as I keep getting stomped by the competitive players.

Nothing wrong with that. It's the nature of MP. But as I suspect the single-player aspects of the game will eventually peter out, so will I. And that's disappointing because I enjoy CCGs. Just not the MP slant.

I could play that old Microprose Magic:TCG for hours, bugs and all. With this, I'll dabble until the fun washes out.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by wonderpug »

From what I've read, there is a skill-based matchmaking element in both the ranked and unranked "casual" game modes. Matchmaking may be a bit chaotic at the moment though since right around the same time they both opened the floodgates to the general public and did a reset of the ranking "season".

In ranked games, I'm coming up against a lot more super-skilled players than I did last season because the ranking system hasn't yet had them rise to their appropriate tier. They really need to implement placement matches for a new season or some better way of accelerating promotions.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Malacheye »

ive probably played about 50-60 games and last night I had a game that came down to the wire. I was playing the Mage and my opponent was also a Mage. Our hands were about 80% similar and the battle went back and forth the whole game. When I pulled my LAST card, he still had two cards left. We both had about 6 life and I drew a fireball... Cool way to end it. Fantastic match.

I havent spent a penny yet, and dont plan to...i do the daily quest, and every other day i can afford a booster pack. Levelling also gets me some gold whereby I can do arena games.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Vorret »

Played an hour again at lunch today... maybe 10 games or so.
10 defeat against that fucking Jaina bitch.

No matter what I do she always has the perfect counter.

I'm not even gonna bother keeping this game installed, I'm a MP guy and if a computer rapes me over and over like that I don't even want to see what a real player will do to me.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by wonderpug »

Are you sure you're not misunderstanding some aspect of the game? Ten losses in a row in the tutorial sounds extraordinary.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by Alefroth »

wonderpug wrote:Are you sure you're not misunderstanding some aspect of the game? Ten losses in a row in the tutorial sounds extraordinary.
I think the tutorials are actually scripted to give you what you need at certain points.
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Re: Anyone in the HearthStone beta?

Post by coopasonic »

wonderpug wrote:Are you sure you're not misunderstanding some aspect of the game? Ten losses in a row in the tutorial sounds extraordinary.
Yeah, that seems nuts. Quick thoughts on the tutorials, though it has been a while:
1) use all of your mana every turn if possible (unless there is a good reason to hold something back)
2) Many times it is better to attack the mage rather than the henchmen, as long as the henchmen aren't a threat to kill you before you kill the mage.
3) If attacking henchmen don't give away your henchmen. Pay attention to the attack of what you are attacking, not just their life.

The tutorial matches should be pretty easy.
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