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Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:41 pm
by stessier
Opening Credits
Batman/Remus scans Unagi

Squeezing into the body armor was a little tricky without the help of Alfred (who always seems to know just where to put the talcum powder). Eventually you succeed and head out to check on Unagi using the most covert means available to you.

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Arriving at his house, you notice him sleeping peacefully while clutching a little stuffed Lambchop.

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Ok, that's weird...but certainly not demented.

Clearly Unagi is not The Joker.

Time to head back to the Bat Cave and see if you've received any more texts from Rachel. :wub:


Harvey/Chaos scans Unagi

Tearing yourself away from your iPhone and Rachel's most recent pictures, you settle down to do some real work on Project Rameriz - (your investigation into corruption in the Gotham PD) . Unfortunately, with all the undercover officers, it's impossible to remember who's a cop and who's a citizen, so you grab Uangi's file at random and start digging.

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Unagi's a farmer? Or did he buy stock in an agriculture company? Maybe he's applying for some type of job?? Bah, this file is a mess but at least it's clear that Unagi is not Ramirez.

A beep from your iPhone notifies you of the latest message from Rachel. Noticing that the file size is over 10 MB, you decide you've done enough work for the evening and that the Gotham PD can surely survive one more night without your help. Turning off the office lights, you head home for a little...private time...with "Rachel".


Gordon/Semaj protects Gordon/Semaj

After spending the entire night demonstrating your selfless nature by barricading yourself in your closet, you see sunlight peak under the door and realize morning has arrived. You're alive!

Clicking on the TV while you get dressed for work, you hear the report of someone else being killed. Well that stinks. Using your well honed detective skills, you realize that

No one tried to kill Semaj last night.

Ah well. Time to head into the office.


Lucius/Scoop scans Grund

On the drive home from the office, you saw the Bat Signal as it swooped through the night sky and heard the report on the radio of a new, powerfully armed gang entering the city. Realizing that Mr. Wayne would probably be in the thick of things relatively soon, you decide to test out the new Full Body Scanner (FBS) and see if you can determine who's armed. Unfortunately, to work at a distance, the unit requires a lot of power and can only be used once a night.

With this in mind, you train the device on Grundbegriff and flick the On switch.

The room lights dim...street lights flicker...and the power company cranks up its auxiliary generators. Several tense moments later, you receive the following image:

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Well, on the one hand, it is clear that Grundbegriff is not a Sniper.

On the other hand, you've never seen the unit produce a skeleton picture before. A massive amount of radiation must have been necessary to get this image. You decide that in the future, you should probably use a lower setting. After penning a letter informing Grund he has won a contest to receive a free cancer screening if he visits his doctor by the end of the week, you head off to bed for a good night's sleep.


Joker/Bubbles scans Harvey/Chaos and kills Alfred/Newcastle

Rolling into town, you decide to announce your presence with a

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You later learn on the news that the building was largely abandoned and only one person by the name of Newcastle was killed. Bummer.

To really control the city, you realize you need to find this Batman and also take out Mr. Pureheart himself, Harvey Dent. Perhaps a covert investigation of Chaosraven will yield something useful.

After easily breaking into his car, you find the following sign in his trunk.

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So...Mr. Chaos is none other than the esteemed Harvey Dent. This should make for a very interesting day.


Sniper/theohall scans Batman/Remus

Gordon - he consumes your mind! It was just jay walking - who gets stopped and written up for jay walking!!

But you only have one bullet. You have to make it count. Patience - better to check out your targets first.

You decide to spy on Remus. You train your high powered scope on his house...

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and see him watching tv while eating dinner. The house is in a nice neighborhood and is well furnished.

Bah - no cop could afford to live in that place. And where are the medals - the pictures of criminals vanquished??

Clearly Remus is not the Commissioner.

Looks like Mr. FMJ will just have to wait.


Ramirez/Lagom scans Unagi

That tramp! Take your man, will she? When you see her you'll rip her heart out!!

But first you have to find her. You decide to check out Unagi's house. Sneaking around back, you peer in the window and see Unagi watching something on TV. After a moment, your realize it's Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery.

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As you hear the familiar line "That's a man, Baby!", you realize Unagi is not Rachel.

That's'll try again tomorrow night. She can't hide from you forever.


Alfred/Newcastle fades to black

Taking some advice you heard from a wise man, you settle in for the evening with a nice stiff drink. Afterwards, feeling warm all over, you slide into your warm bed and promptly fall fast asleep.

The next morning, feeling quite refreshed, you head out to the hospital for your yearly checkup. Upon entering the building, you hear a brief "click" and look down in time to see a thin filament snap.

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If you'd like to check out spoilers, please register at" target="_blank. Upon registering, all you will be able to see is the Bad Guys forum, but once I get a chance, I'll add you to the Spoiler forum group and it will become visible.

Um...I haven't actually had time to put anything in there yet, but it's my goal to get everything in by the end of the weekend.

Thanks for playing signing up to play! :D

Re: The Dark Knight - Thrilling Conclusion

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:42 pm
by Unagi
Lassr wrote:
Brendan wrote:Lagom, you are a smooth tongued devil, and an opportunistic monster.
Ha, I even quoted that in the spoiler forum saying I hoped Unagi would read Lagom's sig line.
I was aware of it. It's just hard to distinguish at the time - how many things Brendan is saying just because he knows it looks bad for Lagom.

Really - if Brendan wasn't so damn 'guilty' this entire game - that would have freed me up to act on my suspicion of Lagom.

Throughout the game, I constantly challenged Lagom (I think he'll attest to that) - I just kept feeling rather alone with that concern.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:43 pm
by stessier
End of Act 1
Batman/Remus scans Ramirez/Lagom

After that fiasco with Isgrimnur, you decide to redouble your efforts to find the Joker and end this madness before everyone ends up dead.

You thought you saw Lagom with a red bandana in his pocket, so you choose him for tonight's visit.

Arriving at his house, you creep though the darkness and once more peak through the living room windows. There is Lagom, asleep in his recliner, with Barney tucked under one arm.

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A rage fueled by the heat of a thousand suns rushes over you at the sight of that purple menace and you prepare to crash through the window when you remember your mission - protect the Citizens...find the Joker.

Clearly, Lagom is not the Joker.

Without looking back, you quickly head for home before you do something you might regret. Maybe Rachel will have a way to take your mind off things.


Harvey/Chaos scans Ramirez/Lagom

What a disaster! An innocent Citizen was killed on your watch. Where is the justice in mob rule??

You have to find the mole in the precinct quickly before things spiral out of control. You head to your study to continue your investigation.

You grab the file for Lagom Lite and open to the front where you see this:

As you pick it up, you feel a slight tug as a filament wire breaks. A blaring laughter fills the room.

"Hahahahahahaha. Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha. Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha. Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha. Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha. Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha. Too little, too late!Hahahahahahaha. Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha. Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha. Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha. Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha. Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha. Too little, too late!"

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So, Lagom is Ramirez. You found her! Sadly you are dead and can do nothing with the information. But still, take your moral victories where you can find them I always say.

If you'd like to check out spoilers, let me know. It uses the same forum as the Bad Guys and some of them registered with their real names, so you'll be completely spoiled if you go this route. Newcastle and Isgrimnur are unspoiled and continue to play along.

Thanks for registering and for finding time to play. Hope you had fun!


Gordon/Semaj protects Rachel/Lassr

Deciding that it is better to help others than save yourself, you head over to Lassr's place for the night. Camped in a tree in his backyard, you have a good view of the residence and all the approaches. No one is getting in that place without you seeing.


The warmth of the sun shining on your face jerks you awake. Ok - maybe you aren't cut out for field work after all. Seems pretty quiet though, and you don't notice anything amiss. Walking quickly around the house, you don't see any evidence of a break in or struggle.

Looks like no one attacked Lassr last night.

Another wasted night. Good thing the city isn't paying you for this work.


Lucius/Scoop scans tru1cy

With nightfall, you realize you have another opportunity to help the Boss by using the Scanner. Remembering to use a lower setting, you aim the device at tru1cy, press the big green button and wait.

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Ah, that's more like what you were expecting. Well, he looks slightly bionic and perhaps a little posed, but other than that, nothing out of the ordinary.

Clearly tru1cy is not the Sniper.

Content knowing that any information is better than nothing, you turn off the machine, make a note to have your IT people change the GUI text from Russian back to English, and head off to bed.


Joker/Bubbles scans Rachel/Lassr kills Harvey/Chaos

To start the night off right, you head on over to Chaos' house to plan a little surprise. After rigging up one of your calling cards to the stereo system, you head down the street and wait for the fun to begin.

A short while later, you hear it...

"Hahahahahahaha - Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha - Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha - Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha - Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha - Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha - Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha - Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha - Too little, too late! Hahahahahahaha - Too little, too late!"

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Quoeth the Chaosraven, Nevermore!

With that little task out of the way, you decide to kill to birds with one stone, as it were, and head on over to Lassr's house for a little look-see. While Lassr isn't actually around, you notice that the house is rather run down and unkept. There is nothing to suggest that Batman or Harvey Dent live here.

Lassr is not Batman or Harvey Dent. Oh well - you still got to have fun at Chaos' place so the night wasn't a complete waste!


Sniper/Theohall scans Grund

Tearing apart Isgrimnur was kinda fun, but you keep coming back to Gordon - you need to find him!

Walking away from Isgrimnur's remains, you spot Grund and decide to follow him. He leads you on a winding path, frequently doubling back on himself and apparently checking for tails. Having learned a thing or two during your stint in the joint, you have no trouble following him without being detected.

Finally, Grund arrives at a house, goes inside, and closes all the shades. You carefully creep up to a window and peak in through a gap to see this on the TV:

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Grund is a Teletubie lover!! Trying not to blow your cover by laughing out loud, you quickly back away from the window.

Clearly, Grund is not Gordon.

Time to head back to the hideout and tell the Joker what you've learned.


Ramirez/Lagom scans Gordon/Semaj and autopsies Alfred/Newcastle

After coming up empty last night, you decide to check on Semaj. Rather than stand in the bushes, you easily pick the lock on the back door and slip inside to look around.

A quick scan of the area shows you're in the kitchen. Half eaten loaves of bread cover the counter. A stack of dirty dish sit drying in the sink. A pile of laundry was piled on the kitchen table. No self respecting woman would be caught dead in this place.

Clearly, Semaj is not Rachel.

Determined that the night will not be a total waste, you head on over to the morgue to see what you can learn about Newcastle. Using your credentials, you easily get past the front desk and into the storage room. Finding the correct locker, you pop it open and pull out the table.

Wait a recognize that face.

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"Newcastle" is none other than Alfred Pennyworth!

With your adrenaline pumping, you quickly put everything away and head back to the hideout to tell the Joker what you've learned.
End of Act 2
Batman/Remus scans Gordon/Semaj

Sorry - kid is still sick so all you get is:

Semaj is not the Joker.

And giving your keys to Rachel is a big step. Are you sure you are ready for it? Because you can't bring other girls over later and claim you were just on a "break".


Lucius/Scoop scans Unagi

Sorry, kid is still sick so all you get is -

Unagi is not the Sniper.

On the plus side, you survived the night!


Gordon/Semaj protects Lucius/Scoop

Sorry, kid is still sick so all you get is -

You protect Scoop and don't see anyone. But when you climb out of his tree, you step on a land mine.

You're dead! :binky:

Bummer. Bad day to come out of the closet.

Sign up at You'll see the Non-spoiler forum. If you want Spoilers, let me know and I'll give you access.

Thanks for playing! Hope you had fun.


Joker/Bubbles kills Gordon/Semaj and scans Brendan

Sorry, kid is still sick so all you get is -

You successfully kill Semaj via land mine. Very original!

You Peeping Tom Brendan but he doesn't look at all like Batman or Gordon.

Try not to get any of your crew killed today!


Ramirez/Lagom scans Batman/Remus and autopsies Isgrimnur

Sorry, kid is still sick so all you get is -

You peak in on Remus and realize that Rachel never had a sex change operation, so Remus is not Rachel.

Then you hop over to the morgue and realize Isgrimnur is as boring in death as he was in life. Isgrimnur is just a plain Citizen.

Good luck staying alive today!

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:45 pm
by stessier
End of Act 3
Batman/Remus scans Grundbegriff

Ah, you have the perfect evening planned. A little wine....a little music...a little dancing. And then Rachel will be coming over.

But first you have to shower. You turn on the water, reach in to test it out, and

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Someone was clearly overcompensating. Maybe they were a little irked at you knocking off their compatriots. :P

Anyway, you're dead. Feel free to sign up at You'll only see the non-spoiler section until you ask for access to everything else (and I change permissions).

Thanks for signing up and I hope you had a good time playing!


Lucius/Scoop scans Brendan

Another night, another push of the button. If it weren't for the constant threat of bodily harm, it would seem like the Jetson Utopia had arrived!

Carefully you line up the sight on Brendan's house.


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Hmmm, the setting appears to be a little too low, but that guy is clearly packing...however not what you're looking for.

Brendan is clearly not the Sniper.

Heading off to bed, you ruminate on the effects of constant failure and the likelihood of it giving a person an inferiority complex.


Ramirez/Lagom kills Batman/Remus scans Rachel/Lassr and autopsies Gordon/Semaj

Finally in charge! Just like the man to always keep the woman down.

First, a little revenge. To cover you identity, you decide to stick with what has been used in the past and simply blow Remus' house to smithereens.

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Okay, maybe that was a bit of overcompensation, but it sure felt good!

Next, you head off to the morgue. On the way, you pass Lassr's house and decide to take a peek. That wig isn't fooling anyone - Lassr is Rachel!!

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Giggling with delight at finally having identified your nemesis, you make your way to the morgue and check on Semaj. Opening his freezer, you immediately recognize your boss.

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Semaj was Commissioner Gordon.


Note to Rachel/Lassr for Mod Amusement

A new day dawns and it's time for a new persona. Reaching into your wardrobe you dawn an slinky all black getup perfect for your new name - the Black Widow.

Today you will avenge your Lover(s) death(s). And try to find (a) new Lover(s). I mean, it's not like the guys expected you to remain celibate forever...
End of Act 4
Lucius/Scoop scans Ramirez/Lagom

Things are getting dicey and there isn't much time left. If the rumors are true, then the Boss is already dead - but there's no reason you have to follow in his footsteps!

Carefully, you aim the device at Lagom's house.


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Okay - ew. Lagom is clearly not the Sniper.



Ramirez/Lagom kills Rachel/Lassr scans no one and autopsies Batman/Remus

Having found your nemesis, you waste little time in disposing of her. Figuring that revenge is a dish best served cold - and having found a handy freeze ray amongst the Joker's toys - you turn Lassr's house into a giant block of ice.

Satisfied, you then head over to the morgue and check in on Remus. You are shocked when you open the cabinet to find none other than the Caped Crusader himself!

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Remus was Bruce Wayne/Batman!

Another good night's work!

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:50 pm
by Unagi
Honestly, (and I don't really mean this as a knock at Brendan at all), but if he had simply shut up a little "today", I would have perhaps found a little peace in my head and decided to vote off Lagom. Instead he just kept trying and trying and pushing little things here and there.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:52 pm
by stessier
Any comments on the game play?

What did people think worked? Anything you really disliked?

I was surprised the Bad Guys killed a Special every night. Nice job there.

I thought I was in trouble when the Sniper was killed so early. It was one of the things I counted on to prevent an early Mass Outing.

I was amused that put Lassr in the center of that particular 3-way. :lol:

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:55 pm
by Brendan
Unagi wrote:Honestly, (and I don't really mean this as a knock at Brendan at all), but if he had simply shut up a little "today", I would have perhaps found a little peace in my head and decided to vote off Lagom. Instead he just kept trying and trying and pushing little things here and there.
Argh! I don't believe you. If you hadn't posted your whole "Scoop, it's our solemn duty to kill Brendan tomorrow" monologue, I wouldn't have felt the need to explain things in such great detail.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:56 pm
by Newcastle
i thought it was great, and enjoyed every single minute that i was in the game...all 7 minutes there.
Fun to watch, interesting rule set. And for the record, it sucks to get knocked out in the first night....bubbles care to explain why you decided to target me?

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:59 pm
by Lassr
stessier wrote: I was amused that put Lassr in the center of that particular 3-way. :lol:
wasn't as fun for me...the doctor bills and meds are costing me a fortune! God it burns when I pee now!

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:59 pm
by tru1cy
stessier wrote:Any comments on the game play?

What did people think worked? Anything you really disliked?

I was surprised the Bad Guys killed a Special every night. Nice job there.

I thought I was in trouble when the Sniper was killed so early. It was one of the things I counted on to prevent an early Mass Outing.

I was amused that put Lassr in the center of that particular 3-way. :lol:
With this many specials they have a 2-1 odd on hitting a special. So, I'm not surprised.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:05 pm
by stessier
tru1cy wrote:With this many specials they have a 2-1 odd on hitting a special. So, I'm not surprised.
6:5 actually. A little better than 50:50. The first night was luck (Newcastle). The second night was planned. The third night was luck again (Semaj). All other nights were planned because of the outing of Batman/"Rachel" and Lucius.

Re: The Dark Knight - Thrilling Conclusion

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:08 pm
by Lagom Lite
Brendan wrote:Lagom, you are a smooth tongued devil, and an opportunistic monster.
Into the sig it goes! :twisted: :ninja: 8-)

I was really quite surprised I got away with all that. Good times. :coffee:

Hats off to my less fortunate team members: Mr Joker and theo-didn't-have-time-to-aim-Sniperhall. I thought we did well, all things considered.

I think, stessier, there were maybe too many Specials. Maybe. It did work out however, but I don't think we baddies would have won if we hadn't had such magnificient luck with our scans and kills. Still, awesome fun! Two thumbs up!

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:17 pm
by Scoop20906
Unagi wrote:yeah yeah yeah,

sorry folks. :D :grund:

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:19 pm
by Scoop20906
Unagi wrote:Honestly, (and I don't really mean this as a knock at Brendan at all), but if he had simply shut up a little "today", I would have perhaps found a little peace in my head and decided to vote off Lagom. Instead he just kept trying and trying and pushing little things here and there.
This is your own problem, Unagi. You always seem to think that people who talk alot are either a) evil or b) hiding evil. Believe me when I say I think this is your own personal crutch and you should look to dropping this habit in the future. People talking alot are playing the game.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:22 pm
by Scoop20906
Nice job, Lagom. Even though I knew of your evil past I was convinced you were Alfred.

Also, wanted to say I though Theohall did a nice job. I really though he was good and if it wasn't for the meta reasons that Lassr mentioned to me I wouldn't have suspected him at all.

And thanks to Stessier. My only regret was that two face was never unleashed but the gimped scans was a nice wrinkle which I'm sure I will work into one of my upcoming games since I have a few nifty ideas on deck and in development.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:41 pm
by Lassr
Scoop20906 wrote: Also, wanted to say I though Theohall did a nice job. I really though he was good and if it wasn't for the meta reasons that Lassr mentioned to me I wouldn't have suspected him at all.
I have to give credit to Remus, he was the one that mentioned it first in our PMs. We were wondering why no one had been shot yet and then he said semaj has not said anything in a while then came back later and said theohall has not said anything either. We searched for his last post and it was before Remus and Scoop came out so that's what we went with. semaj had posted. You can call it META but I think your activity/non-activity is part of the game.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:50 pm
by stessier
Lassr wrote:You can call it META but I think your activity/non-activity is part of the game.
I agree with this. Especially since there was no requirement that there be a shot. Since it is possible that Evil could have just been holding off on the shot for whatever reason, then it is also possible theo was just a Citizen.

I think it would have been hilarious if that had been the case. Think of the trouble Lassr and Remus would have been in! :lol:

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:58 pm
by Newcastle
stessier wrote:
Lassr wrote:You can call it META but I think your activity/non-activity is part of the game.
I agree with this. Especially since there was no requirement that there be a shot. Since it is possible that Evil could have just been holding off on the shot for whatever reason, then it is also possible theo was just a Citizen.

I think it would have been hilarious if that had been the case. Think of the trouble Lassr and Remus would have been in! :lol:
activity/non-activity is part of the game...but coming to a conclusion about a certain mechanic (why no shot) because someone has/has not posted (wether willingly or this circumstance it was due to work if i recall correctly for theo)...kind of goes against the spirit of things. YOu guys were right and i will give you kudos in terms of coming to the right conclusion...i just think it was an abuse of using outside knowledge to influence in game events...and think it was a "dirty"play...but thats just me.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:01 pm
by Brendan
I disagree - timing is part of the game at all times. The timing of when someone votes can make a huge difference, especially in the endgame. If someone puts an ill-advised vote on an innocent, and the wolves pile on ASAP, they can win the game. Using the same tactic in reverse seems eminently reasonable (particularly when a shot isn't required - it would've been hilarious if theo wasn't the sniper.)

Re: The Dark Knight - Act 2

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:12 pm
by Newcastle
theohall wrote:Gotta run - another early day with a late ending tomorrow. Will catch up on this fascinating discussion tomorrow. ... 0#p1542860" target="_blank

This was posted at 7 PM PST tuesday evening, he still hadnt checked in by Thurs.

Around 8 AM pst when remus started the bandwagon....

BY about 2PM pst he was dead.

just kind of unfair using his real life business against all i am saying...hence my eyes.

Re: The Dark Knight - Act 2

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:18 pm
by stessier
Newcastle wrote:
theohall wrote:Gotta run - another early day with a late ending tomorrow. Will catch up on this fascinating discussion tomorrow. ... 0#p1542860" target="_blank

This was posted at 7 PM PST tuesday evening, he still hadnt checked in by Thurs.

Around 8 AM pst when remus started the bandwagon....

BY about 2PM pst he was dead.

just kind of unfair using his real life business against all i am saying...hence my eyes.
He hadn't posted in that time frame. Who's to say he didn't come in and read the thread (with or without logging in)? (He didn't - we was gone the whole time - but it was possible he did.)

My point is just that the meta reasoning could've turned around and bit them in the behind. There was no logical certainty in their conclusion - only likely inference. In that, I think it was fair.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:19 pm
by stessier
Brendan wrote:it would've been hilarious if theo wasn't the sniper.)
I like how you think. :lol:

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:22 pm
by Brendan
stessier wrote:
Brendan wrote:it would've been hilarious if theo wasn't the sniper.)
I like how you think. :lol:
Haha - oops.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:22 pm
by Remus West
Lassr wrote:
stessier wrote: I was amused that put Lassr in the center of that particular 3-way. :lol:
wasn't as fun for me...the doctor bills and meds are costing me a fortune! God it burns when I pee now!
That had to be CR's fault. You wouldn't give it up to me while he was around and then when he was killed you claimed the "grief" kept you from being in the mood. :x :lol:

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:32 pm
by Lassr
Newcastle wrote:.i just think it was an abuse of using outside knowledge to influence in game events...and think it was a "dirty"play...but thats just me.
we used no outside knowledge. There is a sniper in the game, Remus and I thought the sniper should have shot, so that means either they had really different plans than what we thought or the sniper is not around at the moment. Looking at the in-game posts, theohall was the only one that had not said anything. So he had either checked in and didn't post or he was not around. We took the chance because we simply could not fathom why a shot would not be taken.

Re: The Dark Knight - Act 2

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:37 pm
by Remus West
Newcastle wrote:
theohall wrote:Gotta run - another early day with a late ending tomorrow. Will catch up on this fascinating discussion tomorrow. ... 0#p1542860" target="_blank

This was posted at 7 PM PST tuesday evening, he still hadnt checked in by Thurs.

Around 8 AM pst when remus started the bandwagon....

BY about 2PM pst he was dead.

just kind of unfair using his real life business against all i am saying...hence my eyes.
As I said in the spoiler thread, it was mostly the combination of events that did him in. Had I come forward but there be no shot he likely would have been fine as we may have felt they saw through our deception of Rachel/Batman. Only after Scoop - who obviously had no potential protection - was also forced forward (and I owe Scoop an apology I already gave Lassr. Lassr said he felt you were good but I couldn't get around how little sense your actions made to me. By product of our different approaches to these games really) was it noticeable that the Sniper was not around.

Pair that with the ability to have left an "n-1 shoot player X" order and it was mostly planning and overconfidence from being listed by everyone as good that did Theo in. LL could have been nailed the same way but had the foresight to turn in multiple kill orders so his time away wouldn't be a give away to him.

I think that most of us when modding these games take steps to reduce the possibility of using these means to catch the bad guys but to ignore such a specific set of circumstances that make it clear who one of the bad guys is and to not use that is crippling the good guy team. Hell, the first game I ever played I placed Chaosraven firmly in the "not a wolf" category due to the fact we had played two full game days before he knew it was game on - and I was the one that told him the game was going. I figured since the kills were being made while he was not there he couldn't be a wolf. I was wrong and they used that against me the entire game. Nothing wrong with that imo and it is the same coin just flipped over.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:38 pm
by Unagi
Scoop20906 wrote:
Unagi wrote:Honestly, (and I don't really mean this as a knock at Brendan at all), but if he had simply shut up a little "today", I would have perhaps found a little peace in my head and decided to vote off Lagom. Instead he just kept trying and trying and pushing little things here and there.
This is your own problem, Unagi. You always seem to think that people who talk alot are either a) evil or b) hiding evil. Believe me when I say I think this is your own personal crutch and you should look to dropping this habit in the future. People talking alot are playing the game.
not true.
Reasons for good Brendan:

Played a very exposed game, risky
Not sure how accurate I am with this one: but for a while I felt Theohall's list served to paint Brendan as actually good, but that's perhaps a wrong read...
continued push to win (I know as a good guy, I often "keep fighting" until the end)
I stated that I knew the 'activity' thing swings both ways. I don't apply a 'rule' to it.

And I, Like You, am constantly defending "playing the game" - In fact, go search on this forum under Unagi and "Playing the game" I bet you find a dozen examples of me saying what you just said.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:39 pm
by Unagi
Brendan wrote:
Unagi wrote:Honestly, (and I don't really mean this as a knock at Brendan at all), but if he had simply shut up a little "today", I would have perhaps found a little peace in my head and decided to vote off Lagom. Instead he just kept trying and trying and pushing little things here and there.
Argh! I don't believe you. If you hadn't posted your whole "Scoop, it's our solemn duty to kill Brendan tomorrow" monologue, I wouldn't have felt the need to explain things in such great detail.
Well, it's true :P :D

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:41 pm
by Unagi
Brendan wrote:
Unagi wrote:Honestly, (and I don't really mean this as a knock at Brendan at all), but if he had simply shut up a little "today", I would have perhaps found a little peace in my head and decided to vote off Lagom. Instead he just kept trying and trying and pushing little things here and there.
Argh! I don't believe you. If you hadn't posted your whole "Scoop, it's our solemn duty to kill Brendan tomorrow" monologue, I wouldn't have felt the need to explain things in such great detail.
You do know that I wrote that, thinking that if Scoop survived - he would have read my "instructions" and would have then quietly told Unagi to blow it out his ass, and he would have voted Lagom, just to spite me. Right? I mean, you DO realize that me telling Scoop what to do, is me telling Scoop to do the opposite.... Right ?

right Scoop?

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:44 pm
by Mr Bubbles
Well a bit frustrating having to leave at the time I did, but I am very happy with the bad guys play. It was really funny to watch the good guys try to play games only to know they were bluffing. Scan Remus.. Yep.. not Rachel. Already scanned Lassr, yep.. He's not who he says he is. Lots of misdirection or attempts at it, but we kept a good focus and killed who we wanted. Even those who we didn't scan turned out to be citizens. Semaj was an easy choice due to his change in play style. Newcastle was perfect for a first day killing and to which I take personal responsibility for ;). Killing Newcastle and scanning Chaos put us in good range. We had some unfortunate disappearances that obviously affected the game, but Lagom finish the game nicely. Obviously taking out Newcastle provided the perfect role to spoof. We did what we needed to do and if we had gotten off the sniper shot we would have been in a slightly better shape. Was a really fun game, but of course thats because we had so much information and seeing the good guys scrambling around trying to misdirect us was a hoot. Good game all.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:27 pm
by Chaosraven
The funny for me was lassr practically handing batmans identity to me. The horror was convincing them we should scan LL. They were 60/40 brendan/Lagom, but I ended up getting blown up that night. The scan mechanic was intersting, with the good guys crippled (two of three scans in cahoots versus all three for the villains communicating) ... As far as the 'meta' aspect goes, I had a pair of partners as bad guys that had my emailand cellphone to coordinate our voting efforts. Luck, fate, timing... It's all part of the game in forum ww vs ftf ww

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:33 pm
by Brendan
Unagi wrote: You do know that I wrote that, thinking that if Scoop survived - he would have read my "instructions" and would have then quietly told Unagi to blow it out his ass, and he would have voted Lagom, just to spite me. Right? I mean, you DO realize that me telling Scoop what to do, is me telling Scoop to do the opposite.... Right ?
Except you had so telegraphed your intent, it was clear (to me) that you'd survive. In fact, *that* you survived should've been hint enough that I wasn't the bad guy. God, why didn't I mention that again and more often earlier?

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:54 pm
by Unagi
Brendan wrote:In fact, *that* you survived should've been hint enough that I wasn't the bad guy. God, why didn't I mention that again and more often earlier?
I mean, you are joking - right? right?!

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:55 pm
by Lassr
Mr Bubbles wrote: It was really funny to watch the good guys try to play games only to know they were bluffing. Scan Remus.. Yep.. not Rachel. Already scanned Lassr, yep.. He's not who he says he is.
When Remus said he was Rachel we knew we only had one day to use it unless we could kill Ramirez that day. But when we thought we had the sniper we couldn't delay. We counted on Gordon for protection but he was then killed. A lot of good breaks for the bad guys except for the one bad one with theohall.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:56 pm
by Unagi
Brendan wrote:
Unagi wrote: You do know that I wrote that, thinking that if Scoop survived - he would have read my "instructions" and would have then quietly told Unagi to blow it out his ass, and he would have voted Lagom, just to spite me. Right? I mean, you DO realize that me telling Scoop what to do, is me telling Scoop to do the opposite.... Right ?
Except you had so telegraphed your intent, it was clear (to me) that you'd survive. In fact, *that* you survived should've been hint enough that I wasn't the bad guy. God, why didn't I mention that again and more often earlier?
You do need to realize that I wrote that post, 100% - I swear on my life - with no intention to totally follow what I wrote. I might have followed it (I indeed did), but I didn't "plan" to follow it, while I wrote it (I didn't "plan" to NOT follow it either) - I wrote it to see what happened if I wrote it.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:57 pm
by Lassr
Chaosraven wrote:The funny for me was lassr practically handing batmans identity to me.
wait, what?

was it when I stated I thought he was acting good?
or when batman wanted to scan Unagi instead of Remus?

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:57 pm
by Brendan
Unagi wrote:
Brendan wrote:In fact, *that* you survived should've been hint enough that I wasn't the bad guy. God, why didn't I mention that again and more often earlier?
I mean, you are joking - right? right?!
Ha. No - I'm not.

Clearly I would've killed you overnight were I the bad guy, because you had already expressed your clear intent for killing me on the following day, while happy-go-lucky Scoop was agnostic. It would've been insanely stupid to leave you alive.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:59 pm
by stessier
Lassr wrote:
Chaosraven wrote:The funny for me was lassr practically handing batmans identity to me.
wait, what?

was it when I stated I thought he was acting good?
or when batman wanted to scan Unagi instead of Remus?
I think it was the Unagi over Remus scan. And the time you made a list and said you thought Remus was probably good what did Chaos think.

I still think the funny part was Chaos' first inclination was to scan Remus.

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:01 pm
by stessier
Brendan wrote:
Unagi wrote:
Brendan wrote:In fact, *that* you survived should've been hint enough that I wasn't the bad guy. God, why didn't I mention that again and more often earlier?
I mean, you are joking - right? right?!
Ha. No - I'm not.

Clearly I would've killed you overnight were I the bad guy, because you had already expressed your clear intent for killing me on the following day, while happy-go-lucky Scoop was agnostic. It would've been insanely stupid to leave you alive.
You guys do realize you're :binky:, right? And not married?

Re: The Dark Knight - Fade to Black

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:13 pm
by Semaj
they didnt even scan me and find out I was gordon to kill me?!?!

I was planning on coming out in the morning... lol... figuring I had an extra day to live, but they wouldnt know it... sigh