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Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:35 pm
by WYBaugh
Well, this sucks:
Dear GOG users,

We have recently had to give serious thought to whether we could really keep the way it is. We've debated on it for quite some time and, unfortunately, we've decided that simply cannot remain in its current form.

We're very grateful for all support we've received from all of you in the past two years. Working on was a great adventure for all of us and an unforgettable journey to the past, through the long and wonderful history of PC gaming.

This doesn't mean the idea behind is gone forever. We're closing down the service and putting this era behind us as new challenges await.

On a technical note, this week we'll put in place a solution to allow everyone to re-download their games. Stay tuned to this page and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates.

All the best, Team" target="_blank

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:39 pm
by tgb
I was just coming here to post this. I had no idea they were in trouble. There was a host of games I had been planning to buy during the dry season - this really does suck. :(

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:46 pm
by baelthazar
Well this sucks terribly! What about the deal with Triumph studios? That seemed like a big deal and they were planning to release Shadow Magic. It's also a little disturbing that people can't get access to their games at the current time.

How could they NOT have been making money? I'm flabbergasted.

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:52 pm
by tgb
Sometimes businesses are forced to shut down for reasons other than profitability. Maybe there was some malfeasance. Maybe the profits all went into someone's arm or up their nose. Maybe Rich got involved :P .

I suspect it will be a week or two before we start hearing some version of what happened.

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:43 pm
by TiLT
This sucks. I hadn't even heard the slightest hint that there was trouble. Everything seemed to be going really well for them with the deals they had. Seems like there must be something else going on. I've seen otherwise successful Internet franchises die because of shady stuff before (such as people in important positions taking the money and leaving), so I wouldn't rule that out in this case.

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:44 pm
by Buatha
Holy shit. I better start my archive downloading!

And, yes, this blows.

EDIT: Too late! I wish they could have given a more timely warning! I could have at least started downloading my fairly nice collection. Sad state aside, this is why I avoided digital distribution in the first place.

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 1:53 pm
by hepcat
Wow, I just opened their page to see if Shadow Magic had a release date and got hit with the bad news. That came out of the blue. :shock:

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:10 pm
by Sarkus
There's speculation that there is more to the story then just a shut down. I guess we'll have to see.

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:10 pm
by Smoove_B
Something is definitely odd as they just announced that Codemasters sale on Friday. I thought that after the whole Activision promotion they had earlier this year it was a good sign. I know there was some debate over what they should be selling; I seem to recall some newer titles coming out via their service that had people confused. Perhaps specializing in digital nostalgia wasn't nearly as profitable as they thought.

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:28 pm
by Sarkus
Smoove_B wrote:Something is definitely odd as they just announced that Codemasters sale on Friday. I thought that after the whole Activision promotion they had earlier this year it was a good sign. I know there was some debate over what they should be selling; I seem to recall some newer titles coming out via their service that had people confused. Perhaps specializing in digital nostalgia wasn't nearly as profitable as they thought.
CD Project, the makers of The Witcher, own GoG and have scheduled a news conference for tomorrow. There are rumors they've been acquired by someone else, and that may have impacted GoG, at least in its current form. Other rumors says GoG will continue, but in a different form that supports DRM on their games. I guess we'll know soon enough, but it seems unlikely that this was about profitability.

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:29 pm
by hepcat
There's some speculation going around that it's just a really, really bad marketing stunt to announce the end of their beta phase/site overhaul

People, relax. It's just a marketing stunt. Worse one ever. I don't know who at CDP thought this was a good idea to drop the beta and go final in such manner, but he's a moron.

And yes, it is a stunt, CEO warned financial forums couple days ago to ignore what will appear on Gog site soon. .t. It's a mess overall...23rd there was supposed to be full blown conference (like the one in Spring, when they've shown Witcher 2 for the first time), but it was just annouced it won't happen and there will be online conference instead.

Anyway, bassicaly GoG is simply ending it's beta phase and going final, that's all. Some speculate it will get a standalone client too.

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:40 pm
by Smoove_B
I remember something similar happening with Game Jackal. The original company that made the product shut their doors in January of 2007, in part because of some legal changes that went into effect in Australia. Three months later, SlySoft announced they'd purchased Game Jackal and it was now being sold/supported by them.

The shutdown was very similar. Up one day, then gone the next. Was there legislation passed in Poland that could have affected their business practice? Maybe they were purchased by STEAM? :)

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:47 pm
by Sarkus
More evidence it's a bad PR stunt:
GOG's PR man Tom Ohle has responded, saying, "As the message on the site says, this doesn't mean GOG is gone. We'll have more to share in the coming days. No need to jump to conclusions :)"

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 3:37 pm
by TiLT
This is like someone punching someone else in the face, and when confronted about it going "what, it was just a joke!".

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 5:06 pm
by Freezer-TPF-
I want to gutpunch someone.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:10 pm
by vlkm
This has just made me sad. I really like GOG and check out if there's something new every few days. This last stunt (if it truly is that) has left a bitter taste in my mouth. There's lots of games I still haven't downloaded from them to backup. This has got to be the worst PR stunt I've ever seen, especially coming from an online distribution method, without any prior warnings. If they come back up I'll sure be more careful what I buy from them in the future.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:18 pm
by Daehawk
Good Old Games.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:27 pm
by Buatha
Yeah, if they come back, all games get downloaded to the archive...hopefully without the need for some stupid client and/or DRM scheme (DRM for $6 games from 20 years ago? Seriously hope not).

I think it would be truly ironic to have to turn to...alternative obtain the games I legally purchased in it's original non-DRM form.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:35 pm
by Rumpy
Doh! I loved buying from them. I've been glad to do business with them, but I guess it must of been harder to make money off old games. Funny thing is, I just got their latest deal mail today. Man, that was quick.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:39 pm
by cicobuff
I'll just vote with my wallet and not get a single game from them again.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:36 pm
by JonathanStrange
Scary - does anyone else (like me) have any UNDOWNLOADED games at other gaming sites? I've got to be sure in case others suddenly leave a SO LONG AND THANKS FOR ALL THE BUCKS message. If this is a hoax, it's not funny.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:00 pm
by Zarathud
It's a poor idea to pull a hoax that raises questions about your underlying business model.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:07 pm
by Avenger
JonathanStrange wrote:Scary - does anyone have any UNDOWNLOADED games at other gaming sites? I've got to be sure in case others suddenly leave a SO LONG AND THANKS FOR ALL THE BUCKS message. If this is a hoax, it's not funny.
I just got this computer a month ago and there is hardly anything on it. I have about 100 games and they are *all* on sites like STEAM and Direct2Drive. I have a handful on GoG and Matrix and GamersGate, but as a general rule, I haven't bought physical copies for many years.

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:52 pm
by Jeff V
baelthazar wrote:How could they NOT have been making money? I'm flabbergasted.
Well, by selling games I already had, they didn't make a dime off of me.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:59 pm
by JonathanStrange
Ok, ok, I've fixed that stuck "Caps Lock" button. We knew this day was coming. They didn't get any of JeffV's money, so there's that, at least. Now, I suggest we regroup and rendezvous at the predesignated vaults. Good luck.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:19 am
by Buatha
I bought games I ALREADY OWNED just to not have to mess with Doxbox and various patches. Plus, I wanted to support the site and what they were trying to accomplish.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:16 am
by Stuie
Some publicity stunt! They just ensured that I'll never purchase anything from them. :lol:

Now where's that case of New Coke I've been saving...

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:19 am
by hepcat
Jeff V wrote:
baelthazar wrote:How could they NOT have been making money? I'm flabbergasted.
Well, by selling games I already had, they didn't make a dime off of me.
We should go back and count how many times you've brought this same thing up when anyone even mentions Steam in the Bargain Bin thread. :lol:

Did you know that Borders doesn't make any money off me when they sell books I already have?

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:04 am
by LordMortis
Buatha wrote: Sad state aside, this is why I avoided digital distribution in the first place.
And why it makes me nervous. I have a few GOGs and I don't even remember which ones.
Jeff V wrote:
baelthazar wrote:How could they NOT have been making money? I'm flabbergasted.
Well, by selling games I already had, they didn't make a dime off of me.

Only they got in and played with the compiled code to make 16 bit games run on XP and are now making 16/32 bit games run on 7x64. And it's worked for me.

Anyhoo, the whole thing looked like a conflicted message stunty thing from the beginning. But it still makes you cagey about what you're buying in to with digital distribution.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:54 am
by ColdSteel
From checking around the various forums, it appears that this may have been what has happened: CDP was recently bought by another company that turned out to be flat broke. Now, CDP may have sold it's stake in GOG to a big third party publisher in order to get out from under while they still can. Speculation is that it may possibly be Atari and they may want to slap DRM on everything. If so, my days of buying from GOG are over. Which would all be too bad because they were by far my favorite publisher. I guess we'll see soon enough.

Can you imagine how freaked out everyone would be if Steam went under and pulled something like this?

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:27 am
by Buatha
I imagine that thought has crossed everyone's mind this weekend. Granted, Steam has over a million people using it at any given time, so I don't see them failing, but the fact (I think) is that most EULA states that you aren't owed anything if they fail since you are merely "licensing" the software, right?

I became lazy with Steam/Impulse existing, and didn't download all of my games from GoG like I used to during my switch to digital distribution.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:32 am
by Zurai
Buatha wrote:I don't see them failing, but the fact (I think) is that most EULA states that you aren't owed anything if they fail since you are merely "licensing" the software, right?
Correct. Steam's EULA and the EULA of games distributed through Steam state that you're buying a license to install and play the game. You do not own any game you have bought through Steam. If Valve were to go under tomorrow, they'd be under no legal obligation whatsoever to ensure that you had access to your games. Hell, the Steam EULA says they can revoke your game licenses at any time for any reason; they don't even have to go under.

Re: Gold Old Games closes

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:41 am
by Jeff V
hepcat wrote:
Jeff V wrote:
baelthazar wrote:How could they NOT have been making money? I'm flabbergasted.
Well, by selling games I already had, they didn't make a dime off of me.
We should go back and count how many times you've brought this same thing up when anyone even mentions Steam in the Bargain Bin thread. :lol:

Did you know that Borders doesn't make any money off me when they sell books I already have?
You already have all of the new books they sell? Wow, you must be from the future!

I was responding to a post that was incredulous about how they could fail to make money. I suspect the retro gaming market is quite small, and smaller still is the subset of the market willing to pay a profitable amount for such old games. Add to that an extra overhead in redevelopment costs (I take it most of their offerings were modified to get them to work on modern machines and operating systems) and what is left is not exactly a gushing cash cow of an operation.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:43 am
by Jeff V
Buatha wrote:I imagine that thought has crossed everyone's mind this weekend. Granted, Steam has over a million people using it at any given time, so I don't see them failing, but the fact (I think) is that most EULA states that you aren't owed anything if they fail since you are merely "licensing" the software, right?

I became lazy with Steam/Impulse existing, and didn't download all of my games from GoG like I used to during my switch to digital distribution.
Read the EULA of any software you buy in the box, it says the same thing: you do not own it, you are buying a license.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:47 am
by $iljanus
I was hoping they could have acquired HW2 and SWAT 4 and optimized them for Win 7. Oh well. :cry:

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:49 pm
by Zurai
Jeff V wrote:
Buatha wrote:I imagine that thought has crossed everyone's mind this weekend. Granted, Steam has over a million people using it at any given time, so I don't see them failing, but the fact (I think) is that most EULA states that you aren't owed anything if they fail since you are merely "licensing" the software, right?

I became lazy with Steam/Impulse existing, and didn't download all of my games from GoG like I used to during my switch to digital distribution.
Read the EULA of any software you buy in the box, it says the same thing: you do not own it, you are buying a license.
That is actually not entirely true.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:12 pm
by Freezer-TPF- has updated their front page message.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:18 pm
by Rumpy
ColdSteel wrote:From checking around the various forums, it appears that this may have been what has happened: CDP was recently bought by another company that turned out to be flat broke.

How does this even happen? If the company is flat broke, they shouldn't make purchases like that. There's a reason why companies go through bankruptcies and it's to prevent things like this from happening. In doing this, the parent company jeopardized GOG's future as well as CDP's. If I were CDP, I'd think there would be some way to sue the new owners and reverse the changes.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:25 pm
by LawBeefaroni
UPDATE 20.09.2010
First of all, we apologize everyone for the whole situation and closing We do understand the timing for taking down the site caused confusion and many users didn't manage to download all their games. Unfortunately we had to close the service due to business and technical reasons.

At the same time we guarantee that every user who bought any game on will be able to download all their games with bonus materials, DRM-free and as many times as they need starting this Thursday.

The official statement from's management concerning the ongoing events is planned on Wednesday. If you want to receive further information about, please send an email to if you're a media representative or to if you're a user without a GOG account.

Re: Gold Old Games wait!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:36 pm
by Sabin Stargem
I hope they keep to the old business practices after this, otherwise I will jump ship. I didn't like it when Impulse started to use DRM for their products, and I especially detest the stuff being used on old games.