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Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Conclusion

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Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Conclusion

Post by Lagom Lite »

Fellowship of the Ring

Many Meetings

Frodo woke and found himself lying in bed. At first he thought that he had slept late, after a long unpleasant dream that still hovered on the edge of memory. Or perhaps he had been ill? But the ceiling looked strange; it was flat, and it had dark beams richly carved. He lay a little while longer looking at the patches of sunlight on the wall, and listening to the sound of a waterfall.

”Where am I, and what is the time?” he said aloud to the ceiling.

”In the House of Elrond, and it is ten o’clock in the morning,” said a voice. ”It is the morning of October the twenty-fourth, if you want to know.”

”Gandalf!” cried Frodo, sitting up. There was the old wizard, sitting in a chair by the open window.

”Yes,” he said, ”I am here. And you are lucky to be here, too, after all the absurd things you have done since you left home.”





Starts with the One Ring. Immune to corruption. If Frodo controls the Ring at the start of the 7th Chapter, he must immediately pass it on to another (uncorrupted) Hobbit or to Gollum. Failure to do so causes the Servants of the Eye to win. Frodo is the only Hobbit that may re-possess the One Ring without succumbing to darkness. If a Ringbearer other than Frodo is lynched, the Ring passes to Frodo.


4 Hobbits
Hobbits are unusually resilient to corruption. If they get control of the One Ring, they will resist corruption for one single Journey. The Journey after the first, however, they must pass the Ring to another player (specified by PM:ing the Moderator) or become corrupted. They may never possess the Ring again or they will become instantly corrupted, with one exception: if they are passed the Ring in Chapter 7, they will not be corrupted. Instead, they will win the game with the Fellowship.




Aragorn may protect one player other than himself each Journey. Aragorn may not protect the same player two Journeys in a row. Protected players are immune to all conversions, captures and kills by Servants of the Eye and Gollum’s Ring-theft. If Aragorn disrupts Gollum’s Ring-theft, he will also kill Gollum. Aragorn will know which actions he managed to disrupt, if any (kill, conversion, capture, theft). Aragorn will not disrupt an action that would otherwise fail (he will only kill Gollum while actually protecting a Ringbearer). Aragorn cannot protect a captured player.


Gandalf may determine the nature of one player once every Journey. Frodo and the Hobbits will scan as Hobbits. Aragorn and the Free People will scan as Free People unless corrupted. Boromir will scan as Free People until ”officially” corrupted. The Uruk-Hai and the Witch-King will scan as Servants of the Eye. Corrupted Hobbits and corrupted Free People will scan as Servants of the Eye. Gollum will scan as Gollum.


Boromir wants to bring the One Ring to his father Denethor, Steward of Gondor. He wins with the Servants of the Eye, not with the Fellowship. He is misguided, but not corrupted, and is considered Free People until converted by the Witch-King or corrupted by possession of the One Ring.


3 Warriors of the Free People
Warriors of the Free People have a sacred task to protect the Ringbearer at any cost. They have no special power by themselves, but as long as at least one of the Free People (including Aragorn, Gandalf and Boromir) is alive the Fellowship has the ability to Hunt some Orc.



Once each Journey, the Nazghul Witch-King of Angmar may perform both of these actions:
1. Search for the One Ring. By targeting a player, the Witch-King may determine whether that player holds the One Ring or not. This action may not be disrupted by Aragorn.
2. Convert one of the Free People by whispering sweet promises of power into the ear of one player. Corruption this way only works on the Free People but not on Hobbits, Frodo, Gollum or Servants of the Eye. Converted targets lose any powers they may have (Aragorn’s protection, Gandalf’s scan) and become corrupted. Corrupted converts are told which player corrupted them. The Witch-King is told whether the corruption attempt was successful or not. This action may be disrupted by Aragorn. The Witch-King is told if his action was disrupted by Aragorn. Corrupted converts are scanned by Gandalf as ”Servants of the Eye”.


The Uruk-Hai are given command by Saruman to seek out and capture the Hobbits, alive and unspoiled, for they carry an Elvish weapon. Each Journey, the Uruk-Hai may target one player. If target player is a Servant of the Eye, the Uruk will be told by Saruman to stay away from the target. In this case, nothing happens. If target player is uncorrupted Free People, that player is killed. If target player is a Hobbit, Frodo or Gollum, that player is captured. Uruk-Hai targeting may be disrupted by Aragorn. The Uruk-Hai is told if and what kind of action was disrupted by Aragorn (kill, capture).



Gollum wants the Ring for himself, and he is accustomed enough to its wiles that he can withstand the desire to return it to its Lord. Gollum is immune to corruption (as we know it) and will hold the Ring without becoming a Servant of the Eye. If Gollum is not in possession of the Ring, he must search the bags of one player each Journey. If the target is a Ringbearer, Gollum will steal the Ring. Gollum’s theft may be disrupted by Aragorn. If Gollum’s Ring-theft is disrupted by Aragorn, Gollum will be killed. Gollum cannot pass the Ring to another player. Gollum cannot steal the Ring from a captured player. If Gollum targets a captured player, Gollum will be told the action failed because the target is captured regardless of whether the target is a Ringbearer or not.


The goal of the game is getting through 7 ”days” (Chapters) of travel.

The ”Night” cycle is referred to as the ”Journey”.
The ”Day” cycle is referred to as a ”Chapter”.
The game starts with the first Journey, through Caradhras to the Doors of Durin.

Prologue: Rivendell. (Sign-ups, roles are handed out.)
Journey 1: Caradhras
Chapter 1: The Doors of Durin
Journey 2: Balin’s Tomb
Chapter 2: The Mines of Moria
Journey 3: The Bridge of Khazad-Dum
Chapter 3: Lothlorien
Journey 4: The Great River Anduin
Chapter 4: Rohan
Journey 5: Helm’s Deep
Chapter 5: Fangorn Forest
Journey 6: Isengard
Chapter 6: Minas Tirith
Journey 7: The Black Gate of Mordor
Chapter 7: The Cracks of Doom

Journey sequence of events:

Uncorrupted Ringbearer may pass on the Ring.
Aragorn protects.
Gollum steals.
Witch-King searches.
Witch-King corrupts.
Uruk-Hai hunts.
Gandalf scans.

Chapter sequence of events:

Which faction (Fellowship, Servants of the Eye, Gollum) controls the One Ring.
Which players are captured by the Uruk-Hai.
Remaining players.
Display ”You may Hunt some Orc” if ”Hunt some Orc” is legal.


At the start of each Chapter, it will be broadcast which of the three factions control the One Ring (Fellowship, Servants of the Eye or Gollum). Note that simply capturing the Ring isn’t enough for the Servants of the Eye to win, they need to bring it to their Dark Lord. Gollum needs to possess the Ring at the end of the 7th Journey in order to win.

During a Chapter, the Fellowship must vote to Appoint ”(player name)” as Scout, alternatively ”Hunt some Orc” within ”accuse” tags. A majority vote is needed. Once a majority is reached, voting is closed. Captured players may not be Appointed as Scout, may not vote nor post in the game thread.

Being Appointed as Scout is a dangerous task, and will lead to the death of the player appointed (it’s the same as a standard lynch). The player’s faction is revealed (Free People, Hobbit, Servants of the Eye or Gollum). Uncorrupted Boromir dies as Free People. Corrupted Free People and corrupted Hobbits die as Servants of the Eye.

Voting to ”Hunt some Orc” instead unlocks all captured players. ”Hunt some Orc” is a legal vote only if any uncorrupted Free People remain AND there is at least one captured Hobbit, Frodo or Gollum currently. Uncorrupted Boromir counts as uncorrupted Free People for this purpose. Whether ”Hunt some Orc” is legal or not is displayed at the beginning of each Chapter.


Frodo, Gollum or the Hobbits may become captured by the Uruk-Hai. A captured player is forbidden to post or vote so long as he is captured. A captured player may not be Appointed as Scout (lynched) until freed. If the captured player is a Ringbearer, that player keeps the Ring until he is released. Possession of the One Ring is considered to be with the Servants of the Eye faction in this instance. If the Ringbearer is freed by Hunt some Orc, however, and still uncorrupted the possession of the Ring goes back to whatever faction the Ringbearer has (Fellowship or Gollum). If the Uruk-Hai is killed while players are captured, those players are not freed but the Uruk-Hai is removed as an active player. In this case, goblins and orcs are considered to have run off with the little ones until the Fellowship have successfully Hunted some Orc.

Frodo and Hobbit Ringbearers may pass the Ring on to any other player during a Journey by sending a PM to the Moderator specifying which player the Ring is to be given. The recipient of the Ring will be told the player name of the player who sent the Ring to him. The Ring may only be passed on once per Journey. The Ring may not be passed to a captured or dead player. If a Ringbearer is Appointed as Scout, Frodo finds the Ring. If Frodo is dead or captured, it will be determined randomly who finds the Ring. Captured or dead players may not receive the Ring this way. Any of the Free People who holds the ring will be corrupted immediately and ally with the Servants of the Eye.


The Fellowship wins if:
At the start of the 7th Chapter: If any other Hobbit than Frodo or Gollum controls the One Ring, the Fellowship destroys it and wins.
After the start of the 7th Chapter: If Frodo has the Ring, he must pass it on to an uncorrupted Hobbit (even if this Hobbit has previously held the Ring) or to Gollum for the Fellowship to win. Any other action results in a win for the Servants of the Eye.

The Servants of the Eye wins if:
At the start of the 7th Chapter: If the Servants of the Eye controls the One Ring, the Servants of the Eye wins.
After the start of the 7th Chapter: If Frodo has the Ring and fails to pass it on to another Hobbit or to Gollum, the Servants of the Eye wins.

Gollum wins if:
At the end of 7th Journey: If Gollum controls the One Ring, he will win by running off with it to his secret lair, keeping it hidden for another few hundred years. If Gollum is passed the Ring after the start of the 7th Chapter, however, the Fellowship will win instead.
Last edited by Lagom Lite on Thu May 13, 2010 4:09 pm, edited 30 times in total.
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups

Post by Lagom Lite »

1. Arcanis
2. Semaj
3. Remus West
4. Isgrimnur
5. Grundbegriff
6. Chaosraven
7. Brendan
8. tru1cy
9. Scoop20906
10. Unagi
11. theohall
12. redrun
13. Newcastle
14. stessier

Sign-ups closed. Starting up after Scoop's Starship R.Scott II game!

For rules discussion, please visit the pre-game discussion thread here: ... 16&t=70756" target="_blank
Last edited by Lagom Lite on Thu Apr 22, 2010 3:22 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups

Post by Arcanis »

I'm too much of a LotR geek to pass this one up. I(n) think the deck is stacked in favor of the Servants due to the rules but will give it a try.
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups

Post by Lagom Lite »

Arcanis wrote:I'm too much of a LotR geek to pass this one up. I(n) think the deck is stacked in favor of the Servants due to the rules but will give it a try.
Glad to have you aboard!
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups

Post by Mr Bubbles »

Yeah count me in as well... I'll totally RP this one.
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups

Post by Remus West »

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups

Post by Isgrimnur »

It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups

Post by Chaosraven »

gollum gollum IN please gollum
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups

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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups

Post by tru1cy »

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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups - Need 4

Post by Scoop20906 »

In please
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups - Need 3

Post by Unagi »

In zzez
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups - Need 3

Post by theohall »

Oooo... what a pretty rINg.
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups

Post by Lagom Lite »

Chaosraven wrote:gollum gollum IN please gollum
Does it have a cold, my love? Does it wheeze, and cough, and sneeze?
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups - Need 1

Post by redrun »

This does sound like fun. If a slot is still available I should like to be INvolved.
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups - Need 1

Post by Newcastle »

in still

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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups - Need 1

Post by Lagom Lite »

redrun wrote:This does sound like fun. If a slot is still available I should like to be INvolved.
Newcastle wrote:in still
Ah! A conundrum.

Would you like to agree on a course of action in consent, or would you like to fight it out in... THE CAGE?
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups - Need 1

Post by Newcastle »

is there a space limit? if so i guess i will bow out....and let redrun play..might as well get another person involved in the WW games.

/takes off his gandalf beard

"ah it's not a big deal"

/unbuckles his Original Strider Longsword

"yeah you guys can go on without me

/puts down his pigs bladder full of ale

"i'd be one too many"

/takes off his mail skirt

"yup i'll just sit this one out

/removes his codpiece, puts it on the table and leaves

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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups - Need 1

Post by Remus West »

Expand the game. Redrun has been in these games a few times before. Don't give him the full on newbie treatment - just the bath-by-Chaosraven initiation should be plenty. :shock:
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups - Need 1

Post by Lagom Lite »

Grundbegriff wrote:Let the Ring-bearer decide.
He hasn't received his role yet. :ninja:

I guess... I think adding another Hobbit would be kind of ok. Let me add you both to the roster, Newcastle and redrun, and I'll go meditate on the rules for a week or three. Sounds good?
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Sign-ups - Game Full

Post by stessier »

If you think one more person would help balance things, then I'm your Man - or Hobbit - or Ring Wraith. I'm pretty flexible!
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Sign-ups - Game Full

Post by Lagom Lite »

stessier wrote:If you think one more person would help balance things, then I'm your Man - or Hobbit - or Ring Wraith. I'm pretty flexible!
You know, it just might. One more Warrior + one more Hobbit player, and I'll add another Journey/Chapter cycle to give the Servants more time should just about balance it.

I'll add you to the roster stessier.

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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Sign-ups - Game Full

Post by Mr Bubbles »

stessier wrote:If you think one more person would help balance things, then I'm your Man - or Hobbit - or Ring Wraith. I'm pretty flexible!
Truly he is the chosen one. All hail Master Stessodo and his trusty sidekick Remuswise
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Sign-ups - Game Full

Post by Lagom Lite »

Rules updated, reworked for fourteen roles and clarified.

Sign-ups definitely closed. Please hold. Your call is important to us.
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Sign-ups - Game Full

Post by Remus West »

Mr Bubbles wrote:
stessier wrote:If you think one more person would help balance things, then I'm your Man - or Hobbit - or Ring Wraith. I'm pretty flexible!
Truly he is the chosen one. All hail Master Stessodo and his trusty sidekick Remuswise
Why I gotta be included? Get my name out yo mouth foo. :tjg:
For some reason I can not help myself but find excuses to use that smiley. It makes me laugh just looking at it.
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups - Need 1

Post by redrun »

Lagom Lite wrote:
redrun wrote:This does sound like fun. If a slot is still available I should like to be INvolved.
Newcastle wrote:in still
Ah! A conundrum.

Would you like to agree on a course of action in consent, or would you like to fight it out in... THE CAGE?
-- Wouldn't we be consenting on a course of action if we choose the cage? If it got me to burning man I'd perfer the cage, but seeing as that isn't happening soon I give my thanks for the game modifications and look forward to my nice shiny ring.
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups

Post by Semaj »

Lagom Lite wrote:Players:
1. Arcanis
2. Mr Bubbles
3. Remus West
4. Isgrimnur
5. Grundbegriff
6. Chaosraven
7. Brendan
8. tru1cy
9. Scoop20906
10. Unagi
11. theohall
12. redrun
13. Newcastle
14. stessier

Sign-ups closed. Starting up after Scoop's Starship R.Scott II game!

For rules discussion, please visit the pre-game discussion thread here: ... 16&t=70756" target="_blank

Wewt I get a game off... I AM SO NAPPING!

Wait... I could have played with redrun and arcanis.... aww...

O well... Good luck lads... I totally dont need it :)
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Accepting Sign-ups

Post by Mr Bubbles »

Semaj wrote:
Wewt I get a game off... I AM SO NAPPING!

Wait... I could have played with redrun and arcanis.... aww...

O well... Good luck lads... I totally dont need it :)
You could be our automatic first kill. Maybe you can be that gatekeeper in Bree that got swashed by the Ring Wraiths.
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Sign-ups - Game Full

Post by Newcastle »

Lagom Lite wrote:Rules updated, reworked for fourteen roles and clarified.

Sign-ups definitely closed. Please hold. Your call is important to us.
uhm what happens if there are more lost souls coming in wanting to poor semaj? would it truly ruin the game to have more fodder...i mean more people playing? just something to think about...not sure how the game is balanced (yes am bad like that) will defer to you

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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Sign-ups - Game Full

Post by Arcanis »

Mr Bubbles wrote:
Semaj wrote:
Wewt I get a game off... I AM SO NAPPING!

Wait... I could have played with redrun and arcanis.... aww...

O well... Good luck lads... I totally dont need it :)
You could be our automatic first kill. Maybe you can be that gatekeeper in Bree that got swashed by the Ring Wraiths.
i need to rewatch the movies i didn't notice the wraiths were pirates. :lol:

Semaj thanks for the compliment. I will at least take it as one that you were disappointed you couldn't be in a game with me and redrun.
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Sign-ups - Game Full

Post by Lagom Lite »

Newcastle wrote:uhm what happens if there are more lost souls coming in wanting to poor semaj? would it truly ruin the game to have more fodder...i mean more people playing? just something to think about...not sure how the game is balanced (yes am bad like that) will defer to you
Well, Semaj is simply banned from this game because he voted me out from the Starship R. Scott game. :evil:


Jokes aside, even if there is a throng of interest, adding more roles just like that isn't that easy. The problem isn't that there would be more bodies, the problem is the Servants need to have a chance at ploughing through the Warriors, Gollum needs a way to find the Ring without making it too easy for him, etc. I spent a great deal of time running test scenarios for 12 players, expanding to 14 isn't much of a deal but beyond that it starts approaching a horizon where I have to do a re-write of the rules rather than a modification.

Tell you what, if this game is a success I'll guarantee Semaj (and whoever else that shows interest before we begin) a spot in the re-make sequel. Mmkay? :csmile:
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Sign-ups - Game Full

Post by Semaj »

no worries

I'll have your kill vote to keep me warm at night :)
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Sign-ups - Game Full

Post by Lagom Lite »

Semaj wrote:no worries

I'll have your kill vote to keep me warm at night :)
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Sign-ups - Game Full

Post by Grundbegriff »

Lagom Lite wrote:I spent a great deal of time running test scenarios for 12 players
How did you go about this? A thought experiment? A pen-and-paper simulation? JUnit? :)
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Sign-ups - Game Full

Post by Lagom Lite »

Grundbegriff wrote:
Lagom Lite wrote:I spent a great deal of time running test scenarios for 12 players
How did you go about this? A thought experiment? A pen-and-paper simulation? JUnit? :)
A Word document and too much spare time. :)
But you've seen who's in heaven
Is there anyone in hell?

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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Sign-ups - Game Full

Post by Scoop20906 »

Lagom Lite wrote:
Grundbegriff wrote:
Lagom Lite wrote:I spent a great deal of time running test scenarios for 12 players
How did you go about this? A thought experiment? A pen-and-paper simulation? JUnit? :)
A Word document and too much spare time. :)
I am ask you to send me to source code for that. :ninja:
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Sign-ups - Game Full

Post by Mr Bubbles »

I think I need to remove myself from participation from this game. I'm just not able to put in anytime significant time right now. Please remove me.
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Lagom Lite
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Re: Fellowship of the Ring (WW) - Sign-ups - Game Full

Post by Lagom Lite »

Mr Bubbles wrote:I think I need to remove myself from participation from this game. I'm just not able to put in anytime significant time right now. Please remove me.
That's ok, I understand. We all do.

Semaj, would you like to fill Mr Bubbles' spot?
But you've seen who's in heaven
Is there anyone in hell?

"Lagom you are a smooth tongued devil, and an opportunistic monster" - OOWW Game Club
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