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I'm kind of worried about this web site.

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I'm kind of worried about this web site.

Post by Eel Snave »

I had a kind of serious post to put down.

I'm worried about the direction we're going in so far. We've decided on the name, and that's great. But, maybe it's me, but I don't see a whole ton of organization yet. It doesn't seem like this bull has been taken by the horns yet, and that worries me.

The thing that I am most worried about is the forum, I guess. You will always have some amount of people leaving the forum. It's a given. But without a consistent replenishment, the forums will die a long and painful death. I don't want that to happen. We need a front page soon, it would seem, to continue to attract passerby.

I understand the enormous difficulty of pulling together a site from scratch. It's a huge undertaking, but we have a community to help. The only community questioning I've seen is for artists. I would think that art can be inserted later and that the actual content is of far more importance.

I don't know. I'm just worried. Now that we, once again, have our own corner of the internet, I don't want to lose it again when there's hundreds of people who would jump at the chance to help.

Anyway, put me on the list of people who are willing to help, whether it be with reviews, blogging, a revised Gold Guide, or whatever. I really hope that others will volunteer as well. There are few quality forums on this great big Al Gore-invented internet of ours, and I'd like to see this one keep on going until I'm old and grey.
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Post by MHS »

Hey Lee, thanks for the post. I'm sure someone high up will be along shortly to address your questions, but let me just really quick throw in here that there are things happening behind the scenes to implement more than just the forums. I'll try not to give you the usual song and dance about how busy we all are and we're all working day jobs and fitting this in where we can, but there are decisions being made and I don't think there will be a mass exodus before we get everything squared away. People at GG were patient without a front page for months, I'm sure the community here will give us a few weeks to make sure we can get things rolling without having to just throw anything up there just for the sake of it. At least I hope so. :)

Offers of help are noted, trust me, even if it takes a while for you to hear back directly on them.

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Re: I'm kind of worried about this web site.

Post by Rip »

Eel Snave wrote:I had a kind of serious post to put down.

I'm worried about the direction we're going in so far. We've decided on the name, and that's great. But, maybe it's me, but I don't see a whole ton of organization yet. It doesn't seem like this bull has been taken by the horns yet, and that worries me.

The thing that I am most worried about is the forum, I guess. You will always have some amount of people leaving the forum. It's a given. But without a consistent replenishment, the forums will die a long and painful death. I don't want that to happen. We need a front page soon, it would seem, to continue to attract passerby.

I understand the enormous difficulty of pulling together a site from scratch. It's a huge undertaking, but we have a community to help. The only community questioning I've seen is for artists. I would think that art can be inserted later and that the actual content is of far more importance.

I don't know. I'm just worried. Now that we, once again, have our own corner of the internet, I don't want to lose it again when there's hundreds of people who would jump at the chance to help.

Anyway, put me on the list of people who are willing to help, whether it be with reviews, blogging, a revised Gold Guide, or whatever. I really hope that others will volunteer as well. There are few quality forums on this great big Al Gore-invented internet of ours, and I'd like to see this one keep on going until I'm old and grey.
You can't see the horns from back there :lol:

Seriously, we are working on the framework that will facilitate humans such as yourself to input content. There isn't much that could be done by the community that would expedite preparing this. Once this framework is complete it should be fairly easy for contributors and editors to create the content as needed without major undertaking from us code/network geeks.

Simultaniously there are enhancements to the forum bbeing completed daily. Everytime you see that red system outage notice you can bet it is because we have added yet something else.

Trust me when I say we are at full throttle, and are determined not to allow this site to stagnate. So go get some friends and enjoy :!:
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Post by Asharak »

First, the obligatory:
MHS wrote:I'm sure someone high up
But... I thought you were gonna be on top?

Second, the generous:
Offers of help are noted, trust me, even if it takes a while for you to hear back directly on them.
Then feel free to note me, too. I have zilch artistic talent, but I like to think I have some talent for written content.

And third, the relevant:
let me just really quick throw in here that there are things happening behind the scenes to implement more than just the forums.
I'll preface all of this by saying that I'm perfectly content with having just the forums, and probably will be for years to come.

But to play devil's advocate, in regards to all the behind-the-scenes work: why is it behind-the-scenes? Would it be so hard to tell us what's being worked on? As it stands, any suggestions we make disappear into the ether, and we have no idea if they've even been read, let alone whether they're been casually considered, fervently attempted, or possibly totally ignored.

The problem with that is that the longer things continue in that fashion, the more people will start to assume the worst. Right now, I assume many things are being fervently worked on. Should there still be no content in a couple weeks, I have to assume people are only mildly interested in established a full site. And if we reach the end of the year with nothing, I'll have no choice to believe that, aside for forum moderation, there is next to no motivation to flesh out our new home.

But if we were given updates on a (semi-)regular basis, the timespan for that interest depreciation could be greatly stretched out. My point, to badly paraphrase Neal's comments about somebody paying their rent, is that if you can't give us content, give us a date for content. Failing that, give us an idea when you can give us a date for content. The moral is: don't leave us empty handed.

Right now, we're empty handed. And given that (1) GG towards its end had an atrociously poorly updated front page, (2) the only reliable updater of GG's front page in the last few years (Bill Harris) isn't with us, and (3) while all of the administrative folks around here are very nice people, the vast majority of you had no involvement with managing GG's front page, there is little to inspire longterm faith in 'the site' in the face of any evidence to the contrary.

At this point I should probably reiterate how I started this post: from my personal point of view, I am not criticizing. I am very happy with the state of affairs at the moment. I got quite accustomed to GG as a forum site, not a gaming site, and so having only the forums here doesn't feel like significant absence.

But I can understand how Lee feels, and I think it's a sentiment that's likely to spread if not countered efficiently. So am I trying to express not how I will feel, but how I am afraid others may start to feel.

I understand that there are significant cons to match the pros of posting any form of progress reports. People will ask why their idea isn't listed as currently in the works; people will complain and flame when a deadline, explicit or implied, isn't met; and so forth. But if the site's gestation period is going to be a long one (which by all accounts I expect, since everyone is doing this in their spare time), I think the alternative is worse: without content appearing in a reasonable timespan, people will start to lose interest and criticize even if you don't give us progress reports. I just think it will happen slower if you give us good reason to wait.

So I guess what this mammoth post boils down to is this: if you, the OO Powers That Be, are certain that there's going to be considerable site content presented forthwith, you probably need to do little about our concerns over growing apathy and membership depreciation. But if you think the site is going to ramp up to full steam slowly/gradually, I would seriously implore you to consider being more open with the progress being made in the site's development, lest you find there's no one left to read the site when it's finally done.

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Post by Peacedog »

But to play devil's advocate, in regards to all the behind-the-scenes work: why is it behind-the-scenes? Would it be so hard to tell us what's being worked on?
That information was released on day 1.

Try this thread.

I believe there was some talk here.

Also, some scattered commentary that I'm not going to pursue at this time, as I need to eat dinner.

Blogs. Reviews. Game Guide. Not in that order necessarily.
The only community questioning I've seen is for artists. I would think that art can be inserted later and that the actual content is of far more importance.
Well, what good would asking for reviewers, or writers, or anything of that sort be without a front page? We're just about settled on a CMS I think, and then we'll hit the "Blogs. Reviews. Game Guide. Not in that order necessarily." portion of the program. However, there is no need to get these people lined up before we have a front page.

Reviews is the trickiest area, since there are considerations that aren't technical related (think "hows" and "whys"). Game Guide is labor intensive but not too difficult - it will take time, and I'm about to know how much time a certain person has to give it. Blogs just require effort.

We've already had a number of people offer help in some form or another, and we'll likely be contacting them once the front page goes up. However, there are still important decisions to be made. It is unlikely just anyone will get to blog. OTOH, anyone could probably try their hand at a "gaming diary" (one oft-discussed part of the Reviews section). But even there, we're going to want people who are going to finish the job, so we may not be able to just take everyone who wants to do it.

Ok, dinner is done.

Generally, the following can be expected:
  • The look of the site will evolve over time. Part of the reason getting something up and running is important. We might hit the sweet spot first time out, but I doubt it. We'll do the "Associates" thing at a couple of places of course. Adds will come at some point (assuming people check the main site, ahem).
  • The layout of the Game Guide will be tweaked in all likelyhood, but we already know all the stuff we want in it.
  • Reviews is still the trickiest part. Ideally, we'll get enough traffic to generate *some* money. That money is probably going to be used for the occasional review, or the occasional contest. We may never get that far, but if we do that's probably reasonable to expect.
  • That said, I'm expecting the "hows" of reviews to evolve over time. We' may just get it partially up and running early (something short take-ish, for example)
Of course, this doesn't speak to other projects. Like the community game rankings. That's the main technical project after the Game Guide (but that's also subject to change).
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Post by Asharak »

EDIT> This post was written before Peacedog edited his post just above. Some of what he added addresses what I have been asking for here, and so mitigates some of my comments below, at least for the time being. I'm not going to alter what I wrote, but the primary thing for any reader to keep in mind is that, in light of that edit, the first part of this post would have been written in much less of a "you-aren't-listening-to-me" tone.
Peacedog wrote:That information was released on day 1.
Indeed. Now, admittedly I missed day 1 (I believe I first surfed here on day 2 and registered on day 3), but I didn't miss that thread. But it doesn't address my point, which didn't emerge until much further into my post than the section you quoted (and I do sincerely apolgize for the length, and for the length this one is likely to be, too).

Yes, on day 1 you said we're going to have lots of stuff. When I wake up in the morning I have lots of grand plans for my day, too - but they don't always materialize.

So what I was asking for was a progress report on those things, and any information you'd care to share about what else might have been added to the list since then, what's been dropped from it, what's been considered as possibly worthy of being added to the list, etc.

So far, the only major update to the site has been the addition of the whistle-blower feature. Now, I understand that that's probably a critical administrative feature, but from the end-user point of view it's essentially a non-accomplishment. It doesn't generate articles, spark discussion, recruit new members, add style, or do any of the substantive things being rather generally discussed here as "content".

Those two links you supplied me with - both of which I'd already read, by the way, and I'd even posted in one - contain little of any meaning since about the 15th of October. I'd hardly call that an update.

So no. That information wasn't released on day 1. Not, at least, when you redefine your pronoun "that" to mean what I explained it to mean in my original post.
Also, some scattered commentary that I'm not going to pursue at this time, as I need to eat dinner.
Little need. You may note that I'm around 7th or 8th on the Post Count list, which, while not exactly a badge of honour, means I've probably read, if not actually replied to, most anything you're thinking of linking me to.

But again, scattered commentary isn't my suggestion. I'm not looking for "Meal's Musings" here - more "Decrees from the Depths".
Blogs. Reviews. Game Guide. Not in that order necessarily.
OK. Which order? Is there a Blog software in mind for use? Have people been confirmed for the kind of site-trolling time commitment needed to update a Game Guide - if so, how many, and how many more do you think are needed before it can start operating? Has a structure been decided for the reviews (i.e., will games be "assigned", or will we post whatever people choose to submit)?

Don't worry, those were fictional rhetorical questions. There're just examples of the kind of thing a "progress update" would entail. Or, you could also go with something much simpler, like "Blog submission system: 40% set; Reviewers: 70% recruited" and simply edit those percentages on a daily/weekly/bi-weekly basis.

Right now, like I said I my previous post, we know what you want to do - but we don't know if any of it's actually being done.
Well, what good would asking for reviewers, or writers, or anything of that sort be without a front page?
A front page takes about 10 seconds and four lines of HTML coding. Heck, you can do it on one line if you don't mind having a hard time reading the code later. Would it be glamourous? No. Would it be an improvement on what we have now? Yes. Would it allow front-page level linking to .txt file reviews submitted by site readers? Yes.
However, there is no need to get these people lined up before we have a front page.
No, but if you did you'd have actual content to put on the front page by the time it's ready to go, which would be even more impressive than what seems bound to be a shallow placeholder of a front page, at least initially.

And your statement implies that only one thing can be worked on at a time - there are how many Mods/Admins currently participating with this site? And everyone's time is being entirely consumed by deciding whether Octopi artwork looks better in black or inky-blue?


And again, if nobody ever responds to and/or acts on this I'll perfectly happy. I'll head back over to EBG and continue having a blast with the community I've grown extremely fond of over the last few years, and have no fear is going to disappear anytime soon, whatever happens with the site. I unreservedly applaud the work that has been done to resurrect that community after GG's death. So please don't take these mammoth and somewhat critical posts as personal disapproval from me. But The Powers That Be around here (specifically Meal, I think) requested that those of us who care about the future of the site post our thoughts about it.

This is me caring.

- Ash
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Post by Eel Snave »

BTW, if you need help organizing any of this, I'm going to throw my hat into the ring here. I don't have much in the way of technical skills, but organizational skills are my forte. (Granted, not in my own life, but with other people I'm GREAT. :D )

Anyway, I was just primarily writing this to get some discourse, and please don't get offended by myself or Ash. We just want a lively community for a long time to come.[/b]
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Post by Asharak »

Eel Snave wrote:Anyway, I was just primarily writing this to get some discourse
Well, you got me going. :P You know, before this thread started I did have other plans for my evening...
and please don't get offended by myself or Ash.
I'll second that, because I'm genuinely afraid my warm-and-fuzziness will get lost in the barrage of commentary I've written above (and will below? :o). I think the site is a truly impressive accomplishment to this point; I'm simply trying to push a little bit to make sure it stays that way.

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Post by Smoove_B »

I'm simply trying to push a little bit to make sure it stays that way.

- Ash
You can't push a creature that doesn't have bones.

Think about it.
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Post by Eel Snave »

Eeww. The concept is weird.
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Post by Asharak »

Smoove_B wrote:You can't push a creature that doesn't have bones.
With the number of pictures of Elisha, Kirsten and others that have already been posted around here, I refuse to believe that even the resident Octo-whatever haven't stiffened up a little bit.

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Post by Smoove_B »

Asharak wrote:With the number of pictures of Elisha, Kirsten and others that have already been posted around here, I refuse to believe that even the resident Octo-whatever haven't stiffened up a little bit.

- Ash
Believe me when I tell you, you don't even WANT to know what an octopus uses to inject sperm into a female. Stiff indeed.

Argh. I need shower.
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Post by Blackhawk »

Sort of informal here, and not the official word.

We are looking at community art idea, talking to other artists, comparing the offerings to see what 'feel' we want for the site. That takes a bit of time - mostly waiting for the art submissions. Once that is done, we can whack out a logo and color scheme.

A good bit of time has been taken in smoothing out the quirks of the boards - little tweaks here and there, some visible (the whistle-blower), some not (solving issues only a few people have had).

At the same time, we are using a 'borrowed' site to test and choose between several software packages, one of which we will be using on the main portion of the site.

We are also discussing the Code of Conduct, what could be the same, what could be different. Mostly, though, we are at the 'test out the ideas' stage. A lot happens, but not much of it visible. Once the ideas have been tested, the alternatives eliminated, then I think you'll all see things happen fairly quickly. It is sort of like the blueprint being drawn up and the materials being ordered before a big building project begins.

We welcome any suggestions, ideas, art submissions, whatever - let us know.
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Post by Asharak »

Blackhawk wrote:A lot happens, but not much of it visible. Once the ideas have been tested, the alternatives eliminated, then I think you'll all see things happen fairly quickly. It is sort of like the blueprint being drawn up and the materials being ordered before a big building project begins.
And that sort of post is pretty much exactly what I'm advocating. Given that "a lot happens, but not much of it [is] visible", I just think it helps massively if you at least create the sensation that something is happening by posting about the progress of the blueprint drawing, to use your analogy.

I don't need minutia - I don't care if someone spilt their coffee on the schematic - but periodic posts like that one, that advance, for instance, from "testing software packages" to "making the final selection" to "whipping up the first content this week" make all the difference in the world to my impression of the seriousness and proactivity of the site.

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Post by MHS »


Hiya handsome. :)

Not an official response, but FWIW: Part of the reason there aren't more updates is due to the fact that we're really actively trying to get stuff done. I know this sounds a little stupid, but we probably have 40 threads going on the mod forum talking about things to do; some of it big, some of it minutia. I don't know what out of that is going to interest community members and what isn't, and spending time cross-posting all the things we've talked about is going to tie up time we could actually spend doing those things. There's also the fact that things get done most slowly in large committees, so some things just can't be opened up for community input or debate.

Now, you may be asking yourself... really, Shannon, could you just not post some fluffy worthless post about your hair and post something substantial about the site? But, in reality (and as much as this may shock people) I'm not one of the people crazily working my ass off to get software packages running. I'm just here to look cute. ;) The people like Gedd and SirReal who are actively trying to get things done rarely post.

However, I'm sure this discussion will lead to us attempting to keep the lines of communication more open regarding current and future plans.
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Post by Gedd »

One thing to keep in mind is that it would not be a good idea to rush through a content management system selection phase. You want to find a CMS that's going to be easy to use, easy to add-on, and works well overall. Picking the wrong CMS isn't the end of the world, but it certainly is going to put things in a bad spot where we either have to grin and bear it, or bite the bullet and migrate to something new.

We've also got a few (well at least one) domain type thing that we need to do before we really start building anything.
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Post by Asharak »

First of all, no post about your hair is ever worthless. Especially if it has pictures. ;)

That said, I completely understand the hesitancy to open up some/all of the inner workings of the debate to the public. Like I mentioned somewhere in the mountain of verbosity above, I know there are serious drawbacks to too much communication.

I seek balance, is all. You must, in other words, find the One with sufficient midichlorians (sp?) to bring the site's communicative Force back into balance.

OK, and if that doesn't get me expelled from True Geekdom for all of eternity, I don't know what will.

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Post by Dirt »

All things, in time, will come.
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Post by LordMortis »

I guess I am used to working with corporations that are simply too big. Being thrown to the lions and expecting something great to be launched in "spare" time and quickly is a lot to ask.

We have a saying where I work that applies to everything we do:


Pick any two.

I am happy to be here enjoying the ride. I'll back seat drive as much as the next guy, but the only reason I would try to rush your work is if I felt we were losing out by smelling the flowers.
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Post by Odin »

I think it's easy to forget that we're only a couple weeks into this endeavor. So far we have a stable, active forum which is what most people wanted anyway. It's not surprising that it would take some time for an all-volunteer, spare-time team to get more robust functionality implemented. As LM says, you can't have it fast, cheap and right all at once.

Let's be patient. If there's no progress after 6-8 weeks it might be time to bitch a little. For now, this thing's just getting started.

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Post by The Meal »

I do think it's appropriate to ensure that work is moving forward on all fronts. There are some ultra-technical aspects of the new site which are currently being worked out, but some of the less-technical stuff can definitely be dealt with in parallel. The technical stuff conversations probably don't need be held in the public eye, but I think it'd make sense for us to keep everyone in-tune with what's going on regarding the content.

Game Guide.
Reviews (focused on indy games, coupled with blogging).
Site/Forum Art work.
Sales Data.
Now in Stores/Release Dates.
Game Rankings.

These are all things discussed. If you're looking to volunteer your time and efforts, try to figure out how you may fit in with one of those things. There has been a very public request for art submissions made. Now we've got a site name, and folks have heard some of the things we're looking for thematically. I think this stuff is progressing very well.

The other stuff boils down to needing a lot of content-generation (reviews/blogs/etc) and organization (game guide/availability/reviews). If you think you could fit into these areas, its very appropriate for you to try and come up with your own personal ideas for these things. We're not quite at the request-for-submission stage of these things, but it'd be pretty wonderful if when we do get to that stage, folks were to have a lot of ideas for that final conversation. Especially if you think you're one of those people who'd like to be a contributer. Some of the contributions are going to be accepted at varying levels. Likely we're only going to have one person doing artwork for the site (although I could see where there was a very small number in a group who were doing this). Likely we're not just going to open up blogging and reviews to everyone who's willing to submit. Things like sales data and game rankings, however, are probably going to be pretty wide-open, soliciting information from the community at-large.

I think it's great that folks are interested and concerned regarding front-page content. I also reiterate a lot of things Ash has said, even were they just .txt files, there are definitely parallel paths for content and site technical considerations.

On! On!

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Post by Meghan »

I'm excited about the blogging especially. I'm excited about this whole endeavour. (Is there a 'u' in that word? I dunno.)

I know that if someone tossed this into my lap and said "hey! make the gaming site of your dreams! Make it now! Faster, pussycat! Faster!" I'd be inclined to drink the soul of the first person who asked for a progress report.

Luckily, it's not my problem. I'm on WeightWatchers and souls are fattening.
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Post by Asharak »

Sith Lord wrote:As LM says, you can't have it fast, cheap and right all at once.
Maybe I'm overreacting, but I think there's been some misinterpretation of what I (and possibly Eel as well) am asking for.

I'm not asking for fast. Fast would be nice, but I completely agree with everything stated above about the difficulities posed by fast.

What I'm asking for is that the staff run a Level 3 self-diagnostic and determine if Commander Riker's plan is the correct one - no, wait, that's not it. I'm asking for them to be properly self-analytical, and determine if fast is going to happen, or not.

If it is, keep up the good work.

If not, I'd like to be given periodic updates (they don't have to be constant, or even regular) on how things are progressing. They don't have to contain commitments or guarantees, just notes of some of the concrete steps being taken toward a finished site, to reinforce my belief that that work is taking place.

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Post by Odin »

Honestly Ash, I think we've gotten that. They made a number of posts in the first week or so about what they were working on. If they haven't updated us in the subsequent 10 days, I don't know that that's truly a problem. You're asking for periodic updates - I guess my question would be to define the period. For me, in a volunteer effort like this, weekly feels like too much to ask. Bi-weekly, then? Monthly? Whenever something is completed or the plans change? If it's any of those, then the update isn't necessarily even due yet.

I think it's good to let the team know what we'd like to see, and I'm sure they'll accommodate us if they can (because they're like that). But to complain about a lack of information (as this thread seems to do) after such a short period of time just doesn't feel right to me.

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Post by The Meal »

I don't think its out of line to remind us that you'd like a status update.

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Post by dbt1949 »

I would offer to help but the only thing I can do real well is shoot.
But then again,after some reading I just did you may want my services after all.Image
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Post by The Meal »

How are you with a spear-gun? Our Overlords are always looking for topside muscle.

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Post by Asharak »

Sith Lord wrote:I guess my question would be to define the period.
There isn't a hard and fast one. Week to two would be my ballpark guess, but I wouldn't suggest committing anyone to that.
then the update isn't necessarily even due yet.
No, it may well not be. If you read the fine print of my initial post, I'm not actually saying I'm getting impatient and want an update now; I'm asking for the staff to keep in mind that over time other people will get impatient, and that the longer we go without content, the more important it will become for updates to be given as a way of preventing community apathy and decay.

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Post by $iljanus »

Meghan wrote:
I know that if someone tossed this into my lap and said "hey! make the gaming site of your dreams! Make it now! Faster, pussycat! Faster!"
On an aside, is this ever coming to DVD?

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Post by LordMortis »

Luckily, it's not my problem. I'm on WeightWatchers and souls are fattening.
I think your mistaken. A soul isn't supposed to weigh at most more than 6 grams and I doubt that's all fattening content. I'd think if you keep the rest of your diet pretty healthy you might even be able to get in two souls a day and splurge with three on the weekends.
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Post by Asharak »

LordMortis wrote:I think your mistaken. A soul isn't supposed to weigh at most more than 6 grams and I doubt that's all fattening content. I'd think if you keep the rest of your diet pretty healthy you might even be able to get in two souls a day and splurge with three on the weekends.
But what about their powers?

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Post by LordMortis »

IIRC you actually have to eat a person to get their powers. That might take you about your recommended calories for the day.
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Post by msteelers »

I'll offer my poorly written prose if anyone feels the need to have it. Of course, I don't have the money to go out and buy and play a lot of games, and my computer is not too good, so I don't know what I could write about. My my services are on the table.
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Post by Meghan »

I think the problem with souls is all the empty calories. Now that I've started lifting weights I really need to get more protein in.
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Post by LordMortis »

I think the problem with souls is all the empty calories. Now that I've started lifting weights I really need to get more protein in.
Maybe you should switch philosophies then. You could eat bodies, sans soul, gain powers and get all of the protein. That seems like a lot of food, but if most of people's carbs are in their souls, then most of their bodies ought to just pass through yours. Man all of these contemporary diet trends get confusing after awhile.

Powers aren't fattening are they?
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