[WW] The Princess Bride - Game Over

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[WW] The Princess Bride - Game Over

Post by Qantaga »

The Roles :




Westley has served as the Dread Pirate Roberts, but has now abandoned that life to be reunited with Buttercup. However, with everything he has learned from Ryan (the Dread Pirate Roberts who preceded Westley), he has detailed knowledge about the original Dread Pirate Roberts (Cummerbund). At the beginning of the game, Westley will scan for Buttercup. If he finds here, he will be told her identity and she will be notified each morning (from then on) whether he is alive or dead. If the Dread Pirate faction activates, Westley will be informed at the beginning of the night after the Dread Pirate Fleet sails (there will be one day in which the Pirates will be at sea without Westley's knowledge. Westley will also be able to protect one player each night from an attack by the Dread Pirate Roberts. He may self-protect. He may not protect the same player two nights in a row. His protection will not thwart the kill attempts by the Evil faction, led by Prince Humperdinck.



After your harrowing kidnapping, and subsequent rescue by Westley, you are haunted by memories of Vizzini. Each night, you may scan to try to find Vizzini to expose his new identity to the people of Florin. If you find him, you will be able to steal his vial of iocane powder. If Westley discovers her, she will be kept apprised of his survival.

Inigo Montoya


Inigo has been searching most of his life for the six-fingered man who killed his father. Each night, Inigo may scan for the six-fingered man (Count Tyrone Rugen). A successful scan will reveal to him the identity of Count Tyrone Rugen. It will also initiate a duel in which Inigo will avenge his father's death by killing Rugen.



You have the ability to use your brute strength to protect a player of your choice from Prince Humperdink's assassins each night. You may self protect. You may not protect the same person two nights in a row. You may choose not to protect. Your protection is only effective against the kill attempts of the Evil faction, led by Prince Humperdink. Your protection will not extend to attacks made by the Dread Pirate Roberts.

Miracle Max


You have the ability to call a mostly dead player back from the great beyond. Once during the game, at any time, you will have the ability to resurrect a player of your choice. However, the player must have died within one game day (the previous night and day deaths only) or they will be past mostly dead. Max will not be revealed by using his power. Max must first make his way out of the clutches of his wife and find his way to the castle to be able to use his rez power. Therefore, he will not be able to use his rez power until Day 2.

The Ancient Booer


You know Prince Humperdink for the true evil that he embodies. Each night, you will scan for Prince Humperdinck in an effort to expose his evil to the village.

Villagers of Florin


As a villager, you strive to uncover the source of the evil that is tainting your land, whether it be the Evil of Prince Humperdink and his minions, or the newly returned terror of the Dread Pirate Roberts.


Prince Humperdinck


Prince Humperdinck tries to portray himself as a good and benevolent ruler, but he is using the kind people of his realm to serve his own evil plans. He will submit the name of the player his evil team wishes to kill each night. He also has a power that can be used once a game (even upon death) to convert a player to his Evil ways. The power can be used at any time, day or night. The conversion will not be effective on the Dread Pirate Roberts, an activated Pirate, Fezzik, or anyone protected by Fezzik at that moment. If Humperdink is blocked on his first attempt at conversion, he will get one more conversion attempt. However, he must wait a full day/night cycle before he can attempt to convert again. If the second conversion fails, the power will be used up. Obviously, if his conversion is attempted on his death bed and fails, the power will be spent.

Count Tyrone Rugen


You know someone has been tracking you for many years. It has never seemed worrisome to you before, but now you feel a sense of impending doom. You need to find this person as soon as possible and deal with the threat. Once each night, you will scan for Inigo Montoya. If you find him, you will be able to ambush him and kill him before he finds your identity.



If you are lynched, you will be able to sprinkle a vial of iocane powder into the drink of a player of your choice, as long as Buttercup has not found you first (unbeknownst to you) and stolen your vial. Westley is immune to the iocane powder, so he will not die if he is chosen as the player to drink your iocane.


Dread Pirate Roberts


While Westley spent the last few years as the Dread Pirate Roberts, the original Dread Pirate Roberts has fallen on hard times during his retirement in Patagonia. What once seemed riches beyond compare are now almost entirely gone. You have heard rumors that the newest Dread Pirate Roberts has left his ships abandoned and has recently rescued the kidnapped Princess Buttercup. You take this golden opportunity to reclaim your fleet. You now need only to find some of your old crew members and return to your reign of terror to refill your empty coffers. Once each night, you will scan for your crewmembers. If you find one (or if one or both of them finds you), you will be able to communicate freely with them. You will then also be able to begin to kill one player of your choice each evening. However, you will have a choice to make. At night, you can scan for your second crewmember to grow your fleet, or you may attempt to kill a player of your choice, but you may not do both.



You served many years with the Dread Pirate Roberts. Now, that he has reclaimed the ships abandoned by Westley, he is looking for some of his old crew. You have retired to a life as a villager under the rule of Prince Humperdink. Each night, you will scan for the Dread Pirate Roberts, if you find him, or if he finds you, you will gladly return to his service and will be able to communicate with him. If the Dread Pirate Roberts is killed after the fleet has been activated, the first found Pirate will take over the mantle of the Dread Pirate Roberts. If the Dread Pirate Roberts is killed before the fleet is activated, the Pirate designated as Ryan (known only to him) will assume the role of the Dread Pirate Roberts. There will be two Pirates, but they are considered normal villagers until they connect with the Dread Pirate Roberts.


1. bb2112
2. PLW
3. Lassr
4. theohall
5. stessier
6. Mr. Bubbles
7. Chaosraven
8. pr0ner
9. Newcastle
10. coopasonic
11. Remus West
12. triggercut
13. tru1cy
14. El Guapo
15. Scoop
16. Unagi
17. Lagom Lite
18. Isgrimnur
19. rshetts2
20. RMC
Last edited by Qantaga on Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:39 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Imminent, But Not Active

Post by Qantaga »


General Gameplay

Westley - At the beginning of the game, Westley will scan for Buttercup. He will be told Buttercup or not-Buttercup.

Should the Dread Pirate Fleet activate, Westley will be informed that the Dread Pirate Fleet has set sail. However, there will be a one day delay before Westley receives his information.

Should the Dread Pirates activate, then Westley will issue two orders each subsequent night:

1. He will scan for the Dread Pirate Roberts. He will be told only Dread Pirate Roberts or not-Dread Pirate Roberts.

2. He will protect one player. That player will be immune to a kill attempt by the Dread Pirate Roberts. He may self-protect. He may not protect the same player on two consecutive nights. He may choose not to protect. His power will not prevent a kill by the Evil faction, led by Prince Humperdink.

Buttercup - Buttercup will scan for Vizzini each night. She will only be told Vizzini or not-Vizzini. If she successfully scans Vizzini, she will steal his vial of iocane powder. Should Westley find her, she will then receive a note each subsequent morning informing her whether Westley is alive or dead.

Inigo - Inigo will scan for Rugen each night. He will only be told Rugen or not-Rugen. If he successfully scans Rugen, he will kill him. Inigo will scan first, so in the event that they scan each other on the same night, Inigo will defeat Rugen. He will not be revealed if he kills Rugen.

Fezzik - Fezzik will protect one player each night. That player will be immune to a kill attempt by the Evil faction. That player will also be immune to a conversion attempt by Prince Humperdink that night and the following day. He may self-protect. He may not protect the same player on two consecutive nights. He may choose not to protect. His power will not protect against a kill by the Dread Pirate Roberts.

Miracle Max - Once in the game, Max may issue an order to resurrect a recently killed player. He will only be able to rez a player killed in the previous game day or night cycle. He may send the order at any time, day or night (beginning with the dawn of Day 2). He must first make his way out of the clutches of his wife and find his way to the castle to be able to use his rez power. His rez will not reveal him.

The Ancient Booer - The Ancient Booer will scan each night for Prince Humperdink. She will only be told Humperdink or not-Humperdink.

All good specials are revealed as villagers upon death. So are the villagers of Florin, of course.

Prince Humperdink - Prince Humperdink will submit a player to be killed each night. Humperdink will also have the ability to convert one player during the course of the game. His conversion will not work against the Dread Pirate Roberts, an activated Pirate, Fezzik, or a player currently under Fezzik's protection. If he misses on his first conversion attempt, he will get a second attempt, but that attempt will be delayed by a full day/night cycle (for example, if he attempts a conversion in the day cycle and is unsuccessful, he will not be able to convert the next night or day). If he is lynched before he can submit his conversion order (and still has an eligible conversion or is not limited by the timing of a previous miss), he will get a chance to attempt a conversion before I write up his lynch.

Should a special be converted, they will retain their powers (if still applicable). The exceptions will be: 1. Westley will retain his scan for Dread Pirate Roberts and protection against Dread Pirates' kills. However, he will lose his scan for Buttercup (Buttercup's heart would be closed to evil). 2. An unactivated Pirate (1 or 2) will be converted as a Villager. They would lose their scan for the Dread Pirate Roberts (since there is no further possibility for them to activate into the Fleet).

Count Tyrone Rugen - Rugen will scan for Inigo each night. He will only be told Inigo or not-Inigo. If he finds Inigo, he will ambush him and kill him. He will not be revealed if he kills Inigo. If Humperdink dies before Rugen, Rugen will submit the nightly kill target.

Vizzini - Vizzini has a hidden vial of iocane powder. If he is lynched (or attacked by Pirates at night), he will be able to slip the iocane into the drink of a player of his choice. The iocane will not kill Westley. If Buttercup has previously found Vizzini, he will not have the iocane available. He will not be told if Buttercup has found him or not. The write-up will not reveal if the iocane was unsuccessful because Westley was the target or because the iocane was stolen by Buttercup. If Humperdink and Rugen both die before Vizzini, Vizzini will submit the nightly kill target.

Dread Pirate Roberts - The Dread Pirate Roberts will scan for his Pirate crew each night. He will be told Pirate or not-Pirate. If he finds one of them, his Dread Pirate fleet will be activated. They will get access to an OO WW forum. The Dread Pirate Roberts will then make a choice the next night. He may submit the name of a player to kill or he may scan for his other Pirate crewman. He may not do both. If the Dread Pirate Roberts, designated as Cummerbund (known only to him) is killed before he connects with either Pirate, the mantle of the Dread Pirate Roberts will fall to the Pirate designated as Ryan (known only to him). Should Cummerbund and Ryan die, the Dread Pirate fleet will be sunk The remaining Pirate will not know this, so they will still be scanning for the Dread Pirate Roberts, but will in essence be a villager for the remainder of the game.

If the Dread Pirate Roberts is killed before he is able to activate a Pirate, his death will reveal him as a villager.

Pirates - There will be two players designated as Pirates. They will be treated as villagers until they connect with the Dread Pirate Roberts. Once activated, they will be considered Pirates. They will get to scan each night for the Dread Pirate Roberts. They will only be told Roberts or not-Roberts. They must either be scanned by Roberts or scan Roberts himself to be activated. If they scan the other Pirate, they will be told not-Roberts. In the event that the Dread Pirate Roberts is killed after the Dread Pirate fleet has been activated, the first Pirate to connect with Roberts will inherit the role of the Dread Pirate Roberts.

Should a Pirate be killed before he is activated, his death will reveal him as a villager.

Note: There is a very small chance that the Pirate Fleet could activate retro-actively. The way this would happen is if Pirate #1 and Pirate #2 connect by scan. Originally, they will be told only that they have not found the Dread Pirate Roberts. However, if the Dread Pirate Roberts dies and Ryan becomes the new Dread Pirate Roberts and if Pirate #2 is stil alive and unconverted, they will be notified that the Fleet has been activated. Since they found each other previously, Ryan would remember Pirate #2 as a "kindred spirit" if he took the Dread Pirate Roberts mantle. (The practical reason for this is that they have already found each other and, since they would have no idea that the Dread Pirate Roberts was dead, they would not know to possibly go back and re-scan previously scanned players).

Winning Conditions

- Villagers and Good Specials will win if they kill all the Evil team members and all the Dread Pirates. If the Pirate fleet is not activated, they will have to kill the Dread Pirate Roberts, if he still has the capability to activate his fleet. When he loses the ability to activate his fleet, he becomes a Villager. They do not have to kill unactivated Pirates, if the Dread Pirate Roberts is dead.

- The Evil faction will win if the Dread Pirate faction has been eliminated and if their number equals or exceeds the number of good specials and villagers.

- The Dread Pirate faction will win if the Evil faction has been eliminated and if their number equals or exceeds the number of good specials and villagers.

In the event that the Evil faction and the Dread Pirate faction are both active and have killed off all of the good specials and villagers, they will continue to lynch by day and submit night orders until a winning faction has been determined. In the event of an equal number of Dread Pirates and Evils, with no powers remaining to effect the game during the day cycle, the Dread Pirate faction will win (since their night kill will come first and since they have a harder path to victory).

Note: Unactivated Pirates are considered villagers for victory conditions. This includes the Dread Pirate Roberts if the other two Pirates are killed and/or converted before the fleet activates.

Note: If the villagers kill all Evils, they will still have to kill the Dread Pirate Roberts, as long as there remains a possibility that he could activate his Fleet.

Turn Order

Each night's turn order:

*Conditional: Should the Dread Pirate fleet activate on the previous night, Westley will be notified that there are black ships on the horizon immediately upon nightfall.

1. Westley's protection applied.
2. Fezzik's protection applied.
3. Dread Pirates' scans.
4. Dread Pirates' kill attempt.
5. Evil's kill attempt.
6. Westley's scan.
7. Buttercup's scan.
8. The Ancient Booer's scan.
9. Inigo's scan.
10. Rugen's scan.

Humperdink may attempt to convert anytime day or night.
Mad Max may submit his rez order anytime day or night

Death write-ups:

Death will reveal alignment, not roles, whether it be a day lynch or a night kill.

-Good specials and villagers will be revealed as villagers.
-Evil faction (Humperdink, Rugen, Vizzini, converted player) will be revealed as evil.
-Dread Pirate Roberts (activated) and activated Pirates will be revealed as pirate. If the fleet has not been activated, Dread Pirate Roberts or an unactivated Pirate who is killed will be revealed as villager.
Last edited by Qantaga on Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:57 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Imminent, But Not Active

Post by Qantaga »


Grandson: Is there more?
Grandfather: More?
Grandson: Yes, is there more to the story?
Grandfather: What? The most pure kiss of all time, leading into the happiest of ever afters ,isn't enough?
Grandson: Well, uh, I just meant to ask if there were other parts to their story. You know, before the happily ever after.
Grandfather: There is one part to the story that I heard from my Grandfather, but I don't think you'd like it very much.
Grandson: Why not? I mean, I didn't mind the other parts, so I guess I could, you know, um, put up with that part, too.
Grandfather: Well, it's a little scary.
Grandson: I don't get scared.
Grandfather: Ah. Well, if you're sure.
Grandson: I'm sure. I mean, it would be okay with me if you wanted to tell it.
Grandfather: Okay. It started late one night as...
Last edited by Qantaga on Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Imminent, But Not Active

Post by Qantaga »

The sky burned a deep purple on the horizon in the wake of the setting sun.

A gentle breeze stirred over the crest of a wave as it approached the shoreline. It picked up speed as it moved across the sand and up a path toward a small inn. As it swirled past the inn, the once gentle breeze grew into a strong wind that howled along the main road rising toward the distant castle high on the hill. By the time it reached the castle gates, it had reached gale force. It sped up and over the battlements and gathered into a small maelstrom atop the roof of the keep. Suddenly, it vanished.

In its place stood a man. He was cloaked in a robe of deepest midnight. The hood revealed nothing of his features, save two eyes of crimson that danced like molten lava.

He stretched out his arms and felt power tingling in his fingertips. He felt his awareness expand over the keep. It continued out until it encompassed the small village across the bridge and even spread into the surrounding countryside. He sensed the citizens and nobility of Florin scurrying to and fro, caught up in what they must believe to be epic events. He smiled at that notion.

Sparks began to fly from his fingertips. They floated into the night sky where they joined into globes and spread out in all directions. Long moments passed. Soon, the globes stopped their movement and he could see them spread out in a perfect pattern, hovering above the land for as far as he could see.

He lowered his hands and turned slowly to admire his handiwork. He began to mumble softly, only one word clearly uttered. It was, "Gildar."

Then, his eyes flash and in a loud, clear voice that was heard by all for miles around, he says, "Unknown."

Before the echo of the word fades, the figure is gone. All that remains is a gentle laugh and a breeze that ruffles the banners adorning the castle walls.
Last edited by Qantaga on Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Imminent, But Not Active

Post by Qantaga »

You stop dead in your tracks. You have a hard time remembering what you were doing just mere seconds before. You look around, trying to imagine how you got here. You search your memory.

Thankfully, you remember your name. You know exactly who you are, even if you can't quite remember why you are here.

You make your way to the courtyard of the castle and see other people milling around. As you look closer, though, you notice the strangest thing. The features of the people are murky. They seem to swim and distort, just before they can form into recognizable features.

You realize that there is something very wrong here.

Gradually, bits of awareness dawn in your mind. You begin to remember your friends... and your enemies.

The problem is that everyone looks like a stranger to you now.

You must find your friends as quickly as possible. While you are looking for them, you must also be vigilant and expose the evil that still walks among you.

You pull your cloak tighter around you and set off in search of answers...
Last edited by Qantaga on Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Imminent, But Not Active

Post by Qantaga »

The game is now officially in play.

The game is starting at night.

You are free to comment, as you please, but remember that it is Night and evil ears may be listening.
Last edited by Qantaga on Sun Aug 07, 2011 5:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Imminent, But Not Active

Post by Qantaga »

It is Night

Westley, who will you scan? Who will you protect?
Fezzik, who will you protect?
Pirates, who will you scan?
Dread Pirate Roberts, who will you scan? Or, who will you kill?
Humperdinck, who will you kill?
Buttercup, who will you scan?
Ancient Booer, who will you scan?
Inigo Montoya, who will you scan?
County Tyrone Rugen, who will you scan?
Prince Humperdinck, will you try to convert someone to your evil ways?
Miracle Max, will you resurrect a mostly dead player?

Deadline for all night orders will be Tuesday, Aug. 9 at Midnight EST.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Imminent, But Not Active

Post by Lagom Lite »


But you've seen who's in heaven
Is there anyone in hell?

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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Imminent, But Not Active

Post by rshetts2 »

Gawd I hate the "first" thing, so annoying! Lynch LL!
Well do you ever get the feeling that the story's too damn real and in the present tense?
Or that everybody's on the stage and it seems like you're the only person sitting in the audience?
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by Mr Bubbles »

I'm pretty excited about this one. Now to see how it all unfolds.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Imminent, But Not Active

Post by PLW »

rshetts2 wrote:Gawd I hate the "first" thing, so annoying! Lynch LL!
Yeah! Fetch me a rope!
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by El Guapo »

It's just a cultural misunderstanding. "First" is Swedish for "hooray!"
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by Semaj »

Some claim to be things they aren't.
Some claim things they don't deserve.
Some claim to know more than they ever will.
I don't claim anything, because no one would believe the truth anyways.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by El Guapo »

Looking forward to this too.

One question (and apologies if I missed this): all of these roles are guaranteed to appear in the game, right?
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by bb2112 »

Welcome back LL!

Now since everyone's face is a little hazy, can we all put our hands up and count fingers? BTW, I know I only have 5 fingers on each hand (and before I get Chaosravened by having somebody misinterpret my comment, I'm counting 4 fingers and a thumb as 5 fingers). My four year olds just verified for me. Now who's hands do we want to check next? :horse:
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by theohall »

Swedish or Danish..... ;)

 Lagom Lite] 

He seems too excited to not be a bad guy.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by Scoop20906 »

I can already feel the votes coming on me soooo...

I am Westley


I've given the rulez a glance and understand what Westley abilities are but I sure would enjoy it if everyone could talk about the best way for the villagers to win.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by Scoop20906 »

Mr Bubbles wrote:I'm pretty excited about this one. Now to see how it all unfolds.
Excitement. Hmmmm.
Scoop. Makeup and hair are fabulous. - Qantaga

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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by Chaosraven »

Scoop20906 wrote:I can already feel the votes coming on me soooo...

I am Westley


I've given the rulez a glance and understand what Westley abilities are but I sure would enjoy it if everyone could talk about the best way for the villagers to win.
(1) Don't fake a role that makes the real person come out
(2) Don't reveal your role if you are important to the game

Try either of those for a while, and we'll move onto (3)
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by tru1cy »

Scoop20906 wrote:I can already feel the votes coming on me soooo...

I am Westley


I've given the rulez a glance and understand what Westley abilities are but I sure would enjoy it if everyone could talk about the best way for the villagers to win.

WTF :doh:
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by rshetts2 »

Scoop20906 wrote:I can already feel the votes coming on me soooo...

I am Westley


I've given the rulez a glance and understand what Westley abilities are but I sure would enjoy it if everyone could talk about the best way for the villagers to win.
Inconceivable! ( no I am not Vizzini, I just found the quote somewhat appropriate )
Well do you ever get the feeling that the story's too damn real and in the present tense?
Or that everybody's on the stage and it seems like you're the only person sitting in the audience?
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by PLW »

We shouldn't talk at all right now. The only reason to talk now instead of in the morning is to provide information for the bad guys.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by El Guapo »

Decide to do the installment plan of spoofing one seer a day for five days as opposed to five seers in one day, eh, Scoop?
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by Lassr »

I do believe the pressure of these games has finally made him snap.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.

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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by coopasonic »

still night? *rolls over and goes back to sleep*
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by El Guapo »

Maybe this is all just a dream.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by Qantaga »

Mod Notes:

1. All game start PMs have been picked up.

2. Make sure you read the rules in the second post of this thread. They have been updated from the planning thread to address the questions and discussion from that thread. There are also some clarifications.

3. For the remainder of the game, please use colored text (preferably a blue/purple/green that stands out from the accuse tags) if you have a question that you would like me to answer. I want to intrude as little as possible, so I'll treat regular text as a question for other players and not for me.

Since I'm not sure if El Guapo was asking me or others, I will answer this one (but, please use colored text for Mod questions from here out):
El Guapo wrote:One question (and apologies if I missed this): all of these roles are guaranteed to appear in the game, right?

Yes, all of the listed roles are in the game.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by Lagom Lite »

bb2112 wrote:Welcome back LL!

Now since everyone's face is a little hazy, can we all put our hands up and count fingers? BTW, I know I only have 5 fingers on each hand (and before I get Chaosravened by having somebody misinterpret my comment, I'm counting 4 fingers and a thumb as 5 fingers). My four year olds just verified for me. Now who's hands do we want to check next? :horse:
Thanks. And, you're gonna be my vote tomorrow - "four finger discount" = Jimbo = pirate?
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by Unagi »

Scoop, :?
always the rebel.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by stessier »

Unagi wrote:Scoop, :?
always the rebel.
*golf clap*

And I hesitate even doing that for fear of rewarding such behavior.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by Mr Bubbles »

I used to have the skill to say one thing and derail the whole game. I am glad it is not me, but scoop this time around. :horse:
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by El Guapo »

I'm assuming that Scoop's joking / making fun of his Star Wars seer reveal, especially since the format of the post vaguely resembles his "I am Darth Sideous" post from that game.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by Remus West »

I noticed that Remus had time to post in other threads but has yet to put in an appearance here. Let's get him.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by El Guapo »

I think that Team Evil should throw in an unprecedented twist by killing one of their own to start the game. We would never see that coming.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by Isgrimnur »

Checking in before I check out for 4 days. See you Friday. Try not to get us all killed by then.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by Unagi »

And take credit for it in the morning. :D
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by bb2112 »

Remus West wrote:I noticed that Remus had time to post in other threads but has yet to put in an appearance here. Let's get him.
That's good enough for me. Quick, let's get 'em!
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by Remus West »

bb2112 wrote:
Remus West wrote:I noticed that Remus had time to post in other threads but has yet to put in an appearance here. Let's get him.
That's good enough for me. Quick, let's get 'em!
Keep in mind that he is a tricky one though and has started spelling his name "bb2112" be sure to lynch him as such so that he doesn't get away.
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by Chaosraven »

Remus West wrote:
bb2112 wrote:
Remus West wrote:I noticed that Remus had time to post in other threads but has yet to put in an appearance here. Let's get him.
That's good enough for me. Quick, let's get 'em!
Keep in mind that he is a tricky one though and has started spelling his name "bb2112" be sure to lynch him as such so that he doesn't get away.
Noted. [lynch]bbmus 21west12[/hang]
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Re: [WW] The Princess Bride - Game Open - Night 0

Post by El Guapo »

Remus West wrote:
bb2112 wrote:
Remus West wrote:I noticed that Remus had time to post in other threads but has yet to put in an appearance here. Let's get him.
That's good enough for me. Quick, let's get 'em!
Keep in mind that he is a tricky one though and has started spelling his name "bb2112" be sure to lynch him as such so that he doesn't get away.
I've heard that he is a bad speller, though. Shouldn't we try many variations to make sure that we hit the right one?  Remus West bb2112 Scoop2112 
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