Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Chrisoc13 »

We tried out the transport as an obstacle in a 100 point death match per the extra rules, it actually changed the game more than you would think. Really made me rethink how I was going to fly my ships. Since you don't stop on it but instead base off of it and it takes up such a large portion of the board it does change things quite a bit.
I flew two bounty hunters with heavy laser cannons and howlrunner against Wedge, a Hawk, and Ten Numb. My opponent had a couple of lucky dice rolls and ended up winning but it was a close match right down to the wire. Wedge was last standing against a bounty hunter. Wedge is just so good, I should have targeted him first instead of the B-wing. But what can you do.

Snapped a somewhat sloppy picture of the game, with the transport as an obstacle:

The Tantive IV should be shipping this week, can't wait to get my hands on it.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by wonderpug »

Do the Wave 4 ships come this week as well?
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Chrisoc13 »

Wave 4 ships are due in June I believe. Tantive is the due the 22nd.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Turtle »

I see someone repainted their second Firespray, nice work.

I'm actually considering painting all of my regular TIEs to add an insignia, just to help differentiate them and everyone else's TIE fighters since the whole game has exploded at my store. Where everyone used to stand around talking about 40k, then Warmachine, they're now arguing about X-Wing lists.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Chrisoc13 »

Yeah my brother painted it for me. He's a war hammer player and has all sorts of miniature painting skills I don't have. I've been thinking of giving it a try though.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by $iljanus »

Just got the ship confirmation for the Transport and Tantive for arrival before the weekend. I'm gonna need a bigger table...
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Zarathud »

That will make free shipping easy for the 3 Reaper miniatures I wanted to buy.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Chrisoc13 »

Unboxed my tantive iv last night. The thing is huge! I saw it at gen con but still it surprised me when I opened it. Looks absolutely amazing. The base is bigger than the transport which I for some reason did not realize. It comes with what looks like a really fun campaign too. Hopefully getting a chance to play it next week. Or at least an epic game with it. The range 5 ruler doesn't fold which is disappointing. It barely fits kitty corner I'm my battle foam case.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Turtle »

Should be getting in an epic game tonight against the blockade runner. I have swarms of smaller fighters, no firespray, so this game should be interesting.

Will post pictures later.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by $iljanus »

My Transport and Tantive passed through Earth City, MO and is now in PA. That's all I got and I'll have to live vicariously through your pics, Turtle, in the meantime.

I'll also be curious about the play balance after the Tantive is introduced. Will Wave 4 Empire ships be a necessity to take one down and how many would you need? Should I be stocking up on TIE bombers? With the lack of huge Empire ships I'm a bit concerned about playing the Empire vs one of these things but I think that's more due to not having any real info about these things in action yet so I'll be reading future session reports with great interest.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Turtle »

The Huge type ships are just as vulnerable to fighters as anything else, in many ways they're more vulnerable since they have no defense dice, so once you get through the regenerating shields it's all damage. To stave off damage from fighters, the huge ships have to use regenerate or reinforce actions, which wastes one of their most potent abilities in defense. I saw a transport go down in one turn from full health due to focus fire and lack of reinforce action.

If anything, the wave 4 ships aren't that good for attacking the huge ships, the defender is an expensive target and its maneuverability matters little against the wide firing arcs or support abilities of huge ships, the phantom's 4 defense dice can be easy overwhelmed by firepower and cloaking doesn't prevent a ship from being targeted by other support abilities. The z-95 will be able to launch missiles, but after that initial salvo which will likely be absorbed by shields, its average defense and low stats means it gets picked apart by anything, and the E-Wing suffers the same problem as the Defender.

Both sides already have their bomber-type craft. Torpedoes allows fighters to hit the huge ships at range 3 at full attack dice, without risking collisions, popping the shields early and forcing regenerate actions. Bombs will wreak havoc on huge ships since you know where they'll be. Assault missiles still work on huge ships, meaning other ships within range 1 of one of their two bases will still be taking extra damage.

I have a list with 3 TIE Bombers loaded with proton torpedoes and proton bombs just to quickly maim or kill huge ships, and bombers have enough health that if the enemy focuses on them, my other fighters can run free.

A lot of power combos and abilities also only work on fighters or small/large ships. Huge ships can't be given extra actions, cant use focus, etc.

Despite all that, the huge ships are still fun to use because they're giant models and also have fun new rules that change things up. I can't wait to see what imperials will be getting, there's a few ships that are about the right size for X-Wing coming from the new Rebels show and various EU ships that will basically give up mini-star destroyers.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by wonderpug »

Turtle wrote:I can't wait to see what imperials will be getting, there's a few ships that are about the right size for X-Wing coming from the new Rebels show and various EU ships that will basically give up mini-star destroyers.
Mini?! Pssh. Only 1/270 scale will do.

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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Chrisoc13 »

Turtle- I agree about the big ships and wave 4. I think they are pretty well balanced, in the couple of games I played. They go down fairly easy if you focus on them (and don't get too close!). You really have to decide what you want to do first, focus on the big ships or eliminate the fighters supporting it. It's a fun balance. I cannot wait for the imperial huge ships to be announced. I have a feeling it will be announced at Gen Con this year like the rebel ones were last year.

Wave 4 won't change targeting the big ships in the epic game for me either, as plenty of ships already can handle the huge ships. What it will change how the empire can be played in all games IMO. Right now for my play style the rebels fit much more with what I like to do- a few powerful ships that can take a hit. The empire needs numbers right now in every game. The rebels can do with far fewer ships. Wave 4 will change that to some degree. The two new ships are heavy hitters, and one can take hits as well. The other one still relies on agility but it also can really hit hard, like no other ship can. It creates another option for people when they want to play the empire- go with heavy hitters to counter the rebels. I'm really excited about the two new imperial ships for this reason.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Turtle »

The CR90 is a beast.

Unlike the transport, it has two separate sections, each with its own action, that must also be destroyed separately. Once a section is destroyed, it becomes crippled and becomes far less effective. It's got firepower and range, honestly I might have lost had some crazy stuff happened, making us call the game over early. The CR90 also has a weak spot, its entire aft section is far less protected, and any critical hits against it tend to come up with nasty criticals.

The setup was:
TIE Bombers
Captain Jonus (22)
Deadeye (1)
Flechette Torpedoes (2)
Proton Torpedoes (4)
Proton Bomb (5)

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)
Flechette Torpedoes (2)
Proton Torpedoes (4)
Proton Bomb (5)

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (16)
Flechette Torpedoes (2)
Proton Torpedoes (4)
Proton Bomb (5)

TIE Fighter Swarm
"Howlrunner" (18)
Expert Handling (2)
Stealth Device (3)

Academy Pilot (12)

Academy Pilot (12)

Academy Pilot (12)

Academy Pilot (12)

Academy Pilot (12)

Academy Pilot (12)

Academy Pilot (12)

TIE Advanced Wingmen
Darth Vader (29)
Squad Leader (2)
Assault Missiles (5)
Shield Upgrade (4)

Maarek Stele (27)

Lambda-Class Shuttle
Colonel Jendon (26)
Sensor Jammer (4)
Rebel Captive (3)
Anti-Pursuit Lasers (2)
ST-321 (3)

Total: 300

View in Yet Another Squad Builder

Enlarge Image

I forget my opponent's exact list, but it had the CR90, Millenium Falcon with Chewbacca piloting, 2 B-Wings with Ion Cannons, X-Wing with Wedge and Biggs, and the HWK 290 Moldy Crow with Kyle Katarn. I think he over upgraded some stuff a bit.

Enlarge Image

On the turn where we got in range of each other, Darth Vader was evaporated due to terrible rolls, and Biggs took a lot more damage than expected. The B-Wings didn't manage to get a solid hit in.

My bombers and shuttle had deployed opposite the CR90, and I was using the shuttle's ability to give the bombers lock ons early on the CR90. The idea was to launch proton missiles at range 3 to force it to spend actions on regenerating shields.
Enlarge Image

On my right of the table, 4 TIE fighters fought with Chewbacca backed by the HWK 290.
Enlarge Image

When the furball stage of the battle happened, I was carefully maneuvering the bombers to try and drop their bomb payload.
Enlarge Image

Through the morass of fighters and gunfire, they managed to get into the perfect spot to drop proton bombs. All the while, the CR90 was just dishing out the damage, I would have lost a lot more stuff by now had my opponent been rolling decently with all of his other ships, and if my defense dice hadn't been so hot. So I also vectored in at much of other stuff to shoot at the CR90 to follow up on the bombs.
Enlarge Image

Bombs away!
Enlarge Image

In its attempts to try and get away, the CR90 managed to ram and destroy one of my academy TIE fighters, not too big of a loss.

The bombs exploded, not only catching the CR90, but also hitting my shuttle, the Falcon, the HWK 290, and a B-Wing. The resulting crits were very nasty against the CR90, making it so that it couldn't take regenerate actions from one crit, and another crit prevented Reinforce actions. Those were the two actions that were needed to survive the wave of incoming shooting. During the combat phase after that, I crippled the aft section of the CR90 further reducing its effectiveness by lowering its energy production. But, when it finally got to fire it killed a weakened TIE, severely damaged a bomber, and stripped the stealth device off Howlrunner with some damage. His other rebel ships killed Howlrunner and another academy TIE.

Then, due to sheer madness of the furball, on the next turn, the Falcon ended up right smack dab in front of the CR90 with nowhere to move. The CR90 rammed it, destroying it, and then the rest of my army blew up the remains of the CR90 since it couldn't take any defensive actions. At that point we called the game since he had lost too much, the falcon was actually doing pretty well and had a lot of health left before the CR90 rammed it, so lessons learned there.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Chrisoc13 »

Wow great pics. Can't wait to get a chance to get mine on the table!
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by $iljanus »

Beautiful positioning of your bombers! I do have a soft spot for the TIE bomber and they served the Empire well in this game. Thanks for the AAR and pics!
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by wonderpug »

Very cool, and awesome pics. I wish I could see a timelapse video of the whole battle.

With that ship count, didn't it take like a half hour to resolve each turn?!
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Chrisoc13 »

That is one problem with two player epic games, the turns are quite a bit longer than dog fights. It doesn't really bother me but the game takes a lot longer. 3 hours in my experience compared to around 1 hour.

Team epic games should be a bit quicker due to two people controlling the ships. I've only played a game that size with multiple players once or twice (before epic ships came out) and it didn't seem as long although I admit I didn't time it.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Zarathud »

Massive box arrived with my Tantive IV, 7 miniatures and the latest Pathfinder deck. Whoa. Holy overpacking, Batman.

Luckily my wife is pleased by the offerings to her goal of shipping stuff to her friends. And the prospect that I'll clean out more display space on the bookshelf. Whew.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by The Rocketman »

I don't need this game. That's what I've been telling myself the last 3 years ever since it was announced. Don't. Need. It.

Last week I caved in. Bought 2 core sets when they were in discount: -48%!

Then I succumbed completely.

I still have to receive the core sets and already I've ordered an addition X-wing and TIE fighter (just to add some options), a TIE advanced (it's Vader!), a Slave I (I guess the Empire could use a big ship to add some variation), the Falcon (to counter the Slave I), an A-Wing (God I love the design of these little fighters!), a HWK (got a soft spot for Dark Forces...) and a TIE interceptor (because... it's awesome?)

I would've bought an Y-Wing and B-Wing too, but they were sold out.

I think the real turning point for me was seeing the Wave IV fighters, and specifically the TIE Phantom. I really like that ship, and was very happy to see FFG incoorporating such a rather unknown vessel (it only features in Rebel Assault II I think?) in its miniature game. Then THAT got me thinking... Wouldn't it be great to have a new TIE Fighter PC game, with the TIE Phantom as a flyable craft? Off course it's quite unknown at this point what part of the Star Wars EU will be kept and what will be discarded by Disney, but still it's nice to dream :)
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by wonderpug »

Wave 5 Announced


I cannot resist.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by coopasonic »

I continue to fight my completionist tendencies on the big ships. Winning so far. Glad they keep them stupidly expensive.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by $iljanus »

wonderpug wrote:Wave 5 Announced


I cannot resist.
They look AWESOME! I die. (swoons)
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by wonderpug »

I want that Imperial ship even though I've had zero exposure to it in any Star Wars lore. I love the look and it seems like a perfect fit to the universe. Apparently it was created for a Star Wars Galaxies expansion to be an Imperial counterpart to the Millennium Falcon.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by coopasonic »

Only $20 and $27 at CSI. Not quite the shock of the bigger ships... still, I'd have to do something about storage.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Harkonis »

I've managed to avoid bugging the 'wife' for wave 4 thus far, but I don't know how long I can wait. Wave 5 looks amazing. Still haven't played a game in months though :(

Someone play with m at GenCon :P
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Turtle »

Finally, something to make up for how crappy the Imperial Shuttle is.

Also note that the Imperial huge sized ships still haven't been announced, so people are still expecting those at GenCon. Considering that wave 5 is just 2 large ships, I think they're saving some production capacity for the huge ships.

Now perhaps Imperial players can have a proper huge ship fight.

And just so people know, the Decimator was a ship from Star Wars Galaxies, and probably some other minor fiction. It still looks a bit odd, clearly form the extended universe.

The Outrider is Dash Rendar's ship from another silly EU book called Shadows of the Empire. Dash was basically a Han clone in almost every way.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Isgrimnur »

Turtle wrote:And just so people know, the Decimator was a ship from Star Wars Galaxies, and probably some other minor fiction. It still looks a bit odd, clearly form the extended universe.
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Chrisoc13 »

Huge fan of the new ships. Not sure the rebels need another ship that powerful, but it will only add variety so no issue with it. The falcon is already around the same so it certainly isn't unbalancing the game.

The decimator on the other hand... I love. I have been waiting for some imperial muscle. And this is it. I think the ship looks great, perfect fit for the star wars empire. I love the empire finally has a turret. It also can take a beating. Huge fan of that ship. I will be getting two of each of these straight off the bat I can tell. With epic games I see room for even more decimators...

Now I cannot wait for the next big announcement I am sure is coming: Huge empire ships... hopefully announced at Gen Con. Also I am going to be very jealous if these two ships are available at GenCon early this year like the shuttle was last year since I won't get to go this year.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Chrisoc13 »

Well I finally managed to get the Tantive IV to the table in an epic game. And I must say it is very fun and powerful to fly. It gets so many shots each turn. I took it fully loaded with each hard point having a gun. I think next time I might even take it more fully loaded. It take a lot of heat, but it also packs a very heavy punch. The whole first half of the game was spent with the empire player throwing everything he had at the Tantive. It did serious damage to the enemy. The transport was next to it supporting the whole time. I made a tactical mistake though and the transport got out of position and was no longer able to be part of the battle. As a result the empire player ended up squeezing out a victory as his many tie fighters were able to focus on my fighters and the falcon. It was a great game though.

My list was fun to fly though, I took all of the original cast. Han with chewie and C-3PO on the falcon (3PO is fantastic on the Falcon, lots of evades), Luke with R2-D2 on the X-wing. And the Princess on the Tantive IV.

The huge ships make for a great game, now we just need the empire huge ships to be announced, I am guessing at GenCon.

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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Zarathud »

I like those rocks! And I feel sad for the Empire with so few ships on the table!
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Chrisoc13 »

Zarathud wrote:I like those rocks! And I feel sad for the Empire with so few ships on the table!
Yeah at that point my tantive had already eliminated a fair number of tie fighters (shooting at range five is actually incredibly useful) but the front was just about crippled. It packs a punch. He still had enough tie fighters to finish me off though. A crippled tantive is not near as useful.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by TiLT »

I like the look of the VT-49 Decimator. It looks very imposing and threatening. Still, the last wave hasn't even arrived here in Norway yet, so it's hard to look forward to that when I've still got 4 unreleased ship types I want to buy. Not going to buy the capital ships though.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Chrisoc13 »

Curse you UPS! My wave 4 ships were supposed to arrive yesterday but then there was a mechanical failure on the delivery truck and they were pushed back a day. Twice that exact same thing has happened with x wing pre orders shipped with UPS! Such luck.

Actually it doesn't matter because I won't be playing them until Saturday anyways I just wanted to unbox and look through my new toys. Looking forward to them. Especially the phantom.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by wonderpug »

Chrisoc13 wrote:Curse you UPS! My wave 4 ships were supposed to arrive yesterday but then there was a mechanical failure on the delivery truck and they were pushed back a day. Twice that exact same thing has happened with x wing pre orders shipped with UPS! Such luck.
They told me they fixed that truck! I trusted them to fix it! It's not my fault!
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by AWS260 »

wonderpug wrote:They told me they fixed that truck! I trusted them to fix it! It's not my fault!
Best thing I've read all week. :D
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Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Zarathud »

Waiting for my tracking number hoping for a Monday arrival. I hope I get a different truck.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Turtle »

Heh, I'd already be at game night with my ships if my car hadn't chosen yesterday to start overheating.
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Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by Zarathud »

This order from Miniature Market is going too well.
Order placed - Wednesday evening
Scheduled delivery - Friday afternoon

The order also contains a reprint of Kids of Carcassonne.
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Re: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Post by $iljanus »

My shipment was estimated to arrive July 1st but I have it in my grubby little hands now! Booyah!
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