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7 Days to Die

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7 Days to Die

Post by Tampa_Gamer »

I apologize in advance if there was a thread for this game already, but I tried the search function and nothing came up.

The game advertises itself as a zombie, survival, mining, crafting hording game with obvious roots to minecraft. Its voxel based graphics are not the latest generation, but its light years better than even the best minecraft graphics packs.

link ->

Although this game is only alpha right now, it certainly is playable even though many planned features are not incorporated yet. It’s a bit expensive for a non-beta (2 pack on Steam is $50 right now) but I have to say my son and I are having a blast with it so far and have probably put more than 40 hours in the past two week just playing one game and have had no crashes.

+ voxel based graphics - its fun to be mining/creating bases in something better looking than minecraft
+ crafting system is fairly robust even in alpha
+ xml modding capability built in (add our own recipes)
+ no base is safe - zombies can with time destroy anything (although some bugs can currently be exploited if you like that type of thing)
+ materials have inherent stability/obey rules of gravity (e.g. you cannot create a dirt roof free floating - but wood, metal or rock roofs may extend further with varying support)
+ planned stealth and RPG/perk system (not implemented yet)
+ lan play (important for my household) is very easy - less than 30 seconds after boot everyone can join straight from the main game menu

- still alpha - bugs/annoyances (hit boxes for multiple objects like torches near doors needs to be cleaned up)
- first person shooter mechanics OK but could be refined better
- enemies (zombies) lacking in variety at this early stage

Obviously since it is alpha there are certainly bugs and they release new versions fairly frequently (every week or two) adding more content and listening to suggestions/feedback but if you are a fan of these types of games certainly check it out.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by IceBear »

I think it was mentioned in one of the other Zombie game threads, but it does deserve it's own thread
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Tampa_Gamer »

Just a quick update for those interested - my game purchasing timing being similar to my stock purchase timing - the price just dropped now that I bought it. Looks like they are running a special on Steam through 2/14 with a single copy being $24 and a 2-pack costing $34.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by jztemple2 »

I watched the video on the Steam store page and am very impressed! Lots of interesting concepts, interesting gameplay mechanics and pretty decent graphics. I have a mediocre video card (Radeon HD 6570) but according to the posted specs it's got about the same juice as their recommended Radeon HD 5850 minimum spec Nvidia 8800 GTX | Radeon HD 4770 . That's cool :D. Normally I'm not much for zombie games, but I'm a sucker for open world RPG types and this one certainly sounds interesting.

Tampa_Gamer, I see you mention that there are bugs/annoyances; is the game enjoyable? I see that you say it is playable, but I'm just wondering if you are encountering a lot of frustrations due to it being in an alpha state.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Tampa_Gamer »

I think it depends on your objectives. My son and I are content with building our base slowly (you can only really build/scavenge during the day) so we find ourselves choosing between scavenging OR building our new base OR reinforcing our temporary shelter from prior night damage. So its making us choose each day what we focus on. There are some frustrations yes, but they can be worked around (e.g. like taking into account that a torch right now takes up the whole physical square so any mining in that square will hit its hitbox) - I think its enjoyable because we are continually going back to it to build up our base that we started a few versions ago and adding to it so its not like we have to start a new game every time because of its alpha stage (that would not be enjoyable from my view point). The fact that my son wants to play this rather than our usual go-to LAN games right now, also makes me believe that he is enjoying it as well.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Tampa_Gamer »

For those interested, their official forums are a buzz this past week with the long awaited alpha 7 release (scheduled to come out today) which has a host of changes, including a new stealth/sound system, smooth terrain and other features. As soon as the change log is posted I will past it into here unless some else does sooner.

[edit - change log added]
Official Alpha 7 Release Notes

•Added new smooth terrain imported from the old world. The full terrain smoothing pass will come in the next big release
•Added new high res ground terrain textures, new model trees, bushes, cactus, grass and destroyed building block pieces. Who says the apocalypse can’t be a beautiful place.
•Added new sun shaft and brighter moon
•Added a new stealth system with minimap noise blips, zombie color aggression icons and an object throwing distraction system which currently works with small rocks and pipebombs. The system also uses food smells. Meats smell the most, then charred, grilled and boiled smelling the least. Carbs smell the least, raw or cooked, at least to zombies, so things like corn bread and blueberry pie that do not increase your health but can fill you up smell very little. You can now run away in the dark and crouch and lose enemies. No more zombie GPS!
•Added a campfire cooking system with many newly and improved recipes. The system uses 4 cookware including a cooking pot, grilling plate, sharp stick or chemistry beaker. Having a specific cookware combined with your ingredients unlocks new recipes.
•Added a new horde spawning system where player’s noises contribute to the possibility of a horde spawning. Zombies no longer no exactly where you are day or night.
•Added a new loot opening timer system. Crouching will take longer to open a loot container but make less noise. Take all gathers items quicker but makes more noise.
•Added crafting time for crafting which improves the survival experience.
•Added a new lighting model which allows point lights in the world and flashlights and torches to look better.
•Added a flashlight binding key ‘F’ which toggles on and off your flashlight or new mining helmet if you have.
•Added LOD for trees and large bushes and a slider in the video options that can be tuned to boost performance
•Added new player spawn rules: New players in coop spawn near other players. Solo players spawn at start points. New players in PVP spawn at the nearest spawn 100 meters away from other players. If you quit and rejoin it spawns you where you were at. When you die if you don’t have a bedroll its spawn you randomly 75 meters away from your death location. If you a bedroll and dies a selection comes 1. Spawn at bedroll 2. Spawn near from bedroll (75 meters away)
•Added new drop on death and quit options drop nothing, everything, tool belt and backpack only.
•Added new player dropped backpack model and map icon so you can find your loot. The system only displays your last dropped backpack and the backpack stays in the world until it’s emptied.
•Added start inventory of one water bottle and one can of chili
•Added regular zombie, fat zombie and snow zombie idle, walk and pain animations
•Added glass jar forging & molds, windows now have a chance to drop broken glass items that can be collected and melted into glass objects
•Added in an industrial wall light and fluorescent ceiling light
•Added model and icon for crushed sand
•Added Goldenrod Tea, charred, grilled and boiled meat recipes
•Added campfire and cook pots to the cabins
•Added new stone hit sound set
•Added Glass window forging
•Added ‘Destruction’ group in the creative menu and icons which contains all destruction sets
•Added preview icons for all existing building destruction sets modular sets
•Added impact particle effects for various materials vs snow terrain and block destroy effect for snow
•Added mining helmet to loot
•Added impact particle effects for stone vs various materials
•Added gravel recipe from destroyed concrete
•Added new icon for Coal Ore
•Added four variation set of steel sink faucet models
•Added brass version of sink faucet set
•Added gravel underground and reduced its stability so it can cave in making natural ore veins

•Changed the flashlight and torch to useable melee weapons
•Changed Rotated wood planks and rich wood so it tiles on stairs correctly
•Changed pig, rabbit and stag art
•Changed zombie hand animations to be more lifelike
•Changed sand so it can no longer make glass, but it can be crafted into crushed sand which can be used with the new glass forging system
•Changed Player punch does much less block damage
•Change Removed recipe to make empty jars from sand and thin metal plates
•Change lowered health regeneration rate
•Change filling water bottles now gives you river water instead of pure water
•Change water can be boiled into pure water in the cooking pot
•Change removed glass pane recipe from sand
•Change removed bed frame recipe
•Change reduced chance to find backpacks, purse, suitcases, etc
•Changed Rotated white and black woods so they tiled better
•Changed Log blocks only yield 2 wood planks instead of 4
•Changed Log spikes only yield 1 wood plank instead of 2
•Changed Slowed fire rate of knives and improved animation
•Changed Slowed rate of fire on stone axe and improved animation
•Changed ore to be several clusters
•Changed weight of iron ore to 96 ounces instead of 432 ounces since it is found in clusters
•Changed stone stairs to be cobblestone stairs
•Changed gunpowder and gas can recipe to be made with chemistry
•Changed all prefabs in the world to use new smooth terrain blocks where applicable
•Changed all destroyed and burnt buildings in the world to use some of the new block destruction set
•Changed wooden furniture you can pick up a fuel value so it can be burned
•Changed thinned loot containers in business areas in the plains/grasslands and upped spawning
•Changed lower stainless steel fridge to not be a loot container
•Changed sledgehammer hold and attacks
•Changed Biome spawning to improve zombie counts
•Changed stack number on crushed sand to 16
•Changed Concrete blocks break down into gravel now
•Changed red plank and red barnwood recipes to require less flowers per wood ratio
•Changed pine forest spectrum to have more variety
•Changed gravel so it’s harder to mine and iron ore weigh less
•Changed concrete recipe so it requires gravel instead of stone or destroyed concrete
•Changed Removed potassium nitrate, coal and lead ore from the world, instead it is found randomly when iron ore is destroyed

Bug Fixes
•Fixed reflective water is not switched off unless you quit the game and re-start again
•Fixed zombie dogs so they don’t spin circles
•Fixed hunting rifle, sniper rifle reload animations to not jerk the camera
•Fixed bushes to break easier and drop sticks
•Fixed burnt zombie so he has the right shader
•Fixed windows so zombies can see through them
•Fixed naked zombies not always playing their attack animations
•Fixed hunting rifle ammo icon based on bug report
•Fixed problem that chunks were not drawn any more
•Fixed crouch punch for male
•Fixed feet clipping on the zombie dog
•Fixed crouch punch for female
•Fixed wasteland having concrete layer under it

Known Issues
•When you light a pipebomb and don’t throw it, it will explode but the pipebomb is not “deleted”/removed from your inventory. If you die, all of them are dropped, including the one that exploded.
•Players can sometimes get stuck in small vertical spaces less than 2 blocks high like on top of a cinder block or trash pile
•Mac builds need to quit via the task manager
•Rocket Launchers and Hunting Rifles cannot be broken down yet or crafted
•Upgrading to Alpha 7 will sometimes cause players to lose key bindings go into options/controls/restore defaults and hit apply then close the game and start again to fix the problem
•Augers and Chainsaw make idle sounds when they are out of gas
•Sometimes trees are not rendered but their collision is there. The work around is to restart your server and restart your game. We will work on this for a patch.
They also lowered their pricing recently to $25/single or $40 for a 2-pack on steam.

Finally, I thought this excerpt that one of the developer's posted last night was interesting-
I think you missed the part where I said we added crafting timers. Now that there is time to craft, and time to loot, you are constantly making things. The nights fly by now because your frantically making crossbow bolts, cutting your trees into planks and sticks, boiling water to drink cooking food, and maybe doing a bit of mining that there is no idle time.

Let me back it up a few hours. Day one you will be busting grass and wooden shrubs to find a stick. Punching a tree down is barely possible now and a huge waste of precious time. After you find some sticks and grass and some rocks, you will be converting the rocks to stone, then the stone to a rock, then a sharp rock, then a stone axe. Then you will defend yourself by the walkers that have surrounded you. If you run from them, more will be waiting in the next area. After you kill a few and get to loot a few things, you'll notice it's already 3 oclock. Time to chop a tree down or two and get some wood, while picking up every rock on the way and every birds nest....

If your lucky you can clear a POI out and secure it with wood and be quiet the first night. No you don't have to stay inside. You can sneak around and try to avoid walkers. But if you make some noise they can come to find you. This of course is just my play style. Everyone plays different. You don't have to hide inside, but I like to. But the main point I want to make is now every second is precious. What you decide to craft takes time and time is of the essence. Good guns are hard to find. Out of all the play sessions I've had, I only found two shotguns one game, and I never did find time to break them down to try and make new ones because I didn't have the time. The walkers broke the house I was in to bits and nearly invaded my mine, thank god it had a safety door.

Ammo is hard to find, guns are hard to find. Its really a completely new game although very familiar. It just plays different and the zombies seem to always be around somehow. The AI is a lot better, although still a shell compared to what is planned. ANyhow, its 3am and I'm beat. We're going to try and release this today in less than 12 hours, but no promises. Hopefully no major bugs surface, tonights testing went very well but there is that one bug left.

I'm very excited about this release. It's our biggest and best yet. Oh and before you think the timers are ungodly they aren't long, 1 to 5 seconds for most things, but you won't believe how that adds up when time isn't on your side. Long over are the days where you can make hundreds of spike traps in a few seconds. In fact I haven't made one in a7 yet. There simply isn't the luxury of it. There is just always something the player needs so building these uber bases isn't really possible, least not in 5-6 hours of testing. I'd guess it would take about 15-30 hours to get half way set up now.

But long story short, no there is no waiting for morning to come, its better than it has ever been, you keep busy crafting and processing all the resources you have constantly. Even making stone walls takes time. Its a lot of fun now, because there is never any time to waste.
Last edited by Tampa_Gamer on Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by coopasonic »

Color me interested. If anyone needs a second for a 2-pack PM me.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by jztemple2 »

I got this a while ago and found it challenging for my old video card. With my new rig, it's a lot smoother running. Still a bit ugly, but with better view distances and details it's more fun. I really need to spend some time learning how and what to craft.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Newcastle »

So whats the opinion on this game? Looks intriguing. Steam has it on sale for $14 for another 20 minutes or so. Am tempted to pull the trigger on it.

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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by coopasonic »

Newcastle wrote:So whats the opinion on this game? Looks intriguing. Steam has it on sale for $14 for another 20 minutes or so. Am tempted to pull the trigger on it.
I'll send you a copy. If you don't have me as a friend on Steam, add coopasonic.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Newcastle »

I actually picked it up :D

But curious to see what folks are doing, if any private OO coop is going on. Gonna tinker w/ the single survival this week.

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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Lassr »

Newcastle wrote:I actually picked it up :D

But curious to see what folks are doing, if any private OO coop is going on. Gonna tinker w/ the single survival this week.
I thought about getting it also but I couldn't pull the trigger since it was an early access game. Let me know how it is.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Newcastle »

Lassr wrote:
Newcastle wrote:I actually picked it up :D

But curious to see what folks are doing, if any private OO coop is going on. Gonna tinker w/ the single survival this week.
I thought about getting it also but I couldn't pull the trigger since it was an early access game. Let me know how it is.
Will do.

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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by AndreiS »

I like the look of the game but my god that's expensive for early access. Or maybe it's just me who dislikes early access?
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Sepiche »

I picked this up a while back and have been trying it out every so often since then. Just recently I started playing a bit with Alpha 8.6 and got my wife and a couple of our friends to pick it up too.

The basic idea of the game is zombie survival. Honestly it's got a lot of similarities to Minecraft, but 7DtD is much more realistic in it's looks and mechanics. Right now when you start a new game you are randomly deposited in a premade rural area with minimal supplies and have to loot and craft your way into surviving the roaming zombie hordes that populate the map. Also like Minecraft the terrain is deformable with shovels and pickaxes able to dig through the terrain in a few swings. Typically this is only really used at the moment to mine clay for forging and stone for building base defenses, but underground bases have also be come more common now.

The main tension comes from scavenging during the day when the zombies are slowed to a walk by the sunlight and bunkering down at night when the zombies can run. The combat system is pretty well crafted in that fighting shambling zombies during the day can be a little risky at times, but if you're careful it's not dangerous at all. At night on the other hand you will swiftly be overwhelmed by sprinting hordes without enough time to recover between attacks or aim properly. Recently they also added a stealth system that allows you if you're quiet and careful at night to hide out of sight in a building and quietly let hordes pass without sensing you. It's also feasible if you're careful to sneak into abandoned towns for scavenging.

It's also worth mentioning that both sound and smell are part of the stealth system. Some items like non canned foods can have a smell associated with them that can actually extend out up to 60m from you. That will cause any zombie that gets a whiff to start trying to walk towards the smell and locate you, so it's important after bagging a large kill like a deer to get the meat back to base and in a container quick where it won't invite zombie attacks.

That brings me to one of my favorite parts of the game, the loot/scavenge system. The map is littered with all sorts of different things you can loot from old cars to piles of trash to cabinets to coolers to gun safes. Each item has different types of loot with occasional rare finds. Nothing quite like the feeling of looking through an abandoned car and finding a shiny new fire ax or a 9mm pistol. Houses and buildings in general tend to have the bet loot though, and those also tend to be surrounded by zombies. With enough daylight and good equipment it's not hard to clear out an area to scavenge, but it's always a balance of resources in deciding if it's a good idea to do so or not... ammo, food, water, time, etc.

Not unlike Minecraft the crafting system is a little obtuse at first, but thankfully they have a built in browser now that shows you the recipes you know and how to make them. The actual crafting process is very similar to Minecraft even using a crafting grid, but the one of the main differences is that you can setup stuff to craft and close your inventory, and those items will continue to craft. A typical start for instance would be to gather resources depending on what terrain you started on (right now there is are destroyed, forest, snow, and desert biomes) and make yourself a stone axe. It's not a great item by any means, but it's versatile and easy to make.

One more upside to the game I haven't mentioned is that it supports up to 8 player coop. I've played with up to 3 people so far and haven't had any problems with lag or connections, etc. There is some noticeable lag in both SP and MP when there are a lot of zombies (30+) in an area, but I think that's more of an optimization issue.

So that's a lot of what makes 7DtD cool, but there are a lot of rough spots still. Loot is still being constantly tweaked and even small bugs with how the zombies sense you can have disastrous effects. Some people will probably also not like that one of the main mechanics is that if a zombie senses you, but can't find you it will often start trying to destroy the building you are in to try to get at you. This makes staying quiet and undetected at night very important as a horde wandering at night can decimate an un-reinforced building in a short amount of time and unless you are very well armed you are likely in a spot of trouble.

There's also a ton of content not in the game still... one of their loading screens advertises that new features will include character customization, random maps, and more combat options like knockback effects. The dev team does seem organized and professional however and have been putting out significant updates at a pretty good pace with a new update expected by this weekend actually.

So all in all I find it a pretty fun game even now and have heard similar thoughts from my wife and friends that have tried it. Once it has a lot more of the promised features I think the price will be reasonable for everything you get, but it's still definitely in alpha, so for those that aren't big fans of early access games it's certainly only going to get more polished the longer you wait... it also helps that my friends and I all got it on sale. :) It needs some polish and more fleshing out of the end game especially, but my friends and I are all excited about this as a little more grown up (and challenging) take on Minecraft.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Newcastle »

Been fiddling with this the last few days and so far am enjoying it. I have not gotten far in to it. It had a feel like minecraft but with zombies and less sophisticated systems as of now (am talking automated systems. I've yet to really start builiding a base, that's my next step. One thing will say its got a lot of little systems in place that you need to figure out to get the whole going. What i mean is that they have all these items to craft and sometimes it can be a bear to figure out what you want and where its located. A minor complaint attached to that is that when you are in the crafting menu the game is ticking away. I've often had to stop, quit the game (to prevent time lapsing) and look up how to craft certain items. Once you kind of have a feel for the menu, its a bit easier to figure out what you want. A search function might be useful for that. I'd love a "pause" feature so i can alt tab to figure out what i am trying to craft.

Combat is pretty straightforward, you can craft a crossbow and bolts (which I am using currently); also can craft a multitude of other weapons as well; stone and fire axe; barbed club...etc.

Going back to the crafting, you have to make everything really to survive have to make a campfire to make good food, you need a forge to make iron ingots, which are used in a variety of things. Its really understanding the basic builidng blocks in order to make more complex items. To further that thoguht, in order to make iron ingots, you need a forge...etc. The wiki is very helpful in navigating this I will say. A good chunk of my play time has been going through the wiki to see the recipes and what they lead into. You can also create your bullets too. There are a lot of items that are needed to be produced to create a more complicated item, and I wish there was a simpler way in game to see how certain things are used in more advanced items and how things are "unlocked".

Another thing is that your "health" is actually comprised of a multitude of things - stamina (for swingin at zombies and digging), hydration (thirst, which goes down when eating food, can also bump up stamina), food (hard food like meat,) and health (actual HP). If you dont pay attention to all of these and they get too low your actual health bar will start getting dinged. I was fiddling around the other day and my health started getting dinged, I was running around going "WTF" couldn't see any enemies, and the idea struck it might be my "food" levels...and sure enough it was.

I dont think its user friendly in the sense that there is no "guide", tutorial, or hints when you're first spawned. Youre just there. It takes a bit of initiative to figure out where to go and what to do. Hence a lot of my time is reading the wiki to figure out what i can make and so forth.

I am looking forward to crafting a base though.

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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Freyland »


I have figured out how to have my wife join my game via lan (simply typing in the ip address on her machine) but have no idea how to start together, or at least find each other easily. Am I missing something obvious? I noticed several of the posters above mentioned playing together with family, and I assumed there was an easy way to hook up.

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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Newcastle »

Just wanted to add a couple of thoughts to this.

I've really enjoyed playing this so far. Its been fun building up bases and let your creativity work in terms of creating defenses, building walls and so forth.

The one downside I think is that I really feel its a more multiplayer game. It takes a while to really get going while playing solo...mining the rocks, digging a pit, gathering food and so forth. I've enjoyed it dont get me wrong, but it feels a bit grindy as a solo player.I mean you have all these big plans, but in order to do have a to follow a long line of get water so you can mine, then mine up enough for maybe 3 bits of walls.

I also wish the inventory sorting was easier and also the crafting recipes were a bit easier. Think I might have to make a few suggestions to the Devs.

I still intend on playing it, I just wish I could accomplish things a bit faster. And yes, I realize this is Alpha still though.

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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Sepiche »

Just thought I'd mention a new patch for this dropped the other day and added a bunch of great features, but most notably random terrain generation! It's still a little rough around the edges, mostly it's not spawning quite enough points of interest (houses, towns, etc), but overall it's incredibly impressive what they've managed to pull off.

Added new game map option ‘Random Gen’ which creates a randomly generated world seed based on the name you give the world. The random world generation includes all biomes, a full random sized central city, random in the wild cities, roads, rivers, lakes and random roadside and wilderness locations. Simply select Random Gen as the Game World and the name you give it will be the seed.
Added new sexier data driven ‘M’ map that renders based on where the player has visited with ‘Fog of War’ functionality. The new map shows, current position, cursor position, has waypoint functionality, recenter view to player, track friends on compass, mouse wheel scroll to zoom and left click drag to pan.
Added new biome type wasteland hub with custom spawning definition for random gen cities
Added overhauled most of the GUI including the new belt, backpack, compass, map, freinds list, character screen, loot container and more as well as new gui functionality and Truetype fonts
Added many new locations never before seen that appear only in the randomly generated worlds including, city blocks, movie theaters, several apartment buildings, parking garages, parking lots, new destroyed buildings and giant sewer holes.
Added a Debuff system for sprained, and broken legs that work with a new craftable splint that accelerates the healing time. Legs can also be re-injured more easily while on the mend and the more severe the injury the longer the recovery time.
Added Dysentery Debuff contracted from drinking river or murky water. Dysentery is cured by drinking goldenrod tea or taking antibiotics.
Added new stunned concussion debuff which slows the player down for a few seconds and has a chance to happen with zombie hits.
Added soft shadows to moon and sunlight
Added Simple drowning Debuff system that detects when the player is underwater and displays the icon. Going above water removes the icon. staying underwater for too long causes drowning pain damage and drowning death
Added Underwater visual effects, sound effects & leaving water effects with refract & screen particle effects
Added new tooltip loading screens
Added craftable Cloth jacket, pants, shoes, hat and gloves
Added cotton, cotton growing and cloth recipes from cotton
Added new scrap metal frame, ramp recipes and upgrade path for more fort building options
Added scrap metal inside corner wedges for scrap metal upgrade path
Added outside corners for scrap metal forts
Added recipe for scrap metal inside corner frames
Added Apartment building, Parking Garage, Movie Theater and new destroyed buildings to Navezgane Gravestown
Added eat glass for suicide option
Added empty jars added to inventory when using water, coffee, murky water, yucca juice, and goldenrod tea
Added recipe for adobe tan made from sand or sandstone and cement
Added paper to trash loot
Added cabinet filler pieces and cabinet top plate blocks for counters replacing some of the cabinet loot in the world
Added green plaster wallpaper full blocks
Added, blood bags, blood draw kits and first aid kits to the world. First aid kits heal 50 hit points immediately plus an additional 50 over 10 seconds. It is made from a bandage, grain alcohol, and a blood bag. Blood draw kits can be reused to make blood bags.
Added “gunpowder charge” item & recipe which is made of 9 gunpowder
Added inside corner wedge and wedged corner for oldwood for attics
Added seeds to garbage and backpack loot
Added icons for leg splint, blood bag, blood draw kit, first aid kit, gun powder charge\bottle, cloth hat, cloth pants, cloth jacket, cloth shoes and cloth gloves.
Added slowed movement speed in sand, water and web for player and entities
Added weapon parts to loot lists, reduced chance of finding complete weapons
Added a new water biome sound loop plays on rivers in random gen only
Added Reduced damage from crawling zombies but gave them a chance give the player a sprained leg
Added new blocks creme wall with backsplash block, wood floor with drywall ceiling block
Added city street painted lines
Added random rotation to loot on roads
Added Player placed dirt now grows grass
Added bookcase blocks, textures and recipes to craft them and bookcase loot containers to the world
Added updated english.txt random gen description and new items
Added MovementState to hornet controller to stop error msgs
Added a few pigs to pine forest biome
Added smell debuff code support and buff note: smell blips still show up on the main map
Added upgradable inside and outside wood corners useful for building mitered roof corners
Added scrap Lead to garbage loot
Added recipes for wooden inside and outside corners

Changed removed old minimap compass and replaced with new sleek minimalist compass that shows player sleeping bag position, set waypoints and tracked friends - Sep: Not everyone is happy about this one, but after playing with it a while I think it makes for a MUCH better game without the minimap radar
Changed Hordes are smaller in general but except every 7th day they are super nasty.
Changed thinned the total amount of loot containers in all world prefabs and moved the best prefabs to harder to reach areas
Changed Drinking river water doesn’t damage your health and you get some stamina now just like drinking pure water, but there is a chance of catching the new Dysentery Debuff from drinking it. Dysentery is cured by drinking goldenrod tea or taking antibiotics. If untreated it becomes advanced dysentery which damages stamina and health which is only curable with antibiotics
Changed credits adding all Kickstarter Backers and made it scroll faster
Changed cupboards to have 0-1 cans of food instead of 0-2
Changed increased amount of food you get from canned Lamb and Chicken
Changed decreased weight of candy tins, hub caps and air filters
Changed slowed crop growth
Changed spiked club recipe to require ingots instead of scrap metal
Changed white flowers are now cotton plants
Changed lowered zombie player damage to work with the new stun system
Changed awnings are made from cloth instead of plant fibers
Changed most all interior house walls are a full block thick improves lighting and enemy pathing
Changed pipe bombs are now made from gunpowder charge instead of gunpowder
Changed TNT now uses loads of gunpowder instead of gunpowder
Changed replaced all plate block and plate block corner thin walls in old houses and ranch houses
Changed new default spectrum (used in plains and Diersville) with magenta sunset and bluer nights
Changed craft time of sandbags from 30 seconds to 5 seconds
Changed all blocks that use the shape of the pine tip are now only 1m height.
Changed backpacks so you have equal chance of finding the items they contain
Changed pistol book so it gates pistol part mold crafting instead of pistol crafting.
Changed removed shotguns from the book so they can be assembled by anyone who has the parts. Molds still require the book to learn how to craft them
Changed Sandbags can be picked up
Changed made both mattresses work as player bedrolls when placed
Changed Fog, Sunlight and Sky in forest
Changed when placing a regular block on the terrain, the terrain now “snaps” to this block
Changed Zombies are no longer slowed by forge or campfire light at night, and never run in dark places during the day
Changed increased chance of clay deposits in earth. Removed chance of getting clay when digging dirt
Changed increased chainsaw wood damage
Changed removed flicker from wall mounted torches
Changed plains terrain grass is a little greener
Changed resources underground so there are only 3 minerals per layer. There is stone and iron ore in every layer. The third mineral changes every twenty layers down starting with coal, then potassium nitrate, then lead, and finally tungsten.
Changed radiated terrain texture, added more loot to cupboards
Changed Added peeling paint and grunge to Diersville houses and white door
Changed reduced cars in Diersville and gravestown for performance
Changed the way chunks are build in background threads to optimize them
Changed scrap metal wall and reinforced scrap metal wall art
Changed dirt grows into grass, grass grows into tallgrass
Changed ramp trussing textures to use new scrap metal textures
Changed redwood cabinets plain on sides and bottom
Changed removed blob shadows on all entities (zombies, animals, players, etc)
Changed Biome intensity fading now also over time
Changed winter biomes have less fog and brighter midday
Changed dirt to sides of burnt forest blocks and burnt forest dirt on the sides of the wasteland blocks
Changed tweaked cupboard loot. Added empty cans and coffee beans are now in the seed group
Changed Reduced decal litter on roads
Changed increased weight of fishing weights from 1 to 4 ounces
Changed cars now only have automotive loot
Changed crafted doors to be unlocked by default
Changed Serverconfig.xml defaults to zombies normal 3
Changed: Moved VAC window to the top

Fixed scrap timer not updating when adding more scrap while it’s in progress
Fixed problem that other players HUD text was flashing
Fixed elevator to surface bug
Fixed all backpacks and purses have terrain decoration flag so they don’t clip terrain
Fixed animals should avoid water > 1m deep unless they are forced in via physics somehow.
Fixed player should be push out of ground correctly
Fixed: Gave wasteland scrap metal block terrain decoration flag so it doesn’t float
Fixed drinking from river not being the same as drinking murky water
Fixed the VAC warning dialog
Fixed problem with animated doors on a client and also open/close state of a door can be saved in a prefab
Fixed regression: god mode wasn’t enabled in Cheat mod
Fixed bug where Mouse Sensitivity was not adjustable
Fixed horizon colors flickering a single time when time turns from about 13:50 to 14:10
Fixed Spinning rabbits and deers
Fixed the rotation of the preview of a door before placing is now correct
Fixed loot not spawning the right amount of items
Fixed severe problem that sometimes the collider for a newly placed block wasn’t generated
Fixed: Fat Cop Zombie Vomit Projectile disappears before it hits anything
Fixed old window upgrade path showing wrong model
Fixed old window upgrade path to include scrap metal reinforced version
Fixed window01white to require scrap metal to reach the metal reinforced version
Fixed walking in shallow water plays footsteps from ground below
Fixed playing “fall into water” sound now only if the fall distance is > 1m
Fixed hovering over item in campfire and closing causing item names to stay
Fixed Removed muzzle flash & smoke from crossbow
Fixed problem that client player in a Coop game was not seen by enemies if far away from the server

Renamed GamePref ShowAllPlayersOnMap to ShowFriendPlayerOnMap
Server config file option “ShowAllPlayersOnMap” has been renamed to “ShowFriendPlayerOnMap”
Known Issues

32 bit Operating Systems can run out of memory sometimes. We’re still optimizing this.
Some users have trouble setting the video to higher resolutions like 1920×1080 or 1920×1200 as the list appears to long. The work around is to use your keyboard up and down arrow to reach these.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by jztemple2 »

I've stayed away from this after playing a while, just waiting for a little more maturity of the game. How close are we getting to beta?
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Sepiche »

jztemple2 wrote:I've stayed away from this after playing a while, just waiting for a little more maturity of the game. How close are we getting to beta?
Not too sure how long it's going to be time-wise. Feature wise the major ones they're still lacking are:
- Skill and leveling system
- Fleshed out combat mechanics
- NPCs
- Story elements
- Weather mechanics
- Character customization
- Driveable Cars

I'd expect we'll see at least of few of those in before alpha ends, plus they have plenty more they need to add to the random map generation.

I think the game is pretty fun and playable in the short term now, but your options run out after a while and it's definitely in need of some major balancing.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Sepiche »

New Alpha 10 (and a couple of updates) dropped for this a few days ago and added some nice new features plus tons of balance and bug fixing. Biggest improvements are to the spawning system and the addition of a lot of new buildings and features in the random map code... lots of small townships to explore (~10 small buildings grouped together) plus a lot more larger cities in each wasteland zone.

The new spawning system is pretty cool as it looks at how much noise and smell players create in a given area (from cooking, forging, fighting, etc), and if it gets too high spider zombies will start to investigate and if they aren't dealt with will eventually summon a horde.

My buddy and I were playing a bit this week and in an effort to try out the new spawn code did a lot of crafting in one area. Just after dark one night we heard some spider zombies in the distance so we set out to kill them as soon as we could. We found and dealt with them, but as we did we saw a few more zombies approaching in the gloom, so we killed them, then there were a few more, and then some more, and suddenly we were completely surrounded in a horde that eerily started materializing out of the darkness. Really felt straight out of a horror movie where we were suddenly in the middle of this pack of zombies that we couldn't see because it was night. :)

Can't recommend this game highly enough for anyone who likes zombies and crafting/survival games... I've gotten a lot more enjoyment out of this in alpha than a lot of fully released games.

-Added a brand new Character Creation System complete with custom face, body morphing and fully visible clothing and armor on your character. With it you can make customize your character and make him or her look like you’d like. Future versions will include custom skin, eye color and hair style choices. Also included in this build are a shit ton of new lootable or craftable clothing including: Kevlar helmets, swat helmets, bandanas, goggles, sun glasses, denim jacket, pants, worn boots and tank tops. You can also remove, make a favorite outfit and put it back on quickly using the -, star and + buttons below the new character mirror in the inventory menu as well as rotating around your character in the mirror. Profile Creation has been added to the game options menu where you can create your custom charters as well as zoom in and pan around them.
-Added a new zombie horde world heat map system that tracks how much noise and smells have added up in a zone. Over time the zone will cool down, but if it heats up too fast spider zombies will come and investigate the area. If they find something and start screeching a horde will soon follow. Campfires, forges, smells and dead animal gore also contribute to the heat maps intensity.
-Added a new Wellness System that can go up and down based upon your eating habits, disease and death. Your wellness influences your stamina and health cap and can go from 0 to 200 over boosting these caps. Note: 100 is your base starting wellness. If you live well you’ll benefit from it with more stamina and health potential. If you live poorly you’ll suffer with less stamina and health. You can check this stat in your character screen. Remember that dying is bad so you have to play the game a little more cautious. It is possible to live well for several days and raise your wellness level quite high and reap the benefits of boosted stamina and health.
-Added a new model based destructible/upgradable door system provides elegant door animations, multistage destruction and upgrades to all player built and intact world doors. Now you know when a door is going to break open with physical model changes, particle effects and impact sounds. Also replaced all world doors with new model ones
-Added our enhanced buff system which controls the new debuff hunger and thirst states with multiple stages. Dehydration will kill you faster than starving and both lower your wellness. Also the broken leg system has been reworked to a more intuitive healing system with a splint icon. The new system allows buffs to affect other buffs, buffs to affect zombies and animals and even apply critical and timed damage. With it clubs have a chance to do criticals on heads, arrows cause bleed out on other players and animals and torches can light zombies on fire. Zombies are immune to bleeding, sickness, and disease.
-Added a brand new server browser with a completely overhauled GUI. The new browser spools pages of servers better and has a large row of top buttons providing options to sort servers by Standard, Modded, Peer to Peer, Friends, History/Favorites, LAN and more. The main left panel has a sub header with icons for easily digesting server information and sort by many categories including ping. The browser also includes a new vertical server stats page on the right with a custom server message, and server address link
-Added a township system that creates small towns in random gen can appear in every biome type with a greater probability than cities but less probable than rural locations along roads. They are smaller than cities but can have between 2-8 blocks with each block having anywhere from 4 to 8 buildings.
-Added Linux 32 bit client and the Linux dedicated server 32 bit only. Future versions will include 64 bit.
-Added Steam offline mode support. now you can play Survival SP or Survival MP by yourself or continue your client hosted games offline
-Added a post apocalypse world destruction art pass. Every structure has been upgraded with boarded windows, cracked windows, broken windows, partially broken doors, locked doors, old blinds and more.
-Added new random gen locations with custom signs including Shotgun Messiah’s gun stores and Pass-n-Gas gas stations as well as several new wasteland city buildings, rubble piles, parking lots, 4 farm shed variants and 4 vacant junk filled lot variants to the world
-Added new concrete fort building path. You start with a rebar frame and place it. Then you upgrade that with wood planks which places the concrete forms. Then you take a bucket of concrete mix and pour it on the wood form and when it dries the wood pops off and you have hard reinforced concrete. -Also added a new broken concrete texture
-Added new better ladder physics so players can stay on ladders easier and fight from ladders
-Added 5 new craftable containers that are labeled with symbols for player crafted storage to keep your items organized including guns, ammo, supplies, food and explosives
-Added new search by ingredient that shows uses of an item
-Added mouse over ingredient name tooltip to crafting tarp
-Major efforts put into server performance which should support more players in multiplayer than before. Optimized mesh building of chunks so that this should take less CPU power
-Added new improved wood hit set for using wooden weapons to hit zombies and objects in the world of varying material types
-Added scrap armor recipes
-Added bio-fuel. It is made from animal fat in the beaker
-Added pigs, stags drop animal fat and animal fat to fat zombie loot
-Added new nail gun to loot which can be used to upgrade forts really fast or used as a weapon requires new nail ammo which can be found in loot or forged
-Added recipe for concrete mix
-Added new recipe for gravel using small stones. Note the old two recipes are still there as well
-Added a baby cotton plant that grows into the existing cotton plant
-Added lead and tungsten trophies to the loot
-Added reinforced concrete ramps
-Added a texture quality option to Options->Video to allow to down sample textures to half and quarter resolution. This will lead to memory and speed improvements on lower end hardware
-Added tallow made from animal fat in a cooking pot
-Added Animal Stealth and sneak damage (must be crouched and they must be unaware). NOTE: animals do not affect player stealth state
-Added new hard to get loot stash in each apartment building which include a munitions crate and Shotgun Messiah crate
-Added animal gore block which spawns after looting an animal or after an animal dies. These contribute to the horde heat map
-Added vegetable stew
-Added mold time to forge
-Added shipping crates which must be broken to expose a lootable interior crate
-Added new shotgun messiah loot containers
-Added spawnDeadChance to biome spawning to allow the simulation of ambient ecosystem heat and the potential to spawn scout hordes not directly due to player interaction
-Added both good and bad wellness attributes to all foods
-Added goldenrod seed recipe
-Added slight animated wobble to campfire and forge lights to create natural bouncing shadow effect, as a followup to the disabled flicker that caused headaches previously
-Added MacDyvers guide to scrap metal crafting which unlocks scrap iron armor recipes
-Added new craftable Wooden Hatch Doors which can be placed to fill a ladder hole. Note the top ladder block must be placed first
-Added zoom function to sniper rifle scope part for a makeshift telescope
-Added: Hard coded backpack for the player, this will always be on the player. Note: future version will include crafting backpacks
-Added gravel to mining and added stability to coal and potassium nitrate
-Added to Navezgane the new small gun store in the snow biome and the large gun store to the wasteland biome


-Changed Overhauled clubs. They use more stamina now and have a slower animation but do more damage. Barbed and spiked clubs have a chance to do bleeding damage
-Changed farming with a complete overhaul. The hoe now raises dirt and makes the dirt it raises fertile (along with a new fertile dirt texture) and the ground adjacent to it gets flattened out and it clears out the grass and turns it to regular dirt. So you can make these nice pretty looking farm fields now and its easy to tell where to plant as well. Seeds will project where the plant will be planted when you focus on a spot. Also crops won’t break if walked on any more and grass doesn’t grow under your crops or on the dirt adjacent to it that was hoed. If you want to grow grass just place a dirt block. Also we added goldenrod farming
-Changed Bone breaking. Now there are two stages. A sprain or break. Both can be splinted. Splints are still applied like before but when you splint your leg it replaces the broken leg icon with a splint icon. When the leg heals the splint icon is removed. If you fall while splinted the splint will break off and a new one will be needed
-Changed removed planks block and many other old blocks that used its textures
-Changed replaced old wood planks with new plank counterparts
-Changed updated fertile farm ground texture
-Changed farming grass no longer will grow on hoed earth. Crops will not grow on placed dirt only on hoed dirt. Grass grows on placed dirt blocks. The hoe turns dirt into fertile farm ground now
-Changed icon for lead trophy
-Changed removed deprecated material metal_no_distortion
-Changed wasteland cars are easier to mine for resources
-Changed updated white brick and decayed brick textures
-Changed updated adobe peach and white textures and clay roof texture
-Changed all sidewalks to be cracked with a new sidewalk texture
-Changed corn crops to new growing concept
-Changed Antibiotics and grain alcohol cook twice as fast
-Changed gas cans are now made from grain alcohol and bio fuel
-Changed: Reduced the health of pigs to match stags
-Changed cloth and plant fiber torches now require animal fat
-Changed yucca juice now takes 4 yucca
-Changed removed recipes for concrete blocks replaced by new upgradable concrete forms
-Changed dirt to grow grass in at a random time interval
-Changed you can’t eat or drink if you are full or not thirsty
-Changed If you eat or drink excess food or water increases your meter more than 100% (but it still shows as 100%). (i.e. this means food/water can be over saturated)
-Changed lowered airdrop medicine quantities a bit
-Changed moving in water slows you down
-Changed now plants continue growing, even if no player is around
-Changed Forge and Campfire now operate if no player is nearby
-Changed Creative menu can now also be enabled per client with the “cm” / “creativemenu” command
-Changed almost all prefabs to use a new Terrain Filler block. This allows these prefabs with allow topsoil decorations true flag to fit into nearly all biomes for better locational variety
-Changed fuel values and weight values of many objects
-Changed resource rocks no longer drop coal or potassium nitrate powder
-Changed fire should debuff if in water
-Changed hay bales can now be picked up and negate all fall damage
-Changed Air Drop from hours to Days and changed the Default to Every 3 Days and change the options to Disabled, 1 Day, 3 Days, 7 Days
-Changed in game option main categories to Stock, Modded and Multiplayer reorganizing the options under these 3 new fields and reordered the options under them to better match our new server browser structure.
-Changed removed Difficulty Presets, Damage Given and Damage received and rolled them into one new category called Difficulty with 6 levels 1. Scavenger, 2. Adventurer, 3. Nomad, 4. Warrior, 5. Survivalist and 6. Insane
-Changed updated particle system on wall torch, campfire and forge
-Changed updated shader on sniper rifle
-Changed increase zombie dogs pain-hit pause to make dogs better
-Changed increased chance for rare books to appear
-Changed random gen spawning to limit the largest buildings in the cities with the new MaxPerHub function. F.E you should only see one movie theater or 1 of the same large apartment building
-Changed updated English.txt with all new in-game items, blocks and clothing
-Changed optimized resource boulders to use less draw calls
-Changed recipes learned from books will now show on the tooltip above the toolbelt
-Changed improved locker loot, added clothes and football helmets
-Changed disabled BB Colors on server names and chat window
-Changed lowered volume of frig, chainsaw and auger
-Changed: Zombies respawn immediately in wasteland. 4 days in other biomes. Animals respawn every 5 days


-Fixed bug in spawn algorithm that led zombies spawn in player’s view cone
-Fixed prefabs and roads overlapping sometimes causing an asphalt block with air density
-Fixed Terrain decoration flag on small trees in burnt forest
-Fixed dysentery so it advances and lasts forever until cured
-Fixed Goldenrod doesn’t break when you walk on it
-Fixed wrong popup “Player was kicked by server” if a player was kicked and disconnected from another server after being kicked
-Fixed with Unity 4.5.4: game window always on top
-Fixed with Unity 4.5.4: Mac full screen sometimes shows texture garbage
-Fixed flickering between up/downgrades of block entities
-Fixed not being able to eat food that increases hydration when full. Food is discarded in this case but hydration is consumed
-Fixed improperly rotated cabinets in the apartments
-Fix airdrop crates showing smoke if they are in unloaded chunks
-Fixed culling distance on wall torch, campfire and forge
-Fixed scope aim location on sniper rifle, added muzzle origin
-Fixed Dropped items like grass should not clip into terrain any more
-Fixed dupe bug that allowed you to copy your inventory on exiting the game with Alt-F4 or killing the game process
-Fixed game speed exploit when moving from single player to a multiplayer server
-Fixed zombie pain-hit pause
-Fixed weight of scrap lead so that single trophies can be scrapped
-Fixed bug that ambient sound volume was also controlled by music volume slider
-Fixed joining a password protected server through links or the friend list while the game is not running
-Fixed console commands issuing exceptions will not spawn in the server log any more
-Fixed (Mac/Linux only): problem that some float values were read wrong on non-english locales
-Fixed nullref in buffs
-Fixed password for a door or chest was using a header font
-Fixed replaying a saved game you can reread the books again
-Fixed ambient loops to not use 3d position
-Fixed repair wrench should not be allowed to upgrade concrete
-ServerConfig.xml and Dedicated Servers

-Added Linux Dedicated Server Support
-Changed in game options to Standard, Modded and Multiplayer reorganizing the options under these 3 new fields. Changing Modded options or XML files will make a server sort into the modded server list
-Added config options: ServerDescription, ServerWebsiteURL
-Removed serverconfig options PlayerDamageGiven and PlayerDamageReceived. Those are integrated with the GameDifficulty (0 = 200% given, 50% received, 1 = 150% / 75%, 2 = 100% / 100%, 3 = 75% / 150%, 4 = 50% / 200%, 5 = 25% / 250%)
-Removed horde mode and death match parameters (DayCount, FragLimit, MatchLength, RebuildMap) from serverconfig.xml
-Renamed VACEnabled to EACEnabled
-For servers to show up in the new “standard” category in the server browser the following settings have to be at their default values: DayNightLength = 40, DropOnDeath = 0, DropOnQuit = 1, CraftTimer = 1, LootTimer = 1, EnemySenseMemory = 60, EnemySpawnMode = 3, NightPercentage = 20 – 50, BlockDurabilityModifier = 100, LootRespawnDays = 7, LootAbundance = 100, AirDropFrequency = 72, BuildCreate = false. Also the XML files in Data/Config/ may not be modified
-Changed default port to 26900. If this port is used and the server set to public it will be found in the local LAN in the LAN tab of the server browser
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Tampa_Gamer »

Sepiche wrote:Can't recommend this game highly enough for anyone who likes zombies and crafting/survival games... I've gotten a lot more enjoyment out of this in alpha than a lot of fully released games.

My kids and I are still getting plenty of hours for our bucks on this one. Unlike some pre-release access games, the developers are being careful to release "playable" major alpha versions (and quickly fix bugs if the community finds them to be major impediments to game play). They already released two hotfixes for the alpha 10 update. They have also stated that this last alpha contained a lot of behind the scenes coding changes which caused delays in getting this one out, but that future updates will once again occur more quickly now that the backbone of the code is in.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Sepiche »

Looks like they are updating to a new version of Unity in the next patch and they're reporting massive performance improvements thanks to optimizations in Unity and using speed tree. So much improvement in fact they have enough free resources to update the zombie models.
Enlarge Image
That's a new type of zombie, the feral, but apparently all the models will get an update with better textures and higher poly models.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Sepiche »

Sounds like they've finished up the graphics overhaul and are starting testing to release the next alpha. Here's a few cool looking shots of the new look and some new locations...

Ambient Occlusion:
Enlarge Image

Iron Sights:
Enlarge Image

Grasslands Biome:
Enlarge Image

Improved lighting:
Enlarge Image

Sledge Hammer:
Enlarge Image
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Reemul »

I really fancy this one just notsure when to purchase and how far it is off completion
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Sepiche »

New patch!
Added Unity 5 with many of its newer bells and whistles
Added new Steam networking and server browser enhancements
Added new Speedtree system with brand new gorgeous trees and bushes. The fidelity of the trees can be adjusted for quality and performance in menu/options/video/tree quality.
Added Unity 5’s global physical based shader system and refined all the art to take advantage of it. The fidelity of the system can be adjusted for quality and performance in the menu/options/video under reflection quality and reflection distance.
Added our own Screen Space ambient occlusion system that gives everything better shadows and weight and darkens caves and interiors
Added our own new water reflection that interacts with the standard shader
Added our own new custom high res better looking fog
Added new high res sky system with stars that can appear on clearer nights
Added a new quality range system for guns. The system allows players to find gun parts of varying quality ranges. The parts have 7 quality ranges with colored degradation bars including grey broken, brown faulty, orange poor, yellow good, green fine, blue great, and magenta flawless. Once the player collects enough parts and has read the right gun book unlocking a recipe he can assemble a working gun. The average quality of all the parts determines the quality of the assembled weapon. The parts themselves govern attributes like damage, accuracy, degradation rate, penetration, falloff range and in the future zoom level and knockback strength. This will allow for thousands of permutations of guns like a realistic Borderlands
Added the new item quality range system for tools, melee weapons and armor. Bow, crossbow, wrench, hammer nail gun, chainsaw, auger and clothing will come in a future update.
Added new player leveling system. The system increase your chances to craft higher quality ranged items at higher levels with +/- 50 degree of random quality. The system is basic a precursor to skill trees. The player currently will earn XP for activities like killing zombies, unlocking new recipes and crafting new recipes for the first time.
Added new locations including a huge hospital, 2 new grocery stores, a new larger bookstore, new larger hardware store, 2 new luxury cabins and an indian burial ground. Note some of these are Navezgane only and some are random gen only
Added new random gen underground cave system, new random gen roads on hills, new random gen biome transition dithering, improved random gen rivers, improved bridges over rivers
Added new high res first person hands and first person animations
Added new first person procedural camera system with procedurally based physics and inertia
Added new player safe zones set in the serverconfig.xml. The safe zones disable zombies in chunks for 5 in game hours if you don’t have a sleeping bag and are level 5 or under
Added new smoother iron sights system
Added new craftable primitive blunderbuss single shot primitive muzzle loader gun and blunderbuss ammo
Added new craftable new primitive bow and arrows
Added rare Tazas Stone Axe weapon which can be found in new rare Apache Artifacts Chests in caves and in indian burial grounds
Added new feral zombie to the game which has a chance for gun loot if you kill him
Added new on fire burnt zombie to the game. He has a chance to catch you on fire if he hits you
Added Fire Buff icon to Game which can happen from players hitting you with a torch, walking on lit campfires, walking on large ember piles and from on fire zombies striking you. Submerge yourself in water to douse the fire.
Added new high res spider zombie to the game
Added new Zombie Gore Block System: corpses decompose into a bloody terrain pile which can grow if more zombies die near or on top of each other eventually live zombies will use the gore blocks to cross over your spiked pits or jump over your fort walls. If the gore blocks are left alone the will eventually biodegrade.
Added Items made from cloth such as clothing can now be scrapped into cloth
Added cobblestone ramps that upgrade and downgrade like cobblestone blocks, and recipe to make them.
Added wood railing recipe
Added health storage crate and recipe
Added paper scrapping from skill books
Added Sniper rifle schematic
Added Hunting Rifle book
Added new plains ground texture
Added cash register loot containers to the stores and businesses
Added stone shovel and recipe to the game
Added new primitive sod recipe used to make sod houses
Added unattainable books to gate all weapon part molds. Weapon part forging may appear in a future update.
Added insecure downgrade path to player made storage crates
Added recipe for flagstone and wedge flagstone
Added dynamite held item and new dynamite bundle placed block models
Added shopping cart and shopping basket loot containers found in stores and businesses
Added flagstone stairs and recipe
Added small engine and auger blade to loot
Added snow roads and green metal 60’s and tip blocks to the game
Added green metal roof gable and inside corner wedge green metal roof
Added snow roads to snow biomes in RWG
Added auger recipe
Added handlebars to automotive loot
Added tooltips to category icons in server browser
Added new Steam voice proximity chat please test push <v>to talk
Added new flashlight model replacing the old one
Added snow blowing/drifting effect to snow biome
Added blowing sand/dust to desert biomes
Added casino token to the loot
Added shamway foods cardboard box loot containers and shamway crates that require breaking
Added wood stairs filled block shape WIP
Added new pill case looting sounds
Added window plug centered block shapes and unified boarding up existing windows and plywood filled windows in the world using a hammer and planks they now upgrade to one board, two boards, 3 boards and sheet metal
Added sportings good loot to shotgun messiah crates and reduced chance for full weapons to be found
Added new stalactites, moss and mushrooms to new caves
Added Generic Attribute system now usable on ANY item
Added snow zombie female sound set to the game
Added spider zombie sense sounds never had these in before
Added new iron shovel model
Added new sledgehammer
Added new system for arrows to fall with gravity
Added new custom burnt zombie sound set and added missing zombie sounds to the sounds mix xml
Added new audio mixers for impact bullet, impact general and block destroys to help with the overall mix. Note: this doesn’t fix shotguns shooting trees or chainsaw impacts overloading channels but it helps
Added recipe for bolts and arrows from femurs
Added burnt embers to burnt forest
Added hot embers to burnt forest terrain texture
Added you can now mine burnt embers and get bits of coal
Added zoom to player preview
Added new stun rules for zombies. (If your stamina is over 50 you have a 100% chance to stun a zombie and if your stamina is 50 or below it is your stamina level x 2.
Added edible mushrooms found in caves
Added all new firearm reload sounds
Added new give up time for static spawned and biome spawned dogs. They will chase you for about 20 seconds and give up unless they damage you or you damage them which results in thier give up time resetting. Note horde spawned dogs will not give up.
Added new Steam Voice Chat integration works only in proximity of other players press<v> to talk
Added english.txt entries for all camel cased missing items
Added a mouse-over ToolTip for the level progress in the character menu


Changed improved wellness feedback so the size of health stamina bars reflect your current top capacity along with sounds, screen fx, tooltips and character screen info to give proper feedback
Changed lowest wellness bottom capacity to 50
Changed respawning players should have full meters of health and stamina
Changed stack limit on weapon repair kits increased to 50
Changed driftwood can no longer be picked up, but has to be chopped like a tree. It cuts down much faster though
Changed recipe for aloe cream now requires four aloe plants instead of one
Changed antibiotics only raise your wellness by 1 on consumption instead of two. They still add wellness over time
Changed player made concrete and cobblestone walls drop destroyed stone when broken
Changed sped up making plant fibers from grass
Changed slowed down making plant fibers from yucca
Changed sped up crafting of metal trussing
Changed sped up stick crafting and increased yield
Changed increased stack limit of paper to 250
Changed sped up gravel crafting time
Changed updated normal maps for storage crates
Changed roaming hordes now are small on day 1 and get bigger and nastier up until day 7 then the cycle restarts. On day 6 there are roaming dogs, to help cue the player that the next day will have the feral hordes coming. Day 7 roaming hordes are now full nasty ones containing cops, dogs and hornets, like the wasteland spawns use. Day 8 should restart the cycle, with roaming hordes being very small and easy
Changed Integrated menu into one game scene which speeds up game load times and allows video and audio options to be changed from in game now
Changed corpses now carry “junk” loot and gun parts and ammo
Changed nerfed food found in purses
Changed all firearms now require a book or schematic to craft
Changed all firearm part molds can no longer be crafted but are still in the game. They might be exposed later when skill trees are implemented.
Changed aligned sniper barrel icon to look better when on the crafting table
Changed optimized pine forest and changed spectrum
Changed removed spider zombies from general spawning. Now when you see them they will always be scout zombies which can summon a horde if not killed quickly
Changed thickened grass textures
Changed added new chrysanthemum texture
Changed pine forest has its own color spectrum
Changed metal shovels dig faster
Changed increased how much a small rock repairs a stone tool
Changed improved plains grass and color spectrum, adding red dawn
Changed optimized distance checks in all areas of random gen
Changed removed grass blocks from all barns so they display native terrain
Changed all roads in random gen snow biome use snowy road texture
Changed Dynamite no longer adds structural stability when placed and does not stick to walls or ceilings
Changed removed coal torch item
Changed: Minerals always survive stability crashes
Changed all non item data is removed from items.xml and put into the newly created misc.xml
Changed all of the spectrums
Changed the focus box on torches/candles to no longer show
Changed recipe of stone axe to use small stones instead of sharp stones.
Changed crossbow bolts use small stones instead of sharp stones
Changed removed sharp stone recipe, they are no longer used in the game, use small rocks instead
Changed all recipes using grass to use plant fibers
Changed removed rocket launcher from game until it can be better integrated
Changed now the sun now orbits realistically based on the local latitude and time of year
Changed made new Bookstore Bookcase thats a little less generous with book loot and thinned bookcases in both bookstores
Changed crossbow now requires forged metal and leather strips in its recipe
Changed added all ranged weapon fires to the sounds.xml and gave them full volume
Changed rivers to no longer have their own biome
Changed biome water levels to match river
Changed rivers now sometimes feed into biome lakes
Changed lowered the footstep overlay volume for the feral, snow and burnt zombies
Changed STATS is only written of a connection is successful
Changed improved wellness feedback health and stamina meters are the size of their capacity, meter added to character screen with current amount and full capacity, sound effects, gui gow and new messaging for state changes
Changed iron pickaxe recipe to use only 3 ingots
Changed riverbeds to dirt
Changed removed coal spots from burnt forest
Changed femurs have no degradation and can now be stacked to 10
Changed nerfed feathers in loot since you can craft more from one feather now
Changed removed degradation from torches and you can now stack 50 of them
Changed tweaked damage of stick and femur
Changed stone doesn’t break when falling
Changed hub spawn chances
Changed added new shotgun and sawed off shotgun sound fx. They also now play random variants
Changed removed tungsten from mining until we can find a good use for it
Changed potassium Nitrate ore only gives you 5 Potassium Nitrate Powder instead of 10
Changed coal ore only gives you 5 coal pieces instead of 10
Changed junk loot now has more stuff in it, and trash now uses junk loot so there is a greater chance of finding something good in garbage
Changed default spectrums have no purple and less fog
Changed updated light intensities for prefab lamps brighter
Changed players can use the f key to toggle on one at a time mining helmet or equipped flashlights. Note: This will work with upcoming weapon flashlight attachments in A12
Changed Zombies now run based on sunAngle rather than “time”
Changed removed unused inventory tab removed from the characters inventory GUI
Changed reduced dogs and stags FOV from 330 to 180 they shouldn’t see you as easy now
Changed increased spawning in forests and desert biomes
Changed: Increased distance of player spawn from wasteland biome edge
Changed: Decreased non central wasteland hub spawning to 5%
Changed gun crafting times to 5 seconds since the player takes them apart frequently to do upgrades
Changed Stamina use for all tools and weapons is now 8 per swing
Changed stone axe and fire axe are worse weapons and better tools
Changed protection value scale to be more easily readable
Changed protection values to drop trailing decimal points
Changed logic on bow
Changed Reduced degradation on mp5
Changed reduced frequency of hungry and starving penalties and reduced how fast you die when starving
Changed liquids can no longer debuff players while burning. First aid kits and bandages do though.
Changed unified all guns now have 4 parts to recipes to work with the new gun quality system
Changed spike trap damage bounds and amounts for players and zombies


Fixed burn time on wooden stairs
Fixed Dog plays death animation immediately when killed, not delayed after the attack animation completes
Fixed Diersville Trees Drop Multiple bundles of wood
Fixed enforcer magazine can be converted to paper or burnt
Fixed zombies will now follow you down a shaft up to 20 meters deep, they should be better about finding you underground
Fixed reworked network communication for forge to decrease item loss and dupe bugs
Fixed a campfire exploit bug
Fixed bug where biome deco random Loot containers were rotated wrong
Fixed bug where sometimes if you were hit while looting: Loot timer stops but can’t move
Fixed various clothing items that could not be scrapped into cloth
Fixed spelling on vegetable stew english.txt
Fixed backpacks dropped in doorways cause nullref when attempting pickup
Fixed save games should now always match their original game mode
Fixed dedicated servers now default to drop nothing on quit to match default settings
Fixed feral mode icon in server browser at wrong position
Fixed servers not properly receiving client data
Fixed Server browser: Feral mode active icon at correct position
Fixed game server not shutting down when switching to main menu
Fixed entity draw distance to match chunk draw distance
Fixed Server Browser page buttons displaying wrong state when filtering for server name
Fixed relooting empty containers rolls loot
Fixed auger duplicating items on MP game
Fixed exception when dying/respawning
Fixed campfire repair exploit
Fixed bug if inventory full, items get lost on pickup
Fixed crops vanish on pickup if only free space in toolbelt
Fixed auto-equip destroying items
Fixed the seam between the curtain top and bottom halves
Fixed timing on zombie crawler attack
Fixed background of item names in recipe preview is too small
Fixed splitting a stack after crafting makes you lose half
Fixed smells work, but tooltip is wonky
Fixed decayed brick block models drop nothing
Fixed some UI textures are influenced by texture resolution settings
Fixed character rotation bug in Inventory UI
Fixed camera track offsets for both mirror and character creation
Fixed barbed wire does nothing
Fixed wood spikes don’t work most of the time
Fixed server pushed config files remaining loaded
Fixed food items with negative hydration allow for going over the hunger cap
Fixed can’t break down bullets
Fixed scrapping dupes items
Fixed disappearing gun part bug
Fixed can’t scrap cooking pots
Fixed learn on craft isn’t working correctly
Fixed Cook Button resets progress of cooking
Fixed canned water still superstacks
Fixed Campfire shift click item loss
Fixed similar recipes (output) cloning ingredients when using craft list
Fixed Navezgane and random gen map info descriptions
Fixed persistent profile game menu description
Fixed iron armor can be repaired
Fixed floating decals
Fixed persistent profile game menu description
Fixed replacing parts in a gun loses all ammo
Fixed player dropped backpacks are breaking from zombies
Serverconfig.xml, Multiplayer and Modding

Added new playerSafeZoneTime and playerSafeZoneLevel perimeters. The default for each is 5 and here is how they behave.
playerSafeZoneTime= 5 Controls how many in game hours it takes for zombies to spawn in chunks around players who do not have a sleeping bag placed
playerSafeZoneLevel = 5 Players who are at this level or under will spawn in safe zones if they do not have a sleeping bag placed
If you always want safe zones set the level to 60
If you don’t want safe zones set both parameters to 0
Note players who spawn near other players will still get zombies
Changed default permission level for commands not explicitly given in serveradmin.xml is 0
Changed default permission level for users not explicitly given in serveradmin.xml is 1000
Changed refactored materials.xml to use new xml format
Changed removed serveradmin.xml, will be auto created in save game folder, and only loaded from that location
Added reload serveradmin.xml on external changes to file, save it on changes made by the game admin commands
Changed banning a player who uses family sharing also bans the owner of the license
Added stat output to client log
Changed format of items.xml to get closer to the “common” 7DTD xml format
Server config: DropOnQuit: Allowing both Nothing and Everything as Standard values
Print kick reason to log on clients
Changed permission level for commands in serveradmin.xml applies to all variants of that command (e.g. “lp” also affects “listplayers”)
On dedicated servers print stats to log only if there’s at least one player online
CM command now also enables fly mode
bat: Assigning a different name to the logfile on each start, keeping only 20 most recent logs. No longer trying to start PuTTY / Telnet
Allow connecting to “localhost”
Connecting to a dedi by IP stores the server in history
Filter BB codes from player names in chat / scoreboard / map screen
Filter BB codes from player sent chat messages
Allow BB codes in “say” command for colored server messages
Added a new random gen mixing xml for modding the game and controlling some of the random gen world features
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by jztemple2 »

Holy crap, that's a lot of changes :shock:
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Tampa_Gamer »

I must say, while most of the changes appear minor - the collective impact on the look and feel of the game is quite impressive. Unity 5 was definitely worth the wait time. It appears now that the framework is laid, they will be moving much faster with adding content, the skills trees, vehicles, electricity, etc.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Sepiche »

Yeah, I managed to play for a bit last night and it almost felt like a new game. Visually it looks a lot better, and the terrain generation is miles beyond where it was in the last build. In just a few minutes of exploring I found a box canyon, a hunting cabin on a cliff, and a very deep cave.

Combat feels much different too. The zombies don't stun as easily, but they seem a little slower in walking speed as well as attack speed, but when they do hit they seem to hit a lot harder.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Sepiche »

Massive new patch out for this. I played it for a bit and seems like some great improvements. Much improved combat system, vastly better UI, and better graphics among other things.

Full list here: ... ase-notes/

World Temperature – The world has a global temperature in Fahrenheit Degrees and is displayed in the new map under map stats and can also be seen by hitting F8 in debug mode only. This world temperature fluctuates per biome, per time of day, and gets colder the higher you are and warmer the lower you are. Wind speed can also impact the temperature which is also shown in the map screen maps stats section.

Player Temperature
– The player has a core temperature in Fahrenheit degrees which is the world temperature +/- how it feels to the player and is displayed in the new character menu in the player stats section next to the thermometer icon.This can also be seen by hitting F8 in debug mode only. When the player gets too cold a snowflake buff displays in the lower right corner of the screen with the players core temperature next to it warning the player of his current status. When the player gets too hot a sun buff displays in the lower right corner of the screen with the players core temperature next to it warning the player of his current status. These buffs can also be seen and examined in the new active buffs panel in the new character screen.

Harvest System– We’ve overhauled block health so everything in the world from a wood wall to a deer carcass has a health and when attacked decreases and adds resources into the player’s inventory automatically showing both added and dropped inventory changes with a GUI informational pop-out on the bottom right corner! The system is global giving the player the right feedback and additionally allows the player to yield bonus items when using the right tool for the right job. For Example using a wrench to take apart a car or air conditioner or using a knife to harvest a deer can yield special bonus items or larger yields. The system also communicates resources removed or needed when attempting to repair or upgrade blocks. Note: With the introduction of harvest and crafting list we have had to majorly change the amount of resources the player receives from wood, stone, metal, clay basically everything and the costs for crafting them so a lot of rebalance has gone into this.

New Inventory controls – Ok before you get on our case about changing inventory controls please try it and give it a chance. Your muscle memory will fight you at first but after you get use to the new controls we think you’ll like it. We had to change them to allow item inspection and actions to be done from a static window. So here are the new controls:
[Left Click] to inspect an item, recipe or active effect
[Left Click] hold and drag to take a stack
[Left Click] to drop or swap a stack
[Right Click] hold and drag to take a half stack
[Right Click] to drop one item at a time

New Clean GUI Design Framework – The first thing you’ll notice is the minimalistic new clean design. The minimalistic design is more immersive improving flow and conveying needed information better displaying it all in one large page not sub-pages under sub menus. Even veteran players will appreciate the new flow and ease of use. Our team members have even commented that they find themselves crafting items they never knew existed. The system will allow us to iterate much faster and add new stations quicker and provide a great framework for mod support. In the video options we’ve added UI background and UI foreground opacity with defaults of 50% for background and 100% for foreground which can be tweaked to your liking. Note: there are some minor issues and elements to be grouped with this.

Skill System – We’ve added a first version of skills which we have big plans to expand with a lot more skills, special perks and a way to choose your initial profession and hobby. The page can be accessed by clicking on the skills icon on the new paging header. The system divides a lot of the major items into both usage and crafting groups. F.E. you can level up your mining tools usage expertise by using a mining tool like a pickaxe to mine and level up your tool smithing expertise by crafting mining tools. Many of the weapons, tools and activities in the game are combined into skill groups including blades, blunts, construction, mining, fists, pistols, shotguns, rifles, cloth clothing and fur clothing, scrap clothing, iron clothing and more. There are 37 total in our first version. These skills level up to 100 and can be leveled up 2 ways: First by performing activities like attacking, firing, repairing or crafting with an item from a skill group and the second way to level up a skill is to purchase the next level up in the skill purchasing menu. Skill points to spend are awarded whenever you level up your player level. You can inspect an item to see what skill groups it belongs to and see what your level and progress is in that group. In this first version there is only one perk available we call Quality Joe which has 3 tiers adding 25, 50 and 100 quality to found looted items but we have lots more planned for this so stay tuned.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by GreenGoo »

I picked this up as a 2 pack so I could give away one. Now I wish I hadn't, so I could return it. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I bought this. I might have been thinking it was a different game. There is an isometric zombie survival game that looked interesting, I might have thought it was that.

There are a million survival games out there, most of which are better than this. Buyer's remorse is a pretty rare thing for me and video games (mostly because I almost always make sure I will enjoy a game first) but I'm feeling it with this one.

Oh well, I don't get burned often, and it wasn't much money, but still...annoying.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Freyland »

Project Zomboid or Dead State might have been what you were thinking.
What turned you off, here? I ask since I have it but never did anything with it.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by GreenGoo »

It feels like the old quake engine, for one thing. It's not, it's better, but it feels ancient.

Second, it uses the Minecraft user interface, which I never liked but could tolerate in a pixel throw back like Minecraft. Here it feels old and miles behind even indie modern ui's.

Third, it's not very engaging. The (early) zombies are all boring. How old is l4d? This feels way crappier than those.

I don't even like ARK that much, but if I'm gonna play survivor, I might as well play that. Everything is far more modern and slick, looks better and you can tame and ride the zombies
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Tampa_Gamer »

FYI, for those that shelved this for a bit while they worked on their next patch (like me), it has been almost a year in the making but Alpha 17 is right around the corner (on Monday). They have promised to post the official change list soon, but in the meantime here is a high level feature list they have updated periodically over on the development website.
A17 Feature List: Updated as Developers reveal them!

Vehicles Overhaul
+New Physics
+New Vehicle: Bicycle
+New Vehicle: Motorcycle
+New Vehicle: Jeep
+New Camera Controls
+Shift button to increase Torque on Bicycle for uphill speed
+Space bar to bunny hop on Bicycle
+Jeep can damage blocks.
+Steering using the mouse 2/12/18
+New Vehicle: Gyrocopter 10/15/18
Sleepers 2.0
+Vulture Sleepers
Dungeon POI 2.0
+Environmental Hazards
+Zombie Closets
+Climbable Trellises and/or Vines
+Backstories for many of the POIs
+"Helper Blocks" that visually show whether containers are empty or lootable
+Random loot containers to make each POI unique for where loot may be
+More than 70 new POI's that have been level designed 4/14/18
Player(Bandit) Motion Captured Animation
+Separate male and female movement styles
+Players now look up and down and always appear to be breathing
+Combat movements including power moves 2/21/18
Weapon Overhaul
+Replace gun parts with attachable modifications, compatible with buff and skill frameworks
+Whole guns instead of parts in loot containers
+Weapon quality determines how many mods can be attached
+Mods won't have quality tiers. 3/21/18
+Removing a mod may not be possible....still in development
+Size of crosshairs accurately reflects cone of hit probability.
+All mods use a single item id# but allow for 30,000+ variable mods possible
+Power moves for melee weapons use the right mouse button and expend stamina 2/21/18
+Weapon sounds tagged to animations to better maintain sounds syncing correctly 2/21/18
+Perks and skills and buffs will affect various aspects of each weapon 2/21/18
+Weapons can be crafted at workstation. Mods added through assembly interface 3/20/18
+Mods won't be craftable. Obtained through scavenging, trader, and quests 3/21/18
+Weapons can be tinted to other colors using up a special tinting mod slot 3/28/18
+Six tiers of weapons. Each tier determines how many mods can be attached and durability. 7/24/18
+Weapon damage determined by mods and skill and not weapon tier level. 7/24/18
Buff Overhaul
+Improving old buff system with a more robust and optimized framework
+Designed to work and stack with blocks, items, weapons, clothing, skills, perks, and attributes
+Can be triggered and modified by events during a buff's lifetime.
+Designed to be modder's wet dream 9/15/18
Progression Overhaul
+Improving old skill system with a more robust and optimized framework, also designed to work with items and buffs.
+Character attributes added to better create classes and differentiate play styles.
+Must do activities in a category to improve the category and unlock perks in that category 7/24/18
+Not enough skill points to buy everything. Specialization is the vision. 7/24/18
+Debuffs can cause temporary loss in attribute scores which then cause temporary loss of perks. 10/13/18
Integrated Survival System
+Changes to how health, stamina, fullness, and hydration will work
+Hunger represented by reduction in stamina max. Eating restores max 4/14/18
+Thirst represented by recovery rate. Higher thirst means slower recovery of stamina and health 4/14/18
+There is now "temporary" damage and "permanent" damage. 8/26/18
+Temporary damage recovers slowly over time according to hydration 8/26/18
+Permanent damage lowers your HP max. It can only recover through first aid items. 8/26/18
Quest System
+Cool new group quests
+Dynamically spawns a boss to guard quest objective
+Dialogue system that is fully moddable 3/5/18
+Trader initiated quests 3/5/18
+Quests and quest POIs will work in Random worlds as well as Navezgane 4/19/2018
+Party quests will provide xp sharing when party members stay close to each other 7/24/18
Stealth System
+New Stealth related display bar with as of yet unknown functions.....
Terrain and World
+Distant Trees 2/12/18
+POI Editor accessible in main menu
+Terrain Editor accessible in main menu 3/20/18
+Navezgane terrain vastly improved 3/20/18
+New Height maps for interesting cliffs, ridges, and better variety 4/14/18
+Random maps will be pregenerated to load as fast as and play as optimized as Navezgane 4/27/18
+New tree model for forest biome 5/21/18
+Underwater decorations 6/24/18
+Random Generated Worlds are now 8000x8000 meters 7/24/18
+Random Maps assigned a "county" name for multiplayer server games in order to hide the actual seed name.7/24/18
AI and Pathing System
+Zombies scan obstacles in 3 block height and target the middle block followed by bottom then top blocks depending on block hp 4/19/18
+Zombies prioritize obstacles according to block health. 4/19/18
+Game scans terrain for multiple pathways a zombie can take after any change. 4/19/18
+Turn smoothing and prediction added to reduce appearance of zigzag grid following 4/19/18
+Zombies are slowed by water resistance when they move underwater 4/26/18
+Zombies can dig downward when they detect a target below them. 4/26/18

A17 Changes and Fixes List: Updated as we learn them from the developers!

Every biome remastered for Unity 2017/ 2018 5/30/18
Game Engine update to Unity 2018 5/30/18
Removed player collision from yucca and aloe to improve travel
Replace houses in Diersville with dungeon style POI houses
XP indicator bar added to HUD directly above the tool belt
Directx11 and Vulkan menu items in game launcher added
Zombies ragdoll upon impact by vehicles and no longer impede vehicle movement
New art and animations for Deer
Deer split into Stag and Doe versions
Additional paint textures added
Wainscotting Block added
Current Wellness system removed
Small decorative pipe set added
Window trimming added
Reworked the main menu navigation and appearance
Increased the block id limit to....[higher than it was] 1/26/18
Pause feature added to MP but only active when playing solo. 2/5/18
Added Dynamic Origin Point to prevent the shakes when far away from actual (0,0). 2/11/18
Map viewable while using vehicles 2/16/18
Arrows stick to targets (Everdeen!) 2/21/18
Quality tiers indicated by color and number 3/20/18
Gun parts removed. Guns can be crafted from same mat types as all other craftable items. 3/20/18
Shift reverted to familiar controls for running 10/12/18
Zombies running in circles fixed and overall pathing and movements and actions improved 4/5/18
Zombies ragdoll when stunned 4/14/18
Plains folded into desert as sub-biome and maple and pine forests merged into just one forest biome 4/14/18
Base movement speed increased. Running changed to "sprinting" which uses up stamina much more quickly. 4/14/18
Micro-stuttering caused by UFPS camera and garbage collection has been fixed 4/24/18
Friend chat/ Party Chat/ Global Chat modes added to chat window 5/1/18
Water reflections and shading fixed and performance boosted 6/6/18
Vulture flight, attacks, and idling behaviors improved 6/8/18
Ambient lighting added 6/29/18
Backpack inventory increased from 32 slots to 45 slots. 7/24/18
Gamestage calculation simplified: (Level + Days Alive) 7/24/18
Challenge quests found as notes grant xp instead of skill points. 7/24/18
Zombies are no longer lootable nor can they be harvested. 8/26/18
Bodies despawn instead of changing to gore blocks. 8/26/18
If zombies have loot they will drop a loot bag. 8/26/18
Arrows are retrievable 8/26/18
Sprinting only increases speed when moving forwards. Player can still walk backwards, but not sprint. 8/26/18
"Using" an item in your hand remapped to left mouse button 8/26/18
Inventory slots "remember" what was in them so repairing a tool will return it to the same slot etc. 8/26/18
Armor has encumbrance and will slow the player's movement speed. 10/12/18
Armor divided into two classes: Light and Heavy. 10/12/18
Inventory split into free and encumbered slots. Items in encumbered slots slow movement. 10/13/18
All harvestable plants are harvested by hitting with free hand instead of using with "e" 11/1/18
Harvested crop returns to first stage "baby plant" and regrows 11/1/18
Seeds very rare 11/1/18
Xpath is native to the 7DTD mod system 11/14/18

Dropped Features:

Plains & Maple Forest as full and distinct biomes
Blimp 7/24/18
bandits officially postponed to A18 7/24/18
smell detection by zombies 10/12/18
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Sepiche »

Sweet, thanks for the heads up. I'll have to dust this off again sometime.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Cylus Maxii »

I've been dying for A17 to release!
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Daehawk »

Someone offered me this game for free and some other guys want me to play it and join their server. I turned the mall down. Just doesn't look good. I am SOOOO bored yet I passed this up.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Cylus Maxii »

Do you like survival games like ARK? If so, give it a shot.
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Re: 7 Days to Die

Post by Daehawk »

Never had the money for ARK. I liked DayZ and Rust well enough. But those games if you dont play early in release or play a lot then you are at a huge disadvantage to those who do. They learn it and live it and kill you before you can turn around in those games. Its a lose lose.
I am Dyslexic of Borg, prepare to have your ass laminated.
I guess Ray Butts has ate his last pancake.
"Has high IQ. Refuses to apply it"
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