Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

Post by Isgrimnur »

Debt financing is your friend.
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

Post by Rip »

Isgrimnur wrote:Debt financing is your friend.
No he is a vicious little bastard and we are no longer on speaking terms.

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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

Post by Dimitris »


Miguel Molina has released the updated version of the Command community scenario pack. The new release includes a whopping fifteen brand-new scenarios:

Frigate Duel in the Scotia Sea, 2023: Tensions have increased between Argentina and the United Kingdom, partly because of the recent discovery of large deposits of valuable minerals in the undersea basins south of the Falkland Islands. Argentina has replaced its aging destroyer fleet with a quartet of fast frigates based on the LCS-Independence design. One of these ships is steaming off Cape Horn to contest the area against a RN upgraded Type 23 frigate.

The Lost Province, 2017: Nearly 70 years after the Nationalists fled to Taiwan, the PRC leadership has decided that the time has come to retake the island. You are ordered to initiate the invasion with a large air and surface force, supported by a hail of ballistic missiles.

Operation Mole Cricket 19, 1982: During the 1982 Israeli offensive into Lebanon, it became apparent that the strong presence of Syrian SAMs would threaten Israeli air superiority over Lebanon. As Syrian Forces moved even more SAMs into the region, Israeli leadership ordered strikes against the SAM sites. What followed would be subsequently known as the "Bekaa Valley turkey shoot".

Skagerrak, 1963: A NATO task force must escort two ammunition ships through the Skagerrak Straits to the inlet of Oslo.

Contigency, 2016: France has a long and accomplished history of successfully projecting military power in support of its national security goals from the American Revolution to the current war on terror. It does that by acquiring basing rights and staging small detachments of ground, air and naval forces worldwide that in the event of a crisis are in a better position to impact an outcome while more power is pushed into the theater. This scenario demonstrates the extend and limits of this ability in a series of evolving crises.

The Honduran-Cuba War, March 12, 1968: In 1955 large quantities of iridium were discovered in Honduras. The country, which suddenly found itself in possession of most of the world's accessible supply of this rare metal, quickly took advantage of its new wealth to become a regional power, purchasing military aircraft, a flotilla of small warships, and even a submarine from the United States. Unfortunately, the newfound prosperity could not solve every problem, and Honduran relations with Cuba have deteriorated since the Communist Revolution in that country. By 1968, tensions with Cuba have reached a breaking point. When a Cuban patrol boat fired on a Honduran fishing boat that had strayed too close to (but, according to Honduras, not within) Cuban waters, a Honduran destroyer first requested it break off its attack. When it was clear the Cubans had no intention of ceasing their attack and that civilian lives were in peril, the Hondurans sank the Cuban warship. Cuba has declared this casus belli and is preparing for war.

The Honduran-Cuba War, March 19, 1968: So far, Honduras is "winning"; while they have lost several aircraft, one of their elderly destroyers, and one of their minesweepers (which double as offshore patrol vessels), Cuba has lost three small frigates and more than a dozen combat aircraft. Cuba has sworn to make Honduras pay for its "crimes against world socialism". Honduras is concerned about merchant shipping; it relies, among other things, on being able to get the iridium it mines to wealthy buyers like the United States. It also needs to purchase and then transport munitions to replace those expended so far in the war. Of particular concern are the Komar-class missile boats operated by Cuba. Honduras operates a number of older vessels purchased from America which offer significant firepower in the form of naval gunnery but have limited anti-missile defenses.

The Honduran-Cuba War, March 26, 1968: The war continues. Honduras has managed to negotiate an emergency purchase of F-4 Phantoms to replace those lost in combat; in addition, it has assigned some of its elderly but still capable F4U Corsairs to fly CAP missions over the northern coast. The real problem is ammunition--the supply of missiles for the Phantoms is running short. A convoy with badly needed supplies is en route from America. It is essential that at least some of these ships make it to Honduras.

Warthogs Over Latakia, 2013: The 2013 Syrian chemical crisis has escalated into total war. NATO's initial strikes on Syria's chemical weapons facilities have proven insufficient, and the downing of several NATO aircraft during the attacks has made the government overconfident. The decision has been made to strike directly at the regime's army, as losing its conventional strength would mean being overrun by rebels. Two squadrons of A-10 Thunderbolts have been assigned to the task.

The Bridges at Toko-Ri, 1952: The movie "The Bridges at Toko-Ri" was based on author James Michener's writings as an embedded reporter on USS Essex (CV 9) and USS Valley Forge (CV 45) in the winter of 1952. This scenario is loosely based on the movie. Take command of Task Force 77.9, centered on the USS Essex, and execute defense suppression strikes in support of a USAF attack on the two railroad bridges.

Crimea River, 2016: The winter of 2015 was a brutal one for Russian-annexed Crimea. Due to the collapse in oil prices and continued economic sanctions by the West, the Russian Federation economy was in shambles. In January 2016 dissatisfaction turned to uprising, and the first Crimean rebellion was brutally supressed by Spetsnaz elements. After leaked footage of mass graves was published, NATO was politically forced to take sides. A large strike on Russian military assets in Crimea was planned and NATO assets were assembled. Russia was alerted in time, however, and placed significant forces in anticipation of this attack. Despite Russia's readiness, the political climate still necessitated direct action. NATO's strike, codename OPERATION CLEAN SWEEP, was authorized to proceed.

Convoy '88, 1988: This scenario takes place in May 1988, five days into a hypothetical NATO-Warsaw Pact conflict in Europe. Had the Cold War escalated into a shooting war, control of the North Atlantic would have been essential for both sides. For NATO the objective would've been to keep the sealanes open and protect the convoys bound for Europe from Soviet submarines and bombers. The Soviets' primary goal was to close the Atlantic and deny NATO resupply from the sea. Convoy '88 puts the player in the role of Convoy 88-7's commander for 24 hours. This is primarily an ASW scenario, however a respectable air threat is also included.

The 4th of July, 1989: It is the summer of 1989, and the revolutionary wave of dissent that has been sweeping through the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact Countries has been brutally put down. Soviet military forces on the Central Front have been reinforced, and NATO intelligence is seeing some disturbing movement of Soviet front-line tanks and troops in East Germany. Recent NATO troop withdrawals in Europe have once more made tactical nuclear weapons necessary to stop a possible Soviet breakthrough. The Soviets would also be expected to employ tactical nukes. It is now July 4th, 1989, and the Soviet Union has decided to lay claim to all of Germany.

Korean Campaign, 2018: It is the spring of 2018, and it appears that Kim Jong-un is finally going to make good on his constant threats to launch an attack into South Korea. After upgrading some of his military equipment from China and Russia, Kim has massed over 600 tanks, long range artillery batteries, and infantry units along the border. The U.S. and South Koreans are prepared to launch OPERATION BROAD SWORD, a pre-emptive combined-arms attack on the North Korean Ground Forces. A reinforced convoy is en-route to the port of Busan with critical fighting forces and supplies. The Chinese also have substantial forces in the area, but are not considered hostile as of yet. Can the U.S. and S.Koreans stop the massed North Korean armor before it reaches Seoul, and get the convoy safely to Busan?

White Piano, 1966: Italy and Yugoslavia are mobilizing against each other. Italian intelligence suggests that Yugoslav forces are about to attack Trieste, the important and long-contested port city. A surface group centered on the aviation cruiser Andrea Doria is dispatched to protect the city.

As always, the community scenario pack is available for download from the Command downloads page: . The scenarios are also available individually for download on the Command workshop on Steam.
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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

Post by Rip »

Finally picked this up. Been too busy with HOI4 to check it out yet, but looking forward to it.
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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

Post by Dimitris »

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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

Post by Dimitris »


Miguel Molina has released the updated version of the Command community scenario pack. The new release includes fourteen new scenarios:

Air Incident Over Mageroya, 2016: Tensions have increased between Norway and Russia. Russia has repeatedly violated Norwegian airspace, testing both that nation's defenses and its resolve. Norway has cautioned, and finally warned Russia that it will not tolerate this activity. Two days ago, after a Russian fighter flew within 50 yards of a Norwegian passenger aircraft, Norway announced that any armed Russian aircraft entering its airspace without permission would be shot down.

BALTAP-Representative Schnellbootlage, 1970: In 1967 the Federal German Navy played a wargame to evaluate the cost-value ratio of the planned modernization of the "Zobel Class" (Type 142) FPBs to "Type 142A" (upgrade with M-20 fire-control radar and DM2A1 wire-guided torpedoes). This study also showed how the operational situation of FPBs in the Baltic was assessed by the experts of the Navy.

Caspian Darts, 2018: The Caspian Sea holds large energy resources both tapped and under development. Territorial claims and ambiguities fester amongst the nations bordering the inland sea. Russia's modernized Caspian flotilla just announced another “Flash Exercise” that began roughly 3 hours ago. NATO is on alert. The USN has a small group of observers on the Caspian shore in Azerbaijan. Russia-backed rebels are shelling the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region. Begin patrolling, remain flexible and await developments as they unfold via in-game messages.

Debt of Honor, 1996: Japan has “accidentally” damaged the USS Enterprise and USS John C. Stennis with torpedoes during an exercise, as well as sinking 2 American submarines. Concurrently, a computer virus sends the US stock market into a downward spiral, as Japanese forces simultaneously occupy Guam and Saipan. Japan follows up with formally announcing that they have fielded a small fleet of ICBMs. The US has struggled with a response to these acts, but through small complex operations, manages to destroy the entirety of Japan’s E-767 fleet, as well as successfully destroying the ICBMs without loss. Now, the time has come to liberate the islands of Guam and Saipan. You are in control of the repaired John C. Stennis, operating on 2 screws instead of 4. Your task is to clear the skies of Japanese fighters and close the airports they are operating from with tomahawk missiles. Can you successfully liberate the American Islands once again from Japanese occupation?

Goodnight Irene, 2016: The influence of the United States in the Persian Gulf region rapidly diminishes in light of ongoing political, financial, military and world events. The final act of withdrawal, which was intended to foster peace and goodwill, turns into a much more difficult exercise as coincidental world events take center stage.

Limited War – The Siret River, 2020: Tensions between Romania and Ukraine have increased over the last several months. Disputes over the use of the Siret River have led to a series of increasingly violent border incidents. A new government has taken power in Ukraine and in the last year it has strengthened ties with Russia. Accusations of corruption, that the current leaders of Ukraine have received extensive financial and even military support from Russia, are rampant but as yet little concrete evidence exists.

Patton Seamount Emergency, 2020: Tensions between America and Russia have increased during the last few years. In part, this is because the collapse of fish populations around the world have led to increased poaching by fishermen in the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of various nations. In the last few months, the waters south of Alaska have seen a number of unfriendly encounters between American and Russian fishing boats. The United States has closed some of its fisheries to foreign vessels and has moved a destroyer into the region to keep an eye on things.

Save the Day, 2017: The Islamic terrorist group ISIS has splintered under military and economic pressure into several factions. While newer members are hiding in what remains of northern Syria, a militant group calling themselves "Allah's Fire" has caused world concern since the beginning of the summer. Intel reports and never ending "chatter" have indicated no particular concern this morning until stuff hit the fan a 0630. Reports hint at a major operation centered on the area around the Suez Canal and Israel.

Stalin’s Bulls, 1951: Stalin orders the deployment of Tu-4 Bull bombers (reverse-engineered copies of B-29s) in Korea in 1951.

Threat Vector, 2012: Internal political and economic strife has pushed China to the edge of disaster. To distract from its internal troubles, China once again turns to harassing Taiwan and the Americans. A sharp air-to-air engagement between PRC and ROC/USMC fighters results in the loss of 11 ROC aircraft and 5 PRC aircraft, with Marine pilots scoring 3 kills. China retaliates by threatening to attack the American carrier groups, and successfully drive the Americans to the outer edge of a 300nm "Economic Exclusion Zone". However, the US covertly sends 2 squadrons worth of experienced USMC pilots to Taiwan to man old F/A-18C Hornets and resume the fight for Taiwan. The Americans and Taiwanese have a daunting task: Protect Taiwanese airspace without revealing the identity of the F/A-18C pilots - and starting a war!

Under African Skies, 2017: Following a state-sponsored terrorist attack against the US, France and the UK, the western powers attack the China-backed Nigerian armed forces. (NOTE: This summary doesn’t really do justice to the epic story; just read the whole damn thing already: )

Surface Group vs. Subs – Marakei, 2020: China's relationship with Kiribati--always strained because Kiribati recognizes Taiwan rather than China--has virtually disintegrated during the last several months. Taiwan is increasingly concerned that China may commit an act of aggression against its small Pacific ally. It has taken the unusual step of reactivating a retired S-2 Tracker and moving it to Kiribati. Its stated purpose is to assist with search and rescue operations, but it is capable of conducting military missions as well. Taiwan has also taken the very unusual step of sending a small task force to Kiribati, ostensibly as a "good will tour," but in actuality to discourage any adventurism on the part of Beijing.

Baltic On Fire, 1988: On 12 February 1988 the USS Yorktown (CG-48) was bumped by the Soviet Krivak I class Frigate Bezzavetnyy in the Black Sea. As a result of the collision two Harpoon canisters were torn lose from their mounts onYorktown, causing a fire that detonated both warheads. The resulting fire severe damaged the American ship but the explosion also set the Bezzavetnyy ablaze. The Soviets were finally able to get the conflagration under control but only after a heavy loss of life. The succeeding months led to ever increasingly recriminations by both sides placing blame for the incident on each other. As diplomatic efforts became increasingly futile both sides began mobilizing their forces for war.

BALTAP – Mining Fehmarn Belt, 1983: Tensions are rising between NATO and Warsaw Pact. There are indications that United Baltic Fleets consisting of Soviet, Polish and East-Germany (GDR) naval forces could plan an amphibious assault on Danish and West-German (FRG) beaches to get control over Danish Straits and Baltic Approaches (BALTAP). NATO plans for mining the Fehmarn Belt area (and some Danish sounds) as preparation for an upcoming hostilities. You are commanding a Task Force consisting of German (FRG) forces with Danish support for mining Fehmarn Belt and Fehmarn Sund. Leave open a narrow shipping lane in the south of Fehmarn Belt for further transit of own naval forces.

As always, the community scenario pack is available for download from the Command downloads page: . The scenarios will also become available individually for download later on the Command workshop on Steam.
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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

Post by Dimitris »

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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

Post by Dimitris »

Chains Of War announced! Are you ready for 21st century warfare?


After the great success of Northern Inferno, WarfareSims and Matrix Games are proud to announce Chains of War, the second standalone expansion of Command: Modern Air / Naval Operations!

A new generation of warfare is about to commence. In a world where the speed in communication is the blood of modern armed forces, new weapons are being developed to protect – or to poison – this blood. Through 12 thrilling campaign scenarios, you will experience a full escalation in conflict over the Pacific Ocean between the United States and China, in which the high level of technology has broken all the old rules! Or go back in time and experience conflict in 4 different historical hotspots! Are you ready for the next level of War?

NEW! Communications disruption by network/cyber attack or any other arbitrary factor: Isolated units realistically limit their tactical awareness to only what they themselves can detect and engage, and are completely on their parent side of control. Say goodbye to Borg-view of the battlefield!

NEW! Cargo, landing and airdrop operations. Load mobile forces on ships, aircraft and even submarines, and unload them on any suitable point on the battlefield. Platforms are realistically limited by volume, weight and crew on what they can transport.

NEW! Comprehensive damage model for aircraft. Aircraft may be shot down outright or receive damage that will still allow them to limp back home. Different aircraft can absorb different punishment on their fuselage, cockpit and engines. Depending on the amount of damage received a plane may be "mission killed" if its repairs take so long that it misses the fight.

NEW! Advanced weapons for the new age of war. Tactical EMP weapons, railguns, high-energy lasers and more!

Get more information about Command: Chains of War from its official Product Page!

Command: Chains of War 
can be played as a separate game (with the possibility to upgrade it to the base game with all the available database and scenarios at any point in time). Alternatively, it can be integrated as a new set of scenarios for owners of the original Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations Game of Year Edition!
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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

Post by Dimitris »

Steam summer sale!

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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

Post by Dimitris »

Command on sale, 67% off at Humble Bundle: ... tions-woty

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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

Post by Dimitris »


Miguel Molina has released the updated version of the Command community scenario pack. The new release includes a breathtaking twenty new scenarios:


Northern Fury #13.4 - Hammer (1994): Bart Gauvin's WW3 epic continues. You are commanding the USAF’s 336th Fighter Squadron – The Rocketeers, and your mission is to sever the only ground link through central Norway – the E6 Highway. Several elements of 25th Air Force will be supporting you, in particular SEAD and OCA support from 81st Tactical Fighter Wing and some of the heavies from Scotland, but this is your time to show what your F-15Es can do.

Northern Fury #12.4 - Sneak & Peek (1994): As the Soviet ground and air campaign moves south, consuming massive amounts of supplies and resources, the Rear Services group for Archangel Corps struggles to keep pace. For much of Norway’s coastline there is a single two-lane road connecting from the Arctic border near Murmansk all the way to Trondheim, over 2000 Km including an 8Km ferry SW of Narvik. In order to speed the delivery of supplies, coastal shipping is in fairly heavy usage. But that is vulnerable – and your job is to prove just how vulnerable that is.

One Ship, One Country (2017): The capabilities of the F-35 and LHA as a light carrier are to be put to the test in this wargame where a single amphibious ship is quickly diverted to attack a fictional nation comprised of highly skilled Aggressors. For many of the newly trained pilots, it will be their first big "battle". The hypothetical AEW-Osprey joins the Lightning II in the scenario. For the commander, it will also be a big battle-of how to deal with the 'rationing' of limited ammunition and many targets.

Confrontation near Tartus (2017): This scenario assumes the attack on Syria by U.S. forces in 2017 was quickly followed by another strike. By this time, however, Russia has a surface action group (SAG) in the area and it is not clear how they will respond.

Baltic Ballet (2019): The "Gotland Independence Front", a group suspiciously similar to Ukraine's "Little Green Men", has occupied the island of Gotland and its rich natural resources. How will the Swedish government respond?

Deter, Detect, Defend - CF-105 variant (1962): Chris Comars' already-classic nuclear air defence scenario gets spiced up with the addition of Canada's interceptor that never was, the mighty CF-105 Arrow. (And you thought TSR.2 buffs were bad)

Desperate Measures (2016): Bolivia and Chile are at war, and the Bolivian Air Force plots a desperation mission with its remaining strength.

String of Pearls - Lance the Boil (2020): Following months of negotiations, the Chinese military base in Sri Lanka is to be eliminated before it can be further developed. The USN Combined Task Force 151 (CTF-151) is ordered to destroy the facilities located at Port Hambantota on the southern coast. The attack must be a lean quick strike to send a firm message that any moves toward the Diego Garcia US base will not be tolerated.

Yankee Team (1966): Operation Rolling Thunder continues apace for the US Navy. For the next 24 hours, you will be overseeing air operations for Task Force 77, on station at Yankee Point and conducting strikes on North Vietnam. The targets for today, located in the USN's area of air operations at Route Packages 2, 3, 4 and 6B, have just been assigned with direct oversight from the White House. It is sure to be a long day.

Korean Crisis (1994): The Korean crisis of 1994 is a seldom studied incident the in timeline of US efforts to halt North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs. Realistically, the ’94 crisis was the starting point. In June of that year the United States found itself dangerously close to war with North Korea. It was becoming evident that North Korea was committed to developing nuclear weapons. The primary concern in Washington at the time was that any action the US might take could result in war on the Korean peninsula. The North Korean government had made it clear that even an act such as the implementation of sanctions would be regarded as an act of war. Tensions were rising and the possibility of war was quite real.

Duke of York Never Gives Up (1950): During the early days of the Korean crisis, the United Kingdom decided to send two large warships into the Sea of Okhtosk as an intelligence-gathering and show-of-force mission. They did not expect the Soviet Union to respond with open hostilities.

Khasab Helicopter Strike (2017): The turmoil of Middle Eastern politics has turned to Oman, and the UAE attempts a daring helicopter hop across the mountains to seize Khasab.

Cocos Islands (1978): The Cocos (Keeling) Islands in the Indian ocean occupy an important strategic location, allowing extension of regional force projection, surveillance and secure lines of communication. They are also located close to IO and South China Sea shipping lanes. This strategic importance is further boosted by the airfield that was constructed there in WWII. In 1978, due to the very poor treatment of the islanders and the feudal system of governance by the then owners, the Clunies-Ross family, the Australian government forced the islands owners to sell the island to them using the threat of compulsory acquisition. This scenario explores what may have happened if the disgruntled Clunies-Ross family instead sold the island to India.

Northern Fury #13.5 - Anvil (1994): Strike Fleet Atlantic (STRIKFLTLANT) is now in the second phase of its counter attack in the Atlantic. Fighting on Iceland continues but 2 MEF believes that they will have the island clear within the week. A massive NATO attack three days ago halted Soviet plans to seize Oslo but with Berlin and Copenhagen in Russian hands, the situation is not yet assured. Commander STRIKFLTLANT has set in motion a series of attacks designed set up the conditions for upcoming amphibious operations in central Norway – Operation Thor’s Lightning. This is one of those actions.

Arctic Tsunami (2019): Following a massive cyber attack, "Little Green Men" units feature prominently in erupting riots accross all three Baltic states. At the same time the Russian Northern fleet is performing a major sortie centered around its strategic missile submarines and the upgraded flagship Admiral Nakhimov. To counter this, the RN carrier Queen Elizabeth embarks with a squadron of F-35Bs and the shut-down airbase at Keflavik in Iceland is hastily reactivated.

Indian Fury #2 - Mozambique Madness (1994): The chaos of WW3 fought in Europe (as chronicled in the "Northern Fury" series) now spills over into the Indian Ocean. A depleted battle group steaming into the IO after a visit to Cape Town is caught in the emerging maelstrom. Indian Fury #3 – Socotra Scramble (1994): Commanding the USS Nimitz CVBG, you have been tasked to steam at maximum possible speed north to join the 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean. Things are "interesting" in the Indian Ocean but positively frantic in the Med. You will need to assemble your Battle Group, neutralize several layers of enemy defences, and proceed through restricted, hazard-laden waters to enter the Red Sea on your journey to the main theater of operations.

Blood Diamonds (2018): On August 2018 an alleged coup d'état was attempted in Angola against state institutions, including (but not limited to) the government and President Jose Eduardo dos Santos. The attempt was carried out by a faction within the Angolan Armed Forces that organized themselves as the FNLA (Frente Nacional de Libertação de Angola). On August 5th, the ruling MPLA party, considering its strong economic relations with China (Angola is China's second biggest trading partner in Africa), appealed to the Chinese government with the request to help stabilize the situation in country.

Between Ascension and San Carlos (1982): Argentina's navy was quite powerful by South America standards, but never tried to attack the British lines of communication in the Atlantic between Ascension Islands and the Falklands. This hypothetical scenario depicts an aggressive Argentine blue water navy formation trying to attack escorted Royal Navy replenishment ships, carrying much needed fuel and spares to the British task force to the South.

Between Ascension and San Carlos - The carrier duel (1982): This hypothetical scenario depicts aggressive moves by Argentinian task forces, including the Venticinco de Mayo carrier, trying to attack escorted Royal Navy replenishment ships, carrying much needed fuel and spares to the British task force to the South. The Royal Navy, discovering the plan, calls the Invincible carrier with escorts and a SSN for help from the south, trying to stop the Argentine formation and save the replenishment ships.


As always, the community scenario pack is available for download from the Command downloads page: . Most of the scenarios are also available for individual download on the Command workshop on Steam.
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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

Post by xwraith »

More scenarios? My wife is going to kill me.....
I forgot to call it "a box of pure malevolent evil, a purveyor of
insidious insanity, an eldritch manifestation that would make Bill
Gates let out a low whistle of admiration," but it's all those, too.
-- David Gerard, Re: [Mediawiki-l] Wikitext grammar, 2010.08.06
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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

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The Silent Service rises from the depths on March 1st

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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

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Command-LIVE: Commonwealth Collision has been released: ... .Collision

TL;DR : Combined UK + India carrier group (incl. QE & F-35Bs) vs combined Pakistan + China naval and coastal forces.
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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

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Command LIVE: Kuril Sunrise is out: ... il.Sunrise

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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

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Re: Command: Modern Air Naval Operations

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