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Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Blackhawk »

I play it all the time. I'm usually D.Va or Junkrat these days, with a little Pharah or Reaper on the side when the situation calls for it. I do try to keep familiar with all of the classes. I've also learned which ones I suck at: Genji and any sniper.

It really does give that TF2 (countering strengths and weaknesses, team strategies shifting as the battle goes on) and the TF2/UT combat feel (where it isn't just twitch, but technique that wins fights.)
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by McNutt »

The previous brawl which gave you a random character each time was really fun. I played characters that I had never played and it was fun.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Blackhawk »

Where it would randomize you every time? Yeah, that was one of my favorites.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by McNutt »

Yes, a new character each time you respawned. It was insane. It also kept things lighthearted as it's hard to be ultra serious when you realize that nobody has any control over the composition of the team.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Matrix »

Ya, that one was intense. Random char every time.

Mine are Genji, Tracer , Winston and Junkrat.
With both Genji and Tracer i can be either good or bad, depending on that day. Winston and Junkrat is more consistent.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by McNutt »

I enjoy Junkrat, but I never really have great or horrible games. I do fine but don't get the feeling of really helping my team as much as I do with Mei or D.Va. I know it's just the perception though because a harassing Junkrat can really disrupt the other team. You just don't feel it as much as you do when you play with someone whose contributions are more obvious.

Tracer is sort of the same way. When I play Tracer well I'm not killing people left and right, but I'm zipping in and out and doing a decent chunk of damage. If you stay in the fight with Tracer she is going to die because she's so fragile. But causing chaos, which she does well, sometimes isn't as satisfying as holding a choke point or freezing a group of people. I like playing characters like Tracer and Junkrat, but sometimes I need that feeling of being a solid contributor that comes through more with other characters.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Blackhawk »

I actually feel that way about D.Va, whom I play the most. I frequently don't rack up kills, nor do I get every play of the game (although I do get some.) My contributions are often invisible and don't show up on the scoreboard.

I might jet around the edge of the enemy defenses and hit the point from the rear. Doing so often means that I'll die without a single kill, but half of the enemy team will have left their front line blockade to come chase me around. If I time it right and my team aren't idiots, it gives them the opening they need to push in and completely disrupt the enemy position. Its the same way once the payload starts moving. I may not get as many kills, but when half of the enemy team is busy chasing me around, they're not defending the payload.

I might get only three kills in a certain segment, but all three of those kills were the snipers who were locking my team down from some distant ledge. They don't like getting rammed by a shielded mech too much (Reinhardt likes it even less.) While I'm back there, I can systematically disassemble all of Tor and Symetra's turrets, too. Nobody takes out Symetra turrets like D.Va, and Torbjorn's turrets go down quick with her guns at point-blank range.

I know I'm contributing to the win. I also know that nobody else sees it.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Matrix »

McNutt wrote:I enjoy Junkrat, but I never really have great or horrible games. I do fine but don't get the feeling of really helping my team as much as I do with Mei or D.Va. I know it's just the perception though because a harassing Junkrat can really disrupt the other team. You just don't feel it as much as you do when you play with someone whose contributions are more obvious.

Tracer is sort of the same way. When I play Tracer well I'm not killing people left and right, but I'm zipping in and out and doing a decent chunk of damage. If you stay in the fight with Tracer she is going to die because she's so fragile. But causing chaos, which she does well, sometimes isn't as satisfying as holding a choke point or freezing a group of people. I like playing characters like Tracer and Junkrat, but sometimes I need that feeling of being a solid contributor that comes through more with other characters.
That's opposite for me, with Junkrat i can do some heavy take out dmg and game playing, while with D.Va i dont feel i do any dmg. Tracer i am streaky, sometimes i can do gold dmg and some times not much other then blink. With Genji is better, but as skill level of teams gets better, he is becoming less effective (in my hands). Though usually i can do pretty well with him.
There are tons heroes i dont even try, like Mccree or solider, neither has interest for me. I like Anna, but for her to be effective, good team is pretty needed.

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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Zarathud »

I started with D.Va and love how her ultimate can really disrupt the opposing team's coordination. Blast into a group, pop the ultimate and run. Boom!

If I can live ling enough to call another mech, that's gravy. Once you've self-destructed a few times, the other side splinters.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Blackhawk »

Except under certain circumstances, D.Va isn't for doing damage. Here guns have lots of low damage bullets with a wide spread. If she can get up close to a large target (like another tank), she can tear them up, but you generally shouldn't be playing her for kills. D.Va is about flanking, harassing, and disrupting the enemy lines. She is for breaking the enemy team up to chase her, about knocking snipers off of their perches, about taking out turrets, and generally annoying the other team so that they're not paying enough attention to the rest of your team (who can then get easy kills and captures.)

Speaking of D.Va, I finally got a kill with a mech summon last night. I was in mid-fight, got knocked out of my mech, and happened to be standing right next to a Torbjorn building a turret when my meter charged. I took them both out when the mech landed on them.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by McNutt »

I had no idea you even could get a kill from calling a mech down onto someone. That's a nice play.

I played some D.Va last night and her self destruction can be so damn satisfying. We were playing the Volskaya Industries map and were doing a great job of holding the first point. Time was running out and they were making a really good push for it. In overtime I flew into the point as they were contesting it. I had about 80% ultimate charge and just started unloading on them. I didn't do a ton of damage, but it was enough to unlock my ultimate, which I did. I was the only one on my team in the control point, but the explosion killed three and the other two made a mad dash away and the overtime clock ran out. D.Va is great for no other reason than she can give you those moments pretty reliably.

I've always found a well-played Winston to be absolute havoc on my team. Good players will constantly keep him in the mix and he is a mother to kill. He's not really killing everybody because he's not that powerful, but that bastard can really cause headaches. I suck at paying him.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Blackhawk »

Yeah, that's one of my favorite D.Va strategies. If there is a control point involved, it is later in the match, and I have my ultimate, I'll hold on to it. It is one of the best tools for winning in Overtime, as it forces every enemy player to either get off the point, or die.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by McNutt »

Last night I finally gave Winston a try. Man, I had a total blast with him. Winston is not a stat monster and I wasn’t winning many gold medals, but that dude wreaks havoc on a team. Using those jump jets to constantly harass the enemy was so damn much fun. I had one game were I was going deep into the enemy lines and causing confusion. The other team was converging on me and would eventually stop me, but I noticed that they weren’t moving the payload at all because they were spending so much time on me. I had an elimination/death ratio that was pretty poor, but they never even got the payload to the first checkpoint. It was beautiful.

Winston’s ultimate is also really fun. You gain a ton of hitpoints and your punches have extended range and send the enemy flying a good distance. On several occasions I was able to get two kills just by making them fly off a cliff. How satisfying is that! Nothing freaks a team out like having a wild ape jumping and swinging in their midst. They usually all focus on either killing me or getting the hell out of the way, but that gives my team a ton of time to do their thing. I could definitely see Winston becoming my main.

Yesterday I watched a video of Lucio that gave tips on using his wall ride ability. I realized how big the difference is between me as Lucio and an expert at Lucio. I had no idea some of the stuff could even be done. This guy was riding around the map and never touching the ground. It was crazy.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Blackhawk »

Lucio is my go-to when I decide to play healer. I may go look that video up.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by McNutt »

I can't do anything that guy was demonstrating.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Matrix »

McNutt wrote:Last night I finally gave Winston a try. Man, I had a total blast with him. Winston is not a stat monster and I wasn’t winning many gold medals, but that dude wreaks havoc on a team. Using those jump jets to constantly harass the enemy was so damn much fun. I had one game were I was going deep into the enemy lines and causing confusion. The other team was converging on me and would eventually stop me, but I noticed that they weren’t moving the payload at all because they were spending so much time on me. I had an elimination/death ratio that was pretty poor, but they never even got the payload to the first checkpoint. It was beautiful.

Winston’s ultimate is also really fun. You gain a ton of hitpoints and your punches have extended range and send the enemy flying a good distance. On several occasions I was able to get two kills just by making them fly off a cliff. How satisfying is that! Nothing freaks a team out like having a wild ape jumping and swinging in their midst. They usually all focus on either killing me or getting the hell out of the way, but that gives my team a ton of time to do their thing. I could definitely see Winston becoming my main.

Yesterday I watched a video of Lucio that gave tips on using his wall ride ability. I realized how big the difference is between me as Lucio and an expert at Lucio. I had no idea some of the stuff could even be done. This guy was riding around the map and never touching the ground. It was crazy.
Winston actually can do really good dmg and take out back line squishes like a pro. He doesnt have sustain damage, but he has great mobility, wall blocking (which adds a lot to survivability and harassment and tons of hp. ) In ranked i tend to go Winston or Junkrat, but mostly winston. Since he can do tons of game deciding plays, without having to do huge damage. My accuracy is not good enough on tracer or genji to do consistently in ranked, but with winston it is a lot more about positioning, and timing since you dont really have to aim.
Junkrat is similar idea, but with more timing involved.

Ya, that riding video is crazy. No wonder i am so bad with lucio (had no idea about wall switch, direction looking, and pretty much everything he mentioned) . Will have to try some wall riding.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Blackhawk »

New character, Sombra.

Ability breakdown
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by McNutt »

I have no idea how powerful she'll be without seeing just what hack affects. Does it stop Bastion? What about Mei's self ice block? Roadhog's and Soldier's heal?

She would be a nightmare for Winston. It looks like it will get rid of his shield and end his rage.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Blackhawk »

I figure it will be comparable to Ana's sleep dart, but at least you can keep moving and shooting (you just can't use abilities.) It probably last longer, but the videos suggest that it isn't instantaneous (like she has to hit you for a couple of seconds first.) I bet it will stop an ultimate, though. There will be counters, assuming it is channeled. Winston or Pharah can jump away, Lucio, Pharah, and Junkrat can knock her away, McCree can interrupt with a flashbang, and lots of people will be able to just outright kill her. It'll be situational.

She also seems to be fast and has a close range weapon. A lot of her abilities (invisibility, the teleporter) are movement based. I'm guessing that she'll be fairly fragile, possibly with a shield to enhance hit-and-run gameplay.

I'm guessing she was designed as a counter to the unbreakable defenses you sometimes encounter where a team has a certain point locked down so tight that nobody can get through. She's going to be a skirmisher, sneaking in and hiding a translocater, waiting until her team attacks, then teleporting in and hitting a few key points (shutting down Bastion or a turret, for instance.) She'll be an annoyance that distracts as well (think Tracer) rather than a true 'oh shit' threat. A poorly played Sombra will be a wasted team slot. I'd guess that a really well-played Sombra will be able to wreck defenses, though.

All of that is just guesswork, though. I don't know any more than what those two links show.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by McNutt »

Anybody play Sombra yet?
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Max Peck »

Well played, Blizzard, well played. :clap:
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by McNutt »

The new update is out.

Sombra - Quick attack hero similar to Tracer in that she can zip around pretty easily with similar damage. Her trick is to disrupt enemy abilities. I haven't spent much time with her, but she doesn't seem my style. I think I'd rather play Tracer if I'm going to go for a fragile attack hero.

New map - there is a new map used for the new arcade 1v1 and 3v3 games. It seems pretty good.

New arcade modes - This is pretty awesome. There seems to be a dedicated random hero mode now, which was always my favorite brawl. In addition there are other brawl modes that I haven't tried yet. I'm not sure if they randomly assign brawl rules or if you get to select your brawl. There is a 3v3 team mode where it's last man standing. This will bring up some interesting hero selection tactics. I won my first match and then lost three straight. The 1v1 mode is pretty interesting. You and your opponent are assigned the same random hero and you duke it out. First with five kills wins. I fought a guy who had lost of legendary skins, but I was able to beat him 5-1. I don't think I'm that good, so I'm not sure what his problem was. For example, when we faced off as Winston I jumped on him when I saw him and we then sat there shooting each other with our Tesla guns. Since I got the upper hand with my initial jump damage, I have no idea why he thought he'd win simply trading shock damage. My head start guaranteed my victory. Oh well.

You get a loot box with every three wins in arcade mode. Plus you get a lootbox the first time you win on a couple of them. So including my leveling loot box, I got four boxes in under an hour. Rock!
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Matrix »

Arcade is interesting. 3v3 is actually really fun, if everyone is trying to play well that is.
1v1 is brutal. I won a 2 and lost 4 (though 2 of those went to last match), i did had few drinks before, so not sure if it mattered, but wow. I thought my skill was better then that. 1v1 and no outside heals is totally different strategy. For non pro players 1v1 will be big reality check. Since it actually highlights all the gaps with heros. Some heroes that i am relatively good with (i play them a lot), i got raked. Genji specifically, i think i won 1 genji match up out of 4. Thats my main! Same for tracer and Junkrat, not as bad as genji but still maybe half and half. Winston is only one that i think i won most of matchups with.
I will need to readjust my strategy, as 1v1 is totally different from regular game. Head game and strategy is on different level. Can just rush in with team.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by McNutt »

I hate Genji and yet I've won both fights with him in 1v1. It's so weird to play that way because you just have no idea how it's going to work out. It's oddly fun.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Blackhawk »

I've done two of the duels. One I ended up losing 0-5, the other was 4-5. Guess which one was more fun?

I've been annoyed with the new mixed brawls playlist, mostly because people keep joining, seeing that it isn't the brawl they want, and then quitting until it has to restart the matchmaking.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Matrix »

Today 1v1 was bit better, won 2 , lost 1 (was up 4:2 in that one, and still lost). Strangest thing was, still lost with genji! and tracer! My mains are totally not working. My monkey still doing pretty good and road hog is holding his own. Event junk rat got killed today. 1v1 is a different beast.
It feels like genji and tracer is a different game in 1v1, which i am far from figuring out.
My over watch friend who is level 380 or something (we moved from nosgoth to overwatch) wanted to 1v1 me (i am 95) ..... ya dude, just might as well have me leave the game mid way.
I can barely hold my own vs my own level.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Blackhawk »

I had Zarya in the 1v1 today. We wound up running out of time with neither of us even getting into health damage.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by McNutt »

How is a timed out game scored? Does it not count and you have to have an extra game? I've played Zarya vs. Zarya and I'm ashamed to say I lost very quickly.

Have you guys tried Pharah after the patch? She can now hover for much longer, so that by the time her hover runs out her flight counter has been reset. This keeps her in the air almost non-stop. I did not like playing as Pharah in the past but I played her in a random hero brawl and enjoyed it a lot more. I'm going to work on her more because I need to be able to fill more assault roles. Right now I'm only proficient (and I'm being kind to myself) with Soldier 76 and Tracer. Adding Pharah to the mix would keep me from groaning each time I need to play an assault character.

And with Pharah's new flight model, Soldier 76 will be a pretty important part of the team because he's going to be necessary to pop her out of the air.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by infinitelurker »

Looks like they are having a free to play weekend:

I'm gonna give it a try, although the last time I was good at an FPS game was back in the original Unreal Tournament days... :)

Any pointers for somebody who knows absolutely nothing about the game?
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Blackhawk »

infinitelurker wrote: Any pointers for somebody who knows absolutely nothing about the game?
The controls are very straightforward. The applications of the skills are where the depth comes in (every character has 2-3 skills plus an 'ultimate' that is charged over time and by doing damage/healing.)

Pick a couple of characters that you like. Note that the characters are divided into types based on their role (Offense - damage, Defense - damage on the move, usually from a fixed position, Tank - lots of health, not too much damage, and Support - healing or utility skills. ) Start with two or three heroes and get a quick feel for them by trying them out in the practice range (Training from the main menu.) You can change back and forth in there at will as long as you are in the spawn room. Note that each character has a difficulty rating based on how hard they are to play well, indicated in stars. My suggestions for first character picks would be:

Offense: Soldier 76 (very straightforward shooter mechanics and self-healing) Pharah, Reaper, and McCree would also work.

Defense: Junkrat (doesn't require a ton of aim, and his skills are straightforward), Hanzo or Widowmaker if you like sniping in games.

Tank: Roadhog (tons of health, straightforward skills, and doesn't require as much knowledge of the maps and strategies as, say, Reinhardt does.

Support: Lucio (straightforward healing mechanic - just be near your teammates.)

Once you get a handle on two or three that fit your playstyle, start experimenting with the others. A fundamental strategy element in Overwatch is people changing characters to adapt to the situation or to counter a strong enemy.

/edit - Oh, and to start with either do Quick Play (standard matchmaking) or Arcade/Mystery Heroes (randomizes everybody's character every time they die, making experts less of a threat, and gives you a chance to experience the options.) Regardless, expect to have your ass handed to you to begin with. You still get rewards if you're on the losing team, so just have fun with it.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by McNutt »

Yes, read up on the characters and get an idea of a few that you want to play during the weekend.

If you have quick reflexes and are good at making fast shots - McCree
If you want to hang back and heal without a lot of pressure - Mercy
If you want to heal and shoot too - Lucio
If you like a tank that can harass - D.Va
If you want a straightforward shooter - Soldier 76

Spend a decent amount of time with a character and you'll find that your initial impression of them was probably much different.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by infinitelurker »

Thank you both for the tips. I've gotten a few games in, and oof am I ever rusty.

I started off with Widowmaker, as I always loved sniping, but wasn't having any luck at all. So I moved to the tank roadhog. I was dying faster with him than the sniper. I'll give it some more time this weekend, but maybe these old reflexes aren't up for these type of games any more. :)
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Blackhawk »

Roadhog tips:

Don't close through enemy fire. You're slow, and you're a huge target. Approach through cover. Your weapon is very, very close range, but don't run into the middle of enemies. Stay just a bit further back and chain-hook them to you. As soon as you hook, fire into their face. Half of the enemies will die in one shot.

Don't chase down enemies that are beyond hook range. You're too slow, and they can train you around.

If you're hurt, get behind cover and use your heal.

Anyway, enough Roadhog. If your reflexes are the issue, consider Junkrat or Reinhart. Junkrat does splash damage and can stay at mid range so he's less of a target (it helps that you can bounce his grenades around corners.) Reinhardt sticks with the team and doesn't require the kind of reaction speed some of the others do.

This guy has lots of good advice.

Also keep in mind that it will take more than a few games to get yourself back up to speed. Those reflexes may not be what they used to be (I have no idea how old you are), but they can still be improved.

Oh, and everybody dies. All the time. It is a die-and-respawn type game.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by McNutt »

Yes, Roadhog actually requires quick reflexes because he's only good when he hits with his hook. And that requires reflexes.

I agree about Junkrat and Reinhardt. Also try Lucio and D.Va. They are super fun and are about tactics, not quick reflexes.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Sudy »

So... free weekend. I've tried everybody in practice mode. I've played a few rounds. I kind of don't get it? The character designs are gorgeous. It looks beautiful. But it just feels like a constant charge to the objective. Die, rinse, repeat. The pacing seems clunky... especially the travel to the point upon respawning.

I get that's the type of game it is. But I'm still having fun with Paladins, 70 hours (!) in. And it's F2P. It feels better paced even though it's just a beta.

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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Blackhawk »

Sudy Nym wrote: But it just feels like a constant charge to the objective. Die, rinse, repeat. The pacing seems clunky... especially the travel to the point upon respawning.
There is a lot of complex, intentional design going on there. When you start a match, the defenders have a long, long run to get to the defense point. This gives the attackers and advantage early on. It makes killing a defender a big deal, as it will take them out of the game for a while. Later on it is the opposite. The defenders have a big advantage, as they spawn right next to the final point, and the attackers have to get there. It requires that the attackers coordinate more to hit that final point decisively.

This is balanced out somewhat by putting the big chokepoints early on in the maps, giving defenders a slight terrain edge, and opening up the final points more, giving the attackers the terrain edge.

There are whole strategies around getting players to the front sooner. A good Lucio will always check for upcoming respawns and wait for them if there is a big run. It also impacts which characters to play when. Different characters are better for different parts of different maps. Roadhog, for instance, can be tough for attackers to get off of a capture point, but he is always going to be slow getting back on a long run. It is sometimes beneficial to pick him for the start of the match as a defender, then switch out to someone faster after dying if the lines are still a long ways off. Same thing with attackers, but in reverse.

Extra Credits did an excellent video on the Overwatch level design.
Last edited by Blackhawk on Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Blackhawk »

Also, it is only die-rinse-repeat if it is a seriously unbalanced match. Most of the time it is die, die, why did I die? Was it my mistake? What are they doing to take us down so easily, and how can I counter it? Ok, they have a turret. Switch to Widowmaker/Junkrat/D.Va and flank, wait until my team is approaching and take out the turret. Now switch back and watch the enemy do the dying and running.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by McNutt »

The Christmas event starts this afternoon. I know there are going to be a bunch of new skins available and some of the maps will now have a winter theme. I'm not sure if there's going to be a new game mode like they did with Junkenstein's Revenge for Halloween. That was really cool. Since they did a Lucio soccer game for the summer event I'm sure they'll have something. I have a couple thousand gold that I want to spend on skins for D.Va and Reinhardt, but I'm holding off in case some of the winter skins are really good. I'm certainly not going to use my gold to unlock a Santa Claus type of skin.

They've been testing a new Symmetra build on that has an armor granting ult (a second ult for her) and a shield barrier that she can project forward. I think it's similar to Reinhardt's shield except that her shield keeps floating away in the direction it was cast.

There's a new map on PTR too that I haven't played. It has car traffic that can hit you as well as some sort of trampoline jump pad. I haven't played it yet. I'm not sure if it's going to be released with the event too.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by Blackhawk »

Oasis isn't out, but the Sombra reboot is. I don't know how useful it will make her, but it is certainly a step in the right direction. Being able to drop six turrets at once is big, and going from 200 health to 50 health/350 shields on the teleporter is really, really nice. If will take much longer to kill, and if it isn't destroyed outright, it will regen the shields, meaning the enemy has to start over from scratch to kill it.

The Christmas event is out with a full range of skins, animations, and so forth to unlock, plus a new Snowbrawl fight.

I've saved up a little over a thousand coins, and should have another thousand before the event ends. I also made sure not to get any of my Arcade Mode bonus unlocks yesterday, which should be three extra loot boxes fairly quickly.
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Re: Overwatch : Blizzard FPS

Post by McNutt »

My arcade bonus is empty right now, so I should get at least two loot boxes tonight. The Mei skin is just as boring as the rest of her skins. I love the Winston one though. I might have to get that one.
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