PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Octavious »

Pretty cool. All I know is that in close quarters I want a vector. That things is insane. Finally got a solo win last night. I have been playing more to practice than win but this round worked out. Had a sweet sweet akm kill to win it. Crouched that gun is a beast.

An earlier round I had Chocotaco in my game. Thankfully he got killed off pretty early with 5 kills.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

Good job Oct!

I don't play solo much any more. I used to do it to work on my skills, but I find I make more progress just going to the training center and shooting things. Lots and lots of things.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Octavious »

Best practice for me is to play Battlefield V. I have seen a rapid improvement the last week in my snap aim. Since you get A LOT of combat in BF V you build up your muscle memory. Solo PUBG is very stressful which is why I have cut it down a bit. I'm not even remotely scared to land at places like school anymore so that's a big move forward. Despite all my hours played I never got comfortable with hot drops.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

We had a second place the other day, where Frey had to go it alone for the last 2 circles. We were doing ok as a 3 man squad but Pathfinder (non-OO'er) and I got ambushed from behind by a guy coming in from outside the circle. We had an inkling he was there but there were more than 1 team in the area and I wasn't able to keep track of which teams had run off after the circle and which hadn't. On the plus side I'm pretty sure we murdered everyone else in his squad so he was out for revenge.

Frey then chased the circle himself, holing up in the second story of a house on the outskirts of Cruz del Valle on Miramar. Tons of action and Frey had a number of LoS to people out in the desert and inside town with his 6x SKS. Everyone was shooting everyone and when the dust settled it was just Frey and 1 other guy. Frey had to move to the new smaller circle and so did the guy from the other side. Frey took up a defensive position on the first floor of another house and the other guy threw a grenade into the second story. Frey was covering an open window and the guy ran past and amazingly quick shot Frey as Frey opened up on him. In the end more bullets reached Frey than reached his opponent and Frey just missed a chicken dinner by a single piece of lead that was probably in midflight in the 6m between the two shooters.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Freyland »

Last night showed how fickle PUBG can be about loot distribution. Goo, Pathfinder (mentioned above), and myself landed at the eastern most houses of Mognai on the Sanhok map. We saw 4 guys land in the surrounding area, presumably of the same team, but only one of them was clearly landing with us, and he was going for the Palm trees in the middle of the region. You would think three guys could find sufficient weapons in 4 houses on that map so we could quickly eliminate the other team piecemeal, but only PF had even the barest of weapons. Basically, he had a shotgun, Goo had a revolver, and I ran out into the tree farm with a Molotov cocktail, hoping to find a weapon. Naturally, my plans went as well as they sounded like they should, and Pathfinder was cut down from behind as he entered the marsh late.

That said, it needs noted that while PF and I were face-down in the water, Goo was merrily eliminating *half* of the other squad with just the revolver and good 'ol fashioned fist bludgeoning. :teasing-wedgie: :clap:
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

Gonna throw up a video of it shortly, if I can get this open source editor to work. Also gonna put up the last bit of your #2 place fight, hopefully.

Openshot is the editor. It's an older version so I'm gonna update it to see if that helps. Open source is usually better than this and I'm not going to buy a video editor just so I can cut some video off the beginning and end of pre-recorded video. Annoying.

edit: New version is working, although it won't just let me slice portions of the video off the ends, and requires me to re-export the video, which means re-compiling/compressing which is a lengthy process normally, but here it seems to be unreasonably long. Like, "there's a problem" long.

It shouldn't be this hard, even though video is actually pretty complicated, especially making changes to it. It is 2018 after all. Will post when I have something, assuming I ever do.

edit: Ok, giving up on OpenShot for now. It worked in past, then didn't work, then worked, now it doesn't seem to be working. No idea what is going on.

Lightworks was recommended, but you can't export above 720p unless paid, thanks.
Trying Handbrake, which is actually video conversion software, but it has some basic editing too, and that's all I need for now.

edit: And...handbrake only allows me to crop the video, not concatenate 2 or 2 videos. Damn it.

edit: Having exactly zero luck finding software the jam 2 video files into one without wanting money, I trimmed the original files using handbrake and am combining the newly trimmed files with Openshot. For whatever reason, Openshot seems to be working for this basic task, whereas before trimming and combining at the same time was breaking the software. :?
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

Here are 2 Scar-L iron sight knocks and another 2 R45 revolver knocks. Only had 15 rounds with the revolver to start with and got the second knock with my last bullet so I had to punch them the rest of the way down. My team mates were both down and out at this point so once I killed the two enemies I just gave up. I only had a level 2 vest and an empty R45 when I died. :D

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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

10 minutes of Frey camping a building on his way to the final 2. Replay is sped up so it's about 6 minutes total run time. Multiple knocks/kills with his SKS.

Frey, something is weird about the replay sync there at the end. You take a bunch of damage before he turns and before he fires or we hear him firing, then a small pause, then you get headshot. Not sure what's going on but it's probably the replay sucking as it often does. I looked to see if you happened to step outside the circle or something but it doesn't appear so.

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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Freyland »

4 iron-sight kills are pretty damn spiffy, especially since I can't seem to hit anything with the revolver.
Of course, your Erangel video missed the second most important thing in that fight... Where Pathfinder was knocked out of your vehicle and I intentionally ran him over with mine since I thought he was one of the attackers!
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

Yeah, I can't see it from my perspective as I'm leaning out the window with the UZI at that time.

Believe it or not I don't actually want to get into the video editing business, but I found some of my earlier videos had serious flaws that were easily fixable with some basic editing, so I started splicing stuff together and/or showing the same shot from different perspectives. Originally I just posted straight in-game video. Without professional software I find even basic editing to be a major chore. Putting together that one video where I climb into a window on Miramar and basically come into contact with my attacker, showing both mine and my attackers perspective was a pain. Throwing together Red's killing of the boat was far more difficult than it had any right to be.

Which is my way of saying that I did the absolute minimum for the Scar-L video to show the 2 iron sights shots while still giving some context to the situations re: driving up and getting out. I could have moved the camera around in the replay and/or shown views from other players' perspectives, but I was already incredibly frustrated just getting the software to work at all, let alone make something interesting out of the video.

If it helps, you can piece together what happened from the killfeed. I know it doesn't help. Still, it's there for anyone who wants to put 2 and 2 together.

My limited experience editing video has given me renewed respect for those who create really interesting videos from their game footage. I know I talk about WackyJacky a lot, but knowing what I know now, his cinematic videos are actually quite cool and not nearly as easy to make as they would first appear.

Throwing together your run for #2 showed me all the bullets you put into people before the end. You did a lot more damage than I remembered. Do you recall how much the total was by the time it was over?
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Freyland »

I like your videos. I'm glad you do them.

Sadly, no I didn't pay close attention to the overall damage numbers. I believe it was 4 kills. Wish I hadn't potato'd on those guys near the smoke in the blue!

Sorry I never made it back last night, didn't get home from the hospital until about 3 am. Hopefully on tonight!
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

Freyland wrote: Sun Nov 25, 2018 2:08 pm I like your videos. I'm glad you do them.
Me too and I'm glad others do as well. I just like having a visual record of some of the fun stuff we do. The audio from discord doesn't hurt either. :D

Most of my point was that I haven't found a free editor where even basic editing wasn't a chore, and in general that editing videos is much harder than it looks. For me at least. In theory Openshot should do exactly what I need it to do, and easily, but it seems incredibly unstable and just wonky in general, at least on Windows. It's not that it's hard to do in the software, it's that the software freezes and grinds for long periods of time, in ways that I can't always attribute to heavy computing (which video editing requires).

Even Handbrake which trims the ends off videos very well needs me to tell it what seconds to start and stop at, and I need to use media player to figure out what those seconds are. i.e. I open the video in media player, note the time stamp where I want to begin the video, then type that number into Handbrake. Ditto the end. There is no way that I can see to see a preview of the video playing in Handbrake.

This could (probably) all be solved by simply buying a good editor, or even pirating one, but as much fun as doing great editing would probably be, I just don't have the time for it, especially with all the game playing I like to do, so I'm not willing to pay for it, and I'm mostly opposed to pirating except in dire need (and yes, I get to determine what "dire need" is, not the world at large).

The number of PAID applications that just splice and trim video clips together on Windows is amazing. It's like having 40 different applications, all of which want money, just so you can cut and paste text. I had forgotten how monetized a lot of basic functionality was in Windows. Worse, many of these were actually subscription based, so not only did they want money, they wanted a continual stream of money.

I'm not opposed to paying for applications, it's just that Linux and open source have spoiled me I think, so I'm only willing to pay for serious, significant software. Paying for a text editor is right out, for example.

Anyway, all over the place,
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

No worries about last night. Pathfinder showed up but I wasn't interested in doing a duo so he hung around for awhile then bailed. We'll see if we can get something going tonight.

I just ran a training session with the AUG and Mk14 as I said I would, having actually picked up both guns in a game recently.

The AUG is kind of crazy stable. It's like firing an UMP in 5.56mm format.

The Mk14 didn't feel much different from the SKS. The aim points and bullet drop seem nearly identical out to about 450m. I tried lying down and switching to auto. Lol. That is *not* an option for me. Even with the tripod the thing was all over the place and controlling it is beyond my capabilities.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Redfive »

GreenGoo wrote: Sat Nov 24, 2018 9:25 pm 10 minutes of Frey camping a building on his way to the final 2. Replay is sped up so it's about 6 minutes total run time. Multiple knocks/kills with his SKS.

Frey, something is weird about the replay sync there at the end. You take a bunch of damage before he turns and before he fires or we hear him firing, then a small pause, then you get headshot. Not sure what's going on but it's probably the replay sucking as it often does. I looked to see if you happened to step outside the circle or something but it doesn't appear so.

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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

Because I can't let this go I'm going to retell an incident from last night. I'm not angry or annoyed, but I am somewhat perplexed.

I'll skip right to the moment rather than giving situational context.

The incident is that I was firing center of mass full auto using an UZI at a dude wearing level 2 body armor when he turned and killed me center of mass with an M16A4.

Here are the starting details:

level 2 body armor (same as him)
approx. 72hp at start (same as him)
UZI full auto

level 2 body armor (same as me)
approx. 72hp at start (same as me)
M16A4 probably burst mode

It takes 5 bullets from an UZI to kill someone with 69-85 hp wearing lvl 2 body armor.
It takes 3 bullets from an M16A4 to kill someone with 50-75 hp wearing level 2 body armor.

It takes approx. 0.192s for the UZI to fire 5 bullets from the time the trigger is pulled, on full auto
It takes approx. 0.150s for the M16A4 to fire 3 bullets from the time the trigger is pulled, on burst.

If both start firing at the exact same time, the M16A4 will finish firing 3 bullets 0.042 seconds before the UZI finishes firing 5, which means that the M16 can start firing up to a maximum of 0.042 seconds after the UZI if it's going to "win".

In a game last night I had a target at short range (10m or less) that was on high alert but facing away from me. I am literally not in his field of vision when I start firing my UZI. My bullets are hitting center of mass, no bullets are missing, trigger is held down, full auto.

Assuming the gunfire alerted him to my presence, he managed to turn and fire in the span of 0.042 (or less!) seconds, because I died and he lived. That's...pretty amazing reaction time. That's not 1/2 a second, it's 4/100ths of a second.

So the short version is that despite aiming and firing at a dude with a fully automatic UZI before he turned and fired back with a burst M16 shot, the M16 won. Obviously, the numbers above show that this is possible, and I did lose, so I guess that's what happened.

The UZI firing rate is just so fast that it seems almost impossible to lose a bullet race without a headshot if the UZI starts first, but here we are. Great, I guess. There is no practical way to have played this out differently. Shooting someone before they can shoot you is 95% of PUBG, and I did that. I didn't miss. I didn't give away my position too early. I fired one of the fastest (although least damaging) submachine guns in the game at a guy before he could even aim at me, and I still lost, through no fault of my own, imo.

I can count on 1 finger the number of times this has happened in my experience.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Octavious »

I'd lean towards server lag. It's gotten WAY better, but there is still dsynch from time to time. There's also A TON of shady Chinese players around as of late. It's a shame that they don't totally block them from the US servers. :tjg:
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

Sure, that's always a possibility.

It didn't feel like it though, for whatever that's worth.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Freyland »

GreenGoo wrote: Mon Nov 26, 2018 8:42 pm Sure, that's always a possibility.

It didn't feel like it though, for whatever that's worth.
In our last round, just before I had to leave, I engaged the two buggies that flew by me. I took damage as the second one went by, but well after it passed suddenly there was gun sounds and barrel flashes floating in the air where the buggy passenger would have been, adjacent to my position.

The Desync is real.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

Desync is a technical phenomenon that exists in networking and will always exist.

No one is denying it's existence.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Freyland »

GreenGoo wrote: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:35 pm Desync is a technical phenomenon that exists in networking and will always exist.

No one is denying it's existence.
Certainly. Just being supportive with a recent applicable (and unusual) story, that was also conducive to an X-Files quote. :D
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

We missed you tonight.

Cort and Doom and I had a decent night. Nothing spectacular, but a few top 10's and 5's, some kills and knock downs.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Freyland »

That sounds *much* better than our previous night!
At 930 PM I got a head's up that the same patient from the night previous was starting to have issues, so I just collapsed for an hour's nap before I had to eventually go in once again. At least this time I got home in time for a few hours sleep! Greatly hope to get in some Shooty-face tonight.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Octavious »

Had a terrible night until my last round. Got a third place 7 kill on the original map in FP. I generally don't play tpp anymore. I think the game knows when I'm getting really pissed off and throws me a bone from time to time.

I'm pretty much full on emulating what chocotaco does minus the skill or super aggressive play. I loot up and make my way to a building towards the middle via vehicle. Rinse and repeat until you no longer need the vehicle. You get a lot of action without the annoyance of running for the circle.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

Octavious wrote: Thu Nov 29, 2018 4:25 pm Had a terrible night until my last round. Got a third place 7 kill on the original map in FP. I generally don't play tpp anymore. I think the game knows when I'm getting really pissed off and throws me a bone from time to time.

I'm pretty much full on emulating what chocotaco does minus the skill or super aggressive play. I loot up and make my way to a building towards the middle via vehicle. Rinse and repeat until you no longer need the vehicle. You get a lot of action without the annoyance of running for the circle.
First, great job!

Second, I'm too timid (with good reason, I feel. Maybe not with great reason though. I'm working on it) to follow winning strategies like aggressively seizing the middle of the circle, finding a defensible position, often a building, and defending it from all comers. I simply don't have the skill needed to defeat multiple enemies coming at me from multiple angles no matter how good a position I'm in or how exposed they are while migrating into the circle.

Even if I were to do that, the moment I fired on, and maybe even managed to take out, my first target, I would be vaporized after giving away my position long before I could identify and kill any new threats.

Luckily, I enjoy running the circle, sometimes. I agree it can be a bastard and completely unfun. Other times, it's just one more thing to manage and make tactical decisions about. I think we can both agree that chasing the circle over multiple contractions for multiple km is not fun though.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Octavious »

Generally the buildings aren't occupied. I think the majority of the people assume the buildings are occupied and avoid them. I'm not that great at storming or protecting buildings either. It's way less stressful to me than running and then getting wacked by some dude hiding behind a rock. This of course doesn't apply to the jungle map. Vehicles are a death sentence unless you REALLY need to get to the circle.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

Yeah, I wasn't clear. I understand the benefits of taking the middle of the circle and defending it. I am just incapable of defending it, and taking the middle of the circle paints a giant target on my back.

It has nothing to do with the buildings being occupied or not, although I do agree that buildings (or landing sites!) can be surprisingly empty because everyone "knows" that they are going to be busy and avoid them.

You can often find completely untouched buildings in the middle of the circle for the reasons you describe.

I agree that sitting in a building scouting the LoS approaches is less stressful than migrating late into the circle after everyone else has established their positions. It's just not THAT MUCH less stressful. If I'm running and get headshot by an unseen assailant or I'm peeking a window and am headshot by an unseen assailant, it's pretty much the same to me, and buildings tend to draw attention even moreso than randomly running around. I scope buildings all the time as I approach them. I don't always do it for every tree, rock or shrubbery. Because buildings are people magnets.

Ok, I worry I'm making this more confusing than it is.

I know of, have studied, and agree with the strategy of early center of circle rushing and holding, in that it provides the greatest chances for a win, all skill levels being equal.

My skill levels are not equal however, and taking the middle of the circle then making a lot of noise defending it is an almost guaranteed way of knocking me out of the match. I.e. it has the opposite effect on my chances of a win than it does with the more skilled players.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

As an interesting aside, Frey and I took a truck on Sanhok because we had no choice, and despite several teams taking pot shots at us, we survived long enough to be killed on foot a few minutes later completely unrelated to our vehicle driving.

Your point is completely valid, and taking a vehicle on Sanhok is (almost) guaranteed death. It worked out for us, this one time, in that we were able to get into a late game circle where the blue would have killed us otherwise, and get ourselves established in the new circle before dying in a more typical encounter, unrelated to our vehicle usage in any way (probably).
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Octavious »

Well that was a hot mess. Figured I'd join a few rounds and every single round was like we were dropping into school. That was bizarre.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

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Oh played a few solo rounds after and got a 5 kill fifth. The way I died would have made Green lose his mind. I'm on the side of the circle at like 75 health. A guy wanders maybe 13m from me to a tree. I stand up and full auto with my QBZ. He spins, turns and hits a perfect shot to kill me. He had all level 3 armor + a beryl. Him reacting that split second perfectly is the only way he lived. I have like 1 more health or he blinks I win. :lol: I wasn't even mad about it since I already had 5 kills and I was tired.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

I had a feeling I was going to have a bad night emotionally and then I did, so I bailed which was the right thing to do. Your comments reinforce my decision. I was not in any head space to handle continual and repeated frustrations. To add insult to injury, my gameplay was off and was having a bad night from a skill standpoint as well.

As for your death, I want to reiterate that I wasn't particularly frustrated or upset about getting my ass handed to me, I just couldn't understand it, that's why all the math and such. Once I understood that it was physically possible without magic somehow, I was a little incredulous but that's it.

Your death could be frustrating for me, or I could accept it in stride. Lots of factors come into play about my mental state in any given situation.

In any case, well done. It's always good to end the evening on a high note and always annoying to end it on a low one.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

I think I've made it clear to Frey but maybe not the forum in general.

When I play PUBG, I'm competing. Competing GG is different from playing games GG. I am extremely competitive when I choose to compete, but not in the way people often think of overly competitive people. Losing is fine. Winning is fine. How I lose or how I win is FAR more important to me. Playing well and losing anyway is much better mentally than playing poorly and losing. Winning despite playing poorly is meaningless to me. The quality of my play when I compete is probably the most important thing to me, the results of my play (winning vs. losing) much less so, and only I can easily judge that quality (barring videos and replays from my perspective) which is why I can appear to be overly critical of myself, although I usually mean that criticism as objectively as possible.

You can often witness my acknowledgement of being outplayed when I say out loud "Nice play, asshole". One the one hand, it's not just competition, but competition to murder each other. That makes it personal in a way that playing basketball doesn't. That's why "asshole". On the other, I got outplayed and I acknowledge I was outplayed, that's why "nice play". If I swear more and acknowledge less, you know I'm pissed off. :wink:

I'm also slightly more irritable (sensitive to annoyances maybe?) when competing, so you might find I'm a little cruel or gruff at some innocuous things. That's on me and I try not to be a shitty person. If I find I'm being shitty and can't seem to get it under control, the right thing to do is to take a break, which I know I should do and am starting to do more regularly. Me taking a break is not a implicit criticism of the people I'm playing with. It's an acknowledgement that I don't like being shitty, don't like people witnessing me being shitty, and I sure as hell don't want to take out my shittiness on others.

In another way that my competitiveness is different from a typically overcompetitive person is that I don't angrily criticize other peoples' play when things don't go my way. I sometimes comment, but that is meant to be a critique, not criticism. If anyone feels I'm being critical of their play then please for the love of god tell me, as I do not mean it that way and will absolutely stop. I very rarely (if ever?) get upset that we lost because of something someone else did/didn't do.

There was an incident awhile back that might seem contrary to that paragraph, but losing because of something others did was not what set me off. Those who know what I'm talking about can discuss it with me in person if they would like. Otherwise, sleeping dogs lie and all that.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Octavious »

We land North George and had at least 4 teams in the same area. I never see that. We land Yas and the same thing happened. I seriously can't recall hotter drops for both areas ever. And the last round I litteraly land a quarter of a second later then the other guy right on a weapon. I hate that crap. I wish it was like ROE where you at least start with some kind of weapon. The random oh crap you have no gun death isn't fun and annoys me to no end.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

Frustration is a topic of much discussion. I believe I'm the one that usually drives it, although I'm certainly not the only one who gets frustrated. Anyone who has ever played the game understands that.

I used to say I didn't mind dying as long as I've got a gun in my hand first, but I've had to amend it to dying with a gun in my hand and bullets in it. I've died too many times picking up a weapon and no ammo, or picking up and gun and ammo and dying before I can load it.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Freyland »


Not a terrible night. After the other OO'ers left, I played squads with Pathfinder, Rosin and his daughter Bootlegturducken. She's a kid, and is fun to play with but normally doesn't shed too much of the other team's blood. We landed in Zarky(?), all of us at the first warehouse with two bad guys. Unfortunately, the adults didn't coordinate well, and Rosin managed to punch one guy down but the other guy got a shotgun and eliminated all three of us. Turduckin? She's on the roof. No gear. Guy with the shotgun rez's his buddy and runs off. The previously downed guy grabs a crossbow and goes out the way he came in. Turduken runs across the roof and Batman's right on top of him. He has already turned his back on her because he heard her footsteps before she jumped. POW! Knocks him down in one punch. Bludgeons him to death. Runs back into the warehouse. Two baddies come around the crates from either side and at least one manages to shoot the other while she dodges panics. She almost punched out the wounded one before getting killed by the other. Very fun!
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »


I was logged into discord this afternoon if case someone stopped by, but no luck.

I'll be around tonight, but late as Sunday nights are kind of busy for me.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Freyland »

Should of sent me a Steam message! I never assume anyone is on Discord, I normally just watch my friends list. But if you are free to play, can always see if I can "rearrange" my schedule (ie. put things off). I was even playing Battletech for a brief bit this afternoon.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Octavious »

Dropped into shelter (which I should stop doing it's a terrible spot) And some dude picked the same entrance. I beat him in, but he of course picked the side that had a gun. I found a grenade. As I don't accept losing well I pulled the pin and ran right up to him dropping it at our feet. 1 kill 97th place. :lol:

I also briefly played some tpp and remembered why I don't. Never see anyone in windows because they are laying down looking out the windows. People camping inside dumpsters that you can't do anything about. They can see you coming and you can't do anything about it. It's really silly and I will be glad to just stick to FP.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

I like playing games in tpp aesthetically but the ability to see around corners and over ridges is just too big an advantage to the camper. It's already hard enough surviving an ambush from someone peeking a corner or ridge etc, especially in solo with no backup.

I haven't played TPP in a year, and I have no intention of ever doing it again.
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by Octavious »

After playing FP for so long I felt so exposed playing in TPP. You just have no idea who is just camping around a rock watching your every move. It kind of creeped me out. :lol:
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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Post by GreenGoo »

Octavious wrote: Mon Dec 03, 2018 2:46 pm After playing FP for so long I felt so exposed playing in TPP. You just have no idea who is just camping around a rock watching your every move. It kind of creeped me out. :lol:
I pretty much feel that way in FPP, so nothing changes there, except in FPP I try to internalize that I at least have a chance to see my stalker. In theory.
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