Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by moleymoleymoley »

I'm liking the high risk reward dropship mission 8-)
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Zenn7 »

Send Alpha 1 and 3 after the dropship (3 can take care of the tanks, 1 for the dropship assault, our CO can hopefully help make sure people aren't unnecessarily trigger happy so we can salvage the dropship).

For the airbase defense - Alpha 2, Beta 2, Delta 1 (Delta 1 - they have more mobility for dealing with the irregular forces).

Alpha 2 and Gamma 2 for reinforcements.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by NickAragua »

Boy that dropship mission took a while. Freaking night fighting.

We commit Alpha Company to the task of destroying (or capturing) the dropship. Alpha-One and Alpha-Two will join a lance of assault tanks from the 33rd Avalon Hussars in attacking the Union. Alpha-Three will engage the enemy tank base - the 33rd will be providing some air support in the form of a pair of bomb-equipped aircraft.

Madmarcus is still out nursing a sprained arm, so Paingod will be temporarily in charge of Delta Company, borrowing Beta-Two for the duration. Beta-Two will remain at the air base to handle direct assaults. Delta-One and Delta-Two will maintain roving patrols to intercept, harass and divert incoming enemy forces, and act as mobile reinforcements. Delta-Three will swap its Ostscout for Gamma-Three's Vulcan and engage the infantry and irregular unit formation coming in.

February 8, 3037
Alpha-Three moves in on the tank base as the garrison there gets ready to reinforce the dropship. Looks like most of the faster units have already left. Aircraft from the FedCom airbase sortie to support the attack as well. Alpha-Three nearly loses their Griffin after a lucky headshot and subsequent pummeling, but the mechwarrior is able to "play possum" until the rest of his lance and the supporting aircraft have things "under control". Although I guess it's not too hard to do that if you're actually passed out and unconscious, and your mech is missing an arm and leaking coolant fluid everywhere. She'll be out for at least a month and a half with a concussion and a broken rib.

In the end, the enemy tank units are bottled up inside their base. They shoot down both of the Davion aerospace fighters, but one is able to recover, although it'll probably be under repairs for a while. Then again, so will our Griffin and Wolverine. Still, no extra heavy tanks on the dropship mission is pretty good.

Meanwhile, Alpha-One and the FedCom assault tank lance begin their attack on the dropship. Alpha-Two is about a minute behind. The FedCom guys aren't screwing around, they're bringing a Von Luckner (has an AC/20), a Behemoth (ungodly amount of LRMs), a Partisan (assault technical) and a Devastator (two AC/20s).

The Union deploys its complement of mechs, although it looks like only about half the bays were full - less than two lances and all lights and mediums. There are also some light tanks that must have already made their way here from the tank base, along with a couple of Manticores, a Tokugawa (the serious AC/10 version), and an LRM Carrier. And of course, the Union itself is no joke.

So we still have our hands full. If we want to claim the dropship, we'll have to cripple it *and* blow up a bunch of tanks. The good part is that it's raining and at night, so we'll have a pretty good advantage, due to our generally superior gunnery. It just might take a while. The night-time conditions will also slow our allies down so they don't charge in and get themselves killed by the dropship, and may even provide some actual fire support. Although, I'm being unfair, their aircraft put on a pretty good showing against the tank base.

It also looks like we're on the clock - sensors indicate the dropship's engines are going from "warm" to "hot", a process which takes about five minutes.

Round 1:
We enter the battlefield well outside the dropship's weapons range. The night time makes it difficult to target the enemy units, but they'll close in soon enough. We'll camp out in some woods on top of a hill then trade long-range fire until we run out of ammo (unlikely, we have five PPCs) or they run out of guys.

Round 2:
Here they come! Uh, nobody can hit anything, though.

Round 3:
Lighter enemy units close in, trying to dislodge us. Gbasden whiffs what should have been three easy PPC shots. Oh well, now he gets to fight a Wasp up close.

Round 4:
Another disapopinting round. Gbasden switches targets to an LRM Carrier in the distance, scoring a single hit to melt off most armor off its left side. Isgrimnur and Stefan move north to support him.

Round 5:
The bulk of the Kurita defenders are still way out of range. The LRM Carrier absorbs another PPC while its Scorpion tank buddy takes some LRMs from Stefan, knocking off bits of tread.

Round 6:
Well, Alpha-Two is here. Let's see if we can do a little better now.

The answer, by the way, is no. The good news, the other guys can't either.

Round 7:
Our Rifleman "shines some light on the situation", firing up its search light. That's a little better. Gbasden is finally able to blow away the LRM Carrier, while Stefan fires LRMs at a Saladin as it picks its way through the darkness. The missile salvo mostly doesn't hit, but enough missiles remove chunks of armor and fans that the hovertanks drops to the ground, immobile.

A Wasp keeps hopping around in the middle of our formation and Isgrimnur has enough of it, giving it a solid boot to the left arm which goes limp after throwing out a shower of sparks. Not where the laser was, but that's ok.

"Keep them lit up. Get some smoke in front of that Rifleman!" Gbasden calls out.

Round 8:
The Rifleman lights up some tanks in the distance, then takes the time to remove the right arm from the Wasp with an autocannon burst to give it a matching set. Gbasden takes advantage of this by blowing away one of the Scorpion tanks, although he wishes he'd nailed the one with the LRMs instead.

Unfortunately, the searchlight party comes to an end as a little piece of crap Vedette blows out the Rifleman's searchlight with a well-placed AC/5 round.

Round 9:
The battle devolves into wild firing at shapes in the dark again. Stefan and Gbasden score some minor hits but no kills, while Isgrimnur continues working on the Wasp, blasting through its rear torso armor with a laser, then dropping the right leg out from under it with the hatchet, leaving it completely weaponless and missing three limbs. The mechwarrior decides that he's had enough and piles out.

Round 10:
A Pegasus crashes into a tree to the east, although we don't really find out about it until later. The Ostscout does a pretty good job of hopping around like crazy, moving to engage El Guapo. "I'll get you next time", calls out Isgrimnur, shaking his fist. El Guapo, meanwhile, dodges the Ostscout's single laser and lifts a leg up to avoid the punch. "Amateur".

Round 11:
We continue firing long-range weapons, with Stefan putting some LRMs into a Scimitar hovertank to disable it.

Round 12:
One of the allied Behemoths demonstrates why you don't want to close with a Behemoth, even at night with a jump-capable mech, by laying into a Wasp's right torso with an AC/10 burst. The torso remains functional, just barely. Our Trebuchet lets loose with an LRM salvo, disabling a Pegasus hovertank, while the rest of the weapons fire plinks off or misses. El Guapo's aim continues to be spoiled by the annoying Ostscout hopping around, although that should stop soon now that Isgrimnur's finished hopping over.

Round 13:
Our Flashman takes the left arm off the Ostscout and hits it with a laser in the leg, just to give it a little something to think about it. Stefan's LRM ammo bins click empty, which is problematic. Well, two kills for 240 LRMs is... ok, I guess. On the plus side, no more heat problems.

Round 14:
A J. Edgar light hovertank tries to sneak around the north side of our formation, but our Rifleman is having none of it ,blasting it with autocannons and lasers. The allied Devastator reports heavy motive damage. Not that it was going anywhere, anyway.

Round 15:
The enemy jumping mechs to the south make a mess of the supporting FedCom tanks, disabling the Behemoth completely. Our Rifleman gives the Ostscout a good burst from autocannons stripping off most torso armor, although the enemy mech manages to take the armor off our mech's rear right torso section.

Round 16:
Isgrimnur catches up to the Clint and Wasp that just messed up one of our allied tanks and exchanges kicks, stripping armor off the Clint's right leg while losing some off his own. The better news is that our Trebuchet finally manages to corner the Ostscout. After the Rifleman blasts it twice more with autocannons, the Trebuchet gives it a solid boot to the right leg, disabling the limb and bring it down. With just about no armor left, the enemy mechwarrior gives it up.

He'd have probably done better with some support.

Round 17:
Our long-range gunnery advantage is starting to tell. The Blackjack uses its light autocannons to burst through the Maxim's armor, forcing the hover transport to reconsider its presence. We've crippled, disabled or destroyed ten of their units with none of *ours* being lost. Although the Davion tanks to the south are having a hard time - the Devastator has been completely immobilized, making it two of the allied tanks out of the fight.

It is mildly annoying to have fewer meat shields.

Round 18:
Isgrimnur catches the Wasp that's been hopping around El Guapo with the AC/10 straight through the center of mass, turning it into scrap. To the north, our Rifleman takes out a Scorpion that's been firing LRMs at us for a while.

Round 19:
Things start unraveling for the Combine tanks as their numbers dwindle. Gbasden disables the Tokugawa heavy tank by direct application of PPC to the treads. Isgrimnur goes to clean up the Clint, which is the last jump-capable mech on their side. Well, they miss each other, but on the plus side, Stefan splatters a Saladin hovertank that's gotten lost in the woods.

Round 20:
Not much happens in terms of weapons fire, but Stefan continues his tank-stomping rampage, a Galleon exploding under the Catapult's bird leg.

Round 21:
Stefan's really getting into it, zapping a Pegasus in the fans with a laser to take it out of action, then breaks through another Galleon's armor to send the light tank packing. Our Rifleman blows away a Scorpion with the last of its AC/10 ammo.

It's time for our heavies to advance and engage the dropship, as the Kurita units now lack critical mass to stop us. Hopefully we have enough time to take it down, it looks like they're finishing their engine powerup cycle.

Round 22:
As Gbasden starts his mech moving, he trips over a rock and falls forward down a hill. The Blackjack stands nearby watching, the mechwarrior inside chortling. "Not. A. Word." Our Awesome driver says as he gets the mech back up.

Meanwhile, Stefan's just on a roll. Without having to worry about managing LRM ammo and heat from those launchers, the lasers fly wild, punching through an LTV-4's armor to take out the engine.

El Guapo flips his arms back, firing at the Clint back there as it brawls with Isgrimnur, scoring a torso hit with a PPC and shorting out a laser. Isgrimnur gives it a matching set of punctured torso armor with a boot to the other torso. A jump jet flares up then flickers out. The guy in the Clint has had enough.

I was wrong about the jumping mech count, though, there's still a Firestarter jumping around.

Round 23:
We continue advancing, some mechs faster than others. Our Flashman zaps one of the nearby Locust's weapons mount off with a laser, but otherwise it's once again just a pretty light show for the most part. Well, except Stefan picking off another Vedette with a combination of lasers and a boot while muttering something about anklebiters.

Round 24:
Gbasden turns to the left and blasts the damaged Locust center of mass, cracking the armor and engine shielding. Stefan is unable to puncture the armor on the Manticore, temporarily suspending his streak. Our Blackjack disables Vedette with laser fire, overheating the mech quite a bit, but it's worthwhile.

Isgrimnur continues brawling with the Firestarter, breaking through its left leg armor and nearly stripping off one of the torso sides with the autocannon.

Round 25:
Our Blackjack scores the first symbolic hit against the Union, dinging the heavy armor plating with an AC/2 round. The Firestarter gets in behind Isgrimnur but takes a hatchet to the head instead of what it was planning to do. The armored cowl absorbs most of the initial impact and the standard armor does ok, too but the mechwarrior still gets rattled.

Round 26:
El Guapo closes within range of the Union and opens up, scoring solid hits with two PPCs. We'll need more firepower on it, though.

Round 27:
Our Trebuchet takes a hit from the Union, breaching right leg armor and causing the hip joint to fuse. Stefan disables the nearby Manticore, clearing the area a little bit. Isgrimnur finishes off the Firestarter with an autocannon burst followed up by a hatchet to the head. Ouch.

Round 28:
The Trebuchet gets up, but then is immediately nailed in the same leg by an AC/5 burst from the Union, bringing it back down again. An SRM salvo from the nearby Manticore knocks the mechwarrior out. That mech is in bad shape.

Stefan disables the last Vedette while Gbasden and El Guapo fire PPCs at the dropship, hitting it hard.

Our Rifleman punches out the Locust running around to the east, smacking an autocannon barrel (devoid of ammo) against its left torso to destroy that section.

At this point, the enemy mobiles are a single Manticore and a Hermes.

Round 29:
We concentrate fire on the Union, melting off a bunch of armor.

Round 30:
Gbasden scores some nasty hits on the dropship as more sparks than usual fly out the bottom of the drophsip. El Guapo joins in as well, with one of the engines sputtering out completely.

Isgrimnur and Stefan team up on the Hermes, breaching armor in multiple places with autocannon and laser fire. The smaller mech falls over, unable to inflict any damage on our heavies. Stefan stomps on the right torso to make sure it stays out of the fight.

Round 31:
Despite the incredible damage, the sonofabitch somehow manages to lift off. It's pretty slow to take gain altitude though as the engines sputter. Maybe we'll be able to take him down.

Round 32+:
Nope. The bastard limps away beyond maximum weapons range. Granted, they'll be spending weeks patching that thing up, but still, a golden opportunity wasted. If I'd started advancing literally one or two turns earlier, this would have gone a lot differently.

At least we get plenty of tanks and lighter mechs for salvage. Plus, we didn't actually lose any mechs, and the Davion assault tanks are all easily field-repairable. The Kurita guys, meanwhile, are missing a nearly all the tanks they sent in (a Galleon and Maxim managed to scurry away in the confusion), and only three of their six mechs escaped, with crippling damage.

For this mission, Stefan is definitely the MVP with a whopping 8 tank kills. Isgrimnur comes in second with 4 kills on light mechs.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Isgrimnur »

It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Zenn7 »

Zenn7 wrote: Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:15 am Send Alpha 1 and 3 after the dropship (3 can take care of the tanks, 1 for the dropship assault, our CO can hopefully help make sure people aren't unnecessarily trigger happy so we can salvage the dropship).

For the airbase defense - Alpha 2, Beta 2, Delta 1 (Delta 1 - they have more mobility for dealing with the irregular forces).

Alpha 2 and Gamma 2 for reinforcements.
Alpha 2 for airbase defense and reinforcement. Cause... I think they're that awesome they can be in two places at once! (This could be why Gbadsen is our commander and not me).

Bummer on the dropship. Wonder if having Beta 1 or Gamma 1 would have made a difference over Beta 2 (they weren't options unfortunately, just curiosity).

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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by gbasden »

Ugh. That sucks that we missed taking the Union. Of course, if I could actually pilot my mech down a slightly steep slope it might have helped...
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by NickAragua »

Beta-One or Gamma-One might have been a slight improvement, but, realistically, I could have started the heavies advancing probably four or five turns earlier, which would have given them a lot more shots on the Union. Chalk it up to me being too cautious.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by moleymoleymoley »

Aww, so close yet so far
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

Woo epic battle. Maybe i need to go to a mech without lrms lol. More effective without them
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by NickAragua »

Our salvage crews have a field day with all the wrecks left behind after the dropship leaves. Probably about 5M worth of salvage. Tanks and light mechs, so only good for selling and stripping armor, but still, not a bad payday. The only serious damage on our end is the Trebuchet and its mechwarrior, both of whom will be out for at least two weeks.

On the airbase front, Delta-Three moves to engage the infantry and irregular forces, and the FedCom guys send an Avenger-class dropship, of all things. The Avenger is intended as a combat unit as opposed to a transport, so it mounts a blistering array of weaponry. Things don't go as planned, when one of the "irregular" industrialmechs blows our Vulcan wide open with an LRM salvo. A stray LRM hits the left-torso ammo bin as our mech is hosing down a bunch of infantry with the flamer and POOF. The mechwarrior is able to eject, but has to spend a minute or two treading water until someone picks him up. Still, Delta-Three manages to take out three platoons of infantry and disable an APC before retreating.
The dropship turns out not to be much help, as they report something about "targeting systems malfunction" while flying in circles over the battlefield and not doing anything. Over the next couple of days Delta-Three continues harassing the irregulars fully engaging them, preventing it from joining the attack on the airbase.

Delta-Two diverts another, fairly substantial force by exploiting the Kuritans' love of individual duels to defeat a Jenner. Our Griffin 1S makes short work of the enemy mech, breaching armor in multiple locations - the enemy mechwarrior panics and rams into a nearby building, leaving a weapons mount and a leg behind.

The attack on the airfield itself is a dud. Beta-Two and Delta-One are ready to go, but the weather front that's been hanging out in the area "develops further", resulting in hurrican-force winds. Without reinforcements from either of the other two groups, the two Kurita heavy mechs wisely opt to retreat rather than engage two full lances. [Sorry about the lack of full battle report this time around. This is the one I was going to do, but "Tornado" basically takes everything that's not a mech off the field, which left two mechs in the opfor.]

As a result of this week's action, Alpha-Three is missing a mech and Delta-Three is missing a mech. Zarathud's Awesome is still being fixed, although the techs estimate they'll be done early next week ("Actually", says the mech tech giving the status update, "it works fine now, but I don't think Corporal Jian would appreciate going out with half the armor plates missing.")

Having secured some breathing room, the liaison informs us that FedCom forces will be able to coordinate meaningful air support and reinforcements "as they become available". Our own supplies and mechs are doing ok, although we're having to dip into mech and personnel reserves to maintain our operations.

The only cloud hanging overhead is an active armor staging area very close to the Davion command center that we haven't been able to smoke out yet. We'll probably need to do something about it, otherwise they'll keep sending more tanks at us.

On deck for this week:
Looks like the irregular force that gave Delta-Three the what-for is still hanging out around the air base. Delta-Three's mechwarriors grumble about wanting another shot at them. The main question here is, do we send just Delta-Three or Delta-Three plus some backup?

We discuss with Cpt. Allred what, if anything, can be done using the access codes we acquired for the Combine sensor network earlier in the campaign. He suggests that we dispatch a lance to engage the garrison of another sensor network control center. While we're doing that, FedCom operatives will infiltrate said facility and gain temporary access to the sensor network. Of particular interest is the movement of enemy dropships.

We also consider dispatching a force to deal with the tank base. While not strictly required to take it down, having a substantial enemy tank presence in our back field as we continue pushing out isn't really going to be helpful. The known enemy garrison consists of two lances of heavy tanks, including SRM Carriers and Manticores (PPC/LRM), as well as at least a single Von Luckner (AC/20), but chances are other forces in the area have moved here for repairs and maintenance as well. Do we take it out or suck it up and deal with the tanks when they come out to mess with us later?

Current force status:
Alpha Company
Alpha-One (command lance, elite)
- Gbasden / Awesome
- Isgrimnur / Hatchetman
- El Guapo / Marauder (modified, AC/5 replaced with armor, 2 heat sinks, 2x Streak SRM/2)
- Stefan / Catapult
Alpha-Two (battle lance, veteran) [Unavailable due to battle damage, injuries]
- Blackjack BJ-1
- Rifleman RFL-3C
- Trebuchet TBT-5J
- Flashman FLS-7K
Alpha-Three (fast attack lance, regular) [Unavailable due to battle damage, injuries]
- Wolverine WVR-6M
- Quickdraw QKD-4H (modified, all weapons forward, SRM/4 replaced with Streak SRM/2)
- Griffin 1N
- Shadow Hawk 2K (modified, two heat sinks removed, extra LRM/5 launcher added)
Alpha-Air (flying bricks, veteran)
- Lucifer LCF-R20
- Lucifer LCF-R20

Beta Company
Beta-One (assault lance, elite)
- Zenn7 / Awesome
- Zarathud / Awesome [unavailable due to battle damage]
- LordMortis / Victor
- Moley / Thunderbolt TDR-5SE
Beta-Two (battle lance, regular)
- Catapult
- Trebuchet TBT-5S (short-ranged monstrosity)
- Orion ON1-K
- Rifleman RFL-3N
Beta-Three (battle lance, regular)
- Ostsol OTL-4D (modified, all weapons forward)
- Centurion CN9-A (modified, all weapons forward)
- Vindicator VND-1R
- Wyvern WVE-6N
Beta-Air (mixed light/medium, regular)
- Lucifer LCF-R20
- Sabre SB-27

Delta Company
Delta-One (heavy recon lance, elite)
- Archinerd Mk2 / Dervish
- Madmarcus / Griffin GRF-1S
- Paingod / Griffin GRF-1N
- Freyland / Quickdraw (modified, all weapons forward, SRM/4 replaced with Streak SRM/2)
Delta-Two (medium recon lance, veteran)
- Phoenix Hawk PXH-1D
- Griffin GRF-1N
- Griffin GRF-1S
- Wolverine WVR-6R
Delta-Three (light recon lance, regular)
- Cicada
- Phoenix Hawk PXH-1 (modified, half-ton of mg ammo replaced with armor)
- Phoenix Hawk PXH-1
- Firestarter FS9-K (modified, rear flamer replaced with heat sink)
Delta-Air (light air lance, regular)
- Cheetah F-10
- Seydlitz SYD-Z2

Gamma Company
Gamma-One (heavy battle lance, elite)
- Scrub / Warhammer WHM-6D
- Hyena / Striker
- Cylus Maxii / Grasshopper GHR-5H
- Xwraith / Thunderbolt TDR-5SE (modified, large laser replaced with ER large laser)
Gamma-Two (medium battle lance, regular)
- Wolverine WVR-6M
- Rifleman RFL-3N
- Champion CHP-2N (modified, two small lasers replaced with heat sink)
- Trebuchet TBT-5N
Gamma-Three (fast recon lance, regular)
- Phoenix Hawk PXH-1
- Ostscout
- Spider SDR-5V
- Clint CLNT-2-3T
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Cylus Maxii »

Give Delta 3 another shot; send backup. Take on the sensor base. Hold off on the tank base for now unless its a contract objective.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by xwraith »

NickAragua wrote:is an active armor staging area
I think the technical term is a "laager"
I forgot to call it "a box of pure malevolent evil, a purveyor of
insidious insanity, an eldritch manifestation that would make Bill
Gates let out a low whistle of admiration," but it's all those, too.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by gbasden »

Let Delta 3 have another go at the irregulars. IMO, we should engage the tank base and get them out of our backfield before they cause further issues.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Zenn7 »

Delta 3 can continue to play with the irregulars, send Delta 2 to back them up.

Alpha1, Gamma 1, and either Beta 3 or Gamma 2 (or both - how many lances do we need) to tank base assault.

Beta 2 to sensor base. Delta 1 can back them up if needed.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by moleymoleymoley »

I would say delta 3 should be able to handle some irregulars, that tank base sounds very nasty though, especially if there's unknown force refitting going on, I'd be tempted to avoid that unless we have air support, which are vicious Vs tanks, but then again, the number of missiles present may make it painful for them.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by NickAragua »

February 13, 3037
Operating on the principle of "the best offense is a good offense", we opt to hit the tank base. Alpha-One takes the lead, and it turns out to be quite a doozy. We coordinate with the FedCom airbase to arrange for air support, and get a dropship plus two fighters. Cpt. Allred grins - "we may as well put that air base to good use."

The force present there is a doozy, once the FedCom guys come back from the initial overflight. They've got Manticores, hovercraft, even a Behemoth. A lance of light mechs with a pair of heavies and a medium are present as well. Plenty of fixed weapon emplacements. Seeing this, we call in Gamma-One for support.

I think the plan will be to hold the dropship back until the opfor comes out of the base, then use it to strafe their facilities and support equipment. If we can actually destroy a good chunk of the tanks, so much the better, but we really just need to get them to leave. Which they probably will if they don't have a way to keep their tanks running and fueled up.

Alpha-One will approach first to draw the opfor out, then Gamma-One will pile in. The Davion light aircraft are unlikely to be much help since they don't even have bombs, but the dropship is an Intruder class. Nowhere for it to land, but we can hold it back.

Round 1:
We deploy in a wide formation to the south-south-west. The laager is located within a fairly dense urban area, which *generally* works in our favor. The gambit works pretty much 100% - the local tanks make a bee-line straight for our guys. A J. Edgar zips in under Gbasden's PPC shots, but catches a laser to the sensor cluster on the front from Isgrimnur. Not crippling damage, but it'll make it harder for it to do anything.

At this point the Davion dropship (an Intruder-class) flies in and blasts away at one of their storage buildings. They must have been keeping ammo in there because it lights up the evening sky like ... well, a stockpile of LRM ammo going off.

Round 2:
The Intruder continues blasting away at the laager facilities, taking down another building. The supporting light aircraft (a Thrush and Sparrowhawk, both unremarkable fast, light aerospace fighters) make some strafing runs as well and begin to take anti-aircraft fire. One of them reports disabling a Behemoth but takes a significant amount of fire and has to peel off to lose some of the incoming ordnance.

El Guapo is having a bad day, as he gets pelted with SRMs from nearby fast, light units. Most just ding the armor, but one stray SRM flies through a weak spot and the Marauder lurches. The computer voice helpfully informs the mechwarrior about "reactor shielding. damaged. gyro. damaged."

Stefan zaps the offending Harasser, cutting it in half with lasers.

Gbasden and Isgrimnur encounter a large bulk of fast tanks. Gbasden inflicts some serious damage on a distant Manticore, while Isgrimnur jumps to the side and blasts a Galleon tank in the side, knocking the crew around with the impact of autocannon shells.

Round 3:
El Guapo's Marauder lurches around like a Steiner noble after a Solaris VII match. "Sorry, Major. Looks like my mech just blew its load. Gonna back it out before a light wind knocks me over."

"Dammit. Fine." Gbasden answers as he steps to the side to avoid a swarm of incoming hovercraft and light mechs. An unlucky J. Edgar catches a PPC and a small laser to the front, skidding along the road and flipping over as one of its wheels is taken out. He takes a couple of lasers from the nearby Locust as it rounds the corner, then steps on its left foot, ripping the left leg off and sending the bug mech to the ground.

Isgrimnur hops along to another alley, catching a Saladin with a laser blast as it zips by, making it grind pavement before stopping. Not before it manages to get off an AC/20 blast though and take off his left arm. Well, that's not where the main armament was anyway.

The allied Thrush gets shot down by anti-aircraft fire as it makes a strafing run on a Manticore and crashes into a building, annihilating both the building and itself.

Round 4:
Stefan covers El Guapo's retreat, firing LRMs at an approaching Manticore to rattle the crew around and cause the 60-ton tank to slip its treads. Have fun spinning your wheels!

Gbasden gets pelted with SRMs from a nearby Pegasus, but manages to land a PPC hit and a kick on the hovercraft, stripping all armor and ripping some components off the front. The Pegasus decides to zip off into the distance.

Round 5:
Gbasden's Locust friend keeps twitching and trying to lock weapons on him, so after it zaps him in the left hand with a laser and damages the hand actuator, he takes a second to zap the grounded mech with some PPCs and the small laser. It's not too hard, and after removing both the left and right torso sections along with half the gyro, the bug mech stops twitching.

Isgrimnur continues hopping back and forth, this time letting rip on a Manticore that Gbasden had previously damaged. Between the autocannon and a boot, the heavy tank stops moving and starts belching out smoke instead.

Round 6:
Gamma-One arrives. Xwraith and Cylus enter the area near Gbasden, looking to help him out. Scrub replaces El Guapo while Hyena comes in from the southeast.

Not much firing on our end this turn. The Davion dropship reports that all designated primary targets have been destroyed and that it is engaging secondary targets.

At this point, we could just withdraw. We wouldn't be able to grab any salvage, but the Kurita tanks no longer have a place to stay. The main issue is that Gbasden's mech is trapped in that cul-de-sac. The second he steps out, he's going to take a bunch of PPCs and LRM salvos, plus an AC/10 from an Orion to the north. So we're going to have to at least thin those guys out a bit before we make a run for it.

Round 7:
Well, here's our chance. The Kurita units display some hesitation to remain on the street, their heaviest units pulling to the side. So, Gbasden steps out and around a crashed Galleon and begins moving south. He takes a few LRMs and SRMs, but armor holds up.

To the northwest, Stefan disables the Pegasus that's been harassing him for a while, blasting it with several laser shots. The Bulldog and unfortunate hovercraft fire back, but his armor holds up as well.

Round 8:
Gbasden's not having a good day either. He takes cover from the fusillade of fire coming down the street, only to have a little piece of crap Scimitar zip by and fire its weapons. The autocannon round goes wide, but SRMs cluster around the cockpit, including one that goes directly into the front window. The Awesome falls backwards and lays still.

Cylus, being nearby, calls out: "Alpha-One is down. Repeat, Alpha-One is down. Search and Rescue, move to designated marker and await all clear. Alpha, Gamma, we need to clear some space."

The Intruder's report that they've destroyed all secondary targets and are proceeding to tertiary targets is of small consolation.

Round 9:
Isgrimnur is a bit trapped too, further to the north. He partially solves that problem by dropping a Stinger to the ground after removing its left leg with the AC/10. Machinegun fire bounces harmlessly off his armor, then he applies the hatchet to the bug mech's other leg, severing it. That ought to keep him down.

The Javelin continues harassing our mechs, blowing out one of Cylus' heat sinks. Well, it's ok, the Grasshopper has a few to spare.

Round 10:
To the northwest, Stefan goes to work on a Spider. As the mech lands, it takes four lasers and a fifteen-pack of LRMs, removing the left half of it. He takes some damage and an armor breach from the nearby tanks, but the Spider itself keels over. Stefan then proceeds to stomp on the front of a nearby Vedette, crushing it with the Catapult's chicken-leg.

Meanwhile, Isgrimnur goes to get revenge on the Javelin, blasting the right missile rack with the autocannon and damaging the actuators that rotate it. The two mechs also swing at each other but miss.

Round 11:
Well, this is a problem. As Hyena barrels through the center of the enemy base to flank the main force, another lance of heavies appears to have powered up. He's got his hands full on this one.

Fighting continues to the north of the commander's downed mech.

To the west, the enemy forces have been completely eliminated, thanks to the Intruder and Stefan's work. Scrub finishes things up by crushing a Bulldog after putting two PPCs through the front. The remaining allied aerospace fighter is shot down by a lucky Vedette's AC/5 burst. It's a shame, he did pretty well.

Round 12:
Cylus wedges the Grasshopper into a pretty tough building, scraping some armor off, but it's no big deal. Then turns the mech's lasers on a Vedette, cutting through the front and wrecking it.

Xwraith, meanwhile, sees that annoying Javelin hop up onto a "weak-looking" building, so instead of trying to hit the mech, the Thunderbolt's lasers carve up the building. There's a loud WHUMP as the Javelin falls about eight stories and its ammo explodes.

Isgrimnur KLANGs the Hatchetman's boot against the Manticore's armor, which doesn't penetrate but does rattle the crew, preventing them from firing for a bit as they figure out where they are.

Hyena engages the Crusader that just finished powering up and stepping out of its hangar, delivering a PPC shot and an AC/10, but the mech remains upright.

Round 13:
The Intruder continues its reign of terror over isolated enemy units, blowing away a Hunter that got separated from the rest of its buddies.

Hyena targets a Saladin as it rounds the corner to help its Crusader buddy out, putting a string of AC/10 rounds through the left side and perforating it. The hovertank's remnants continue sliding along the road for some time. He does take an AC/20 round before the hovertank falls apart though, but remains upright (?). The Crusader is one of those weird mech designs that mounts weapons on the legs (an SRM launcher on each), so it can't actually kick. Which Hyena exploits by giving it a kick instead, stripping most armor off a leg.

Isgrimnur takes an SRM from a nearby tank, blowing out one of his heat sinks, while Cylus deflates a "Mini-Peggy" Harasser missile platform.

Round 14:
Xwraith is still cooling off from collapsing that building with the Javelin, so is surprised when a couple of Manticores drive in and open up at point blank range. The main damage is to the right leg, where an actuator and a heat sink blow out. Cylus takes advantage of the improvised bunker to open up on one of those Manticores, burning through the armor with lasers. Xwraith fires on the other one, not burning through quite as much armor. However, a boot to the right side fixes that, wrecking the heavy tank.

To the north, Scrub fires a PPC through a Scimitar hovertank's armor, punching through the armor and knockint out sensors.

The Intruder does its part, by blasting a building out from under a Griffin, which loses an arm in the collapse.

Round 15:
Sensing a change in battlefield momemntum, Cylus and Xwraith push north. Cylus wipes out a Galleon tank that gets in the way.

To the north, things don't go quite as planned - a Manticore hits Hyena in the right leg "just right" with an SRM salvo, and the leg is separated as the joint, sending the Striker to the ground.

Still, that, plus the presence of the allied Intruder, which blows away a Scorpion tank, is enough to get the remainder of the force to retreat.

"Get that search and rescue in here, now!" Cylus calls out as the Kurita units trundle away, then sighs. "Dammit, major. I told you we didn't need to do this."

S&R arrives within a few seconds. Gbasden is unconscious, bleeding and purple, but alive. Dr. Minnie's eventual diagnosis is "cerebral contusion". "Well, it won't make him any dumber", she adds, dryly "but he's going to be out of it for a while. Just be glad that wasn't an inferno round that got through."

Salvage is pretty good though, another several million C-Bills worth of tanks and light mechs. All of our mechs are recoverable, but it'll take some time to fix El Guapo, Gbasden and Hyena's mechs. The Intruder returns to base, the crew no doubt satisifed with their performance, having gotten over a third of the kills this mission (out of a total of 33) while taking only minor armor damage. They're *probably* unhappy with losing the two aerospace fighters though. Oh well, not really our problem. Cylus, Isgrimnur and Stefan got four kills each, tying for second.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Isgrimnur »

Get well soon, Major.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

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Assuming that we brought the Banshee along, I can just use that while the Marauder is in the shop.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Cylus Maxii »

That was rough.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by El Guapo »

Cylus Maxii wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:16 pm That was rough.
Seems like the OpFor got pretty lucky with their shots on this one.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Zenn7 »

El Guapo wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:05 pm Assuming that we brought the Banshee along, I can just use that while the Marauder is in the shop.
He's the Guap! He can kick metal-can in anything!

That was extremely rough, good job saving our commander though.

In the story/narrative terms, taking the tank base out makes strategic sense.

In actual game terms, does it really make a difference?

Need Beta1 back up to full strength so we can field enough heavy metal.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by NickAragua »

Zenn7 wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 10:13 pm In actual game terms, does [taking out the tank base] really make a difference?
Yep. Every week we leave it alone, we get an extra lance of tanks on every subsequent battle within its zone. Might be a couple of Savannah Masters, might be a some Demolishers.
El Guapo wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:33 pm
Cylus Maxii wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:16 pm That was rough.
Seems like the OpFor got pretty lucky with their shots on this one.
Yeah, it was a through-armor engine-and-gyro crit, and a through-armor cockpit crit for the two mechs respectively. Hyena's leg later in the fight was also a through-armor "leg blown off" crit - pretty unlikely. Every single one with SRMs.

We also got pretty lucky with the allied Intruder-class dropship, though, so I won't complain too much.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by moleymoleymoley »

That was a real meat grinder, I feel we got fairly lucky there wasn't another heavy tank or two.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by gbasden »

Cockpit crits appear to be my kryptonite. At least I didn't get captured this time.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by AWS260 »

NickAragua wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 5:39 pm"Get that search and rescue in here, now!" Cylus calls out as the Kurita units trundle away, then sighs. "Dammit, major. I told you we didn't need to do this."
Possibly my favorite line of this entire Let's Play to date.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by El Guapo »

gbasden wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 2:02 pm Cockpit crits appear to be my kryptonite. At least I didn't get captured this time.
I mean, getting shot in the head with a missile is pretty universal as far as kryptonite goes.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by NickAragua »

February 14, 3037
While Alpha-One and Gamma-One brawl with a large Kurita armor force, Beta-Two moves to engage the garrison at a Kurita early warning facility. The liaison informs us that the air base will provide air support. Since we're not trying to blow it up just yet (nor do we really know what to blow up exactly), Beta-Two should be enough. The garrison turns out to be a lance of mechs (three heavies, one light), a medium and a heavy tank lance. Heavy rains turn the battlefield to mud, severely impeding the movement of non-hover enemy units (which was almost all of them).

The FedCom guys really need to get better aero jocks. They crash both their fighters, and only one winds up being recoverable. They do manage to rack up two tank kills and a Wasp, but I'm not sure the exchange rate is in their favor. Our lance blows up several outlying buildings and cripples a tank. Once the FedCom spec ops team calls in that they've completed their infiltration, Beta-Two falls back without further incident, having only taken minor damage (although we did expend quite a large number of LRMs).

February 15, 3037
The data recovered from the early warning facility allows the FedCom guys to track the movements of an Excalibur-class dropship. They dispatch a whopping seven fighters to take it down, requesting support from us as well. We'll commit two flights - Alpha and Beta-Air. We'll need them, especially seeing as how the dropship is being escorted by three flights. The main threat will come from the dropship, obviously, but there's also a Thunderbird.

The Excalibur is a heavy transport, capable of moving a large number of mechs and tanks. We don't know if it's carrying anything, but it *could* be carrying a lot of guys - 90 vehicles (up to 100 tons each), 12 mechs and 12 platoons of infantry. Plus 440 tons of cargo. It's lightly armed, especially in the aft section, with just a single laser bay. So our goal will be to get in the back of it and bring it down. While avoiding the escorts. The FedCom guys will probably wind up being the screening element, but we'll see.

Beta-Air will be arriving about a minute behind Alpha-Air, so we may simply hover out of range until our forces are all there.

We'll need to take the dropship down before it crosses the eastern border of the battle area, as anti-air coverage intensifies beyond that.

Round 1:
"Maintain formation, and take it slow. Let's wait up for our FedCom pals." Alpha-One calls out. The FedCom liaison (a green-looking fellow in a Sabre) complies as well.

Round 2:
The FedCom flights arrive. They are in fast, light fighters, so they have no trouble catching up to our slow-moving Lucifers. The Excalibur slowly moves forward.

Round 3:
One of the FedCom fighters, a Seydlitz, scores a large hit on a Combine Sholagar, zapping the left wing with a laser. Electric sparks crawl across the wing for some time afterwards.

Round 4:
Here we go, the FedCom guys engage the Kurita aircraft fully. Two of the light aircraft inflict some minor hits, but both get clobbered and start to lose elevation as their pilots try to regain control. One, a Sabre, crashes into the ground pretty hard.

Round 5:
Our Lucifers engage enemy fighters up close, firing shots on the way to the dropship. One of our Lucifers unloads on the enemy Lucifer. The impact doesn't seem that bad, only a single laser cannon barrel gets melted, but then something explodes inside. The Kurita aircraft takes a corkscrew dive down to the ground and there's a little "poof" as it hits.

The liaison in the Sabre lights up the enemy Sholagar, hitting its engine. The enemy aircraft takes a dive but manages to avoid hitting the ground.

Another one of the light Davion aircraft, this time a Sparrowhawk, gets blown out of the sky as well. But taking down the Lucifer is pretty big for us, as it had a lot of guns.

Round 6:
"We're through! Break formation and attack!"

Now we're cooking with gas. With the Combine forces still busy mopping up the FedCom light fighters (except for a single bright individual who has his head on straight), we get some solid hits on the Excalibur. No armor breaches, but good damage.

Round 6:
Everyone piles up behind the dropship and takes turns pumping lasers into the rear section. The conversation on the Kurita channel was probably something along the lines of "Get back here, they're shooting at us!"

Round 7:
We open fire on a nearby Eagle, whose pilot briefly loses control of the aircraft under fire. One of our Lucifers takes a nasty hit, damaging the fire control system.

Round 8:
One of our Lucifers takes some nasty hits and has to dive down, nearly crashing. He gives a tailing Sparrowhawk a solid laser blast from the rear laser cannon, sending it out of control as well.

Round 9:
Our second Lucifer nails the thrusters on the left side of the Excalibur.

Then immediately gets shot down like an asshole. How hard is it to succeed at two 5+ rolls on a 2d6? The guy with the Lucifer that looks like a colander managed to keep control of *his* aircraft, why couldn't you?

Round 10:
Well, at least we shot down that stupid Eagle - good job, liaison.

Round 11:
Our backup Lucifer gets in there and goes for the Excalibur's tail, scoring some hits but getting shot up and losing a bunch of altitude.

Round 12:
Not looking too good. But, our Sabres continue harassing the Thunderbird and give its aft section a good workout, nailing the engines twice. The 100-ton aircraft remains flying, but is looking a little wobbly and peels off, trailing smoke.

Round 13:
That goddamn dropship just won't go down. Our Lucifer hammers the thing, taking catastrophic damage to its avionics and fire control systems from the return fire. But then, something sputters out and explodes. The dropship rattles as its engines try their best to keep it aloft, but damage to one of the thrusters prevents them from being completely effective. With a great groan, the Excalibur crunches into the ground.

Round 14:
Looks like that Thunderbird's engine damage was worse than we thought as well, the assault bomber's engines suddenly sputter out and it slams into the ground. Surprisingly, it remains in one piece.

After our Sabre detonates their Sparrowhawk in midair by connecting a laser with a fuel tank, the Slayer peels off.

The dropship, though. It's intact!

It's going to stretch our forces to the limit, and we'll have to contend with an unknown number of tanks, mechs and infantry (up to 90, 12 and 12 platoons respectively, but unlikely to actually be that much - it wasn't fully laden), but we can definitely get some mechs in there to try to capture it.
It looks like we've got four lances uncommitted, plus a flight of light aircraft. We'll want to leave at least two lances to defend our dropships, so that leaves us with two lances available for deployment. Despite their recent losses in terms of aircraft, the FedCom guys will probably be able to send us more backup (it seems that the captured air base had a lot of spare aerospace fighters).

Should we go for it?

Current force status:
Alpha Company
Alpha-One (command lance, elite) [Unavailable due to deployment]
- Gbasden / Awesome
- Isgrimnur / Hatchetman
- El Guapo / Marauder (modified, AC/5 replaced with armor, 2 heat sinks, 2x Streak SRM/2)
- Stefan / Catapult
Alpha-Two (battle lance, veteran) [Unavailable due to battle damage, injuries]
- Blackjack BJ-1
- Rifleman RFL-3C
- Trebuchet TBT-5J
- Flashman FLS-7K
Alpha-Three (fast attack lance, regular) [Unavailable due to battle damage, injuries]
- Wolverine WVR-6M
- Quickdraw QKD-4H (modified, all weapons forward, SRM/4 replaced with Streak SRM/2)
- Griffin 1N
- Shadow Hawk 2K (modified, two heat sinks removed, extra LRM/5 launcher added)
Alpha-Air (flying bricks, veteran) - [Unavailable due to deployment, battle damage, losses]
- Lucifer LCF-R20
- Lucifer LCF-R20

Beta Company
Beta-One (assault lance, elite)
- Zenn7 / Awesome
- Zarathud / Awesome [unavailable due to battle damage]
- LordMortis / Victor
- Thunderbolt TDR-5SE
Beta-Two (battle lance, regular) [Unavailable due to deployment]
- Catapult
- Trebuchet TBT-5S (short-ranged monstrosity)
- Orion ON1-K
- Rifleman RFL-3N
Beta-Three (battle lance, regular)
- Ostsol OTL-4D (modified, all weapons forward)
- Centurion CN9-A (modified, all weapons forward)
- Vindicator VND-1R
- Wyvern WVE-6N
Beta-Air (mixed light/medium, regular) - [Unavailable due to deployment, battle damage]
- Lucifer LCF-R20
- Sabre SB-27

Delta Company
Delta-One (heavy recon lance, elite)
- Archinerd Mk2 / Dervish
- Madmarcus / Griffin GRF-1S
- Paingod / Griffin GRF-1N
- Freyland / Quickdraw (modified, all weapons forward, SRM/4 replaced with Streak SRM/2)
Delta-Two (medium recon lance, veteran) - [Unavailable due to deployment]
- Phoenix Hawk PXH-1D
- Griffin GRF-1N
- Griffin GRF-1S
- Wolverine WVR-6R
Delta-Three (light recon lance, regular) - [Unavailable due to deployment]
- Cicada
- Phoenix Hawk PXH-1 (modified, half-ton of mg ammo replaced with armor)
- Phoenix Hawk PXH-1
- Firestarter FS9-K (modified, rear flamer replaced with heat sink)
Delta-Air (light air lance, regular)
- Cheetah F-10
- Seydlitz SYD-Z2

Gamma Company
Gamma-One (heavy battle lance, elite) - [Unavailable due to deployment]
- Scrub / Warhammer WHM-6D
- Hyena / Striker
- Cylus Maxii / Grasshopper GHR-5H
- Xwraith / Thunderbolt TDR-5SE (modified, large laser replaced with ER large laser)
Gamma-Two (medium battle lance, regular)
- Wolverine WVR-6M
- Rifleman RFL-3N
- Champion CHP-2N (modified, two small lasers replaced with heat sink)
- Trebuchet TBT-5N
Gamma-Three (fast recon lance, regular)
- Phoenix Hawk PXH-1
- Ostscout
- Spider SDR-5V
- Clint CLNT-2-3T
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Hyena »

"Hell yes we go for it!" I shout from the confines of the barracks while my Striker gets a shiny new leg...
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

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Definitely - what could go wrong?
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Isgrimnur »

As someone that won't be shot at in the attempt, I'm all for it.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Cylus Maxii »

I'm all for going after the drop ship if we are allowed to claim it and can get some FedCom support. But not if it means we are down to 2 regular NPC lances that we use for defense. How soon will the rest of us be back and patched up? Also, how much of this contract do we have left? I think we are kinda beat up right now and wonder how we are doing for spares, parts, and ammo. Do we have a lot of objectives left that we have to focus on and will another bad battle stretch us too thin to complete them?

It's your call. If we can support the contract and take the shot, then I say we take it.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Hyena »

Not sure how the boss would feel about it, but can we frankenstein a lance together with healthy pilots in functional mechs? I know we have a few spare Wolvies lying around, and a few others in mothball status. Just wondering the feasibility of that?
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Zarathud »

But is the Awesome repairable?

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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Zenn7 »

Stick Zarathud in the next heaviest available ride for this mission (if Z's still out, not just his ride, grab a functional pilot/ride from one of the other groups (heavier the better considering we're so heavy all ready) -

Send Beta 1, Beta 3 and Gamma 2 after the dropship.

Retain Delta 1 and Gamma 3 for defense.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Hyena »

Zenn7 wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:02 pm Stick Zarathud in the next heaviest available ride for this mission (if Z's still out, not just his ride, grab a functional pilot/ride from one of the other groups (heavier the better considering we're so heavy all ready) -

Send Beta 1, Beta 3 and Gamma 2 after the dropship.

Retain Delta 1 and Gamma 3 for defense.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Zenn7 »

Hyena wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:17 pm
Zenn7 wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:02 pm Stick Zarathud in the next heaviest available ride for this mission (if Z's still out, not just his ride, grab a functional pilot/ride from one of the other groups (heavier the better considering we're so heavy all ready) -

Send Beta 1, Beta 3 and Gamma 2 after the dropship.

Retain Delta 1 and Gamma 3 for defense.
If you're volunteering, I'd take you, however, you are already deployed. :(
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Stefan Stirzaker »

Yipee kyaye. Lets rocks
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Hyena »

Zenn7 wrote: Thu Dec 20, 2018 12:24 am
Hyena wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 11:17 pm
Zenn7 wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:02 pm Stick Zarathud in the next heaviest available ride for this mission (if Z's still out, not just his ride, grab a functional pilot/ride from one of the other groups (heavier the better considering we're so heavy all ready) -

Send Beta 1, Beta 3 and Gamma 2 after the dropship.

Retain Delta 1 and Gamma 3 for defense.
If you're volunteering, I'd take you, however, you are already deployed. :(
Hmm. Thought my Striker was laid up with a missing leg from the last engagement. Maybe I missed something? Entirely possible.
"You laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at you because you're all the same." ~Jonathan Davis

"The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives." ~Robert M. Hutchins
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Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2018 10:04 am

Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by moleymoleymoley »

:horse: LETS DO THIS!
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