Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Zenn7 »

El Guapo wrote: Tue Jul 21, 2020 12:47 pm
gbasden wrote: Tue Jul 21, 2020 3:47 am
NickAragua wrote: Mon Jul 20, 2020 10:15 pm
[X] Help with search & rescue
[] Sorry guys, you're on your own
These are the enemy, right? I'm happy to save them, but I don't want to immediately turn them over to begin shooting at us. So I'd suggest saving them but basically holding them as POWs (which we can exchange for other POWs or concessions).
Oh good, you're lucid again! :)

Yeah, we help save these peeps. We're mercs, not monsters.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by NickAragua »

Vote Results:
Help with search & rescue - unanimous
"This is Strike One to Capellan forces, we'll help pick up the escape pods. You get the rest of your people off the dropship." the flight leader calls out over the general frequency. We coordinate with the Capellan fighters and are able to pick up and tow most of the escape pods to a stable orbit. Or, stable enough for them to vector a dropship to pick the pods up.

Down on the surface, Delta-Ranger begin their attack, with Beta-Assault approximately one minute behind. Madmarcus reminds everyone in his lance that their only goal is to neutralize the artillery pieces - Beta-Assault will handle the rest.

To add insult to injury, it looks like the bastards have reinforced with a couple of heavy mechs (one a converted industrial), plus gotten our Zephyr back up and running again.

Round 1:
Madmarcus fries an annoying little Ferret VTOL buzzing around while the Zephyr zips in and delivers two laser blasts to our Wolverine.

"Hey, that's our tank!" Freyland calls out.

Round 2:
Archinerd runs forward rapidly, and the artillery shell aimed at our Dervish dings the nearby Archer instead. Our mechwarrior's short range weapons disables a Pegasus hovertank zipping around.

Freyland zaps a Saladin hovertank buzzing around, lasers weakening armor and allowing the streak SRMs to lock on and blast off a couple of drive fans, immobilizing the tank. Our mechwarrior also spares some LRMs for a PPC turret in the base, collapsing the structure entirely.

Madmarcus takes some nasty damage to the right leg, losing armor there as the to-be-disabled Saladin's AC/20 scores a glancing blow. Combined with incoming fire from the nearby Banshee, this brings our mech to the ground. Between some lasers from our Wolverine and a solid stomp from Freyland, the Zephyr is reduced to a crawl as motive elements are removed one by one.

Round 3:
Archinerd and our Griffin move to take on the Thumper to the south, but it gets nailed by a Long Tom round, immobilizing it. Thanks guys!

Archinerd instead turns the Dervish's LRMs on a Liao-variant Vedette, immobilizing it.

Madmarcus gets up and runs to the center of the base, taking out one of the Long Toms by melting the barrel rotation mechanism down (and they'd just fixed it, too!), but takes a hip actuator hit and is unable to keep the Wolverine upright. A Phoenix Hawk takes advantage of the situation to come in and finish the leg off with a stomp.

Freyland moves north, blasting away at a quad SRM turret. The structure collapses, but not before pumping his Quickdraw full of SRMs, one of which detonates the streak ammo. The Quickdraw disappears in a cloud of scrap metal and smoke as our mechwarrior ejects into the sky.

Round 4:
Seems that the artillery were a little afraid of Madmarcus, because a Long Tom shell flies in as our mechwarrior struggles the mech up on its dead leg and nails one of the two remaining Long Toms. Good shooting there, tex. Madmarcus' mech can't take any more though and gives up the ghost as hostiles close in from around and finish it off.

Archinerd and our Griffin are unable to do much to help, having been engaged by a Blackjack and a converted Lumberjack industrialmech, despite doing relatively well in their individual duels, with Paingod quickly inflicting enough damage on the Lumberjack's center torso to cause the "mechwarrior" to decide to retreat.

Round 5:
Our mechs take some damage, and are unable to get at the last remaining Long Tom. With only two mechs left, Archinerd calls for Delta-Ranger to retreat. Beta-Assault will have to finish up the rest.

Round 5:
On his way out, Archinerd blows the ammo storage for an LRM/15 turret.

Round 7:
The opfor decides to create a shortcut through their own base (which is probably not a big loss for them at this point - it's already on fire and half the buildings have been knocked down by our mechs or artillery), while Archinerd dings the rotor on a pursuing Warrior helo.

Round 8:
We continue to pull back, with not much happening for either side.

Round 9:
Beta-Assault lance arrives, and the party doesn't start off very well - LordMortis' aim with the Victor's gauss rifle is thrown off when an LRM from the Archer dings his head.

At least our Griffin in the east strips the armor off an enemy Blackjack's left torso with a PPC shot (with help from Archinerd's LRMs).

Round 10:
Zenn7 is engaged from long range by a Banshee and indirect LRM fire, returning the favor with the Awesome's three PPCs. The Banshee's autocannon winds up melted down, while it scores a hit with a PPC and a laser. This is an older-model Banshee, so it's a bit slower but has a little more firepower. Zenn7 goes down to a knee, but the coolant truck keeps the Awesome nice and frosty.

Round 11:
Zenn7 lurches behind a storage building, which absorbs a PPC from the Banshee, continuing to pump PPC shots in return at the 95-ton mech. A solid shot to the shoulder joint shears the assault's right arm off. No guns there, but it's better than getting punched in the face by a 95-ton mech. The damage forces the Banshee to a knee as well. The coolant truck continues hosing our Awesome down with colant fluid, letting Zenn7 continue to pump out PPC blasts at maximum rate.

Siljanus helps take some of the pressure off, stomping forward with the Mackie and opening up on the enemy Archer with the big guns. Two PPCs weaken the armor, allowing a gauss slug to punch through the left torso and detonate an LRM ammo bin, sending bits of the 70-ton mech sky high.

A Grasshopper also jumps in, training its lasers on the Awesome, but our Thunderbolt breaks north and delivers a large laser to the Grasshopper's head, causing the mechwarrior inside to black out, leaving the mech swaying back and forth in an upright position.

Round 12:
An artillery round aimed at Zenn7 goes way wide and nails three clustered enemy mechs instead, stripping off a bunch of armor.

"Thanks!" Zenn7 calls out before resuming the PPC barrage as he lowers the Awesome into a nearby pond. The Awesome's PPCs take out the Banshee's main gun, leaving it with two medium lasers and a small laser. Time to switch targets - that Hector's got a few large lasers, and the Phoenix Hawk isn't a slouch, either.

Our Thunderbolt finishes the Grasshopper off by removing the head with the large laser. The medium lasers go wide and our mech heats up a little, but it was worthwhile.

To the south, LordMortis stomps flat an SRM-toting APC, while Siljanus takes out the Warrior helicopter that's been buzzing around and bugging us.

Round 13:
[camera feed damaged]
The Hector continues firing its large lasers at Zenn7. It's a pretty old mech design, dating back to before the Star League and originating from the Free Worlds League. The HOR-1C has a pair of large lasers, one in each arm, and two leg-mounted small lasers. Its heat sinking capacity isn't too great, but it's got pretty average speed and armor for a 70-tonner.

What it doesn't have is the ability to lose an arm to three PPC shots from an Awesome and then take another PPC shot plus a gauss slug from a refurbished Mackie. The gauss slug cracks the gyro and damages the engine shielding, causing the 70-ton mech to keel over and crunch its right side. Siljanus also cracks the leg on a nearby Blackjack, sending that mech to the ground.

Zenn7 is still absorbing a lot of firepower (although a lot less, now that the Hector and Grasshopper are out of action, as is, effectively, the Banshee). Just as he's about to issue some priority orders, though, everything goes black.

Round 14:
Siljanus takes some actuator damage to the left leg from the nearby Crusader's salvo, but knocks the 65 ton enemy mech to the ground with two PPC shots and a gauss slug preventing it from capitalizing on the trouble. A Pegasus hovertank skids as it tries to avoid LordMortis' weapons fire and slams into a building, from which a cloud of dust emerges shortly.

Round 15:
LordMortis puts a gauss slug through a Striker tank, cracking the light vehicle in half, while Siljanus blasts the Phoenix Hawk that kicked in the head on Zenn7's Awesome, a pair of PPC shots knocking the medium mech down to a knee. Our Thunderbolt finishes off the Zephyr that's been slowly plodding along and picking away at Siljanus.

Round 16:
Our Thunderbolt gets revenge on the Phoenix Hawk, removing its head with a laser blast. Siljanus and the Crusader continue trading fire, with the Crusader giving as good as it gets, but it's got less armor. Our coolant truck gets disabled by the Banshee, but with the guy in the downed Blackjack passing out and LordMortis finally getting a hold of the last Long Tom and immobilizing it, that basically leaves a beat-up Crusader and a beat-up Banshee against a 66% armored Mackie and a more or less pristine Thunderbolt.

The two enemy mechs retreat.

Salvage is pretty good - we pick up the Grasshopper and Hector, and get our hovertank back. However, this was pretty costly - Madmarcus' Wolverine is totaled (to say nothing of Freyland's Quickdraw). The silver lining to the Wolverine being totaled is that we can use parts from it to fix up the Griffin, which has a damaged shoulder actuator. Madmarcus made it out, scoring a major concussion that'll keep our mechwarrior out of action for over a month. Freyland was able to clear the field as well, despite having to dodge artillery shells and a tank insistent on running him down.

Salvaging the Hector will enable us to repair Scrub's Warhammer (the Hector itself is a piece of crap, even if it is a historical artifact), as well as the Grasshopper that our Thunderbolt disabled.

Zenn7's Awesome is obviously inoperative for the rest of this campaign. As for the mechwarrior...


Scrub leans against the wall in the Moonraker's medbay, looking at the bandaged and comatose mechwarrior, her hands alternating between clenching and grasping the nearby metal grab bars.

"Sorry." she whispers. "Some great leader I turned out to be. Can't even keep my people in one piece."

The conversation with the doctor is pretty depressing. Our mechwarrior got pretty lucky, relatively speaking, "only" suffering major head trauma that put him into a coma. That, and the numerous cuts, sprains and bruises associated with debris flying around when Phoenix Hawk kicks your mech's head in. But we won't be seeing Zenn7 in action for a while.


Cujo reports a status update to Scrub in her office, which is a little darker than usual. "... so there it is. Alpha Company is ready to go, Beta and Delta are both at about 75% effectiveness. We'll need to continue running defensive patrols around our landing zone, but other than that, with the artillery base gone, the Narrators ought to have everything they need to finish repairs on their jalopy and burn for the jumpship."

"You seem to have this well in hand, Captain." Scrub says with a sigh. "Maybe you should take over for the rest of this campaign, I'm kinda sucking it up."

"Major?" Cujo asks.

"I got a whole bunch of our people killed because I thought mechs could take on those artillery pieces without air support. Two dead mechwarriors, two wounded, one missing in action." Scrub says. "Two concussions, including one that might not wake up. One dead aero jock. How does this make me qualified to run a mercenary company if some podunk Capellan militia keeps getting the drop on me and killing my people?"

Cujo sighs. A little awkward when your commanding officer is about to collapse in a pile of goo, but she's got to soay something.

[] Artillery trained skyward can take out aircraft pretty easy using direct flak fire. They wouldn't have helped much. Don't second-guess yourself, learn from your mistakes and do better next time.
[] Shit happens, Major, nobody got into this thinking they were going to be cruising around on New Avalon.
[] You never led us wrong when you were in charge of Gamma Company. Everyone has bad days.
[] Might not be a bad idea to take a break, Major. But, uh, there's not much to do around here in hostile space.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Freyland »

Son of a Bitch! I *liked* that mech.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Leraje »

Damn, are we sure that these guys are really militia? We may have to have words with our employer about the intel.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Zenn7 »

NickAragua wrote: Tue Jul 21, 2020 9:27 pm [x] Artillery trained skyward can take out aircraft pretty easy using direct flak fire. They wouldn't have helped much. Don't second-guess yourself, learn from your mistakes and do better next time.
[] Shit happens, Major, nobody got into this thinking they were going to be cruising around on New Avalon.
[] You never led us wrong when you were in charge of Gamma Company. Everyone has bad days.
[] Might not be a bad idea to take a break, Major. But, uh, there's not much to do around here in hostile space.
I lived??? WOW!

So... how long til I find out if I will ever return to active duty or if Zenn8 joins the company?
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Tue Jul 21, 2020 9:27 pm [] Artillery trained skyward can take out aircraft pretty easy using direct flak fire. They wouldn't have helped much. Don't second-guess yourself, learn from your mistakes and do better next time.
[X] Shit happens, Major, nobody got into this thinking they were going to be cruising around on New Avalon.
[] You never led us wrong when you were in charge of Gamma Company. Everyone has bad days.
[] Might not be a bad idea to take a break, Major. But, uh, there's not much to do around here in hostile space.
[X] But also, that El Guapo guy is a hell of a leader. Maybe we should give him a shot at company commander.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by gbasden »

NickAragua wrote: Tue Jul 21, 2020 9:27 pm
[X] Artillery trained skyward can take out aircraft pretty easy using direct flak fire. They wouldn't have helped much. Don't second-guess yourself, learn from your mistakes and do better next time.
[] Shit happens, Major, nobody got into this thinking they were going to be cruising around on New Avalon.
[] You never led us wrong when you were in charge of Gamma Company. Everyone has bad days.
[] Might not be a bad idea to take a break, Major. But, uh, there's not much to do around here in hostile space.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by $iljanus »

[x] Artillery trained skyward can take out aircraft pretty easy using direct flak fire. They wouldn't have helped much. Don't second-guess yourself, learn from your mistakes and do better next time.
Black lives matter!

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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by AWS260 »

NickAragua wrote: Tue Jul 21, 2020 9:27 pm [] Artillery trained skyward can take out aircraft pretty easy using direct flak fire. They wouldn't have helped much. Don't second-guess yourself, learn from your mistakes and do better next time.
[x] Shit happens, Major, nobody got into this thinking they were going to be cruising around on New Avalon.
[] You never led us wrong when you were in charge of Gamma Company. Everyone has bad days.
[] Might not be a bad idea to take a break, Major. But, uh, there's not much to do around here in hostile space.
Like George Washington told Alexander Hamilton, suck it up.

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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Hyena »

Freyland wrote: Tue Jul 21, 2020 9:52 pm Son of a Bitch! I *liked* that mech.
Been there, Freeland. Many times.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by $iljanus »

Maybe we all need a group hug.
Black lives matter!

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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by NickAragua »

Vote Results:
skyward artillery - 3
shit happens - 3
"Well, first of all, Major, those artillery tubes can shoot down low-flying aerospace fighters pretty easily. So if you'd sent the aero jocks in, that would just mean more dead aero jocks. And second, shit happens, Major, nobody got into this thinking they were going to be cruising around on New Avalon."

"Logically, yeah." Scrub sighs. "Doesn't make me feel any better, though, sitting in the comms center while my people, my friends, get zapped."

"I get how you feel, I've lost people before, too. But I don't think you've got the luxury of a vacation right now - you've got three hundred and forty six people down here depending on you. All we have to do is hold off long enough for the Narrators to fix their dropship, and then we're an HPG call and a few days main engine burn away from being free and clear. You can take a vacation once you're home."

Scrub grits her teeth and takes a deep breath, pulling herself together. "Yeah. Wonder how my predecessor handled it."

"All right. What's the status on those merc dropship repairs?"


Beta-Fire lance encounters a recon element probing around our dropships and moves to run them off. Gamma-Probe is on patrol nearby and moves to reinforce, just in case.

Round 1:
Beta-Fire consists of a Stalker, a Vindicator, a Crusader and a Marauder prototype. We're still contractually obligated to send out performance statistics to the Marik corporation that hooked us up with it, but there are some doubts as to whether anyone's paying attention over there. The binary lasers' performance is generally disappointing, while the "experimental" double heat sinks are now fairly obsolete compared to the real thing.

The Vindicator and Marauder break north to engage a group of light mechs and hovercraft, while the Crusader and Stalker break south. We exchange some long-range fire with LRMs, autocannons and high-energy weapons, but no shots land.

Round 2:
The Marauder backs up into some pretty dense woods, engaging a Peregrine VTOL as it buzzes by. One of the blazers brushes the main rotor, melting off a little bit of it and slowing the VTOL down. The Vindicator moves to engage an incoming Pegasus hovertank, which promptly proceeds to disable the Vindicator's PPC while avoiding all of its fire. The Pegasus takes a kick, but keeps on zipping around as if it didn't just lose half a ton of armor off one of the left side.

To the south, our Crusader and Stalker open fire on an approaching Trebuchet (5S variant, with SRMs instead of LRMs), scoring some armor damage. An enemy Vindicator lands a head shot on our Stalker. Armor holds up, because it's just a couple of LRMs, but it still hurts.

Round 3:
The Pegasus continues messing up our Vindicator, pelting it with SRMs as it moves to engage some Javelins in the town. It scores a couple of laser hits on one of them, then the incessant SRMs detonate the on-board LRM ammo and send our mechwarrior for a flight.

Round 4:
[camera feed damaged]
"Hostiles in visual range, engaging Beta-Fire. One mech down." AWS reports.

"Uh..." Drazzil hesitates. "Engage... uh... enemy units.", then runs forward to pick a target - a Vedette whose turret throws out sparks after being hit with a medium laser.

Akalon goes to a private channel. "AWS, let's take those Javelins down. I'll watch your back."

Gamma-Probe's Javelin tries to follow AWS and Akalon but slides into a building, a cloud of dust coming out after it enters. AWS is unable to stop it and its buddy from delivering a solid dose of 20 SRMs to the Marauder, but does put a pair of laser blasts through the back of the light mech, causing it to collapse in a heap. Akalon's lasers cause some major damage to the back of the other Javelin as well, while stripping a jump jet off the right leg with a kick. Our Marauder falls over under the barrage.

To the south, the Trebuchet 5S moves to engage out Stalker at close range and takes multiple large lasers and SRM salvos for its trouble, resulting in multiple armor breaches on its right side and the loss of a laser. It remains upright, however.

Round 5:
Drazzil moves to engage a Wasp and Vedette, scoring some hits on the Vedette, then ripping the right half the Wasp off with a solid kick to the back (with help from our Javelin's lasers).

Akalon's next target is the Pegasus that's been harassing us, damaging it with lasers and machine gun fire. Our mechwarrior needs to hold some lasers to avoid overheating, but does inflict major motive damage on the hovertank, slowing it down so it'll be easier to hit going forward. Which our mechwarrior takes advantage of by stomping on the engine block with the Vulcan's foot. Our Marauder gets up and lands a solid shot on the Javelin chasing Akalon, stripping armor from its right leg.

To the north, the enemy Trebuchet loses its right arm to fire from our Stalker and AWS, but combined fire from it and the Hermes to the northeast bring our Crusader to a knee.

Our Javelin, unfortunately, gets buried under a bunch of rubble as hostiles collapse the building it was stuck in on top of it. We'll have to dig it out.

Round 6:
The guy in the Wasp gives up trying to get up (reasonable with half the mech missing) and bails out.

The 5S Trebuchet put up a good fight against our Stalker, inflicting a good amount of armor damage, but thirty seconds of sustained fire from said Stalker is not something that most mechs can take - the poor 50 tonner's armor gives out, as do its engine and gyro.

Akalon legs the second Javelin while avoiding most of its SRMs. Well, legs is an understatement, the right torso and arm also come off after a solid laser barrage followed up by a kick. The enemy mech throws out one last punch, which dings off the Vulcan's armor.

Our Crusader continues getting pelted by the hostile Hermes, but manages to throw a punch, ripping the 40-tonner's left arm off. Just a flamer gone, but still, less annoyance for us.

Round 7:
Akalon moves on to the next target, ignoring a Vedette to blast away at the back of a Trebuchet. The enemy mech is pretty resilient, but its left leg armor is laid bare after a pair of laser blasts, which lets our Vulcan get a kick in and crack a hip.

Round 8:
Our Stalker puts a laser through the Peregrine buzzing around, putting an end to that. Drazzil finally finishes off the Vedette he's been working on for a while, perforating it with lasers and SRMs.

Akalon's eyes briefly light up as he legs the Trebuchet and scores a hit on the ammo bin, but it was empty.

AWS, meanwhile, uses the Phoenix Hawk's superior maneuverability and the Vindicator's inability to torso twist beyond a very minimal amount to stay in the slower 45-tonner's rear arc and avoid all return fire while carving away at armor with the Phoenix Hawk's lasers, and delivering a boot from the back as well.

Round 9:
After a curb stomp, the guy in the Trebuchet decides he's had enough and bails out. With our Marauder detonating the Hermes' remaining AC/5 ammo using a binary laser shot, and Akalon stomping the remaining Vedette flat, that leaves a Scimitar and a Vulcan in the field.

"Hostiles retreating." Akalon calls out. "Orders, Lieutenant?"

Drazzil grunts, stomping at the Scimitar as it dodges out of the way, then fires a couple of lasers, missing.


Drazzil blinks. "Uh... repeat last?"

"Repeat. Hostiles are disabled, destroyed or retreating. Orders?"

"Let them go. Get salvage in here."

Those two quickly withdraw, and we get to work digging our Javelin out and bringing in salvage. Or trying to dig the Javelin out, anyway. It's a total loss, and the mechwarrior is dead as well. We grab the two Trebuchets, figuring that between those two we can put one back together.

Some good news over the next few days - we finish cannibalizing the Hector, the spare parts getting both Scrub's Warhammer and our salvaged Grasshopper up and running. Freyland will temporarily jump into the Grasshopper and join Beta-Assault lance.


"... so the entire battle, he basically spent stomping on one Vedette and said maybe five words." Akalon points out. "Now, I appreciate the value of keeping quiet, but when you're in charge of two lances, you have to call out target priorities and give orders, you can't just zone in on one target and let everyone else run around on their own."

Cujo nods.

"He's a good mechwarrior, and I hate to go around the chain of command like that, but we did lose two mechs in that fight."

"Damn, we're really having some growing pains here." Cujo comments, keeping in mind the conversation she had with Scrub just a few days ago.

Cujo will have a chat with Drazzil about improving his command style
[] Emphasize the need for situational awareness
[] Emphasize the need to take care of the troops under your command
[] Emphasize the need to conserve company resources on limited-resupply deployments
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:47 pm

Cujo will have a chat with Drazzil about improving his command style
[X] Emphasize the need for situational awareness, like El Guapo does so well.
[] Emphasize the need to take care of the troops under your command
[] Emphasize the need to conserve company resources on limited-resupply deployments
Key point is to emphasize that his primary responsibility as a commander is to manage the overall battle. Not that his personal mech targeting isn't important, but it's in many ways a secondary priority.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Leraje »

NickAragua wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:47 pm [] Emphasize the need for situational awareness
[x] Emphasize the need to take care of the troops under your command
[] Emphasize the need to conserve company resources on limited-resupply deployments
Since taking care of troops also requires increased situational awareness. If anything I'd say that options 1 and 2 are a package deal.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Hyena »

Leraje wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:04 pm
NickAragua wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:47 pm [] Emphasize the need for situational awareness
[x] Emphasize the need to take care of the troops under your command
[] Emphasize the need to conserve company resources on limited-resupply deployments
Since taking care of troops also requires increased situational awareness. If anything I'd say that options 1 and 2 are a package deal.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Freyland »

Hyena wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 8:55 pm
Leraje wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:04 pm
NickAragua wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:47 pm [] Emphasize the need for situational awareness
[x] Emphasize the need to take care of the troops under your command
[] Emphasize the need to conserve company resources on limited-resupply deployments
Since taking care of troops also requires increased situational awareness. If anything I'd say that options 1 and 2 are a package deal.
Don't mind Hyena, he just had dental work.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Zenn7 »

Leraje wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:04 pm
NickAragua wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:47 pm [] Emphasize the need for situational awareness
[x] Emphasize the need to take care of the troops under your command
[] Emphasize the need to conserve company resources on limited-resupply deployments
Since taking care of troops also requires increased situational awareness. If anything I'd say that options 1 and 2 are a package deal.
An excellent analysis.

Though as I'm in a coma... I think it comes out as... silence.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by El Guapo »

Zenn7 wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:26 am
Leraje wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:04 pm
NickAragua wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:47 pm [] Emphasize the need for situational awareness
[x] Emphasize the need to take care of the troops under your command
[] Emphasize the need to conserve company resources on limited-resupply deployments
Since taking care of troops also requires increased situational awareness. If anything I'd say that options 1 and 2 are a package deal.
An excellent analysis.

Though as I'm in a coma... I think it comes out as... silence.
I mean, ideally as a result of better situational awareness and better force management he would cause fewer company resources to explode as well.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Zenn7 »

El Guapo wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:32 am
Zenn7 wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:26 am
Leraje wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 5:04 pm
NickAragua wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:47 pm [] Emphasize the need for situational awareness
[x] Emphasize the need to take care of the troops under your command
[] Emphasize the need to conserve company resources on limited-resupply deployments
Since taking care of troops also requires increased situational awareness. If anything I'd say that options 1 and 2 are a package deal.
An excellent analysis.

Though as I'm in a coma... I think it comes out as... silence.
I mean, ideally as a result of better situational awareness and better force management he would cause fewer company resources to explode as well.
Playing the (relatively new?) Battletech game, I'd say you can do your best on A & B and still get a lot of company resources expended.

Or... I would if I wasn't in a coma. Instead I say:
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by El Guapo »

Zenn7 wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:39 am ....
Wait, what's that? You think that El Guapo should take over as company commander? Well, if it's that important to you...
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by $iljanus »

Leraje wrote:
NickAragua wrote: Thu Jul 23, 2020 4:47 pm [x] Emphasize the need for situational awareness
[x] Emphasize the need to take care of the troops under your command
[] Emphasize the need to conserve company resources on limited-resupply deployments
Since taking care of troops also requires increased situational awareness. If anything I'd say that options 1 and 2 are a package deal.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by gbasden »

Zenn7 wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:26 am
Though as I'm in a coma... I think it comes out as... silence.
Hey, at least you still cling to life! I'm trying hard not to chime in as I'm scattered across a few square acres of land.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Zenn7 »

El Guapo wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:58 am
Zenn7 wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:39 am ....
Wait, what's that? You think that El Guapo should take over as company commander? Well, if it's that important to you...
As a lance commander, you're getting closer. We have what, 15-16 lances? So you can't be more than 15 spots away form company commander.

But for today... the doctor mutters about the voices are back, time to up your meds again.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by El Guapo »

Zenn7 wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:19 am
El Guapo wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:58 am
Zenn7 wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:39 am ....
Wait, what's that? You think that El Guapo should take over as company commander? Well, if it's that important to you...
Thank you, I am very handsome and inspirational, I agree.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by NickAragua »

Vote Results:
situational awareness - 3
take care of troops - 3
"You called, Captain?" Drazzil stands in front of Cujo.

"Have a seat, Lieutenant." Cujo motions to the wall-chair. "I've been reviewing your after-action reports and battle ROMs, and I think we need to have a chat about your situational awareness."

"Yes ma'am."

"It looks like you... issued an order to engage enemy targets, then spent forty seconds chasing an AC/2-equipped Vedette?" Cujo says with an expression of disbelief.

"It was a tough tank, ma'am."

Cujo sighs. "Look, it's no secret that we're taking pretty heavy losses on this contract, which makes it all the more important for our lance commanders... " Cujo raises an eyebrow "... like yourself, to pay attention to what's going on on the battlefield beyond your immediate targets. You've got to call out target priorities, remind damaged mechwarriors to pull back, all that stuff." She shrugs. "Don't micromanage, of course, but it's your responsibility to inform your mechwarriors of what they need to know."

"Yes ma'am."

Cujo sighs. "Better get back to it, then, and see to your lance's repairs."


March 13, 3047
Above Planetary Ionosphere
Wright, Capellan Confederation

The mercs inform us that they're within a week of their dropship being spaceworthy. Our patrols uncover one final obstacle to their departure, though, a nearby anti-aircraft installation which could easily shoot down said dropship. Our plan is to take one of our dropships on a sub-orbital hop to rapidly move a company of mechs within striking range of said installation and take it down.

Our merc buddies send a heavy escort of fighters, as do we, but the Moonraker still gets intercepted en route by about three squadrons of Capellan medium and heavy aerospace fighters.

Round 1:
Beta-Strike and the merc squadron in formation around the Moonraker.

Round 2:
The merc Sabre makes a mistake and its vector takes it into weapons range of the pursuing hostile aerospace fighters, where it promptly gets annihilated. We do our best to provide LRM support from long range, but do little more than mark the armor.

Round 3:
On the plus side, the hostile fighters kind of screwed themselves over and will have to push extra hard to catch up to our dropship.

Which they fail (or choose not) to do, so the Moonraker doesn't even get shot before re-entering the atmosphere. It's a shame our merc buddies had to lose a fighter, but hey, better them than us. Most of our fighters fly back to our main landing zone, while a squadron stays with the Moonraker. That certainly was a much easier fight than expected.


Some good news, the mercs have gotten some artillery pieces working that we salvaged over the last few weeks, and they'll be able to help us out in taking out the air defense facility that will eventually prevent them from reaching orbit. It's pretty heavily guarded, so we're going to need to pick off some patrols. "Yeah, we'll shell those guys good, trust us!"

Cujo, El Guapo and Isgrimnur have their doubts about the accuracy of said artillery, so we consider asking the mercs to hold off on it until we actually hit the air defense facility.

[] Let them get some practice shots in, the initial set of targets is passing through some open
[] Better save some artillery ammo and the surprise for the actual base.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 5:17 pm [X] Let them get some practice shots in, the initial set of targets is passing through some open
[] Better save some artillery ammo and the surprise for the actual base.
Significant concerns about artillery accuracy seems like a great reason to have them take practice shots. If they can't hit for shit, then I really don't want them firing into a melee that we are active in - if that's the situation it'd be better not to use the artillery at all.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Leraje »

NickAragua wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 5:17 pm [] Let them get some practice shots in, the initial set of targets is passing through some open
[x] Better save some artillery ammo and the surprise for the actual base.
Hopefully they will be able to hit a broad side of the barn (AA installation).
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by AWS260 »

Petition to rename Gamma-Probe to It Was A Tough Tank.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Hyena »

AWS260 wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 5:54 pm Petition to rename Gamma-Probe to It Was A Tough Tank.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Zenn7 »

El Guapo wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 5:22 pm
NickAragua wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 5:17 pm [X] Let them get some practice shots in, the initial set of targets is passing through some open
[] Better save some artillery ammo and the surprise for the actual base.
Significant concerns about artillery accuracy seems like a great reason to have them take practice shots. If they can't hit for shit, then I really don't want them firing into a melee that we are active in - if that's the situation it'd be better not to use the artillery at all.
And if the enemy is worried about artillery, that may draw off a patrol or two (hope the mercs guard the artillery well, but as long as it's not near their dropship... hey, they'll help one way or another...).
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Zenn7 »

El Guapo wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:25 am
Zenn7 wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:19 am
El Guapo wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:58 am
Zenn7 wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:39 am ....
Wait, what's that? You think that El Guapo should take over as company commander? Well, if it's that important to you...
Thank you, I am very handsome and inspirational, I agree.
I woke from a coma long enough to give Scrub a vital message. "Remember... anyone but El Guapo... his delusions will get the whole company killed!" and back to coma land.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Freyland »

Zenn7 wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:59 pm
El Guapo wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:25 am
Zenn7 wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:19 am
El Guapo wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:58 am
Zenn7 wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:39 am ....
Wait, what's that? You think that El Guapo should take over as company commander? Well, if it's that important to you...
Thank you, I am very handsome and inspirational, I agree.
I woke from a coma long enough to give Scrub a vital message. "Remember... anyone but El Guapo... his delusions will get the whole company killed!" and back to coma land.
And Scrub leans over with concern and says gently, "Save your strength."

"We know."
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by $iljanus »

Zenn7 wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:58 pm
El Guapo wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 5:22 pm
NickAragua wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 5:17 pm [X] Let them get some practice shots in, the initial set of targets is passing through some open
[] Better save some artillery ammo and the surprise for the actual base.
Significant concerns about artillery accuracy seems like a great reason to have them take practice shots. If they can't hit for shit, then I really don't want them firing into a melee that we are active in - if that's the situation it'd be better not to use the artillery at all.
And if the enemy is worried about artillery, that may draw off a patrol or two (hope the mercs guard the artillery well, but as long as it's not near their dropship... hey, they'll help one way or another...).
I’m swayed.Fire away!
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by NickAragua »

Vote Results:
Let them get some practice shots in - 3
Save it for the base - 1
As El Guapo marshals his lance, despite his misgivings about getting fire support from people operating their particular artillery pieces for the first time, the Lieutenant feels that it's better for the merc artillery crew to get their practice shots somewhere where they have a lot of room to miss, as opposed to when we're intermixed with hostiles in an urban environment.

Our target here is a command Bulldog tank. Taking it out will likely reduce coordination around the orbital defense facility. Also coming along is Fury in the Grand Dragon, Thud in the Awesome and our Cyclops. Our merc buddies have also assigned a lance of tanks to this operation, two Vedettes (basically useless), but also a Rommel and a Patton tank (someone appears to have been a fan of the WWII North African theatre), the former bringing an AC/20 to the party while the latter brings an AC/10. The artillery is three Thumper pieces and a Long Tom.

The Bulldog is escorted by a company of light and medium tanks and hovercraft, plus almost two lances of medium mechs, so we'll have our work cut out for us.

Round 1:
The engagement happens on fairly flat terrain, with little cover. We'll be setting some low grass on fire to try to remedy that at least somewhat.

Round 2:
A few hostile units enter long weapons range, and we direct our fire that way. El Guapo scores a glancing PPC hit on a Trebuchet's right leg, melting a little armor, but not doing much else. One of our allied Vedettes reports a head shot on a Hunchback. Keep it up, guys!

Round 3:
That Saladin zips up to the smoke, at which point El Guapo puts a PPC shot directly through the left side as the driver realizes his mistake a little too late - the lone AC/20 round flies wide and the hovertank splits in half. Always good to get rid of those little guys.

Fury runs forward a little, engaging a trio of medium mechs and scoring a PPC hit on a Vedette tank. The artillery rounds start landing, but they're way off target. At least, they're way off target in the right direction, away from our mechs and allied tanks.

Round 4:
El Guapo walks to the side of a smoke cloud, firing at the Trebuchet he targeted before. This time, a PPC blast and a gauss rifle take the left arm off the 50-ton mech, while a second PPC shot hits center of mass. The Marauder gets a little sluggish from the heat, but the enemy mech falls backwards, unable to deal with the "armor" loss.

Our Cyclops engages the Phoenix Hawk LAM - the first medium laser nails the enemy mech square in the head and it just stops moving, sagging down a little.

"Ugh, some people have to work for their kills." El Guapo grumbles silently as sweat drips down his forehead.

Round 5:
Twelve artillery rounds later, those guys hit something. As a bonus, they hit a hostile target, flipping over a Liao-variant Vedette.

El Guapo takes a couple of seconds to line up the Marauder's gauss rifle with the Phoenix Hawk LAM, removing the now-immobile head.

Thud and Fury open up on the Wolverine as it runs by, scoring a PPC hit and multiple laser hits respectively - Thud's PPCs cause armor breaches in the rear armor, which Fury exploits with laser, resulting in the destruction of a heat sink and a jump jet.

The allied tanks to the south, start taking a beating, with the Rommel reporting being disabled, while one of the Vedettes gets blown up.

Round 6:
The Wolverine tries to shake Fury, but our Grand Dragon sticks to its tail, blasting through the holes in the armor. This time, the hostile mech's gyro gives out and it's all the mechwarrior can do to shut the mech down before the engine melts through the rest of its supports.

Round 7:
It's always disappointing when your gauss slug hits the front armor of your target, but just kind of embeds itself there instead of anything spectacular happening.

Round 8:
Having mopped up the allied merc units to the southwest, the rest of the hostile force moves in on us, with that Trebuchet still running around behind our position. While Thud blasts it twice from the front with PPCs to "slow it down", Fury gets in from behind it and damages the gyro housing with a laser, sending the 50-ton mech to the ground again, where its already damaged left torso is completely wrecked.

El Guapo does the non-glamorous but necessary work of punching a PPC shot through the armor of an LRM Carrier, which encourages the crew to turn the vehicle around and leave the area. Probably after putting the fire out.

Round 9:
Surprisingly, the Trebuchet manages to get up off the ground and start limping off to the north. We let it go, it's not going to get fixed up in time to matter for the fight that matters. El Guapo swings the Marauder's arms back and zaps an annoying little Falcon hovertank with lasers, slicing off enough fans that the hovercraft "settles down".

We take some long-range LRM fire from another Trebuchet, but El Guapo's armor holds up, while the Assassin can't really punch through armor on its own, especially when El Guapo nimbly steps out of the way of a clumsy kick.

Round 10:
The hostiles' hesitation to move close and engage our mechs costs them a little armor as a few artillery rounds ding them a little. Not direct hits or anything, but pretty good.

Thud takes the opportunity to zap a Hetzer milling around in the back of their formation with a couple of PPC blasts, just to take an AC/20 out of action. The tank isn't destroyed, but the armor is shredded and it begins retreating.

Fury and El Guapo target the second Trebuchet, which appears to be running on missiles, based on the fact that it's closed to short range. No armor breaches, but quite a lot of large chunks get gouged out.

Our Cyclops disables the Assassin's left arm with laser fire, which doesn't do much to its combat effectiveness, but still, good to let it know we're paying attention. It retaliates with a kick and a single SRM (the other flies off into the air), causing light armor damage.

Round 11:
El Guapo marks the target Bulldog as it rolls out from a crater - three PPCs, two from Thud and one from our Marauder are enough to blast through the tank's front and wreck it.

Our Cyclops catastrophically removes the Assassin from the battlefield, cutting holes in the armor with lasers and then sending an SRM salvo in through the breaches, which detonates the enemy mech's SRM ammo.

Round 12:
The enemy Trebuchet, having had enough direct fire armor loss, pulls back, but takes an artillery hit from a landing shell, resulting in the last of its center torso armor being cracked open. A Zhukov tank also takes a beating, tread damage seriously slowing it down.

Thud pulls back to the "second line" smoke cloud, and Fury kicks over a Vedette as a short lance of them tries to disrupt our formation. We continue inflicting major armor damage while using the smoke to obscure line of sight to ourselves.

The last kill about does it for the hostiles, and the remainder moves to retreat. Having taken out their command tank, we're satisfied to let them go and call in the salvage crews. The artillery performed pretty well, they didn't hit us even once, so we feel pretty comfortable having them help out at the orbital defence facility itself. The mercs are able to get everything but the destroyed Vedette back up and running in a couple of hours, while our damage is limited to just armor loss and ammo expenditure.

The salvage clause in our contract will basically result in us having to choose between salvaging a headless Phoenix Hawk LAM or a Wolverine with engine + gyro damage (and a couple of other missing components). The Phoenix Hawk LAM is going to be worth more on the open market due to its relative rarity (or we could try to keep it, but finding LAM pilots is tough), but we may be able to get the Wolverine in working order and use it on this contract. Equipment-wise, the PHX-HK2 is a standard Phoenix Hawk, except with LAM bits that are hard to maintain and replace. But it does have twelve heat sinks instead of the standard ten of the normal Pixie, so it's a superior machine. It's even a LAM, so you can use it as a fighter (but it doesn't perform very well in that role).

The Wolverine is just a standard Wolverine, but other than the cramped cockpit (due to all the extra comms equipment), it's never steered us wrong.

[] Keep the Phoenix Hawk LAM
[] Keep the Wolverine
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Mon Jul 27, 2020 4:29 pm

[] Keep the Phoenix Hawk LAM
[X] Keep the Wolverine
Unless the selling price is *significant*, I'd rather have the more useful mech.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Leraje »

NickAragua wrote: Mon Jul 27, 2020 4:29 pm [x] Keep the Phoenix Hawk LAM
[] Keep the Wolverine
Keep the Pixie unless we are really hurting for spare mechs.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by Zenn7 »

El Guapo wrote: Mon Jul 27, 2020 4:40 pm
NickAragua wrote: Mon Jul 27, 2020 4:29 pm

[] Keep the Phoenix Hawk LAM
[X] Keep the Wolverine
Unless the selling price is *significant*, I'd rather have the more useful mech.
Thought we were about done here? If so, keep the Pixie and lets get money. If we have a while and might really have use for another mech, keep the Wolverine.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by AWS260 »

NickAragua wrote: Mon Jul 27, 2020 4:29 pm [X] Keep the Phoenix Hawk LAM
[] Keep the Wolverine
And teach me how to fly it.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by NickAragua »

AWS260 wrote: Mon Jul 27, 2020 6:35 pm
NickAragua wrote: Mon Jul 27, 2020 4:29 pm [X] Keep the Phoenix Hawk LAM
[] Keep the Wolverine
And teach me how to fly it.
I gotta say, that's incredibly in character for how I imagine your mechwarrior to be.
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Re: Let's play: Battletech via MegaMek

Post by AWS260 »

Gotta stay on-brand.
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