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Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by TotallyNotEvil »

Right now, Alpha Ranger is me in a Timber Wolf and three NPCs: one in my old, albeit downgraded Griffin (lost the great C-ERPPC for a non-ER IS one, and probably a heatsink to keep all the other gear), a Dervish with DHS (LRM 10 x2, ML x2, SRM2 x2, 8t std armor) and a Quickdraw, also with DHS (LRM 10 x1, ML x4, SRM 4, 11t std armor).

The Griffin is honestly still freaking great, rocking PPC x1, ERML x2, LRM15 x1 (2t), ECM and 10t IS FF. In a way the downgrade to non-ER, while certainly a downgrade, actually has a decent silver lining in that the heat management became better, so that's in a pretty happy spot without us bolting a C-ERLL there.

And a Timber Wolf, of course, needs no introduction.

But the other two are kind of standing out in their meh-ness in such august company, aren't they?

I was daydreaming of revamping Alpha-Ranger into "The Cavalry", with four 70-75t 5/8/5 mechs, but that's a bit far away.

The rub is that the modded Dervish and Quickdraw aren't bad. They are workable, almost good for the Dervish's case, just not great.

So, what would y'all suggest we put in place of those two, if anything? We do have some spare Wolverines, so I was thinking of at least subbing the Quickdraw for one. It's as easy as adding JJs to a 6K while losing 1t of SRM ammo and a pair of heatsinks (while the DHS-ing keeps it at heat neutral, jump included) for a nice loadoud of LL x1, ML x2, SRM 6 x1, SL x1 and 11t of std armor. When FF becomes readily enough available that it's the new standard, FF-ing opens up space for TAG.

But see, it's not that much better than the Quickdraw, it's just more elegant- it gets to use the main gun to supplement the close-range weaponry, and has an actual big gun instead of just an LRM 10, which ain't great at punching holes. But the two extra MLs on the Quickdraw do a lot to keep its close-in damage competitive.

I kind of dislike how much those two, especially the Quickdraw, feel like two Lights welded together. They are plainly unglamorous =P

So, is there anything that could do a significantly better job with about the same tech?

Or, if there isn't anything like that, what could we shuffle around or acquire in the short term that can? When talking XLFE, the heavies are actually the better jumpers of the lot with this 5/8/5 profile.

@edit: Having slept on it, I think I might have lost the sense of scale from all the incredibly lopsided Clan fights we took in Luthien. My expectation became that of taking on equal weight of Clan mechs + shitloads of Elementals, not the usual 3025 tech rabble of the IS :think:
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by NickAragua »

Vote Results:
Take your time - unanimous
"Take your time, we've got this." Leraje replies.

This time, Wolf's lance is supported by a Shreck PPC carrier and four allied units - an LRM Carrier and two SRM Carriers, plus an AC/2-equipped Bulldog tank. Hopefully we can screen the SRM carriers long enough that they get close enough to the hostile units to unleash their SRMs.

Or the hostiles are dumb enough to come out of their base and to us.

Our mech lineup is Wolf in the Hellbringer, Bass in a Stormcrow, Stefan in a Trebuchet, plus a Rifleman. The overall goal here is to either destroy enough mobile units that the opposition surrenders and we can take their facility over, or just blow up the facility. Either way, we get paid and get our salvage. Two medium mech lances stand in our way, though.

Round 1:
The first thing we do is direct some long-range fire towards a triple-barrel Thumper installation inside the facility that's already lobbing artillery shells in our direction, scoring a couple of hits on the building rooftop - one of Wolf's PPCs causes sparks to arc across the turret for a few seconds, reducing its rotation speed quite a bit.

Round 2:
Wolf continues firing on the Thumper installation, a second PPC round frying some machinery inside it, causing the barrels to sag and stop firing. The rest of the lance opens fire on a Shadow Hawk silhouetting itself on top of a building, Bass brushing one of the Stormcrow's lasers over the 55-ton mech's head. That'll wake him up for sure.

Round 3:
A Wolverine jumps out behind our Rifleman, unloading its weapons on our mech's back. Thankfully, our mechs armor does its job, although you can now see the torso internals through several SRM-induced breaches. Wolf and Bass open fire, covering their lance mate, and the Wolverine takes a backshot from one of Wolf's lasers, exposing its internals as well, at which point Wolf steps on the back of the 55-tonner's ankle, forcing it to drop to the ground.

Round 4:
The Wolverine's pilot doesn't have much luck getting up, which is not great for him, as one of the allied SRM Carriers has just decided to roll up. Wolf backs up, anticipating a fun fireworks display, and is not disappointed: the salvo of SRMs doesn't outright destroy the mech, but a round explodes in the Wolverine's autocannon, sending the mechwarrior's ejection seat flying.

Bass takes the opportunity to sneak up behind a Vindicator, unloading lasers on the 45-ton mech's back. Its armor holds up but not very well, the right leg looking very exposed.

Round 5:
Bass gets into a little bit of trouble, surrounded by three mechs, but some distracting fire from a nearby SRM Carrier bails him out - the Stormcrow's lasers blast a few chunks off a nearby Dervish's back armor, and with the right leg kicked out from under it, our Stormcrow can clear out.

To the west, Wolf engages a hostile Crab, avoiding all of its laser fire while blasting a hole through its armor with a PPC.

Round 6:
Somehow, Wolf manages to skid on pavement while trying to get in behind a Crab and the Hellbringer slides along, scraping armor and concrete off. Luckily, the nearby allied SRM Carrier and our Shreck have our mechwarrior covered, plastering the 50-ton mech with SRMs and PPC blasts. The SRM Carrier pays for it, though, immobilized by laser fire from an approaching Centurion.

Bass finishes his duel with the Dervish by frying its right leg with multiple laser blasts, a kick sending the 55-ton mech to the ground for good.

Round 7:
Stefan spots an extra lance of tanks coming in from the east and gets the Trebuchet moving, flanking the lance at a rapid pace - that 3C upgrade really ups the Trebuchet's game. Bass helps Stefan out with a couple of laser blasts to a nearby Vedette, but focuses the bulk of his attention on a Vulcan, one of the other two mechs that engaged his Stormcrow earlier. The Vindicator hops out of the fight temporarily, right into a faceful of SRMs from an allied SRM Carrier - the damage causes multiple armor breaches and blows out several leg actuators, dropping the 45-ton mech to the ground.

Wolf, somewhat embarrassed, looks around. Unfortunately, in addition to the battle ROM, the crew of the Shreck saw the whole thing. Nimbly avoiding incoming LRMs and lasers (although the enemy Centurion takes a chunk out of the Hellbringer's armor with its autocannon) our mechwarrior opens fire on an LRM Carrier in the middle of the base. The PPC shot connects, but not enough to go through the armor.

Round 8:
Wolf decides to avoid incoming fire from two Manticores and the Centurion entirely and fires up the Hellbringer's custom-installed jump jets to get out of the way. This allows the Crab to make a move on our Shreck, which it pays for with a PPC to one of its actuators, although the return fire from the Crab locks up our vehicle's turret momentarily. Wolf makes the quick break productive by zapping a laser turret off a nearby building.

The allied SRM Carrier continues pummeling the Vindicator as it tries to get up and fire back.

To the east, Stefan immobilizes an already damaged Hetzer with the Trebuchet's lasers, while Bass melts through a Vedette's armor. Our Rifleman gets into a little bit of trouble, the Shadow Hawk we damaged earlier making a comeback and blowing one of our mech's autocannons off with its short range missiles.

Round 9:
One of Bass's lasers melts multiple actuators on the leg of the Vulcan that's decided to harass our Rifleman. Despite the heavy damage and multiple LBX pellets to the head from our Rifleman, the mech remains upright.

To the south, Stefan finishes off the remaining tank of the reinforcement lance, and begins looking around for other targets.

Round 10:
Bass's duel with the Vulcan continues, the lighter mech losing the machine gun in its left arm to a laser blast. This is followed up by a devastating kick, which basically folds the Vulcan in half as its right leg comes off just below the hip.

Wolf hops on top of a Manticore, zapping a nearby Enforcer with PPCs while trying to pry off the vehicle's turret. The Enforcer's right arm sizzles under fire from the particle cannon; the Manticore's turret remains attached, but Wolf's foot goes through the engine block.

Round 11:
Our Shreck, despite a damaged turret traversal mechanism, blows away a Manticore trying to take it out, although the Manticore inflicts major damage on our "treaded Awesome" before going down.

Stefan finally manages to evaporate the Savannah Master, although only after our Rifleman gives it a good dose of LBX pellets. This allows Bass to focus on his next target, the Shadow Hawk giving our Rifleman a hard time - a really hard time in fact, as that SRM launcher continues to prove deadly, blasting through the Rifleman's armor and blowing out an ammo bin. Luckily, our mech is protected by CASE, so it'll be fine once we get it fixed up. The Shadow Hawk pays for it though, a headshot knocksing the pilot out, allowing our Stormcrow to saw off the 55 ton mech's right leg.

To the south, Wolf continues battling the Enforcer, the two mechs exchanging laser blasts, as well as trading a PPC hit for an autocannon hit. Wolf also takes the time to crunch through an LRM Carrier's armor, the crew revving their engine to rapidly disengage.

Round 12:
As the allied Bulldog finishes off the Shadow Hawk, Stefan and Bass split up to circle the base to the west and east, hunting down loose tanks, hoping to close in on the Centurion and take out any remaining stationary guns.

Wolf's duel with the Enforcer is essentially over after the 50-ton mech loses multiple leg actuators and its arm-mounted large laser.

Round 13:
The Enforcer continues the hopeless fight though as it tries to retreat, firing its autocannon at our Hellbringer. This gives Wolf no choice but to put a PPC blast through the back of the mech, coring it out.

Bass's fire causes the target Centurion to stagger, which allows the allied LRM Carrier to zero in on the 50-ton mech, sending a flight of 60 missiles at it. At some point, the LRM explosions start coming from the inside of the mech, annihilating it completely.

With Stefan zapping a laser turret off a nearby building and the only real mobile unit left being a Vedette, this section of the base gives up.

Other than some major neurofeedback trauma for our Rifleman pilot (not to mention the Rifleman being out of action for quite a while), this didn't go too badly. Our clan tech performed pretty well, and the CASE, as usual, prevented the complete destruction of the Rifleman and the loss of two LBX autocannons.


Leraje's battle to the south continues as well, with the arrival of an armored assault lance from the southeast. The good part is that the Cataphract and an Ostsol have been forced to retreat, leaving Leraje to turn his Warhawk on the new arrivals.

Round 10:
A Kintaro comes out of the woodwork and immobilizes our Manticore, leaving us without tank support, while Leraje blows away one of the newly-arrived LRM Carriers.

Round 11:
As the Demolisher and Partisan advance, blasting large chunks out of one of the allied Archers, with an LRM Carrier finishing it off, Leraje puts a PPC round through the front of said LRM Carrier - the vehicle turns around and drives off, trailing metal chunks.

Xwraith, to the north, covers our Grasshopper's retreat, sawing off the Enforcer's right arm with one laser before putting another laser through an ammo bin in the damaged right torso, the 50-ton mech disintegrating. Xwraith is pelted by smaller weapons fire from multiple quarters though, and is unable to keep the Thunderbolt upright.

Round 12:
As the winds pick up, Xwraith has an unusual amount of trouble getting the Thunderbolt back up, but eventually does so, the 65-ton mech's knees creaking and groaning. Firing the mech's weapons at the nearby Vedette, our mechwarrior is rewarded with its main gun snapping off.

Leraje shifts focuse to the Demolisher - its AC/20s may not be in range now, but they will be soon enough, and it needs to be removed. The PPCs send electricity arcing along the tank's sides as huge chunks of armor are blasted off, but it remains intact for now.

Round 13:
A solid hit to the Demolisher's turret breaches the assault tank's armor, and it pulls back.

Leraje's next target, a Kintaro that's been running back and forth taking pot shots at our tanks, explodes after a PPC connects with an ammo bin. Granted, it was just the last shot in a continuous pounding delivered mostly by the allied Archer and the Catapult's LRMs, but still.

The allied Archer stumbles to a knee as the two retreating heavy mechs give some parting shots, while the allied Crusader to the north has its head removed by a Wasp, of all things - Xwraith's brief break giving the little mech the chance to clear out and engage a target it's more effective against.

With this section of the base in shambles, the remaining mechs depart - a Wasp and a Griffin to the north, an Ostsol and a Grasshopper to the south.

This one cost our allied mercs quite a bit - losing an Archer entirely, while the Crusader and the other Archer will need some serious work. The Orion's mechwarrior will be in the medbay for some time.

Our damage is the Grasshopper's engine shielding almost entirely gone, the Catapult having lost an actuator controlling the right-side missile pod, and two disabled tanks that will have to be towed back to our dropships.

Overall, salvage from this operation is ok, nothing spectacular but a good number of spare parts for our most commonly-used mech chassis - the 55 ton range. No Star League tech or anything like that, but we weren't expecting that.

What's next for Gamma Company (once repairs are completed and mechwarriors have had a chance to sleep it off)? They can either help out with Alpha and Beta's target sweeps (or get started on the last sector that we haven't even begun yet), or help our merc allies secure what remains of this facility. The half that we haven't completely leveled appears to be dedicated to mech maintenance, so that could definitely help them out (and us, indirectly, by letting them fix their mechs up sooner and thus provide a little extra ... uh... "fire support" or "ablative armor" depending on how much you think of their skills).

[] Re-task to help with additional target sweeps
[] Help secure mech repair facilities
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by Zenn7 »

NickAragua wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 5:47 pm [] Re-task to help with additional target sweeps
[x] Help secure mech repair facilities
Allies were actually pretty useful. Let's get our ablative armor back up quicker!
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by $iljanus »

Are our allies somewhat competent and worth spending some time securing the repair facilities? If so I'm all about securing infrastructure to support future operations but if they're meh then loot awaits!
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by NickAragua »

$iljanus wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:41 pm Are our allies somewhat competent and worth spending some time securing the repair facilities? If so I'm all about securing infrastructure to support future operations but if they're meh then loot awaits!
They did ok on this assault against the combined mech/tank depot/staging area thing, no comical mishaps resulting in ammo detonations or friendly fire incidents.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by $iljanus »

NickAragua wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 10:00 pm
$iljanus wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:41 pm Are our allies somewhat competent and worth spending some time securing the repair facilities? If so I'm all about securing infrastructure to support future operations but if they're meh then loot awaits!
They did ok on this assault against the combined mech/tank depot/staging area thing, no comical mishaps resulting in ammo detonations or friendly fire incidents.
Competent bullet shields are a valuable resource and should be nurtured so I’d go with securing the mech facilities.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by TheMix »

Zenn7 wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:38 pm
NickAragua wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 5:47 pm [] Re-task to help with additional target sweeps
[x] Help secure mech repair facilities
Allies were actually pretty useful. Let's get our ablative armor back up quicker!

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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by Leraje »

Let's help out the meatshields.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by AWS260 »

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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by El Guapo »

NickAragua wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 5:47 pm [X] Re-task to help with additional target sweeps
[] Help secure mech repair facilities
eh. I mean, great that they were competent this time, but we should stay focused on our priorities rather than theirs.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by gbasden »

$iljanus wrote: Wed Jan 19, 2022 10:24 pm
Competent bullet shields are a valuable resource and should be nurtured so I’d go with securing the mech facilities.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by NickAragua »

Vote Results:
Help secure mech repair facilities - almost unanimous.
We have Gamma company set up in the area they just secured. As an added bonus, these are actually quite nice repair facilities, so we can save ourselves a little on basic maintenance while we're here.

Meanwhile, several hundred kilometers in a different direction, Freyland's Delta-Ranger lance gets some action. Their sweep locates one of our targets, and it looks like the locals are trying to move some sensitive equipment out before we level the place. We can't have that, so Freyland moves in - we've got a Wolverine 6M, a Griffin 1DS (refitted for serious electronic warfare), a Phoenix Hawk 3S, and we're trying out Freyland's "reduced laser count" Nova. Reduced laser count, of course, still means our mechwarrior will be frying things with eight clan-spec extended-range medium lasers.

Oh, and we've got a Drillson hovertank for a little backup.

The hostiles have two light/medium mech lances, two lances of light armor (technically medium, but it's Vedettes), a few infantry platoons (including some field guns), and the evacuating units. Although they're "evacuating" in our direction. The main annoying thing will be a Sniper artillery piece.

Round 1:
"Support, swing around the north and see if you can take down that Sniper." Freyland calls out, before moving the 50-ton Nova to cut off a particularly fast Hussar. This Star League design fell out of favor during the Succession Wars - it's a lightning fast, 30-ton mech with a high-end sensor suite and a single extended-range laser. The Succession Wars were pretty hard on the availability of XL engines, though, so it fell out of favor (the downgraded variant wasn't that great). We actually had one way back when the company was just a company and not a batallion, but, predictably, it got blown up. We recovered the ER laser.

With the resurgence of technology, some people have invested in these as scout and harasser mechs. Which doesn't help it when Freyland and the rest of our lance blast it with pulse and clan-spec lasers, knocking it to the ground, at which point Freyland takes the Nova's foot and lowers it through the right torso, flattening a good chunk of the XL engine, forcing a shutdown. Good salvage!

Round 2:
As most of our mechs slink up against the outer edge of the structures, a Phoenix Hawk and a Stinger move to engage our Wolverine. Weapons fire comes up empty except some damage to outlying structures as we fruitlessly try to peel a turret off one of the buildings (it's a damn tough turret or a damn tough building), and when the Wolverine takes a couple of swings at the Stinger, the bug mech gives its jump jets a brief feather, hopping over the 55-tonner's fists.

Round 3:
"Come here, you little..." Freyland mumbles as the hovertruck demonstrates just way too much nimbleness, avoiding multiple laser blasts from our Nova and the Griffin/Phoenix Hawk team. The Nova and Griffin wind up playing soccer with bits of the the truck at the end of the day though.

"Huh. That combat comuter really keeps this thing a lot cooler than it needs to be. Wonder if I can put one of the lasers back." Freyland wonders idly.

Round 4:
"Uh, Ranger lance, I hate to break up the circle jerk you guys have going on down there, but there's two cargo carriers making a break for it in the north." the Drillson informs our lance.

"Crap." Freyland opines. "Three, Four, stay on station down here. Two, you're with me."

"Uh, support here, I got a problem." the Drillson follows up.

"What now?" Freyland asks, exasperated.

"We uh, may have gotten stuck inside a building."

Freyland rolls his eyes, then scowls as the Phoenix Hawk jumps in behind our Nova. The weapons fire doesn't breach the rear armor, mostly due to the mech's low profile, but it's still annoying.

Round 5:
"Eyes up, light fighters incoming." the Wolverine pilot pipes up.

"On it." Freyland responds, leveling the Nova's laser array upwards as one of the fighters vectors in on his position. The lasers fry the aircraft, causing it to pinwheel overhead in a spectacular fireball. "... right. Anyway."

Round 6:
Freyland and the Wolverine break north while the Griffin and Phoenix Hawk engage a pair of mechs and three tanks, the Phoenix Hawk firing up its MASC to give a little extra burst of speed. Weapons fire is again more or less a dud all around, with a few armor hits here and there; same goes for physical attacks - our Wolverine does crunch through the armor on one of the Stingers' torsos though.

Round 7:
"Hey, come back here, we're not done yet!"

Round 8:
Freyland's kill is pretty unexpected - the mechwarrior fires half the Nova's lasers at the "APC" and half at the "Gladiator" (the old-school pre-Star League chassis being used as a cargo hauler, not the 95-ton Clan behemoth), expecting to evaporate the APC and inflict superficial damage on the mech. The APC jukes to the side and avoids almost all the lasers, but the Gladiator takes a few hits. The damage doesn't look that bad, but then it stumbles and slips, falling on its shoulder and driving a bunch of components into the middle section where the engine shielding disappears and the automatic shutdown initiates right away.

The APC speeds away, our Nova unable to keep up.

Inexplicably, the rest of the hostiles move to break off as well, leaving the facility to us. On the one hand, this is probably fine - we're getting paid to eliminate the facility, not the units in it. On the other hand, what's that APC carrying that's so important?

[] Pursue, figure it out
[] Cease fire and let them go
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by Zenn7 »

NickAragua wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:54 am Inexplicably, the rest of the hostiles move to break off as well, leaving the facility to us. On the one hand, this is probably fine - we're getting paid to eliminate the facility, not the units in it. On the other hand, what's that APC carrying that's so important?

[x] Pursue, figure it out
[] Cease fire and let them go
It'll be our luck it's something critical we have to track down later if we don't get it now.

PS: As company commander, does my vote count double or something? :D
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by Hyena »

Zenn7 wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:04 am
NickAragua wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:54 am Inexplicably, the rest of the hostiles move to break off as well, leaving the facility to us. On the one hand, this is probably fine - we're getting paid to eliminate the facility, not the units in it. On the other hand, what's that APC carrying that's so important?

[x] Pursue, figure it out
[] Cease fire and let them go
It'll be our luck it's something critical we have to track down later if we don't get it now.
Yes. That certainly piques my interest.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by gbasden »

Hyena wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:15 am
Zenn7 wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:04 am
NickAragua wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:54 am Inexplicably, the rest of the hostiles move to break off as well, leaving the facility to us. On the one hand, this is probably fine - we're getting paid to eliminate the facility, not the units in it. On the other hand, what's that APC carrying that's so important?

[x] Pursue, figure it out
[] Cease fire and let them go
It'll be our luck it's something critical we have to track down later if we don't get it now.
Yes. That certainly piques my interest.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by Leraje »

Hyena wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:15 am
Zenn7 wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:04 am
NickAragua wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:54 am Inexplicably, the rest of the hostiles move to break off as well, leaving the facility to us. On the one hand, this is probably fine - we're getting paid to eliminate the facility, not the units in it. On the other hand, what's that APC carrying that's so important?

[x] Pursue, figure it out
[] Cease fire and let them go
It'll be our luck it's something critical we have to track down later if we don't get it now.
Yes. That certainly piques my interest.
Get 'em!
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by $iljanus »

Hyena wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:15 am
Zenn7 wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:04 am
NickAragua wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:54 am Inexplicably, the rest of the hostiles move to break off as well, leaving the facility to us. On the one hand, this is probably fine - we're getting paid to eliminate the facility, not the units in it. On the other hand, what's that APC carrying that's so important?

[x] Pursue, figure it out
[] Cease fire and let them go
It'll be our luck it's something critical we have to track down later if we don't get it now.
Yes. That certainly piques my interest.
I’m curious as well.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by TotallyNotEvil »

Let's go and get it.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by El Guapo »

$iljanus wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 3:18 am
Hyena wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:15 am
Zenn7 wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 1:04 am
NickAragua wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:54 am Inexplicably, the rest of the hostiles move to break off as well, leaving the facility to us. On the one hand, this is probably fine - we're getting paid to eliminate the facility, not the units in it. On the other hand, what's that APC carrying that's so important?

[x] Pursue, figure it out
[] Cease fire and let them go
It'll be our luck it's something critical we have to track down later if we don't get it now.
Yes. That certainly piques my interest.
I’m curious as well.
Yup - worth it just to satisfy my curiosity.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by Freyland »

Sims 3 and signature unclear.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by TotallyNotEvil »

Imagine being in a dinky little hovercraft running away, and against all odds the mercenaries decide that now out of all times is the time to go above and beyond and you get a Phoenix Hawk tailing your ass unceasingly.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by Zenn7 »

TotallyNotEvil wrote: Wed Jan 26, 2022 2:23 pm Imagine being in a dinky little hovercraft running away, and against all odds the mercenaries decide that now out of all times is the time to go above and beyond and you get a Phoenix Hawk tailing your ass unceasingly.
"Hey Fred, remember how I said heavy armor is better than speed?"


"If we live through this, SPEED IS FAR BETTER THAN HEAVY ARMOR!!! NOW FLOOR IT before that mech turns this hovercraft into scrap metal and us into paste!"
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by NickAragua »

Vote Results:
chase the APC down - unanimous

October 13, 3052

While our Phoenix Hawk lopes after the APC, we'll switch perspective, as the Moonraker, Alpha Company's base of operations, has come under attack. Not directly yet, but several hostile forces probe our position. El Guapo deploys Heavy Lance to intercept one such probe, with some of the allied mercs ("Dumitrescu's Destroyers", apparently) deciding to tag along.

"We, uh, don't really need the help." El Guapo counters. "They've got a heavy tank lance and two medium mechs. I have a hundred ton clan mech. Not to mention the rest of my lance. You guys should stick with the dropships instead."

But his advice is ignored, so now we have a Alpha-Heavy lance (Dire Wolf, Isgrimnur/Thug, Thud/Hunchback and a Thunderbolt) and a medium tank lance, with a heavy mech lance plus two heavy aerospace fighters that the mercs have decided to scramble that will be arriving in a minute or two. Against eight units who just wanted to do a little recon.

It's a little overkill. And, in fact, over-reveals the forces we have available, so El Guapo really has some incentive to destroy these intruders quickly before the allied mercs give away what we have.

Round 1:
Regardless of the silliness of the allied units, there's something deeply satisfying about deploying a technologically superior hundred-ton behemoth to the battlefield. El Guapo gets the party started by firing three of the Dire Wolf's lasers, its LRMs and the two ultra autocannons at an SRM Carrier in the back of the enemy formation. 100-ton mech or not, if those sixty SRMs get close to anything, they'll ruin its day. Our mechwarrior is unable to score a kill, but a few ultra autocannon rounds breach the vehicle's armor and blow out a small number of SRM tubes - the crew decides that tangling at long range with a 100-ton mech is not their best option and turns around.

Round 2:
Isgrimnur and Thud advance ahead of El Guapo, engaging the two medium mechs - Thud's lasers fail to connect with the Dervish, but Isgrimnur pegs the Blackjack with both of the Thug's PPCs, frying armor across the 45-ton mech's upper section. The Dervish retaliates by pinging Isgrimnur's Thug with LRMs, to little effect.

El Guapo's mech shrugs off a PPC blast to the right arm, allowing our mechwarrior to zero in on a Patton tank with laser and ultra autocannon fire as well as an LRM salvo - the tank's turret is fused by the laser blasts, while missiles and autocannon rounds wreck its treads. Our mechwarrior heats up the mech by firing pulse lasers at the Dervish as well, but it pays off - one of the arm-mounted SRM launchers melts under the onslaught.

Round 3:
Thud's AC/20 barks, connecting with a nearby Manticore tank - while the armor plating is thick enough to protect against total penetration, it's now mostly gone. This allows SRMs from Isgrimnur's Thug to pelt the previously relatively-well protected treads and snap them off in multiple places.

El Guapo scowls as his mech informs him that one of his double heat sinks has been blown out by a round from a stupid little Scorpion tank, the incoming PPC and SRM fire from a second nearby Manticore not helping. Our mechwarrior responds by blasting the nearby Dervish with the Dire Wolf's shorter-ranged weapons, causing multiple armor breaches on its right side. The application of firepower causes the medium mech to stumble and drop to a knee.

To the east, our Thunderbolt reports disabling an enemy Hetzer.

Round 4:
"Take the rest out quick, before our 'pals' get here." El Guapo reminds everyone. "We're halfway there."

The Dervish gets up, pulling back, but Isgrimnur chases it down, unloading SRMs at point blank range. The exposed right leg buckles, the hip joint cracking under the onslaught, while multiple warheads impact the head. The 55-tonner stumbles again and drops to the ground, not moving afterwards - seems the mechwarrior blacked out. Isgrimnur stomps on the mech's right arm, crushing it just in case.

Thud gets in behind the Blackjack, which annoyingly avoids his AC/20 burst, but takes a pair of shots from the Hunchback's medium lasers to the rear center torso.

El Guapo somehow manages to whale on the Manticore with the Dire Wolf's pulse lasers and autocannons without actually causing an armor breach, while the heavy tank opens up the 100-ton mech's left torso.

Round 5:
Isgrimnur's SRMs dismantle the little Scorpion tank as Thud continues chasing the retreating Blackjack. The 45-ton mech tries to no effect to stop our 50-tonner with its medium lasers, but to no avail - the AC/20 barks, ripping chunks off the Blackjack's left leg, including a severed actuator, while the head-mounted small laser somehow manages to get through the center torso armor and melt some of the gyro housing. This prevents the enemy mechwarrior from retaining his balance, and the Blackjack drops to the ground, where Thud stomps on its right autocannon, crushing it.

El Guapo frowns as the Manticore he's been trying to destroy fires its PPC and shears a good chunk off the Dire Wolf's left arm, while scoring SRM hits on the left torso to burst open another heat sink in a cloud of blue fluid. The Dire Wolf's retaliation disintegrates the heavy tank, however. Still, not the most advantageous exchange - Manticores are a dime a dozen, while hundred-ton clan-tech assault mechs are not.

By the time the allied merc heavy mechs arrive, their infantry have already secured the Dervish (planting explosive charges to blow the hatch and hauling the unconscious mechwarrior out), while we've let the Blackjack withdraw.

"Hey, where's the fight?"

"Done." Isgrimnur growls, staring at the downed Dervish as the infantry do their work.

We consider letting them keep the mech - we already have a beat-up Dervish, and multiple other 55-tonners for spare parts.

The Dire Wolf performed excellently, delivering a crap-ton of firepower, but even so it wound up taking two armor breaches. We have a replacement large laser, but the ultra autocannon is another issue - we only have ones in Inner Sphere grade. We'll have to figure something out for that. Meanwhile, he'll have to make do down an autocannon. Or fire the Marauder back up for the time being.

[] Continue using the Dire Wolf - even down an autocannon, it's a monster
[] Back to the Marauder until we can stock up more replacement parts
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by TotallyNotEvil »

If it were me, I'd still keep using it, but I'd say its up to the pilot.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by Leraje »

TotallyNotEvil wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 12:57 pm If it were me, I'd still keep using it, but I'd say its up to the pilot.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by TheMix »

Leraje wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 1:25 pm
TotallyNotEvil wrote: Mon Jan 31, 2022 12:57 pm If it were me, I'd still keep using it, but I'd say its up to the pilot.

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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by El Guapo »

Yeah I'll keep using it. Being down one AC/5 isn't a big deal.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by TotallyNotEvil »

... Y'know, you could join the Jump Jet Gang. That's 7 tons of gun, and you could probably halve the ammo if you are dropping one of them. Plenty for 6t of jets and maybe some eletronic stuff?
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by NickAragua »

Vote Results:
Keep using the mech
"Look, if you guys are looking for a fight..." El Guapo says to the newly-arrived merc mech lance, checking the map, "... get your aerospace fighters over to intercept that dropship coming in and get yourselves lance back to our landing zone - we're not going to be quick enough."

Seems that the locals have gotten riled up enough that they've sent a dropship at the Moonraker's landing site. Alpha-Ranger is in position to defend, as is a single allied Hunchback and three Vedettes, plus one of our Drillson hovertanks. Alpha-Ranger is Lich in the Mad Cat, plus a Dervish, a Quickdraw and Lich's old Griffin.

The dropship (a Fury-class) is forced to land by the allied aerospace fighters and disgorges a couple of tank lances to join the medium mech lance and tank lance already present. The Moonraker's weapons are powered up, but having to slug it out, while on the ground, with another dropship, is a whole other issue that we haven't really seen before - normally, dropships engage each other in the air, or, even better, not at all.

October 14, 3052

Round 1:
A lance of tanks tries to circle around the east of the town separating the two dropships, while the bulk of the hostiles move around the west. Lich, the Drillson and two allied tanks move to engage the eastern group, while everyone else sticks close to our dropship to the north. A little hovertank spoils Lich's aim for the most part, although the Timber Wolf's lasers do connect with the front of a Vedette to the south, but fail to breach armor. At least the low local temperatures help keep our mech cool.

Round 2:
The Plainsman hovertank is unable to get a good shot on Lich, but disables one of the allied Vedettes - a swarm of SRM pelts the "standard" tank and wrecks its main gun. In return, most of the eastern hostile force is disabled or destroyed - the allied Hunchback saws a Vedette in half with its AC/20, our Drillson hovertank fuses the treads on another one with its turreted laser, while Lich's lasers and LRMs breach armor on a third one. The only thing that survives is the Plainsman, which only does so until Lich plants the Timber Wolf's foot on top of the vehicle, grinding it into the ground.

Meanwhile, to the west, a Packrat is disabled by Lich's old ride, a PPC blast and LRMs wrecking the light infantry transport's ability to move.

Round 3:
As a pair of mechs and a Savannah Master close in to weapons range, our Union lets rip with all the long-range guns its got. It's not much for a dropship, but it's pretty substantial for a mech - the Phoenix Hawk eats an armor breach after multiple LRM/20 salvos hit home. Both it and its Enforcer buddy are dropped to the ground as a result.

Round 4:
"Ever had a landed aerodyne dropship try to chase you down?" Lich asks nobody in particular. "Well, there's a first time for everything."

To the west, our Griffin gets the drop on an Enforcer, hitting it in the back with a pair of arm-mounted lasers. The armor melts under the coherent light, as does the autocannon ammo bin, eliminating the 50-ton mech.

Round 5:
The hostile medium mech lance isn't doing too well - their Shadow Hawk takes a couple of LRMs from our dropship's launchers, causing it to stumble a little, which gives our Dervish the chance to get in behind the fellow 55-tonner and blow an ammo bin with a laser - the SRMs are superfluous.

Our Quickdraw scores a couple of grazing hits on the Savannah Master with its SRM launcher, which is enough to cause its main drive fan to start wobbling crazily, while our Griffin engages the hostile Griffin. The two mechs exchange pointblank PPC blasts, but ours is better armed for close combat, causing an armor breach with its lasers and following up with a kick, which crushes the mech's hip joint and pops a leg actuator. Somehow, the mechwarrior keeps it upright, though.

Lich continues backing up as the Fury drives forward, firing lasers into the dropship's front. "Fury" is honestly kind of a misnomer - it's pretty light-weight for a dropship and carries only two lances of tanks (and a couple of infantry platoons), but it's still a dropship. A mech will take a while to take it down by itself. But our mechwarrior has now found the optimal range where his extended-range lasers outrange anything the dropship has, so now we've got the comical situation of a dropship taxiing down a road trying to catch up to a Timber Wolf.

Round 6:
The remaining two medium mechs try to pull back out of the dropship's range to re-join their heavy tank buddies. This is less of a good idea than they think, as the Brutus heavy tank has been disabled.

Round 7:
Our Dervish continues its roll, firing LRMs at a Condor hovertank zipping north, the missiles perforating the skirt, the hovertank grinding to a stop along the ground. Our Griffin zaps a Harasser trying to... well... harass... our Dervish, melting half the hovercraft with a couple of laser blasts, while the enemy Griffin somehow manages to survive the continued barrage from our dropship. It's not quite able to clear weapons range due to actuator damage, and loses the left arm, but is still intact.

The Dervish crushes the treads of a Manticore underfoot, while our Quickdraw removes the "heroic" Griffin's right leg, ending that mechwarrior's hope of escape, and the remains of the hostile force quickly retreat. Damage to our mechs is minimal - some armor plating here and there and a decent amount of ammo expenditure is about the extent of it. Our merc buddies lost a Vedette, which, well, none of our mechwarriors can bring themselves to shed a tear about.

Other than a few stupidly lucky shots, the local planetary and corporate militia aren't really much of a challenge on this contract, which is kind of the way our mechwarriors like it. Well, about half of them. The others want more challenge, but maybe a little less challenge than "front-line Clan units".

The Fury finally completes its turn and jets off into the sunset without so much as a good bye. How do we feel about sending some aerospace fighters after it? It's kind of a crappy dropship, but it's still a dropship and salvaging it will get us a good chunk of cash (to the tune of a couple hundred million C-Bills probably). And so far on this contract, our aero jocks have been sitting around twiddling their thumbs, so they could use the exercise. But, of course, any aerospace engagement has a good chance of a couple of our fighters eating dirt. And this definitely represents an escalation in our tactics - other than nabbing a couple of units with Star League tech, we've mostly been letting hostiles retreat.

[] Send some aerospace fighters after the dropship
[] Forget it
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by Zenn7 »

NickAragua wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:15 pm [x] Send some aerospace fighters after the dropship
[] Forget it
HUNT IT DOWN! Teach these losers to attack us with a dropship.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by Captainwolfer »

I don’t think it is worth the escalation. We aren’t hurting for cash, anyway, and replacing fighters would probably take a while
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by Leraje »

Captainwolfer wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:07 am I don’t think it is worth the escalation. We aren’t hurting for cash, anyway, and replacing fighters would probably take a while
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by TotallyNotEvil »

NickAragua wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:15 pm
Round 4:
"Ever had a landed aerodyne dropship try to chase you down?" Lich asks nobody in particular. "Well, there's a first time for everything."
Y'know, I read that line twice before opening the image, thinking "surely not, right?".

NickAragua wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:15 pm Round 5:

Lich continues backing up as the Fury drives forward, firing lasers into the dropship's front. "Fury" is honestly kind of a misnomer - it's pretty light-weight for a dropship and carries only two lances of tanks (and a couple of infantry platoons), but it's still a dropship. A mech will take a while to take it down by itself. But our mechwarrior has now found the optimal range where his extended-range lasers outrange anything the dropship has, so now we've got the comical situation of a dropship taxiing down a road trying to catch up to a Timber Wolf.
Ok you bastards, come on then! You only have, what, 1800 tons on me? Piece o' cake!

[X] Send some aerospace fighters after the dropship

I already softned it up, the aerojocks can mop it up :lol:
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by TheMix »

Captainwolfer wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 12:07 am I don’t think it is worth the escalation. We aren’t hurting for cash, anyway, and replacing fighters would probably take a while
I'm inclined to agree.

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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by El Guapo »

Zenn7 wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 11:01 pm
NickAragua wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:15 pm [x] Send some aerospace fighters after the dropship
[] Forget it
HUNT IT DOWN! Teach these losers to attack us with a dropship.
Punish them for their insolence.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by Captainwolfer »

TotallyNotEvil wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 9:01 am
NickAragua wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:15 pm
Round 4:
"Ever had a landed aerodyne dropship try to chase you down?" Lich asks nobody in particular. "Well, there's a first time for everything."
Y'know, I read that line twice before opening the image, thinking "surely not, right?".
Actually, back in thread 1 there was a battle where a dropship tried to run over some of our mechs. It was a landed aerodyne, and we were shooting it, so the crew fired up the engines in desperation, but we took out the dropship before it could actually hit our mechs.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by $iljanus »

Are we almost done with the contract? If so, C bucks are C bucks and I'm not too concerned about escalating. But if we're going to be on the planet for a while I can be restrained.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by NickAragua »

$iljanus wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 4:33 pm Are we almost done with the contract? If so, C bucks are C bucks and I'm not too concerned about escalating. But if we're going to be on the planet for a while I can be restrained.
We're about 2/3 done with the targets we need to take out.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by $iljanus »

Hmmm, realizing that nothing is guaranteed but do our fighters have a reasonable chance of taking the dropship down? I don't want to needlessly risk aerospace fighters but I'm game if they aren't all going to be blown out of the sky. You never know when you need some extra C bills.
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Re: Let's Play: Battletech via MegaMek (G2)

Post by TotallyNotEvil »

200 million C-bills buys a whole heaping lot of wargear, fighters included.

On that note, what does our aerospace stable look like? We might want to angle our next contract the way of someone who sells a lot of those to upgrade our fleets, they were really useful against the Clans.

Get some great designs like Rapiers and Stukas.
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