xbox live for dummies (advice needed)

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xbox live for dummies (advice needed)

Post by Vinda-Lou »

Ok, I'm all thumbs when it comes to technology. I have a DSL line for my computer, where I run a phone wire to my external modem at the computer and then from the modem another wire goes to the computer. Fine.

I'm thinking about getting an xbox 360 with Live, but the computer is not near the tv at all. How would I get Live working on the DSL line? Would I run my phone wire directly to the console or do I need a modem or something else in between. Can someone either walk me through the components I'll need (besides the console and the tv...) and how to set it all up, or point me to a place where I can get the details I need?

Thanks in advance for your help. Please speak slowly and use small words so that I am able to follow along. :wink:
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Post by ChaoZ »

Phone Line -> DSL Modem -> Router (wired or wireless) -> Computer/Xbox 360

If you can find a location that is an acceptable distance between the Xbox 360 and the computer, use a wired router to connect both your PC and Xbox to the router. Wired routers are very cheap and probably the easiest solution.

If they're not near, set up a wireless router ($50 or so) near one (computer or xbox) so it is connected by wire, then buy a wireless card (or wireless adaptor for Xbox) so the other is wireless. It's probably cheaper to put the computer on wireless, as the Xbox wireless adaptor is like $90.
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Post by Vinda-Lou »

God I'm embarrassed to ask this, but if I get this wireless router, that means I can run from the wall to the router to the xbox with wires, and then install a card in the computer to pick up the signal from the router?

Right now I have the phone wire running to the dsl modem and then another wire to the computer. Would it work if I just got another modem from SBC (the company I use) and then have one for the computer and one for the xbox? Would they both work at the same time? I'm thinking if this works it seems like the easiest option. Then again, I'm sure I'm just displaying my ignorance of how these things work.
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Post by ChaoZ »

I don't know how it works with DSL modems really, but I don't think the company will let you get a second modem without an additional cost. Getting a router is generally the way things are done. I don't think I've heard anybody having two DSL or cable modems.

If you get a wireless router, you will run from the wall, to the DSL modem, then the DSL modem to the router, which then splits the signal to either connected wired devices, or to a wireless signal.

So, here's how it'll be connected:

Wall -> DSL modem -> router -> Xbox (wired) and router -> PC (wireless)

A single router can usually handle 4 wired devices and an unlimited number of wireless devices, but you have to keep in mind that traffic from one device will slow down the others. So while you can surf and play on Live at the same time, if you start a PC download, it will slow down Live and vice versa. Depending on the quality of the router, it can also drop the other if it routes the traffic poorly.

I would recommend you get the Linksys WRT54-G wireless router. It's by far the most popular model and highly reliable.

Don't be embarassed of asking these questions, there are probably many people out there wanting to know the same thing. I certainly don't have the answers for the technical aspects of networking either.
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Post by Vinda-Lou »

Thanks for the info. So once everything is hooked up at the xbox, then the PC goes wireless. In that case, all I need is a receiver, right? I found a couple of things including this. Would this be all I need for the PC to be wireless, along with the router? Thanks again Chaoz.
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Post by ChaoZ »

Yes, but I would get a PCI version if you're not afraid of opening up your computer and if your computer has a PCI slot free.
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Post by Vinda-Lou »

I think I have a slot free. So I'm looking at something like this? I guess I'm looking at $400 for the console, plus any Live membership and points, plus 2 or 3 games, and the router ($50) and the card ($50). Man this is getting expensive. Anyway, I appreciate the help ChaoZ.
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