Halo3: Alternate Reality Game?

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Halo3: Alternate Reality Game?

Post by Sparhawk »

So, if you'll remember Microsoft had a brilliant marketing campaign for Halo 2 which all began at the end of a trailer for Halo 2.


The radio drama (which can be found here: http://www.ilovebees.com/humptydumpty.html is, simply put, amazing. Much more entertaining than the actual game and a great followup to the Halo Novels. After reading the novels then hearing the radio drama I was completely pumped for Halo 2.

Was I let down with the overall Halo 2 experience? Yes, and no, but that is attributed to the ending more than anything. It is a crime to get someone that freaking pumped up then pull out at the last second.

I am hoping that Halo 3 will atleast atone Halo 2 and provide a better overall experience with the action (i.e. I want to play master chief throughout the entire game and shoot covenant/flood), story (I am glad the covenant are being more fleshed out but that doesn't mean I want to play as one), and of course the ending.

So, have any of you heard any whispers of a new Alternate Reality Game for Halo 3? Will Microsoft pay forty two entertainment for another radio drama and whatnot? Or will the hype be subdued this time around?

Ya srsly!
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