space rangers 2 help

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space rangers 2 help

Post by mrbig1479 »

i have a repair droid
but i just cant place him on any of the ship slots ?

what does that means?? i need him.....

what the the "parsec" on the engine means??? the radius of the shit fight ability ?(bigger is better??_) becouse i have a 24 parsec in mine and i can only see lower parsec then my own -is that means that i have a better engine? --->neglecting the race that made it.
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Post by KiloOhm »

Some ships can't use certain components, the repair bot goes next to the gripper (I can't remember if it's the left or right slot) and if one of those is filled in instead of open looking you don't have that slot on this ship.

The parsec range is your jump range, if you pull up the galazy map the circle you see is your jump range, this range depends on a) you're engine parsec range and b) the amount of fuel you have - you consume 1 fuel per parsec, if you only have 15 fuel and a 24 parsec engine then you can only jump 15 parsecs.

For combat and "system travel" the engine speed is what matters, higher speed will let you chase people down, run away and outrun missles. I personally find engine speed to be much more useful than jump speed. Even on ferry missions I find that often times what makes me late isn't that I had to make an extra jump but that it took me 12 days to cross a system.
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first of all thx a lot

Post by mrbig1479 »

1 more thing

i have been getting more and more missions where i need to blow up a

ship - wont it get me into truble with that race??? right now im in good

condition with them and im avioding it but -it seems to be a vitel part of the game

p.s sorry for my bad english -im for israel

and thx for the answer again!!!
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Post by KiloOhm »

I haven't bothered with those missions because they seem to be a PITA but I've read that you will indeed take a hit with relations depending on who you attack - even pirates will hate you more if you kill their buddies.

No problem on the English, it's good you mentioned it though because up until you said you were from Israel I assumed you were a lazy 11 y.o. American kid. :wink:
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Post by Smoove_B »

Apparently, we also have an unoffical FAQ for the game.
Maybe next year, maybe no go
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Post by mrbig1479 »

thank you very much - i have seen the faq b4 i posted and didnt find an answer there.....

i am very supriesd that this game dont have more fans becouse its one of the best i have seen -and i saw them all

btw im 32 actully :)

so thx a lot again !
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Post by KiloOhm »

<- 33

There is no North American release yet, I'm not sure a lot of countries have access to it yet (without importing it).
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Post by Pilot X »

Actually Cinemaware Marquee is the US publisher for SR2 though I don't think they started selling it yet.
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Post by KiloOhm »

Pilot X wrote:Actually Cinemaware Marquee is the US publisher for SR2 though I don't think they started selling it yet.
Yeah I knew that which is why I said "yet". :)
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Post by Peacedog »

I'm 118, myself.

I avoided the "kill so and so" missions unless it was pirates. I didn't mind being on the bad side of the pirates. I should start another game soon.
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Post by mrbig1479 »

yea i started to kill only pirates also -but i have only 300 room on my ship i realy need the cash to buy a better ship and the prices are very high

i just keep spending more and more on repairs!

realy annoying becouse the game is little bit off balance it that section

i mean the payment for a mission when you take off the repair cost is

in a lot of cases lousy and is especially bad in a mission when you have

to take out a ship!, then sometimes i found myself with less money then i started with!!!
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Post by Drum »

Yes, Space Rangers 2 is a great game, but the ship repair costs are extremely high.

I always had good luck getting a lot of money by scavenging invader parts and modules during attacks.

If you can get the nanite module that repairs equipment that falls below 50% durability, that will help a lot with your maintenance costs.
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Post by mrbig1479 »

hmmm as long as i get ansewers here i hope i can get a few more :)

this is from the FAQ of the game posted here....
put everything I had into the first option (Blazeroids I think) and I got the research time down to 5000 days (~42%). I also noticed that this isn't a global setting, I went to another science station nearby and they were all still at 0% research. So can anyone tell me what these do and why I should be helping to research dominators (besides the obvious)?

Ok, I really don't know if research is done locally or globally (I always assumed it was global for some reason). The stuff you give them is depleted during research, so it might be just that they used up everything they got from you before you arrived on the second science base.

my question is what is the main idea in that......?? lats say i put some dominators parts in the research its just say it droped the time for this research for lats say 56% and what??? what so i get beside 10bucks for each part??? is there somthing else //./?
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Post by a burn »

Problem with money? Just look for recently liberated systems- they need everything. I make more cash selling rocks and booze to the desperately needy than taking the trouble to pick up salvage.
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Post by Svlad »

The way in which research progress is displayed is extremely confusing and misleading.

My guess at what is going on is as follows. There is a galactic research effort on each of the three projects. Whenever you drop off Dominator materials at a research base, the scientists immediately begin using up the materials. While they are in the process of using them up, the global research on that project is accelerated. Once they finish with the materials, progress on that project returns to the 'normal' rate.

I believe that this is why the research rate is normally 20% if you don't drop off any materials, why it accelerates (up to 100% if you drop off a large enough chunk of Dominator parts) for a while and then decreases, and why research materials vanish. If you drop off some Dominator parts and then return only a short time later, or move quickly to another base, you will see that they've used up part of the stash you dropped off and that their research speed is now proportionate to what they have left.

I suspect that dropping off Dominator parts also relates to general technological progress, but I don't have any real support for this belief, so it's purely a guess. :)
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Post by a burn »

Am continually suprised how easily this game wants to give you money- and how easily it want to take it away. Trade and mission opportunities abound everywhere while the increase in servicing cost means the player has to be on the lookout for the cash. But it isn't about how much earned, but how much can be saved on repairs.

IMO, try to get the tech skill maxed on the earliest opportunity. And save for the hulls, avoid getting stuff from the Maloq or peleng [deteriorates too quicky]. I usually use a micromodule called "cent" on the engine. It increases size but decreases repair rate, and a big engine is always a runaway cost to the bank.

Otherwise, the Nanotiod artifact repairs your equipment so that it never breaks. It won't be 100%, but you can quit repairing them since they will never fail completely. If repairs are needed, head to a military base, it's about 20% cheaper in repairs there.

For earning power, use stimulants to boost charisma. There are 2 that effect the mission bonus, Ragoban's Whisper [full charisma] and Doubleplex [double cash bounty]. Put both together and go for the higher difficulty and you're basically rolling in money.

On ships, IMO build for speed early game. That means stripping all the dead weight from the hull, increasing engine power and getting lucky with the mission bonus for artifacts [for antigravitator and psi matter accellerator]. If possible, hang on to the old engine [if the engine option was taken] to sacrifice to afterburners and get a spare fuel tank. Playing postman is the easiest way to get money and a delivery man basically never stops for rain or toilet breaks.
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Post by Darkie »

Oh, you just raised a good point... never, ever repair with the "repair all" button. Every one of the three bases will do it cheaper via dialog. The discount depends on your individual standing with each, though.

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo

"I don't accept the currently fashionable assertion that any view is automatically as worthy of respect as any equal and opposite view. My view is that the moon is made of rock. If someone says to me, 'Well, you haven't been there, have you? You haven't seen it for yourself, so my view that it is made of Norwegian beaver cheese is equally valid' - then I can't even be bothered to argue. There is such a thing as the burden of proof..." - Douglas Adams
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Post by a burn »

Playing like a Vulture: How to be a merciless trader in SR2.

The search function at the info center is your friend. For 3 credits your search on Planet will give you the 30 closest hits surrounding the current location of the player. After that, narrow the list down into inhabited planets and compare the buy sell prices of items. The validity of the information is usually about 2 weeks, unless there is a giant liner suddenly landing with 500 luxury goods on your target planet >_<. With that said, try not to trade too far from your current system. The computer can smell a deal better than you do. Remember the trade centers? What makes anyone think that information is exclusive to you?

Another thing to do is to right click on any inhabited planet in system when coming in to complete a mission for the info screen. Compare the prices and if there's a good deal just stick around until the money train is over or another mission comes along.

In trade, speed is everything (see para1). So pimp your ride to be the fastest piece of junk in the galaxy. That means a lighter/stronger engine, fuel cell (and spare) and radar, a hull with afterburners, a gripper and no scanner. Your spare cell is enough for a 1 system jump and should not be larger than size 20. This is to switch out from the main cell when a good trade site is found.

The base hull is good for a start, but try getting a medium human or feiyan ranger "standard" class since this can be switched into a effective warship later. Anything less than 400-500 space is a waste IMO. The only gun you will ever need are missile launchers if playing the full trader. This guy's job is to occupy the guns of all those pirates you'de need to run away from. Between losing life and cargo to a 1k reload for missiles, I'd take missiles anyday.

Am currently using a 850hull "Armoured" Human ranger ship. Strong ship for an armed merchantman, with enough space for 250 points of cargo after loading guns, shields, ect. Now visiting holy vengence on all the pirates that have harrassed me over the 21 years of playing my current game and enjoying it mightily. When not screwing with the Doms, pirates or mailman missions, I unload everything on a planet, switch to the smaller fuel cell and pump the cash cow till there's nothing left.

This bird went for 402k when it appeared in year 13. An "Ideal" Human hull with all slots and 915hull went for about 605k but I missed getting it. Next time, I'm just saving to 700k and getting this monster straight away :twisted:

On how to get loads of $$$ in trading. If there are any occupied systems being contested within 1 jump radius of the current location, stop every 5-7 days to look at the galaxy map to see if the coalition wins. The moment they do, drop what you were doing and head over there with anything you can buy cheap from the current location. You stand to make a massive killing for being the first bloke with food, medicine and booze to show up. Look at it this way, the planetary stores are completely EMPTY. Which means they will buy at abnormally high prices to restock. The good part about trade here? No stores=no pirates. At least for the next 2-3 months that is. The bad, the system is so weakened that the dominators can return at any time. Same rules apply for the computer knowing where a good deal is so speed is everthing.

On what can be sold to the various races.

The Peleng can buy and sell anything without incident [even drugs]. I have to check if the Feiyan are the same.
You cannot sell drugs and booze to the Maloq, but guns are OK. Keep an eye out for the info screen when alcohol is open for sale to them though.
Human planets have a 50-50 chance of being able to buy/sell guns, drugs or alcohol.
Gaelan planets totally prohibit these items.

Last bit, forget about trading minerals. Profit margin is in negative by year7 from what I've seen and you need massive quantities.
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Post by mrbig1479 »

"Am currently using a 850hull "Armoured" Human ranger ship"

damn u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--------> i only have a 300hull ..............

i realy need some cash 2 upgrade my lame ship..........
im only in my 4th year so im still saving ....

im always repairing my ship with the repair all buttom
i am not sure i understand why did you said before that this will cost me more can u explain more about that issue??

damn this is a fun game !!!!!
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Post by Darkie »

Let's say "Repair All" costs 100Cr.

In dialog at a military base, if you ask for repairs, it will cost less than 100Cr. In dialog at a research base, if you ask for repairs, it will cost less than 100Cr. In dialog at a pirate base, if you ask for repairs, it will cost less than 100Cr.

I'm not certain of the exact formula for the three bases, but the Pirate base tells you straight out your pirate rating, and the % discount they'll give you.

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo

"I don't accept the currently fashionable assertion that any view is automatically as worthy of respect as any equal and opposite view. My view is that the moon is made of rock. If someone says to me, 'Well, you haven't been there, have you? You haven't seen it for yourself, so my view that it is made of Norwegian beaver cheese is equally valid' - then I can't even be bothered to argue. There is such a thing as the burden of proof..." - Douglas Adams
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Post by a burn »

mrbig1479 wrote:"Am currently using a 850hull "Armoured" Human ranger ship"

damn u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--------> i only have a 300hull ..............

i realy need some cash 2 upgrade my lame ship..........
im only in my 4th year so im still saving ....

im always repairing my ship with the repair all buttom
i am not sure i understand why did you said before that this will cost me more can u explain more about that issue??

damn this is a fun game !!!!!
The main cause of losing money are the repairs. The main cause of repairs are fights. Main cause of fights are pirates. Therefore Avoid pirates =Avoid Fights=Avoid costly repairs. Simple formula. If they want to trouble you, just throw missiles at them while running for the gate. Don't worry, after selling off that load and pimping your ride you can properly return the trouble to these misguided idiots.

Anyway, my first ship upgrade was a 450 hull standard faeyan ranger {3 weapons, 4 artifacts slots}. Good bird this one. I believe it retailed for about 10k when encountered one in year 5 or 6. About year 12 I traded that in for the Armourer. At year 21, I found a monster called the Antidominator. Think all weapon and artifact slots, 1450 hull+7 armour, but no gripper :(. Was too scared to look at the price. Then again, loading this behemoth with superweapons and taking over each star system would probably be too easy. Since I do a lot of bulk trade I don't think losing the gripper is a big loss :p

As for the cash?, Remember, when the coalition wins you win as well. Just get there first with the food and alcohol :D
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Post by mrbig1479 »

well mostly in rpg games like ice wind and baldurs gate and most of the similar games,one of the downsides for the game is that in the middle of the game you find out that you cant get better equipment in stores
(i mean no better then the one you already have)
that fact alone takes out a very importent part of the game that is major in rpg game like!

this game has a very very very nice collection of items and i hope they didnt missed this point as you advance in the game becuse its a vital part of the game!!! you always want to do more mission couse you have what to spend the money on!
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Post by Scoop20906 »

Quick Question: On the star map, what do the lines between star systems signify? Does it mean travel between the two star systems connected by the lines faster? Something else?

Just curious...
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Post by Darkie »

It indicates which systems make up a sector.

Edit: Hmm... although I have no idea if it's faster to travel along the lines...

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo

"I don't accept the currently fashionable assertion that any view is automatically as worthy of respect as any equal and opposite view. My view is that the moon is made of rock. If someone says to me, 'Well, you haven't been there, have you? You haven't seen it for yourself, so my view that it is made of Norwegian beaver cheese is equally valid' - then I can't even be bothered to argue. There is such a thing as the burden of proof..." - Douglas Adams
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Post by Papageno »

Doesn't that just mean that it's actually possible to travel to that system from the one that you're in currently? I mean, you can go further if you want, but you have to use that system as a stepping stone to another system.
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Post by Darkie »

Er, the only way to leave a system is by jumping, I don't think there's an intrasector means of travel...

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo

"I don't accept the currently fashionable assertion that any view is automatically as worthy of respect as any equal and opposite view. My view is that the moon is made of rock. If someone says to me, 'Well, you haven't been there, have you? You haven't seen it for yourself, so my view that it is made of Norwegian beaver cheese is equally valid' - then I can't even be bothered to argue. There is such a thing as the burden of proof..." - Douglas Adams
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Post by a burn »

^^ Not quite true, you can always go through the black holes and appear in some random system :P

Then again that is another adventure by itself...
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Post by a burn »

mrbig1479 wrote:well mostly in rpg games like ice wind and baldurs gate and most of the similar games,one of the downsides for the game is that in the middle of the game you find out that you cant get better equipment in stores
(i mean no better then the one you already have)
I'm more suprised that this game is still able to kill me for making a wrong quest choice or even when I have a ship powerful enough to clear a system by itself. The first part reminds me of Zork, you can be eaten at any moment by Grue >_<. The next was pure stupidity. There is only so much an armour 50+24 Armoured ranger can do, so never attempt to afterburn into a whole pack of Doms with guns blazing.

Good sign though. Means I have not "broken" this game to the point I can be called completely invincible.

As for items, I'm in year 27 and am still amazed that there is something better than the ride I have at the moment. Then comes the micromodules. Just upgraded to a Hull 875 Ideal ranger with 11 armour. Retailed for 900k. Upgrading it requires more than 1 million :shock: Needs Strongster micromodule for added violence :twisted:

Say, what are the classes for droids and engines?
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Post by mrbig1479 »

maybe you can give me a loan :D :lol: :lol: :D

you rich bastard
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Post by a burn »

Gah, I've reached the end game but I can't seem to smack Keller. Always get smoked by his crew in the hyperspace battle. Any ideas of finishing this bloke off. Or do I have to get the biggest hull monster I can find before jumping into the hole :(

Alos, what are the weapon effects while there? Am using flowblasters in there but it's like a homing peashooter vs the Keller gamg.

EDIT: Forget this, found the post on Keller busting :( Looks like I waited too long to nail him [its 3330 on my timescale]. Maybe getting a PolymorphHull warrior Feiyan Antidominator with 1.5k hull and multi resonators will do the job >_<
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