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BSG V - Game over -Cylons win

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BSG V - Game over -Cylons win

Post by Lassr »

META Play: Roles assigned will be copied from the rules below and PM’ed to each player. META discussions will not be used to help establish your innocence. (i.e. guys I will be gone on vacation for a week so lynch me as I’m unpowered and it will not hurt the village). Saying you are innocent and you may lynch me is OK as long as it’s not combined with some real life event outside the game.
How people have played in the past is fair game. Mentioning when they have been online is OK. (View it as the village noticing Bob is not joining them at the table to discuss the events but Larry saw him peeking out his window).
No quoting of PMs or posts from other forums. No links to other forums. Talking about what was discussed in PMs or other forums is OK.

20 players.
16 good with two capable of changing sides. 4 bad plus 2 that may come over to their side.

I will set up a forum for the Specialists and Cylons to chat. Six and Baltar chats will be done through PM (unless Six or Baltar wants to set up their own forum).

Baltar –Each night he may ask if a particular player is Six.
“Is player X six?” He will receive a yes or no answer.
If he finds Six then he will defect to the cylon side and be able to PM with Six only for the remainder of the game as long as Six is still alive.
Baltar CANNOT PM the other cylons. (So if the bad guys choose to set up their own forum Baltar cannot have access to it). If the 3 specialists die and Baltar is still on the good side he will take over the identification of Cylons.(There will be one night of no autopsies between the specialists death and Baltar taking over).

It is not Baltar’s nature to announce who he is but the role may be played as the player chooses.

Athena (good cylon) –Each night she can scan to find cylons.
Athena would submit a name to scan. The answer to her question will be Cylon or Human. If Athena is lynched the autopsy will show cylon.

She has the one time power to get an extra scan during the day when a cylon target is found, to determine which cylon was detected (may be used anytime as long as that Cylon is alive). Cylons will know they were scanned when used. Exception: cylon #10, that has not been converted, will not know they have been scanned. Athena will know they are inactive and will be capable of one more extra scan. Athena will also know when #10 is converted anytime during the game but only if she had used her extra scan on #10.
If she finds #7 during her extra scan she will also know if he has planted a bomb and in who's cabin. She will go disarm the bomb.

Helo-He has a one time ability to kill during the day cycle.

Apollo –He can ask the role of a deceased player each night.
“What was the role of dead player X?” He may ask about a cylon lynched also to determine if one was Athena but he will not learn the roles of the bad cylons.. May escape #7's bomb (See Cylon #7)

Starbuck – She can protect one person per night. If she protects a bad cylon (not Athena or unconverted #10). She’s dead and that will override any kill selection of the cylons. She can protect the same player more than once but NOT on consecutive nights. She may choose to protect herself or no one. Protecting Baltar causes her no harm even if he has switched sides, he's a wimp. She also may escape Cylon #7's bomb (see Cylon #7). She will know if she protects someone.

If Baltar is the last bad guy alive and Starbuck protects the player he is attempting to assassinate she will catch him and execute him on the spot ending the game.

Tory Foster - can find Baltar when having a conversation with him. Tory has a chance each day of identifying Baltar through casual conversation. Tory will PM the moderator her target for conversation and moderator will let Tory know if she learned anything. Tory does not PM her target, she PMs the moderator only. (First 2 days she gets 2 scans each).

3 Specialists - as long as one is alive you will be able to tell who was a cylon and who was not when lynched (or killed by Helo). If all the specialists are killed and Baltar is dead or joined the cylons then you will be lynching blind. May PM each other at any time.

Also has a one time ability to try and detect a cylon during the day before a lynch but will be revealed as a specialist. One time power can be used by only one specialist. Results of scan will be released immediately to the public.

7 Citizens – No Powers other than voting.
Cylon #10 - 1 crew is a hidden Cylon (does not know they are cylon) if in the search for Baltar they find hidden cylon#10 then cylon is activated and have access to other cylons (#7 if contacted) and the search for Baltar stops. But Baltar may continue to search for six. If six is dead then the other cylons may continue the search for #10. Cylon #10 will scan as cylon by Athena at all times. Cylon #10 counts as good as long as unconverted. (Athena and Baltar cannot be #10). #10 loses any special abilities of the character he/she was before activation.

---- cylons

Cylon #7 –Daniel-The cylons do not know you are a cylon. You know the other cylons. If cylons attack #7 at night, cylons will be informed they found Cylon #7 and will be able to PM with #7 for the remainder of the game. #7 may also plant a bomb in one crew members cabin on any day. (May only be done once). He may detonate it any night after the night he plants the bomb.
If bomb is planted in Starbucks cabin she will not be killed if she is out protecting someone else that night. If planted in Apollo's cabin, he will not be killed if he is out investigating a dead players role.(Starbuck or Apollo will know it was their room that was targeted)

If the bomb detonates against the same player the Cylons are trying to kill there will be only one death. The Cylons will kill the player and #7 will then blow up the corpse.

If Six, Cavil and Leoben and #10 (if converted) are killed before finding Cylon #7 then Cylon #7 takes over the role of choosing the nightly targets (scanning for #10 and the kill). #7 would get access to any Cylon forum and/or results from all the Cylons previous moves through a memory dump from the resurrection ship. If Baltar has switched sides and is still alive #7 still gets to choose the nightly victim. Baltar only chooses if he is the only one remaining.

Brother Cavil – He can ask the role of a dead human each night (same powers as Apollo).

Six –Each night she will be able to ask if a particular player is Baltar. “Is player X Baltar?” She will receive a yes or no answer. She gets 3 scans on the first night. 2 scans on the second night and one scan thereafter.
If she finds Baltar then Baltar defects to the cylon side and they are able to PM each other only for the remainder game as long as they live.


Leoben - has a mysterious psychic connection to Starbuck but does not know her identity. Each night he may scan a human and ask if the human is Starbuck. He may also once at anytime during the game psychically interrupt Starbucks protection (prevent her from protecting one night) even if he has not found out her identity.

There will be a kill if #7 is found.

Private Messaging

Six, Leoben and Cavil can PM each other all the time.
Cylon #7 or #10 may start PM all other cylons (except Athena) when the cylons make contact. (#7 through assassination attempt, #10 through contact)
Baltar and Six may PM each other only when one of them makes contact.
Baltar may not have access to a cylon forum even if he joins them.
Each night the specials will submit their requests even if they choose to do nothing it must be submitted. The cylons (only the ones allowed to PM each other) must assassinate.
Possible Outcome of Events
-Lynching – Player was human or cylon (Athena is included as Cylon).
-Athena scan – Player X is human or cylon. (Baltar is human even if he has defected but she will sense that he is helping the cylons) #10 will always scan cylon.
-Apollo scan- Player X was character X and had the power to…
-Six/Baltar scan – Player X is not Six/Baltar
-Cavil scan-player X was character X and had the power to…
-Leoben scan-player X is or is not Starbuck

Nighttime scenarios-
-Leoben may choose to interrupt Starbucks protect
-Starbuck protects a cylon (except Baltar , Athena, unconverted #10). Starbuck dies . Cylons assassination attempt is called off. 1 death that night.
-Starbuck protects player X and cylons attempt to assassinate player X. No deaths that night.
-Cylons attempt to assassinate Cylon #7. Assassination halted and #7, Six and Cavil are told what happened. Alternate target is then killed.
-Six or Baltar find each other, Six finds #10: Assassination will not be stopped. The humans will somehow know the next day that they have a traitor in their midst though if Baltar. Will not know if #10 was converted.
-#7 detonates bomb any night of his choice after planting the bomb.

Daytime Scenario
-Athena scans known cylon if power still available
-#7 plants a bomb in cabin
-Tory Foster talks to crewmember
-Helo may shoot
-specialist may scan a crew member
–vote to lynch

1. Leoben interrupts Starbuck
2. Starbuck protects
3. Apollo, Athena and Cavil scan.
4. Cylons assassinate
5. #7 detonates bomb
6. Six scans for Baltar/#10
7. Baltar scans for Six
8. Leoben scans for Starbuck

Answers to all scans will be given immediately before the next day starts.

Lynching votes: Voting is open until a majority is reached.
Please use  Player name 

for your votes AND withdrawals  withdraw Player name 

No editing Posts. (exception: If some one is posting a vote count then that post may be edited)
Everyone will receive a PM to start the game.

Humans win by killing all the Cylons (except Athena)and Baltar and/or Cylon #10 if they have switched sides.
Cylons win by killing enough humans to make the sides even thus ensuring a cylon victory.(Athena counts toward humans. #10 counts toward humans if unconverted).

Hours in the game day shift:
Day 1 -18 hours
Day 2 -18 hours
Day 3 -15 hours
Day 4+ -12 Hours

What does this mean?
Each Real day time (24 hours give or take an hour or 2) is 3 hours of game time

Unagi Translation:
Day 1 = 6 RL Days
Day 2 = 6 RL Days
Day 3 = 5 RL Days
Day 4 and on = 4 RL Days.

Weekends will be an extension of Friday or added to Monday.

So Day 1 would last 6 days plus weekends. If no lynch happens then everyone goes to bed and the night cycle starts.
Last edited by Lassr on Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:27 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Lassr »

Roles have been sent out. Everyone should have a PM.

1. Remus West
2. stessier
3. theohall
4. Unagi
5. Newcastle
6. tru1cy
7. Sean, Minister of KtSP
8. Grundbegriff
9. kraegor
10. Scoop20906
11. Chaosraven
12. Mr. Bubbles
13. pr0ner
14. purge
15. Isgrimnur
16. triggercut
17. brendan
18. semaj
19. Bakhtosh
20. Austin
Last edited by Lassr on Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Lassr »

It had been three weeks since the war had begun. Three weeks since the surprise attack by the Cylons. The human survivors were scattered throughout the Galaxy, on the run from extinction.

The Battlestar Galactica, one of the few surviving military vessels, led a fleet of merchant and private ships away from the carnage at Caprica. They were demoralized, shocked, and barely hanging on to their sanity.


As they made jump after jump to escape the pursuit of the Cylon Basestars, they fought back when they could.
Several Cylon messages had been intercepted over the past week. After piecing together what could be deciphered it was determined that human prisoners were being transferred to a medical facility on Scorpia.

A rescue operation was initiated.

Three raptors of commandos exit the Galactica launch bay and immediately jumped.


As the Raptors jump away a warning siren sounds on the bridge of the Galactica.


A Cylon Basestar has appear off the port side and immediately launches it’s nukes.


Adama has no other option, he orders an emergency jump.

The Raptors blink into existence at the coordinates right above the atmosphere of the northern hemisphere of Scorpia. The Raptors scream through the atmosphere in a matter of minutes. They sit down outside the medical facility and the rescue team storms out firing. Resistance was light but tough. They enter the facility and begin freeing the captives.

As they are rushing back onto the Raptors, Cylon Raiders appear and begin strafing. One Raptor explodes as it tries to lift off. The other two are damaged and will never get off the ground.


Four Cylons Centurions appear from the woods and begin laying down a barrage of fire. Several captives and soldiers are cut down. The team hunkers down and returns fire.


The Cylons are eventually destroyed.

With the Raptors destroyed the team reenters the medical facility to take cover while the radio man tries to contact the Galactica. The rescue team and its freed captives are stuck here until they themselves can be rescued.

This is a generic template:
Athena -who will you scan?
Six -Who will you scan? (3 scans night 1)
Baltar - Who will you scan?
Cavil -who will you scan?
Apollo - who will you scan?
Starbuck -who will you protect?
Cylons - who will you kill?
#7 - will you plant/detonate your bomb?
Leoben -who will you scan? Will you interrupt Starbuck?
Last edited by Lassr on Thu Jun 11, 2009 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Grundbegriff »

Lassr wrote:Image
7 Citizens – No Powers other than voting.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Remus West »

Is that a Lego Raptor?
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Lassr »

Remus West wrote:Is that a Lego Raptor?
they've got to scrap together what they can.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Mr Bubbles »

So wait.. when did we get the pm about the quirks?
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Newcastle »

Mr Bubbles wrote:So wait.. when did we get the pm about the quirks?

So wait, when did we get the PM about da quirks?

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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Unagi »

1. Remus West
2. stessier
3. theohall
4. Unagi
5. Newcastle
6. tru1cy
7. Sean, Minister of KtSP
8. Grundbegriff
9. kraegor
10. Scoop20906
11. Chaosraven
12. Mr. Bubbles
13. pr0ner
14. purge
15. Isgrimnur
16. triggercut
17. brendan
18. Mikagami
19. Bakhtosh
20. Austin
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Mr Bubbles »

Newcastle wrote:
Mr Bubbles wrote:So wait.. when did we get the pm about the quirks?

So wait, when did we get the PM about da quirks?
Mom make him stop copying me.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Grundbegriff »

Newcastle wrote:
Mr Bubbles wrote:So wait.. when did we get the pm about the quirks?
So wait, when did we get the PM about da quirks?
Don't feel bad, Bubbles. Yours will arrive in plenty of time!
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Scoop20906 »

I'll take a plastic gun any day. Specialists look like dicks.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Lassr »

I forgot to update Tory's scans since the population increased. Tory will get 2 scans on day 1 and day 2 then back to 1 per day.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Remus West »

Lassr wrote:
Remus West wrote:Is that a Lego Raptor?
they've got to scrap together what they can.
That was actually a serious question. I was wondering if they sold Lego Raptors and wanted one. :oops:
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by tru1cy »

You ever have that feeling that you are fraked
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by stessier »

Remus West wrote:That was actually a serious question. I was wondering if they sold Lego Raptors and wanted one. :oops:
I think you were better off just leaving us with the original post and doing a google search on your own. :P
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Remus West »

stessier wrote:
Remus West wrote:That was actually a serious question. I was wondering if they sold Lego Raptors and wanted one. :oops:
I think you were better off just leaving us with the original post and doing a google search on your own. :P
You say this to the guy who admits to having bought a Richard figurine AND a Richard Hoodie. :lol:
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Mr Bubbles »

Fiesty crowd so far. Should be a fun game.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Isgrimnur »

tru1cy wrote:You ever have that feeling that you are fraked

It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Chaosraven »

Neat, when you're ready, here's how a Jedi builds one

I'm not using that quirk again. cuz i'm not very good at it.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Mr Bubbles »

Chaosraven wrote:Neat, when you're ready, here's how a Jedi builds one

I'm not using that quirk again. cuz i'm not very good at it.
Come on.. Yours cracked me up.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Remus West »

Chaosraven wrote:Neat, when you're ready, here's how a Jedi builds one

I'm not using that quirk again. cuz i'm not very good at it.
I agree. You suck at it.
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Bakhtosh »

Time to shake off the cobwebs and get back in a game. Did ya miss me?

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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Remus West »

Bakhtosh wrote:Time to shake off the cobwebs and get back in a game. Did ya miss me?

Grundbegriff did. :lol:
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by stessier »

Helo's power is Day or Night, right?
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Kraegor »

stessier wrote:Helo's power is Day or Night, right?
yes, but at night a handkerchief and a pop sound is all that comes out of the gun.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Lassr »

stessier wrote:Helo's power is Day or Night, right?
Helo-He has a one time ability to kill during the day cycle.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by stessier »

Lassr wrote:
stessier wrote:Helo's power is Day or Night, right?
Helo-He has a one time ability to kill during the day cycle.
It was a joke picking on Bakhshot oh Great Mod. :P
I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities. - Vaarsuvius
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Lassr »

stessier wrote:
Lassr wrote:
stessier wrote:Helo's power is Day or Night, right?
Helo-He has a one time ability to kill during the day cycle.
It was a joke picking on Bakhshot oh Great Mod. :P
ah, the infamous Bakhshot
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Bakhtosh »

You lookin' to get shot bubba?
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Unagi »

Kraegor wrote:
stessier wrote:Helo's power is Day or Night, right?
yes, but at night a handkerchief and a pop sound is all that comes out of the gun.
I thought the handkerchief would just read: "Pew Pew"
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Grundbegriff »

Remus West wrote:
Bakhtosh wrote:Time to shake off the cobwebs and get back in a game. Did ya miss me?

Grundbegriff did. :lol:
Let's hope he misses me back!
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Mr Bubbles »

Unagi wrote:
Kraegor wrote:
stessier wrote:Helo's power is Day or Night, right?
yes, but at night a handkerchief and a pop sound is all that comes out of the gun.
I thought the handkerchief would just read: "Pew Pew"
Those are killing words just like muadib. Make sure you aren't using the weirding way.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by theohall »

Pew-Pew went Helo's
plastic gun in the dark of
night killing Cylons.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by Isgrimnur »

Helo found the Earth
and joined the FBI to
look for the DollHouse
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by triggercut »

Kind of off-topic, but if I've never seen an episode of BSG, is it worth watching? Like starting from the miniseries? I always hear good things about it, and I could do with a little bit of summer space opera....and if it helps me keep straight who the different humans and cylons are and who switches sides in this crazy game, so much the better.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by purge »

Grundbegriff wrote:
Remus West wrote:
Bakhtosh wrote:Time to shake off the cobwebs and get back in a game. Did ya miss me?

Grundbegriff did. :lol:
Let's hope he misses me back! (Yarr!)

Sounds like pirate talk- I think you meant "my back"... :P
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by purge »

theohall wrote:Pew-Pew went Helo's
plastic gun in the dark of
night killing Cylons.
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Re: BSG V - Scorpia - Night 1

Post by pr0ner »

triggercut wrote:Kind of off-topic, but if I've never seen an episode of BSG, is it worth watching? Like starting from the miniseries? I always hear good things about it, and I could do with a little bit of summer space opera....and if it helps me keep straight who the different humans and cylons are and who switches sides in this crazy game, so much the better.
Yes, it is absolutely worth watching. And you definitely need to start from the miniseries, but that's the first disc of the Season 1 box set if you buy/rent it.
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