Half Life 2 or EQ2...what a decision

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Half Life 2 or EQ2...what a decision

Post by tals »

To many games coming out at the moment, i'm in overload heaven:)

Anyway I have Warhammer, Soldiers and RTW. All fine games.

I was pencilled in for getting Everquest 2 but now Half Life 2 is gold and I could get the Counterstrike aspect now i'm in a dilema.

Such different game types, which one to go for....:(

*changed title*
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Post by CeeKay »

Easy. Half Life 2. You got to figure EQ2 is going to be a mess for the first couple of months anyways.
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Post by The Meal »

Multiple gaming titles in one alpha-post? My eight-armed oppressors tell me this needs be tossed into Gaming in General. Now to find out if I'm capable of figuring out how to make it so in the new software...

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Post by tals »

Why they're both Gold - hence why it was in here. You going to move the EQ and WOW one as well?

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Post by The Meal »

tals wrote:Why they're both Gold - hence why it was in here.
Because Unreleased Games and PC Games by Title both operate under the the same rules of the former forum. And those rules said that comparison threads, or any threads which discuss multiple titles, belong in General Gaming. If you would like to start a topic discussing this, the meta-forum would be a great place, or I am happy to respond to emails or PMs.
You going to move the EQ and WOW one as well?
Yes. Thanks for the heads-up on that one.

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Post by tals »

Posted to the Brutesquad area, this one was my fault for a topic slip up - should have made it clearer, the EQ WOW one is nonsensical.

Me and my hot head - which is far hotter now *angry icon needed*

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Post by Bad Demographic »

So which one should you get?
Hmmmm. If it were me, I'd go with HL2 - but I don't play online games, so I may not be all that good a reference. :)
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Post by tals »

Well I cancelled my preorder of EQ2, shame as it was an incredible deal at £17.99 and went for HL2 - £26.99 so not so much of a steal :( That said I worked out the steam pricing and it was starting to get a little heavy

60$ = £33 plus VAT 17.5 = £38.78 then add on a couple of quid commision charge from my masters Barclay card hits the £40 mark. Which seems a lot, is the boxed version coming with Counterstrike Source and MP functionality?

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Post by Sponge »

HL2 for me. No question.
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Post by Bad Demographic »

Ewww, costs more. I hope you didn't base your decision on my preferences alone. :cry:
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Post by tals »

No way :) Since I played the original Half life game i've been hankering for a sequel. That said I can't find what the boxed version comes with - anyone able to clarify. I'd be disappointed if it doesn't include Counter Strike as a minimum.

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Post by Biyobi »

It includes CounterStrike, but only the Steam ordered versions will get access to DOD.
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Post by tals »

OK I can live with out DOD, I wouldn't have minded seeing the original HL in source splendour but again its not a deal breaker. I just hope that MOD support will be in the game as well? i.e if someone creates a MOD like DOD will the boxed ver be able to play it?

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Post by tals »

There was I all sold on HL2 and then along comes a great review

http://eqiiforums.station.sony.com/eq2/ ... redir=true
This review is a no nonsense look at what EQ2 is currently, from my point of view. (No fluff or filler added) Yes I am playing the game right now so there is going to be mistakes.

Since late Aug I have had the pleasure of play testing this game. Yes beta testing can get a bit rough at times but its beta, get over it. EQ2 is actually fun to play.. and its not just me saying this either. You know why you dont see 100s of posts about it ... thats cause they are having fun playing the game! ([arrow] slackers)

EQ2 is a different game... it has similar features as other MMO games but in its own unique form. The sooner you get this thru your head the better (ya im talkin to you guys still askin ' Is it EQ ver 1.5 ? ' or ' is it (insert game here) 3^2 '.

I have played this game on 2 machines... one high end gamerig (dont ask) and one fairly slower server box (with a GF 3 ti 500) and yes the game plays well with both believe it or not. You do have to tone down the graphics a bit with slower machines but the frame rates are decent.

Graphics - wise this game is unreal and the fact that it runs smooth (minus some areas that are being worked on atm) is beyond me. You wont hear anyone baggin on graphics >. < Period

Sound - Music is very well done and adds some flavor to EQ2 unlike other games (and I usually turn music off first thing ). This is also a no brainer... its good. In game character voices is also one of the best new additions to MMOs I have seen yet and give EQ2 a very nice 1 up on every other MMO out there. The voices are great and shows just as much polish as the music in game.

Server Stability - I see a lot of posts on this one so ill post about it. I play for extended periods of time (if you cant tell already) and the servers go down on a semi-regular basis and it can be a pain sometimes but hey its Beta. It needs work and the devs have named it a priority.

Gameplay - Theres so much stuff to post ill chop it up into smaller sections.

- EQ2 requires you to have some sort of a brain. Yes you can get away with being a mindless idiot but your not going to get very far at all ( some cant get past lvl 5 which is just amazing to me ). It is a game that is challenging even to seasoned MMO players depending on how you play. EQ2 is flexable enough to ease you into the game, but at some point EQ2 lets you know ' your grown up now ' and will kick you in the pants if you screw up.

- You are not judged by your in game character but by your gameplay. There are differences between characters but not to the extent that some people feel they need. The main difference between 2 characters is how you play the game. Do you want to be known as Doofus the dwarf who plays like a bumbling (fill in the blank)... or Dred the dwarf that kicks some major buttoks. You decide.

While classes are still being tweaked, most of the classes fill a vital role in group play which means getting a group is easier all the way around (minus a few classes that are being looked at). So far I like the difference in gameplay between the classes and look forward to seeing what else the Devs can come up with to continue the trend. (beta testers are encouraged to give feedback on what we would like to see also)

Your character will have some similar items and some different items as another character of the same class, depending on your gameplay or what raids you have done, or quests or named mobs. Items have just started flowing into some zones so keep that in mind.

- EQ2 is fast paced. You or your group can set the pace of the game to whatever you like... but downtime isnt much of a factor if your worried about it.

Content - This seems to be another hot topic so ill hit it in smaller sections.

Leveling - Everyones favorite pastime is back but in a new form. It isnt the drag that most people are used to. Theres so many ways of gaining exp that you dont sit and stare at the exp bar for 3-10 hours a day while smacking the button of your choice while killing X mob.

Quests - I was a bit moved by this change in the game for the better. Tons of quests are added into the game every week. Not only do you get quests from NPCs but also... mobs items areas that you end up running into. I did not like quests in other games untill now.

EQ2 quest system is not perfect ... but it is a deffinate move in the right direction and I do find myself enjoying quite a few of the collection quests, rare Heritage quests, the dreded 'keyed' zones or zones that you have to unlock are no longer a mindless mashing of mobs.

Quests have direction, some good items, good exp gained from quests, best of all you dont have to sit and camp Raster for 14 hours in one sitting ! Most quests are chopped up into smaller sections that are easier to do even if you dont have all the time in the world. Quests play a major role in EQ2 but are not forced upon you.

Raids - Raids are now done at all lvls. No longer are you required to get to lvl xxx before you can have some fun doing raids. Some of the early raids are simple but as you progress thru your characters development you run into more challenging raids... with loot that you would actually use. ( I have done some major raiding in my time and the raiding in EQ2 will not disappoint). Raids are also still being worked on, added, tweaked ect.

Tradeskills - Up to lvl 20 tradeskills are pretty much hammered out. I dont like to sit and tradeskill alot... but I do enjoy the items you get to make, sell, trade, upgrade yourself and friends. Tradeskills are not going to be everyones fav pastime to do. There is some skill to tradeskilling mostly knowing how it works and how to make the best items. (you have to actually be in game to see what I mean)

After lvl 20 tradeskills needs a lot of work... missing recipies, quests, ect. but I hope that will be put in before release *COUGH*

Exploring - Everyone loves to explore the world and EQ2 will not disappoint in this area. Not only do you get exp for exploring new areas but the graphics are so amazing that it really is a treat to see what the artists have made for you to enjoy in EQ2.

SOE is changing the way they make games and have a different attitude towards EQ2. While im not saying they bend over backwards (they shouldnt)... they are moving in the right direction and its showing.

This is all the info im going to leak out for now. I dont want to spoil anything ... besides you get the point.

The game is not perfect but what is. I have enjoyed my time and will continue to enjoy EQ2 for quite some time it looks like and thats all that counts.

I'll see you in game.

Preorder back on :)
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Post by YellowKing »

I have seen several comments in the forums about how this SOE development team feels "different" from the ones in the past - in a good way. Hopefully they have seen the error of their ways and are truly trying to make amends.
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