Grundbegriff's Gallows: Cassandra Crossing

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Grundbegriff's Gallows: Cassandra Crossing

Post by Grundbegriff »


The First Dusk

Darkness falls on Meretrix Meadows. One by one, the humble villagers undertake mundane rituals that mark the end of another earnest day of labor. Covering the embers, laying out the next day's clothes, and throwing open a window to give entry to the cool night air, the innocents fold their hands and lapse into gentle slumber.

But not all are innocents. Three Meretricious Meadowsians are transacting recondite business beneath the harvest moon.

Two of these three are infected, cursed, and condemned-- human only in seeming and only by day. The last of these three is inspired, blessed, and perhaps also condemned, for on this one falls the burden of saving the people from werewolves-- and from each other!

Sleep, O Villagers, but do not dream long, for a bad moon is rising! Today was peace, but tomorrow is blood!

The First Dawn

As day begins to flow over Meretrix Meadows, villagers unfold themselves like fresh napkins and set about the morning's business. All seems well until shortly after Second Yawn, when one unremarkable villager notices a trail of blood leading from the home at the end of the lane. The villager approaches warily, opens the door (for every threshold is unguarded in this trusting community), and peeks within.

Shrieks of disgust draw a crowd. Before long, every villager has filed by to view the horror that lies within: the shattered and shredded body of Arnir spread across the hearth like an unholy banquet of Swedish deep tissue.

Who could have done so foul a deed? Under examination, the wounds utter a word that none wants to hear: "Werewolves!" The outraged villagers demand justice, and this time, tar, feathers, and bridal veils just won't do.

Somebody must pay, and the pay must be meet.

The Second Dusk

With terror in their hearts and vengeance on their minds, the frenzied Meretricious Meadowsian mosh pit engulf tgb like antibodies on staph, bear him to the hillock east of the corn fields, and string him up with his own leather belt and two well-placed iron nails.

As his heavily dangling body twitches its last, the people watch and wait for the inevitable transformation. And yet, as the setting sun shines and glints like a tardy blessing on tgb's still- and ever-furless cranium, the people realize one by one that they have made a grave mistake.

In their hysteria over the slaughter of Arnir, the people in turn have slain one of their own. As each flees to his home, nobody doubts that for such a sin, there will be hell to pay. Surely werewolves will soon be on the prowl!

The Second Dawn

As bright morning arrives in Meretrix Meadows, the villagers turn up in the town square to take stock of the horror that has befallen their humble community. Will today bring respite? Will terror recede inexplicably, even as it came, leaving bitter wounds to body and soul but allowing the town to live?

The villagers count their number and their spirits fall, for one is missing. Their dreams of hope dashed, the people form a grim processional toward the home of setaside. What was once its door now lies in fragments on the stoop. Within, frayed upholstery and tattered drapery testify to the mayhem that overcame the one who fell. But where is his body?

The grieving villagers spend the morning searching in and around the dwelling. All they ever find are some bones and occasional pieces of skin.

Good ol' setaside had always been the life of the party. The villagers determine that they will not rest until they achieve dark vengeance in his name.

The Third Dusk

With chants of "T-G-B! T-G-B!" the outraged throng clamors past allegations and beyond obfuscation, determined that justice be done. The burliest among them seize Suitably Ironic Moniker, the suspected dissembler, and drag him to the town square where every Meretricious Meadowsian's day had begun.

One by one, with cries of "Monster!" and "Werewolf!", they claw ribbons of skin from his face and arms. Grasping hands shred his clothing. As he huddles in a mass near the well, casting a fearful but feral look at his tormenters, the villagers pass in pairs and spit on him, cursing his birth and informing him that his judgment has come.

One of the elders brings forth a mighty stone hammer. Swinging again and again, each time with a sickening crack, he pulverizes one of Suitably Ironic Moniker's legs. This macabre task achieved, the villagers then gather their prey, stifle his agonized screams with shreds of his own clothing, and carry him to the tree upon the hill past the corn field. There, they sling his shattered leg over a low limb and tie it down with twine.

Slowly, deliberately, each has his turn with the sledgehammer. The dangling form of the accused sways erratically, and the hammer's dull pounding seems to continue well beyond his life itself.

Some in the crowd begin to entertain doubts as they gaze at what was once Suitably Ironic Moniker, now maimed beyond recognition.

Nevertheless, as the last judge swings away at the dripping, lacerated form, a still more gruesome transformation begins. Split, swollen flesh becomes tautly braided muscle and bloodied skin sprouts thick clumps of matted fur. Where once stood his badly shattered teeth, fangs break forth. Eyes lacking a soul turn thick, masked, and glassy.

With knowing glances at one another, the villagers dwell for a moment in the satisfaction that they had indeed discerned the truth and delivered a suitable retribution. But complacency quickly turns to caution. Was he the only werewolf? Would they sleep in peace at last this night, or awaken tomorrow to further horror?

One had passed undercover among them. Mightn't another?

Later, as the throb of cicadas fades away and the too-full moon rides high into the sky, every soul in Meretrix Meadows lies clenched like a fist beneath the bedclothes.

The Third Dawn

Day dawns in Meretrix Meadows. Each in the tiny village had tried to stay up through the night in hopes, however futile, of fending off a savage beast.

Only one had been tasked that night with fighting for his life. Boldly he had fought, though not for long.

Each villager arises, somewhat surprised to find himself alive, and peeks warily out his window. Each discovers scattered before his home fragments of Ralph-Wiggum's flesh.

What remains, gnawed to the bone, lies awkwardly crumpled in the town square.

The Final Dusk

Good st_dysan had falsely accused Ralph-Wiggum, only to learn too late of the latter's innocence. Now, weighing the week's dark happenings, he feels he must soon return to the cathedral. He wants no more dealings with death. But today is not his day. Today there is work to be done. Today, there will be no mistake.

Joining st_dysan at the end of the lane, docD slowly caresses the scratchy coils of a thick hemp noose. "Look what Al made. He knows how to coil 'em tight." As they stare with purpose across the cornfield, Yankeeman84 joins them. The three wait in silence. After a while, Lars and docD arrive bearing the bound, writhing body of Zaxxon.

"You're making a mistake!" Zaxxon cries, flailing impotently in the secure grip of his captors. "You're killing an innocent man!"

"I'm sure you know a lot about killing innocents, Zaxxon." The seemingly disembodied voice blazes a trail through the overgrown corn as a speaker approaches. "For Arnir." Al and docD share a glance. "For setaside." Magnified silence, punctuated by the rustling of corn leaves. "For Ralph-Wiggum." Finally, Gryndyl bustles forth from among the stalks. "No more lies, you spawn of deceit! Ours will not be a savage retribution. We walk in truth-- and stand on the steady ground of justice!"

"No! N-" Zaxxon sucks in his breath. "Nooooooo!"

"Snap snap, puppy!" Gryndyl replies cuttingly. "I saw Suitably Ironic Moniker, and I also saw you. However, blinded by your fury, you didn't see me. This is why you are now delivered into our hands. Your days are now at an end, foul beast. But we--" Gryndyl pauses, smiles. "We shall endure."

Moving as one, the victors hoist Zaxxon high and leave his body dangling in the wind. From a distance, an inhuman silhouette before the setting sun betrays Zaxxon's unholy secret. The living are not sure what tomorrow may bring. But now, as never before, they feel confident of this one thing: they will survive. Come what may, they will prevail.
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Post by Grundbegriff »

Grundbegriff's Gallows: Cassandra Crossing

House Rules:

* Private Messaging
* Combat
* Augury
* Teeth
* Quires
* Notecards
* Theft
* Haunting
* The Day
* The Night Defined
* The Night Explained


The game involves 22 Visitors residing by invitation at Meretrix Manor in the township of Cassandra Crossing. They have come to attend the first biennial meeting of researchers who share an interest in the legendary slayings and possible mass hysteria that once rocked the community.

Most of the Visitors believe they are attending a simple convention of like-minded obsessives. However, four of the Visitors know otherwise, for they are Wolfboons, seemingly human members of the secret Ordo Varcolacorum. Through blood sacrifice and ritual cannibalism, the Wolfboons revere the memory and spirit of Zaxxon I the Great, the legendary Werewolf of Meretrix Meadows.

Under cover of the Downwind Association for Research into Lycanthropy (DARL), the Wolfboons have summoned the other DARLings to Cassandra Crossing for daily conferences and nightly mayhem. Posing as fellow invitees, the Wolfboons aim to satisfy their bloodlust and also possibly to recruit one new member into their cult.

One of the Visitors, a Wolfboon Wannabe distantly related to Moniker the Maleficent, suspects the real reason for the convention, and hopes to be chosen as the newest member of the Ordo Varcolacorum. He is an augur, and he'll do anything to aid the Wolfboons in their unsavory program and perhaps win their favor.

Another of the Visitors, the Profiler, also suspects the real reason for the convention, and means to identify the Wolfboons and thwart their efforts.

The remaining sixteen have no sense that they're walking into a trap. They form an intriguing cross-section of people who, for one reason or another, have unfinished business concerning the affair of Meretrix Meadows.

Three of them are Dysanites, disciples of the Scattered Order of Angoulême. The Dysanites have no intrinsic power, save the ability to home in on lost property, and are unacquainted with one another. The Order's regents have rewarded the careful devotion, study, and service of each disciple with a gift, a tremendously potent artifact: a quire from the Prayer Book of St. Dysan the Elder.

Three others, also unacquainted with one another, are Antiquarians who possess artifacts of similar potency. By scouring estate auctions in the remote corners of the earth, each has found what he believes are the Fair Teeth of Telling-- a pouch containing an odd number of flattened lupine teeth, black on one side and white on the other, that are rumored to be useful for divination.

  • 4 of the Visitors are Wolfboons bent on headhunting of one sort or another.
  • 1 of the Visitors is a Wolfboon Wannabe, an unknown augur voluntarily aligned with the Wolfboons, whom he does not know.
  • 1 of the Visitors is a Profiler.
  • 1 of the Visitors is an Antiquarian who has the Fair Teeth of Telling.
  • 1 of the Visitors is an Antiquarian who has the Foul Teeth of Telling.
  • 1 of the Visitors is an Antiquarian who has the Feral Teeth of Turning.
  • 3 of the Visitors are Dysanites and each has a quire from the Prayer Book of St Dysan the Elder.
  • 10 of the Visitors start as simple DARLings. Like everyone else who lacks an artifact, each has three notecards.
Specials by Identity: Wolfboon, Wannabe, Profiler
Specials by Possession: Fair Teller, Foul Teller, Feral Turner
Specials by Convergence: Dysanitic Trio

Any of the above may become part of the Conference of the Dead


Private Messaging:

The Wolfboons may PM one another after sundown.

The Wolfboons may not PM one another during the day.

The Dead may PM one another at any time.

The Dead may never PM the Living under any circumstances.

The Living may never PM the Dead under any circumstances.

The Living players other than Wolfboons may never PM one another at any time.

Any player may PM the Moderator (me) at any time.


The Wolfboons may kill one person after each sundown.

The Wolfboons may choose to kill nobody after sundown.

The Wolfboons may never kill a Wolfboon after sundown.

The Profiler may shadow one person after each sundown. If the Wolfboons attempt to kill the person the Profiler is shadowing, the intended victim will not die and the Profiler will be allowed one private accusation (expressed only to the Moderator). If the Profiler correctly identifies a Wolfboon, that Wolfboon will die in that night cycle. Only the Profiler will learn that Wolfboon's actual identity; to the rest of the Living and the Dead, the slain Wolfboon will look like any other night-cycle victim.

The Profiler may reveal the actual identity of a Wolfboon he slew while shadowing.

The Profiler may stalk one person after each sundown. If the stalked person is a Wolfboon, the Profiler will die but will kill that Wolfboon. If the stalked person is not a Wolfboon, the Wolfboons will lock the Profiler out of his bedchamber and his identity will be exposed.

The Profiler may not both shadow and stalk on the same night.

The Profiler may shadow or stalk anyone among the Living except himself, and may shadow or stalk the same person more than once.


After each sundown, the Wolfboon Wannabe may ask the Moderator for the actual identity of one other player, Living or Dead.

The Wolfboon Wannabe may not ask the Moderator about the possessions of another player.

After each sundown, a Dysanite who no longer has his quire may ask the Moderator, regarding any Living person, "Does person-X have my quire?"



After each sundown, the player who possesses the Fair Teeth of Telling may ask about the actual identity or possessions of one other Living player. The Moderator will answer truthfully.

After each sundown, the player who possesses the Foul Teeth of Telling may ask about the actual identity or possessions of one other Living player. The Moderator will answer falsely.

After each sundown, the player who possesses the Feral Teeth of Turning may ask about the actual identity or possessions of one other Living player. The Moderator will respond but deny the request.

If the Wolfboons select as their victim the player who possesses the Feral Teeth of Turning, that player must join their cult and select the victim for that night.

At the game's beginning, no Antiquarian knows which Teeth he possesses.


After each sundown, any player who possesses a quire from the Prayer Book of St. Dysan the Elder may ask about the actual identity or possessions of one other Dead player. If two or more quire-possessors pray about the same Dead player, the answers to the questions asked about that player will be revealed to all who prayed about him.

A player may possess more than one quire.

After each sundown, any single player who possesses all three quires may ask about the actual identity or possessions of any player, Living or Dead. The Moderator will answer truthfully.


The four Wolfboons, the Wolfboon Wannabe, the Profiler, and the ten DARLings start the game with three notecards each. Nobody who starts with an artifact starts with notecards.

Any player who possesses a notecard may write an assertion of the form "X is a Y" or "X has Y" or "X was a Y" or "X had a Y" on the notecard and leave the card on the nightstand. After sundown, any other player who successfully robs the one who left the notecard will discover the notecard, read its contents, and destroy it.

Any player may destroy any unstolen notecard he has left on his nightstand.

Any card left on the night stand will stay there until stolen or destroyed.

If a player possesses an artifact and at least one notecard is on his nightstand, the notecard will be ignored in the event of a theft.

An unused notecard may not be stolen.



After each sundown, any player may attempt to steal the possessions of another player by declaring that intention to the Moderator and providing a number from 1 - 100 (inclusive). This number and one generated randomly by the Moderator will determine success (50% chance of success).

Each attempted theft will recover one of the following: (1) a batch containing 1-6 artifacts, or (2) a batch containing 1-3 notecards, or (3) or nothing.

A thief who recovers nothing will not be told whether this occurred because of his own failure or because there was nothing worth stealing.

If two or more players attempt to rob the same victim, the thief whose number is closest to one chosen randomly by the Moderator will try first, and so forth. Tie-breakers will be resolved randomly. If one attempted theft succeeds, subsequent attempts will recover nothing and the reason for the failure will not be revealed.


After each sundown, the Dead may give the Moderator the name of one of the Living whom they wish to haunt and a message of the form "The Dead suspect that X is a Y" or "The Dead suspect that X has Y". The Moderator will deliver that message.


Roles will be assigned at random.

The Dysanites begin the game in possession of the quires. Other players who acquire the quires gain their power but do not become Dysanites. A Dysanite who lacks his quire does remain a Dysanite.

The Antiquarians begin the game in possession of the three pouches of Teeth (one blessed, two cursed). Other players who acquire the Teeth gain their power but do not become Antiquarians. An Antiquarian who lacks his pouch of Teeth does remain an Antiquarian.

The Profiler remains the Profiler throughout the game, unless killed or converted.

The Wolfboons remain Wolfboons throughout the game.

The Wolfboon Wannabe remains a Wolfboon Wannabe throughout the game, unless converted.

Any non-Wolfboon who possesses the Feral Teeth of Turning is eligible for conversion to the Wolfboons if chosen.

The Profiler and Wolfboon Wannabe lose their powers upon death.

Membership in the Conference of the Dead is open to any non-Living player.


Everyone arrives at Meretrix Manor on the same night and enjoys a solid sleep. On the first morning, everyone awakens to the discovery that the purported host of the event lies slaughtered in the study. Examination of the scene reveals that all the doors and windows of Meretrix Manor have been sealed from the outside. All lines of telecommunication have been severed or blocked. There is no Escape. Everyone recognizes that survival depends on identifying and destroying the perpetrator of this heinous crime.

The Day:

The Day begins when the Moderator announces the death of the Wolfboons' victim, if any.

Each day between dawn and dusk, the Visitors will select someone from among the living to execute. A vote to execute someone must be posted with the name of the accused in boldface. Nothing else is a vote. No other boldface should be used in the game.

Votes may only be withdrawn before a majority has been reached; once a majority has been reached, the decision to execute is irrevocable. Anyone may vote against anyone, including himself.

Changes to votes should be placed in a new message in a thread; superseded votes should not be edited out, but should be left in place to assist the Moderator.

If the Visitors kill someone who possesses an artifact, the Moderator will randomly assign that artifact to one of the non-Wolfboons.

The Night Defined:

Each night after dusk, the following events occur in the stated order:

1. Wolfboons PM each other.
2. Wolfboons select victim.
3. Profiler selects target.
4. The Dead select someone to haunt. The haunting occurs.
At this point, matters of Life and Death are now resolved.

5. Wolfboon Wannabe performs scan.
6. Quire-holders attempt scans of the Dead. Quireless Dysanites try to find their missing Quires.
7. Toothpouch-holders attempt scans of the Living.
8. Notecard-possessers leave a notecard on the nightstand, if desired.
9. Every living player chooses whether to attempt a robbery.
At this point, matters of ownership and discovery are resolved.

The Night Explained:

The Night begins when the Moderator announces the death of person elected by the majority of Living Visitors.

1. The Wolfboons PM among themselves.

2. A representative of the Wolfboons from among their number sends to the Moderator a PM containing the name of the person whom the Wolfboons intend to kill that night. If they kill someone who possesses an artifact, the Moderator will randomly assign that artifact to one of the Wolfboons.

3. The Profiler sends the Moderator a PM containing the name of the person whom the Profiler intends to shadow or stalk. The PM should specify both the name of the target and the nature of the activity (whether shadowing or stalking).

4. A representative of the Dead from among their number sends to the Moderator a PM containing the name of the person whom the Dead intend to haunt that night and a message of the form "The Dead suspect that X is a Y" or "The Dead suspect that X has Y".

5. The Wolfboon Wannabe sends the Moderator a PM containing a question about any person, living or dead. The question must be of the form "Is person-X a Y?" The Moderator will answer truthfully.

6. Each player who possesses a quire from the Prayer Book of St. Dysan the Elder sends the Moderator a PM containing a question about any Dead person. The question must be of the form "Was person-X a Y?" or "Did person-X have Y?" If two or more players ask about the same target, the Moderator will give the answer for all their questions to each of the coinciding players.

Any player who possesses all three quires from the Prayer Book of St. Dysan the Elder sends the Moderator a PM containing a question about any Living or Dead person. The question must be of the form "Was|Is person-X a Y?" or "Did|Does person-X have Y?" The Moderator will answer truthfully.

Any Dysanite who lacks his quire sends the Moderator a PM containing a question about any Living person. The question must be of the form "Does X have my quire?" The Moderator will answer truthfully.

7. Any player who possesses a pouch of Teeth sends the Moderator a PM containing a question about any Living person. The question must be of the form "Is person-X a Y?" or "Does person-X have Y?". The reliability of the Moderator's answer will depend on the nature of the inquirer's Teeth.

8. Any player who possesses a notecard and does not possess an artifact may send the Moderator a PM containing an assertion of the form "X is a Y" or "X has Y" or "X was a Y" or "X had a Y". Each player who lacks an artifact starts the game with three and may expend one or more on any turn until the supply is depleted. A notecard has room for only one assertion. A notecard message sent to the Moderator goes on that DARLing's nightstand and is subject to discovery/theft during that night cycle or any subsequent night cycle unless destroyed by that DARLing or obscured by a (more desirable) artifact in that player's possession. A player may not expend a notecard while in possession of an artifact.

9. In addition to any of these Special PMs, every Living player sends the Moderator a Writ of Theft containing the following information: either ( a ) a target whose possessions the sender intends to steal that night and a number from 1 to 100 (inclusive) or ( b ) a statement that the sender will not steal anything that night.


If the Visitors vote to kill a Wolfboon during the day cycle, they will learn that he was a Wolfboon.

If the target of the Teeth-holder's scan is killed during the night, the Moderator will deny the request.

If the target of the Wannabe's scan is killed during the night, the scan will succeed.

If a person who holds all three quires attempts a scan, and the target of that scan is killed during the night, the scan will succeed.

A player who possesses an artifact may not leave a notecard. Likewise, anyone who steals the artifact will disregard any notecard left previously that has not yet been stolen or destroyed.

The Wolfboons may not kill one of their own by night. Anyone, including a Wolfboon, may vote against himself or any other Living player by day.

The Wolfboons do not have to kill anyone. The Profiler does not have to shadow or stalk anyone. The Wolfboon Wannabe does not have to perform augury on anyone. The Dead do not have to haunt anyone. The Toothpouch-holders do not have to scan anyone. The Quire-holders do not have to pray about anyone. The Quireless Dysanites, if any, do not have to seek their missing quire.

Every Living player must file a Writ of Theft every night.

Nobody not listed among the players should post in the thread.

Anybody, whether listed among the players or not, may PM the Moderator about anything at any time.

During the night cycle, nobody other than the Moderator should post in the thread at all.

Nobody on the list of players should discuss any aspect of this game in other threads while it is ongoing.

Any player killed by the Visitors or the Wolfboons may participate in the Conference of the Dead.

The Dead may appoint a spokes-spook to communicate with the Moderator.

If the Profiler successfully kills a Wolfboon through shadowing/accusation, the fact that a Wolfboon has died will not be announced. Like any other Dead player, the Wolfboon thus killed may participate in (and attempt to influence) the Conference of the Dead.

If the Wolfboon Wannabe is killed, his actual identity will not be announced. Like any other Dead player, the Wannabe may participate in (and attempt to influence) the Conference of the Dead.


The innocent DARLings win if they kill all the Wolfboons.

The Wolfboons win if the number of non-Wolfboons equals the number of Wolfboons.

The Wolfboon Wannabe is secretly on the Wolfboon team, tries to help the Wolfboons win, and wins if they do. However, the Wannabe's life counts toward the tally of innocent DARLings when victory conditions are calculated unless the Wannabe is converted (whereupon he becomes a full-fledged Wolfboon whose death is required for DARLing victory).
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Post by Grundbegriff »

Code: Select all

Esteemed Members of
the Downwind Association for 
Research into Lycanthropy:

You are individually and severally invited to attend the first 
biennial Assembly of the DARL, to be held at Meretrix Manor in
the Township of Cassandra Crossing during the week of 30 October.

Lodging, Meals, and Recreation will be provided.

In addition to reports of the Standing Committees and the much-
anticipated presentation of a number of learned and noteworthy 
papers, the Agenda will include a tour of the venue and surrounds
where notable events in the Affair of Meretrix Meadows took place.

Looking forward to your prompt arrival and participation, I remain

Most humbly yours,

Stephen Villus Aurorae
Scholar in Residence

    Bad Demographic
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Post by Dirt »

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Post by Grundbegriff »

Generations have come and gone since unimaginable ill befell Meretrix Meadows, and memories of that horror's truth and intensity have grown dim. Nevertheless, some still study the tale of those noble few who met the calling of their day and sacrificed everything to uncover and destroy the evil that walked among them.

Where once stood flaxen fields and willowy woods, modernity and development now burgeon. The Township of Cassandra Crossing is a flourishing hub of commerce and exurban sprawl. Citizens come from throughout the region to shop at Setaside Centre, to catch a meal at TGB Friday's, or simply to pass the time among pigeons and friends in Wiggum Square.

Bustling traffic and pedestrian congestion give way, north of downtown, to the broad avenues of a tony gated subdivision. On the highest hill in Arnir Estates once stood a handsome oak, now long since splintered into countless highboys. Today, the visitor with a penchant for uncovering local lore might instead discover on that hilltop the grounds of Meretrix Manor, the large, unprepossessing Bed and Breakfast of proprietor (and Civic Electman) Stephen V. Aurorae.

Today, twenty-one associates of Mr. Aurorae have taken up residence in Meretrix Manor. Today, they have broken their fast, unpacked their bags, and gathered in the great room to await their host. Most do not suspect that the windows and doors have been sealed, that the decaying body of their host lies crumpled like a moldy washrag in the adjacent study, and that four among them have drawn them to this ambush in order to fashion their grisly doom.

These twenty-one, all members of Mr. Aurorae's Downwind Association for Research into Lycanthropy, loiter in the Great Room and make smalltalk about their common cause. So they continue until suddenly Mr. Aurorae's puppy, Wolverine, scampers into the room through the study door (carelessly left ajar), spits out a scrap of drooly paper, and shatters the dull mumbling with a desperate burst of insistent yelping.

A stench whispers from beyond the door as bemused DARLings gather around Wolverine. Someone recognizes that the paper is a page torn from Mr. Aurorae's personal notebook. Another realizes that it's smeared with blood and wrinkled as if it had been squeezed within a fist. A third unfolds the page and reads it aloud:

Code: Select all

...colacorum bear within their bodies the sure sign of their allegiance, a symbol scratched into the sternum and cranium by means of a slender diamond burin consecrated for that purpose....
It seems as if the agonizing sign of membership in the Order of Wolfboons can only be discovered by way of autopsy.

All pause to consider the implications of this grim message, but Wolverine runs back into the study. Quick exploration reveals the wretched truth: Stephen Villus Aurorae has been slaughtered and his corpse desecrated. Wolverine's note must be a scrap that Aurorae was reading at the moment of his death-- a scrap overlooked by his murderers, and a scrap that may prove their undoing.

One DARLing tries the door and another the sash, but all soon come to terms with the fact that a nightmare has begun. It will be up to them to save themselves, or to die trying.

The clock in the hall rings noon, and all are certain that the sun will not set before someone pays for the death of their late and hapless host.
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Post by rdm »

Am I the first one here? Where's everybody else and who's going to take my bags?
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Post by Remus West »

Geez, I wait all day for this and have to go coach so I miss the start and hurry home expecting all kinds of wild accusations to have flown and what do I find. rdm. Talk about disappointment. :wink:

That said, I think we are all aware of my track record in these situations so without much ado and sadly lacking in fanfare I declare my suspicion of Chaosraven. Mostly because if I didn't he would be hurt to the core.
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Post by Zurai »

Yeah, but what if he comes back to haunt us? He speaks enough gibberish when he's alive!
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Post by UnicornPoint »

Zurai wrote:Yeah, but what if he comes back to haunt us? He speaks enough gibberish when he's alive!
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Post by Bad Demographic »

Hey! We can't get out of this place. What is this - Hotel California?

Room Service! Room Service! Where's my wine?

Ewwwgh. What's this disgusting slime on this note.
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Post by Remus West »

You might be laughing but now he brings it up I am not sure I can think of a scarier ghost. Thankfully LM is not playing or once they were both dead......brrrrrr.
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Post by rdm »

Guests are slow to wake up it seems. Guess I'll go explore the mansion. Any creepy 'no entering the East Wing' speeches? No?
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Post by Grundbegriff »

The white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no slaughtering in a red zone.
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Post by rdm »

Thanks guy. I'll be sure to stick to the red zones then although it seems pretty counter-intuitive.
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Post by Zurai »

What are the rules about slipping in the slide zones?
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Post by UsulofDoom »

im here .
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Post by Chaosraven »

Still The Eternal Pain, Huh? Even Now?

Oh Very Entertaining, Remus...

and yes, dear, i would be most offended not to be accused first.
"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

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Post by Padre »

Murder most foul, alas! A great shame that such a noble mind and good soul has been lost to us. And such a foul portent in this note. Oh, woe this day!
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Post by Leigh »

Ugh. My first vacation from dealing with death in the hospital in 5 years and who should pop up but a corpse!?! Poor Stephen. I'd suggest C.P.R. but I can't find his mouth.... although having his heart exposed in his ripped open chest like that would make it easier to stimulate....

God, I need a drink.
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Post by Bakhtosh »


We don't often moderate off topic discussions here. In general, we, as a forum, do a good job of knowing when to keep it on topic and of self moderating those who comment inappropriately. However, when the topic starter makes a public request for on topic only comments, or for participants only, it's bad form to intentionally cause trouble.

If you're missing some drama in your life, there are a billion places for you to find it. Don't go starting it here.

Grund, if it happens again, report it and ignore it. Hopefully it will die out on its own. If not, we can alter the fabric of space and time and fix things.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program...

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Post by Leigh »

Bakhtosh wrote: MODHAT: ON

We don't often moderate off topic discussions here. In general, we, as a forum, do a good job of knowing when to keep it on topic and of self moderating those who comment inappropriately. However, when the topic starter makes a public request for on topic only comments, or for participants only, it's bad form to intentionally cause trouble.

If you're missing some drama in your life, there are a billion places for you to find it. Don't go starting it here.

Grund, if it happens again, report it and ignore it. Hopefully it will die out on its own. If not, we can alter the fabric of space and time and fix things.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program...

Wow. Looks like I'm not the only one here who needs a drink!

Edit 1: because I thought it would look funnier to make the words small...
Edit 2 and 3: Because brackets are hard!
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Post by Chaosraven »

And Now You Only Need Experience.
Reminding Everyone About Death,
This Hour Ill Suited?

i'm wondering... perhaps you fear to send me on my way into the hereafter knowing the penalty you'll pay when you join me in the conference of the dead?
"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

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Post by Bakhtosh »

Leigh wrote:Ugh. My first vacation from dealing with death in the hospital in 5 years and who should pop up but a corpse!?! Poor Stephen. I'd suggest C.P.R. but I can't find his mouth.... although having his heart exposed in his ripped open chest like that would make it easier to stimulate....

God, I need a drink.
Yes dear, I'm afraid that even your infamous charms cannot stimulate Mr. Aurorae. In that sense, he's much like Kelric (don't be offended dear, I don't think the ladies are his cup of tea...if you know what I mean).

MURDER! That's what it was!

I say we kill the must eliminate the most likely suspects first, mustn't one?
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Post by Leigh »

Bakhtosh wrote:
I say we kill the must eliminate the most likely suspects first, mustn't one?
But then who will freshen our drinks?

Perhaps this young Kelric should be looked at more closely, what with his odd tastes and such. Not that there's anything wrong with that, mind you. Besides, he's probably not old enough to drink, anyway.... and I prefer company when I partake in libations.
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Post by Remus West »

Those of us with little bags containing things that they smuggled into the house should think about asking themselves some very personal questions to determine the exact nature of the item they brought. Asking a question you know the answer to can be a powerful tool. There are no dead folks to ask about yet so I got nothing for those of you who may have learned this "reading" thing I have heard of and be, therefore, fond of "paper". Sheesh. Those of us with little notecards (and yes, I use pictures not "writing") won't have much to say for a while I'm guessing so I'll tell you all you may check my room or not as you desire, you will find nothing this night. This does however prove absolutely nothing useful about me since those who we seek have no current possessions either.
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Post by Remus West »

Leigh wrote:
Bakhtosh wrote:
I say we kill the must eliminate the most likely suspects first, mustn't one?
But then who will freshen our drinks?

Perhaps this young Kelric should be looked at more closely, what with his odd tastes and such. Not that there's anything wrong with that, mind you. Besides, he's probably not old enough to drink, anyway.... and I prefer company when I partake in libations.
Did the invite say open or cash bar? I can't remember and I'm on a budget. If it said cash I say we check the bartender first since when s/he is gone the bar will then be open. :twisted:
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Post by Chaosraven »

Bakhtosh wrote:
Leigh wrote:ugh. my first vacation from dealing with death in the Hospital In 5 years and who should pop up but a corpse!?! poor stephen. i'd suggest c.p.r. but i can't find his mouth.... although having his heart exposed in his ripped open chest like that would make it easier to stimulate....

god, i need a drink.
yes dear, i'm afraid that even your infamous charms cannot stimulate mr. aurorae. in that sense, he's much like kelric (don't be offended dear, i don't think the ladies are his cup of tea...if you know what i mean).

murder! that's what it was!

i say we kill the must eliminate the most likely suspects first, mustn't one?
i thought the standard was to keep your friends close and your enemies closer, almost like a pet, no?

Causing All Nervousness
Your Occupation Undertaker
Hatefully Everyone Accuses Randomly
Murderers Excepted...
"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

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Post by Chaosraven »

Remus West wrote:those of us with little bags Containing things that they smuggled into the house should think About asking themselves some very personal questions to determine the exact nature of the item they brought. asking a question you know the answer to can be a powerful tool. there are No dead folks to ask about Yet so i got nothing for those Of you who may have learned this "reading" thing i have heard of and be, therefore, fond of "paper". sheesh. those of Us with little notecards (and yes, i use pictures not "writing") won't Have much to say for a while i'm guessing so i'll tell you all you may check my room or not as you desire, you will find nothing this night. this does however prove absolutely nothing useful about me since those who we seek have no current possessions either.
Evil Again, Remus? :wink:

i believe i can sleep with mine out

actually it can prove useful, as anyone who has a "message" sitting out on the first evening is obviously not one of the nasty cultists... correct?
"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

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Post by Bakhtosh »

Ahh, yes, I heartily agree, you SHOULD keep our enemies VERY close to you. I encourage it. I also encourge the lot of you to stay very far away from me.

Personally, I prefer my friends in front of me where I can keep an eye on them, and my enemies on a cold autopsy table in the basement.
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Post by Grundbegriff »

At a certain point in the course of the afternoon, while considering how best to dispose of Stephen Aurorae's corpse before making one of their own, the DARLings were overcome by the troubling intuition that Meretrix Manor might be haunted....

Kiosk of Clarifications, being the Moderator's running log of questions of general interest sent to him privately since noon today
  1. [Artifacts] What happens when the Wolfboons kill someone who possesses an artifact? Any such artifacts will be distributed to randomly selected Wolfboons.
  2. [Artifacts] What happens when the DARLings kill someone who possesses an artifact? Any such artifacts will be distributed to randomly selected non-Wolfboons.
  3. [Artifacts] When will post-mortem redistribution of artifacts take place? If the Wolfboons kill someone who possesses an artifact, the artifact will be reassigned to a Wolfboon right then, in the Combat phase of the night. This means that the chosen Wolfboon will be able to use that artifact that night, and that anyone who robs this Wolfboon later that same night will nab that artifact. Similarly, if the DARLings kill someone who possesses an artifact, the artifact will be reassigned to another non-Wolfboon right then, just as night falls, prior to the Combat phase of the night. This means that the recipient can then lose the artifact in a Wolfboon attack, use the artifact if Wolfboons don't attack, and lose the artifact later through theft.
  4. [Haunting] The message of the Dead may refer to one of the Living or to one of the Dead.
  5. [Haunting] How do the Dead confer? A private forum has been established to facilitate their ghostly communication with one another.
  6. [Night Phases] What's this about phases of the night again? From dusk till dawn, the following things always occur (if at all) in this order: Wolfboon attack, Profiler defense & possible counterattack, Haunting, Wannabe Augury and Dysanitic Quire-seeking, Dysanitic prayer, Bonecasting, and finally Theft. The way artifacts pass from person to person-- and the way people do or don't have an opportunity to use artifacts-- depends on that sequence.
  7. [Night Phases] Can I use the teeth to scan someone, then base my decision on who to rob on the results, or must I do both together? You may scan by whatever means are available to you and learn the results before you file your writ of theft. For instance, if you're a Dysanite who has lost a Quire, you may ask whether Gertrude has your quire, receive your answer, and use that information to determine whether you should attempt to rob Gertrude later that same night.
  8. [Notecards] Every player who does not start the game with an artifact (the pouches of Teeth, the codical Quires) does start the game with three notecards. This includes all ordinary DARLings and all non-artifact-bearing Specials.
  9. [Notecards] Notecards are good for one use only. Unused notecards cannot be stolen; only used notecards (left on the nightstand with a message on 'em) can be stolen, and they're discarded after the thief reads 'em. Cases: If Sally robs Simon and Simon has deployed a notecard, Sally will steal the deployed notecard, read it, and discard it. If Sally robs Simon and Simon (who has no artifacts) does possess unused cards but has not deployed one, Sally will recover nothing.
  10. [PMs] Neither providing copies of PMs nor bluffing by forging PMs is permitted.
  11. [Pray] What's a quire? You know how some books (like ancient codices and modern hardbacks) are made from a number of stitched sections bound together by adhesive or (better yet) further stitchery? One sewn section of such a book is a quire.
  12. [Pray] The Rules for Quires state that the bearer may ask about the "actual identity or possessions" of the Dead. This should read "past identity or possessions". Examples of valid questions are: Did Audrey ever have a Quire? Did Brian have Teeth when he was killed? Did Charlotte ever have unused notecards? Was Derek a Wannabe?
  13. [Profiler] The Profiler may Shadow (protect) or Stalk (hunt), but not both, on a given night. If Wolfboons happen to attack the person the Profiler shadows, the Profiler saves that person and has a chance to slay a Wolfboon (by naming one). If the Profiler saves someone and then names a non-Wolfboon, nobody dies.
  14. [Roles] All 21 players received a "role assignment" letter regardless of role.
  15. [Roles] In the current game, there are 4 Wolfboons, 3 Dysanites, 3 Antiquarians, 1 Profiler, 1 Wolfboon Wannabe, and 9 normal DARLings.
  16. [Teeth] The bearer of Teeth may not ask about those Teeth. However, if Nathania, the bearer of one set of Teeth, suspects that Samuel (now Living) also possesses a pouch of Teeth, Nathania may ask whether Samuel possesses the such-and-such Teeth of Whatevering.
  17. [Teeth] The Rules specify that the bearer of a pouch of Teeth may inquire "about the actual identity or possessions of one other Living player." This implies that if one casts Teeth, one may not inquire about oneself.
  18. [Teeth] The Rules for Teeth specify that the inquiry must be about the "actual" identity or possessions of another Living player. "Actual" implies both authenticity and currency; asking through Teeth about past possessions is forbidden.
  19. [Theft] If an attempted theft fails, the thief does not learn whether the cause of failure was lack of valuables or a bad roll of the dice.
  20. [Theft] The Rules state: "If one attempted theft succeeds, subsequent attempts will recover nothing and the reason for the failure will not be revealed." This implies that if Hillarobama leaves a notecard on Tuesday and steals an artifact on Tuesday, and then Jebomney steals Hillarobama's artifact on Wednesday, Jebomney will ignore and leave behind Hillarobama's expended notecard. This also implies that all subsequent attempts at theft on Wednesday will fail for unspecified reasons even though a leftover notecard is there for the taking. On Thursday, Hillarobama's notecard from Tuesday will again be eligible for stealage unless Hillarobama destroys it or occludes it with another shiny artifact.
  21. [Theft] Using an artifact does not preclude attempting a theft. Every Living player may attempt a theft each night, regardless of other antics.
  22. [Vote] Once some accused person has garnered at least half the votes needed for execution -- on the first day, that'd be 6 votes out of the required 11 -- the Moderator will post the current tally.
  23. [Wolfboon] Are the Wolfboons actually werewolves? They appear to be humans participating in a grisly werewolf cult inspired by the earlier history of this region.
  24. ...
Reminder: Anyone may ask the Moderator anything at any time by PM. Answers of general interest will be pinned to this board.
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Post by Leigh »

Chaosraven wrote:Causing All Nervousness
Your Occupation Undertaker
Hatefully Everyone Accuses Randomly
Murderers Excepted...
Now Once One Neighbor Expires Can Any Neighbor Have Everything A Rotting Corpse Has? AnyOne Simpleton Reaches A Very Exhausted Nexus. Where He/she/You Does Only Yield Oil-stained Underwear, And Silly Yokes.
We are all blind and deaf and sadly lacking in refreshment.
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Post by Remus West »

Chaosraven wrote:actually it can prove useful, as anyone who has a "message" sitting out on the first evening is obviously not one of the nasty cultists... correct?
Incorrect. The beasts have the same notecards as we do and no possessions so they can easily do the same. The only ones who can not put out a note are the ones with possessions as those get taken first.
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” - H.L. Mencken
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Post by Chaosraven »

Bakhtosh wrote:ahh, yes, i Heartily agree, you should keep our enemies very close to you. I encourage it. i also encourge the lot of you to stay very far away from me.

personally, i prefer my friends in front of me where i can keep an eye on them, and my enemies on a cold autopsy table in the basement.
Not Trusted?

par for the course, of course...
"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

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Post by Bakhtosh »

I believe the boonies can leave messages. Do not make the fatal mistake of underestimating them. They may drool at the sight of a bitch in heat (sit down Leigh, I wasn't referring to you, Love), but that doesn't mean they're any less intelligent than Mr. CHeAtOS Lotion over there.
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Post by Leigh »

Bakhtosh wrote: They may drool at the sight of a bitch in heat (sit down Leigh, I wasn't referring to you, Love)
As, i continue to Strenuosly Stress, baHktOsh, LovE, you look like you could use a drink.... So why don't you SIT DOWN and have one? 8-)
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Post by Chaosraven »

Leigh wrote:
Chaosraven wrote:causing all nervousness
Your Occupation Undertaker
Hatefully Everyone Accuses Randomly
murderers excepted...
now ohce one neighbir expires cin any neighbar have everythimg a ratting corpse nas? any ono simpleton reacres a vemy exhausted naxus. where le/she/yow does oniy yield oit-stained underwear, und silly yotes.
we pre all olind and dewf and sedly lacking ir refreshment.
See Even Chaosraven Only Needs Diversion, With Our Refreshments Delivered,
Let Each To Their Evening Respectively Close His/her Apartment Never Giving Each Day
another thought.
i believe the boonies can leave messages. do not make the fatal mistake of underestimating them
indeed i had but to reread the copy of that portion of the rules to find that indeed they also have the option and equipment to do so.

i am afraid my fatal mistake was accepting the invitation to this ill-fated event.
"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

Sweet sweet meat come. -LordMortis
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Post by Grundbegriff »

Wolverine scampers toward the foyer, thereby calling everyone's attention to the Kiosk of Clarification.

Good Wolverine!
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Post by Bakhtosh »

My apologies, I suppose it was someone else who uttered the immortal words, "And given the thread title, it's entirely possible that I thought Fed was talking to me."

And I'll be glad to have that drink if the damnable butler would stop washing the blood off of his hands long enough to take our requests.
“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” -Thomas Jefferson
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Post by Kelric »

Bakhtosh wrote:
Leigh wrote:Ugh. My first vacation from dealing with death in the hospital in 5 years and who should pop up but a corpse!?! Poor Stephen. I'd suggest C.P.R. but I can't find his mouth.... although having his heart exposed in his ripped open chest like that would make it easier to stimulate....

God, I need a drink.
Yes dear, I'm afraid that even your infamous charms cannot stimulate Mr. Aurorae. In that sense, he's much like Kelric (don't be offended dear, I don't think the ladies are his cup of tea...if you know what I mean).
That's just wrong. Not only in the form of bad taste, but just plain incorrect.

Bakhtosh is awfully suspicious, what with having written that message in a red ink that looks an awful lot like blood!
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Post by Lars »

Hark! MURDER is afoot! Quick, someone call the bobbies! There is a murderer among us!

Open bar or not, I'm in desperate need of a drink. Excitement like this is not good for my blood pressure! Butler, butler, please, something with a little kick to it! Make it a double, whatever you can scrounge up. Please hurry, I'm parched!
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