Star Wars WW - Game Over - Rebel Victory

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Star Wars WW - Game Over - Rebel Victory

Post by bb2112 »

Good Guys - Empire:

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Emperor Palpatine: The Emperor did not get to where he is by being stupid. One time each night he can scan a player and discern their true identity. If he scans Mara Jade before Luke Skywalker, then Mara will permanently be an Imperial. If the Emperor scans Mara after Mara has been scanned by Luke, he will be told that he found Mara and she is a traitorous Rebel.

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Darth Vader: Vader has the one time ability to use the force to choke someone to death. The choke will reveal Vader's identity. Vader has a special bond with Luke and once each night he can scan for Luke. The result of the scan will be reported either he found Luke or not.

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Count Dooku: He has a presence that cannot be denied. He has the power to influence the masses. His special ability is he “may” put in a second secret vote for a lynch each day. This vote is completely independent from his public vote and can be placed even if he doesn’t have a public vote. Just PM the Mod with the secret vote and it will be placed as soon as the Mod receives it. This vote can only be used once each day and cannot be changed.

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Mara Jade: Mara at the start of this game is an Imperial. Both the Emperor and Luke are looking for Mara. If she is scanned by the Emperor first, then this will give her the confimation she needs and she will remain loyal to the Empire forever. If she is scanned by Luke first, then she will change sides and become a Rebel. She can then join the Rebel Forum. Mara will receive a PM after she has been scanned by either the Emperor or Luke and simply told that either the Emperor has scanned her or that Luke has scanned her. She will not be told the true identity of either the Emperor or Luke. If she isn't found by either, then she will remain a conflicted Imperial.

Mara has been trained as an assassin. She can, one time per game, assassinate someone without revealing her identity. This ability can only be used during the day cycle and after she is scanned by either the Emperor or Luke.

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Grand Moff Tarkin: During the night Tarkin can scan a player killed earlier in the game. Tarkin will be able to deduce the deceased’s identity.

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Grand Admiral Thrawn: Thrawn is the consummate analyst. Each day he analyzes the group and decides who to protect during the night. He cannot protect the same person on two consecutive nights. If he protects the Emperor, then they will recognize each other. The Emperor and Thrawn may communicate with each other in a private forum. There is no penalty for him if he protects a rebel.

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Rukh: Rukh is Grand Admiral Thrawn’s personal body guard. He has a deep loyalty to the Grand Admiral. Each night he can scan for Thrawn. His scan will only reveal if it is the Grand Admiral or not. Upon a successful scan for Thrawn, Rukh will receive a PM that he has identified Thrawn. Thrawn will not know he has been found by Rukh. Once Rukh has successfully scanned Thrawn, he can give up his own life to protect Thrawn from any kill one time during the game. Rukh is also an expert assassin. Once per game he can kill one other player. His identity will immediately be revealed.

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Jabba the Hutt: Jabba wants Han Solo. He wants Han bad. Not in a gay way, but in a Han owes him a lot of money kind of a way. If Jabba is part of a successful lynch of Solo, he gets one free scan.

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Boba Fett: Boba has worked his entire life in danger but he has a few tricks up his sleeve. One time during the game he can protect someone at night. If he guesses right and he protects that person from a rebel attack, he gets a free scan the next day. He will be told only loyal or rebel. If the scan turns out to be a rebel, then he can kill the rebel during the day. This attack will reveal his identity.

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Greedo: Greedo has a gun and is not afraid to use it. The only question is will he get to use it before someone else blasts him to bits. Greedo can only use the gun once during the game and only during the day. Greedo's shot will reveal his identity. Greedo cannot kill Han. If Greedo tries to shoot Han, Greedo will die instead.

Emperor’s Royal Guard: You guys all look really cool. Just don’t kill the Emperor. That would be tacky and it will be really difficult to acquire future employment with that on your resume. “Yeah, we did a great job protecting the old guy right up until we all got together, took out our blasters, and blasted the crap out of the geezer.” Not cool. However, not to fret too much, you will still win if the Emperor is dead as long as you eliminate the rebel menace. If you can’t even manage to do that, then don’t worry about future employment. Everyone else is just collateral damage, therefore, who cares.

Bad Guys - Rebels:

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Luke Skywalker: Luke has a special bond with Darth Vader. He also has one with Mara Jade. Once per night he can scan a player and try to find Vader or Mara. If he finds Vader, he will simply be told if he found Vader. If he finds Mara before the Emperor, he will be told that he has convinced her to join the Rebel cause. Mara can then join the Rebel Forum. If he finds Mara after the Emperor, he will be told her identity, but that she has resisted the temptation to switch allegiances. All other scans will read as not Vader and not Mara.

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Leia Organa: Leia has a stun bot the size of a syringe hidden somewhere on her body. Use your imagination. During the day, one time this game, she can program the bot to fly in and stun one person without revealing her identity. That person will be silenced for the day and the following night, but will wake up the following day cycle. She cannot use this ability on any of the rebel forces.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Obi-Wan can scan a recently deceased player each night. The player would have had to been killed either the day before or during the current night. He will deduce the identity of his target.

Han Solo: Han can block a protection once per game from any Imperial that has the protection ability. To initiate the block, he just PM’s the Mod the name of the person he wants to block and the block is automatic. Greedo cannot kill Han. If Greedo tries to shoot Han, Han will kill Greedo instead. If Han kills Greedo in this fashion, Han's identitiy will be revealed.

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Lando Calrissian: Lando is a crafty bastard. If he is about to be lynched, one time during the game he can use his special ability to escape the lynch. The day will proceed to night and there will be no lynch that day. Lando, however, will be at the mercy of the Imperials the next day.

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Chewbacca: If he has at least one non Rebel vote on him he can go all Wookie on someone’s ass and tear them limb from limb. What do you expect? He is a Wookie. This will reveal his identity. He cannot tear apart a rebel.

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Yoda: Yoda speaks with wisdom and the masses cannot help but be swayed by his calm intelligent rationale. Yoda has an extra secret vote that he “may” use each day for a lynch. This vote is completely independent from his public vote and can be placed even if he hasn’t placed a public vote. Just PM the Mod with the secret vote and it will be placed as soon as the Mod receives it. This vote can only be used once each day and cannot be changed. Yoda cannot place his vote on a Rebel.

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Talon Karrde: Karrde is a master of figuring out secrets from small scraps of information. Each night Karrde can scan one player and deduce the player’s identity.

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R2D2: Can adjust the Imperial computers by adding 3 lynch votes to one player one time during the game. This vote, once cast cannot be changed. There must be at least one non Rebel vote on that player for this to succeed and there has to be at least 7 players left in the game. Players will not be notified the extra votes have been placed. This use will not reveal R2D2’s identity.

Turn Order:

Day: All day actions happen first come first served
Count Dooku: Who will receive your secret vote for a lynch today?
Yoda: Who will receive your secret vote for a lynch today?
Mara Jade: If you have been scanned by the Emperor or Luke, who will you assassinate?
Rukh: Who will you assassinate?
Boba Fett: If your scan reveals a Rebel, will you kill the Rebel?
Greedo: Who will you shoot?
Leia Organa: Who will you stun?
Vader: Who will you choke to death?
R2D2: Who will receive your 3 secret votes for a lynch?
Chewbacca: Who's arms will you tear off?

Night: Events happen in turn order
Boba Fett: Who will you protect (once per game)? If successful, you get a free scan the next day.
Grand Admiral Thrawn: Who is worthy of your protection tonight?
Grand Moff Tarkin: Who of the deceased will you scan to learn their true identity?
Han Solo: Will you initiate a block? If so on who?
Rebels: Who will you kill?
Jabba the Hutt: Did you help lynch Solo? If so, then you get a free scan. You will be notified by PM from the moderator.
Emperor: Who will you scan to discern their identity?
Luke Skywalker: Who will you scan for Vader or Mara?
Vader: Who will you scan for Luke?
Rukh: Who will you scan for Thrawn?
Obi Wan Kenobi: Who of the deceased will you scan to learn their true identity?
Talon Karrde: Who will you scan to discern their identity?

Rukh: If you have identified Thrawn, you may interrupt any kill on Thrawn and sacrifice yourself instead.

Time Limits:
Day 1 - Due to the holiday it will go July 2nd to a maximum of July 13th 9PM EST
Day 2 - Will last a maximum of 9 days. If the end of the day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then the deadline will extend to the following Monday
Day 3 Forward - Number of players = number of days not to exceed 7. If the end of the day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then the deadline will extend to the following Monday

I am probably going to be doing some small tweaking myself in the next couple of days, but overall the rules are set and we can start the sign up process. I feel very comfortable with going up to 20 players, but can work with more or less depending on interest levels.

Bring out your dead!

1. Lassr
2. RMC
3. Tru1cy
4. Remus West
5. Qantaga
6. Newcastle
7. Mr. Bubbles
8. Theohall
9. Chaosraven
10. Scoop20906
11. Coopasonic
12. El Guapo
13. Lord Mortis
14. Stessier
15. Unagi
16. Pr0ner
17. Semaj
18. Kenetickid
19. Triggercut
20. Isgrimnur
21. Grundbegriff
Last edited by bb2112 on Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:17 am, edited 21 times in total.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
Why would I stab an Oracle? Wait, what am I saying? Why wouldn't I stab an Oracle? - Belkar Bitterleaf
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Re: Star Wars WW - Starting in a Galaxy Far Far Away Very So

Post by bb2112 »

Flavor text: This does not affect the rules or give hints to the game, it is just for fun. Very long, read at your own peril.

“No, no, no, no!” Octavian Grant pounded the table with his fist to emphasize his point after each shouted no. “That is a terrible plan! How many times do I have to tell you brute force will not work at Commenor. Diplomacy is the only key to vict… or… ehh… ehh.” Grant started to rise off the floor clutching at his neck.

“Lord Vader, please put the Grand Admiral down,” Grand Moff Tarkin demanded tersely. Very familiar with the antics of Vader, Tarkin didn’t even have to look up to see what he knew was happening. Grant and Vader had been going around and around on Commenor for over an hour and as was want to happen when Vader got irritated, he resorted to the force to finish his arguments for him.

Emperor Palpatine looked on interestedly wondering if Vader would actually kill one of his Grand Admirals right in front of him. As the fortunes of the Empire started to spiral out of control with each surprising victory of the Rebel Alliance, Vader seemed to become more and more ill-tempered. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, but in reality was only a few seconds, Grant dropped back to the floor and immediately crumpled into a fetal position gasping for breath. The Emperor decided he was disappointed Vader had not finished him.

Now that the moment was passed, the Emperor felt it was time for him to step in. “I have decided. We will use diplomacy with Commenor. I shall go there myself to guarantee they will not secede from the Empire. Now Grand Admiral, let’s go over the plan one last time before we depart to ensure we have not missed any details.”

Thrawn nodded and started reciting the plan from the beginning. The Emperor only half listened. He looked around the table and watched his closest allies and confidants all gathered in one place listening to the plan they had hammered out for two days on how to keep the Empire from unraveling. The Emperor had received word through his spy network that several core worlds were thinking about leaving the Empire. The war with the Rebel Alliance was escalating again, and for the first time, many systems started to believe the Rebels might actually win. Some systems were on the verge of declaring neutrality, while others were thinking of defecting to the Rebels. If these rich and influential worlds left the Empire, they would take countless outer rim systems with them and the Empire would splinter apart.

The Emperor, ever one to act decisively, quickly assembled the team necessary to counter this threat. Between them they methodically decided which systems would suddenly be visited by key Imperial fleets thereby intimidating their officials and their populaces, which systems would need a sudden, perhaps bloody, change in leadership, and which systems would only need a word from one of the Emperors top negotiators to keep them inline.

Once Thrawn finished going over the plan, the Emperor stood up and looked at each member of his inner circle in turn. Now that the plans had all been laid, it was time for one of his inspirational speeches. It was expected when you ran the galaxy, and he prided himself on the fact that nobody did it better.

“Gentlemen, now is the time we must succeed. The fate of the Empire rests on each of you as your role, laid out here today, is pivotal in the overall survival of the Empire and our way of life. Each of your actions is going to dictate the future of not only us in this room, but will hold the fates of trillions of lives that depend on us to lead them with wisdom and hope. It will mean the difference between a whole and stable government for billions of worlds, or the sundering of the Empire forever. Once sundered, the galaxy would experience a vacuum of power, and scores of warlords would rise. Each would claim a small, bloody remnant of the Empire, and inevitably create border wars that would make our current troubled times seem like a period of peace and tranquility. Whole systems would starve as trade came to a grinding halt, and the war crimes and atrocities committed would be unspeakable. If we fail, it will ignite the Galaxy in war and anarchy that will touch every person, on every world, in every system, and doom them to a dark age never seen in recorded history. To fail in even a small part of this plan will doom the whole galaxy. Gentlemen, we must not fail.”

Grand Moff Tarkin looked around the room and felt pride at being a part of something so much larger than himself. He stood up and loudly exclaimed, “Gentlemen, for the Empire!”

Everyone in the room stood and echoed him in unison, “For the Empire!”

Tarkin then turned to the Emperor and asked, “With your permission?” The Emperor nodded. “You all have your assignments. Report to the ships that are going to take you where you need to be within the hour. This meeting is adjourned.”

The group assigned to fly on the Emperor’s yacht arrived early and immediately took off for their mission. They were to meet with a large fleet assembled at Rendili, an important core world. From there the troupe would split up further to their individual assignments.

About half way through the flight, the Emperor was holding a conference with some of his key personnel in his private meeting room. It was a very large room that seemed empty as it was only partially filled. Just as the Emperor was going to call the meeting to an end, there was a large explosion and the ship lurched in a strange way, then fell out of hyperspace. The report to all battle stations alarm started going off. The individuals in the room started to look around. The Emperor reached over and flipped the switch that gave him a direct line to his captain. “Captain, what is the meaning of this? What is going on?”

“I’m very sorry, Emperor, but our hyperspace engines seem to have been sabotaged. The coolant lines have been severed in several key areas and the back-ups are not responding. We are receiving reports throughout the ship of a gas coming through the air vents. Excuse me for a moment, Emperor. Wait… well, close the vents! What do you mean they won’t close? Find something to stuff in those vents!” The communication was abruptly cut off. Just then, a white cloudy mist started filtering in through the vents of the conference room. There was an odor of rotting eggs and everyone immediately started coughing. The Emperor quickly flipped a switch and the vents closed. His inner sanctum, which consisted of his living quarters, this meeting room, and a private galley, had its own power, air and life support systems that could be separated from the rest of the ship. He flipped another switch, the smoke started clearing, and the rotten egg smell quickly dissipated. He then tried to raise the captain, or anyone else on the ship. He was met with nothing but silence.

The Rebels found the Emperor’s yacht at the exact coordinates sent by Mon Mothma. It was drifting and slowly spinning on a strange axis. They felt relieved; there was no distress signal. Apparently the gas the saboteur used to disable the personnel on board the ship worked quickly. For the first time the Rebels felt confidence in the mission laid out by Mon Mothma - to capture the Emperor and some of his top officials. The gas would render the Imperials forgetful and docile. It was a daring plan, but then again, the Alliance had sent some of its top operatives.

Even with their target spinning, they were able to quickly hook into the yacht’s airlock with the Millennium Falcon and gain access to the Emperor’s ship. As soon as they spilled into the corridor, they were met with an overwhelming stench. Each one of the Rebel team wanted to retch, and then their eyes started to water uncontrollably. Within seconds, their heads started pounding and they knew they had to quickly accomplish their mission before the gas overwhelmed them. More than one wondered if the antidote to the gas they took on route was even working. Did they make a mistake when they synthesized it? They knew there was supposed to be some minor discomfort, but this was bordering on overpowering.

They ran down the corridor and found themselves tripping over bodies lying prostrate on the floor. After quickly checking their identities and then for pulses, they found that the bodies weren’t merely unconscious, but dead. All dead. They started to panic. What was the exposure to the saboteur’s gas doing to them?

Within a couple of minutes they found the Emperor’s inner sanctum. They had to confirm the Emperor was dead along with the rest of the ship’s crew. They opened the door and shoved their way inside where the air quality was much better. They sat on the floor gasping and coughing, trying to clear the gas out of their lungs while wiping the tears from their eyes. The looked around and found themselves in a sitting room with double doors on the other end that quickly opened. A man stood there looking at them and called over his shoulder, “Hey, there are other survivors.” Then he turned back to those on the floor of the sitting room, “Why didn’t you answer when we called?”

The rebels looked at each other. Who was this guy? They got up and piled into the larger room that already had several other people all looking confused. Who were these people? Was one of them the Emperor? His top aides? Everything was all muddled.

“Why didn’t you answer when we called?” the man asked again.

One of the new arrivals fought through the fog and answered, “Sorry sir, communications must be down. I gathered anyone with a pulse I could find and brought them here. I think we are the last ones left alive on board the ship.”

“Were any of you on the bridge? Did you notice if the distress signal is activated?” A man in the back asked.

“Yes sir, I just came from the bridge. The distress signal is working. We should be picked up soon.”

One of the other men in the room looked up and said, “Well, now that the distress signal question is answered, you can join us in our current discussion. We just realized there is a saboteur among us who must have been sent by the rebels. Do any of you know who the saboteur is? And if so, is he currently in this room?”

The new arrivals looked back and forth at each other and quickly shook their heads negative. The same young man that had answered the first question for the rebels spoke again, “No, sir. I’m sorry, we don’t seem to know anything about a saboteur.”

The same man asking all the questions went on, “Which brings us to our next dilemma. We have concluded our memories have been altered. We suspect the gas that came in through the vents has somehow wiped our memories clean. About the only thing we do remember is our own identities, but with a saboteur on board, who is most likely an assassin as well, we are reluctant to claim any important roles. Do any of you know anyone else gathered in this room? Maybe if several people can corroborate a story we can get an idea of who we are and what is going on.”

Again the new arrivals looked at each other. They then looked at the individuals gathered in the room prior to their arrival and came to the shocking conclusion that they really didn’t know who these people were. They tried to recall images of the Emperor and failed. Astonishment overtook them as they realized the antidote didn’t work. At least not fully. They could remember the other rebels in the room, and their mission, but that was all. Everything else was lost. A little shaken, the same young man replied for the new arrivals, “No, sir. I can’t remember a thing.” Each of the other Rebels took his lead and murmured something similar.

“Well then,” the same man that had been leading the discussion said, “that is a little disappointing. Since we don’t seem to know what is going on, but there clearly is a Rebel among us, we are going to have to find and kill that Rebel.”

The Rebels looked at each other in shock. The gas was supposed to render everyone on board the ship compliant and suggestable. Not into blood thirsty maniacs. The man continued as if his suggestion was the most logical conclusion, “I’m sure we are all intelligent beings. After some discussion we will be able to quickly identify the Rebel scum and dispatch him before our rescue arrives.” The rebels looked around the room and everyone was nodding as if this was the best plan they had ever heard.
Last edited by bb2112 on Sat Jul 02, 2011 5:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
Why would I stab an Oracle? Wait, what am I saying? Why wouldn't I stab an Oracle? - Belkar Bitterleaf
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Re: Star Wars WW - Starting in a Galaxy Far Far Away Very So

Post by bb2112 »

Three people still need to pick up their roles. We will be starting soon. We will be starting with a day cycle.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
Why would I stab an Oracle? Wait, what am I saying? Why wouldn't I stab an Oracle? - Belkar Bitterleaf
BCY4920 - You can suck it Johnny Angel.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Starting in a Galaxy Far Far Away Very So

Post by bb2112 »

Grundbegriff wrote:Tools

Imperial Team
  • Emperor: Scans for and can lock down Mara before she becomes Jaded.
  • Darth: Always two there are: the ability to choke a bitctarget, and the ability to be on the Luke out.
  • Count DracuDooku: hidden overvoter
  • Mara Jade: Both the Emperor and Luke want her. Ah, Venice! After being scanned, may kill once by day without outing herself.
  • Grand Moff Tarkin: Scans a deader by night.
  • Grand Admiral Thrawn: Guards by night with no risk. May PM with Emperor if he finds him.
  • Rukh: Scans nightly for Thrawn (yes|no). May die in place of a found Thrawn. May kill once per game by day or night.
  • Jabba the Hutt: May earn a free scan by helping to off Han Solo.
  • Boba Fett: May protect once by night. If successful, may then scan once (loyal|rebel). If successful, may then kill that rebel by day.
  • Greedo shot second: May shoot once by day. Dies if Han is the target.
  • Royal Guard: as many as needed...
Rebel Team
  • Luke Skywalker: Scans nightly for Vader and Mara. May convert Mara.
  • Leia Organa: May stun someone by day (lasts into following night). Rebels are immune.
  • Obi Wan Kenobi: scans a deader by night
  • Han Solo: Can neutralize protections by Thrawn, Boba Fett. Is outed by autokilling Greedo if Greedo attacks him.
  • Lando Calrissian: Unlynchable once.
  • Chewbacca: Splodie if at least one Imperial is voting against him.
  • Yoda: hidden overvoter
  • Talon Karrde: Scans nightly
  • R2D2: Can overvote in secret by 3 exactly once per game against anyone with an Imperial accuser, provided population >= 7.
I will answer your question in this thread.

* If Thrawn is out in the open, but Rukh hasn't technically scanned him, may Rukh still swap lives? Or is the actual scan necessary?

No, Rukh will have to scan him to be sure.

* Does Luke have to choose whether he's scanning for Vader xor Mara, or is every Luke-scan a scan for both?

One scan counts for both the Vader and Mara.

* Does Leia retain her power if she tries to use it against someone who's immune?

Leia knows who the rebels are and she cannot use her power against a rebel, therefore, she will be able to retain her power.

* Does Leia get a second chance on the same day if her first target is a rebel?

see above answer

* Can Han Solo's anti-protection power neutralize Rukh's attempt to protect Thrawn via substitution?

No, Rukh's power happens as soon as Rukh declares he is substituting his death for Thrawn's. This is technically not a protection, it is a substitution.

* Is R2D2's extra vote in addition to any vote he places in public, or must he refrain from voting in public when he uses this power?[/quote]

This is in addtion to his public vote, but one other vote on his target must be by a non-rebel.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
Why would I stab an Oracle? Wait, what am I saying? Why wouldn't I stab an Oracle? - Belkar Bitterleaf
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Re: Star Wars WW - Starting in a Galaxy Far Far Away Very So

Post by Chaosraven »

Is the number of Rebel players randomly determined/public knowledge?
"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

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Re: Star Wars WW - Starting in a Galaxy Far Far Away Very So

Post by bb2112 »

There is a random amount of Imperial personalities and Rebels. The game is designed to have somewhere between 3 to 5 misses not including special abilities.

As stated earlier - The game is starting in the day cycle.

Turn Order:

Day: All day actions happen first come first served
Count Dooku: Who will receive your secret vote for a lynch today?
Yoda: Who will receive your secret vote for a lynch today?
Mara Jade: If you have been scanned by the Emperor or Luke, who will you assassinate?
Rukh: Who will you assassinate?
Boba Fett: If your scan reveals a Rebel, will you kill the Rebel?
Greedo: Who will you shoot?
Leia Organa: Who will you stun?
Vader: Who will you choke to death?
R2D2: Who will receive your 3 secret votes for a lynch?
Chewbacca: Who's arms will you tear off?
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
Why would I stab an Oracle? Wait, what am I saying? Why wouldn't I stab an Oracle? - Belkar Bitterleaf
BCY4920 - You can suck it Johnny Angel.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Starting in a Galaxy Far Far Away Very So

Post by Chaosraven »

Ok, so with 21 players, three misses takes us to 16, five misses is 12. There are 6, 7, or 8 Rebels
"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

Sweet sweet meat come. -LordMortis
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Re: Star Wars WW - Starting in a Galaxy Far Far Away Very So

Post by Chaosraven »

Which then means with 9 possible Roles, only 1, 2, or 3 of them don't exist.
"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

Sweet sweet meat come. -LordMortis
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Re: Star Wars WW - Starting in a Galaxy Far Far Away Very So

Post by Newcastle »

duuuuuuude, so we can lynch away eh? hmm, game on? or people still picking up roles?

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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by bb2112 »

Game on.

There are still 2 people that have not received their PM's, but since we are starting in a day cycle and not a night cycle, we can get this party started. I'm sure they will chime in when they get a chance.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
Why would I stab an Oracle? Wait, what am I saying? Why wouldn't I stab an Oracle? - Belkar Bitterleaf
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by Lassr »

game on? Oh! I guess I should be at my post!
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by Chaosraven »

Lassr wrote:game on? Oh! I guess I should be at my post!
hmmm. Was it Luke or Han wearing that suit?
"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

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Re: Star Wars WW - Starting in a Galaxy Far Far Away Very So

Post by Grundbegriff »

bb2112 wrote:There is a random amount of Imperial personalities and Rebels. The game is designed to have somewhere between 3 to 5 misses not including special abilities.
So the concept is that we don't know how many Rebels are in play, and we don't know how many Imperials are in play, and we don't know how many Imperials are Special?
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Re: Star Wars WW - Starting in a Galaxy Far Far Away Very So

Post by Grundbegriff »


Imperial Team possibly includes:
  • Emperor: Scans for and can lock down Mara before she becomes Jaded.
  • Darth: Always two there are: the ability to choke a bitctarget, and the ability to be on the Luke out.
  • Count Dooku: hidden overvoter
  • Mara Jade: Both the Emperor and Luke want her. Ah, Venice! After being scanned, may kill once by day without outing herself.
  • Grand Moff Tarkin: Scans a deader by night.
  • Grand Admiral Thrawn: Guards by night with no risk. May PM with Emperor if he finds him.
  • Rukh: Scans nightly for Thrawn (yes|no). May die in place of a found Thrawn. May kill once per game by day or night.
  • Jabba the Hutt: May earn a free scan by helping to off Han Solo.
  • Boba Fett: May protect once by night. If successful, may then scan once (loyal|rebel). If successful, may then kill that rebel by day.
  • Greedo: May shoot once by day. Dies if Han is the target.
  • Royal Guard: as many as needed...
Rebel Team possibly includes:
  • Luke Skywalker: Scans nightly for Vader and Mara. May convert Mara.
  • Leia Organa: May stun someone by day (lasts into following night).
  • Obi Wan Kenobi: scans a deader by night
  • Han Solo: Can neutralize protections by Thrawn, Boba Fett. Is outed by autokilling Greedo if Greedo attacks him.
  • Lando Calrissian: Unlynchable once.
  • Chewbacca: Splodie if at least one Imperial is voting against him.
  • Yoda: hidden overvoter
  • Talon Karrde: Scans nightly
  • R2D2: Can overvote in secret by 3 exactly once per game against anyone with an Imperial accuser, provided population >= 7.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by Mr Bubbles »

Oh I'm so giddy, it's like that night at prom when I can't remember what the hell happened, but apparently I had a really good time.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by Remus West »

Mr Bubbles wrote:Oh I'm so giddy, it's like that night at prom when I can't remember what the hell happened, but apparently I had a really good time.
I remember what happened at my prom. I got pissed at my date for being a complete downer and took her home an hour into the dance then went back to the dance and all the after parties by myself. Thanks for bringing that up.
 Mr Bubbles 

Oh, and welcome back to the games.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by Chaosraven »

Meanwhile I took my EXgirlfriend, since we had tickets and reservations for dinner. Bitch cried mascara stains into my suit, I dropped her off and went to the afterparties, where I got my first tongue action from Erin, in her hot tub. Hmm. Actually that turned out well.
"Where are you off to?"
"I don't know," Snufkin replied.
The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by theohall »


The Force is weak with this one.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by bb2112 »

Quick Note: Everyone has received their role. :D :horse:
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by Lagom Lite »

:binky: :pop: :binky:
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by LordMortis »

Chaosraven wrote:Meanwhile I took my EXgirlfriend, since we had tickets and reservations for dinner. Bitch cried mascara stains into my suit, I dropped her off and went to the afterparties, where I got my first tongue action from Erin, in her hot tub. Hmm. Actually that turned out well.
Girl I was gonna take decided not to go. At least she decided not to go before I bought tickets, so the bad feelings weren't really that high. I was living by myself at my own place then, so likely I was out of my mind during prom but it's hard to say. I remember very little of that time. I want to say some friends from across the street came over, I got wrecked then she came over and I was so in my own world that I didn't want anything to do with her (not in the mean sense that I wouldn't have wanted anything to do with her before I got wrecked but rather in the look at the walls aren't colors cool sense.) however, that might have been a different night and not prom night. But it was a night my non prom date came over and I totally blew her off. My younger years are being to all squish together into one really long day. How very sad. They were such good times and now their all fading away.

And now you've put me in a melancholy.

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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by El Guapo »

Ok, let's try this out, then.


For not being at his post.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by bb2112 »


1 Lassr ----------------->
2 RMC ------------------>
3 Tru1cy --------------- >
4 Remus West ---------> Mr Bubbles
5 Qantaga -------------->
6 Newcastle ------------>
7 Mr. Bubbles ---------->
8 Theohall --------------> Unagi
9 Chaosraven ---------->
10 Scoop20906 ---------->
11 Coopasonic ----------->
12 El Guapo --------------> Lassr
13 Lord Mortis -----------> Chaosraven
14 Stessier --------------->
15 Unagi ------------------>
16 Pr0ner ----------------->
17 Semaj ----------------->
18 Kenetickid ------------>
19 Triggercut ------------>
20 Isgrimnur ------------->
21 Grundbegriff --------->

Lassr 1 -----------------> El Guapo
Chaosraven 1 ----------> Lord Mortis
Mr Bubbles 1 -----------> Remus West
Unagi 1 -----------------> Theohall

Majority is 11
Deadline: July 13th 9PM EST
Last edited by bb2112 on Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by stessier »


Too quiet.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by Lassr »

is due to catch up to all those times he wasn't due.

Oh and I'm at my post now El Guapo and I'm watching you.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by Remus West »

Well now I'm torn. Do I keep my vote on Bubbles who reminded me of my crappy prom or do I switch to Chaosraven who reminded me that he hooked up with Erin many years before I did? I'm torn which way to go so I guess lazy wins and I stay where I'm at. :P
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by Semaj »

I didnt go to my prom :P
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by theohall »

Semaj wrote:I didnt go to my prom :P
Something is very wrong here. Semaj awake at mid-day on Sunday on July 4th weekend???
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by Newcastle »

theohall wrote:
Semaj wrote:I didnt go to my prom :P
Something is very wrong here. Semaj awake at mid-day on Sunday on July 4th weekend???
dude, cut him some slack....


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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by stessier »

Newcastle wrote:
theohall wrote:
Semaj wrote:I didnt go to my prom :P
Something is very wrong here. Semaj awake at mid-day on Sunday on July 4th weekend???
dude, cut him some slack....
Yeah - who's to say he has been asleep at all yet this weekend.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by Isgrimnur »

Semaj wrote:I didnt go to my prom :P
Nor did I.


For not cutting the non-slack-cutting person any slack.
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by bb2112 »


1 Lassr -----------------> Qantaga
2 RMC ------------------>
3 Tru1cy --------------- >
4 Remus West ---------> Mr Bubbles
5 Qantaga -------------->
6 Newcastle ------------> Theohall
7 Mr. Bubbles ---------->
8 Theohall --------------> Unagi
9 Chaosraven ---------->
10 Scoop20906 ---------->
11 Coopasonic ----------->
12 El Guapo --------------> Lassr
13 Lord Mortis -----------> Chaosraven
14 Stessier ---------------> Pr0ner
15 Unagi ------------------>
16 Pr0ner ----------------->
17 Semaj -----------------> Mr Bubbles
18 Kenetickid ------------>
19 Triggercut ------------>
20 Isgrimnur -------------> Newcastle
21 Grundbegriff --------->

Lassr 1 -----------------> El Guapo
Chaosraven 1 ----------> Lord Mortis
Mr Bubbles 2 -----------> Remus West, Semaj
Unagi 1 -----------------> Theohall
Pr0ner 1 ----------------> Stessier
Qantaga 1 --------------> Lassr
Theohall 1 --------------> Newcastle
Newcastle 1 ------------> Isgrimnur

Majority is 11
Deadline: July 13th 9PM EST
That's no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by Unagi »

I think I like night starts better, just gives a tiny itty bit to go on.

Theohall, thanks - I feel better with you latched onto my flank. :) :wink:

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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by Unagi »

Isgrimnur wrote:
Semaj wrote:I didnt go to my prom :P
Nor did I.


For not cutting the non-slack-cutting person any slack.
ewww, nice! That's also know as a back-attack-of-the-non-slack-attack-of-lack-of-slack.

Well played.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by Mr Bubbles »

Semaj wrote:I didnt go to my prom :P
I expected Remus to vote for me. After all he promised to recently, but you... Semaj.. you cut me deep!
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by El Guapo »

So first lynch the idea is basically to cast arbitrary votes until we coalesce around an arbitrary first choice, unless in the process someone says something unintentionally damning, right?
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by Grundbegriff »

El Guapo wrote:So first lynch the idea is basically to cast arbitrary votes until we coalesce around an arbitrary first choice, unless in the process someone says something unintentionally damning, right?

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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by triggercut »


21 players. Empire is the Goodguys, Rebels are the badguys.

Understand about the randomization of number of roles. Ok.

We do not know how many players on each team. Ok.

First thoughts: Rebels have a lot of advantages here. Interesting.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by triggercut »

I may have missed this in the rules thread or above, so forgive please.

In Thrawn's description, should he protect the Emperor, he and Thrawn get to communicate off-thread. Conclusion: this is the only off-thread communication available to the Goodguys. True? False?

In Mara's description, should she be "turned" by Luke, she gains access to the Rebel forums upon joining that team. Conclusion: the Rebels may communicate freely off-thread and coordinate. True? False?

If both are true, then the Rebels have an even greater advantage than I at first assumed.
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Re: Star Wars WW - Day 1

Post by LordMortis »

Quick thoughts before leaving for the week. (Sorry. At least the day should go slow so my non involvement shouldn't be too much of a problem) After getting my PM I was totally freaked out that 18 of 21 people get roles and I was tempted to come out right away. But then I saw not every one is in the game.

Now that I'm going through things it looks like all of the rebels have abilities and there should be quite a few of them while the empire are the ones who get hosed by random there being a random amount of people in the game with the excess of non roles filled by an unknown amount of red shirts. 21 - 6 = 15/7.5 or probably 7 rebels = 7/9 rebel powers. Then you add yoda and R2 as probable and we're pretty well fooked.

That said, assuming Darth can kill someone and Rukh can kill someone and Greedo can kill someone timing on a killing spree ought to happen. The issue of course being that we got nothing on which of them is actually in the game.

Any ideas on how to get out of this cause I got nothing. This looks like a butchering in the making.
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