[WW] The Rule of Thirds - The Meer win everything

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[WW] The Rule of Thirds - The Meer win everything

Post by Unagi »

The Rule of Thirds

Since times long forgotten, the land of Trekongedommer has always been a land of three kingdoms.
For hundreds of generations, each kingdom was kept in check by the other two.

The time of equilibrium has finally come to an end.

A decisive contest has been devised by the leaders of each kingdom. The struggle that has kept these lands in a constant state of war will end, and it will end here.

Or so they had hoped... The contest has been infiltrated by the menacing shape-shifting dragon, Dod.

Dod, indistinguishable from the other contestants, is immune to the magic of the Macht Stones, but has no trouble using them. Dod sees his chance to send the kingdom of men into a state of panic and will not let it slip by.

The Contest:
  • Each of the Three Kingdoms will be represented by their King and 4 high ranking Champions. (That's 3 Identical Five-Player teams)
  • Kings will not know the identity of their Champions.
  • Champions will know the identity of their King.
  • Each Contestant will be given 2 Macht Stones - to be used on a night and in the manner of their choosing.
  • Once per game, if a night starts and every living contestant is out of Macht Stones, each contestant will be given 1 additional Macht Stone
  • Death will publicly reveal the rank of the fallen (or dragon)

By Day - Majority Vote to Lynch a Single Contestant
By Night - Human Contestant: "Use 1 or more Macht Stones" or "Hold Tight"
By Night -
Dragon Contestant: ("Use 1 or more Macht Stones" or "Hold Tight") and KILL a single contestant (his natural ability).

Winning Conditions:

For your Kingdom:
  • Day breaks and The Keys to both other Kingdoms are attuned to a fallen contestant (unheld) and Dod has been vanquished from the contest - your Kingdom is victorious.

For the Dragon:
  • Day breaks and The Keys to ALL other Kingdoms are attuned to a fallen contestant. (unheld) - the Dragon is victorious.
  • NOTE: The Dragon does not need to be in attendance in order for the Dragon to be victorious

The Contestants:

ImageThe Himmel House
King Himmel: You hold The Keys to the Himmel House.
Prince Himmel: You are the son of King Himmel, first in line.
Baron Himmel: Next in line after the Prince.
Herr Himmel: Last in line. Oh, wait, not last. Huzzah!
Jester Himmel: Clever enough to get yourself on the list of Champions. If killed, your rank will show as King.

ImageThe Erde Empire
King Erde: You hold The Keys to the Erde Empire.
Prince Erde: You are the son of King Erde, first in line.
Baron Erde: Next in line after the Prince.
Herr Erde: Last in line. Oh, wait, not last. Huzzah!
Jester Erde: Clever enough to get yourself on the list of Champions. If killed, your rank will show as King.

ImageThe Meer Majesty
King Meer: You hold The Keys to the Meer Majesty.
Prince Meer: You are the son of King Meer, first in line.
Baron Meer: Next in line after the Prince.
Herr Meer: Last in line. Oh, wait, not last. Huzzah!
Jester Meer: Clever enough to get yourself on the list of Champions. If killed, your rank will show as King.

ImageThe Dragon
Dod: For ages you've troubled this land, but you've never been able to break the spirit of it's people. It's The Keys that are the secret to their strength. If you could break the charms put on these people, their fears would over come them, and your reign of terror would go unchecked. Each night, you will place an order to KILL a single contestant.


The Keys
While The Keys to a Kingdom do indeed unlock untold numbers of chests, dungeons, and doors all over Trekongedommer; they are actually much, much more than that.

The Keys to a Kingdom are magically imbued with an epic charm spell that has kept the people of that kingdom loyal to their king for generations.

The focus of resources and intentions brought on by these loyalties is a power so great, that the focus of rival resources and intentions is critical to any rival Kingdom's survival.

The worst thing that could happen to any Kingdom is for the charm on
The Keys to be attuned to a fallen leader (unheld). The peoples of this leaderless Kingdom would be crippled by despair and any galvanized Kingdom would easily dominate it.
  • It is the goal of each Kingdom to have that condition set upon the other two Kingdoms by the end of this contest.
  • It is the goal of the Dragon to have that condition set upon ALL of the Kingdoms by the end of this contest.

At the start of the contest each Kingdom's
Keys are attuned to the King of that Kingdom.

Should that Contestant fall,
The Keys are considered unheld, and the Kingdom's people are without leadership. It is up to the remaining Contestants of that Kingdom here to either Re-attune their Kingdom's Keys to themselves or Resurrect the fallen King post haste!

The Keys can indeed be Re-attuned by any human. If the Champions of a given Kingdom find themselves unable or just unwilling, it is possible that some foreign Champion seizes the opportunity and attunes The Keys himself. This 'power grab' will indeed breathe life into what was perhaps a doomed Kingdom. The Dragon is immune to the magic of the Macht Stones, and cannot re-attune a key to himself.
  • It is through Re-attunement, and Re-attunement alone, where a Contestant's Winning Conditions will shift to that of the Kingdom's to which he now holds The Keys.
  • A Contestant who's Winning Conditions were changed in this manner, that then loses The Keys does not revert back to his original Winning Conditions.
  • Only through Re-attunement will anyone's Winning Conditions ever shift.

Macht Stones
Macht Stones are a relatively recent breakthrough in the mystic arts and their possession is absolutely forbidden. Each stone is worth a small fortune and takes decades to craft and enchant with its powers...

And the powers of the
Macht Stone are indeed great and simple to wield.

At the dead of night, a Contestant can crush their stone and make a single request.
  • Protect Contestant by name.
    • Protects a contestant against a nightly KILL attack by either the Dragon or a Macht Stone.
    • Protected contestant is not told of the Protection.
    • Protecting player is not informed if the Protection was used.
    • The Dragon could Protect a contestant, but cannot be nor has any need for Protection himself.
    • A contestant may not Protect the same player on consecutive nights
    • A contestant may Protect themselves
  • Kill Contestant by name.
    • The attack is anonymous.
    • The killed Contestant could later be resurrected (even that night).
    • The Dragon is immune to the magic of the Macht Stone and will not die.
    • While immune to the attacks himself, The Dragon can still use a Macht Stone to kill any other player.
  • Scan Contestant by name.
    Scans reveal:
    • title {rank & original Kingdom} (ex: "King Erde")
    • do they hold any Keys
    • The Dragon will not reveal any title when scanned, which will of course be quite revealing.
  • Ping Contestant by name.
    The Ping is:
    • One PM Message, sent to the Moderator, who then passes it on annonymously to the Target Contestant (dead or alive).
    • One PM Reply sent back to the Moderator, who then passes it back to the Contestant that started the Ping (only the living can reply or GET replies).
    • The Message is delivered first thing in the next day cycle, not at night.
    • The Reply must be composed and sent to the Moderator before the end of that day cycle.
    • The Target is not compelled to Reply, the Ping may be ignored if the Target wishes.
    • The Dragon may start a Ping, but will not ever be made aware of the reply.
    • The Dragon may be targeted by a Ping, but will not get the message nor be told of the Ping
  • Re-attune Keys by name. (See The Keys section for more details on Re-attunement)
    • A Re-attune request is only effective on a dead Contestant holding The Keys to a kingdom.
    • Ineffective Re-attunement requests are completely legal and consume the Macht Stone.
    • If more than one Contestant attempts to Re-attune the same Keys, there is an undisclosed attunement contest to determine the new leader.
      Attunement is awarded in the following manner:
      • native Contestants to that Key's kingdom have first run at the contest, attunement is awarded by rank.
      • foreign Contestants, by rank. (timestamps would be used to break a tie at this tier)
    • The "retrieval" of The Keys from the dead Contestant is all part of a successful re-attunement, as described above.
    • The Dragon would waste a Macht Stone by trying to re-attune keys to himself, as it will not work.
  • Resurrect Player by name
    • The resurrection is anonymous.
    • The Dragon, being immune to the magic of the Macht Stones may not be Resurrected

Macht Stone requests are all addressed/resolved in the above order. Therefore:
  • A Kill is never totally guaranteed.
  • The Key's mentioned in a Scan may not still be there
  • A Ping to a killed player will be sent, but the reply will not be allowed, unless the player is Resurrect that very same night.
  • A Ping to a dead player will be sent, but the reply will not be allowed, unless the player is Resurrect that very same night.
  • A Resurrect will always bring a human contestant back to life.

And, just to be clear:

Contestants are always kept aware of who their leader is, and when it changes.
The Keys to a Kingdom are Re-attuned. Nothing at all changes for the Contestants that have that Kingdom's Winning Conditions. The Goal is always to leave the other two Kingdoms' Keys unheld

In the end, it will be a question of which Kingdom won, and which Kingdom were you ultimately loyal to.

Extra Contestants: (have been added)
If there is enough interest, I can add 1 more player to each team. This "fourth Champion" would be a little different than the rest.

The Jester: You are just like any of the other contestants except when you die, you are revealed as a King. A Scan will reveal the truth.
Last edited by Unagi on Tue Jan 25, 2011 5:51 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Unagi »

Sign Up:

1. Qantaga
2. Lagom Lite
3. msteelers
4. tru1cy
5. Newcastle
6. Isgrimnur
7. stessier
8. Bakhtosh
9. Sectoid
10. Grundbegriff
11. LordMortis
12. Mr Bubbles
13. Brossi
14. Triggercut
15. Lassr
16. Chaosraven
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Unagi »

Macht Stone FAQ:

Q: Can a player use both of their Macht Stones in one night
A: Yes.

Q: What if I try to Kill Henry on a night where someone else says to Resurrect Henry?
A: Resurrection is the last magic ever invoked. Henry will be alive at daybreak.

Q: What if I try to Resurrect Henry and my buddy does too, are both our Macht Stone consumed?
A: Yes.

Q: Can a contestant from kingdom X, "Re-attune Keys" from kingdom Y
A: Yes, but if it is successful he will have, in effect, switched kingdoms and winning conditions.

Q: If on one night, Macht Stones were used to 1)Kill Henry(king), 2)Re-attune Keys from Henry, and 3)Resurrect Henry - what happens
A: Henry, a king, was Killed. Someone then Re-attuned the Keys, and finally Henry was Resurrected. Everyone from Henry's kingdom (Henry included, dead or alive) are privately told the name of who the keys are attuned to (the new "leader" of Henry's kingdom).

Q: If more than one contestant tries to Re-attune Keys, how are the keys attuned.
A: Priority goes first to the members of the key's kingdom and then by rank. (timestamp would be the tiebreaker if ever required)

Q: Can a Key-holding contestant try and Re-attune Keys from a dead Key-holding contestant.
A: A contestant may only be attuned to one set of keys at a time. If a current 'leader' Re-attunes Keys he suspects (correctly) are on some corpse, he will dispell his current attunement and leave those unattuned keys on the corpse he found his new Keys on. (I think this will be highly unlikely)

Q: Can the attuned keys be taken from a living contestant?
A: Nope, just a corpse.

Q: What if I try and Kill Henry on a night where Henry tries to kill me (or George)
A: As long as no one was resurrected, the day would break with both Henry dead and you dead (or George).

Q: Does Henry know who Resurrected him?
A: No

Q: If an Herr manages to Re-attune Keys, will he Scan or Die as "King"?
A: Contestants will always Scan and/or Die revealing their original and permanent 'rank'. (i.e. The "Herr" that retrieves The Keys is never actually ranked "King"). The only exception to this is with the "Jester" rank, should it be in play. Upon death, the Jester shows as "King".

Q: If a King is killed, stripped of his keys, and then later resurrected - what will a future Scan or Death reveal.
A: He will always show up as "King".

Q: Can I ping a player that is already dead?
A: Yes, he will get the message, but he will not be allowed to reply.

Q: Could I pretend to be someone else when I ping another player?
A: Yes, the recipient is just handed a message. The contents of the message would need to reveal the sender.

Q: So, just what can the Dragon do with his Macht Stones?
A: KILL, SCAN, "Deaf One-Way" PING, and also just hold them to keep the Macht Stone Respawn from happening (less likely, but possible: PROTECT (not self), RESSURECT (not self))
Last edited by Unagi on Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Unagi »

Macht Stone Menu

  • Protect Contestant by name.
    • Protects a contestant against a nightly KILL attack by either the Dragon or a Macht Stone.
    • Protected contestant is not told of the Protection.
    • Protecting player is not informed if the Protection was used.
    • The Dragon could Protect a contestant, but cannot be nor has any need for Protection himself.
    • A contestant may not Protect the same player on consecutive nights
    • A contestant may Protect themselves
  • Kill Contestant by name.
    • The attack is anonymous.
    • The killed Contestant could later be resurrected (even that night).
    • The Dragon is immune to the magic of the Macht Stone and will not die.
    • While immune to the attacks himself, The Dragon can still use a Macht Stone to kill any other player.
  • Scan Contestant by name.
    Scans reveal:
    • title {rank & original Kingdom} (ex: "King Erde")
    • do they hold any Keys
    • The Dragon will not reveal any title when scanned, which will of course be quite revealing.
  • Ping Contestant by name.
    The Ping is:
    • One PM Message, sent to the Moderator, who then passes it on annonymously to the Target Contestant (dead or alive).
    • One PM Reply sent back to the Moderator, who then passes it back to the Contestant that started the Ping (only the living can reply or GET replies).
    • The Message is delivered first thing in the next day cycle, not at night.
    • The Reply must be composed and sent to the Moderator before the end of that day cycle.
    • The Target is not compelled to Reply, the Ping may be ignored if the Target wishes.
    • The Dragon may start a Ping, but will not ever be made aware of the reply.
    • The Dragon may be targeted by a Ping, but will not get the message nor be told of the Ping
  • Re-attune Keys by name. (See The Keys section for more details on Re-attunement)
    • A Re-attune request is only effective on a dead Contestant holding The Keys to a kingdom.
    • Ineffective Re-attunement requests are completely legal and consume the Macht Stone.
    • If more than one Contestant attempts to Re-attune the same Keys, there is an undisclosed attunement contest to determine the new leader.
      Attunement is awarded in the following manner:
      • native Contestants to that Key's kingdom have first run at the contest, attunement is awarded by rank.
      • foreign Contestants, by rank. (timestamps would be used to break a tie at this tier)
    • The "retrieval" of The Keys from the dead Contestant is all part of a successful re-attunement, as described above.
    • The Dragon would waste a Macht Stone by trying to re-attune keys to himself, as it will not work.
  • Resurrect Player by name
    • The resurrection is anonymous.
    • The Dragon, being immune to the magic of the Macht Stones may not be Resurrected

Macht Stone requests are all addressed/resolved in the above order. Therefore:
  • A Kill is never totally guaranteed.
  • The Key's mentioned in a Scan may not still be there
  • A Ping to a killed player will be sent, but the reply will not be allowed, unless the player is Resurrect that very same night.
  • A Ping to a dead player will be sent, but the reply will not be allowed, unless the player is Resurrect that very same night.
  • A Resurrect will always bring a human contestant back to life.
Last edited by Unagi on Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Qantaga »

I am most definitely INterested.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Lagom Lite »

I'll try this. In.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by msteelers »

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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by tru1cy »


Don't know why...guess game withdrawal
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Newcastle »

sure i'll play Unagi.

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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Scoop20906 »

I want to play but I have to take a break. Unagi, if you are having trouble filling up then I will join but please don't hold a spot for me.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Lagom Lite »

I'd like to point something out, Unagi - I haven't put much thought into it so I'm sure you've taken the implications into consideration, but I figure I'll mention it:

* Why include a "pass" vote?

It looks like it might render the game into a mexican standoff, since there is no mandatory night kill. The first to accuse someone during the Day will become pariah, since Kings will most likely be the ones doing the Macht Stone Scanning (his subjects knows his identity so they can dogpile the vote).

If day lynches are instead mandatory (no pass vote) the banter may become more interesting (e.g. "did so-and-so vote for Lagom because he scanned Lagom, or did he vote for Lagom because we always do that and it's lulz" rather than "He voted for Lagom instead of passing! He must be a King, but he's not my King. Better kill him.").
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Isgrimnur »

It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Unagi »

Lagom Lite wrote:I'd like to point something out, Unagi - I haven't put much thought into it so I'm sure you've taken the implications into consideration, but I figure I'll mention it:

* Why include a "pass" vote?
I'd love to talk it through and get a feel for if it's good or not.
Why I did it: First, this game is a bit of an experiment (and I sincerly am thankful to any of you that are willing to run through it), to try and see how a game may play where everyone is as powered as the next guy, three teams - equal goal. Occasionally, 'Specials' tend to have a night activity they are truly most interested in invoking. It struck me that with everyone as specials, there could be a state where a majority would actually rather there wasn't a vote and that the nightly tasks are the next strategic manuever. I wanted to give the players that control.
Additionally, I've debated as to starting the game in the Night or Day phase - and giving the players a "Pass" vote option, this in effects gives that choice to the players.
If it's at all detrimental to the game, I would love to hammer that out now. I just thought that it would be an interesting 'choice' that a player may want to happen, and again - I was trying to keep that level of the game under the players control.
Lagom Lite wrote:It looks like it might render the game into a mexican standoff, since there is no mandatory night kill. The first to accuse someone during the Day will become pariah, since Kings will most likely be the ones doing the Macht Stone Scanning (his subjects knows his identity so they can dogpile the vote).
Hmm. You are saying that everyone will pass so as to give their king a chance to scan. OK - but then everyone is still in the same boat. And then you don't think any voting will happen? No one kingdom starts the game with a majority - so the dog pile may not ever pile.

I'm not following this (but want to, so please expand on your point):
Lagom Lite wrote:If day lynches are instead mandatory (no pass vote) the banter may become more interesting (e.g. "did so-and-so vote for Lagom because he scanned Lagom, or did he vote for Lagom because we always do that and it's lulz" rather than "He voted for Lagom instead of passing! He must be a King, but he's not my King. Better kill him.").
Seems like a vote to PASS would just be another bit of data - it implies the guy has a Macht stone left... and wants to use it.

Now, however - I do sorta like the idea of forcing the Lynch. The problem there was it seemed to me that there was a chance that the only people with a Lynch train listed were Kings, and the majority may have trouble forming. I felt that I either needed to say that there would be a Deadline on Day Votes, or that there was an option to just Pass (where people could just kill anonymously)

If there is more and growing opinion that the lynch shouldn't be optional, I will take out the PASS option.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Lagom Lite »

I'm tired from work atm, so I'll expound when my head is clear. But one thing a forced lynch does is guarantee a momentum. Without it, the game may turn into a pass-kill-pass-pass-resurrect-kill-resurrect story. With guaranteed kills at least once every cycle, the game keeps moving forward. Anyone might get resurrected by Macht Stones, but it would be costly since that person would likely get re-lynched the following day.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Lagom Lite »

Another thing I thought of, drawing from our experience of my "Masque of the Red Death" game, is the lack of a common goal. Players need something to talk about during the day. Maybe you should include one role ("The Dragon") who kills someone each night without having to use a Macht Stone and who wins if all keys become untuned. No Kingdom may win until the Dragon is dead.

That way, you could keep the "pass" vote since you'd get the momentum through the Dragon, though I think I'd still force a lynch.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Unagi »

Lagom Lite wrote:Another thing I thought of, drawing from our experience of my "Masque of the Red Death" game, is the lack of a common goal. Players need something to talk about during the day. Maybe you should include one role ("The Dragon") who kills someone each night without having to use a Macht Stone and who wins if all keys become untuned. No Kingdom may win until the Dragon is dead.

That way, you could keep the "pass" vote since you'd get the momentum through the Dragon, though I think I'd still force a lynch.
Really Interesting idea. The key to this to me is (was) the 3 equal teams with 3 identical (but opposing) goals.

But, damn, I love me some dragons. And I do like the way that adds a truly common enemy and a bit of a 'boogy man' that people can even pretend to be shooting for.

Let me think about that. I'm torn as to whether that dilutes what I was trying to see happen here, or if it actually puts salt on it.

I'm warming to it.
Last edited by Unagi on Tue Dec 14, 2010 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Unagi »

What do you think... The Dragon would have No Rank, and upon Death and/or Scan he would simply show "Dragon"...

I imagine no one would ever resurrect the dragon. :twisted:
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Lagom Lite »

Unagi wrote:What do you think... The Dragon would have No Rank, and upon Death and/or Scan he would simply show "Dragon"...
Looks good... Should the Dragon have Macht Stones in addition to his Kill ability? I'm leaning yes, since he's all alone on his team.
Unagi wrote:I imagine no one would ever resurrect the dragon. :twisted:
I totally would, just to screw with everyone! :twisted:

Actually, that's a really interesting tactical decision a losing team faces. Think about it.

...maybe Macht Stones shouldn't ever respawn... or this could turn into a forever-game with the resurrects...
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Unagi »

Lagom Lite wrote:
Unagi wrote:What do you think... The Dragon would have No Rank, and upon Death and/or Scan he would simply show "Dragon"...
Looks good... Should the Dragon have Macht Stones in addition to his Kill ability? I'm leaning yes, since he's all alone on his team.
I don't know. This gives him the ability to Re-attune keys, and kill > 1 player/night. Seems like a slipperly slope?
What if he was automatically resurected once? (Pheonix?)
I could even see giving him a Kill and a Scan (uses both, each night (scan results in the morning))
Lagom Lite wrote:
Unagi wrote:I imagine no one would ever resurrect the dragon. :twisted:
I totally would, just to screw with everyone! :twisted:
Actually, that's a really interesting tactical decision a losing team faces. Think about it.
I know, that's why I said that. -> :twisted:
Lagom Lite wrote:...maybe Macht Stones shouldn't ever respawn... or this could turn into a forever-game with the resurrects...
I've been back and forth on this point too. I added the 'respawn' of the stones thinking that if everyone had no stones, that the game may become deadlocked. But the Dragon helps with that, so maybe I should put them back to the 2 limit.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Lagom Lite »

...I've just guaranteed my karma a spot as lone baddie, haven't I? :(

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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Lagom Lite »

Unagi wrote:
Lagom Lite wrote:
Unagi wrote:What do you think... The Dragon would have No Rank, and upon Death and/or Scan he would simply show "Dragon"...
Looks good... Should the Dragon have Macht Stones in addition to his Kill ability? I'm leaning yes, since he's all alone on his team.
I don't know. This gives him the ability to Re-attune keys, and kill > 1 player/night. Seems like a slipperly slope?
What if he was automatically resurected once? (Pheonix?)
I could even see giving him a Kill and a Scan (uses both, each night (scan results in the morning))
Yes, you're probably right... I haven't delved deep enough into this setting, I'm just relaying some warning flags that gone popped into my brain as I read the rulez.

I think keeping the Dragon simple may be a good thing.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Unagi »

I think I may make the dragon only lynchable, can't be killed my macht stones.
May give him a macht stone.
May give the macht stone a Protect power.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Unagi »

OK, I've made some substantial updates to the rules that I think will make things even more fun.

Summary of the changes:
  • No PASS option on day votes.
  • A Dragon, Dod, has infiltrated the contest, he kills by night - naturally.
  • The Dragon is immune from the powers of the Macht Stones but may still use them (where his immunity doesn't get in the way)
  • Macht Stones are given to all players (Dragon included)
  • 1 Macht Stone (per living player) will respawn (once per game), only if every living player is empty (Dragon included)
  • Kingdom's winning conditions are unchanged (two Kingdom's Keys are unheld).
  • Dragon wins if ALL keys are unheld.
  • PROTECT power added to the Macht Stones
I'm welcome to any comments / questions /sign-ups :wink: :)
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Remus West »

I'm going to be out of town from the 19th through the 28th or I'd sign up. Hell, if I knew for sure I'd have regular access/time to be on I'd sign up. If it hasn't started by the time I get home I'll probably sign up.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Scoop20906 »

Unagi, you always do such a nice job with your rulez. They just look good. I wonder if you could help me with the TRON rulez set I have coming up after your game. PM me if you are interested.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by stessier »

Scoop20906 wrote:Unagi, you always do such a nice job with your rulez. They just look good. I wonder if you could help me with the TRON rulez set I have coming up after your game. PM me if you are interested.
Just don't put in him charge of the naming conventions!!!!

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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Lagom Lite »

Unagi wrote:OK, I've made some substantial updates to the rules that I think will make things even more fun.

Summary of the changes:
  • No PASS option on day votes.
  • A Dragon, Dod, has infiltrated the contest, he kills by night - naturally.
  • The Dragon is immune from the powers of the Macht Stones but may still use them (where his immunity doesn't get in the way)
  • Macht Stones are given to all players (Dragon included)
  • 1 Macht Stone (per living player) will respawn (once per game), only if every living player is empty (Dragon included)
  • Kingdom's winning conditions are unchanged (two Kingdom's Keys are unheld).
  • Dragon wins if ALL keys are unheld.
  • PROTECT power added to the Macht Stones
I'm welcome to any comments / questions /sign-ups :wink: :)
Should the Kingdom Victory condition require the Dragon to be dead? Otherwise, the Dragon needs to kill two Kings simultaneously to win.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Unagi »

Lagom Lite wrote:Should the Kingdom Victory condition require the Dragon to be dead? Otherwise, the Dragon needs to kill two Kings simultaneously to win.
I thought about that quite a bit this morning as I was re-writing things.

I tipped toward - 'not needed'

Reasons I don't think the Dragon needs to be dead:
1) Any kingdom is just trying to get rid of the other 2 kingdoms, the dragon is kept in check as long as the people have eachother's backs.
2) The death of the Dragon is still enormously important to all humans... So I don't think they would likely ignore him... In fact, since he can only be lynched - I think people will likely at least 'pretend to be hunting the dragon', while they think the are attacking an enemy King....

Your "Otherwise" isn't entire true. The other kingdoms are also trying to kill Keyholders. The Dragon only needs to kill a Keyholder on a night when a human has also killed a Keyholder.

It is true that the Dragon has one condition he needs to avoid, and I think the condition seems right:
No One Kingdom can control the lands.

But here was where I really came from:
If we say that the Dragon NEEDS to be dead:
When we get down to 2 kingdoms being in an 'unheld' state - and just the 1 Kingdom seems poised to win, as long as they can kill the Dragon - I don't want there to be a body of disenchanted KingdomB and KinddomC players not really seeing the point to help KingdomA lynch off the Dragon.

See where I saw the problem? What do ya think?
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Unagi »

Scoop20906 wrote:Unagi, you always do such a nice job with your rulez. They just look good. I wonder if you could help me with the TRON rulez set I have coming up after your game. PM me if you are interested.
Thanks, Scoop. Kind of you. I sent ya a PM.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Unagi »

Remus West wrote:I'm going to be out of town from the 19th through the 28th or I'd sign up.
Remus West wrote:If it hasn't started by the time I get home I'll probably sign up.
What are the chances?! 8-)
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Unagi »

Obviously with the holidays right around the corner, I am sure a number of players feel they may not be as available over the next 2/3 weeks to play.

I'm also sensitive to the fact that some people may just not want to join this particular game for a number of reasons.

How should I handle this. If the game (or mod) isn't popular, I'll shelve it , back off, and let the next one start. But if there is just a lag in play from the holiday's - I feel like people should just sign up and we'll move as fast as we move until everyone is back in full motion?

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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Remus West »

Unagi wrote:some people may just not want to join this particular game for a number of reasons.
*cough*the Mod*cough*

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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Unagi »

No need to cough. I said it out loud.

Anyhow - for those of you troubled by shifting rule-sets: The Rules are now as they will be. No more shifting.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by stessier »

Zyfrengundjark deems this game worthy.

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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by stessier »

I believe that, in theory, almost everyone can win. The only people who have to lose for one kingdom to win are the Dragon and the other 3 Kings. By re-attuning the keys, everyone from the other kingdoms can join the Super Kingdom, then kill their Kings.

Just throwing that out there before I have a team and everyone thinks I am trying to pull a fast one. :)
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Unagi »

stessier wrote:I believe that, in theory, almost everyone can win. The only people who have to lose for one kingdom to win are the Dragon and the other 3 Kings. By re-attuning the keys, everyone from the other kingdoms can join the Super Kingdom, then kill their Kings.
You are welcome to make a go of it. :D
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Bakhtosh »

I'll play.
I haven't read the rules yet, but I will.
Please PM me when we're ready to start.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by Isgrimnur »

I'm going to be without regular access from 12/18 - 12/27.
It's almost as if people are the problem.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by stessier »

  1. When the Keys are re-attuned, is the new holder considered the King (although I know his old rank will be revealed upon death)?
  2. Will the Keys champions learn who the new holder is?
  3. If the King (Mnludark) dies and someone from another kingdom (Zphlegm) attunes to the Key, then Zphlegm dies and Trjulgz attunes to the Key, then Zphlegm and Mnludark are resurrected, what will Zphlegm and Mnludark know about the Key Holder (if anything)?
Last edited by stessier on Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [WW] The Rule of Thirds ~ sign up

Post by stessier »

Isgrimnur wrote:I'm going to be without regular access from 12/18 - 12/27.
I'd say that might actually make you live longer, but it appears Bakhtosh is in the game. :twisted:
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