Amnesia... Holy crap

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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by Kyosho »

GreenGoo wrote:To add to that, I seem to be trapped in a flooded room, surrounded by flooded corridors, and for reasons many of you will already know, am afraid to step off my box into the water.
Kyosho wrote:But yeah, there was at least one occasion so far where I had to literally bite my fist to keep from screaming out, and I'm just watching.
Have fun with that section. :D
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by Octavious »

I really need to get back to this game. I have the largest backlog of awesome games that I've ever had in my entire life.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

Kyosho wrote:
GreenGoo wrote:To add to that, I seem to be trapped in a flooded room, surrounded by flooded corridors, and for reasons many of you will already know, am afraid to step off my box into the water.
Kyosho wrote:But yeah, there was at least one occasion so far where I had to literally bite my fist to keep from screaming out, and I'm just watching.
Have fun with that section. :D
I plan on it. :shock:
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

Ok, taking a fucking break.

Head pounding for real. Neck stiff and sore.

If I get stuck on one more fucking box with an invisible but hungry something bearing down on me, I'm going to freak out.

That may be the most intense gaming experience I've ever had. All the Doom 3 monster closets in the world can't match that, and I COULDN'T EVEN SEE the bad guy. Just hear him. And I don't wanna hear him any more.

I blurted out MOTHER FUCK! several times as I raced between boxes and missed my first jump onto the next one, only to scramble onto it on the 2nd try, or god help me, the third.

This game is really something special. Especially if you take the time to play it "right".

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to purge the adrenaline from my body and lie down for a little while.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

Head is pounding. And I never get headaches.

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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by YellowKing »

I played for 5 minutes the other night and had to quit. I was getting nauseous from that weird fish-eye lens effect they have going on. Ugh. I don't usually get motion sick while gaming but that was messing me up.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by Defiant »

So I played this a little, just to see what everyone was raving over. I was fairly impressed from what I saw. I have a question, though. The intro says not to worry about things like saving, etc, to just play it for the atmosphere. Which would be a great way to play a game, but how realistic is it? Can you ever get into no-win situations? (I dont just mean deaths, which would be kind of annoying, at least if there werent saves right before) but rather that you are alive but theres no way to win the game. I notice that you're supposed to collect tinderboxes, and that some locations will be locked out from you once you move past them, so it certainly seems possible you could end up not collecting enough items. :?
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

Yes, they definitely disorientate you purposely, although nausea didn't really kick in for me. I have been known, especially if I haven't played one for a long time, to get slight motion sickness from FPS, but in this case I've luckily not experienced anything like that.

I really want my wife to take a look at the game, but she used to get sick watching me play WoW, so I doubt she could take this game for more than 10 seconds.

Sorry to hear about your troubles Yellowknife. This is a game I'm recommending to everyone just to experience it, at least a little. It may not be for everyone, but from a game design standpoint, it really stands out as completely different from anything I've ever seen (although I'm no expert). Doom 3, Undying and Silent Hill 2 have nothing on this. It really captures the "I'm scared out of my mind and can't fight back so I need to RUN or better yet, hide" feeling.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by YellowKing »

It's not a deal breaker, I don't think. It looked like the effect was part of the insanity symptoms they put in whenever you are in the dark for to long. I definitely plan on persevering through it.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

I have no idea defiant. Here is my limited experience.

First, they've done a pretty good job of keeping you low, but not out of oil or tinderboxes. I'm constantly exploring but being mindful of my inventory. It's a balance, for sure.

I once ran out of oil, and yes, it was a pain. I was running through darkened corridors, slowly losing my mind (in game). Shortly after, I found a barrel full of oil, which fills your lamp to full. It is always enough to fill it up, and then the barrel is empty, so I recommend using up the oil in the lamp prior to filling it so that you get the max use out of the oil available.

I was loathe to use my tinderboxes as I'm a hoarder, but I realized I needed to balance oil vs tinderboxes, so occasionally I would light a torch to conserve oil. When I ran out of oil, I started using tinder more liberally. Obviously the game is balanced to use both.

I have always exited without saving when I die. However I have seen the game mechanic for death, and what happens is
that you get a hint, usually to help you avoid the type of death you just experienced, and then you just "rez" or "wake up" near where you died, and keep going
As for getting "stuck", I guess it might be possible to run out of oil or something, and then go completely insane. I don't know. Or perhaps it's possible to screw up a puzzle and be doomed. But I don't think it's likely. The game is fairly linear (although not completely on rails, in that you can move around rooms at will. Perhaps it's just an illusion and good game design) and it is clear they spent a ton of time with balance, timing and design.

I'll let those that have finished answer for real. The above has just been my experience so far.

[Edit: Messed up the spoiler tags, sorry]
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

YellowKing wrote:It's not a deal breaker, I don't think. It looked like the effect was part of the insanity symptoms they put in whenever you are in the dark for to long. I definitely plan on persevering through it.
It is, but you are constantly going insane, so the game is often seen through the wavy, melty, blurry lens.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by hepcat »

GreenGoo wrote:
Sorry to hear about your troubles Yellowknife.
If that's a freudian slip, i don't think I want to know what prompted it. :P
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

hepcat wrote:
GreenGoo wrote:
Sorry to hear about your troubles Yellowknife.
If that's a freudian slip, i don't think I want to know what prompted it. :P
I had to think about this one.

I'm pretty sure it comes from some sort of mental block/confusion that I have between Yellowking and Butterknife that goes back years and years.

There are a couple of others here I regularly confuse for whatever reason.

So, yeah, Freud was involved, but not in any interesting way.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by YellowKing »

LOL. I actually didn't think anything about it because in my Call of Duty clan people sometimes call me that due to my love of knifing them in the face.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by Smoove_B »

GreenGoo wrote: This game is really something special. Especially if you take the time to play it "right".
Now that the game is getting a lot of attention, I'm seeing people elsewhere claim that Penumbra (same developer) is actually better. There's no way I'm going to play either of these games, but I do enjoy reading about the experiences other people are having. :)
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by Lordnine »

Defiant wrote:Can you ever get into no-win situations? (I dont just mean deaths, which would be kind of annoying, at least if there werent saves right before) but rather that you are alive but theres no way to win the game.
You will never become completely stuck. The worst case scenario is your characters brain turns to mush and you fall down a lot as you blindly walk around in the dark. :D

Realistically there are only about 4 areas in the game where you NEED some source of light. The rest are usually lit enough that you can get around and only take minimal sanity damage. Of course if you start falling down while being chased by Mister Happy your chances aren't good but there are usually ways to avoid him.

Play semi-conservatively and you will be fine.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by ChrisGrenard »

One thing about the game is you make your own scares. If you start just running through the levels going, "Well, if I die it just puts me back at a spawn point anyway" then you've killed the tension for yourself. I greatly enjoyed playing while actually putting effort into avoiding death and insanity. It helped make it all the more fun.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

I actually put that in spoilers Chris, because it can ruin the game as much as anything. Imo anyway.

But you're right. When I ran out of oil I had no choice but to simply run around looking for more oil. At that point it really didn't matter to me what happened, since I felt like I was screwed anyway. Once I found more oil, it was back to creeping along.

The game definitely changes if you ever start thinking "it's just a game, if I die it's no big deal". You don't want that. All the magic would vanish in a puff of smoke and then you'd be left with something ordinary and mundane. Ugh.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

Had a good session last night. Played longer than normal and made some progress. What a difference a well lit area with peaceful music makes. All the tension starts to ease and you start to relax.

At the end my neck was sore. Apparently I'm on edge and tense throughout the whole thing, which is kind of cool to have a game have that kind of effect.

I ran out of oil again so I had to creep my way along in the dark, which is intense, especially if you disturb something that shouldn't be disturbed.

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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by TiLT »

GreenGoo wrote:Had a good session last night. Played longer than normal and made some progress. What a difference a well lit area with peaceful music makes. All the tension starts to ease and you start to relax.
You do realize that's just going to make the next scary part even scarier, right? ;)

Horror is always more effective when there are breaks from the tension, usually in the form of light comedy (like a quip from a main character). For all its excellent parts, this is Dead Space's biggest fault. It has no relief between the tense moments, which dulls your senses and makes everything less scary. I'd often notice that I was plowing through that game without giving much thought to the scary parts. Then I'd save and shut the game down, only to discover that all the tension came back the next day when I booted it up again.

Amnesia has few if any parts where you feel truly safe, but there are clear differences in tension that keeps your senses from being totally dulled by it.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

Dead Space's biggest fault is not allowing the numpad keys to be remapped, preventing me from playing it. :wink:

I had my fingers crossed the designers wouldn't use the relaxing music and well lit area to hide a "monster closet", getting you when your guard was down, and to my relief they didn't. Because it would have been a cheap scare, and basically prevented me from ever letting my guard down again, no matter how many rainbows and girl guides were around.

As it turns out, you leave the "sanctuary", have a little run in with a "thing" and when you return to the "sanctuary" it's quite clear that there is no longer any sanctuary to be had.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

Just took the ascending room and things have really gotten interesting. My character was so scared I couldn't see straight. Everything was swimming, in and out of focus and shaking. I was moving less precisely as well, and slower to turn. Was a bit much for the stomach, but yet again, great design.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by The Bad Shepherd »

GreenGoo wrote:Just took the ascending room and things have really gotten interesting. My character was so scared I couldn't see straight. Everything was swimming, in and out of focus and shaking. I was moving less precisely as well, and slower to turn. Was a bit much for the stomach, but yet again, great design.
Welcome to the Prison, by far the scariest part of the game.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by hepcat »

argh...i need to get back to this. you guys are drivin' into a frenzy. :D
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

I've been meaning to mention for awhile just how fantastic a design decision it is to make you go insane (well, moreso) if you look directly at "bad things".

a) It means you're not staring at the model wrapped in textures, becoming overly familiar with the specifics of it (which tends to reduce the mystery, turning it into the ordinary). Any weaknesses in art/graphics are minimized as the player specifically tries to avoid looking at the in game assets.

b) The game gives great feedback when you look at "bad things". You start to whimper and gibber, your breathing starts to speed up, the music and sound effects get particularly horror movie-ish and disturbing, your vision starts to swim.

It has a great in game design effect that adds to the scare factor, and a nice side effect of keeping the "bad things" always on the edge of your vision, never quite in focus and therefore "unknown".

Fear of what might be there, if done correctly, is far more effective than fear of what you know is there because you can see it.

Anticipatory fear combined with the rare moment of immediate fear for your life works really well in this game.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by Giles Habibula »

GreenGoo wrote: It has a great in game design effect that adds to the scare factor, and a nice side effect of keeping the "bad things" always on the edge of your vision, never quite in focus and therefore "unknown".

Fear of what might be there, if done correctly, is far more effective than fear of what you know is there because you can see it.
It's been years since I've had a nightmare, but I used to have them on a regular basis, sometimes nightly. There was always an evil 'presence', however I never knew exactly what it was, because I never saw it. I think this game draws on that nightmarish feeling very effectively. It's obvious to me that the guys who made this have had first-hand experience with nightmares, and have managed to translate that into a game.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by DD* »

I took a look at grabbing this based on this thread, but the game is back up to $20 or more on Steam. Might have to watch for a sale....
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

The game is chock full of psychology. And not the kind of psychology that IT guys all think they understand and pretend is easy as they chat around the water cooler. "Hey, you know what would be cool? If we had a door, and when you opened the door, a monster jumped out at you!" "Awesome idea Ted!". I've seen many games hamfistedly attempt to put in some sort of psychological scare. It almost always comes across as cheesy, like a 5 year old describing a scary story.

This game is as close to an adult (leaving aside the story and themes) horror game as I've ever experienced. In fact I find it difficult to imagine a 12 year old having the patience and interest to play a game where there is almost no action, and what there is, will kill you moments after you've voided your bowels. Attempting to "fight back" only gets you killed that much faster.

At least so far as I've played the game.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

Some more comments.

Lighting. Great use of lighting. Although I do find it a bit annoying when I leave the pool of light thrown off by a torch, that everything becomes extremely dark. The circle of light is like a little sanctuary in a sea of dark. It all works very well, except sometimes I feel like the terminator is a bit extreme.

I also like that when you leave a lit area, everything is pitch black for a moment or two, before your eyes adjust and you can start making stuff out. Walls, chairs, stairs, things like that resolve slowly, but still dark. Before your eyes adjust though, you can't see a thing. Cool effect.

I got myself trapped in the kitchen with no where to run. it's a longish corridor with no branches followed by a short stair up into the kitchen with no other doors in it, and, oops, I was spotted. I rushed back into the kitchen (it's well lit with cooking fires, candles and lamps), closed the door and ducked behind a waist high dividing wall. I piled some boxes around me a prayed. The thing bashed away at the door until he got through, then lurched into the room.

The best part? I couldn't see it, but it was backlit by the cooking fire, casting a shadow on the wall across from me. I could see its shadow moving around and hear it groaning and growling, and the only thing separating me from it was line of sight. Awesome. It's not very smart and doesn't seem to have a sense of smell, so eventually it wandered off. Phew.

I've sung the praises of the game for awhile now, but that doesn't mean it is perfect or that I think it is. Some things are annoying (although minorly so) and some things have me scratching my head a little. Still, suspension of disbelief is imperative for the game to work, so it hasn't been much of a problem.

Some examples:

Lots of pathways are blocked by rubble. This makes sense when you're underground and works fine. It makes less sense when you're on the 3rd floor walking between the study and the guest room. It shouldn't look like a mine collapsed even if it's an old medieval aged castle. Imo anyway.

Mr. Scary caught me off guard and at fairly close quarters (it is common for the contact to be farther away). I ran into a cell, tried to close the door, failed, tried again, succeeded, and then scrambled around for a hiding place. It was a cell. Not a whole lot of places to hide. And it was lit by a candle (to the best of my knowledge they can't be put out. Plus, light is a resource to be conserved and not wasted). So I'm in a small 10 x 10 cell, lit, pretty much nothing to hide behind and Mr. Scary saw the door close, so he's bashing away at it. I'm done for, right?

Well there was a small ridge of stone running vertically that jutted out from the wall between the corner I tried to hide in and the door. A tiny little line that broke up the smooth surface of the wall. And I tried to hide behind it. And it worked. Ugh. All Mr. Scary had to do was enter the room, and there is no way he would have missed me. I really deserved to die there, but I didn't. That disappointed me a bit.

It was like Austin Powers freezing and trying to look like a statue in a well lit, tiny and sparce room. And having it work. :?

Despite these minor quibbles, the game continues to be great fun.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

When I was a kid, I convinced my Grandmother to take me to see Jaws in the theater. It scared the crap out of me, and I had to sleep with the light on (not a night light, a real light) for weeks, possibly months afterward. And of course I was scared out of my mind around water. Even today I get a small shiver up my spine when going swimming in a lake or an ocean. But if I can see the bottom, then I'm fine. Shallow water holds no terrors, right? Not so says Amnesia.

So I enter the next part of the game and it's a cistern. Jaws made me uneasy around deep water. My earlier experiences in Amnesia have made me look at shallow water in a whole new light. I open the door, walk through and find myself standing in water up to my knees. I look across the cistern room, maybe 100 yards or so, all submerged in a couple of feet of water.

I took a deep breath and the word "Shit" quietly leaked out of me.

...I logged off for the night.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by Kraken »

This thread intrigues me. I think I'd like to get the game the next time it goes on sale. But I'm not clear on the actual gameplay: Is it an action/reflex game like a FPS or a puzzle/jumping adventure-type game? Also, is it mainly keyboard or mouse controlled?

I'm really bad at speed/reflexes, and I don't have much patience for hard puzzles. If I can't solve one in a few minutes I look for a cheat or walkthrough. The atmosphere and storyline sound very good, though.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

Very little action except for running and hiding occasionally. Puzzles yes, but nothing even remotely approaching hard. At least so far.

Basically it's a story with atmosphere and some minor puzzles thrown in.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by Lagom Lite »

I just got this, it's on sale on Steam and HOLY CRAP IT'S SCARING THE PANTS OFF ME. I can't even continue past the first watery area because
I just don't have the reflexes and mental stamina to be jumping in and out of the water, moving boxes and flinging bits of corpses into the water at the far end of the room to distract the FUCKING INVISIBLE CROCODILE OR WHATEVER IT IS THAT IS CHASING ME AROUND, without my hand starting to (actually) shake and freeze up.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

Lagom Lite wrote:I just got this, it's on sale on Steam and HOLY CRAP IT'S SCARING THE PANTS OFF ME. I can't even continue past the first watery area because
I just don't have the reflexes and mental stamina to be jumping in and out of the water, moving boxes and flinging bits of corpses into the water at the far end of the room to distract the FUCKING INVISIBLE CROCODILE OR WHATEVER IT IS THAT IS CHASING ME AROUND, without my hand starting to (actually) shake and freeze up.
Haha! Yeah, that was a great time! When I failed to navigate successfully and the splashing behind me stopped just as that thing took a bite out of me and threw me around a little, I would actually jerk/twitch in my seat. My neck got sore from being tight the whole time. My nerves were definitely on edge. It was truly awesome.
just before it gets crazy scary, and you're standing on the box and can see footsteps splashing in the water as they slowly walk right up to you and then stop less than a foot in front of you, waiting for you to get off the box back into the water, that is just a FANTASTIC bit of atmosphere. It seems like if you could just put out your hand you could feel the "thing" because it's so close. You're safe. But you don't feel safe. You feel like you're going to die. And soon.
For the record I stopped playing for awhile because the magic was starting to wear off a little. And I eventually hit what was clearly a scripted event and that broke the spell. I'm taking a break until I feel I can go back in again with the right mindset. Because without that player attitude the game loses what makes it special.

I've been eye'ing the shortcut on my desktop, so it must almost be time for me to return.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by Archinerd »

Just finished it tonight. I played it every few days for about 30-45 min. at a time before taking a break and doing something else. It's well suited to that style of play too I think, because each section takes about that long to play through. The first time anyway. Now that I know what to expect I could probably blaze through the whole thing in an hour or three.

Overall I thought it was lots of fun and well worth whatever it was I paid for it.
The Agrippa ending was a little too short though I thought. I would have liked just a little more story there so it wasn't quite so ambiguous.
Scariest part:
The chase through the watery tunnels with the invisible water monster right behind you. The moment where you have to crank the gate open and slip through before it reaches you is insane and very well done.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by Dramatist »

I need game mechanic help
I'm near the beginning. I've have made the acid to burn the fleshy stuff but I don't know where/how to use it. I can take it out of inventory and hold it over the stuff and the acid flashes. But left clicking or right clicking I get a you can't use that this way message.
I'm very stuck, please help me.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

It's used on the entrance to the basement. Gah, for some reason I can't exactly remember the details. There is a door at the bottom of a short staircase. I *think* after you get the door/lock open the entrance gets swarmed with organic stuff. It's this webbish stringy stuff blocking your way that needs the acid before you can continue
Someone with a better memory should be able to help you.

If you are really stuck, you can check out youtube. Chances are good there is a walkthru.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by Archinerd »

Dramatist wrote:I need game mechanic help
I'm near the beginning. I've have made the acid to burn the fleshy stuff but I don't know where/how to use it. I can take it out of inventory and hold it over the stuff and the acid flashes. But left clicking or right clicking I get a you can't use that this way message.
I'm very stuck, please help me.

You are attempting to use your inventory items correctly, but it will give you some sort of message letting you know you can't use it if you try and use it in the wrong place or way.

It's a minor spoiler, but the location to use it is...
the passage behind the door at the bottom of the stairs. There are red flower petals or drips of red liquid leading down those stairs if I remember correctly.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by LawBeefaroni »

Was reading about Glados hacks for Portal 2 and saw that there's a free DLC called Justine that was just released for Amnesia. wrote:Completely out of the blue — a brand new expansion-come-DLC pack has surfaced on Steam for the masterfully chilling Amnesia: The Dark Descent. The DLC pack, currently being lovingly referred to by the community as the “Justine” DLC pack, includes an entirely new campaign whereby you will take on the role of a brand spanking new female character called, you guessed it, Justine. There’s already been a fair amount of excitement — and confusion — building up in the Steam forum, with horror-loving fans salivating over just what it is exactly that the new DLC pack has brought to the terrifying world of Amnesia.
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Re: Amnesia... Holy crap

Post by GreenGoo »

Yeah, I saw something download the other day and thought it was a patch. Later I saw a news blurb about 20% more Amnesia but still haven't looked any further into it.
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