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Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

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Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Blackhawk »

It's time again! Tell us what you've played, what you've abandoned, and what you think of it!

Here are the previous Games Finished threads, edited for the first post:

2018 20172016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Blackhawk »

Time for another go. I had a long gaming break last year, but finished off strong. Let's see how 2019 goes!

Finished (PC unless specified):
  • Far Cry 5
  • Prey
  • The Division (all non-DZ content at 100%, coop with friends)
  • Total War: Warhammer (Wood Elf campaign)
  • Total War: Warhammer 2 (Lizardmen campaign)
  • Submerged
  • Strange Brigade
  • Shadow Warrior 2
  • Borderlands
  • Borderlands 2
  • Firewatch
  • Slime Rancher
  • Metro 2033 Redux
  • Far Cry: New Dawn
  • Jurassic World: Evolution
  • World of Warcraft (I put in enough time to see most of the current content, and even though it isn't 'finished', I'm at the point of burnout.)
  • Call of Duty: WW2 (single player campaign only)
  • Borderlands 3 (twice through so far, once as Moze in 4-player coop, once as Fl4k solo)
  • Halo: Reach (the new release)
Side Games (multiplayer, coop only etc):
  • Overwatch
  • GTA Online
  • Rainbow Six: Siege
  • Borderlands 3
1/29 - Far Cry 5. I had fun with this. It was Far Cry, for all that means. There were things I loved, there were things I didn't. Yeah, the story had issues, but it's Far Cry. The story is just an excuse. The gameplay was a blast, save for certain forced events. The ending was... well, it has some possibilities. You're left wondering what happened, and what happens next. We know now that they set up a sequel. As with most Far Cry games, I got tired of its formula just as I was approaching the end, which is a good thing. Criticisms of the story aside, I really did have a blast. Montana was a great setting, familiar enough to feel fresh, as 'our everyday world' is a setting we don't often see in games. Worth the price of admission.

3/17 - Just finished Prey. I really liked this one. If you haven't played it, it's essentially System Shock 3, and is a better 'spiritual sequel' to it than Bioshock. It isn't subtle, either, going so far as to name their holo-panel technology 'Looking Glass.' It really wasn't what I expected. I thought it would be an action shooter. I was very pleasantly surprised. It has multiple endings, moral ambiguity, and choices that significantly affect the outcome.

5/3 - Finished Submerged. It's an exploration game. No combat, no death, and only a couple of dozen spoken words in the entire thing, those being in a fictional language. It was a lot of fun. The best way to describe it would be as a third person walking simulator (if you know the term - Dear Esther and Gone Home are in the genre) set in a future after society has fallen and the world has been covered in water. All that's left of the previous society are the tops of the skyscrapers in a large city sticking out of the ocean. The gameplay is part pure exploration - going from place to place, looking around, discovering what's there, and part climbing puzzle - think Assassin's Creed climbing. As you explore you discover bits and pieces of the story of the world and what's happened to bring it to this state, while simultaneously living out the protagonist's story. I found it peaceful, relaxing, and thoughtful, which is something I like every now and then. It's not for everyone, but I liked it.

2/X - Strange Brigade. Played this one in co-op. It's a sort of third person Left 4 Dead game set in a cheesy pulp serial world full of two-fisted heroes and mummies, and it was a lot of fun, especially with other players. The only negative is that the everything is easily achieved after a single playthrough, limiting replayability. I'm really glad I went through it, though.

4/14 - Borderlands GOTY Enhanced. What's there to say - I had hundreds of hours in BL1 before we started. Multiple solo runs, a set of runs with a friend, a set of runs with my kids, and now a run with fellow OOers. Such a great game, but I don't know if I'll be back. The thing is, we all knew it by heart, and that worked against it. Half the time we'd finish a quest in a wink and a blink because we'd be at objectives before they even appeared, and half the time we had players finishing multiple quests simultaneously because we knew where everything was.

7/3 - Firewatch. I really do enjoy peaceful exploration games, and this was that. I shied away from this one for quite a while, as the art style made me hesitate. Exploration games, for me, are about immersion. Stylistic graphics tend to work against that, as they always look like graphics, not a place (not that they weren't beautifully done.) But while the game may have been a little less immersive, it more than made up for it with remarkably well done characters that felt particularly human. I really enjoyed this.

8/12 - Slime Rancher. The first free game from Epic. I really had a lot of fun with this light... sim? It's a little bit ranching simulator, where you collect, feed, breed, and manage slimes, while researching better technologies. It is also a little bit exploration game, as you travel the world looking for resources, new types of slimes, new vistas, and so on. I didn't '100%' this game, but I probably got to the 90% range before I got burned out, and that's a compliment. I had a lot of fun with this. Great atmosphere, light hearted, the right amount of challenge. Great game if you like this sort of thing.

8/24 - Metro 2033 Redux. I'm not sure why I gave this one a miss for so long. It's a story-driven, linear post-apocalyptic shooter. It's Fallout 3+ without the open world or 'silly' elements. It's dark, challenging at times, and gritty, but a lot of fun. What really makes it stand out, though, is that it is a post-apocalyptic story told from a Russian perspective, taking place in and around the metro tunnels under Moscow a couple of decades after a nuclear war. The pacing was great, alternating stealth segments that were fairly well done with firefights or with 'set piece' encounters, and alternating close, cramped tunnels with fights in the city streets. Really good game.

9/6 - Far Cry: New Dawn [WARNING - you can't discuss this game without some hint as to what happens at the end of 5.] The sequel to Far Cry 5. Sort of. I finished FC5 in January, and said: "The ending was... well, it has some possibilities. You're left wondering what happened, and what happens next. We know now that they set up a sequel. " Having now played it, I'll say that I was wrong. It's best not to think of New Dawn as a sequel to Far Cry 5, but as a conclusion. It's part 2 to 5's part 1. And it works beautifully that way.

It takes place a couple of decades later in the same location as 5 and shows the aftermath of the events in the first game. Many characters make a return, which is cool, and some that I encountered as children in the first show up as significant characters in this one. Yes, it uses the same map, but in a good way. Revisiting the locations and seeing what's become of them was one of the highlights of the game. Liberating a base, then suddenly realizing that, holy crap, this was the lumber mill from the first game is surprisingly satisfying. Gameplay wise, this is Far Cry. More polished, but still Far Cry. If you've played FC 3 or later, you know basically what to expect. It's shorter than 5 (which is good), but longer than blood dragon, and probably a little longer than Primal.

It continues what has been a good trend. Ubi innovates with a number, then has fun with a variant, trying out less 'real' settings and situations . In my opinion, the variants are usually the best games in the series. FC3 had Blood Dragon (80s neon-and-chrome action), 4 had Primal (prehistoric), and 5 has New Dawn (post apocalyptic.)

I'm really curious about Far Cry 6.
The games all seem to share a universe, sort of. The timeline seems to be Blood Dragon, Primal, 3, 4, 5, New Dawn. How will 6 deal with the apocalypse of 5? Will they just hand-wave it (likely), or will they work it in? Set it in a different time?
10/12 - Jurassic World: Evolution. From the makers of Planet Coaster, this is essentially a theme park sim with dinosaurs. I five-starred every island and finished all the missions.

It was a good game. You start off on an island and are hand-held through the basics, then unlock another island, then a third, fourth, and fifth. Each is a 'mission', the way the Rollercoaster Tycoon career mode gave you different parks with different challenges. This one starts with lots of stuff, but was badly managed. This one has very little space and extreme storms. There are three 'divisions' (entertainment, science, and security) that vie for your time. Each one has a reputation bar on each island, and you can request contracts from each to increase your standing with them. If you don't pay enough attention to one, though, they will start sabotaging your park (breaking the power to enclosures, giving your dinosaurs disease, etc.) Why you wouldn't fire these assholes the first time they let a T-rex out and got a few guests swallowed is beyond me. Each also had one mission per island that usually had you doing something ethically questionable or something that wasn't in the park's best interest. I learned to set aside a section of land on each island just for their missions. I didn't experience any real bugs.

It looked great, and the sound was great. I had a lot of fun with it, and I'm glad I played, but it really lacked depth, especially in the park management aspects. Resource management was only relevant for the first 20% of any particular mission. Once you passed that point (usually when you got your first 'big draw' dinosaur), money was everywhere. The interface could use some work, especially with access to information (I never did find park value, and you had to go into multiple interfaces to see visitor numbers) and consistency. Also, whoever wrote the dialog need to be tossed to the T-Rex. It was awful, especially the butchered lines they gave to Ian Malcolm (he was, at best, a caricature of himself, despite Jeff Goldblum) and the head guy - Cabot, I think. Ugh.

Anyway, a good game, worth the time. It isn't a super deep or challenging game, but it is fun, and it lets you breed dinosaurs.

10/16 - Thanks to Mr. coopasonic, I was able to play through the campaign for Call of Duty: WW2. I was in my 'golden age' of gaming during the WWII game craze of the early 2000s, and I've missed it. I also used to really enjoy the linear, scripted single player campaigns that came along with games like Medal of Honor and Call of Duty (and later, Battlefield.) So I played it, despite some strong words against it in the PIFF thread. And I really, really enjoyed it. It was a nice change to go along on the Disney theme ride after the glut of loot based games and open world tchotchke hunts. There were a few things that I hated. There were some stupid technical choices, such as music you couldn't turn down or off. It really affected the immersion and even interfered with dialogue when the swelling orchestra was locked on blaring. There was a tank mission where the PC controls were purely awful, completely ignoring 20 years of tank conventions in shooters. I actually ended up doing half of that mission driving the tank backwards because there was no real way to turn it around. But the story was fine, the characters actually had some personality (even if they were a bit cliche), and I just had a good time for the ~9 hours Steam says I have invested.

11/something - Borderland 3. It is Borderlands, and I really love Borderlands. It has issues that need to be addressed (and Gearbox is usually pretty good about that), and has more depth than it's predecessors thanks to revised loot and the Guardian Ranks system.

12/6 - Halo: Reach. The new PC port. It's still a fun game (although it's a product of its era.) I have a lot of memories associated with this, as my kids were really, really into Halo back when this was released. We played it through side by side several times, and they spent every penny of their allowance (and much of their birthday and Christmas tree space) on Halo toys. They're mostly grown now, so this really was a trip down memory lane. For those considering it, wait for a patch. It has a few issues, particularly audio. The ambient sound is really loud, and drowns out everything else, and the rest is muddy and either too loud or too quiet. This isn't just my impression, it's a technical issue they've admitted to, said the fix would be difficult, and that it would take a while. Still, ten bucks...
Last edited by Blackhawk on Fri Dec 06, 2019 11:34 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Smoove_B »


Shuyan Saga (1/1/19) - More or an interactive graphic novel, but there is fighting using your mouse. An interesting story and a solid diversion
Far Cry 5 (3/31/19) - I enjoyed it. Follows the same formula as the last few, but the world and all of your options keep it fun
Assassin's Creed: Origins (5/1/19) - I enjoyed this tremendously. Haven't played an AC since #3 but this was really, really good
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (8/25/2019) - Nothing special, but mindlessly enjoyable
Borderlands GOTY Enhanced Edition (10/6/2019) - This surprised me; didn't expect to replay start to finish. Still really enjoyable

21 games finished in 2018
Last edited by Smoove_B on Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:49 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Jolor »

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood 6 o' 8 tentacles
King of Dragon Pass 6 o' 8 tentacle
Far Cry Primal 5 o' 8 tentacles
Mutant Year Zero - Road to Eden 7 o' 8 tentacles
DOOM 7 o' 8 tentacles
The Road to Canterbury 6 o' 8 tentacles
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun 7 o' 8 tentacles
Metro Exodus 8 o' 8 tentacles
Shadows: Awakening 6 o' 8 tentacles
Strange Brigade + DLC 7 o' 8 tentacles
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus 6 o' 8 tentacles
XCOM 2 5 o' 8 tentacles
FAR: Lone Sails 8 o' 8 tentacles
Dishonored 2 7 o' 8 tentacles
Death of the Outsider 6 o' 8 tentacles
The Outer Worlds 7 o' 8 tentacles

In Play
Disco Elysium

(R)eturned or (A)bandoned
(R) Dead Space 3 - Enjoyed the first two enough to spend $9 on the third but it was so buggy I couldn't make it out of the first level in the first chapter.
(R) The Swamp Fox

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
Last edited by Jolor on Mon Dec 23, 2019 8:27 pm, edited 41 times in total.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by coopasonic »

I haven't finished any games this year!

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - 20190103 - like Borderlands 2 but with less oxygen and less gravity
Yakuza Zero - 20190121 - nothing I would normally have played, but Humble Monthly gave it to me and I figured I would give it a shot
Tyranny - 20190205 - didn't know much about it going in, still a bit confused, but it was fun :D
Astroneer - 20190216 - the release added an interesting new layer on top of the early access version, also removing some annoyance, thumbs up
Far Cry New Dawn - 20190218 - yeah, two days after finishing Astroneer. A little short for the price, but Far Cry fun... a nice continuation of the story from Far Cry 5.
Destiny 2 - 20190223 - calling it done as much as a multiplayer focused endless game can be done. I finished the story and got what I wanted out of it.
Prey - 20190225 - It took me a few tries to get into it, but once I did I had a lot of fun. Story was... interesting.
Final Fantasy XV - 20190311 - As Noctis says in the final scene, "It's finally over..."
The Division 2 - 20190413 - Calling it finished even though I am still playing it. I've hit the gear score soft cap and started a second character. I'm calling that finished.
Assassin's Creed: Unity - 20190428 - A little late, but I finally finished it (despite the *&$*&$ controls). There is now one AC game left... the first one.
Supraland - 20190505 - Awesome puzzle game
Burnout Paradise - 20190727 - Well that took a while.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood - 20190805 - This might be the first wolfenstein game I have ever finished. Really enjoyed the co-op play with the shard life mechanic.
Greedfall - 20190922 - Wasn't on my radar, but had a lot of fun with it.
Borderlands 3 - 20190929 - It's Borderlands 2 but more.
The Surge 2 - 20191006 - It's like The surge, but easier. A little too easy.
The Outer Worlds - 20191027 - interesting semi-open world rpg with fun combat and dialog
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - 20191103 - my first metroidvania since the SNES era. A lot of fun if somewhat confusing.
Ghost Recon: Breakpoint - 20191110 - Fun, but rather repetitive. I preferred Wildlands.
Need for Speed: Heat - 20191111 - Shortest story in the history of Need for Speed games. I mean like Call of Duty story length. Origin says 10 hours played. There is a bunch of content I haven't touched, but without any story to drive it along I doubt I'll have much interest.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 20191117 - Fun, challenging, good story, too short.
Crackdown 3 - 20191118 - Super short but also quite a bit of fun smashing my way through everything
Vampyr - 20191125 - Kind of sad I waited so long for this. It was so good.
Rage 2 - 20191128 - Better than expected. Open world shooter with a LOT to do.
The Talos Principle - 20191215 - Fun puzzle game, confusing metagame.
while True: learn() - 20191226 - I work with machine learning engineers. I think they would be embarrassed if they saw the things I did in this game
Remnant: From the Ashes - 20191231 - Just made it! A more accessible Souls-like, with guns!

Release Date Tracking:
MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries: 12/10/2019
The Last of Us Part II: Summer 2019 2/21/2020
Nioh 2: 2019
Dying Light 2: 2019
Last edited by coopasonic on Tue Dec 31, 2019 1:51 pm, edited 33 times in total.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Lordnine »


The Return of the Obra Dinn - 7.5/10 - January
Cat Quest - 7.0/10 - January
Slime Rancher - 8.0/10 - January
Grave Yard Keeper - 7.5/10 - February
Wargroove - 8.0/10 - April
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - 8.0/10 - April
Supraland- 8.5/10 - May
Startropics - 7.0/10 - May
Katamari Damacy Reroll - 8.0/10 - May
Surviving Mars - 9.5/10 - May
Pinstripe - 7.5/10 - May
Astro Bot: Rescue Mission - 8.5/10 - June
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice - 8.0/10 - June
Frostpunk - 8.5/10 - June
A Fishermans Tale- 7.5/10 - June
Horizon Chase Turbo - 8.5/10 - August
Oxygen Not Included: Both Primary Directives - 8.0/10 - August
Minit - 6.0/10 - August
Sonic Mania- 6.0/10 - September
Red Matter - 8.0/10 - October
Hades - 10/10 - November
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 - 8.5/10 - November
I Expect You to Die - 8.5/10 - November
Children of Morta - 8.5/10 - December
Resident Evil 2: Remake - 8.0/10 - December

Previous Years
2018 - 18 games finished
2017 - 30 games finished
2016 - 27 games finished
2015 - 18 games finished
2014 - 39 games finished
2013 - 46 games finished
2012 - 53 games finished
2011 - 38 games finished
2010 - 21 games finished
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Archinerd »


AUG - Battle Brothers - Davkul Cultists run on Ironman*. 256 days, ended up getting party wiped by 8 Unholds that had me cornered in a swamp.
Still didn't get the Prophet OR the cool Davkul armor - so I'll need to make another go at it some time.
*I did force quit if battles went very badly.
AUG - Brigador - "twin stick" mech shooter. I liked this one quite a bit, but what I really want is a turn based war game in this universe. Finished all campaigns but there is still a lot of replay in randomly generated missions.
AUG - Love is Dead - super cutesy puzzle game with zombies and pancakes. It's not bad, but I wouldn't have finished this one if I hadn't been playing through with my daughter. We've been playing a little bit every day over the past few weeks.
AUG - Dark Quest 2 - very much inspired by the old HeroQuest board game. Also,very short and a bit rough around the edges. I could see this hanging out on my harddrive for awhile to satisfy my dungeon crawl craving... if there was more to do. At this point though I've beaten the big bad and don't really feel like there is anything more to discover.
DEC - Unity of Command II - Victory in the West campaign, the only one available. I liked the first game in the series quite a bit but this one is even better and manages to avoid the puzzle-ness of the first.
DEC - Botanicula - played through this with my daughter. The art and music are very nice and the puzzles aren't too difficult. We did get stuck a few times, but more due to not understanding where we were supposed to be clicking.

2018 - 12 games finished
2017 - 12 games finished
2016 - 15 games finished
2015 - 12 games finished
2014 - 4 games finished
2013 - 21 games finished
2012 - 12 games finished
2011 - 27 games finished
Last edited by Archinerd on Wed Dec 25, 2019 11:39 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by ChuckB »

Currently playing:
None at the moment [I don't have a gaming PC at the moment after my Razer Blade crapped out and Razer showed that they are a bunch of a**holes

MLB The Show 19
Outer World
Skyrim (Special Edition)

Nintendo Switch:
Stardew Valley (not sure yet what I think if this one)


On the short list:
The Witcher 3 - PS4 (what a great game, need to get back into it)
Pillars of Eternity - PC (played this quite a bit but stopped, want to pick up again)
Marvel's Spider-Man - PS4
Red Dead Redemption 2 - PS4
Banner Saga - Switch
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Switch (really liked it so far, need to pick it up again)

Limbo (Switch) - liked it but some of the timed jump levels at the end were slightly frustrating
Marie's Room (PC) - not really a game but a very nicely done (very short) interactive story
The Division (PS4) - loved it and played it a lot when it came out, didn't play for probably 2y and now finished the main story line and most other missions
Carrier Deck (PC) - one of these "table spinning" games, really hard and frustrating but also surprisingly addictive
A Plague Tale: Innocence (PS4) - liked this one a lot with the exception of some of the boss battles (but I generally dislike boss battles, so nothing new here ...)
Last edited by ChuckB on Sat Dec 28, 2019 10:47 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Alefroth »

Current rotation-

Yakuza 0 (PS4)
Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin (PS4)
Infamous: Second Son (PS4)
Grim Dawn (PC)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl (PC)
Mad Max (PC)
The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt (PS4)
Borderlands 3 (PS4)
Mass Effect 3 (X360)
Company of Heroes 2 (PC)
System Shock 2 (PC)


Surviving Mars (PC)
Gran Turismo Sport (PS4)
American Truck Simulator (PC)


Tomb Raider Legend (PC) - 01.07
Assassin's Creed Rogue (PS4)
God of War (PS4)
Assassin's Creed Unity (PS4)
Ratchet and Clank (PS4) - Game stopping bug
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines (PC)
Mass Effect 2 (PC) 04.20
Tomb Raider: Underworld (PC) 04.21
Red Dead Redemption (XBOX 360) 04.26
Borderlands GotY Enhanced (PC) 05.29
Farming Simulator 2015 (PS4) 05.30
1979 Revolution: Black Friday (PS4) 06.02
Dragon Age: Inquisition (PC) 06.18
Borderlands Handsome Collection (PS4)
Outlast and Whistleblower DLC (PS4) 11.25
Warhammer 40K: Space Marine (PC) 12.07

Wow, the difference between Tomb Raider: Legend and Underworld is stark for just two years separating them. I always assumed Crystal Dynamics stuck with the same engine for that trilogy.

Didn't expect to finish AC Rogue so quickly. I'm trying to catch up on the series and hewed pretty closely to the main story, Finished at 59%
Last edited by Alefroth on Wed Dec 11, 2019 3:56 pm, edited 30 times in total.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by JetFred »

8/10 Cube Escape Paradox (PC) - Great room escape game, not quite as compelling as the regular Rusty Lake games, but almost.
4/10 Sakura Beach 2 (PC) - Same as 1...even for what you know you get with these games, the story was boring, the art mediocre, and the choices pointless.
6/10 The Frostrune (PC) - Not a bad little adventure, but the high-quality art and decent writing could have been used in a less casual, more fleshed-out game.
7/10 Hook (PC) - Clever and elegant puzzle game but short and with too few new tricks as you progress.
7/10 Push (PC) - Another smooth and clever puzzler, with neat moving parts, but over in less than 2 hours.
9/10 CrossCells (PC) - Very nice logic game. A little short, with many quick levels spent on introducing new reasoning, but overall master puzzle design.
8/10 Scalak (PC) - Fun and slick puzzle design, but very short, less than 3 hours.
9/10 Tametsi (PC) - One of the best-designed puzzles on Steam. Finished this before, but finally did all of the bonus levels the developer added.
8/10 Old Man's Journey (PC) - Artwork alone would make this a 10/10 game, but the admittedly clever game mechanic is still a one-trick pony for 2-3 hours.
5/10 Trauma (PC) - I enjoyed it so I hate to rate it low, but the good idea and photos are a bit wasted on an hour and a half of really unoriginal gameplay.
7/10 The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker (PC) - A unique experiment that half works, saved by the acting.
10/10 The Room Two (PC) - Fantastic room escape game, feels and looks great, perfect difficulty.
8/10 Hero of the Kingdom (PC) - Unique little genre-blending clicker, fun if you like adventure lite.
8/10 Glass Masquerade DLC (PC) - Went back and did all DLC...not a perfect jigsaw puzzle game, but the artwork is beautiful.
8/10 Alice's Patchwork (PC) - In some ways a better puzzle game than Glass Masquerade, though not quite as beautiful.
10/10 Lara Croft Go (PC) - Just way better than it ever had to be. How often do you find a legit AAA puzzle game?
7/10 Fantasy Mosaics 17: New Palette (PC) - As picross/nonogram games go, this series is consistently good, even if some of the images are dumb.
7/10 Fantasy Mosaics 18: Explore New Colors (PC) - Better colors and more interesting images.
6/10 Fantasy Mosaics 19: Edge of the World (PC) - More of the same, but still satisfying.
6/10 Fantasy Mosaics 20: Castle of Puzzles (PC) - More of the same.
7/10 The Shapeshifting Detective (PC) - Like #WarGames and Late Shift, hard to say these are finished without finding every ending, but I think I'm done.
Last edited by JetFred on Sun Dec 15, 2019 1:27 am, edited 27 times in total.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Hipolito »

  1. Doki Doki Literature Club (Jan 6) Rating: 6/8 (opinion)
  2. Borderlands (Jan 13, PC, Level 45 Siren, Playthrough 1, 81 hrs) Rating: 6/8 (opinion)
  3. The Beginner's Guide (Jan 17) Rating: 6/8 (opinion)
  4. Redemption: Eternal Quest (Feb 4) Rating: 4/8 (opinion)
  5. Her Story (Feb 9, PC) Rating: 5/8 (opinion)
  6. The Sea Will Claim Everything (Feb 15, completed story without hints) Rating: 6/8 (opinion)
  7. Stacking (Feb 19, PC, 73% completion) Rating: 5/8 (opinion)
  8. Defense Grid: The Awakening (Feb 20, PC) Rating: 6/8 (opinion)
  9. Defense Grid: You Monster (Feb 23, PC) Rating: 6/8
  10. Defense Grid: Containment (Mar 2, PC) Rating: 6/8 (opinion)
  11. Eldritch (Mar 20, cheated) Rating: 6/8 (opinion)
  12. Immortal Defense (Mar 23, 76/93 perfect levels, 31/40 medals, 47 hrs) Rating: 6/8 (opinion)
  13. The Silent Age (Mar 27, PC) Rating: 4/8 (opinion)
  14. Out There: Ω Edition (Mar 30, got all 4 endings, high score 102,549 on Easy) Rating: 6/8 (opinion)
  15. The Last Door Collector's Edition (Apr 5, PC, completed without hints) Rating: 5/8 (opinion)
  16. The Last Door: Season 2 Collector's Edition (Apr 7, PC) Rating: 5/8
  17. Lightfish (May 26, PC, Time Trial, Medium difficulty) Rating: 6/8 (opinion)
  18. Virginia (Jun 2, PC) Rating: 6/8 (opinion)
  19. Driftmoon (Jun 12, 17.25 hours, Champion difficulty, 74 silver feathers, 13/13 goldfish) Rating: 6/8 (opinion)
  20. Rollers of the Realm (Jun 28, PC, Casual difficulty) Rating: 6/8 (opinion)
  21. We Know the Devil (Nov 28, PC) Rating: 5/8 (opinion)
  22. Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea (Dec 29, PC) Rating: 5/8 (opinion)
Rating system: 6-8 = Hooray!; 4-5 = Oookay?; 0-3 = No way.

  1. Hate Plus: after losing my saved games years ago, I'm finally replaying this. But I had to also replay the predecessor, Analogue: A Hate Story, to follow the plot.
  2. King's Bounty: The Legend: Playing on Easy difficulty. My mage blew the whole dwarven slave conspiracy wide open. (I should have named him Cochise.) Now, at level 14, he's dealing with the dwarves' good friends, the elves.
  3. Lost Odyssey: on disc 3 of 4.
  4. Lunar Silver Star Story Touch: I'm near the end, but am in a frustrating boss battle and am done trying to complete this overrated classic. I'll YouTube the rest.
  5. Path of Exile: I started playing during the Legion league and had a great time, raising my Necromancer to level 60 and reaching Act 7. But the transition from Legion to Blight is forcing me to do a respec. I don't feel like doing that, so I've put the game down for a while.
  1. Regency Solitaire: the powerups add some neat mechanics, but the story doesn't grab me and it's annoying to have to play all 10 hands of a chapter even when you've completed the chapter's goals. I stopped at chapter 5.
  2. Yosumin!: similar to match 3 games, but you clear rectangular areas of icons by matching four corners. Challenging, but too cute and cloying. I stopped at stage 2-5 of the adventure mode.
  3. Omikron: The Nomad Soul: Not modern enough to get me to the church on time. Thoughts here.
  4. Martian Memorandum: Old-fashioned PIs are great, but not old-fashioned interfaces. Thoughts here.
  5. Trine: Lovely visuals and music, but I grew tired of the slippery controls and physics by the time I reached the third area.
  6. The Oil Blue: Time management game with the intriguing theme of offshore oil production. Feels too dry, though, and has annoying load times and minigames.
  7. Cook, Serve, Delicious!: Addictive but repetitive and progress takes too long. Stopped after earning the first star.
  8. Faerie Solitaire Remastered: Even duller than Regency Solitaire. Stopped after freeing the first fairy.
  9. Roundabout: Interesting but too tough, stopped playing at 14.7% completion. Thoughts here.
  10. Vertiginous Golf: The steampunk theme does more to alienate than entice in this janky minigolf game. I played the first miniputt course, earned a score of 28 (par was 19), and decided that was enough.
  11. Slay the Spire: It has challenge and some interesting card and boss abilities. But it's a thematically bland, fairly rote deckbuilder that's not good enough for me to want to get good at. I like Dream Quest and Star Realms more. I got to Act 3 with the beginning character and am stopping there.
  12. Instant Dungeon!: Fairly fun retro arcade maze game with some interesting weapons and tools for dealing with the various enemies. But you only get one life. Just one hit and all progress is lost. Highest score: 1650, reaching about level 17 on Action Recipe.
  13. Star Realms: I've reached Mission 9 (Chapter 2) of the Campaign, Normal difficulty. I've had fun, but have seen enough, and I don't think buying expansions will add enough variety to keep the game interesting.
  14. Fractal: Make Blooms Not War: Puzzle game in which you clear hex pieces from the board by pushing them together to form hex patterns. Has a slick visual style and chill beats, but I'm not very good at it, unable to beat level 8 in the campaign after a bunch of tries.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Dave Allen »

Always start the new year with good intentions - right now:
Steins;Gate, Elex, DOS2, and Subnautica are in rotation - with a mindless, occasional sprinkling of Faerie Solitaire :lol:
Jesus said, "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body."[Matt 10:28] God can totally destroy us.

Jesus also said, "For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”[John 6:40] Eternal life is conditional.

His disciple John wrote, "Whoever has the Son has eternal life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have eternal life. [1 John 5:12] Eternal life is optional.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by hepcat »


XBoxOne X
-Far Cry 5 7/10 (points deducted for mandatory battles/scenes that dragged me out of the game every now and again)
-Assassin's Creed Origins

Currently Playing

XBoxOne X
-Assassin's Creed Odyssey
-Red Dead Redemption 2
-Fallout 76 (although I haven't had a desire to go back to it after about 8 hours of playtime)

-Assassin's Creed Rogue

-Divinity Original Sin 2
-Sniper Elite 4

Will hopefully get back to this year at some point

XBoxOne X
-Kingdom Come Deliverance
-Diablo 3
-Monster Hunter World (waiting on Witcher DLC to go back)
-Evil Within 2
-South Park Fractured But Whole
-Tomb Raider Rise of the Tomb Raider

-Evil Within 1
-Resident Evil 7 Biohazard

-Friggin' everything
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Jolor »

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

I've only played Wolfenstein: The New Order in this series previously so don't come to the series with a sense of nostalgia (though I very much appreciated the secret level in TNO).

A prequel to TNO, it's shorter and more focused on action than action mixed with story. The pitch is that it's a get in / get out mission as opposed to a grand, sweeping, "for freedom's sake" narrative.
Sneaking and scouting is still a major strategy in this game as eliminating the commanders who can call for reinforcements saves on bullets, armour (and checkpoint reloads). But it's the action that is still front-and-centre and (imo) it's done well. A good assortment of weapons and enemies. Scattered health kits and armour reinforcement. The map is helpful (once you find the fragments) to make sure you know where to go.

I had great fun and it was short enough that I'm considering another run.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Jaymann »

Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal

Baldur's Gate

Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter

Diablo I: Hellfire

Tomb Raider Underworld

Dishonored 2

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

Jedi: Fallen Order
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Blackhawk »

Just finished Prey. I really liked this one. If you haven't played it, it's essentially System Shock 3, and is a better 'spiritual sequel' to it than Bioshock. It isn't subtle, either, going so far as to name their holo-panel technology 'Looking Glass.' It really wasn't what I expected. I thought it would be an action shooter. I was very pleasantly surprised. It has multiple endings, moral ambiguity, and choices that significantly affect the outcome.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Isgrimnur »

Finished up Sniper Elite 4, which puts me as complete on the whole series. At least until they release 5 next year-ish.

Or I could go back for the Zombie Army Trilogy...
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by doberman1 »

Just finished Diablo 3 and had a great fun. Looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077. Can't wait!
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Blackhawk »

The group from the LFG thread and I just finished The Divison (1) a few days ago. World tier 5, 100% completion. There wasn't much more to do.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by hentzau »

I guess I will report that I finished Fallout 4. Finished up the Railroad storyline. Was left vaguely unsatisfied. But I do have a few other quests that I want to complete before I mothball it.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by hepcat »

Good god, I’m 124 hours into Assassin’s Creed Odyssey...and I still haven’t completed the main quest or started the First Dagger DLC. :shock:
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Blackhawk »

Finished Submerged. It's an exploration game. No combat, no death, and only a couple of dozen spoken words in the entire thing, those being in a fictional language. It was a lot of fun. The best way to describe it would be as a third person walking simulator (if you know the term - Dear Esther and Gone Home are in the genre) set in a future after society has fallen and the world has been covered in water. All that's left of the previous society are the tops of the skyscrapers in a large city sticking out of the ocean. The gameplay is part pure exploration - going from place to place, looking around, discovering what's there, and part climbing puzzle - think Assassin's Creed climbing. As you explore you discover bits and pieces of the story of the world and what's happened to bring it to this state, while simultaneously living out the protagonist's story. I found it peaceful, relaxing, and thoughtful, which is something I like every now and then. It's not for everyone, but I liked it.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Scoop20906 »

Scoop20906's 2019 Games Finished List
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  • Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - (7/10) Do you want more Uncharted without Drake? Sure! This is a shorter adventure than Uncharted 4 but has two of my favorite characters teaming up to find yet another ancient treasure that could bring doom to the world. Chloe and Nadine share several nice moments together and seem to play off each other well. Props to the writing and acting of the two. The main bad guy is standard stuff but I get to shoot all his men and steal his treasure out from under him. Oh, and blow his ass up in a exciting climatic train scene. It is a super fun ride like all the Uncharted games and I'm glad they did this DLC. Lots of fun. March 3, 2019

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  • Gorogoa - (5/10) Ok, I did not love this game mainly because I simply did not understand the story going on behind all the puzzles. The puzzles are good but mostly I solved them through brute force clicking every combination. Sometimes I felt clever but mostly I was just clicking. Now the art in the puzzles are amazing and how things bend into new puzzles is incredible and well worth the price. But in the end I still do not really understand the story which took of some of the shine. March 6, 2019

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  • Red Dead Redemption 2 - (10/10) A true masterpiece in both the narrative and the open world. There is so much to discover in this game that I doubt I will ever find the time to finish all over it but I managed to focus myself long enough to finished the main campaign and very long epilogue. I really connected with the main character Arthur Morgan and without getting spoilery just watching his life slowly slip away was heartbreaking and a few times I simply had to force myself to get to playing the game simply because the losses that Arthur was experiencing with to sad and bitter to deal with. But this really is an amazing game with so many systems working together seamlessly. In the end, this game is an easy 10 out of 10 and I haven't even scratched the multiple-player. With the main story finished I have stopped playing for a while but I still want to go back and hunt my way to all the outfits (so MANY) and find out where other weird and funky side missions still are waiting for me out there. May 11, 2019

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  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - (10/10) The best game on the switch. The open world is beautiful and is full of atmosphere noises and music. Very little bombast in this game other than a few key story moments and I think it was a great idea to do that. I enjoyed hunting down chest to replace my weapons as the wear out. In fact, the drove me to keep going. If I had just got a set of weapons and did not have to replace them I would have just run by all the hidden chests so I think this was a smart move. Most of the side quests are pretty interesting and the main story-line is a nice Zelda story. And I loved discovering all the physic systems going on that the game doesn't really tell you about but lets you discover. That and hunting down all the shrines which instantly become fast travel points spurs you on to keep exploring. The final battle was fitting but I wish they had come up with a more clever way to show life after Gannon but I guess that is for a future game. May 11, 2019

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  • Horizon Zero Dawn - (9/10) Wow, robot dinosaurs! I remember the trailer and thinking no way this game will live up to that hype. But it did but not in the way I expected but I think it still hits the right mark. First off, the intro story is excellent and quickly hooks you into caring about Aloy the main character and the people who surround you. The narrative does take a back seat to all the open world and side quests but does pay off well as you learn why this world exists and your part in it. Hunting and fighting the robot dinosaurs is challenging and a lot of fun with the ability to knock out components, weapons and armor to wear down your prey. By the end if the game I was an accomplished warrior with great gear. The build up to that is satisfying. Without spoiling anything I will saw that some of the story line is extremely sad and desperate but entirely logical. The final battle hits alot of the good points and ends with Aloy victorious and has me thinking I might check of the Frozen Wild DLC. May 29, 2019

    Enlarge Image
  • Until Dawn - (7/10) I've never played a game quite like Until Dawn before. I've played games with horror elements and choice matters and all that but not one where the setting and characters are sooooo ..... "Buffy". The characters are immature 20 somethings who get caught up in a horror film and it is super fun. I also love that your choice influence who lives and dies and sometimes the game can be kind of scary and immersive. I ended up with only three of the cast surviving my play through and I have thoughts of revisiting the game to retry to keep them alive but frankly most of the characters are annoying enough that I don't really want to put the effort to keep them alive. LOL. Either way, its a great ride and it seems like something it would be fun to play with friends on the couch (with no kids around of course). September 3, 2019

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  • Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - (7/10) I got the Uncharted Pack on my PlayStation recently and decided to go back and play Uncharted: Drake's Fortune because I started the series with the 2nd game. This version is an updated version but the engine is really shows its age. Its a shorter game but it still hits the classic Uncharted story beats and character moments that I love in the series but what it really showed me was what a JUMP developer Naughty Dog took from the first game to the second game. It's really incredible how much better the 2nd game was from puzzles the level design to pacing. Just night and day. This is still a good game and I am glad I played it however and if you want to take a step back in time I recommend it because watching the grow until the four game is really fun and interesting. September 29, 2019

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  • Middle-earth: Shadow of War - (9/10) This game follows up the terrific Shadow of Mordor game which introduce the incredible Orc Captain generator. In that game you just had about 30 captains to deal with an any one time. In the game, they take it to "eleven" where you know of several fortresses to attack all with groups of Orc Captains to bend to your well. This makes for tons of fun fighting all the Captains you run into and seeing all the personalities that exhibit and how each one literally remembers the battles you had with them. In fact, it got quite overwhelming where 3 to 4 of them would jump me at once. And this actually detracted from the narrative a bit. I had so many relationship with Orc Captains that it was hard to remember who is who and the Nemesis system lost something in that. The story was also not as good as the previous game and didn't drive me forward although I did like the ending much more this time. Storming fortresses was also a ton of fun but after a while it just went on too long. Its a game that could be played forever so kudos to the designers for going there. October 3, 2019

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  • Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - (10/10) EA, more of this please. Wow, this game just knocks it out of the park. Great story (especially an awesome ending), great sound effects, great music, great characters, great writing, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT. I had so much fun playing this. I can't recommend this enough for a star wars fan. This feels like a throwback game to the great single player games we used to get and this game left me wanting more. Thank you, Respawn! December 24, 2019
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Skinypupy »

It's nearly the end of July, and I just finished my first game of the year.

- Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annhilation (July 21). B - A decent re-creation of the D&D Adventure Series board game. Neither the port or the game it's based on are going to win any awards, but it's a fun dungeon romp in a D&D setting. Lots of RNG, but ways to get around it with some strategy. (8 hours)
- Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers (Aug 11). A+ - The best example ever of storytelling in a MMO, and one of the top 5 Final Fantasy stories in the entire series. I'm absolutely blown away by how good this xpac was, and can't wait to see where they take the story next. (50 hours)
- Detroit Become Human (Aug 28). A - A fantastic high-tech choose your own adventure/interactive movie. Amazing digital acting as well. Awfully depressing ending though. (10 hours)
- Star Wars - Jedi: Fallen Order (Nov 25) B+. Tomb Raider with lightsabers and Dark Souls combat, basically. Really good start, a big slog in the middle, but finishes strong. Definitely a worthy Star Wars game. (21 hours)

Legacy Board Games completed:
- Star Wars: Imperial Assault
- Aeon's End: Legacy
- Legend of Drizzt (D&D Adventure Series)
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Archinerd »

I'm right there with you, It's nearly the end of July and I haven't finished one yet.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Isgrimnur »

I finished Spider-Man on PS4 a few weeks back.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Skinypupy »

I have finished a couple of board games though. Does that count?
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Isgrimnur »

Are they Legacy ones?
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Skinypupy »

Isgrimnur wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:48 pm Are they Legacy ones?

- Imperial Assault
- Aeon's End Legacy
- Legend of Drizzt (D&D Adventure Series)
- Temple of Elemental Evil (D&D Adventure Series)

Working through Legendary Encounters Firefly as well, hoping to finish up all the episodes soon.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Isgrimnur »

Then they count.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Kasey Chang »

I am done with Space Hulk Deathwing (Enhanced). Had to use a cheat to pass one of the missions, and that kinda soured the mood. The missions rely too much on Alamo-shootouts where you stand in place and shoot.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Rumpy »

Blackhawk wrote: Fri May 03, 2019 1:33 pm Finished Submerged. It's an exploration game. No combat, no death, and only a couple of dozen spoken words in the entire thing, those being in a fictional language. It was a lot of fun. The best way to describe it would be as a third person walking simulator (if you know the term - Dear Esther and Gone Home are in the genre) set in a future after society has fallen and the world has been covered in water. All that's left of the previous society are the tops of the skyscrapers in a large city sticking out of the ocean. The gameplay is part pure exploration - going from place to place, looking around, discovering what's there, and part climbing puzzle - think Assassin's Creed climbing. As you explore you discover bits and pieces of the story of the world and what's happened to bring it to this state, while simultaneously living out the protagonist's story. I found it peaceful, relaxing, and thoughtful, which is something I like every now and then. It's not for everyone, but I liked it.
I found that to be quite an odd one. I liked the exploration, but the game mechanics like the climbing, or even the map which lacked enough resolution to properly track down the collectibles, felt very clunky and ended up making it frustrating if you wanted to discover the entire story. It ended up dissuading me from exploring any further which it really shouldn't be doing in an exploration game.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Kasey Chang »

I actually finished Submerged myself. It's... not too bad. Some of the exploration targets were hidden in corners and nooks that you don't expect, and travel gets a little tedious, as the map is kinda big and travel speed ain't too fast. Platforming the buildings are kinda cute, but still a bit weird in an exploration game.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Blackhawk »

I didn't actually try to get everything. I looked around, but mainly just let it lead me through. I wasn't in a completionist mood when I played.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Isgrimnur »

Finished Far Cry 2. Glad I'm done, not thrilled with the game as a whole. Much like when I tried it many years ago on console, the gameplay is repetitive, and there's not much of a compelling story to move things along. An attempt was made, but I found it lacking.

When I tried it on consoles, I got halfway through to when you were dropped on the other half of the map, and decided I'd had enough. Looking back on it, it was a wise decision. There's not much in the second half to make it much different from the first.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Kasey Chang »

"Finished" WH40K Mechanicus, which means I beat the UBG, the Necron Lord, a bit ahead of schedule. But then I'm playing on easy.

Playing ET Army, cheap scifi FPS. It's tolerable. But will probably play something else. Maybe Witcher 3 or Unheard.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Blackhawk »

I've been terrible about keeping this up to date this year. I just went and caught my main post up, so here's the new stuff:

2/X - Strange Brigade. Played this one in co-op. It's a sort of third person Left 4 Dead game set in a cheesy pulp serial world full of two-fisted heroes and mummies, and it was a lot of fun, especially with other players. The only negative is that the everything is easily achieved after a single playthrough, limiting replayability. I'm really glad I went through it, though.

4/14 - Borderlands GOTY Enhanced. What's there to say - I had hundreds of hours in BL1 before we started. Multiple solo runs, a set of runs with a friend, a set of runs with my kids, and now a run with fellow OOers. Such a great game, but I don't know if I'll be back. The thing is, we all knew it by heart, and that worked against it. Half the time we'd finish a quest in a wink and a blink because we'd be at objectives before they even appeared, and half the time we had players finishing multiple quests simultaneously because we knew where everything was.

7/3 - Firewatch. I really do enjoy peaceful exploration games, and this was that. I shied away from this one for quite a while, as the art style made me hesitate. Exploration games, for me, are about immersion. Stylistic graphics tend to work against that, as they always look like graphics, not a place (not that they weren't beautifully done.) But while the game may have been a little less immersive, it more than made up for it with remarkably well done characters that felt particularly human. I really enjoyed this.

8/12 - Slime Rancher. The first free game from Epic. I really had a lot of fun with this light... sim? It's a little bit ranching simulator, where you collect, feed, breed, and manage slimes, while researching better technologies. It is also a little bit exploration game, as you travel the world looking for resources, new types of slimes, new vistas, and so on. I didn't '100%' this game, but I probably got to the 90% range before I got burned out, and that's a compliment. I had a lot of fun with this. Great atmosphere, light hearted, the right amount of challenge. Great game if you like this sort of thing.

8/24 - Metro 2033 Redux. I'm not sure why I gave this one a miss for so long. It's a story-driven, linear post-apocalyptic shooter. It's Fallout 3+ without the open world or 'silly' elements. It's dark, challenging at times, and gritty, but a lot of fun. What really makes it stand out, though, is that it is a post-apocalyptic story told from a Russian perspective, taking place in and around the metro tunnels under Moscow a couple of decades after a nuclear war. The pacing was great, alternating stealth segments that were fairly well done with firefights or with 'set piece' encounters, and alternating close, cramped tunnels with fights in the city streets. Really good game.

9/6 - Far Cry: New Dawn [WARNING - you can't discuss this game without some hint as to what happens at the end of 5.] The sequel to Far Cry 5. Sort of. I finished FC5 in January, and said: "The ending was... well, it has some possibilities. You're left wondering what happened, and what happens next. We know now that they set up a sequel. " Having now played it, I'll say that I was wrong. It's best not to think of New Dawn as a sequel to Far Cry 5, but as a conclusion. It's part 2 to 5's part 1. And it works beautifully that way.

It takes place a couple of decades later in the same location as 5 and shows the aftermath of the events in the first game. Many characters make a return, which is cool, and some that I encountered as children in the first show up as significant characters in this one. Yes, it uses the same map, but in a good way. Revisiting the locations and seeing what's become of them was one of the highlights of the game. Liberating a base, then suddenly realizing that, holy crap, this was the lumber mill from the first game is surprisingly satisfying. Gameplay wise, this is Far Cry. More polished, but still Far Cry. If you've played FC 3 or later, you know basically what to expect. It's shorter than 5 (which is good), but longer than blood dragon, and probably a little longer than Primal.

It continues what has been a good trend. Ubi innovates with a number, then has fun with a variant, trying out less 'real' settings and situations . In my opinion, the variants are usually the best games in the series. FC3 had Blood Dragon (80s neon-and-chrome action), 4 had Primal (prehistoric), and 5 has New Dawn (post apocalyptic.)

I'm really curious about Far Cry 6.
The games all seem to share a universe, sort of. The timeline seems to be Blood Dragon, Primal, 3, 4, 5, New Dawn. How will 6 deal with the apocalypse of 5? Will they just hand-wave it (likely), or will they work it in? Set it in a different time?
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by malchior »


-Assassin's Creed Syndicate
-Borderlands GOTY Enhanced
-Borderlands 2
-Deus Ex Mankind Divided
-Disco Elysium
-Dishonored 2
-Far Cry 5
-Hitman 2
-Return of the Obra Dinn
-Rise of the Tomb Raider
-Spec Ops: The Line
-The Outer Worlds
-Resident Evil HD Remake


-Horizon Zero Dawn
-Last of Us Remastered
-Man of Medan
-Red Dead Redemption 2
-Until Dawn
-The Outer Worlds

Currently Playing (QA = quasi-abandoned)

-Assassins Creed Origins
-Nier Automatica (QA)
-Pillars of Eternity 2 (QA)
-Phoenix Wright

-Ghost Recon Wildlands

-The Evil Within

-Steins;gate Elite

Want to Get Around to It


-Final Fantasy XV
-God of War
-Uncharted Collection
-Assassins Creed Odyssey
-Death Stranding

-Call of Cthulu
-Divinity: Original Sin 2
-The Pillars of the Earth
-Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Last edited by malchior on Fri Dec 27, 2019 2:56 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Blackhawk »

10/12 - Jurassic World: Evolution. From the makers of Planet Coaster, this is essentially a theme park sim with dinosaurs. I five-starred every island and finished all the missions.

It was a good game. You start off on an island and are hand-held through the basics, then unlock another island, then a third, fourth, and fifth. Each is a 'mission', the way the Rollercoaster Tycoon career mode gave you different parks with different challenges. This one starts with lots of stuff, but was badly managed. This one has very little space and extreme storms. There are three 'divisions' (entertainment, science, and security) that vie for your time. Each one has a reputation bar on each island, and you can request contracts from each to increase your standing with them. If you don't pay enough attention to one, though, they will start sabotaging your park (breaking the power to enclosures, giving your dinosaurs disease, etc.) Why you wouldn't fire these assholes the first time they let a T-rex out and got a few guests swallowed is beyond me. Each also had one mission per island that usually had you doing something ethically questionable or something that wasn't in the park's best interest. I learned to set aside a section of land on each island just for their missions. I didn't experience any real bugs.

It looked great, and the sound was great. I had a lot of fun with it, and I'm glad I played, but it really lacked depth, especially in the park management aspects. Resource management was only relevant for the first 20% of any particular mission. Once you passed that point (usually when you got your first 'big draw' dinosaur), money was everywhere. The interface could use some work, especially with access to information (I never did find park value, and you had to go into multiple interfaces to see visitor numbers) and consistency. Also, whoever wrote the dialog need to be tossed to the T-Rex. It was awful, especially the butchered lines they gave to Ian Malcolm (he was, at best, a caricature of himself, despite Jeff Goldblum) and the head guy - Cabot, I think. Ugh.

Anyway, a good game, worth the time. It isn't a super deep or challenging game, but it is fun, and it lets you breed dinosaurs.

If anyone gets the urge to play, here's a good management tip that simplifies things a lot: Once you get a park going, set aside a small pen with a Creation Center (or two, if you have the space.) Build your dinos there and use the ACU to tranq and move them to their regular pens rather than putting a creation center in each pen. Also, if something knocks down a wall, deleting and rebuilding it is much, much faster than sending someone to repair it.
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Re: Games Finished - 2019 Edition!

Post by Blackhawk »

10/16 - Thanks to Mr. coopasonic, I was able to play through the campaign for Call of Duty: WW2. I was in my 'golden age' of gaming during the WWII game craze of the early 2000s, and I've missed it. I also used to really enjoy the linear, scripted single player campaigns that came along with games like Medal of Honor and Call of Duty (and later, Battlefield.) So I played it, despite some strong words against it in the PIFF thread. And I really, really enjoyed it. It was a nice change to go along on the Disney theme ride after the glut of loot based games and open world tchotchke hunts. There were a few things that I hated. There were some stupid technical choices, such as music you couldn't turn down or off. It really affected the immersion and even interfered with dialogue when the swelling orchestra was locked on blaring. There was a tank mission where the PC controls were purely awful, completely ignoring 20 years of tank conventions in shooters. I actually ended up doing half of that mission driving the tank backwards because there was no real way to turn it around. But the story was fine, the characters actually had some personality (even if they were a bit cliche), and I just had a good time for the ~9 hours Steam says I have invested.
(˙pǝsɹǝʌǝɹ uǝǝq sɐɥ ʎʇıʌɐɹƃ ʃɐuosɹǝd ʎW)
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